General Relativity and Gravitation manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
George F.R. Ellis, Roy Maartens, and Malcolm A.H.
arXiv:gr-qc/0703121v2 29 May 2007
Causality and the speed of sound
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract A usual causal requirement on a viable theory of matter is that the speed of sound be at
most the speed of light. In view of various recent papers querying this limit, the question is revisited
here. We point to various issues confronting theories that violate the usual constraint.
1 Introduction
In cosmology and astrophysics, it is usually assumed that the speed of sound cs cannot exceed the
speed of light c; indeed cs > c is taken as a criterion for rejecting theories. This is the view put in
established texts (see, e.g., Refs. [1,2]), in earlier papers (see e.g. [3]), and in more recent work. For
example, it has been argued that accelerating k-essence models in cosmology are ruled out because
the scalar field fluctuations in this case must propagate superluminally [4]. Low-energy effective field
theories have been rejected when, despite having Lorentz-invariant Lagrangians, they admit superluminal fluctuations [5]. Subluminal propagation of field fluctuations has been imposed as a condition
on a relativistic gravitation theory for the MOND paradigm [6,7].
Other recent papers however challenge these standard views of causality (see, e.g., Refs. [8,9,10,11]),
and propose matter models that allow superluminal signal propagation, which can lead to interesting
effects in cosmological and astrophysical contexts. (These are not the first such models: see e.g. [12,
Here there is a clash of cultures between an approach where a matter model, usually based on an
assumed Lagrangian, can be chosen freely, and an approach where fundamental relativistic principles
constrain the matter model. The immediate problem with matter models that have superluminal
physical modes is that they may violate causality, one of the most basic principles of special relativity
theory. To be specific, many proposals violate “Postulate (a): Local Causality”, given on page 60 of
George F.R. Ellis
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Department, University of Cape Town, Cape Town 8001, South Africa
Roy Maartens
Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 2EG, UK
Malcolm A.H. MacCallum
School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London E1 4NS, UK
Ref. [1]. This is usually taken as a criterion for rejecting a theory, because local causality is taken to
be an absolute requirement on all theories:
Comment 1: The strictly relativistic position is that matter models which violate the causality requirement c2s ≤ c2 are ruled out as unphysical.
However there are a number of papers appearing in the current literature that do not take this
view. Instead, they drop the usual speed of sound limit on fluid or scalar field models, but maintain
special relativity properties locally. To test if the conservative view (as stated in Comment 1) is too
restrictive, we look here at some issues that arise from this drastic step. Thus we consider foundational
issues which have to be taken into account in any proposal allowing such apparent causality violations.
We find that one can indeed construct a macroscopic phenomenological theory that is covariantly welldefined and respects standard principles including Lorentz invariance. However, in such an approach,
fundamental features in all of physics (special relativity, electromagnetism, gravitation, quantum field
theory, etc.) are determined or affected by an arbitrary matter model. Furthermore, it appears that
such matter models cannot be based in a relativistically acceptable microphysical theory.
2 Macroscopic fluid models and the sound cone
Consider a perfect fluid in a Special or General Relativity context, with equation of state p/c2 = wρ
relating the pressure p to the energy density ρ. If w is constant, the speed of sound is given by
1 dp
= 2
= w,
c dρ
and if w is slowly varying, this is still a good approximation. Thus one can get c2s > c2 easily: simply
set w > 1 in the macroscopic description, i.e., presume that p/c2 > ρ > 0. Then the speed of sound
cones lie outside the speed of light cones in all directions1 at all events, and fluid waves can propagate
at speeds up to and including this superluminal speed of sound. Of course this is far from ordinary
matter. It does not accord with anything so far experienced in the real world. But does it cause serious
problems in terms of causal violations or Lorentz invariance, considered macroscopically?
Recently it has been claimed (e.g., Refs. [8,9,10,11]) that there need not be problems with either
issue, if one approaches the problem in an open-minded way. The key point is the following: we
usually associate causality with the light cone, but any suitable set of cones can be used to define
the macroscopic limiting speed, including sound cones that lie outside the light cones. Assuming that
(1) the 4-velocity of the fluid defining the sound cone stays inside the light cone, and (2) photons and
gravitons still move at the speed of light, then the light cones will always stay inside the sound cones
and so will not give any acausal propagation in the sense defined by the sound cones. The basic essence
of the relativistic causality requirement would be preserved, though causal limits would be determined
by the speed of sound in the fluid rather than the speed of light.
Now, Lorentz invariance is broken by the sound cones in this case, because a change of the observer’s
velocity will result in apparently different speeds of sound in different directions (unlike the case of
light, which has the same speed in all directions for all observers). This proposal might therefore
appear to violate Einstein’s basic principle that the laws of physics should be the same in all inertial
frames. But we are concerned with solutions of the basic equations, rather than the symmetries of the
equations themselves. All realistic fluid solutions break Lorentz invariance2 , in particular because of
the uniquely defined 4-velocity of the matter, and these solutions are no exception. Equations can have
an invariance not shared by their solutions.
Indeed these papers are not considering general superluminal motions, but superluminal signals
referred to a specific rest frame. These signals are just as non-Lorentz-invariant as sound waves in
normal fluids, which are subluminal with respect to the rest frame of the fluid. A Lorentz transformation
which preserves the light cone will not in general preserve either subluminal or superluminal signals
A perfect fluid is isotropic about its fundamental velocity uµ , so that relative to this velocity the speed of
sound is the same in all directions.
The fluid stress tensor is only Lorentz invariant if ρ + p/c2 = 0, but this is just the degenerate case of a
cosmological constant. It is not a realistic fluid, and in any case cannot support matter perturbations.
of this sort, because it will not preserve the 4-vector on which the sound cone is based. However, the
rest frame of the fluid and the sound velocity in it may be physically well-defined, just as the rest
frame in cosmology is defined by the 4-velocity of the substratum. No physical violation is involved in
this aspect of the proposal. Lorentz-invariant theories not only can have, but to model some aspects
of reality must have, non-Lorentz-invariant solutions (otherwise normal sound waves would not be
allowed either). The invariance then maps one solution to another different one, rather than to itself.
In other observers’ rest frames, in this case, causal limits will again be determined by the speed
of sound cone of the fluid rather than the light cone. There is no way to send a signal into one’s past
provided no signal, and no observer, travels outside the sound cone, so this cone is itself the causal
limit cone. The argument is exactly the same as usual causality, just with different cones: the cause of
a here-and-now event must lie inside the past sound cone and this cannot be reached from the future
sound cone. The cones are fixed and the same for all observers. Thus causal paradoxes do not arise
from this effect, because these cones are fixed by the invariant fluid velocity; they are not arbitrarily
assignable by changing the observer’s velocity.
From the viewpoint of standard relativity theory, a major problem with this model is that causality
depends on the matter content of the universe. In the usual view, the same causality applies to all
physics, independent of the kind of matter present; the causal limit has a much more fundamental
character. In the proposal discussed here, the notion of a causal limit becomes arbitrarily dependent
on the matter model, unlike the relativistic proposal where it is the same for all matter. Furthermore,
according to the simplistic model discussed here, arbitrary fluids could give arbitrarily large values for
cs ; there is no longer any effective limiting speed at macroscopic scales.
Comment 2: Lorentz invariance per se does not prohibit macroscopic theories with superluminal
sound: the speed of sound could limit causality rather than the speed of light doing so. However this
does not give a good theory of relativistic type since (a) causality depends on the matter model, and
(b) there is then no upper limiting causal speed: any speed is apparently possible.
One can reconcile these ideas only if there is some unique field that defines causality, and somehow
all other fields are prevented from having a faster wave speed – i.e., a very special kind of matter or
field exists that somehow has a fundamental role to play in all of physics. In the standard view, that
role is played by the metric tensor. If there is another such field, it should be identifiable. Below we
return to the issue of whether one can meaningfully define other metric tensors associated with the
new proposal given here for limiting speeds.
3 Scalar fields and variational principles
A fluid description is of course a highly simplified effective theory, and one can propose more fundamental theories for the matter. The most common one in cosmology is a scalar field. If the Lagrangian
density is L, then the pressure and energy density (in the natural frame, uµ ∝ ∂µ ϕ) are given by [14]
p = c2 L , ρ = 2XL,X − L where X ≡
1 µν
g ∂µ ϕ∂ν ϕ .
Fluctuations of the scalar field propagate with effective speed of sound [14]
c2s =
A standard scalar field has Lagrangian density
L = −X − V (ϕ) ,
p = c2 (−X − V ) , ρ = −X + V .
c2s = c2 ,
so that
It follows from Eq. (3) that
independently of the scalar field’s potential. This can be explained from the local special relativistic
viewpoint by the fact that for high frequency waves only the g µν ∇µ ∇ν δϕ terms in the wave equation
for scalar field fluctuations are significant. Alternatively, using wave-particle duality, massive particles
can move with any four-velocity inside the light cone, so that the limiting speed is c.
In the cosmological context, Eq. (5) and the Klein-Gordon equation imply
3H ϕ̇
Clearly, ṗ/ρ̇ 6= c2s /c2 . Indeed, even in slow-roll inflation, when ṗ/ρ̇ ≈ −1, we have c2s = c2 . This
difference between ṗ/ρ̇ and c2s /c2 , unlike a perfect fluid with ṗ/ρ̇ = w = c2s /c2 = constant, reflects the
presence of intrinsic entropy perturbations in the field [15].
Scalar fields with generalized, non-standard Lagrangians allow superluminal speeds of sound. For
example, if we generalize Eq. (4) to
L = −F (X) − V (ϕ) ,
then Eqs. (2) and (3) give
F,X + 2XF,XX
Thus c2s > c2 is possible for appropriate choices of non-standard kinetic term F (X). Examples include
nonlinear complex scalar fields [12], k-essence models of inflation and dark energy [10,11], and BornInfeld type models of scalar fields that supposedly can transmit information from inside a black hole [9].
The logic of these proposals is that any Lorentz-invariant Lagrangian leads to acceptable models. By
contrast, if we do not give primacy to ad hoc matter models, but instead impose relativistic principles
as fundamental [4,5,6], then the Lagrangian is ruled out as non-physical, since such scalar fields violate
the most basic principles of special relativity theory.
Comment 3: Existence of a variational principle does not necessarily imply existence of corresponding
matter. If the solutions violate causality, this is a priori a good reason to believe that the variational
principle is unphysical.
Non-standard kinetic terms are highly problematic. There is no experimental evidence for them,
and no compelling reason to think they are physical. As in the previous case, the notion of a causal
limit becomes arbitrarily dependent on the matter model. As arbitrary scalar fields can give arbitrarily
large values for the speed of sound, there is again no longer an effective limiting speed at macroscopic
scales. Furthermore, the speed of sound can change in space or time from subluminal to superluminal
or vice versa, as in k-essence models [4]. All these seem problematic from a relativistic viewpoint.
4 Alternative metrics
The sound cones for any given fluid or scalar field can be represented by an appropriate metric tensor
of hyperbolic type. If uµ is the matter 4-velocity, and hµν = gµν + uµ uν projects into the rest space at
each event, then one can define the metric
(G−1 )µν = g µν − (c2 − c2s )hµν ,
which gives the characteristic cones, and the rays are given by
Gµν = gµν +
c2 2
(c − c2s )hµν .
Thus the sound cones are given by this metric, and it is useful for visualization purposes to draw them;
they will lie outside the light cones when c2s > c2 . One can then rephrase the point by saying that
there are two metrics: in the case of superluminal sound those metrics agree that the interior of the
light cone consists of timelike vectors.
However, some of those who argue that there is no problem with causality go much further: they say
that if there is a superluminal mode, one can just re-define the physical metric to be the sound metric,
Eq. (11), based on the pathological wave equation, and then the problem disappears. For example,
Ref. [8] encapsulates this view by stating that: “causality should not be expressed in terms of the
chronology induced by the gravitational field . . . there is no clear reason why a metric or chronology
should be preferred to the other . . . the gravitational metric field is just one particular field on spacetime
and there is no clear reason why it should be favored”.
We profoundly disagree. The spacetime metric is special, despite these claims: it determines time
measurements and spatial distances, as well as the free-fall motion that is the essential basis of the
equivalence principle, and hence the basis for identification of gravity as being expressed through
space-time curvature [1,2]. It does so alike for all matter and fields. Furthermore, if we abandon the
spacetime metric as arbiter of causality, then we could find that the sound metric was in some places
superluminal and in others subluminal, so that, at least at some events and in some directions, part of
the light cone could lie outside the sound cone. Then photons and gravitons could propagate acausally
relative to the wave-equation metric (i.e., the one that “makes” the superluminal modes causal).
Comment 4: Just defining something as a metric does not mean that it has all the properties of
the preferred spacetime metric. The spacetime metric is preferred in terms of clock measurements and
free fall (geodesic) motion (including light rays), thus underlying General Relativity’s central theme of
gravity being encoded in spacetime curvature. It is also related to the Lorentz group that underlies all
particle physics, and hence to the limiting speed of motion of all particles following from the special
relativistic equations of motion at each point.
The speed of sound metric simply does not have all these properties. It is in no way equivalent to
the spacetime metric. And because of the relation to the Lorentz group and hence to special relativity,
it is the speed of light cones that will represent correctly the microscopic limiting speed.
5 Microscopic fluid models
The spacetime metric defines the Lorentz transformations that underlie microscopic physics, and indeed
is the basis of the definitions of variables that occur in current fundamental theories. The resulting
special relativistic microscopic equations of motion prevent any real physical particle or associated
signal moving faster than light; relativity only allows particles travelling at up to the speed of light (they
cannot be accelerated to greater speeds because of the unbounded increase of the relativistic inertial
mass). And here is the real problem for any macroscopic theory of superluminal signal propagation: you
cannot base it in a microscopic theory of matter consistent with special relativity theory, because there
is no underlying microscopic mechanism that could support such macroscopic behaviour. In essence:
you cannot have macroscopic signals propagating at a high speed on the basis of particles and fields
all of which travel at a slower speed.
As stated in Ref. [4] in relation to scalar fields: “The idea is of course that ϕ is an effective low
energy degree of freedom of some fundamental high energy theory which should satisfy basic criteria:
among them, most importantly, Lorentz invariance and causality. No information should propagate
faster than the speed of light c = 1.” Now if this is true of the microscopic theory underlying the
macroscopic theory, it has to be true of the macroscopic theory as well. Any superluminal signals
would have to be mediated by particles travelling faster than light, but such particles do not exist.
More generally, the low-energy effective theory, if it is to have a high-energy completion that satisfies
the basic postulates of quantum field theory, will not admit superluminal signals [5].
There are circumstances in which microscopic theory supports effects which can be apparently
superluminal. Some of these arise within quantum field theory.3 Quantum entanglement effects can
link spacelike-separated events and in that sense work superluminally – but such effects depend on
careful state preparation and are so fragile that they cannot be causally effective on macroscopic scales.
They seem unable to carry arbitrarily chosen information faster than light, which a genuine wave is
able to do. For the matter model discussed in [12] the superluminality is identified in [13] as originating
in renormalization of a negative bare mass and gives rise to kinetic energies with no lower bound (and
Although Feynman diagrams can be thought of as including particles travelling backwards in time, we do
not accept the interpretation that one can therefore send macroscopic physical signals backwards in time via
such effects or via virtual particles.
hence without a well-defined ground state). In [16] the superluminal velocities which are found in the
Scharnhorst effect (where they are due to QED corrections in the Casimir effect) are argued not to
lead to causality violations because they define a causal cone in the frame of the Casimir plates which
can used to redefine causality in the same way as the sound cones discussed above; however, they exist
only locally between the plates and therefore cannot be used to signal. It is also possible to construct
lattice models with p > ρc2 and dp/dρ > c2 , but the sound speed (i.e. the signal propagation speed)
remains subluminal [17].
There are also effects arising in the case of light itself from quantum mechanical tunnelling. These
have been observed and it has been argued [18] that they are essentially the same as the effects seen for
“X-shaped” light beams, although the latter can be described by classical field theory (see e.g. [19]).
These two effects have generated an extensive literature. However, strong counterarguments have been
given against both the accuracy of some of the experiments and their theoretical interpretation [20,21]:
in particular the X-shaped beam effects have been argued to be due to a “scissors effect” where the
point at which two beams interfere constructively moves at superluminal speed [22], an effect similar
to the possible “superluminal” movement of the end of a beam from a lighthouse. Even those active
in working on these waves do not unambiguously argue that they lead to superluminal propagation of
information or signals [19,23].
The X-shaped beams can be discussed in terms of a dispersion relation, and one then has the wellknown issues of distinguishing the phase velocity, the group velocity, and the signal velocity: dispersion
is in fact common in the acoustics of media less simple than the models discussed above. For example,
in the X-shaped beams, the peak may be travelling at a group velocity, apparently superluminally,
although the leading edge travels at the phase speed c – but this is only possible until the peak
catches up with the front [22]. One can have superluminal group velocities, but this does not lead, in
any physically plausible example we know of, to speeds of sound greater than those of light (see e.g.
Ref. [24])4 .
Thus it appears that none of these examples provides a convincing contradiction to the principle
that if the microscopic theory has a limiting speed, that of light, then so does any macroscopic theory
based on it. You can send signals at the speed of light, characterized by the light cones in the usual
way, but no faster. Thus causality for all particles is associated with these specific cones. Although
you can create macroscopic descriptions of material with superluminal signals, as discussed in the
preceding sections, you cannot adequately base them in a microscopic theory that obeys fundamental
requirements of theoretical physics. Indeed the limiting state one can conceivably get from a viable
microscopic description is apparently “stiff matter” as proposed by Zeldovich [25], with equation of
state p/c2 = ρ, so that c2s = c2 .
Comment 5: It appears that none of the above causality-violating theories can be based on a microscopic matter model that obeys special relativity principles. A viable theory of causal limits must be a
consistent whole for microscopic and macroscopic physics. The extremely well-tested theory of special
relativity then insists on the speed of light as the local limiting speed of causality.
6 Conclusion
As in the case of varying speed of light theories (see, e.g., Ref. [26] for a discussion), one must take
physics as a whole into account whenever proposing theories of superluminal speed of sound; one
cannot just tinker with some part of physics without thinking of the consequences for the whole.
Special relativity is one of the best tested theories we have. It is not enough to put forward ad hoc
matter models that violate its principles and effectively alter all of physics. In order to make a serious
challenge of this nature, one needs a solid justification, and a really plausible reason to abandon it –
backed up (in due course) by experimental data.
It appears that one can also analyze this situation, and that of entanglement, using the information-theoretic
interpretation of entropy, and again reach the conclusion that superluminal propagation is not possible. We
thank G. Thompson for raising this point.
We have strongly made the case for a particular viewpoint based on an understanding of present
day physics. However it is always possible that this understanding could be contradicted by experiment
and observation.5 In that case, theory must give way to data.
We are grateful to B. Bassett, N. Bilic, J.M. Charap, A. Feinstein, L. Herrera, J. Ovalle, A. Polnarev
and R.H. Sanders for comments which enabled us to improve an earlier draft of this paper and/or add
pertinent references.
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For example, it is in principle possible to test the speed of sound of dark energy in the universe by observations of supernova luminosity distances, weak lensing and anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background.