Journal of Ecology 2015, 103, 451–458
doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12364
Lichen traits responding to aridity
n4, Isabel Martınez4, Alice Nunes1,2,
Paula Matos1,2, Pedro Pinho1,3, Gregorio Arago
Amadeu M. V. M. Soares2 and Cristina Branquinho1*
^ ncias, Universidade de Lisboa,
CE3C Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Faculdade de Cie
rio de
Campo Grande, C2, Piso 5, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal; Departamento de Biologia CESAM, Campus Universita
Santiago, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal; CERENA-Centre for Natural Resources and the
cnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal; and
Environment, Instituto Superior Te
n, ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, c/Tulipa
n s.n., 28933 Mo
stoles, Spain
Area de Biodiversidad y Conservacio
1. Climate change is expected to cause several impacts at the global scale, and drylands will be amongst the
most affected areas. Thus, investigating how these changes will affect the composition, structure and functioning of dryland ecosystems has become a priority. From an ecological indicator point of view, several works
have shown that functional diversity is better than species richness to understand ecosystem functioning or
response to environmental factors. However, most of these works focus on plants, while those of other organisms remain largely unknown. Lichens are amongst the ecosystem components more sensitive to climatic
changes due to several physiological and ecological characteristics. Their poikilohydric nature (therefore highly
dependent on the atmosphere for water supply) and their ubiquity on terrestrial ecosystems underlie their potential as indicators of climate. Nonetheless, works specifically aiming to identify lichen functional traits that
respond to aridity remain poorly explored, particularly in drylands.
2. We proposed to identify lichen functional traits and respective functional groups responding to aridity in a
Mediterranean drylands ecosystem.
3. Lichen diversity was sampled in open holm oak woodlands along an aridity gradient in SW Europe (Iberian
Peninsula). Lichen functional traits that could be easily identified and related to water uptake were selected to
be tested: type of photobiont, growth form and reproduction strategy.
4. Lichen species composition was related to the aridity gradient. The three traits chosen were related with the
community’s response to aridity, but with contrasting responses in different functional groups. More specifically
crustose and fruticose lichens, isidiate species and the ones with Trentepohlia as photobiont were related to the
less arid part of the gradient. Foliose species and cyanolichens, on the contrary, were associated with the most
arid areas.
5. Synthesis. We were able to identify lichen traits responding to aridity. Type of photobiont was particularly
responsive, with Trentepohlia and cyanobacteria functional groups, responding clearly in contrasting ways to
aridity in this drylands ecosystem. This work emphasizes functional diversity role on understanding and assessing the response to environmental factors, namely to climate. It also highlights the potential use of lichen functional groups as ecological indicators of climate change.
Key-words: determinants of plant community diversity and structure, drylands, functional response
groups, growth form, photobiont type, reproduction type, semi-arid
Drylands cover 41% of terrestrial ecosystems (Reynolds et al.
2007) and concentrate around 38% of world population
(IPCC 2007). Within dryland ecosystems, semi-arid and dry–
subhumid together share 29.7% of world population representing 23.9% of land surface (IPCC 2007), with dryland
rangelands accounting for 50% of the world’s livestock
(MEA 2005). These extremely important socio-ecological
*Correspondence author. E-mail:
areas (Maestre, Salguero-G
omez & Quero 2012) are highly
susceptible to climate change (IPCC 2007). For this reason,
research on how global change will affect the composition,
structure and functioning of dryland ecosystems and how in
turn these changes will impair the wide range of services they
provide (as the example given for livestock) and which support people livelihood and well-being has been considered a
priority by scientific community (IPCC 2007).
From an ecological indicator perspective, several works
have shown that functional diversity is better than species
richness to understand ecosystem functioning or response to
© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society
452 P. Matos et al.
environmental factors, as it takes into account the redundancy
of species in ecosystems and includes the information of species functional traits (Lavorel et al. 2011). Functional traits
are characteristics of an organism considered to be relevant to
its response to the environment and/or its effects on ecosystem functioning and its value and range in a given ecosystem
are, by definition, a measure of its functional diversity (Dı́az
& Cabido 2001). Functional diversity is currently regarded as
a crucial component within the ones affecting ecosystem services provision (Dıaz et al. 2006; de Bello et al. 2010). In
fact, a framework linking response and effect traits – the
response–effect framework – has been used to predict changes
in ecosystem services (Lavorel & Garnier 2002). However,
much of these promising results have been focusing on functional characteristics of plants, while those of other organisms
remain largely unknown (Lavorel 2013).
Lichens are amongst the most sensitive organisms to environmental changes, signalling it before other less sensitive
components of the ecosystems (Pinho et al. 2009, 2011,
2014). For that reason, they have long been used as ecological indicators. The use of lichen sensitivity to map air pollution (De Sloover & LeBlanc 1968), or to estimate SO2
deposition (Hawksworth & Rose 1970) and the first signs of
SO2 decay (Rose & Hawksworth 1981), are just some of the
striking examples of its historical use as ecological indicators
of air pollution. Currently, works have also shown that they
respond to global warming (Aptroot & Van Herk 2007; Ellis
et al. 2007; Colesie et al. 2014). This sensitivity is related to
their physiological characteristics. Lichens are a symbiotic
association between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner
and exist in a variety of land ecosystems, ranging from Antarctica to the deserts. These organisms are poikilohydric,
meaning that they cannot regulate their water content, which
fluctuates to be in equilibrium with the surrounding environment (Green, Sancho & Pintado 2011). This external water
dependence ultimately regulates their physiological activity,
as wet environmental conditions hydrate and activate them,
while under dry environmental conditions, they become inactive (Green, Sancho & Pintado 2011). Even though they are
usually considered as slow-growing organisms, this dependence on the atmosphere enables them to respond to a climate
shift on a time interval as short as 5 years placing them
within the most sensitive responding to climate change (Aptroot & Van Herk 2007), which usually considers a time-scale
of around 30 years. Nonetheless, although some works have
been carried out in cold regions (Antarctica mainly) relating
temperature gradients with species richness of lichens and
other poikilohydric organisms (hepatics and bryophytes)
(Green et al. 2011) or using lichenometry (Sancho, Allan
Green & Pintado 2007) under the current context of climate
change, very few works have used them specifically as indicators of macro and microclimate (Giordani & Incerti 2008;
Pinho, Maguas & Branquinho 2010; Marini, Nascimbene &
Nimis 2011; Giordani et al. 2012, 2013; Colesie et al. 2014).
However, works specifically aiming to identify lichen functional traits that respond to aridity remain poorly explored,
particularly in drylands.
The objective of this work was to identify lichen key functional traits and respective functional groups that respond to
aridity in a drylands ecosystem. We focused on how lichen
composition varied along an aridity gradient, and how lichen
functional diversity responded to this environmental driver,
trying to identify the most relevant response traits to this
response [a set of organisms sharing similar responses to the
environment (Dı́az & Cabido 2001)]. This was performed by
sampling epiphytic lichens in south-west Mediterranean
Europe along an aridity gradient within the semi-arid and on
the border of its transition to the dry–subhumid.
Materials and methods
The study was carried out in SW Europe (Iberian Peninsula), comprising 54 sampling sites distributed along Portugal and Spain. Lichen
diversity was always sampled in open holm oak woodland, known as
Montado in Portugal or Dehesa in Spain. Montado is a man-shaped
savanna like ecosystem (agro–forestry–pastoral system) with a sparse
tree cover (30–100 trees per ha) dominated by evergreen oaks (holm
oak, Quercus ilex L., and/or cork oak, Quercus suber L.) (Pereira &
Da Fonseca 2003; Bugalho et al. 2011). Grasslands, fallows and cereal crops compose its understorey and are sometimes scattered with
mixed shrub formations (Pereira & Da Fonseca 2003; Bugalho et al.
2011). Sampling was performed along an aridity gradient across the
semi-arid and up to the dry–subhumid climate (Fig. 1). We considered the aridity index (AI) of the United Nations (Atlas 1992), representing the ratio of mean annual precipitation to mean annual
potential evapotranspiration. According to the UNEP classification,
drylands are tropical and temperate areas with an AI < 0.65 and subdivided into four classes: hyper-arid (AI < 0.05), arid
(0.05 < AI < 0.20), semi-arid (0.20 < AI < 0.50) and dry–subhumid
(0.50 < AI<0.65). The gradient in our work was established within
the semi-arid and ranged between 0.3 and 0.5.
Lichen epiphyte communities were sampled on holm oak (Q. ilex L.)
trees following a standard protocol (Asta et al. 2002). In each of the
54 sampling sites, a plot was established of c. 50 m radius and a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 trees were sampled (according to
the number of suitable phorophytes found at each plot), with a total
of 345 trees. A 10 cm 9 50 cm grid divided in 4 10-cm squares was
placed on the four main aspects of the trunk (N, E, S, W), and all
lichen species occurring in the quadrats were identified, and the number of quadrats where each species appeared was registered as its frequency. The uppermost part of the sampling grid was placed at 1.5 m
from the ground following a standard protocol (Asta et al. 2002) and
that height was adjusted to a maximum of two metres height when
the trunk at the desired height was not suitable for sampling. When
the identification was not possible in the field, samples were collected
and taken to the laboratory for identification.
A total of 161 species were identified and classified according to
three traits (see Table S1 in Supporting Information). In Southern
Europe, most works based their functional groups classification on the
© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 103, 451–458
Lichen traits responding to aridity 453
Fig. 1. Map of the study area showing
sampling sites and the aridity index (AI)
Italian data base (Nimis & Martellos 2008), as there is no international data base with lichen species traits as in the case of plants
(Kattge et al. 2011). This data base classifies species into response
traits (e.g. eutrophication tolerance or light preferences) according to
expert knowledge based on ecological performance and has been
shown to work well for responses to nitrogen (Pinho et al. 2011).
However, as it is a national data base, not all species of Europe are
included. For this reason, to make trait analysis independent of expert
judgment assessment and geographical area, we selected photobiont
type, growth form and main type of reproduction (Table 1). These are
easily measurable lichen traits, that do not need identification to the
species level, an important feature when there is a need for universal
ecological indicators. Trait classification for each species was
retrieved from the Italian lichen data base (Nimis & Martellos 2008).
Information on species not present in this data base was taken from
the Iberian Lichen Flora (Llop 2007; Giralt 2010; Carvalho 2012) and
from The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland (Smith et al. 2009).
Data were used to calculate the LDV index (Lichen Diversity
Value) that accounts for species frequency (Asta et al. 2002), and it
is presented as the mean value for each species of all the trees sampled per sampling site (sampling sites 9 species LDV). This species
abundance measure was combined with species trait data to obtain
the community-level weighted mean (CWM) (Lavorel et al. 2008)
(see Table 1 for traits and respective functional groups). This index
represents the mean trait value (i.e. mean for each of its respective
functional groups) in the community, weighted by the abundance of
species having those values (Lavorel et al. 2008). It is actually the
same as relative LDV calculated for groups of species sharing the
same trait value. The ‘dbFD’ function implemented in the FD package
(Laliberte & Legendre 2010) of CRAN software R (R Core Team
2013) was used to calculate the CWMs indexes.
Statistical analyses were performed using CRAN software R (R Core
Team 2013) with VEGAN package (Oksanen et al. 2013) (functions
‘metaMDS’, ‘envfit’ and ‘protest’) and STATISTICA 11 (StatSoft, Tulsa,
OK, USA). Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination
was performed on a matrix of sampling sites by species LDV to
detect prominent gradients in species composition. When using data
sets that include large gradients, species LDV values may vary greatly
in absolute values due to local site characteristics unrelated to the
environmental gradient of interest, biasing results and impairing comparisons. To solve this problem, species LDV values were relativized
prior to the analysis and were used as % of total LDV of the sample,
in a similar way as CWMs are calculated. Lichenicolous fungi and
species identified only to genus level and without complete information on the three traits were excluded from the analysis. For the
NMDS analysis, Bray–Curtis distance measure was used, as it has
been shown to be one of the most effective measures of samples of
species dissimilarities, and for this reason, the one recommended for
community data (McCune, Grace & Urban 2002). Data underwent
500 iterations per run, and the best (lowest stress) solution from 500
runs with real data was chosen, each run beginning with a random
configuration. The strength of the results was assessed comparing our
resulting ordination with the ordination of 500 runs of randomized
data (data randomized by column), using the ‘protest’ function that
tests for the non-randomness (significance) between two configurations. The coefficients of determination (r2) between original plot distances and distances in the final ordination solution were calculated to
assess how much variability in lichen community composition was
represented by the NMDS axes (McCune, Grace & Urban 2002). AI
and CWMs were overlaid in the NMDS ordination (McCune, Grace
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454 P. Matos et al.
Table 1. Traits and related functional groups following (Nimis & Martellos 2008)
Functional group
Type of primary
With Chloroccocoid (Green algae)
With Trentepohlia (Green algae)
With Cyanobacteria
Firmly and entirely attached to the
substrate by the lower surface
Like crustose but with a plate-like form
Like crustose but surface thallus with a
granular mass appearance and always decorticated
Composed of small scales
Partly attached to the substrate with a
leaf-like form and narrow lobes
Same as Foliose narrow-lobed but with broad lobes
3D-like structure, attached by one point to the
substrate with the rest of the thallus standing
out from the surface of the substrate
Same as fruticose but with filamentous form
Mainly with soredia or soredia-like structures
Manly with isidia or isidia-like structures
Mainly sexual reproduction by spores
Growth form
Crustose placodioid
Foliose narrow-lobed
Foliose broad-lobed
Type of
Fruticose filamentous
Asexual sorediate
Asexual isidiate
& Urban 2002), and significant correlations between community ordination and these variables were assessed using 1000 permutations
(e.g. Jimenez et al. 2011). Correlation between individual NMDS site
scores and AI and CWMs were also determined using Spearman correlations (q), to account for possible nonlinearity in the relationships
(correlations were considered significant for P < 0.05).
The NMDS ordination joint plot shows species distribution in
Fig. 2. This analysis suggested two axes (the addition of a
third axis had only a slight reduction in minimum stress) with
a final stability of 15.46. Minimum stress of the ordination
was lower than would be expected by chance (P = 0.33).
Most of the variability in lichen community structure was
explained by axis 1 (r2 = 0.42), whereas axis 2 explained less
variability (r2 = 0.27, Fig. 2). First axis site scores of the
NMDS showed to be significantly correlated to the AI (Spearman q = 0.67, P < 0.001), which is assumed to be hereafter
the main driver of species ordination. Axis 2 site scores were
not correlated to the AI (Spearman q = 0.14) and because this
was our environmental variable of interest, axis 2 was discarded from further analysis.
Some functional group vectors (belonging to all the traits
considered) were significantly correlated to the ordination solution and are shown in Fig. 2. Besides determining the correlation between functional groups and NMDS ordination, we also
investigated the individual correlations between functional
groups and NMDS axis 1 site scores, to establish the isolated
effect of our main driver (Table 2). Concerning the type of
photobiont, lichens with Trentepohlia and cyanolichens were
associated to axis 1 of the ordination; the first ones associated
to sites with lower aridity, while the opposite is observed for
cyanolichens. Also the type of growth form responded to the
gradient: crustose and fruticose species were associated to most
humid area of the gradient, contrasting with foliose and squa-
Fig. 2. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis of species composition. Vectors represent significant correlations between
community composition and environmental (AI) and functional variables (community-level weighted mean). Only vectors with a significant correlation with the ordination (P < 0.05) and a significant
Spearman correlation (P < 0.05) with individual axis 1 site scores
(Table 2) are represented to prevent crowding: AI = Aridity index
(r2 = 0.56, P = 0.001); Tr = lichens with Trentepohlia (r2 = 0.45,
P = 0.001); Cy = cyanolichens (r2 = 0.45, P = 0.001); Cr = crustose
(r2 = 0.61, P = 0.001); Fob = foliose broad-lobed (r2 = 0.47,
P = 0.001); Sq = squamulose (r2 = 0.52, P = 0.001); Fr = fruticose
(r2 = 0.56, P = 0.001); Ai = Asexual isidiate (r2 = 0.47, P = 0.001).
Names indicate species’ centroids (i.e. species scores along axes 1 and
2) and colours refer to the type of primary photobiont (Tr = orange,
Gr = green, Cy = blue). (Final stress = 15.46, rmse = 5e 6, max
resid = 2e 5, stress-based R2 = 0.98, fit-based R2 = 0.89.) First axis
explains 42% of the variability and the second 27%.
mulose species which were associated to the most arid areas.
Regarding the type of reproduction, species with isidia showed
to be related to the most arid part of the gradient.
© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 103, 451–458
Lichen traits responding to aridity 455
Table 2. Summary of Spearman correlations (q) between non-metric
multidimensional scaling ordination axis 1 and community-level
weighted mean of trait values (functional groups). N = 54
Functional groups
Type of primary photobiont
Type of growth form
Reproduction type
Bold values represent significant correlations (P < 0.05).
Lichen species composition reflected the aridity gradient and
allowed the identification of key traits and respective functional groups responding to this driver.
Considering the photosynthetic strategy, different photobiont types showed different responses to aridity. Chloroccocoid
algae lichens showed no correlation with species composition
along the aridity gradient, probably due to the fact that 83%
(134 species) of the species found belong to this group and
can be divided into the remaining traits and almost all of its
respective functional groups, thus corresponding to a variety
of functional traits combination that compromises its use as
an indicator group for this range of aridity. On the other
hand, lichens with Trentepohlia were associated with the less
arid areas of the gradient. These species have their optimum
in shaded, warm–humid conditions, reason why they are
mostly found in subtropical to tropical conditions (Nimis &
Tretiach 1995). This combined sensitivity to relative air
humidity and temperature may be the reason why they
appeared in less arid sites. These sites are closer to the sea,
under an Atlantic influence, thus characterized by higher air
moisture contents, which favour Trentepohlia lichen species.
In fact, the same pattern was found in a work that highlighted
a photobiont-dependent response to climate in a large-scale
pattern of epiphyte lichen species richness in Italy (Marini,
Nascimbene & Nimis 2011). In their work, high species richness of Trentepohlia lichens was associated with warmer,
wetter regions or under maritime influence, while continental
areas sustained less species with this functional group, which
almost disappeared in inner cold alpine regions (Marini,
Nascimbene & Nimis 2011). Lichens having cyanobacteria as
a photobiont were also correlated to the aridity gradient, but
associated with the most arid areas. It is long known that
cyanolichens need liquid water to activate photosynthesis
(Lange et al. 1993; Green, Sancho & Pintado 2011) and also
that they are regarded as highly sensitive to dry conditions
(Pinho, Maguas & Branquinho 2010). In fact, it is not
difficult to find references in literature strongly relating cyanolichens occurrence to sites with elevated air moisture contents (Jovan & McCune 2004). Still, most of these were
carried out in temperate zones and with a large part of the
species forming this functional group characterized as foliose
broad-lobed (the emblematic macro cyanolichen species).
Thus, one would not expect to find them associated to more
arid conditions. However, several works have shown that not
only they exist, but they are also common and ubiquitous in
udel & Lange 2001; Rogers 2006; Zedda
dry lands (Belnap, B€
et al. 2011; Giordani et al. 2013), and even increase with
increasing aridity (Concostrina-Zubiri et al. 2014). The disparate results can be justified by the fact that cyanolichens associated to drier areas form a group of small-sized species with
dark pigmentation (Zedda et al. 2011) that has been linked to
semi-arid regions (Rogers 2006; Zedda et al. 2011; Giordani
et al. 2013). In fact, a work on the three main hydration
sources models for lichens (rain, dew and humid air) (Gauslaa
2014), showed forest cyanolichens responding to rain, as
expected, and to a less extent to dew, this later ones corresponding spatially to arid regions. The extreme resistance of
cyanobacteria to dry conditions has long been the subject of
research, and even a book on the ecology Nostoc species, the
one present in these dark coloured cyanolichens, is long
known (Dodds, Gudder & Mollenhauer 1995; Seckbach
2007; Sand-Jensen & Jespersen 2012). Yet, besides the fact
that the dark pigmentation can act as a protection mechanism
(Gauslaa & Solhaug 2001; McEvoy, Gauslaa & Solhaug
2007) and that their lower temperature limit is around 0 °C
(Green et al. 2011), not much is known about the reasons
underlying cyanolichens capacity to withstand higher temperatures, intensive solar radiations and lower atmospheric moisture contents. Further work is needed to understand why these
dark pigmented cyanolichens respond in such a different way
from the non-dark pigmented ones and what traits could be
involved in this different behaviour. More importantly, this
work highlights the importance of considering these two functional groups of cyanolichens separately in works dealing
with the influence of climate.
Regarding growth form trait, crustose and foliose functional
groups were associated to the aridity gradient, the crustose
preferring lower aridity and the foliose (mainly the broadlobed but less pronouncedly the narrow-lobed ones) associated to higher aridity sites. The same pattern was found in
Italy in response to rainfall gradients, where crustose species
were found to be associated with plots with higher precipitation (Giordani et al. 2012). Also in Scotland, foliose species
showed to become less frequent in stands from wetter localities, reflecting a climatic gradient across Scotland, from the
wet and oceanic Atlantic seaboard to the drier and more continental north-east (Ellis & Coppins 2006). Fruticose species
were associated to sites with lower aridity. This functional
group is usually regarded as indicator of light-related factors
caused by forest structure, like canopy openness, as light is
usually their most limiting factor (Giordani et al. 2012; Li,
Liu & Li 2013) and is commonly known to be bound to more
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456 P. Matos et al.
humid conditions (Belnap, B€udel & Lange 2001; Giordani
et al. 2013). In our sampling sites, forest structure and thus
canopy openness and light conditions were more or less even
(all sites in Montado with similar structure). Thus, air moisture content in sites with higher aridity values (with an Atlantic influence) may be the determinant factor linking fruticose
species as indicators of this part of the gradient.
Regarding the reproduction trait, only mainly asexual species with isidia showed to be associated with the aridity gradient. Isidia are corticated diaspores, variable in size and shape,
whose dispersal is favoured by water run-off, as its heavy
structure probably makes them less efficient for dispersal than
soredia or spores (Giordani et al. 2013). Accordingly, most of
recent genetic and population studies have focused on these
species dispersal ability, establishment and survival (Scheidegger, Frey & Zoller 1995; Zoller, Frey & Scheidegger
2000). Although, to our knowledge, its relation with climate
has not been directly addressed, a work with Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) (Martınez et al. 2012) showed a higher frequency
and abundance of isidia upon tree trunks closer to the canopy,
where microclimatic conditions are harsher (higher radiation
and temperature, lower humidity). Some authors have pointed
out that important changes may occur in species with a dense
cover of isidia (Jahns 1984). More isidia cover could modify
thallus water absorption (Rikkinen 1997) and water-holding
capacity (Tretiach et al. 2005) in a way similar to trichomas
in plants. This may be a possible explanation for why these
species appear associated with the most arid areas in our gradient, as this characteristic may represent an improvement of
water absorption and water-holding capacity.
In conclusion, the three traits chosen showed to be relevant
to the response to aridity. Type of photobiont appears particularly promising, namely Trentepohlia, as seen in previous
works (Aptroot & Van Herk 2007), and cyanobacteria functional groups, responding clearly in contrasting ways to aridity. This work emphasizes once again the role of functional
diversity on understanding and assessing the response to environmental factors, as previous works did (Lavorel et al. 2011)
and brings a fresh new insight to this area of research from a
less known group of organisms, a gap of knowledge that had
been pointed out before (Lavorel 2013). This first community-level approach based on traits that require minimum
expert knowledge worked well, showing its potential to be
further developed and applied in the future. Understanding
key functional traits associated to aridity is a fundamental step
to build up a model of ecological indicators of climate change
for drylands (Maestre, Salguero-Gomez & Quero 2012).
These results highlight lichen functional diversity potential for
areas where shifts towards drier climatic conditions are
expected to occur, opening new doors for future research in
this area. Nonetheless, future work should focus on the search
for other functional groups that may also be potential candidates of ecological indicators of climate change in drylands.
This work was limited to a single environmental variable,
the AI, which has some limitations to its use as it does not
account for other forms of precipitation such as mist, clouds,
dew or fog, which could be more important in ecological
terms for this group. These sources of hydration are all
known to be important for lichens and connected to the patterns of functional variation in growth form and type of
photobiont, as a recent work highlighted (Gauslaa 2014).
Large-scale ecological studies have to rely on the available
data at a large scale, and it is widely known and accepted that
the existent precipitation models are limited in terms of spatial resolution, relative air humidity models are rarely available and models for dew, mist or fog are inexistent at a
global scale. This work emphasizes that even using a variable
with such limitations, it is possible to explain a significant
part of the functional diversity pattern observed, revealing its
potential for a wide-scale use. Nonetheless, future research on
other functional traits and groups responding to aridity gradients should also contemplate including, when available, other
environmental variables known to be important in lichen ecology. Additionally, in this context of global change, an important challenge to future research will be to disentangle the
effects of climate drivers from other major drivers of global
change in drylands, such as nitrogen deposition, to access its
independent effects and its interactions.
This work was supported by FCT-MEC through: project PTDC/AAC-CLI/
104913/2008 and LTER/BIA-BEC/0048/2009; P.M. by contract SFRH/BD/
51419/2011; P.P. by contract SFRH/BPD/75425/2010; A.N. by contract SFRH/
BD/51407/2011; C.B. by contract Investigator FCT.
Data accessibility
Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository:
dryad.vn2sh (Matos et al. 2015).
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Received 2 October 2014; accepted 15 December 2014
Handling Editor: Susan Schwinning
Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article:
Table S1. List of lichen species and trait values.
© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 103, 451–458