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European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2023
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a currently incurable but increasingly prevalent fatal and progressive neurodegenerative disease, demanding consideration of therapeutically relevant natural products and their synthetic analogues. This paper reviews evidence for effectiveness of natural and synthetic psychedelics in the treatment of AD causes and symptoms. The plastogenic effects of serotonergic psychedelics illustrate that they have efficacy for addressing multiple facets of AD pathology. We review findings illustrating neuroplasticity mechanisms of classic (serotonergic) and non-classic psychedelics that indicate their potential as treatments for AD and related dementias. Classic psychedelics modulate glutamatergic neurotransmission and stimulate synaptic and network remodeling that facilitates synaptic, structural and behavioral plasticity. Up-regulation of neurotrophic factors enable psychedelics to promote neuronal survival and glutamate-driven neuroplasticity. Muscimol modulation of GABA A R reduces A β- induced neurotoxicity and psychedelic Sig-1R agonists provide protective roles in A βtoxicity. Classic psychedelics also activate mTOR intracellular effector pathways in brain regions that show atrophy in AD. The potential of psychedelics to treat AD involves their ability to induce structural and functional neural plasticity in brain circuits and slow or reverse brain atrophy. Psychedelics stimulate neurotrophic pathways, increase neurogenesis and produce long-lasting neural changes through rewiring pathological neurocircuitry. Psychedelic effects on 5-HT receptor target genes and induction of synaptic, structural, and functional changes in neurons and networks enable them to promote and enhance brain functional connectivity and address diverse mechanisms underlying degenerative neurological disorders. These findings provide a rationale for immediate investigation of psychedelics as treatments for AD patients.
The following paper is due to review the economic impact of globalization on U.S. national security and national interests. Paper is considered to understand the negative and positive influences of economic globalization. The main question is whether Globalization presents a threat to national security.
El experimento económico soviético a examen: la mirada de los viajeros españoles, 1917-1936 (Resumen) Tras la Revolución de 1917 Rusia pasó de ser vista como un exótico país lejano a ser considerada un laboratorio de cambio socioeconómico. En España se despertó un gran interés por lo que el experimento económico soviético pudiera significar en términos de un nuevo patrón modernizador a partir de una realidad decadente y atrasada. Por eso, viajeros españoles de muy distinto signo visitaron Rusia con un espíritu abierto, buscando extraer lecciones útiles. La aportación de este trabajo reside en analizar la imagen económica del país que esbozaron dichos viajeros. Estos fueron capaces de captar los vaivenes y titubeos que se produjeron en el desarrollo del experimento soviético hasta la llegada de la opción planificadora en 1928, identificando con notable acierto los principales problemas que surgieron en dicho proceso. After the Revolution of 1917 Russia went from being seen as an exotic far country to be considered a laboratory of socioeconomic change. In Spain a great interest was aroused by what the Soviet economic experiment could mean in terms of a new modernizing pattern starting from a decadent and backward reality. For this reason, Spanish travelers of very different sign visited Russia with an open spirit, seeking to extract useful lessons. The contribution of this work is to analyze the economic image of the country that sketched said travelers. They were able to capture the vicissitudes and hesitations that occurred in the development of the Soviet experiment until the arrival of the planning option in 1928, identifying with remarkable success the main problems that arose in this process.
UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020publishersversionpublishe
Sfântă muceniţă Fevronia, roagă-te lui Dumnezeu pentru noi.
Revista Armenia Número 18 octubre, 2024
Análisis de la estrategia diplomática armenia en 2018-2020, la preparación armenia y azerí para el conflicto y acciones militares durante la guerra de septiembre-noviembre de 2020.
berisi script login sederhana , setelah itu menuju form pendaftaran dan hasilnya dari inputan pendaftaran dibuat dengan tabel di hasil.php
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International Handbook of Jewish Education, 2011
PORTO ARTE: Revista de Artes Visuais, 2017
Бюллетень Международной ассоциации содействия правосудию, 2012
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Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 2008
Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 2019
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