Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
Car-following: a historical review
Mark Brackstone *, Mike McDonald
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton,
High®eld, Southampton, Hants SO17 1BJ, UK
Received 10 December 1998; accepted 23 January 2000
In recent years, the topic of car-following has become of increased importance in trac engineering and
safety research. Models of this phenomenon, which describe the interaction between (typically) adjacent
vehicles in the same lane, now form the cornerstone for many important areas of research including (a)
simulation modelling, where the car-following model (amongst others) controls the motion of the vehicles
in the network, and (b) the functional de®nition of advanced vehicle control and safety systems (AVCSS),
which are being introduced as a driver safety aid in an eort to mimic driver behaviour but remove human
error. Despite the importance of this area however, no overview of the models availability and validity
exists. It is the intent of this paper therefore to brie¯y assess the range of options available in the choice of
car-following model, and assess just how far work has proceeded in our understanding of what, at times,
would appear to be a simple process. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Car-following; Microscopic simulation modelling; Calibration; Time-series
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Car-following models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1. Gazis±Herman±Rothery (GHR) model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2. Safety distance or collision avoidance models (CA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3. Linear (Helly) models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4. Psychophysical or action point models (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5. Fuzzy logic-based models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1703-594-639; fax: +44-1703-593-152.
E-mail address: (M. Brackstone).
1369-8478/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 6 9 - 8 4 7 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 5 - X
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
Concluding remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
1. Introduction
Car-following models, which describe the processes by which drivers follow each other in the
trac stream have been studied for almost half a century (Pipes, 1953). However, the many relationships available are usually crude and often not rigorously understood or proven. Car-following itself, forms one of the main processes in all microscopic simulation models as well as in
modern trac ¯ow theory, which attempts to understand the interplay between phenomena at the
individual driver level and global behaviour on a more macroscopic scale (e.g., Krauss, 1997). In
recent years, the importance of such models has increased further, with `normative' behavioural
models forming the basis of the functional de®nitions of advanced vehicle control and safety
systems (AVCSS). Other systems, such as autonomous cruise control (ACC), seek to replicate
human driving behaviour through partial control of the accelerator, while removing potential
hazards that may occur through driver misperception and reaction time. (Establishment of an
understanding of normative driver behaviour was recently ranked as the second most important
area for development out of 40 problem statements, by an expert human factors-AVCSS panel
(ITS America, 1997).)
It is clear then that a detailed understanding of this key process is now becoming increasingly
important as opportunities for using new techniques and technologies become available. This
paper therefore seeks to provide a systematic re-examination of these models, their calibration to
time-series data, and their evaluation.
2. Car-following models
2.1. Gazis±Herman±Rothery (GHR) model
The GHR model is perhaps the most well-known model and dates from the late ®fties and early
sixties. Its formulation is
an t cvmn t
Dv t ÿ T
Dxl t ÿ T
where an is the acceleration of vehicle n implemented at time t by a driver and is proportional
to, v the speed of the nth vehicle, Dx and Dv, the relative spacing and speeds, respectively between
the nth and n ÿ 1 vehicle (the vehicle immediately in front), assessed at an earlier time t ÿ T , where
T is the driver reaction time, and m, l and c are the constants to be determined.
The ®rst prototype car-following model that would eventually lead to this formula was put
forward in the late 50s by Chandler, Herman and Montroll (1958) at the General Motors research
labs in Detroit (at the same time as worked by Kometani & Sasaki, 1958, in Japan). This was
based on an intuitive hypothesis that a driver's acceleration was proportional to Dv, or deviation
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
from a set following distance, k ÿ Dx, which could itself be speed dependent. Initial calibration of
this model used wire-linked vehicles to examine the responses of 8 test subjects to a `realistic'
speed pro®le of a lead vehicle (which varied from 10 to 80 mph), over 30 min on a test track. The
analysis of the resulting data, assuming the presence of terms linear in both Dv and Dx led to two
conclusions. Firstly that Dx contributed little to the following relationship (with a high certainty,
r2 > 0:8) and hence could be rejected (producing a sub case of the GHR model with l m 0),
and secondly, that the scaling constant showed a high variation between subjects (0.17±0.74 s) as
did T (1.0±2.2 s).
Rapid development to this model subsequently followed, with Herman, Montroll, Potts and
Rothery (1959), suggesting that the dierence of the r2 value from unity for the Dv term may have
been due to spontaneous ¯uctuations in the drivers acceleration which were impossible to avoid.
They argued that the dierences were representative of the maximum amount of control a driver
was able to retain over the accelerator pedal, i.e., it would not be possible to apply exactly the
correct pressure to produce the desired acceleration. Test track experiments using four subjects at
a `constant speed' showed that this ¯uctuation was of the order of 0.01g (with a small standard
deviation of 2%), and was found to be speed independent. (Further details of this investigation
may be found in Montroll (1959)).
Gazis, Herman and Potts (1959) subsequently attempted to derive a macroscopic relationship
describing speed and ¯ow using the microscopic equation as a starting point. The mis-match
between the macroscopic relationship they obtained from the microscopic equation, and other
macroscopic relationships in use at the time, led to the hypothesis that the algorithm should be
amended by the introduction of a 1=Dx term into the sensitivity constant (c ! c=Dx), in order to
minimise the discrepancy between the two approaches. This now gave a model with m 0 and
l 1. Herman and Potts (1959) performed a new series of wire linked vehicle experiments in
order to calibrate the new formulation of the model, this time conducting tests on real roads in
3 of the main New York tunnels, using 11 subjects, over 4±16 runs, of on average, 4 min each.
Dx was varied from 15±50 m, and the data obtained produced a good ®t to the new
m 0; l 1 model, with r2 values ranging from 0.8 to 0.98, with an average reaction time of
T 1:2 s and the new c 19:8 (ft/s) (compared with a recalculated scalar from the ®rst experiment of 27.4).
Subsequently, Edie (1960) attempted to match the m 0; l 1 model to new macroscopic
data in a similar manner to Gazis, Herman and Potts, ®nding that another amendment should be
made to the sensitivity constant, namely, the introduction of the velocity dependant term. This
produced a new model with m 1 and l 1. This approach was used by Gazis, Herman and
Rothery (1961) to investigate the sensitivity of their macroscopic relationships, to variations in the
magnitude of the v and Dx terms, by introducing the general scaling constants m and l, respectively. Analysis based on 18 data sets found that all the combinations of m and l tested produced
very similar r2 values, with the most favourable combination falling between m 0±2, and l 1±2.
(Edie's formulation was shown to be better at low ¯ow due to its ability to predict a ®nite speed as
density approaches zero.) This investigation was the ®rst to propose that two separate relationships could be used in the description of trac ¯ow, one for non-congested, and one for congested
Several similar investigations occurred during the following 15 years, in the attempt to de®ne
the `best' combination of m and l. Among these the most notable are the following:
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
(a) May and Keller (1967), using new data sets, found optimal integer solutions of
m 1; l 3, (or assuming non-integer values, m 0:8 and l 2:8 with a scaling constant
of approx 1:33 10ÿ4 ).
(b) Heyes and Ashworth (1972), in an attempt to relate the generalised GHR model to the perceptual models being initially investigated at the time by Michaels (detailed later), produced a
relationship, where the stimulus is taken as Dv=Dx2 and the sensitivity constant as the time
headway DtP . This constant was evaluated using data from the Mersey tunnel in the UK as
0.8, essentially corresponding to an m ÿ0:8; l 1:2 model.
(c) Ceder and May (1976), using a far larger number of data sets than ever before, found an
optimum of m 0:6 and l 2:4. However, their main advance was in acknowledging the
`two regime' approach, that ®tted the observed data better than using a single relationship.
These relationships described behaviour in the uncongested regime by the use of
m 0 and l 3, and in congested conditions by m 0 and l 0±1.
The next advance in microscopic calibration was made by Treiterer and Myers (1974), who
used airborne ®lm footage of a ¯ow breakdown to monitor the paths of a large number of
vehicles, from which they extracted measurements of v and Dx. Again assuming that behaviour
may in some way be dierent according to what the driver is required to do, they split their
analysis to separately consider the acceleration and deceleration phases of car-following, determining that two diering relationships could exist, one (acceleration) with m 0:2; l 1:6,
and the other (deceleration) with m 0:7 and l 2:5. It is interesting to compare this with the
®nding of Hoefs (1972) who found m 1:5; l 0:9 for accelerating vehicles, m 0.2 and
l 0.9 for those decelerating without braking, and m 0:6; l 3:2 for those decelerating
using brakes, with a sensitivity constant that increases as one progresses throughout these
Ceder (1976, 1978) proposed yet another modi®cation to the GHR model (initially in order to
attain a better macroscopic ®t), in which the traditional sensitivity term of vm /Dx1 was replaced by
AÿS=Dx =Dx2 , where S is the jam spacing and A 0 in free ¯ow and between 1±10 in congested
conditions. In a later publication Ceder (1979) attempts to microscopically justify his assumptions, based on the belief that the GHR equation is incorrect because it could not reproduce the
`spiral trajectories' observed by Gordon (1971) and Hoefs (1972). (This is not actually the case and
spiral trajectories may be produced by the GHR model under suitable conditions.)
Since the late 70s' the GHR model has seen less and less frequent investigation and use, with
only two investigations being of note:
(a) Aron (1988) used an instrumented vehicle to collect data on car-following in a range of conditions in Paris. The data totals about 60 min, collected at an average speed of only 7 m/s and
spacing of 14 m. In analysis, he splits the responses into three phases, ®nding for deceleration,
c 2:45; m 0:655 and l 0:676, while for `steady state driving', c 2:67; m 0:26 and
l 0:5, and for acceleration c 2:46; m 0:14, and l 0:18.
(b) Lastly, Ozaki (1993) used 90 min of data extracted from video ®lm taken of a motorway
from the 32nd ¯oor of a city oce building. This gave a 160-m ®eld of view, and data were
obtained on the passage of a total of 2000 vehicles. He concluded that the optimum parameter
combinations are c 1:1; m 0:9 and l 1 for deceleration and c 1:1; m ÿ0:2 and l
0:2 for acceleration. It should be noted that with such a small ®eld of view it would only have
been possible to extract a time-series for each vehicle of <10 s.
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A summary of the varying parameter combinations to emerge from research on the `GHR'
equation is given in Table 1.
As we have seen, a great deal of work has been performed on the calibration and validation of
the GHR model. However, it is now being used less frequently, signi®cantly because of the large
number of contradictory ®ndings as to the correct values of m and l. This may be for two reasons.
Firstly, following behaviour is likely to vary with trac and ¯ow conditions, and microscopic
analysis at least con®rms this in part, e.g., Rockwell and Treiterer (1966). Secondly, many of the
empirical investigations have taken place at low speeds or in extreme stop start conditions, which
may not re¯ect more general car-following behaviour. Removing the results of these experiments
from Table 1 we produce in Table 2, the remaining experiments that may be considered to
Even within this reduced group there is a signi®cant spread of values, and the fact that analysis
within the ®rst two experiments did not consider their data in diering phases would mean that
the values obtained are in some sense averages. Next one should consider the experimental error
likely to be present in the latter two experiments, where data was collected using either aerial
Table 1
Summary of optimal parameter combinations for the `GHR' equationa
Chandler et al. (1958)
Gazis, Herman and Potts (1959)
Herman and Potts (1959)
Helly (1959)
Gazis et al. (1961)
May and Keller (1967)
Heyes and Ashworth (1972)
Hoefs (1972) (dcn no brk/dcn brk/acn)
Treiterer and Myers (1974) (dcn/acn)
Ceder and May (1976) (Single regime)
Ceder and May (1976) (uncgd/cgd)
Aron (1988) (dcn/ss/acn)
Ozaki (1993) (dcn/acn)
Key: dcn/acn: deceleration/acceleration; brk/no brk: deceleration with and without the use of brakes; uncgd/cgd:
uncongested/congested; ss: steady state.
Table 2
Most reliable estimates of parameters within the GHR modela
Chandler et al. (1958)
Herman and Potts (1959)
Hoefs (1972) (dcn no brk/dcn brk/acn)
Treiterer and Myers (1974) (dcn/acn)
Ozaki (1993) (dcn/acn)
Key: dcn/acn: deceleration/acceleration; brk/no brk: deceleration with and without the use of brakes.
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
techniques or data collected from a roof top. As the vehicle to be measured is such a long way
from the point of recording, its size within each frame of ®lm will be small, producing a large
inaccuracy in the measured values of distance and separation, which must give rise to a steadily
rising inaccuracy, that will be largest in the calculation of the resultant acceleration.
Thus, the only data which may be reliable may be that of Hoefs, which indicates that the
sensitivity of ones deceleration to one's own speed increases as the `importance' of the situation to
one's safety increases, and that the sensitivity to 1=Dx increases as does one's concern with making
progress (acceleration). These ®ndings regarding speed dependence are generally in agreement
with those of Treiterer and Myers, and Ozaki. However the ®ndings on the sensitivity to 1=Dx
dier considerably. The lack of conclusive evidence as to the behaviour of this equation has lead
to its general demise, although the model has been `resurrected' by Low and Addison (1995) who
have started to experiment with a GHR model c 0:3; m 0; l 1 with an additional term,
cubic in the distance between actual and desired separation c2 30. No calibration has been
performed on this model to date.
2.2. Safety distance or collision avoidance models (CA)
The original formulation of this approach dates to Kometani and Sasaki (1959). The base
relationship does not describe a stimulus-response type function as proposed by the GHR model,
but seeks to specify a safe following distance (through the manipulation of the basic Newtonian
equations of motion), within which a collision would be unavoidable, if the driver of the vehicle in
front were to act `unpredictably'. The full original formulation is as follows:
Dx t ÿ T av2nÿ1 t ÿ T bl v2n t bvn t b0 :
Data for calibration were generated by a pair of test vehicles driving on a city street, and
collected using a cine ®lm camera at the top of a roadside building. The observed road section
covered, 200 m and with an average speeds of <45 kph and a total of 22 test runs, it can be
deduced that about 310 s of data was available for analysis, with a resolution of 1/8 s. The best ®t
to the above relationship, which was quite sharply peaked at an r2 of 0.75, occurs for the following
parameter set:
Dx t ÿ 0:5 0:00028 ÿv2nÿ1 t ÿ 0:5 v2n t 0:585vn t 4:1:
A second experiment used a faster test track and speeds varied between 40 and 60 kph using 2
subjects, yielding best ®t parameters of T 0:75, b 0:78 and b1 ÿ0:0084 (40 times as large as
before), although it should be noted that in this case the best r2 for one of the subjects was 0.25
and 0.95 for the other.
The next major development of this model was made by Gipps (1981), in which he considered
several mitigating factors that the earlier formulation neglected. These were that drivers will allow
an additional `safety' reaction time equal to T/2, (it can be shown that this condition is sucient to
avoid a collision under all circumstances), and that the kinetic terms in the above formula are
related to braking rates of )1/2bn , bn the maximum braking rate that the driver of the nth vehicle
wishes to use, and )1/2b , b the maximum braking rate of the n ÿ 1th vehicle that the nth driver
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
believes is likely to be used. (Kometani's kinetic coecients would describe a situation in which
either driver is expected to brake at over 1700 m/s2 , although this may be because the experiment
was conducted at such a low speed, and that subjects may have been given instructions which
biased their driving behaviour.) Gipps oers no calibration of his parameters, but instead performed simulations using `realistic' values (bn b ÿ3 m/s2 ), ®nding that his model produced
realistic behaviour on the propagation of disturbances, both for a vehicle pair and for a platoon of
Since the developments by Gipps, the CA model continues to see widespread use in simulation
models. These include, the UK DoTs SISTM model (McDonald, Brackstone & Jeery, 1994), the
SPEACS model, used in Italy and France as part of the PROMETHEUS programme (e.g.,
Broqua, Lerner, Mauro & Morello, 1991), INTRAS and CARSIM in the USA (e.g., Benekohal &
Treiterer, 1989), and has recently seen use by Kumamoto, Nishi, Tenmoku and Shimoura (1995)
in Japan. Part of the attractiveness of this model is that it may be calibrated using common sense
assumptions about driver behaviour, needing (in the most part) only the maximal braking rates
that a driver will wish to use, and predicts other drivers will use, to allow it to fully function.
Although it produces acceptable results on, for example, comparing the simulated propagation of
disturbances against empirical data, there are a number of problems which cannot easily be
solved. For example, if one examines the `safe headway' concept, we see that this is not a totally
valid starting point, as in practice a driver may consider conditions several cars down stream,
basing his assumption of how hard the vehicle in front will decelerate on the `preview information' obtained.
2.3. Linear (Helly) models
Although the ®rst model suggested by Chandler, Herman and Montroll as the ®rst stage in the
development of the GHR equation was linear, this class of models is generally attributed to Helly
(1959). He proposed a model that included additional terms for the adaptation of the acceleration
according to whether the vehicle in front (and the vehicle two in front) was braking. We shall
return to these terms later, but the simpli®ed model is as follows:
an t C1 Dv t ÿ T C2 Dx t ÿ T ÿ Dn t;
Dn t a bv t ÿ T can t ÿ T ;
where D(t) is a desired following distance. Helly borrowed directly from earlier work in his determination of C1 , produced by data taken from 14 drivers, with the best ®t parameters almost all
being produced at r2 > 0:8, ranging from T 0:5±2.2 and C1 0.17±1.3, with averages of 0.75
and 0.5, respectively. Next C2 was estimated by setting the Dv and Dx terms to be equal and
opposite (producing no acceleration, i.e., free driving) when a vehicle detects a stationary object.
This produced a ®nal equation of
a 0:5Dv t ÿ 0:5 0:125 Dx t ÿ 0:5 ÿ Dn t;
Dn t 20 v t ÿ 0:5
(It is noteworthy that Helly commented that he believed that C1 in future investigations should be
made spacing dependant 1=Dx, and T speed dependant, essentially producing the m 0; l 1
GHR model).
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The next major calibration of this model was performed by Hanken and Rockwell (1967) and
Rockwell, Ernst and Hanken (1968), who conducted experiments on both `free roads' (where each
(of three) subjects experienced the same lead vehicle acceleration pattern), and on a congested
urban freeway, where the subject was exposed to real trac variations. Each of the three test runs
per subject were conducted over a 10-min period using a wire linked vehicle, similar to those used
by the earlier General Motors team. Each variable was sampled at 0.5 s intervals and experiments
were conducted over a speed range of 20±60 mph with headway varying from 40 to 250 ft.
Maximum r2 was found for a time delay of 2 s, and the resultant following equation found, by
partitioning the data, to be highly linear in nature.
a t T 0:016 0:058 Dx ÿ 134 0:498 vnÿ1 ÿ 31:6 ÿ 0:546 vn ÿ 31:6
0:058Dx 0:498Dv ÿ 0:048vnÿ1 ÿ 6:24:
Some noteworthy results are that the time delay in the relationship with the speed of the front
vehicle seems to decrease each time a run is made, giving some credence to the belief that some
form of anticipation occurs. Later simulations show that although the model describes low acceleration patterns quite well, it gives signi®cant errors when the magnitudes of the ¯uctuations
are increased, producing noticeably higher headways than those observed.
The Helly model was used again, in the mid seventies when Bekey, Burnham and Seo (1977)
attempted to derive a car-following model using traditional methods from the design of optimal
control systems. The calibration performed is based on tracking 125 vehicles over 4 min (500 min
total data) using the Ohio state aerial data (Treiterer & Myers, 1974). The model replicated
trajectories quite well, but was a little too smooth in the transition region between acceleration
and deceleration:
a t 0:1 1:64 x ÿ 1:14v 0:5v:
It was also noted that the exceptionally short response times were most probably due to `look
ahead' activity. This suggested that the driver assesses the behaviour of any two out of the three
vehicles ahead, as a basis for following decisions.
Aron (1988) investigated the model further (along with the GHR), and split his data into phases
of acceleration and deceleration. The dependence of the response to Dx was not found to change
much between the phases and was found to be almost constant at 0.03, while that for Dv ranged
from 0.36 for deceleration, through 1.1 in the steady state, to 0.29 for acceleration. More recently
Xing (1995) has proposed a complex new model, partially related to both the Helly and GHR
models, that contains four main terms, the ®rst for `standard' driving, the second for acceleration
from a standing queue, the third for the eect of a gradient (which can be ignored for our purposes), and the fourth for use in a free ¯ow regime where parameters for the ®rst term are reduced
Dx t ÿ T2 ÿ Dn v t ÿ T2
ÿ c sin h k vDes ÿ vn
Dx t ÿ T2 m
Dx t ÿ Tl
Dn v a0 a1 v a2 v2 a3 v3 :
Dv t ÿ T
The model was calibrated on aerial data taken on two separate days and observations made of
vehicles moving over a over 500-m section of road, however no mention is made of the total
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
number of vehicle minutes used in analysis. Earlier studies revealed that l m 0, reducing the
equation to
a 0:5Dv t ÿ 0:83 0:05 Dx t ÿ 3:43 ÿ Dn t ÿ 0:83;
Dn t 7 0:5v t
It should be noted that the distribution of the signi®cant parameters remaining have very high
standard deviations. This model gives an extremely good ®t to the observed trajectories, though
care should be taken when comparing this model with other Helly-like models, because of the
addition of the gradient term in the calibration. A summary of the varying parameter combinations to emerge from research on the `Helly' model is given in Table 3.
The criticisms applied to the GHR model can also be applied to the linear model, although
there are two dierences to note. Firstly there is a surprising degree of agreement between the
various values found for the magnitude of response to Dv, and in all cases the magnitude of response to Dx is some 4±10 times less than the GHR model. As Dx is explicitly present as a term
separate from v or Dv, we are also able to derive a desired distance relationship which is proportional to the closing speed divided by the speed, and which is consistent between researchers.
Helly, gives a desired distance of 1 20=v 1:2 s at typical speeds of 100 kph, while Hanken
and Rockwell give 0:8 103=v 1:8 s, Bekey, Burnham and Seo, 1.14 s and Xing,
0:5 7=v 0:7 s. Despite this advantage over the GHR model, the linear model has little more
general validity, either in form or in the degree of calibration obtained, with one of its few uses at
present being within the SITRA-B model which concentrates on low speed trac in urban networks (Aron, 1988).
A major strength of the Helly model, however, is the speci®c incorporation of `error', an element of the original formulation that is often overlooked. Here, the model may be implemented
such that once a speci®c acceleration/deceleration for a situation has been determined, the driver
will not reassess the required acceleration until Dx (or Dv) disagrees substantially with its expected
value, assuming a constant vnÿ1 . The estimated values are given as the sum of the actual value and
the results of multiplying `A' (an observation accuracy), by `R' (a random number between )1 and
1), and mod(Dx, (v) as appropriate). `Substantial' is de®ned as the condition where the magnitude
of the discrepancy between estimated and actual spacing exceeds `K ' times the Desired spacing,
with K and S related to acceleration noise, typically of the order of 0.25 and 0.125, respectively.
The algebra for this process is lengthy but reduces to
jRAjDx tD j t ÿ tD R0 A0 jDv tD k > KD ) t >
KD=AR ÿ Dx
Table 3
Summary of optimal parameter combinations for the `Helly' equationa
C1 (Dv)
C2 (Dx)
Helly (1959)
Hanken and Rockwell (1967)
Bekey, Burnham and Seo (1977)
Aron (1988) (dcn/ss/acn)
Xing (1995)
Key: dcn/acn: deceleration/acceleration; ss: steady state.
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
with, h, the apparent angle of the vehicle in front, a variable whose importance will become clear
in the next section.
2.4. Psychophysical or action point models (AP)
The ®rst discussion of the underlying factors that would eventually lead to the construction of
these models was given by Michaels (1963), who raised the concept that drivers would initially be
able to tell they were approaching a vehicle in-front, primarily due to changes in the apparent size
of the vehicle, by perceiving relative velocity through changes on the visual angle subtended by
the vehicle ahead h. The threshold for this perception is well-known in perception literature and
given as, d/dt Dv=Dx2 6 10ÿ4 . Once this threshold is exceeded, drivers will chose to decelerate until they can no longer perceive any relative velocity, and provided the threshold is not
then re-exceeded, will base all their actions on whether they can then perceive any changes in
This second, spacing-based threshold (generically termed an `action point') is particularly
relevant at close headways where speed dierences are always likely to be below threshold. Thus,
for any changes to be noticeable, Dx must change by a `just noticeable distance' (JND), related to
Webers Law, i.e., that the visual angle must change by a set percentage, typically 10%. It is also
noted that this threshold is 12% for the opening situation, which as a driver continually approaches and moves back from the vehicle in front, will lead to a gradual drifting apart. It is
important to state that in crossing this last threshold, the driver will set a determined acceleration/
deceleration and stay with it until they break another threshold, as the driver perceives no change
in conditions, or at very least, no change in the rate of change. (A detailed formulation may be
found in Lee & Jones, 1967). It is also likely that in this close-following area the driver is not fully
able to control the acceleration/deceleration of his vehicle due to the very ®ne adjustments required. Motion is therefore governed by the use of a minimum value, theoretically the same as
Montroll's acceleration noise concept (Montroll, 1959).
The next point in the development of these models came through a series of perception-based
experiments conducted in the early seventies, by researchers such as Evans and Rothery (1973),
aimed at quantifying the thresholds that Michaels had suggested. These experiments required
passengers in test vehicles to judge whether the gaps between themselves and the vehicle being
followed were opening or closing, allowing only a set time to observe the target and come to a
decision. In all, 1923 data points were collected for a response time of 1 s, and a further 247 for a
2 s exposure time, with analysis indicating that the chance of a correct judgement was likely to be
a function of v=Dx and the observation time. It was also noticed that the thresholds are subject to
a negative response bias which increases with Dx, hence leading people to believe they are gaining
on a vehicle when this is not actually the case. A review of the many investigations conducted in
these areas at that time can be found in Evans and Rothery (1977), where it is shown that the wide
body of research conducted on this topic during the seventies are all consistent from a statistical
point of view.
The individual properties of these thresholds were ®rst combined into a fully working simulation model by sta at IfV Karlsruhe in Germany and has been in progress continually since (for
a review see Leutzbach & Wiedemann, 1986). (Other similar models have also been produced by
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
Burnham & Bekey, 1976; Lee, 1976, and more recently by Kumamoto et. al., 1995). The integrated model consists of the main thresholds as discussed above with the following:
(i) a relative speed threshold for the perception of `closing', ÿ3:1 10ÿ4 Dx,
(ii) thresholds for the perception of opening (OPDV) and closing (CLDV) for small relative
speeds (using Wiedemann's terminology (Wiedemann & Reiter, 1992)) of OPDV ÿ5:2
10ÿ4 and CLDV 6:9 10ÿ4 Dx respectively,
(iii) thresholds for perceiving increases and decreases in distance, 2:5 2:5v1=2 and 2:5 3:8v1=2 ,
Recent work by Reiter (1994) using an instrumented vehicle to measure the action points has
resulted in the amendment of some of these parameters, ®nding that CLDV and OPDV have a
totally dierent functional form, namely: CLDV ÿ0:15 8:5 10ÿ4 Dx and 0:05 41:5
10ÿ4 Dx.
It is dicult to come to a ®rm conclusion as to the validity of these models, as although the
entire system would seem to simulate behaviour acceptably, calibration of the individual elements
and thresholds has been less successful. For example, since the sixties (with the exception of Reiter
and macroscopic validation of model output by Fellendorf & Hoyer, 1997) little research work
has been undertaken on the concepts involved in these models with the express intention of
contributing to the compilation of a coherent model of driving behaviour. It is dicult therefore
to either prove or disprove the validity of this model, although the basis upon which it is built is
undoubtedly the most coherent, and best able to describe most of the features that we see in
everyday driving behaviour. This approach, and derivatives of it, are now in use in the MISSION
model (used in the CECs DRIVE1 programme, Wiedemann & Reiter, 1992), the related AS model
used in the PROMETHEUS and fourth framework programmes (Benz, 1994) in Germany, along
with recent advances being made by Fritzsche (1994) at Daimler Benz, and incorporation into
PARAMICS-CM model in the UK, Cameron (1995).
2.5. Fuzzy logic-based models
The use of fuzzy logic within car-following models is worthy of mention as the latest distinct
`stage' in their development, as it represents the next logical step in attempting to accurately
describe driver behaviour. Such models typically divide their inputs into a number of overlapping
`fuzzy sets' each one describing how adequately a variable ®ts the description of a `term'. For
example, a set may be used to describe and quantify what is meant by the term `too close', where
for example a separation of less than 0.5 s is de®nitely `too close' and thus has a degree of truth or
`membership' of 1, while, a separation of 2 s is not close and is given a membership of 0, and
intermediate values are said to exhibit `degrees' of truth and have diering (fractional) degrees of
membership. Once de®ned, it is possible to relate these sets via logical operators to equivalent
fuzzy output sets (e.g., IF `close' AND `closing' THEN `brake'), with the actual course of action
being assessed from the modal value of the output set, calculated as the sum of all the potential
The initial use of this method (Kikuchi & Chakroborty, 1992) attempted to `fuzzify' the traditional GHR model using Dx; Dv and anÿ1 , as inputs, grouping these into 6, 6 and 12 natural
language based sets. respectively. Each of these sets were taken to be triangular, and the Dx set
was scaled according to vnÿ1 in order to incorporate a measure of time headway. The consequence
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
of their rule base is that vehicle `n' will accelerate at the same rate as n ÿ 1, plus a small term to
account for Dv and Dx. Each term from the fuzzy inference is of the form:
IFDx `ADEQUATE' THEN an;i Dvi anÿ1;i x T =c;
with T ( 1) the reaction time and c 2:5 the time in which the driver wishes to `catch up' with
vehicle n ÿ 1. If Dx 6 ADEQUATE then the response is altered by sliding the membership
function (making it larger or smaller) according to the degree of deviation from ADEQUATE.
For each deviation to a shorter distance, ai was reduced by ÿ0:3 m/s2 and, for each deviation to a
longer distance, it was increased by a similar amount. Thus
an;i Dvi anÿ1;i xT =c 0:3Dx :
The model was then used to illustrate how the fuzzy logic system can be used to describe carfollowing, with, most importantly, local stability examined for a con®guration of Dx 40 m, and
anÿ1 ÿ2:4 m=s2 from a speed of 13.3 m/s for 2 s in one case, and of ÿ3:6 m/s2 from 15.8 m/s in
the second, and compared with traditional GHR results. It was demonstrated that the GHR
model would produce diering headways according to the rate of deceleration and hence ®nal
speed. This is clearly in contradiction to what would be expected in practice. Additionally, the
®nal following distance was shown to be dependant only on ®nal speed, regardless of the original
following distance or original speed. Although the model generally re¯ects the changes expected,
its formulation is unrealistic for two reasons. The acceleration of a vehicle can be detected (it is
highly debatable whether this is possible), and it has been found from the Helly model that any
linear dependence on Dx is exceedingly small.
More recent work in this area includes that by Rekersbrink (1995), in fuzzifying the MISSION
model, Yikai, Satoh, Itakura, Honda and Satoh (1993), formulating the MIcroscopic model for
analysing TRAc jaM (MITRAM) model, and work by Henn (1995). However, none of these
approaches have attempted to calibrate the most important part of the model itself, the membership sets, which have only recently been investigated using on road subjectivity tests by
Brackstone, McDonald and Wu (1997).
3. Concluding remarks
In the preceding section we have seen that the study of car-following models has been extensive,
with conceptual bases supported by empirical data, but generally limited by the lack of time-series
following behaviour. In many cases work has also been accomplished in investigation of model
stability and the implications of each of the relationships to macroscopic ¯ow characteristics. It is
highly tempting to attempt to increase the realism of a chosen model by attempting to incorporate
`motivational' or attitudinal factors that may be able to explain the dierences between drivers.
There is certainly a body of evidence to support this suggestion (e.g., Howell, 1971; Gulian,
Matthews, Glendon, Davies & Debney, 1989). However, there is little evidence to relate such
features to observable `dynamic' behaviour.
This pursuit of such model amendments and expansion does however, tend to distract from
potentially the most important consensus that it is possible to draw from the above sections ±
namely, that although meaningful `one o' experiments have been performed to calibrate models
M. Brackstone, M. McDonald / Transportation Research Part F 2 (1999) 181±196
or features of models, little concerted work has been performed since the early sixties on the
establishment of a `complete' (basic) driver model.
With the increased interest in in-vehicle driving aids however, several vehicle manufacturers are
now investing heavily in this area (e.g., Allen, Magdeleno, Sera®n, Eckert & Sieja, 1997), but
although undoubted progress is now being made, full availability of ®ndings to the scienti®c
community as a whole is not likely through commercial reasons. With the establishment of this
area as a potential priority for further funding by US DoT research however (ITS America, 1997),
and the establishment of a speci®c TRB task force regarding data needs (under Group A3A11) it
is hoped that this area will soon receive long overdue attention. Systematic testing procedures and
evaluation programmes have also generally been overlooked. Certainly a number of review activities have been undertaken in recent years regarding simulation model capability both in the US
(Skabardonis, 1998) and in the EU (Brackstone & McDonald, 1991; SMARTEST, 1997), but
with only a few exceptions (e.g., Benekohal, 1991; Bleile, 1997; McDonald, Brackstone & Sultan,
1998) little has been accomplished in establishing a concrete set of metrics which may be used to
judge the performance of a model.
The evolution of car-following models therefore has clearly been slow, and although many
would argue that they are suciently valid for the purposes for which we require them, there is a
growing belief that this is not the case. Certainly there are potential pitfalls awaiting the unwary in
the use of microscopic models (for an examination see, Brackstone & McDonald, 1996), and it is
hoped that this article has in part expanded the understanding of the scienti®c community of the
variety, and limitations of the tools available to them, and that this may increase care and overall
scienti®c validity with which this area is approached in future.
The research undertaken in this paper was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (Contract No. GR/K77624) in the UK.
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