Modified edge-directed interpolation for images

Journal of Electronic Imaging

We present a modification of the new edge-directed interpolation method that eliminates the prediction error accumulation problem by adopting a modified training window structure, and extending the covariance matching into multiple directions to suppress the covariance mismatch problem. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves remarkable subjective performance in preserving the edge smoothness and sharpness among other methods in the literaturé. It also demonstrates consistent objective performance among a variety of images.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 19(1), 013011 (Jan–Mar 2010) Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Wing-Shan Tam Chi-Wah Kok Wan-Chi Siu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong E-mail: Abstract. We present a modification of the new edge-directed interpolation method that eliminates the prediction error accumulation problem by adopting a modified training window structure, and extending the covariance matching into multiple directions to suppress the covariance mismatch problem. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves remarkable subjective performance in preserving the edge smoothness and sharpness among other methods in the literaturé. It also demonstrates consistent objective performance among a variety of images. © 2010 SPIE and IS&T. 关DOI: 10.1117/1.3358372兴 1 Introduction Image interpolation is a process that estimates a set of unknown pixels from a set of known pixels in an image. It has been widely adopted in a variety of applications, such as resolution enhancement, image demosaicing,1,2 and unwrapping omni-images.3 The kinds of distortion and levels of degradation imposed on the interpolated image depend on the interpolation algorithm, as well as the prior knowledge of the original image. Two of the most common types of degradation are the zigzag errors 共also known as the jaggies兲, and the blurring effects.4 As a result, high quality interpolated images are obtained when the pixel values are interpolated according to the edges of the original images. A number of edge-directed interpolation 共EDI兲 methods have been presented in the literature. Some of them match the local geometrical properties of the image with predefined templates in an attempt to obtain an accurate model and thus estimate the unknown pixel values.5–8 However, these algorithms suffer from the inherent problem with the use of edge maps or other image feature maps, where the edges and other image features are difficult if not impossible to be accurately located. The poor edge estimation limits the visual quality of the interpolated images. Other EDI methods make use of the isophote-based methods to direct the edge interpolation to conform the pixel intensity contours.7,8 These algorithms are highly efficient in interpolating sharp edges 共with significant intensity changes across edges兲. However, the interpolation performance is degraded with blurred edges, which are commonly observed in natural images. To cater this problem, edge enPaper 09115R received Jul. 8, 2009; revised manuscript received Dec. 25, 2009; accepted for publication Jan. 25, 2010; published online Mar. 22, 2010. 1017-9909/2010/19共1兲/013011/20/$25.00 © 2010 SPIE and IS&T. Journal of Electronic Imaging hancement or sharpening techniques are proposed.9 However, the use of an edge map is indispensable and noise amplification is aroused with the application of postprocessing techniques. Besides using edge maps, some EDI methods direct the interpolation by further locating the edge orientation with the use of a gradient operator.10–12 These methods are effective in eliminating the blurring and staircase problems by detecting the edge orientation adaptively. However, they suffer from the inherent problem of using an edge map, and the gradient operator is not fully adaptive to the image structure. Other EDI methods make use of local statistical and geometrical properties to interpolate the unknown pixel values, and are shown to be able to obtain high visual quality interpolated images without the use of edge maps.13–18 The new edge-directed interpolation 共NEDI兲 method13 models the natural image as a second-order locally stationary Gaussian process, and estimates the unknown pixels using simple linear prediction. The covariance of the image pixels in a local block 共also known as a training window兲 is required for the computation of the prediction coefficients. Compared to conventional methods such as the bilinear or bicubic methods, the NEDI method preserves the sharpness and continuity of the interpolated edges. However, this method considers only the four nearest neighboring pixels along the diagonal edges. As a result, not all the unknown pixels are estimated from the original image, which degrades the quality of the interpolated image. Moreover, the NEDI method has a large interpolation kernel size, which reduces the visual quality and the peak signal-to-noise ratio 共PSNR兲 of the interpolated texture image. The Markov random field 共MRF兲 model-based method14 models the image with MRF and extends the edge estimation in a number of possible directions by increasing the number of neighboring pixels in the kernel. The MRF model-based method is able to preserve the visual quality of the interpolated edges and also maintain the fidelity of the interpolated image, thus enhancing the PSNR level. The more accurate the MRF model, the better the efficiency of the MRF model-based method. However, the computational complexity is inevitably increased. Though both the NEDI and MRF model-based methods are statistically optimal, the NEDI method adopts a relatively simple model and is thus less computationally expensive. Therefore, a lot of research has been performed to enhance the performance of the NEDI method. The improved new edge-directed interpolation 共iNEDI兲 method16 013011-1 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images modifies the NEDI method by varying the size of the training window according to the edge size and achieves better PSNR performance. However, the computational cost is high and the performance is highly dependent on the chosen parameters, which are also image dependent. Regarding the computational cost, there are fast algorithms that integrate the advantages of the isophote-based methods and edge enhancement techniques, which can achieve high quality interpolated images.17,18 However, not all these methods are statistically optimized, thus they degrade the continuity and sharpness of the interpolated edges. The iterative curvature-based interpolation 共ICBI兲 method18 considers the effects of the curvature continuity, curvature enhancement, and isophote contour. By properly weighting these three effects, the ICBI method produces perceptually pleasant images and significantly reduces the computational cost. However, similar to the iNEDI method, the performance depends on the chosen parameters. This work presents an improved NEDI method, namely modified edge-directed interpolation 共MEDI兲, which is an extension of our work in Ref. 19. In Ref. 19, we proposed a different training window to mitigate the interpolation error propagation problem. A similar training window was later found to be presented in improved edge-directed interpolation 共IEDI兲15 independently. While the enlarged training window eliminates the error propagation problem, it also inevitability increases the interpolation error due to the worsened covariance mismatch problem. As a result, the interpolation results obtained by IEDI are shown to be worse than that of NEDI in most cases. To mitigate the covariance mismatch problem, we propose to apply multiple training windows. A brief and rapid report of the proposed method has been presented in Ref. 20. In the brief report, only the framework of the proposed method and the grayscale image interpolation performance have been presented. In this work, a detailed analysis and elaboration of the proposed method is presented with the assistance of a pseudocode and extensive simulations. The performance of the proposed method applied to color image interpolation is also investigated. The performance and computational complexity of the proposed method is examined, with comprehensive simulations and comparisons with other EDIbased interpolation methods 共including NEDI, IEDI, iNEDI, and ICBI methods兲 and filtering approaches 共including Lanczos filtering and B-spline filtering兲. The simulation results show that the proposed method generates high visual quality images and demonstrates a highly consistent objective performance over a wide variety of images. interpolate an unknown pixel from the four neighboring pixels, e.g., Y 2i+1,2j+1 is estimated from 兵Y 2i,2j , Y 2i+2,2j , Y 2i+2,2j+2 , Y 2i,2j+2其 as To simplify the notations, and without ambiguity, the 16 covariance values and four cross-covariance values obtained by the four pixels in Eq. 共1兲 are enumerated to be Rkᐉ and rk, with 0 艋 k , ᐉ 艋 3, respectively, as shown by the labels next to the arrows in Fig. 1共a兲. For example, R03 = E关Y 2i,2jY 2i,2j+2兴 and r0 = E关Y 2i,2jY 2i+1,2j+1兴. The optimal prediction coefficients set ␣ can be obtained as13 ␣ = R−1 yy r y , 共2兲 where ␣ = 关␣0 , ¯ , ␣3兴, Ryy = 关Rkᐉ兴 and ry = 关r0 , ¯ , r3兴. The interpolation is therefore locally adapted to Ryy and ry. However, the computation of Rkᐉ and rk would require the knowledge of Y 2i+1,2j+1, which is not available before the interpolation. This difficulty is overcome by the geometric duality property, where the covariance r̂0 关circled in Fig. 1共a兲兴 estimated from the low-resolution training window is applied to replace the high-resolution covariance r0, as indicated by the arrow. In a similar manner, the covariance rk is replaced by r̂k with 0 艋 k 艋 3. The unknown pixel Y 2i+1,2j+1 is therefore estimated by Eq. 共1兲 with R̂kᐉ and r̂k. The remaining pixels Y 2i,2j+1 and Y 2i+1,2j can be obtained by the same method with a scaling of 21/2 and a rotation of ␲ / 4, as shown in Fig. 1共b兲. To better handle the texture interpolation, a hybrid approach is adopted, where covariance-based interpolation is applied to edge pixels 共pixels near an edge兲 when the covariance matrix has full rank, and the variance of the pixels in the local block is higher than a predefined threshold ⑀; otherwise, bilinear interpolation is applied to nonedge pixels 共pixels in smooth regions兲. However, prediction error is unavoidable in the interpolated pixels. The NEDI method propagates the errors from the first step to the second step, because the estimation in the second step depends on the result of the first step 关the black dot is estimated from the gray dots, as shown in Fig. 1共b兲兴. To cater this problem, a modified training window structure has been developed independently in Refs. 15 and 19. The training window in the second step of the NEDI method for the interpolation of Y 2i+1,2j and Y 2i,2j+1 is modified to form a sixth-order linear prediction with a 5 ⫻ 9 training window, as illustrated in Fig. 2, where Y 2i+1,2j = 兺 Algorithm 共1兲 k=0 ᐉ=0 1 2 1 1 Y 2i+1,2j+1 = 兺 兺 ␣2k+ᐉY 2共i+k兲,2共j+ᐉ兲 . 1 兺 ␣2k+ᐉY 2共i+k兲,2共j+ᐉ兲 . 共3兲 k=0 ᐉ=−1 Consider the interpolation of a low-resolution image X 共with size H ⫻ W兲 to a high-resolution image Y 共with size 2H ⫻ 2W兲, such that Y 2i,2j = Xi,j. This is graphically shown in Fig. 1, where the white dots denote the pixels from X. The NEDI method is a two-step interpolation process that first estimates the unknown pixels Y 2i+1,2j+1 关gray dot in Fig. 1共a兲兴, then the pixel Y 2i+1,2j 关black dot in Fig. 1共b兲兴. Note that the pixel Y 2i,2j+1 关not shown in Fig. 1共b兲兴 can also be estimated similar to that of pixel Y 2i+1,2j. The NEDI method makes use of a fourth-order linear prediction to Journal of Electronic Imaging The coefficients ␣2k+ᐉ can be estimated from Eq. 共2兲 with the autocovariance matrix Ryy that contains 36 Rkᐉ, and cross-covariance vector ry with six elements of rk with 0 艋 k , ᐉ 艋 5. The high-resolution covariances are then replaced by the low-resolution covariances of R̂yy and r̂y using the geometric duality property. The rest of the unknown pixels Y 2i,2j+1 can be estimated in a similar manner with a sixth-order linear prediction as that for pixels Y 2i+1,2j, but with the training window rotated by ␲ / 2. 013011-2 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images R̂ 03 (2 i-2 ,2 j) r̂ 0 L o w - r e s o lu t io n ( 2 i- 2 ,2 j- 2 ) r a in in g w in d o w ( 2 i- 2 ,2 j+ 2 ) r̂ 3 R 03 ( 2 i,2 j- 2 ) ( 2 i,2 j) r̂ 1 (2 i+ 2 ,2 j-2 ) r0 r3 (2 i+ 2 ,2 j) ( 2 i,2 j+ 2 ) ( 2 i+ 1 ,2 j+ 1 ) r r̂ 2 2 ( 2 i + 2 , 2 j + 2 ) r1 H ig h - r e s o lu t io n lo c a l b lo c k (a ) L o w -r e s o lu tio n tr a in in g w in d o w r̂ 0 R̂ 01 ( 2 i,2 j) R 01 r̂ 1 (2 i+ 1 ,2 j-1 ) H ig h -r e s o lu tio n lo c a l b lo c k r1 r0 r3 ( 2 i + 1 , 2 j r) 2 ( 2 i + 1 , 2 j + 1 ) r̂ 2 (2 i+ 2 ,2 j) r̂ 3 (b ) Fig. 1 Illustration of the training windows and local blocks of 共a兲 the first step and 共b兲 the second step of the NEDI method. Although the interpolation error propagation problem can be rendered by the enlarged training window, both the methods presented in Refs. 15 and 19 still suffer from the covariance structure mismatch problem, as illustrated in Fig. 3, where the white box is the geometric low-resolution training window, the gray box is the corresponding highresolution local block, and the dash lines “AB” and “CD” indicate the image edges in the local block. Figures 3共a兲 and 3共b兲 show the training windows adopted in the NEDI and IEDI methods. Clearly, the geometric duality property is satisfied for the edge AB, as shown in Fig. 3共a兲. However, it is apparent that the geometric duality property is not satisfied for the edge CD, as shown in Fig. 3共b兲, and thus causes covariance mismatch. To cater this problem, the Journal of Electronic Imaging consideration of all four locations of the low-resolution training window and the high-resolution local block, as shown in Figs. 3共b兲–3共e兲, is proposed. 2.1 Proposed Method: Modified Edge-Directed Interpolation To reduce the covariance mismatch problem, multiple lowresolution training window candidates are used. Figures 3共b兲–3共e兲 illustrate the four training windows applied in the first step of the proposed method. The NEDI and IEDI methods consider the training window shown in Fig. 3共b兲 only, and the training window is centered at pixel Y 2i,2j 共see Fig. 1 for the pixel location兲 in the first step. Compared 013011-3 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images L o w - r e s o lu t io n tr a in in g w in d o w (2 i-2 ,2 j-4 ) H ig h -r e s o lu tio n lo c a l b lo c k (2 i- 2 ,2 j) r̂1 r̂ 0 R̂ 05 r̂2 (2 i,2 j) (2 i,2 j-2 ) R 05 (2 i,2 j+ 2 ) r1 r0 (2 i-2 ,2 j+ 4 ) r2 (2 i+ 1 ,2 j) r̂5 r̂4 r5 (2 i+ 2 ,2 j-4 ) ( 2 i+ 2 ,2 j- 2 ) r̂3 r3 r4 (2 i+ 2 ,2 j+ 2 ) (2 i+ 2 ,2 j) (2 i+ 2 ,2 j+ 4 ) Fig. 2 Illustration of the training window and local block of the second step of the MEDI method. A (2i-2,2j-2) (2i-2,2j) (2i-2,2j+2) Low-resolution training window High-resolution local block (2i,2j-2) (2i,2j) (2i+2,2j-2) (2i+2,2j) (2i,2j+2) (2i+1,2j+1) (2i,2j-2) Unknown pixel Edge (2i+2,2j+2) (a) (2i-2,2j-2) Original pixel B C C (2i-2,2j) (2i-2,2j+2) (2i,2j) (2i,2j+2) (2i-2,2j+2) (2i-2,2j) (2i,2j) (2i+1,2j+1) (2i,2j+2) (2i+2,2j+2) (2i+2,2j+4) D D (b) (c) C (2i,2j-2) (2i,2j+4) (2i+1,2j +1) (2i+2,2j+2) (2i+2,2j) (2i+2,2j-2) (2i+2,2j) (2i-2,2j+4) C (2i,2j+2) (2i,2j) (2i,2j+2) (2i,2j) (2i,2j+4) (2i+1,2j+1) (2i+1,2j+1) (2i+2,2j+2) (2i+2,2j) (2i+2,2j-2) (2i+2,2j) (2i+2,2j+4) (2i+2,2j+2) (2i+4,2j+2) (2i+4,2j) (2i+4,2j+2) (2i+4,2j-2) D (d) (2i+4,2j+4) (2i+4,2j) D (e) Fig. 3 Illustration of 共b兲 through 共e兲 the four training window candidates in the MEDI method for the estimation of high resolution block in 共a兲. Journal of Electronic Imaging 013011-4 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images with the NEDI method, the proposed MEDI method considers three more training windows centered at Y 2i,2j+2, Y 2i+2,2j, and Y 2i+2,2j+2, as illustrated in Figs. 3共c兲–3共e兲, respectively. The covariance signal energy obtained from all training windows is compared. The higher the energy in the training window, the more likely the edge exists. The one that contains the highest energy will be applied to the linear prediction in Eq. 共1兲. In this example, the training window in Fig. 3共c兲 is applied for the prediction. Similarly, the MEDI method considers six training window candidates in the second step, with such windows centered at Y 2i,2j−2, Y 2i,2j, Y 2i+2j+2, Y 2i+2,2j−2, Y 2i+2,2j, and Y 2i+2,2j+2 共see Fig. 2 for the pixel locations兲. Hence, the covariance mismatch problem can be mitigated at the cost of computational complexity. The pseudocode of MEDI is shown in Sec. 2.1.1. Similar to the NEDI method, the hybrid framework is applied in the proposed method, where the pixels at edge regions are interpolated by the covariance-based method, and the pixels at smooth regions are interpolated by bilinear interpolation. If the variance of the pixels in the local block is larger than ⑀, the unknown pixel is regarded to be part of an edge, thus the covariance-based method is applied. 2.1.1 Algorithm 2.1: MEDI 共X兲 set Y2i,2j = Xi,j comment: Begin of the first step of the MEDI method, which is identical to that of the NEDI method. for i = 1 ; 2 ; 2H 冦 for i = 1:2:2W comment: The energy of four 5 ⫻ 5 training windows are computed. comment: All the training windows have the structure as shown in Fig . 1共a兲 C = the training window with the maximum energy R = CTC; r = 关r0 ;r1 ;r2 ;r3兴 if rank共R兲 = = 4 and var共r兲 ⬎ ⑀ then ␣ = R−1r; else ␣ = 关1/4;1/4;1/4;1/4兴; y = 关Y2i,2j ;Y2i,2j+2 ;Y2i+2,2j+2 ;Y2i+2,2j兴; Y2i+1,2j+1 = ␣Ty 冧 comment: End of the first step. comment: The second step of the MEDI method. for j = 1 : 2 : 2H 冦 for i = 1:2:2W comment: The energy of six 5 ⫻ 9 training windows are computed. comment: All the training windows have the structure as shown in Fig . 2. C = the training window with the maximum energy R = CTC; r = 关r0 ;r1 ;r2 ;r3 ;r4 ;r5兴; 再 再 if rank共R兲 = = 6 and var共r兲 ⬎ ⑀ ␣ = R−1r; y = 关Y2i−2,2j−2 ;Y2i,2j ;Y2i,2j+2 ; ¯ ;Y2i+2,2j−2兴; ␣ = 关1/4;1/4;1/4;1/4兴; else y = 关Y2i,2j ;Y2i+1,2j+1 ;Y2i+2,2j ;Y2i+2,2j−1兴; Y2i+1,2j = ␣Ty; then 冎 冎 冧 comment: End of the second step. comment: Repeat the second for updating Y2i,2j+1. Journal of Electronic Imaging 013011-5 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Letter Y Color F16 Grayscale Baboon Color Baboon Bicycle Boat Airplane Grayscale F16 Houses Color Clip-Art Fig. 4 Test images. 3 Results and Discussion The proposed algorithm has been compared with other interpolation algorithms in the literature, including bilinear interpolation, the NEDI method,13 the IEDI method,15 the iNEDI method,16 the ICBI method,18 and the Lanczos and B-spline methods.21 Subjective and objective comparisons have been performed. The proposed algorithm was implemented in Matlab running on a PC with Intel Pentinum共R兲 Duo Core 3-GHz CPU and 1-GB DDR RAM. For comparison purposes, the IEDI method is implemented in Matlab without heat diffusion refinement. This is because our investigation mainly focused on the covariance mismatch problem, while heat diffusion refinement is a postprocessing step that does not affect the performance of the covariance-based interpolation method. For bilinear interpolation and Lanczos interpolation, the built-in functions in Matlab were applied in our simulations. For the rest of the interpolation methods, a Matlab source code available on other websites were used.22–25 The default function param- eters of iNEDI and ICBI were applied. The threshold was selected to be ⑀ = 48 for the MEDI, NEDI, and IEDI methods. The interpolation of the image boundaries was achieved by zero extension. Both synthetic and natural images were tested with different methods. The complete simulation results can be found at site/medidemosite/. 3.1 Objective Test Figure 4 shows the original test images used in the simulations that include both synthetic and natural images. The original test image was first downsampled by a factor of two, that is, from 2H ⫻ 2W to H ⫻ W. The downsampled images were then expanded to their original sizes by using different interpolation methods. Both direct and average downsampling images were tested. The interpolated images were compared with the original images objectively by measuring the PSNR and the structural similarity index 共SSIM兲.26 To characterize the error aroused along the image Table 1 The PSNR, SSIM, and EPSNR of the interpolated images of Letter Y by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Average downsampling Method PSNR SSIM EPSNR PSNR SSIM EPSNR MEDI 22.3807 0.93271 23.9527 21.8508 0.93221 23.6096 Bilinear 19.3352 0.8745 21.1535 21.939 0.93188 23.7631 NEDI13 22.1079 0.93532 23.7954 22.52 0.94337 23.9569 IEDI15 20.172 0.88642 24.1085 19.9498 0.88269 23.7207 iNEDI16 21.2478 0.89537 23.7814 19.9005 0.87583 23.9314 ICBI18 19.9623 0.88219 23.7499 20.3081 0.89943 24.1703 Lanczos 19.3242 0.88019 20.9153 19.2655 0.86445 20.8724 B-spline 20.7921 0.83192 23.3555 19.8705 0.81623 24.2178 Journal of Electronic Imaging 013011-6 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Table 2 The PSNR of interpolated grayscale images by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Grayscale Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 22.4659 22.2674 23.2121 22.9574 23.6442 22.7152 21.8805 23.1127 Bicycle 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 18.9029 18.5628 20.3339 19.2916 20.0165 19.2561 18.2438 19.4875 Boat 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 29.2052 27.0571 29.6856 27.5121 29.1492 27.2931 26.8398 29.4465 Grayscale F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 32.4444 28.3414 31.4642 28.769 30.7141 28.2912 28.3929 32.1827 Sum 103.0184 96.2287 104.6958 98.5301 103.524 97.5556 95.357 104.2294 Average 25.7546 24.057175 26.17395 24.632525 25.881 24.3889 23.83925 26.05735 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Average downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 Grayscale Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 23.2391 23.5774 22.8932 22.745 22.8876 22.9102 21.5768 22.9735 Bicycle 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 20.4133 20.4369 20.0786 19.3137 19.3955 19.5172 17.9836 19.2229 Boat 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 29.7456 29.8099 29.697 27.4173 27.3921 27.4613 26.5783 27.4958 Grayscale F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 31.4558 31.4026 31.958 28.3813 28.2886 28.4674 28.2627 28.6384 Sum 104.8538 105.2268 104.6268 97.8573 97.9638 98.3561 94.4014 98.3306 26.3067 26.1567 24.464325 24.49095 24.589025 23.60035 24.58265 Average 26.21345 Table 3 The SSIM of interpolated grayscale images by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Grayscale Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.71384 0.63208 0.71231 0.67782 0.68594 0.64392 0.64818 0.71652 Bicycle 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.72795 0.68452 0.77898 0.72698 0.72942 0.72134 0.69109 0.72736 Boat 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.88275 0.83565 0.89106 0.85665 0.87552 0.84746 0.83658 0.88271 Grayscale F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.9411 0.89548 0.9326 0.90851 0.92332 0.89706 0.90016 0.93956 Sum 3.26564 3.04773 3.31495 3.16996 3.2142 3.10978 3.07601 3.26615 Average 0.81641 0.7619325 0.8287375 0.79249 0.80355 0.777445 0.7690025 0.8165375 NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Average downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Grayscale Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.71344 0.73605 0.72802 0.64444 0.65415 0.67009 0.64264 0.66459 Bicycle 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.77684 0.77263 0.78123 0.72326 0.72538 0.73778 0.67892 0.70738 Boat 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.89151 0.89095 0.89193 0.84946 0.84797 0.85421 0.8305 0.85194 Grayscale F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.93265 0.93084 0.93752 0.89727 0.89386 0.90276 0.89782 0.90509 Sum 3.31444 3.33047 3.3387 3.11443 3.12136 3.16484 3.04988 3.129 Average 0.82861 0.8326175 0.834675 0.7786075 0.78034 0.79121 0.76247 0.78225 Journal of Electronic Imaging Bilinear 013011-7 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Table 4 The EPSNR of interpolated grayscale images by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Image Resolution Grayscale Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline 29.0107 29.3487 30.9658 29.4053 31.2072 29.5201 28.2969 30.6022 Bicycle 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 23.9567 23.8848 26.0887 24.1098 26.2706 24.2362 22.788 25.0678 Boat 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 35.6502 33.8593 37.3344 33.1877 37.7065 33.3654 32.7446 37.4664 Grayscale F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 38.403 34.4961 38.5836 33.8989 38.7091 34.2064 33.6057 39.7807 Sum 127.0206 121.5889 132.9725 120.6017 133.8934 121.3281 117.4352 132.9171 Average 31.75515 30.397225 33.243125 30.150425 33.47335 30.332025 29.3588 33.229275 Average downsampling Image Resolution Grayscale Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline 30.9356 31.1533 30.4391 29.5384 29.6373 29.5284 27.9232 29.8853 Bicycle 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 26.1789 25.8765 25.9948 24.2816 24.2618 24.3602 22.4432 24.9405 Boat 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 37.5061 37.7681 37.3929 33.5122 33.6456 33.2453 32.4332 34.1252 Grayscale F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 38.5663 38.7733 38.6291 34.3699 34.5264 33.7316 33.331 34.9557 Sum 133.1869 133.5712 132.4559 121.7021 122.0711 120.8655 116.1306 123.9067 Average 33.296725 33.3928 33.113975 30.425525 30.517775 30.216375 29.03265 30.976675 edges, the PSNR focused on image edges was measured, and this figure is denoted as edge PSNR 共EPSNR兲. Numerous research focused on the metrics to characterize the error aroused along image edges.27,28 In our study, the Sobel edge filter is used to locate the edge in the original image, and the PSNR of the pixels on the edge were used to generate the EPSNR. The PSNR, SSIM, and EPSNR of all the test images are summarized in Tables 1–7. PSNR has been widely used to measure the distortion of the grayscale images after processing and is given by 冉冑 冊 PSNR = 20 log10 MSE = 1 2H ⫻ 2W 255 MSE , 共4兲 2H−1 2W−1 兺 兺 i=0 j=0 Zi,j = 兩Li,j − Y i,j兩, Z2i,j , 共5兲 共6兲 where Li,j and Y i,j are the pixels in the original image and the interpolated image at location 共i , j兲, respectively. For color images in RGB representation, each channel is treated independently as a grayscale image. The interpolated images of the three channels are then recombined to give the final image for comparison. Thus, the PSNR is computed as Journal of Electronic Imaging PSNR = 共PSNRred + PSNRgreen + PSNRblue兲/3, 共7兲 where PSNRred, PSNRgreen, and PSNRblue are the PSNR values for the red, green, and blue channels of the color images computed with Eq. 共4兲, respectively. In the following discussion, we abuse the notation PSNR to imply both PSNR and PSNR with respect to the grayscale and color images in concern. High PSNR value of the interpolated images is more favorable, because this implies less distortion. Similar to the computation of PSNR, the EPSNR can be computed using Eqs. 共4兲–共7兲. However, only the edge pixels are computed. The edge pixels are located by using the edge map extracted from the original image by Sobel filtering, in which the filter was implemented by the built-in Matlab function. Similarly, the higher the EPSNR, the less distortion is observed on the image edges. Another objective measurement is the SSIM. SSIM is an index characterized by the structural similarity of the original image with the consideration of human visual perception. A SSIM Matlab program downloaded from Ref. 29 was used for SSIM computation. The higher SSIM value indicates that there is greater structural similarity between the original and interpolated images. The PSNR, SSIM, and EPSNR of the synthetic image “letter Y” are summarized in Table 1. The objective performance of different methods is subject to the downsampling methods. It can be observed that none of the methods show consistently good performance for both downsampling 013011-8 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Table 5 The SSIM of interpolated color images by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Color Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 21.7184 21.5875 22.4909 22.2508 22.9795 22.0173 21.1844 22.3983 Color F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 32.1732 28.4878 31.3585 28.9347 30.7862 28.486 28.5039 31.9925 Houses 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 21.9021 21.2115 22.1569 21.5191 22.9097 21.3791 20.9029 N/A Airplane 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 30.993 29.0335 31.3551 29.4564 30.6967 29.2942 28.8167 N/A Clip-art 350⫻ 233⇒ 700⫻ 466 30.3354 27.543 30.4736 28.0549 29.6804 27.8683 27.4148 N/A Sum 137.1221 127.8633 137.835 130.2159 137.0525 129.0449 126.8227 N/A Average 27.42442 25.57266 27.567 26.04318 27.4105 25.80898 25.36454 27.1954 Average downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Color Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 22.517 22.8642 22.2073 22.0409 22.1847 22.2107 20.8752 22.2748 Color F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 31.3667 31.3507 31.7637 28.5696 28.4844 28.653 28.3593 28.8168 Houses 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 22.1414 22.5025 22.3424 21.3886 21.498 21.5681 20.662 N/A Airplane 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 31.5177 31.8161 31.6655 29.3877 29.4334 29.4888 28.5579 N/A Clip-art 350⫻ 233⇒ 700⫻ 466 30.4358 30.3967 30.5432 27.8841 27.8393 27.9774 27.2433 N/A Sum 137.9786 138.9302 138.5221 129.2709 129.4398 129.898 125.6977 N/A Average 27.59572 27.78604 27.70442 25.85418 25.88796 25.9796 25.13954 25.5458 cases. The proposed method achieves the highest PSNR and the third highest EPSNR in the direct downsampling case, but it only achieves the third highest PSNR and the sixth highest EPSNR in the average downsampling case. However, the proposed method is able to achieve the second highest SSIM in both cases. Moreover, it can be observed that the optimal statistical methods, including the NEDI and our proposed method, preserve the image structure well in both cases, thus leading to the first two highest SSIM. Besides the synthetic image, the performance of different interpolation methods was compared with the use of natural grayscale and color images. The results are summarized in Tables 2–7. Interpolation is a reverse process of downsampling. A good match of the interpolation method to the downsampling method would bring the image distortion to minimum, thus leading to a better objective performance. Therefore, the methods that perform well in the direct downsampling case would not present the same performance in the average downsampling case. Shown in Tables 2, 4, 5, and 7, though the bilinear method shows comparatively worse PSNR and EPSNR in the direct downsampling case, it achieves the best PSNR and EPSNR for almost all average downsampled test images. Moreover, though the statistical optimal methods 共the NEDI, MEDI, Journal of Electronic Imaging and IEDI methods兲 are not able to achieve consistent performance in both downsampling cases, they always result in higher SSIM values. This is because these statistical optimal methods predict the unknown pixel adapting to the image covariance structure. Besides the SSIM performance, the NEDI and MEDI methods result in the highest PSNR values for direct downsampled images. However, due to the high contrast of the edges, the iNEDI method shows the best EPSNR performance for the direct downsampled images. Interestingly, the objective performance is highly correlated to the image structure. For example, for images rich in texture, including Grayscale Baboon, Color Baboon, and Houses, the iNEDI method results in better PSNR and EPSNR. Nevertheless, for images containing mainly long edges with low contrast, e.g., Grayscale F16 and Color F16, the statistical optimal methods result in better performance in PSNR, SSIM, and EPSNR, no matter which downsampling method has been adopted. Therefore, it is difficult to tell which one is the winner. However, it can be concluded that the proposed method shows fair objective performance among all methods. Edge information is image specific, and the EDI methods under test do not compute the missing pixels in the smooth regions and those along the edges in the same manner all the time. Moreover, each EDI method adopts a dif- 013011-9 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Table 6 The EPSNR of interpolated color images by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Color Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.69537 0.61765 0.6949 0.66423 0.67229 0.62949 0.63301 0.69889 Color F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.9239 0.88084 0.91791 0.89579 0.91004 0.88444 0.8839 0.92273 Houses 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 0.74894 0.67964 0.73554 0.70215 0.73661 0.67728 0.68957 N/A Airplane 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 0.90415 0.87839 0.91047 0.8913 0.89889 0.88651 0.8771 N/A Clip-art 350⫻ 233⇒ 700⫻ 466 0.92483 0.8771 0.92448 0.89035 0.90674 0.88225 0.88144 N/A Sum 4.19719 3.93362 4.1833 4.04382 4.12457 3.95997 3.96502 N/A Average Average downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Color Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.69614 0.71993 0.71221 0.62969 0.64023 0.65669 0.62698 0.65069 Color F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 0.91794 0.91673 0.92163 0.8845 0.88137 0.88975 0.88058 0.89235 Houses 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 0.73435 0.75591 0.75973 0.67686 0.68303 0.69902 0.68169 N/A Airplane 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 0.91157 0.91534 0.91285 0.88746 0.88841 0.89115 0.87053 N/A Clip-art 350⫻ 233⇒ 700⫻ 466 0.92393 0.92277 0.92747 0.88199 0.88089 0.88801 0.87764 N/A Sum 4.18393 4.23068 4.23389 3.9605 3.97393 4.02462 3.93742 N/A Average 0.836786 0.846136 0.846778 0.7921 0.794786 0.804924 0.787484 0.77152 ferent method to identify edge pixels. The iNEDI method determines the edge pixel similar to other covariance-based methods 共NEDI, MEDI, and IEDI兲; however, variable-sized training windows are adopted, which depend on the edge structures, and thus the number of operations vary among different pixels. The ICBI method does not identify the edge pixels explicitly, but directs the interpolations of the missing pixel according to the edge structure. As a result, the required number of operations will still vary from pixel to pixel, and it is difficult if not impossible to distinguish the computational effort for edge detection and interpolation. Hence, it is difficult to compare computational complexity in terms of number of operations per pixel for each interpolation method. Instead, the total computational time for each image interpolation experiment can be used to correlate the computational complexity of different methods, as all the simulation is performed on the same platform. Comparison has been focused on the EDI methods. The number of edge pixels identified by each EDI method for each image, and the computational time used by each method to interpolate each image in both downsampling cases, are summarized in Tables 8 and 9, respectively. It can be observed from Table 8 that the number of edge pixels from an average downsampled image identified by each EDI method is always smaller than that from direct Journal of Electronic Imaging downsampled images. However, longer time is required to interpolate the images obtained from average downsampling than that for the direct downsampled counterparts for each EDI method. As a result, it can be concluded that the computational complexity of EDI methods does depend on both the number of edge pixels in an image and also the correlation structure. Therefore, simply comparing the computational time for edge pixels for EDI methods is misleading, and it is more suitable to compare the computational complexity in terms of average computational time per pixel. Table 8 shows that the average computational time for different EDI methods follows the consistent trend for both downsampling cases. The proposed methods always achieve the second fastest computational time among all EDI methods, and are also the fastest methods when compared to the optimal statistical methods. The computational time of the proposed method can be further reduced by optimizing the source code. 3.2 Subjective Test Besides the objective measurement, a subjective test was performed to evaluate the visual perception of the interpolated images. Error images 关i.e., Zi,j in Eq. 共6兲兴 are used as an evaluation tool. To obtain a fair comparison, the magni- 013011-10 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Table 7 The EPSNR of interpolated color images by different interpolation methods. Direct downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Color Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 28.0284 28.4336 29.9507 28.5202 30.3744 28.6316 27.3802 29.6541 Color F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 38.6446 34.9111 38.8584 34.3417 39.0994 34.6619 34.0178 40.0112 Houses 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 27.5147 27.2156 28.736 26.8039 29.7968 27.0301 26.2002 N/A Airplane 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 37.1493 35.4617 38.5651 34.8022 38.4843 34.9867 34.4304 N/A Clip-art 350⫻ 233⇒ 700⫻ 466 35.9035 33.3133 36.9225 33.1733 36.8886 33.4708 32.4743 N/A Sum 167.2405 159.3353 173.0327 157.6413 174.6435 158.7811 154.5029 N/A Average 33.4481 31.86706 34.60654 31.52826 34.9287 31.75622 30.90058 34.83265 Average downsampling Image Resolution MEDI Bilinear NEDI13 IEDI15 iNEDI16 ICBI18 Lanczos B-spline Color Baboon 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 29.9595 30.1837 29.4468 28.652 28.7599 28.6314 27.0022 29.0262 Color F16 256⫻ 256⇒ 512⫻ 512 38.9 39.1254 38.941 34.8138 34.9609 34.2051 33.7451 35.3802 Houses 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 28.6934 29.0178 28.7507 27.0528 27.2206 27.044 25.9211 N/A Airplane 256⫻ 384⇒ 512⫻ 768 38.9656 39.1958 38.9874 35.1066 35.2085 34.9665 34.1216 N/A Clip-art 350⫻ 233⇒ 700⫻ 466 36.9597 37.0404 36.7639 33.5427 33.6125 33.2301 32.2431 N/A Sum 173.4782 174.5631 172.8898 159.1679 159.7624 158.0771 153.0331 N/A Average 34.69564 34.91262 34.57796 31.83358 31.95248 31.61542 30.60662 32.2032 tude of the pixels of the error images are normalized with the same normalization factor among all the interpolation methods, and thus not all error images have their pixel values span from 0 to 255. The normalization performed on the differences among the error images has made it more vivid. For the color image case, the error image of each channel is recombined to give the final error images. Therefore, the distortion on each channel is represented by the corresponding color in the final images. Figure 5 shows the original image, interpolated images, and the error images of test image Letter Y for both downsampling methods. We first consider the direct downsampling case. It is observed that the MEDI interpolated image is perceptually more pleasant among all the interpolated images because of the continuous and smooth diagonal edges. It is more vivid by observing the error images. The white area in the error images indicates the distortion. The brighter the white region, the more the distortion is concentrated. It is observed that the white region in the bilinear, the Lancozs, and the B-spline interpolated images are concentrated along the edges, which is the consequence of blurring after interpolation. The white region is comparatively less obvious in the error images of the iNEDI and ICBI methods. The white region is dispersed in the NEDI case because the edges are interpolated by covariance matching, thus miniJournal of Electronic Imaging mizing the error along edges. The white region is even more dispersed in the IEDI case, especially along the diagonal edges, because the IEDI method fully utilizes the lowresolution pixels with an enlarged training window. For the MEDI case, the white region is observed to be even dimmer and segmented along the diagonal edges, because the proposed method accurately adapts the edge orientation by covariance matching in multiple directions. A similar observation is obtained from the average downsampling case, but the error is more significant. Figures 6 and 7 show the pixel intensity maps of the original and interpolated images of region A in Fig. 5 for direct downsampling and average downsampling cases, respectively. We first consider the direct downsampling case. There is a sharp transition from 0 to 255 across the vertical edge of the original image in region A, as shown in Fig. 6. All vertical edges are blurred after interpolation, and the effect is the least significant for the iNEDI interpolated image, where the transition spanned three columns only. The blurring effect is the most vivid for the bilinear, Lanczos, and B-spline interpolated images. The halo effect is observed in the ICBI interpolated image. The interpolation performance observed from the proposed method, the NEDI method, and the IEDI method are compatible because these methods use the same training window struc- 013011-11 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images D ir e c t D o w n s a m p lin g A v e ra g e D o w n s a m p lin g B B ilin e a r A N E D I M E D I IE D I iN E D I IC B I L a n c z o s B - s p lin e Fig. 5 Original image, interpolated images, and error images of Letter Y 共resolution enhancement from 100⫻ 100 to 200⫻ 200兲. ture. Furthermore, the covariance structure is identical in all cases, because it is a perfect vertical edge in the synthetic image. A consistent result can be observed in the average downsampling case, as shown in Fig. 7. The outstanding performance of the proposed method is emphasized in the study of the intensity maps for region B, as shown in Figs. 8 and 9 which contain a diagonal edge, for direct downsamJournal of Electronic Imaging pling and average downsampling cases, respectively. The interpolated edge obtained from the bilinear, Lanczos, and B-spline methods are the most blurred. The halo effect is observed in the ICBI interpolated image. It is observed that the IEDI method achieves sharper diagonal edges than that of the NEDI method, because a modified training window is applied in the second step of 013011-12 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Table 8 The number of edge pixels considered in different edge-directed interpolation methods. Direct downsampling MEDI NEDI IEDI iNEDI ICBI Letter Y 923 1017 984 1312 40,000 Grayscale Baboon 101,337 115,783 101,337 172,136 262,144 Bicycle 69,992 88,165 70,036 113,990 262,144 Boat 56,717 72,527 56,717 95,471 262,144 Grayscale F16 46,963 63,968 46,963 72,163 262,144 Average downsampling MEDI NEDI IEDI iNEDI ICBI Letter Y 612 566 716 954 40,000 Grayscale Baboon 90,051 107,577 90,051 156,006 262,144 Bicycle 57,640 71,594 57,665 90,465 262,144 Boat 52,338 64,847 52,338 86,929 262,144 Grayscale F16 44,570 56,925 44,570 66,344 262,144 Table 9 The computation time per pixel of different edge-directed interpolation methods. Direct downsampling MEDI 共sec兲 NEDI13 共sec兲 IEDI15 共sec兲 iNEDI16 共sec兲 ICBI18 共sec兲 Image Total number of interpolated pixels Letter Y 3 ⫻ 100⫻ 100 1.33E − 04 2.60E − 03 1.33E − 04 ⬍1.00E − 6 1.17E − 03 Grayscale Baboon 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 8.65E − 05 1.81E − 03 1.93E − 04 ⬍1.00E − 6 1.91E − 03 Bicycle 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 2.29E − 04 4.77E − 03 2.19E − 04 ⬍1.00E − 6 4.57E − 03 Boat 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 1.98E − 04 4.57E − 03 1.48E − 04 Grayscale F16 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 1.73E − 04 3.89E − 03 1.58E − 04 ⬍1.00E − 6 3.87E − 03 Average 1.64E − 04 3.53E − 03 1.70E − 04 5.09E − 06 4.57E − 03 1.02E − 06 3.22E − 03 iNEDI16 共sec兲 ICBI18 共sec兲 Average downsampling IEDI15 共sec兲 Total number of interpolated pixels Letter Y 3 ⫻ 100⫻ 100 2.33E − 04 6.00E − 04 2.33E − 04 2.00E − 04 7.00E − 04 Grayscale Baboon 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 3.46E − 04 6.97E − 03 9.05E − 04 2.85E − 04 9.49E − 03 Bicycle 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 8.39E − 04 7.12E − 03 8.29E − 04 7.17E − 04 5.45E − 03 Boat 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 8.49E − 04 6.01E − 03 7.07E − 04 7.38E − 04 4.83E − 03 Grayscale F16 3 ⫻ 256⫻ 256 7.02E − 04 3.80E − 03 6.97E − 04 6.00E − 04 3.48E − 03 Average 5.94E − 04 4.90E − 03 6.74E − 04 5.08E − 04 4.79E − 03 Journal of Electronic Imaging MEDI 共sec兲 NEDI13 共sec兲 Image 013011-13 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Original Bilinear iNEDI NEDI ICBI MEDI Lanczos IEDI B-spline Fig. 6 Pixel intensity maps of the original image and interpolated images of Letter Y in region A for the direct downsampling case. the IEDI method, which fully utilizes information from the original image. The iNEDI method results in sharp and smooth edges, but the edge continuity is not close to that of the original image. The proposed method does not only form sharp and smooth edges, the interpolated edge structure is highly close to the original edge. The outstanding performance is due to the termination of prediction error propagation and the elimination of covariance mismatch. Average downsampling is able to preserve the visual qualJournal of Electronic Imaging ity of the downsampled image; however, the image edges are smoothed out by the averaging filter. The filtering approaches, e.g., the bilinear, Lanczos, and B-spline methods, are favorable to the reconstruction of the smoothed image. However, the computational complexity of EDI methods is inevitably increased due to the difficulty in locating the image edges. As shown in Fig. 9 the distortion is more server in restored average downsampling images, no matter which interpolation methods are adopted. Furthermore, the 013011-14 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Original Bilinear iNEDI NEDI ICBI MEDI Lanczos IEDI B-spline Fig. 7 Pixel intensity maps of the original and interpolated of Letter Y in region A for the average downsampling case. original pixel intensity cannot be reverted after average downsampling. Therefore, the objective comparison, including PSNR, may be misleading. As a result, it is more efficient to compare the performance of different methods by using the direct downsampled images. Figure 10 shows the simulation results for the test image Bicycle. Part of the original image is zoomed-in and the corresponding portions of the interpolated images are also shown. Considering the circled beam on the bicycle wheel, Journal of Electronic Imaging the proposed method and the IEDI method show the most outstanding performance in preserving the continuity, smoothness, and sharpness of the interpolated edge. In particular, the proposed method further preserves the image structure, even at edge termination 共enclosed with rectangular boxes in the IEDI and MEDI images in Fig. 10兲, where the IEDI interpolated image shows discontinuity at the end of the beam that should connect to the wheel, while the interpolated image of the proposed method shows al- 013011-15 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Original Bilinear iNEDI NEDI ICBI MEDI Lanczos IEDI B-spline Fig. 8 Pixel intensity maps of the original and interpolated images of Letter Y in region B for the direct downsampling case. most the same image quality as the original image. This verifies that the proposed method is effective in eliminating the covariance mismatch problem. Therefore, though both the proposed method and the IEDI method show average objective performance in different images, the proposed method outperforms the IEDI method in preserving image structure. Hence, the following comparison focuses on the NEDI method and also the iNEDI method because of its outstanding performance in the synthetic image case. Figure 11 shows the simulation results for the test image Grayscale Baboon. Grayscale Baboon is rich in texture 共the hairs near the nose兲 and contains lots of low contrast edges Journal of Electronic Imaging 共the whiskers兲. It is observed that the MEDI method outperforms the other methods in preserving the edge continuity and sharpness of the whiskers, independent to the pixel intensity level. It is due to the suppression of covariance mismatch and the termination of prediction error propagation with the enlarged training windows in the second step. The MEDI method preserves the continuity of the whiskers when compared to those of the NEDI and iNEDI methods. The enlarged training window in the second step of the MEDI method reduces the efficiency in detecting short edges or texture. However, the hairs interpolated by the MEDI method are perceptually comparable with those of 013011-16 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Original Bilinear iNEDI NEDI ICBI MEDI Lanczos IEDI B-spline Fig. 9 Pixel intensity maps of the original and interpolated images of Letter Y in region B for the average downsampling case. the NEDI and iNEDI methods. A consistent performance is observed from color images. Figure 12 shows the propeller of the original color image Airplane and the corresponding portions of interpolated images. The highlighted edge of the MEDI case is the smoothest and sharpest among that of the shown cases due to the elimination of prediction error propagation and suppression of covariance mismatch. It is more apparent in the comparison of the error images, as shown in Fig. 13. The error is the most dispersed in the MEDI interpolated images. Figure 14 shows zoomed-in Journal of Electronic Imaging portions of the interpolated images Grayscale F16 obtained by the NEDI and MEDI methods. The objective performance of the interpolated image obtained by the MEDI method is better than that of the NEDI method depicted in Tables 2 and 3. A consistent subjective performance is also observed. Consider the enclosed edges of the empennage; the MEDI method preserves the edge smoothness and sharpness. The error images further show that MEDI imposes less error along the highlighted edge when compared to that of the NEDI method, where a thinner and dimmer 013011-17 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images MEDI Original Bilinear NEDI ICBI IEDI Lanczos iNEDI B-spline O r ig in a l N E D I M E D I iN E D I Fig. 10 Original test image Bicycle and zoomed-in portions of the original and interpolated images. white region is observed in the MEDI error image. This observation shows that the proposed method can achieve comparable objective performance with high visual quality interpolated images, especially in preserving the edge sharpness and continuity, and also the quality of the interpolated image texture. 4 Conclusion An improved statistical optimized interpolation method, modified edge-directed interpolation, is presented. The proposed method overcomes the existing problems of new edge-directed interpolation by considering multiple training N E D I Fig. 12 Portions of the original test image Airplane and corresponding portions of the interpolated images. windows and modified training window structure. The covariance mismatch problem is mitigated and the prediction error accumulation problem is eliminated. The performance of the proposed method is verified with extensive simulations and comparisons with other benchmark interpolation methods. Simulation results show that the presented method achieves outstanding perceptual performance with consistent objective performance independent of the image structure. The proposed method can be integrated to differ- M E D I iN E D I N E D I M E D I N E D I iN E D I Fig. 11 Original test image Grayscale Baboon and zoomed-in portions of the original and interpolated images. Journal of Electronic Imaging M E D I iN E D I Fig. 13 The difference images of the test image Airplane for the portions shown in Fig. 12. 013011-18 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images O r ig in a l a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) Fig. 14 Test image Grayscale F16. Zoomed-in portions of 共a兲 the NEDI interpolated image, 共b兲 the MEDI interpolated image, 共c兲 the NEDI error image, and 共d兲 the MEDI error image. ent industrial applications, such as the presented resolution enhancement application or color CCD demosaicing. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong SAR Government under the CERG grant number PolyU5278/8E共BQ14-F兲. References 1. R. Ramanath, W. E. Snyder, G. L. Bilbro, and W. A. Sander III, “Demosaicking methods for Bayer color arrays,” J. Electron. Imaging 11共3兲, 306–315 共2002兲. 2. J. Mukherjee, R. Parthasarathi, and S. 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Her research interests include image processing and mixedsignal integrated circuit design for data conversion and power management. 013011-19 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1) Tam, Kok, and Siu: Modified edge-directed interpolation for images Chi-Wah Kok earned his PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Since 1992, he has been working with various semiconductor companies, research institutions, and universities, including AT&T Laboratories Research, Holmdel, Sony United States Research Laboratories, Stanford University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, Lattice Semiconductor, etc. In 2006, he founded Canaan Microelectronics Corporation, Limited. His research interests include multimedia signal processing, wavelet and filter banks, and digital communications. Journal of Electronic Imaging Wan-Chi Siu received the Associateship from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the MPhil degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1975 and 1977, respectively, and the PhD degree from the Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, in October 1984. He was with the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a tutor and later as an engineer between 1975 and 1980. He then joined Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been a chair professor of the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering since 1992. He is now the director of Centre for Signal Processing of the same university. He is an expert in digital signal processing, specializing in fast algorithms and video coding. His research interests also include transforms, image processing, and the computational aspects of pattern recognition and wavelets. He has published 380 research papers, more than 150 of which appeared in international journals. He is an editor of the book Multimedia Information Retrieval and Management 共Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003兲. 013011-20 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 11 Apr 2010 to Terms of Use: Jan–Mar 2010/Vol. 19(1)