(2009) Constructing Identity at a distance

PSI2009/66 Constructing Identity at a distance: the Rapanui community in Santiago, Chile Diego Muñoz Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Condell 343, Providencia, 7500828 P Santiago, Chile At the last Chilean census 4647 people declared to belong to the Rapanui ethnic group; 51% of these resided on Easter Island, 49% on the Chilean mainland, and 26% of these in Santiago, the Chilean capital. This fact is the starting point for our analysis on the cultural and identity consequences that this territorial dispersion has on contemporary Rapanui society. In this setting Rapanui individuals have strived for the maintenance of cultural practices through the flows which connect the island with its inhabitants living on different continents. Remittances of money or valued goods as well as the flows of people that come and go from one place to another characterize today’s Polynesian cultures. In the present work we will show how the links between continental Chile and Easter Island throw light on the contemporary Rapanui identity. We propose that migration has shaped the Rapanui people into a translocal culture. In order to reproduce their culture and identity they have resorted to construct a network of linkages and flows which connect their place of origin with their places of residence. The Rapanui residence in Santiago, Chile, has resulted in a reflective process on their own identity. The Rapanui way of life in an urban setting, their family relationships, their territorial residency, their work, their feasts and even their way to dress, remind them on an everyday basis, that cultural differences are an everyday topic to think about. The difference between being Rapanui and living on Easter Island, of being Rapanui and living on the continent, or of being non-Rapanui, are questions that surround the everyday experience of the urban Rapanui in Chile/Santiago. The ethnic Rapanui identity is always shaped by the tension between growing roots and mobility, between the place of residence and the place of origin. Number of words in abstract: 296 Keywords: Easter Island - Migration - Cultural Identity Technical area: Culture and governace : the stakes of modernity Special session: Not specified Presentation: No preference Special equipement: Overhead projector