A Survey of Derivatives Use by UK Nonfinancial Companies
Ahmed A. El-Masry
Manchester Business School
Booth Street West
Manchester M15 6PB, UK
Tel. 0161 275 6421
Fax: 0161 275 6596
Email: ael-masry@man.mbs.ac.uk
This version, March 2003
Comments welcome
A Survey of Derivatives Use by UK Nonfinancial Companies
In the last two decades, a number of studies have examined the risk management
practices within nonfinancial companies. For instance, some studies report on the use
of derivatives by nonfinancial firms. Yet, another group of researchers has
investigated the determinants of corporate hedging policies. These and other studies
of similar focus have made important contributions to the literature. This study sheds
light on derivatives usage in the UK market. This paper presents the results of a
questionnaire survey, which focused on determining the reasons for using or not using
derivatives for 401 UK nonfinancial companies. The results indicate that (i) larger
firms are more likely to use derivatives than medium and smaller firms, (ii) public
companies are more likely to use derivatives than private firms, and (iii) derivatives
usage is greatest among international firms. The results also show that, of firms not
using derivatives, half of firms do not use these derivative instruments because their
exposures are not significant and that the most important reasons they do not use
derivatives are: concerns about disclosures of derivatives activity required under
FASB rules, and costs of establishing and maintaining derivatives programmes
exceed the expected benefits. The results show that foreign exchange risk is the risk
most commonly managed with derivatives and interest rate risk is the next most
commonly managed risk. The results also indicate that the most important reason for
using hedging with derivatives is managing the volatility in cash flows.
Keywords: derivatives, hedging, foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, UK
nonfinancial firms.
A Survey of Derivatives Use by UK Nonfinancial Companies
In the last twenty years, a number of studies have examined the risk management
practices within nonfinancial companies. For instance, some studies report on the use
of derivatives by nonfinancial firms (see for example: Belk and Glaum (1990),
Bodnar, Hayt, Marston and Smithson (1995), Bodnar, Hayt and Marston (1996); Belk
and Edelshain (1997); Berkman, Bradbury and Magan (1997); Grant and Marshall
(1997); Fatemi and Glaum (2000); and Jalilvand, Switzer and Tang (2000)). Yet,
another group of researchers has investigated the determinants of corporate hedging
policies (e.g., for example: Géczy, Menton, and Schrand (1997); Jalilvand (1999);
Adedeji and Baker (2002); Berkman, Bradbury, Hancock and Innes (2002); and Shu
and Chen (2002)). Corporate risk management is thought to be an important element
of a firm’s overall business strategy. Stulz (1996: pp. 23-24) draws upon extant
theories of corporate risk management to argue “the primary goal of risk management
is to eliminate the probability of costly lower-tail outcomes – those that would cause
financial distress or make a company unable to carry out its investment strategy”.
Financial derivatives- foreign exchange, interest rate, and commodity derivatives –
are important means of managing the risks facing corporations. Finance theory
indicates that hedging increases firm value if there are capital market imperfections
such as expected costs of financial distress, expected taxes and other agency costs.
Theoretical models of corporate risk management indicate that derivatives use
increases with leverage, size, the existence of tax losses, the proportion of shares held
by directors, and the payout ratio. The corporate use of derivatives decreases with
interest coverage and liquidity (Smith and Stulz (1985), Froot, Scharfstein and Stein
(1993) and Nance, Smith and Smithson (1993)).
However, previous studies find only weak evidence consistent with theory. Mian
(1996) finds that there is an empirical evidence on the determinants of corporate
hedging decisions. He ensures that although the evidence is inconsistent with financial
distress cost models, it is mixed with respect to contracting cost, capital market
imperfections, and tax-based models. Géczy, Menton, and Schrand (1997) show that
firms with greater growth opportunities and tighter financial constraints are more
likely to use currency derivatives. Also, they find that firms with extensive foreign
exchange rate exposure and economies of scale in hedging activities are more likely
to use currency derivatives. Howton and Perfect (1998) find that swaps are the most
often used interest-rate contract, and forwards and futures the most often-used
currency contract. Gay and Nam (1998) find that firms with enhanced investment
opportunity sets use derivatives more when they also have relatively lower levels of
cash. Their results show that firms can and do use derivatives as one strategy to
maximise shareholder value.
Nguyen and Faff (2002) argue that leverage, size and liquidity are important factors
associated with the decision to use derivatives. Tufano (1996) finds that cash flow
hedging strategies allow firms to avoid the dead weight of external financing by
setting their internal cash flows equal to their investment needs. Guay (1999)
concludes that firms using derivatives to hedge, and not to increase entity risk. Firm
risk declines following derivatives use. Haushalter (2000) shows that companies with
greater financial leverage manage price risks more extensively. His results also show
that larger companies and companies, whose production is located primarily in
regions where prices have a high correlation with the prices on which exchangetraded derivatives are based, are more likely to manage risks. Berkman, Bradbury,
Hancock and Innes (2002) show that size and leverage are the main explanatory
variables for derivatives use in both industrial and mining companies in Australia.
Although many firms and individuals use derivatives as part of an overall strategy to
manage the various financial risks they face (e.g. interest rate risk, foreign currency
risk, commodity price risk and equity price risk), misuse of these derivative
instruments results in huge losses of several companies. Karpinsky (1998) and Singh
(1999) discuss the various financial disasters relating to the use of derivative
instruments. Karpinsky (1998) gives examples of some derivatives losers.
instance, Sumitomo Corporation lost $3,500 million in 1996 because of Copper
Futures; Metallgeselschaft lost $1,800 million from oil Futures in 1993; Kashima Oil
lost $1,500 million from FX Derivatives in 1994; Orange County lost $1,700 million
from Interest Rate Derivatives in 1994; Barings Bank lost $1,400 million from Stock
index and Bond futures and Options in 1995; and Daiwa Bank lost $1,100 million
from Bonds in 1996.
In the cases cited above where companies have made huge losses through the trading
of derivatives, the problems are not so much with the derivatives themselves but
rather than with the way that are used or misused. Some of these disasters have
involved unauthorised trading (for example, the Barings bank), raising the possibility
that a significant number of companies may not have in place with appropriate
controls or monitoring procedures to regulate their derivative positions (Watson and
Head, 1998). Thus, it is very important for companies that they cannot ignore the need
for well-defined risk management policies. It is also sensible for companies to outlaw
the use of derivatives for speculative purposes.
The study surveys a sample of nonfinancial UK firms listed on the London Stock
Exchange (LSE). An extensive questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of the
nonfinancial UK companies. Responses received from 173 of these firms form the
basis of the study. This study attempts to answer the following questions:
To what extent are derivatives used?
To what extent do firms’ characteristics (e.g. size, activity, ownership status,
and organisational form) affect the derivatives hedging?
Is derivatives use for purposes of managing risk, obtaining funding, or
What are the most common kinds of derivatives instruments used?
What are the most common types of risks hedged?
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. A review of previous surveys is
presented in the second section. The third section concentrates on research
methodology including data collection sources and sample. The study results are
involved in the fourth section. The last section includes conclusions.
A Review of Previous Surveys
Phillips (1995) surveys 415US firms to know the extent to which organisations use
derivatives for managing risk, obtaining funding, or investing. He finds that 63.2% of
the respondents use derivative contracts, derivative securities or both; 78% of the
users report that their firms use derivatives for financial risk management; 66.7% of
the users report that their firms use derivatives in conjunction with obtaining funding;
and 21.4% of the users report that their firms use derivatives for investment purposes.
In addition, he finds that 90.4% of the users are exposed to interest rate risk, 75.4%
face FX risk, 36.6% are exposed to commodity price risk, and 3.1% face no risk
exposure. However, there are 30.8% of the users exposed to all three types of risk.
Berkman, Bradbury and Magan (1997) compare the use of derivatives between
nonfinancial firms in New Zealand and the United States. They find that, across all
firm sizes, relatively more NZ firms use derivatives. This greater use of derivatives,
despite higher transaction costs, reflects the relatively high-risk exposure of NZ firms.
They also find that NZ firms report more frequently on their derivative positions to
their boards of directors than do US firms.
Khim and Liang (1997) claim that the usage and effect of financial derivative
instruments on company risk management are different for Singaporean firms in
different industries, with different turnover, ownership, international business
involvement and listing status. They also find that the volatility and uncertainty in the
world's financial markets have affected companies in Singapore differently. Grant and
Marshall (1997) survey the largest UK companies (FTSE 250) between 1994 and
1995. The results show that derivatives are rarely used to speculate on market
movements. Indeed, the study indicates that derivatives are most commonly used to
reduce the volatility of firm’s cash flows. The results also indicate that swaps,
forwards and options are commonly used to manage foreign exchange and interest
rate risks. The study also argues that firms seem to be very aware of the need to
quantify and price their derivative positions and in a number of cases, they are using
sophisticated valuation procedures. Grant and Marshall do recognise that they have a
smaller sample than the US studies and that the US studies contain smaller firms that
are not likely to use derivatives. However, they did not examine whether the larger or
the smaller of their sample firms responded. Joseph and Hewins (1997) examine the
motives behind corporate hedging in their questionnaire survey on UK multinational
corporations. Joseph and Hewins claim that the primary object for corporate hedging
is cash flows. The hedging motives appear to be influenced by the management’s
perceptions of stakeholders’ attitudes to risk and financial market behaviour. They
also find a relatively weak emphasis on the financial distress motive.
Bodnar, Hayt and Marston (1998) survey 530 US nonfinancial firms about the use of
financial derivatives. They find that large firms tend to use OTC products, while small
firms tend to use a mixture of OTC and exchange-traded products. They also find that
80% of firms use derivatives to hedge firm commitments, and 44% of firms use
derivatives to hedge the balance sheet. Their results indicate that 67% of firms
expressed high concern of accounting treatment of derivatives. The most important
goal of hedge with derivatives is to minimise fluctuations in cash flows. They find
that 76% of users have a documented policy with respect to the use of derivatives.
Alkebäck and Hagelin (1999) provide survey evidence on the use of derivatives
among Swedish nonfinancial firms in October 1996. By comparing firms in Sweden
with firms in New Zealand and the USA, the results show that 52% of the
nonfinancial firms in Sweden use derivatives compared with 53% in New Zealand
(Berkman et al., 1997) and 39% in the USA (Bodnar et al., 1996). The study also
indicates that usage of derivatives is more common among larger than smaller firms
and that the principal use of derivatives is for hedging purposes.
Bodnar and Gebhardt (1999) survey German nonfinancial firms and find that the
incidence of derivatives usage is higher in Germany, but that the pattern of hedging
across industry and size groupings are similar to US firms. However, they find that
there are other distinctive differences between the two countries, including the
primary goal of hedging, firms’ choices of instruments and the influence of their
market view when taking derivative positions. Prevost, Rose and Miller (2000) survey
both listed and non-listed firms across the New Zealand market in February 1998. The
paper significantly expands and updates previous New Zealand-based derivatives
usage surveys and finds that the risk management practices and objectives of firms in
the small, open market of New Zealand are broadly similar to those of firms in larger,
more developed US and German markets in many respects. Ceuster, Durinck, Laveren
and Lodewyckx (2000) survey the derivatives usage by nonfinancial large firms
operating in Belgium. They find that a significant part of large firms have engaged
themselves in risk management practices and many of the respondents claim to be
strategic hedgers but fail to organise the risk management control and reporting
procedures in a way that one would expect from a strategic hedger.
Joseph (2000) examines the relationship between the use of hedging techniques and
the characteristics of UK multinational enterprises (MNEs). He finds that all the firms
in the sample hedge foreign exchange (FX) exposure. The results indicate that UK
firms focus on a very narrow set of hedging techniques and they make much greater
use of derivatives than internal hedging techniques. The degree of utilisation of both
internal and external techniques depends on the type of exposure that is hedged.
Furthermore, the characteristics of the firms appear to explain the choice of hedging
technique but the use of certain hedging techniques appears to be associated with
increases in the variability of some accounting measures. Marshall (2000) surveys the
foreign exchange risk practices of large UK, US, and Asia Pacific multinational
companies (MNCs). The data was collected by the questionnaire sent only to the
largest MNCs in each region. He finds statistically significant regional differences in
the importance and objectives of foreign exchange risk management, the emphasis on
translation and economic exposures, the internal/external techniques used in
managing foreign exchange risk and the policies in dealing with economic exposures.
He also finds that the percentage of overseas business had no statistically significant
effect on any of the responses.
Dhanani (2003) conducts a detailed, single case study of the exchange risk
management process at one of the largest British multinational companies operating
in the mining industry (referred as ABC). His results conclude that, instances in which
corporate practices deviate from normative prescriptions do not necessarily imply
sub-optimal behaviour, although some companies may benefit from the reconsideration of their exchange risk management policies.
Data and Methodology
The study is conducted by mailing questionnaires to 401 UK companies, randomly
picked from the Fame database, especially nonfinancial firms between March and
May 2001. The questionnaire is based on some of the prior studies/surveys on similar
topics (Phillips (1995), Berkman, Bradbury and Magan (1997), and Wharton surveys
(1995, 1996, 1998)). The questionnaire consists of many questions that concern the
respondent’s profile. In this study, corporate treasurers are asked a number of
questions (mostly using five-point Likert-type scale) relating to derivatives activities.
These include such items as firm size, industry sector, ownership structure,
organisational form, why and how often firms use derivatives, currency derivatives,
interest rate derivatives, options contracts, control and reporting policies. The
questionnaire does not require the firms to identify themselves. Financial institutions
like brokerage houses, banks, finance companies and insurance companies are
excluded as the nature of activities are quite different from the other nonfinancial
companies. The reason for choosing only nonfinancial firms is that our focus in this
study is on end-users, as financial firms both use and sell derivative products. The use
of random sampling is best fitted and consistent with the objective of the study
because it can generalise the results to the whole population. This survey method is
considered most appropriate as it allows collection of data from a large number of
firms. A self-addressed envelope with pre-paid postage and a letter of introduction for
each company are also enclosed.
Altogether, there are 154 replies from mailing and fifteen more are received after the
first reminder (6 weeks) and after the second reminder (8 weeks), four more are
received, resulting in a total of 173 (response rate is 43.14%). This rate is considered
reasonable compared to prior studies (e.g. Bodnar et al. (1995) reported 26.5%,
Bodnar et al. (1996) reported 17.5% and Kim and Liang (1997) reported 20.76%),
which mention the typical range of 20-40% for mail survey. Out of the correct
responses, 116 responses use derivatives (67%), and 57 responses do not use
derivatives (33%). The response rate is shown in Table (I).
Panel A: Response rate
Responding Firms
Non-Responding Firms
Respondents that do use derivatives
Respondents that do not use derivatives
Panel B: Analysis of responding firms
Table (I): Response rates for the questionnaire survey
The sample is divided into groups of different sizes as it is expected that size effects
will be consistent with the existence of significant fixed costs resulting in starting and
managing a derivatives programme and the tendency of larger firms to use more
sophisticated financial risk management practices. Therefore, a turnover of less than
£50 million is considered small, more than £50 million but less than £250 million is
considered medium, and more than £250 million is considered large. In addition, the
sample is also divided into different industry sectors since the typical levels of risk
exposure are expected to vary across industry sectors.
In this study, corporate treasurers are asked a number of questions relating to, in
particular, the following areas:
Derivatives Use
Currency Derivatives
Interest Rate Derivatives
Options Contracts
Control and Reporting Policy
Derivatives Use
Firms are asked to indicate whether they use derivatives as well as providing data
about some aspects such as size (by turnover), industry sector, ownership status, and
organisational form. Of the 173 respondents who returned the questionnaires, 116 (or
67%) report they are using derivatives. Figure (1) reveals this result. This use rate is
considered high when comparing to the results of some prior studies. For example, in
Bodnar et al’s study (1995), 53% are using derivatives, while in Bodnar et al.’s study
(1996), 41% use derivatives. However, Figure (2) displays the derivatives usage rate
in the current study compared to some previous studies.
Figure (1) Derivatives usage rate in the current study
derivatives use
Figure (2) Derivatives usage rate compared to some previous studies
35% 41%
53% 52%
47% 48%
Wharton 1995
Wharton 1996
Wharton 1998
Berkman et al 1997
Alkeback and Hagelin 1999
Current study
Derivatives usage by size
Figure (3) presents the percentage of current derivatives users broken down by size
dimension. In the size dimension, usage is heaviest among large firms at 56.25%. The
derivative usage rate drops to 33% for medium-sized firms and to 10.0% for small
firms. Large-sized firms are so much more likely to use derivatives because of the
economies-to-scale argument for derivative use. Large firms are better able to bear the
fixed cost of derivatives use compared to small firms. This positive relationship is
consistent with the results of Bodnar et al. (1995, 1996, 1998) for US companies,
Berkman et al. (1997) for New Zealand companies, Alkeback and Hagelin (1999) for
Swedish companies, Ceuster et al. (2000) for Belgium companies, and Jalilvand et al.
(2000) for Canadian companies.
Figure (3) Derivatives use by size dimension
10.00 10.00%
Derivatives usage by industry sector
Figure (4) displays the percentage of derivatives users broken down by activity
dimension. In the sector dimension, derivatives usage is greatest among
communications (80%), automobiles (80%), electrical firms (75%) and transport
(70%) and chemical (65%). The derivatives use drops among utilities to 50%, and
retailers to 30%. Among other firms, 60% use derivatives.
Derivatives usage by ownership status
Figure (5) shows the percentage of derivatives use broken down by ownership status.
In the ownership dimension, derivatives usage is greatest among public companies at
56.25% and the derivatives use rate drops to 6.25% for private firms. However, it is
noticed that the derivatives usage rate is 37.5% for the other companies.
Figure (4) Derivatives use by sector dimension
Au ilitie
Figure (5) Derivatives use by ownership status
% 30
Derivatives usage by organisational form
Figure (6) displays the percentage of derivatives use broken down by organisational
form. It is shown that the use of derivatives is greatest among multi-site firms and
international firms at 33% and 40%, respectively. The derivatives use rate drops for
divisionalised firms and centralised firms to 11.5% and 12.5%, respectively. It is
noticed that 3% of the single-site firms do use derivatives and this is because these
firms are often small-sized firms.
Figure (6) Derivatives use by organisational form
Single site
Non-use of derivatives
Firms that do not use derivatives are asked to identify the degree of importance of
some factors concerning why they decide not to use them. The responses to this
question are shown in figure (7). The figure demonstrates that 50% of firms do not
use derivatives because their exposures are not significant. Also, the figure indicates
that the most important reasons they do not use derivatives are: concerns about
disclosures of derivatives activity required under FASB rules; concerns about the
perceptions of derivatives use by investors, regulators, analysts or the public; and
costs of establishing and maintaining derivatives programmes exceed the expected
benefits. This is followed by: exposures are more effectively managed by other means
such as risk diversification or risk shifting arrangements, lack of knowledge about
derivatives and then difficulty pricing and valuing derivatives.
Figure (7) Factors not to use derivatives
least important
less important
are not
are managed
by other
pricing and
Lack of
Concerns by
most important
Derivatives use compared to the last year
Firms are also asked to determine whether there is any change in the intensity of
usage among the firms that use derivatives. So, the firms using derivatives are asked
to indicate how their derivative usage in the current year compared to usage in the
previous year (based upon the notional value of total contracts). Figure (8) displays
the response to this question. Of derivative users, 37.5% indicate that their usage had
increased over the previous year, compared to just 12.5% who indicated a decrease.
The remaining firms (50%) indicate that their usage remained constant. Overall, this
result suggests that a significant proportion of derivatives users find that derivatives
use is so helpful that they are choosing to increase their usage1.
In unpublished results to reserve space, the change in derivatives usage also varies among the
previous dimensions. Large firms are nearly twice as likely to have increased derivatives usage than
medium firms are. In addition, international firms and multi-site firms increase their derivatives use at
18.75% and 12.5%, respectively.
Figure (8) Derivatives use compared to the last year
VaR approach
Wilmott (1998: p. 547) defines value at risk (VaR) as “an estimate, with a given
degree of confidence, of how much one can lose from one’s portfolio over a given
time horizon”. It measures the amount of money at risk with a certain probability
(Voit, 2001). It is considered as a technique for controlling trading risks at financial
institutions and nonfinancial corporations (Clark, 2002). Firms are asked to indicate
whether they calculate a "value-at-risk" measure for some or all of derivatives
portfolio. Of the derivatives users, 62.5% indicate that they calculate a value-at-risk
measure for some or all of their derivatives portfolio. Figure (9) displays this result2.
Figure (9) How VaR calculates for derivatives portfolio
Users of VaR
Nonusers of VaR
2 In unpublished results to reserve space, the usage of VaR is much more common among large firms,
public firms, multi-site firms and international firms.
Approach to risk management by derivatives
Financial price risk can be classified into four main types: foreign currency risk,
interest rate risk, commodity price risk, and equity price risk. I am interested in the
percentage of firms that use derivatives to manage risk in each of these four types.
Because of the different nature of these risk types and the fact that they are often
managed separately within firms, the firms are asked to indicate their approach in
terms of decision-making structure to managing each type of risk. Figure (10)
displays the results regarding approach of firms to manage risk by derivatives.
It is noticed that centralised risk management activities are overwhelmingly most
common. The figure shows that of the firms using derivatives, foreign exchange (FX)
risk is the risk most commonly managed with derivatives, being done by about 64%
of all derivatives users. Interest rate (IR) risk is the next most commonly managed
risk with about 47% of firms indicating IR derivatives use. Commodity (CM) risk is
managed with derivatives by about 9% of derivatives users, while equity (EQ) risk is
the least commonly managed risk at just 8.3%. It should be noted that unlike FX risk
and IR risk, which are likely to be faced by all firms, some firms will not directly face
EQ and CM risk because of the nature of their activities. As a result, the usage of
derivatives in these classes, conditional on having an exposure, will be even higher
than the responses displayed in the figure3.
In unpublished results to reserve space, the responses to the above question broken down by size
dimension show that all large firms manage FX risk and IR risk by derivatives. Also, of large firms,
22% manage CM risk by derivatives. But most of these firms do not manage EQ risk by derivatives, at
78%. It is also found that most multi-site firms and international firms manage FX risk by derivatives
at 100% and 83%, respectively. It is surprising that most of these companies do not manage CM and
EQ risk by derivatives (about 71% and 86% of multi-site firms do not manage CM and IR risks versus
50% and 67% of international firms for FX and IR risks, respectively).
Figure (10) Approaches to managing risks by derivatives
Decentralised with
Not managed
Concerns about derivatives usage
The use of derivatives in today's market involves many aspects. Therefore, firms are
asked to indicate their degree of concern about a series of aspects regarding the use of
derivatives. These aspects include: credit risk, difficulty of monitoring hedge
positions, tax or legal issues, disclosure requirements, transaction costs, liquidity risk
(ability to unwind transactions), lack of knowledge about derivatives, difficulty
quantifying the firm’s exposure, pricing and valuing of derivatives, perceptions of
investors, regulators and analysts about derivatives, and evaluating the risk of
derivatives transactions. For each aspect, firms are asked to indicate a high, moderate,
or low level of concern or indicate that the issue is not a concern to them. Figure (11)
displays the responses. There is a propensity of a majority of firms to indicate a low
level and moderate level of concern (at 38% and 29%, respectively) with many
aspects regarding the use of derivatives.
The results show that lack of knowledge about derivatives is the aspect causing the
most concern among derivatives users at 31.25% of the firms indicating a high
concern, 12.5% moderate concern, 50% low concern and 6.25% no concern with this
Figure (11): Levels of concern about the use of derivatives
High (%)
Moderate (%)
Low (%)
the risk of
Pricing and
of investors,
Lack of
Liquidity risk
Tax or legal
Difficulty of
Credit risk
No Concern (%)
Pricing and valuing derivatives positions is the next issue most concerning firms, with
25% of the firms indicating a high degree of concern, 43.75% of the firms indicating
moderate concern, and 31.25% indicating little or no concern. This is followed closely
by liquidity risk with 25% of the firms indicating high concern, 37.5% moderate
concern, 25% low concern, and 12.5% of the firms indicating no concern with this
aspect. This is followed closely by perceptions by investors, regulators, analysts, and
the public about derivatives use with 25% of the firms indicating a high degree of
concern, 31.25% of the firms indicating moderate concern, 31.25% indicating low
concern and 12.5% indicating no concern.
Reasons of hedging with derivatives
It is interesting in knowing, if a firm uses derivatives for hedging, the most important
reasons of using derivatives for hedging purposes. Four reasons for hedging are
identified and firms are asked to indicate the degree of the importance of these
aspects. Figure (12) shows that the most important reason for using hedging with
derivatives is to manage the volatility in cash flows at 37% of the responding firms.
The market value of the firm is considered the second most important reason of using
derivatives for hedging purposes with 29% of the responding firms. This is followed
by managing the volatility in accounting earnings (at 25%) and managing balance
sheet accounts or ratios (at 19%).
Figure (12) Degree of importance of some aspects regarding hedging with
least important
less important
Most important
Volatility in
cash flows
Volatility in
Kinds of derivatives used to manage financial risks
Firms are asked to indicate the kinds of derivatives they use to manage their
exposures in four classes: FX risk, IR risk, CM risk, and EQ risk. Figure (13)
summarises the answers. It is found that the most common kind of derivatives is
forwards at 29%. This is followed with swaps, OTC options, futures, exchange-traded
options, structured derivatives, and hybrid debt at 23%, 17%, 13%, 8%, 6%, and 2%,
respectively. The figure shows that forwards dominate the FX exposure (at 76.48%),
futures dominate the FX risk and CM risk with 21.4% for each, and Swaps dominate
IR and FX exposures at 37.5% and 31.25%, respectively. Further, OTC options and
exchange-traded options dominate the FX exposure at 33.34% and 25%, respectively.
Figure (13) Kinds of derivatives used to manage financial price risks
Hybrid debt
OTC Options
Derivative instruments used to manage exposures of risks
Firms are asked to indicate which instruments (e.g. forwards/futures, options, and
commitments/repatriations, anticipated transactions in 1 year or less, anticipated
transactions over 1 year, economic/competitive exposure, and translation of accounts.
Figure (14) summarises the responses. The figure shows that the most common
instrument to hedge the exposure for contractual commitments or repatriations is
options at 29.4% of the firms using derivatives. This is followed with forwards/futures
and swaps at 23.7% and 23.1%, respectively. It is also noticed that the most common
exposure, which hedged by derivatives, is anticipated transactions in 1 year or less at
36.8%. This is followed by contractual commitments, anticipated transactions in over
a year, translation of accounts, and then economic/competitive exposure at 25%,
16.2%, 16.2%, and 5.9%.
Figure (14) Derivative instruments used to manage exposures of risks
Contractual Commitments/
Anticipated Transactions 1 yr or less
General Average
Anticipated Transactions over 1 yr
Economic/ Competitive Exposure
Forwards / futures
Translation of Accounts
Currency Derivatives
This section focuses on the following aspects regarding currency derivatives.
Benchmark for evaluating foreign currency risk
For foreign currency risk management, firms are asked about the benchmark they use
for evaluating foreign-currency risk management over the budget/planning period.
Figure (15) displays the responses. The most common benchmark is the use of spot
rates at the beginning of the budget/planning period at 35.4% of the surveyed firms.
This approach is questionable on theoretical grounds as the current spot rates do not
incorporate any market expectations of currency movements over the period nor do
they offer rates at which any risks could actually be laid off. This is followed closely
with forwards rates available at the beginning of the period at 29.4%. Of the
responding firms, 17.6% use a baseline percent hedged strategy. The firms indicate
that the baselines for these benchmarks typically range from 50% to 100% hedged.
Finally, 17.6% of firms indicate that they do not have a benchmark for evaluating the
FX risk management process.
Figure (15) Benchmarking used for evaluating FX risk management
Our firm does not use a
Forwards rates availabe at the
beginning of the period
Spot rates available at the
beginning of the period
Baseline percent hedged strategy
(e.g. X% hedged)
Maturities of FX derivatives
Firms are asked to identify the percentage of their foreign currency derivatives of
original maturities. Figure (16) displays the results of this question. The figure
presents that short-term FX derivatives (less than one year) are used by a vast
majority of firms at about 75.6%. It is noticed that about 17% of the firms use foreign
currency derivatives with an original maturity of 90 days or less, 24.4% use foreign
currency derivatives with an original maturity of 91 to 180 days, 34% use FX
derivatives to the end of the current fiscal year and about 19.5% use FX derivatives
for one year to three years, while only about 5% use foreign currency derivatives with
maturities of more than three years. It is also found that firms tend to concentrate most
of their FX derivatives usage at the short horizon, especially one year or less.
Figure (16) Maturities of FX derivatives
90 days or less
91 to 180 days
To the end of the current
fiscal year
One year to three years
Beyond three years
Transactions in FX derivatives markets
Firms are asked to indicate how often they transact in the foreign currency derivatives
markets for hedging seven frequently cited exposures. These are foreign repatriations
(dividends, royalties, interest payment), contractual commitments; both on-balancesheet (i.e. payables and receivables) and off-balance-sheet (i.e. signed contracts
pending), anticipated transactions one year or less, anticipated transactions beyond
one year, competitive/economic exposure, arbitrage borrowing rates across
currencies, and translation of foreign accounting.
Figure (17) presents the percentage of firms who daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or
yearly transact in the foreign currency derivatives markets for each of these reasons.
The figure shows that the most commonly cited reasons for transacting in the foreign
currency derivatives markets are for hedging near-term at average 39.7%, 26.4%, and
22.1% monthly, quarterly, and yearly, respectively.
Figure (17) Reasons of transactions in the FX derivatives for purposes hedging
General Average
Transactions beyond
one year
c Exposure
Arbitrage Borrowing
Rates across
Translation of
Foreign Accounting
? Off-balance sheet
Transactions one
year or less
? On-balance sheet
Foreign Repatriations
The most commonly hedged exposures are off-balance-sheet commitments (83.3%
hedge monthly), translation of foreign accounting (77.8% hedge yearly and 22.2%
hedge monthly), arbitrage borrowing rates across currency (67.7% hedge monthly and
33.3% hedge yearly), foreign repatriations (55.6% hedge quarterly), on-balance sheet
transactions (50% hedge monthly, and 20% hedge weekly), anticipated transactions
expected beyond one year (40% hedge quarterly, 30% hedge monthly, and 20% hedge
yearly), competitive/economic exposures (40% hedge monthly, 40% hedge quarterly,
20% hedge yearly), and the last reason is anticipated transactions expected one year
or less (31.25% hedge monthly, and 31.25% hedge quarterly).
Effect of market view on FX rates
Firms are asked to indicate how often their market views cause them to alter the
timing or size of their hedges or to actively take a position in the market using
derivatives. The responses to this question are presented in figure (18). The figure
shows that 63.6% and 45.45% of the firms indicated that their market view on
exchange rates monthly altered the size and the timing of the hedges that they entered
into, respectively. Also, 45.45% and 27.30% of the firms indicated that their market
view on exchange rates quarterly alter the timing and the size of the hedges that they
entered into, respectively. Only 9.10% of the firms indicate that their market view on
exchange rates yearly alter the timing or the size of the hedges that they entered into.
Of the firms, about 50% actively take positions in currency derivatives based on their
market view of the exchange rates monthly or quarterly. Shortly, it is apparent that a
majority of firms (about 54%) monthly takes into account their view of market
conditions when choosing an appropriate strategy of FX risk management.
Figure (18) Effect of market view on exchange rates
Alter the timing of
Alter the size of
Actively take
positions in
General Average
Interest Rate Derivatives
Reasons of transactions in the IR derivatives markets
Figure (19) displays the results from our question about how often the firm transacts
in the IR derivatives markets. The figure shows that a large number of the firms that
use IR derivatives report using them to swap from floating-rate debt to fixed-rate debt
at 41.2%. However, only 14% of the firms indicate that they do this weekly and 29%
of the firms indicate that they do this monthly, 57% of the firms indicate that they use
IR derivatives quarterly. On the other hand, just 23.5% of the firms indicate that they
use IR derivatives to swap from fixed-rate debt to floating-rate debt.
Nearly all firms do this quarterly. In addition to swapping existing debt, IR
derivatives are also used by a significant proportion of firms to fix in advance the rate
(or spread) on new debt issues as well as to take positions to reduce costs or lock-inrates based upon a market view (at 23.5% and 11.75%, respectively). The figure also
shows that 50% and 25% of the firms use IR derivatives to fix in advance the rate
(spread) on new debt quarterly and monthly, respectively. Finally figure (19) indicates
that approximately half of the IR derivatives using firms do so in order to reduce costs
based upon a market view quarterly and yearly.
Benchmark for evaluating the management of the debt portfolio
Firms are asked about the benchmark they use for evaluating the management of the
debt portfolio and the use of Interest Rate derivatives. Figure (20) summarises the
responses. Of the responding firms, about 50% indicate that they do not use a
benchmark for the debt portfolio. There are several options including the volatility of
interest expense relative to a specified portfolio, realised cost of funds relative to a
market benchmark (e.g. LIBOR), realised cost of funds relative to a bond portfolio
with a specific duration, realised cost of funds relative to a bond portfolio with a
specific ratio of fixed/floating debt and an open choice for firms to indicate a different
benchmark they use. The figure shows that only half of the responding firms report
that they use realised cost of funds relative to a market benchmark (e.g. LIBOR).
Figure (19) Reasons of transactions in IR derivatives
General Average
Swap from fixed to
Swap from floating to
Fix the rate on new
Reduce costs based
upon market view
Figure (20) Benchmark used for debt portfolio
Not use a benchmark for
debt portfolio
Realised cost of funds
relative to market B-mark
Option Contracts
In this section, I am interested in exploring some aspects of options usage.
Types of options contracts used in the past 12 months
In addition to standard options (e.g. European or American styles), average rate
(price) options, basket options, barrier options, contingent premium, and option
combinations are widely available in the over-the-counter (OTC) market. Thus, firms
are asked to indicate their usage over the past 12 months of a variety of different
options across the three common types of risk, FX risk, IR risk, and CM risk. Figure
(21) displays the results.
Figure (21) Types of option contracts used in the past 12 months
Option Combinations
Contingent premium
Barrier Options
Basket Options
Average rate options
American-style options
European-style options
The figure shows that, of the firms using derivatives, 68.75% indicate that they have
used some form of options within the past 12 months. FX options are the most
common, used by 65.3% of the firms using derivatives, while IR and CM options are
used by 30.4% and 4.3% of the firms using derivatives, respectively. The figure also
shows that the instrument-specific responses indicate that the standard European-style
(exercisable only at maturity) and American-style (exercisable any time up to
maturity) options are the most commonly used, with 48% of responding firms using
European-style and 22% using American-style options. The other kinds of options are
used by 30% only. Average rate options (which are different in that their payoffs are
based upon the difference between the strike price and some average of the history of
prices) are used with 17%, option combinations, such as collars, straddles, etc. are
used by 8.7% and Barrier options (which come into existence or cease to exist when
some price point is reached) are used by about 4% of all derivatives users in the past
12 months. Another feature revealed by the figure is that options usage is heaviest in
foreign currencies and interest rates. Currency-option usage is heaviest in the
European-style (at 46.7%), followed by the American-style (at 26.7%), and followed
by the average rate options (at 13.3%). The commodity option usage is heaviest in the
European-style (42.9%) and followed by average rate options (at 28.6%)4.
Control and Reporting Procedures
This section concentrates on some aspects regarding control and reporting policy.
The derivatives sources used
Firms obtain derivatives from a variety of sources including commercial banks,
investment banks, special purpose vehicles (AAA subsidiaries established by
investment banks and other institutions to offer derivatives), insurance companies,
and exchanges or brokers. Firms are asked to rank these sources as preferred source,
alternative source, and not a source. It is found that commercial banks are considered
the most preferred source for more than 87% of the responding firms versus only 10%
naming investment banks as a preferred source, while 60% of the firms choose the
investment banks as an alternative source. Figure (22) presents these responses.
In unpublished results to reserve space, there are several noticeable results related to options usage,
based on size and sector. First, the percentage of firms using options is an increasing function of firm
size. Of large firms that use derivatives, 67% indicate the use of some form of options within the past
12 months. This compares with 29% of medium-size firms and 8% of small-size firms. Second, most of
the large firms (44% and 22%) and medium firms (28% and 14%) use the European-style and the
American-style, respectively. Third, 57% of the multi-site firms are less likely to use options,
compared to 50% of international firms. Of the firms using options, it is found that they are more likely
to use the European-style options relative to the American-style options. Further, half of the public
firms using options are more likely to use the European-style options and this is followed by average
rate options.
Figure (22) Sources of derivatives
International group
Special purpose
Investment Banks
Commercial Banks
Not source
Published internal guidelines on the use of derivatives
Firms are asked whether they publish internal guidelines on the use of derivatives. Of
the firms using derivatives, 75% report they are publishing internal guidelines about
the use of derivatives compared to 25% of the firms that have not done so. Figure (23)
displays this result.
Figure (23) Published internal guidelines on the use of derivatives
Reporting about derivatives activity
Firms are asked how frequently derivatives activity is reported to the board of
directors. Figure (24) presents the responses. The figure shows that 31% of the firms
report to the board of directors monthly, 25% of the firms indicate that they report to
the board of directors quarterly, 18.75% of the firms report to the board of directors
annually, and the same percentage reports to the board of directors as needed. It is
noticed that little proportion (6.25%) does not know how frequently derivatives
activity is reported to the board of directors.
Figure (24) Reporting about derivatives activity by Board of directors
As Needed
Don’t Know
Valuing derivatives portfolio
Firms are asked to indicate how frequently they value their derivatives portfolio. The
following figure presents the responses.
Figure (25) How frequently the firm values derivatives portfolio
As Needed
The figure shows that a significant proportion of the firms, 50%, is valuing their
derivatives portfolio monthly, 12.5% revalue quarterly and 6.25% revalue yearly. It is
noticed that a significant proportion of the firms is revaluing their derivatives
portfolio as needed.
Counterparty default risk
Firms are asked to identify whether the firm has ever experienced a default by a
counterparty on a derivatives contract. As shown in figure (26), about 94% of the
firms have never experienced a default by a counterparty on a derivatives contract
compared to only 6% that have experienced such a default. The following figure
presents the responses.
Methods of evaluating the riskiness of derivatives transactions
Finally, firms are asked to indicate the methods used for evaluating the riskiness of
the derivatives transactions or portfolios. The results are displayed in figure (27). The
figure shows that the most common method is the value at risk (VaR) approach. This
is the method of 69% of the respondents. Of firms, 15.4% indicate that they evaluate
the riskiness of the derivatives portfolios by price value of a basis point. While 7.7%
of the respondents indicate they use Stress testing or scenario analysis, no firm uses
option sensitivity measures.
Figure (26) Counterparty Default Risk
firms have not
experienced a
default by a
firms have
experienced a
default by a
6% Yes
Figure (27) Methods of evaluating the riskiness of derivatives portfolio
Value at Risk
Stress testing
(% )
Price value of a basis
This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey, which focuses on
determining the reasons for using or not using derivatives for 401 UK nonfinancial
companies. The questionnaire is based on some of the prior studies/surveys on similar
topics. In this study, corporate treasurers are asked a number of questions relating to
the following areas: derivatives use, currency derivatives, interest rate derivatives,
options contracts, and control and reporting policy. In addition, the characteristics of
firms using derivatives and the most common types of derivatives and risks are
examined. The results indicate that larger firms are more likely to use derivatives than
medium and smaller firms. This result is consistent with the results of previous studies
in the research area. In the ownership dimension, public companies are more likely to
use derivatives than private firms. In the organisational form dimension, derivatives
usage is greatest among multi-site firms and international firms. The study indicates
that one third of firms do not use derivatives because their exposures are not
significant and that the most important reasons why they do not use derivatives are
concerns about disclosures of derivatives activity required under FASB rules;
concerns about the perceptions of derivatives use by investors, regulators, analysts; or
the public and costs of establishing and maintaining derivatives programmes
exceeding the expected benefits.
The results reveal that centralised risk management activities are overwhelmingly
most common and that, for firms using derivatives, foreign exchange (FX) risk is the
risk most commonly managed with derivatives. Interest rate (IR) risk is the next most
commonly managed risk. The results also indicate that lack of knowledge about
derivatives is the aspect causing the most concern among derivatives users. It is found
that the most important reason for using hedging with derivatives is managing the
volatility in cash flows, and the market value of the firm is considered the second
most important reason of using derivatives for hedging purposes. This is followed
with managing the volatility in accounting earnings and managing balance sheet
accounts or ratios. The study also shows that the most common instrument to hedge
the exposure for contractual commitments or repatriations is options and this is
followed with forwards/futures and swaps.
In addition, firms are asked about the benchmark they use for evaluating foreign
currency risk management over the budget/planning period. They report that the most
common benchmark is the use of spot rates at the beginning of the budget/planning
period. Further, firms are asked to indicate how often their market views cause them
to alter the timing or size of their hedges or to actively take a position in the market
using derivatives. The results indicate that firms’ market view on exchange rates
monthly alter the size and the timing of the hedges that they entered into.
Additionally, firms are asked to indicate their usage over the past 12 months of a
variety of different options across the three common types of risk, FX risk, IR risk,
and CM risk. The study shows that a high proportion of derivatives users indicates
that they have used some form of options within the past 12 months. FX options are
the most common, and then IR and CM options. Finally, firms are asked whether they
publish internal guidelines on the use of derivatives. It is found that the majority of
the firms using derivatives report they are publishing internal guidelines about the use
of derivatives. The unique aspect of the paper is that it investigates this important
issue outside of the US. However, it should be noted that a great deal more work is
required in this area, especially estimating and managing foreign exchange exposure
and interest rate exposure and their determinants of UK companies.
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