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Creativity and Philosophy, 2018
Can negative psychological experiences be good for a person? If so, what could possibly be good about them? And when and under what circumstances might they be good? In what follows, my aim is to begin a philosophical exploration of these issues by focusing on a particular case-the relationship between negative affective experience and artistic creativity. There is a strong, empirically documented link between artistic creativity and psychiatric mood disorders (
Namibe province on the southwest coast of Angola has several hot springs (Montipa, Ndolondolo, Pediva, Sayona and Tipa) which can provide water for human consumption, agriculture, tourism and therapeutic purposes. This study is aim to characterize physically and chemically the thermal waters from Ndolondolo and Tipa springs. Water samples were taken, in summer and winter, from the Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Namibe Provincial Water and Sanitation Company as well as from the Huíla Water and Sanitation Company. Samples were analyzed for color, odor and taste organoleptic parameters, and physicochemical parameters such as turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH, temperature, iron, nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. Results show that Tipa thermal water is sulfuric, slightly basic and mesothermal, as it emerges at an average temperature of 40.35°C. In turn, Ndolondolo water emerges at 37.60°C, being mesothermal of telluric origin, alkaline, slightly salty and mesosaline. Values found in both waters, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), make them suitable for human consumption with proper treatment. They can also be used for agricultural irrigation, animal watering and recreational purposes. Both thermal waters are mesothermal, of telluric or meteoric origin, mesosaline and alkaline, although thermal water from Tipa is sulfurous.
Revista cultura del cuidado enfermeria Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira, 2018
Suffering is a universal multifaceted phenomenon hard to define and often connected to pain. Suffering is not a homogeneous concept. Instead, suffering is a diffused term that includes innumerable ways of dealing with depression, pain, loss, and adversity. Suffering is described as a response or behavior recognized by introspection or observation of the behavior of the person and his/her environment. Objective: The purpose of this article is to describe the role of the advanced nurse practitioners when dealing with the construct of suffering and to present a review of literature related to the human suffering experience. The CINAHL Complete, PubMed, One Search, MEDLINE, PsychInfo, ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Global databases were search using the keywords suffering, experiences, meanings and perceptions of suffering. Search limits included peer-reviewed articles published in the English language from 1980 to 2016. Results: A total of nine qualitative and five quantitative studies were reviewed. Three major themes were identified: the dimensions of suffering (physical, psychological, social, existential and ethical), enduring suffering and measuring human suffering, and perceiving another's suffering by using reliable and valid instruments. It is pivotal for the health care system to recognize the role that the nurse practitioners play in promoting effective patients' care and support. Alleviating or reducing human suffering remains a core objective of modern medicine. Therefore, it is vital for the advanced nurse practitioners to acknowledge that the best way to determine whether a patient is suffering is to ask them individually and openly.
Whistleblowing, Communication and Consequences, 2020
This collection of essays, showcasing the expertise of nearly two dozen organizational communication scholars, is a daring anomaly. All of its richly varied chapters explore just a single case study. More unusual still, they all focus on one man's intensely personal story of corporate whistleblowing in a country, Norway, otherwise renowned for its ethics and transparency. How do our three co-editors defend such an approach? In Chapter 2 , it is argued that the full complexity of any major socio-organizational event is best captured by triangulation-that is, by using multiple frames for analysis. So, at the outset, they offered each potential contributor two theoretical viewing lenses to consider: Hirschman's social-economic perspective on exiting organizations (a dialectic of self vs. organizational preservation) and Campbell's social-psychological model of the heroic monomyth (in a twist on that myth, the case study possibly reflects not heroic valuation but the dialectic tension of "saving" the self vs. a greater other). In addition, they wisely made available to these contributors a rich array of primary and secondary source materials, any of which might prove especially pertinent to a scholar's preferred theoretical perspective. Given the variety of perspectives here, and given that all of them focus on a single story, we can expect that the book will prove fascinating, not to mention unusually accessible, to a wide range of readers. Because this project was several years in gestation, the editors will seem prescient in their anticipation of the debates on whistleblowing that began dominating American politics in the fall of 2019. These latter events, far more public in scope and impact than the Norsk Tipping (NT) scandal, can prove difficult for many of us to interpret amid the cacophony of opinions being expressed. We might find this nuanced guide helpful, then, when revisiting our own sensemaking in interpreting the meaning of any single whistleblowing event, especially one of such national scope and impact. Here, we are able to explore whistleblowing more broadly-as a public, organizational, mediated, corporate, even "paracorporate" act of communication-thanks to the book's multiple views on the history, (London. Print), 2010
Pharmacology, 2011
Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues: 70 Effects of Raloxifene on Voltage-Dependent T-Type Ca 2+ Channels in Mouse Spermatogenic Cells
Recherches en psychanalyse, 2017
Olivier Putois declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Amos Squverer declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Manoel Madeira declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Tamara Guenoun declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Sarah Troubé declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Rémy Potier declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. This issue, which brings together prestigious contributors from several different continents, pursues the evolution that got underway in the previous issue. In particular, we will now be bringing out three issues per year -April / May, August / September, and late December -with each issue including six or seven texts. This format will allow for greater modularity in the treatment of the themes, and a more flexible reflection of research projects in psychoanalysis in progress.
This dissertation explores the question of how art and science work as categories to circumscribe bodies of knowledge. I am interested in how specific knowledge communities label and materially shape artistic and scientific objects in contexts. People engage in rhetorical positioning through the creation of texts, style choices, making and unmaking the meanings of objects. Objects can be made to fit into the knowledge networks of art, science, or combinations of both. For different practitioners and audiences, what counts as art or science and their association vary in interesting ways. The categories of art and science serve many purposes. They indicate the kind of attention people, objects, and ideas want to elicit from readers, viewers, and thinkers. They serve to demarcate resources, to delineate interests, and to separate social groups. This dissertation contains three core case studies: the story of the Blaschka's 19 th century glass scientific models, the story of the 1990s tactical media movement, and the story of bioarts as practiced in a wet biological lab in Australia. These cases serve to show that art and science are not stable categories and demonstrate ways those categories are maintained. By unpacking the ways actors have used these categories, I complicate the division between the realms of art and science, be reflexive about thinking with regard to the categories we use to make sense of things and the value and power-orientation assigned to those categories, and show that science studies tools can be applied to artistic practice with fruitful results that iv offer new ways of thinking about people and objects that have often fallen outside the scope of science studies research. My analysis details the forms of knowledge produced by art and science in these contexts. v BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Hannah Star Rogers was raised in Goldhill, Alabama. She attended Lee-Scott Academy in Auburn, Alabama. She did her undergraduate work in English and Public Policy at Duke University, where she received highest honors for her poetry thesis under Dr. Jim Applewhite. It was in Applewhite's courses on science and poetry that she first began to consider questions about the relationship between science and the arts. After a year teaching high school in Macheng, China, she pursued her Ph.D. on intersections of art and science in the field of Science & Technology Studies under the direction of Dr. Judith Reppy at Cornell University. vi FOR HIRAM, CRYSTAL, AND HUGO WITHOUT WHOM NOTHING IS POSSIBLE AND WITH WHOM EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. A dissertation is never written by one person. The opportunity to pursue a Ph.D. in Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University began with the suggestion of two Duke University English department faculty members, poet Joe Donahue and science and literature scholar Priscilla Wald. I am also indebted to Charles Cording, my friend and confident from Duke, with whom I explored many aspects of epistemology and to whom I am grateful for ideas both idle and serious. James Applewhite, Deborah Pope, Reynolds Price also encouraged me toward graduate study. My committee made my experience at Cornell a success. When I arrived in Ithaca, I learned that the professor, with whom I wanted to study, Dr. Judith Reppy, had taken phased retirement and was not accepting new students. It is with deep gratitude and affection that I thank her for taking me on and sacrificing gardening and walking time for grammar corrections and scholarly encouragement. Pacing me draft after draft, Dr. Reppy never made the task larger or smaller than it was. Dr. Pheobe Sengers was instrumental in guiding this project and introducing me to specific informants who appear in this dissertation. She also encouraged me to take pleasure and pride in the project in moments when I could only see the next page. Dr. Michael Lynch spent a year teaching me coursework and five more guiding my research. The Cornell Science & Technology Studies faculty is singularly generous with all students, not only advisees, so I owe thanks to a number of other people who did not serve on my committee. Dr. Stephen Hilgartner was convinced of the merit of this project as science studies and offered me an exceptional level of encouragement. Dr. Bruce Lewenstein, my outside reader, offered a number of insightful suggestions which have made their way into the final dissertation. Dr. Margaret Rossiter provided help and encouragement. I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to my informants for their generosity in giving me time and attention. The archivists at Cornell University and the Corning Museum of Glass made it possible to locate many materials necessary for my analysis. I want to thank Paul Vanouse, Kathy High, Ionat Zurr, Oron Catts, Jane Coakley, and Tom Eisner for stimulating conversations. My friends and colleagues at Cornell have helped make Ithaca home and have not only sustained me through the ups and downs of graduate school but have made the process tremendously enjoyable. I was very lucky to be part of a cohort that included Honghong Tinn and Kathryn de Ridder-Vignone. They have been my friends and colleagues since the first day of graduate school and have been a source of happiness inside and outside the graduate student office. My small writing group, along with the STS Writers group, has improved my chapters and articles at crucial moments. In earlier years I was also the lucky interlocutor of
In this paper, we use sensor-free affect detection [4] and a discovery with models approach to explore the relationship between affect occurring over varying durations and learning outcomes among students using Cognitive Tutor Algebra. Researchers have suggested that the affective state of confusion can have positive effects on learning as long as students are able to resolve their confusion , and recent research seems to accord with this hypothesis . However, there is some room for concern that some of this earlier work may have conflated frustration and confusion. We replicate these analyses using sensor-free automated detectors trained to distinguish these two affective states. Our analyses suggest that the effect may be stronger for frustration than confusion, but is strongest when these two affective states are taken together. Implications for these findings, including the role of confusion and frustration in online learning, are discussed.
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 1991
I wish from my Heart, I could avoid concluding, that since Morality, according to your Opinion as well as mine, is determin'd merely by Sentiment, it regards only human Nature & human Life. . . . If Morality were determin'd by Reason, that is the same to all rational Beings: But nothing but Experience can assure us, that the Sentiments are the same. What Experience have we with regard to superior Beings? How can we ascribe to them any Sentiments at all? They have implanted those Sentiments in us for the Conduct of Life like our bodily Sensations, which they possess not themselves. (Letter from Hume to Hutcheson: March 16, 1740) 1 63 Core terms of use, available at .
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The Politics of Time in China and Japan, 2022
Phytotaxa, 2018
Forthcoming, International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON) 2019 17(2)
Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1)., 2024
Revista da Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, 2021
Journal of aging research, 2011
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Lecturas de Economía
Revue Défense Nationale
Brazilian Journal of Instrumentation and Control, 2016
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1960
Cognition, 2019
IRJEMS International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies Published by Eternal Scientific Publication, 2025
Mechanics Research Communications, 1999
KRSRR 7 tome I, 2009
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 1990