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The application of hydrogels aids efficient management of water in agricultural production by improving water conservation and the physical properties of the soil.
Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 2022
Most countries, particularly those in arid and semi-arid regions, are grappling with important agricultural production issues that influenced by rapid population growth and limited water resources. The application of soil additives to improve soil properties and water usage productivity has sparked the most attention, particularly in arid and semi-arid environments. The goal of this study was to assess the effect of hydrogel on soil physical properties and plant growth parameters using sandy and silty clay loam soils. Laboratory experiments were implemented using ten different concentrations of hydrogel based on the percentage of the added hydrogel (0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.07, 0.09, 0.11, 0.16, 0.22, 0.27 and 0.33% (w/w) hydrogel/soil) to assess its effect on soil physical and hydraulic properties. Moreover, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted using four hydrogel concentrations of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1% (w/w) on Zea mays as a model plant to assess its effect on plant growth parameters. Results revealed that the greatest improvement in soil aggregate percentage was 35% with 0.27% hydrogel concentration whereas, 0.33% hydrogel concentration increased the soil available water by 49%. Moreover, water use efficiency was increased from 13% to 41% for sandy soil and from 35% to 67% for silty clay loam soil. In addition, when compared to the control, both soils' water use efficiency and corn growth rose. In agriculture, hydrogel can improve soil physical properties while also boosting water use efficiency and plant development parameters in dry and semi-arid areas.
A study was conducted on PVC columns in the laboratory to investigate the effect of the application of hydrogel in modifying the hydraulic properties of different soil types. The main treatments consisted of four different soil types, namely sand, alluvial sandy loam, red sandy loam and black clay. The sub-treatments consisted of three levels of gel application: 0.7%, 0.5% and 0% (by weight). A given level of gel was mixed in the top 10 cm-layer of soil. In all soil columns, 5 cm of water was applied, and soil samples were taken with a core auger on the fourth, seventh, 14th and 22nd days after watering (DAW). The undisturbed soil of the rings of the core assembly was used for preparing the soil water retention curve, and the soil of the core was used for determining saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), bulk density and gravimetric soil water content. The results of measuring soil water content (SWC) during drying revealed that in sand treated with a 0.7% gel application, the water release rates were relatively uniform throughout the entire drying period, whereas in black clay, water release rates were very high initially (4–7 DAW) but fell appreciably afterwards (less than 0.5% per day). The result of the soil water characteristic curve revealed that water release per unit suction change in the 0–10 kPa range (unavailable to plants) in soil samples not treated with gel was higher compared to soil samples treated with gel, except in alluvial soil, for which rates were similar. However, the water release per unit suction change in the 10–100 kPa range (available to plants) in soil samples not treated with gel was significantly lower compared to that in soil samples treated with gel for all soil types. The above results suggest that gel significantly improved the readily available water capacity (RAWC) of the soils. Furthermore, the exceptionally low value of the water released per unit suction change pattern in all soil types for soil water suction of > 100 kPa indicated that 100 kPa can be considered the critical limit of soil water potential from the water availability standpoint. The efficacy of the gel in improving RAWC was confirmed by the increased midpoint moisture (MPM), reduced median pore diameter (dm) and moisture release index (Im). The time at which a critical SWC (SWC corresponding to 100 kPa) was reached was studied in order to further examine the suitability of gel in improving soil water retention in different soil types. The drying pattern of soils highlighted that under low evaporative condition, the critical SWC with the 0.7% gel treatment reached approximately 7, 14, 22 and 4 DAW in red sandy loam, alluvial sandy loam, sand and black clay soils, respectively. The above-mentioned results thus reaffirmed the suitability of gel for sandy soil because it improved the water availability of the sandy soil for a longer period (nearly 22 days, which corresponds to the irrigation interval of most agricultural crops), while gel was found unsuitable for black soil, in which the critical soil water content was reached early (4–7 days).
The objective of the study was to determine the wetting volume (wet bulb) of the hydrogel applied to three types of soil. Soils used were: a) clay (clay 52%; silt 32%; sand 16%); b) silty clay loam (36% clay; 56% silt; 6% sand) c) sandy loam (12% clay; 32% silt; 56% sand), to which 1% potassium hydrogel was applied. The application was made with previously hydrated hydrogel, in three diameters that were: 4.7, 7.0 and 10.5 cm with a length of 10 cm where the following initial volumes were obtained 173.5, 384.8 and 866 cm3 occupied by the hydrogel. The wetting volume (cm3), moisture percent, and the hydration of the hydrogel in the soil were measured. The results indicate that the humidification volume depends on the initial volume, so the higher the initial volume, the greater the humidification volume regardless of the type of soil; however, it presents a greater volume of humidification in the sandy loam soil, probably due to mobility of the water in it. The moistened area increases its humidity by 14% regardless of the type of soil. The hydration of the hydrogel in the soil only reaches 42% compared to hydrating it in free water. Determining the volume of wetting allows estimating the amount and location of hydrogel to be applied to a crop based on the bulb that needs to be formed in the soil.
Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development, 2015
The major thrust of dryland crop production system in arid and semiarid region is increasing efficiency of water use. Climate of these regions is characterized by seasonal rainfall, intermittent dry spells, recurrent drought years and high evaporative demand. Soils in arid and semiarid regions are often characterized by low clay and organic matter contents which result in low water holding capacity (Abdelfattah, 2013; Mandal et al., 2011), and soils often have inherently low-fertility and are vulnerable to erosion (Falkenmark and Rockström, 2004). One of the means to increase the water content in this soil is the use of super absorbent synthetic polymers as soil conditioners, which increase water retention in root zones region of the soil. These super absorbent polymers or hydrogels are compound that absorb water and swell into many times of their original size and weight and are used in soil to create a water reserve near the rhizosphere zone (roots) and benefit agriculture (Zohuriaan-Mehr and Kabiri, 2008; Han et al., 2010). The hydrogel polymers lead to increased water use efficiency since water that would have otherwise leached beyond the root zone is captured. When these polymers are incorporated into the soil, it is presumed that they retain large quantities of water and nutrients, which are released as required by the plant (Bhardwaj et al., 2007). Indeed, polymers which have been used for this purpose are safe and non-toxic and will eventually decompose to carbon dioxide, water and ammonia and potassium ions, without any residue (Mikkelsen, 1994; Trenkel, 1997). Sojka et al. (2007) critically reviewed the use of polymers in agriculture and environment land management. Water soluble polymers were first used during World War II to stabilize soils for road and runway construction. Since 1950s, soil scientists have explored using synthetic polymeric conditioners to alter physical and, in some cases, chemical and biological soil properties for improved agricultural performance. Water-soluble polymeric conditioners improved soil physical properties, thereby improving root penetration, infiltration, aeration, erosion resistance, and drainage. Polymers achieve these results when applied to soil via the irrigation water or by spraying on to the soil surface, by stabilizing soil structure, reducing the tendency of soils to form seals, thereby preventing decline in infiltration rates, reducing runoff and soil losses (Levy et al., 1995; Ben-Hur, 2006). The most commonly used water-soluble synthetic soil-conditioning polymers since 1950s included hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile (HPAN), isobutylene maleic acid (IBM), polyacrylamide (PAM), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), sodium polyacrylate (SPA), and vinylacetate maleic acid (VAMA). The most commercially successful water-soluble soilconditioning polymer marketed before the 1990s was Monsanto product 'Krilium'. The cost of material and application limited its use mainly to high-value crops and specialized uses. Hydrogels are not water-soluble, but rather strongly hydrophilic gels forming cross-linked PAM polymers made up of water-insoluble acrylamide and potassium acrylate and have long parallel chains of molecules and when cross-linked they create a network of polymeric chains. Water is brought into the network through the process of osmosis and quickly moves into the central part of the polymer network, where it is reserved. When the ABSTRACT: The insufficient root zone soil moisture is the most important limitation for crop productivity on light texture soils of semiarid and arid regions. Application of super absorbent polymers in to the soil could be one of effective means to increase water use efficiency in crops. Laboratory and field investigations were carried out to evaluate the water retention and release characteristics of hydrogels and to evaluate its effect on crop productivity during kharif and rabi seasons in semiarid red soils. Overall, the amount of water absorbed by one gram of polymer ranged between 332 and 465 g (in distilled water) and about 91-96% of absorbed water was released within 15 bar tension i.e., permanent wilting point. Hydrogel was not found effective for groundnut and pigeonpea crop during kharif season but showed positive effect on tomato when it was tested @ 25-100 kg/ha. The agronomic efficiency of polymers application for tomato was highest when polymers were applied @ 50 kg/ha and it was 58 kg tomato fruit per kg of polymer application. In case of tomato grown during rabi season, it was observed that at least one irrigation in every three weeks can be postponed by applying polymers. This helped in recording the water productivity to the extent of 279 kg/ha mm and saved 210 ha mm irrigation water in entire crop growth period.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
Among 181 countries of the world, India ranks 41st with regard to moisture stress. Under net cultivated area more than 60% falls under dryland condition and more than 30% of the area faces insufficient rainfall problems. To overcome this moisture stress, Hydrogel may prove as a practically convenient and ecofriendly feasible option to achieve the goal of agricultural productivity under conditions of water scarcity. Hydrogels can absorb and hold rain water and irrigation water and therefore help to reduce deep percolation by using gravitational water as well as capillary water. The main objective of this review was to study the effect of hydrogel on soil water retention characteristics and to mitigate drought and improved crop production under moisture stress condition. Application of hydrogel to soil improves growth and yield attributing characters of different field, ornamental and vegetable crops has been reported. It can be directly applied in the soil at the time of sowing of fi...
Seminar: "Colecciones de los Habsburgo. Del Mediterráneo islámico al imperio". Toledo, 26 April 2024.
is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Material de estudio - PROMACOFF
Este libro trata de uno de los temas de investigación más difíciles y complejos de la psicología experimental: el problema del pensamiento y el lenguaje. Por lo que sabemos, ningún investigador ha intentado estudiar sistemáticamente este problema. Resolver la tarea que se nos planteaba, incluso en una primera aproximación, sólo podía llevarse a cabo a través de una serie de estudios experimentales de los diferentes aspectos de la cuestión que nos interesa, por ejemplo, investigando los conceptos formados en el experimento, investigando el lenguaje escrito y su relación con el pensamiento, investigando el lenguaje interno, etc. Además de las investigaciones experimentales, necesitábamos el análisis teórico y crítico. Por un lado, teníamos que analizar teóricamente los datos empíricos recogidos y buscar en ellos su significado psicológico más general; tomamos como punto de partida para resolver nuestro problema el contraste de los datos de la filogenia y la ontogenia y, desarrollando estas premisas iniciales, intentamos elaborar con los resultados experimentales una teoría general de las raíces genéticas del pensamiento y el lenguaje. Por otro lado, debíamos someter a análisis crítico las teorías contemporáneas sobre el pensamiento y el lenguaje ideológicamente más fuertes para, a partir de esa crítica, aclarar los caminos a seguir en nuestra búsqueda y establecer hipótesis de trabajo previas, y para contrastar la orientación teórica de nuestra investigación con las orientaciones que han dado lugar a las teorías predominantes en la ciencia actual, que son inconsistentes y necesitaban ser revisadas y superadas. En el curso de la investigación tuvimos que recurrir al análisis teórico en dos ocasiones. La investigación sobre el pensamiento y el lenguaje toca necesariamente toda tina serie de campos de conocimiento colindantes. En semejantes circunstancias es inevitable confrontar los datos de la psicología del lenguaje con los de la lingüística, y los del estudio experimental de los conceptos con los de la psicología de la educación. Nos ha parecido que lo más sencillo era resolver estas cuestiones en un plano meramente teórico, sin analizar en detalle los resultados empíricos. De acuerdo con esta norma, al abordar la investigación del desarrollo de los conceptos científicos hemos propuesto una hipótesis de trabajo sobre la enseñanza y el desarrollo elaborada
İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Proje Destek Koordinatörlüğü, 2022
Risâlah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Musicologica Slovaca
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THEOLOGIA INSANI (Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif), 2022
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