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This document outlines various tasks aimed at improving English language comprehension and communication skills among learners. Emphasizing diverse reading techniques and the challenges associated with understanding complex noun clusters and colloquial language, it also highlights the impact of individual pronunciation and speaking pace on listening comprehension.
Roughly fifty years have passed since the first international comparative survey was developed. Nowadays, the interpretation of the scope and results of large scale assessment studies is completely changed, moving unsafely from the opportunity to take sounded policy decisions to the competition between countries and their educational systems. At the same time, the notion of competence, central for these studies, is taking over cultural components in the canon of education. Han pasado cincuenta años aproximadamente desde que se desarrollara el primer estudio comparativo internacional. En la actualidad, la interpretación del alcance y de los resultados de estudios de evaluación a gran escala, han cambiado completamente, moviéndose arriesgadamente desde la oportunidad de tomar decisiones políticas sonadas hasta la competición entre países y sus sistemas educativos. Al mismo tiempo, la noción de competencia, central para estos estudios, está apoderándose de componentes culturales en el canon de la Educación.
Bu röportaj, Mesele Dergisi’nin Mayıs 2015 tarihli 101′inci sayısında yayınlanmıştır.
The goal of this study was to elicit greater quantity and quality of output in speaking and writing from L2 Spanish students through Visual Thinking Strategies. Previous studies completed in the L1 classroom demonstrate that students exhibit gains when pairing whole-class discussion with writing, thus inspiring this present study. As such, thirty-two Spanish IV (intermediate) students in a rural high school in the United States participated in this study that lasted eight weeks. Control and experimental groups were established to rule out additional variables. Through Visual Thinking Strategies, students in the experimental group discussed authentic artwork on multiple occasions through a teacher-facilitated discussion, followed by individual writing about the piece of artwork. Results of the study showed statistically significant growth among the experimental group in writing through measures of word tokens, word types, word tokens per sentence, and clauses per sentence. Furthermore, very large effect sizes were present. Regarding speaking, data reflect that students in the experimental group greatly outperformed their counterparts in quantity of L2 production as well in words per utterance. These results suggest that Visual Thinking Strategies may be a worthwhile strategy to incorporate into the L2 classroom as way to facilitate students' growth in these areas.
A Pócs Éva cikkére reagáló akadémikus henger szakmai erőtlensége, 2024
A Valóság 2024. májusi számában egy egész vitablokk foglalkozik Pócs Éva írásával, amelyben kétségbevonja a honfoglalás kori világfa létezésének bizonyíthatóságát. Ismert kutatók sora szállt vele vitába. A döntő tudományos érvet (az elolvasható honfoglalás kori világfa-ábrázolások sorát) azonban egyik szerző sem említette meg, mert e világfák nem természethűek, hanem jelszerűek. Ezt az elolvasható ismeretanyagot csak a rovológia szállíthatja, amiről az e területen nem is létező "szakmának" még tudomást kellene szereznie. Jelen cikkben a vitablokk hozzászólásaihoz fűzök megjegyzéseket. Hosszú évtizedeken keresztül „agyonhallgatott és félreértelmezett ismerethalmaz volt ez, a magyar tudóstársadalom képzett elméinek megbecsült kutatási területe helyett inkább az amatőrök vesszőparipája" s „a helyzet alapvetően napjainkig sem változott meg". A Valóságban megjelent vitablokk rovológiai kudarca nyilvánvalóvá teszi, hogy ha az akadémikus "tudomány" a rovásundora miatt rá sem hajlandó nézni a nemzeti írásunkra, akkor a véle kapcsolatos kutatási eredményeket sem ők érik el. Hoszan lehetne sorolni, hogy mi az, amit nem ők fedeztek fel, nem ők olvastak el. Nekik csak a mellényük nagy, a rovológiai tudásukra ugyanezt nem lehet elmondani. Amíg a "tudományos konszenzus" a módszertan rangjára emeli a kívülállók rovológiai felismeréseivel szemben alkalmazott cenzúrát és agyonhallgatást, addig köreikben nem is lesz valódi előrelépés világfa-ügyben és a magyar mitológiához kötődő további témákban, például a Szent Korona, a koronatan és hun kiállítás kérdésében sem.
One of the most profound and far-reaching financial phenomenon in the late twentieth century and the forepart of this century is the explosive growth in international financial transactions and capital flows among various financial markets in developed and developing countries. This phenomenon in international finance is not only a result of the liberalization of capital markets in developed and developing countries and the increasing variety and complexity of financial instruments, but also a result of the increasing relativity of the developing and developed economies as developing countries become more integrated in international flows of trade and payments. More freedom in the moving of capital flows improves the allocation of capital globally, allowing resources to move to areas with higher rates of return. Contrarily, attempts to restrict capital flows lead to distortions of capital structure that are generally costly to the economies imposing the controls. Thus, the boost in international capital flows and financial transaction is an underway and, to certain extent, irreversible process.
Panorama de Ficção Brasileira Contemporânea V. 2, 2024
Neste estudo, foi conduzida uma breve investigação das configurações experimentais da escrita encontradas em A Obscena Senhora D, de Hilda Hilst, buscando compreender como os recursos narrativos operam dentro do universo proposto pela autora. Além disso, explorou-se as razões pelas quais tais elementos podem distanciar o grande público de sua obra. Sustentados pelas leituras de Alcir Pécora (2018), Todorov (1980) e Barthes (1983), ficou evidente que, apesar da aparente complexidade inicial da obra, ela segue uma progressão compreensível que abrange desde a reestruturação dramática da linguagem, com o distintivo fluxo de consciência de Hilst, até a fusão entre o pensamento da narradora, Hillé, e as vozes das demais personagens. Também foi ressaltada a presença de um discurso quase psicótico, onde a linguagem se desdobra até seus limites extremos, inclusive sintáticos e semânticos, justamente por desafiar qualquer lógica aparente ao exigir do leitor a tarefa de reconstruir o sentido subjacente do texto. Isso revela a técnica de antinarração empregada por Hillé, que parece intencionalmente resistir à narração de sua própria história.
SEISMIC VULNERABILITY OF A FRAME BUILDING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE OF 5 LEVELS, WITH IRREGULARITY ON PLANT AND VARIATIONS IN FLOOR DIAPHRAGM Se evaluo la vulnerabilidad sismica y el comportamiento resistente de una estructura aporticada de concreto armado irregular en planta (tipo H) y de uso residencial emplazada en Barquisimeto, estado Lara, Venezuela. En principio, se realizo un analisis lineal para verificar los requerimientos normativos. Luego, se utilizaron dos modelos matematicos en 3D del edificio para hacer una simulacion con diafragma rigido y otra con diafragma flexible. Se aplicaron analisis inelasticos mediante procedimientos avanzados como el Analisis Estatico No Lineal Pushover Adaptativo (APA) y el Analisis Dinamico Incremental ( IDA ). El APA permitio obtener curvas que reflejan el comportamiento estructural y la capacidad de disipacion de energia; posteriormente mediante procedimientos analiticos no lineales como el “Metodo de Igual Desplazamiento” llamado N2, las cu...
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