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Just some Cash flows
InCircolo Vol. 16 (Dicembre 2023): 269-277, 2023
The Italien Online-Journal "In Circulo" invited a paper about my experiences teaching and researching in Shanghai (2015-2018). I combine that report with some intercultural reflections on the educational, academic and political system in China. Online available here: You may also find the unpublished German version of that paper here
This is the talk I presented for Madrasah Discourses in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2022. It contains useful Arabic translations of keywords that can help improve the precision of the discourse.
Revista Do Coloquio De Arte E Pesquisa Do Ppga Ufes, 2011
Resumo: Este artigo corresponde a um recorte da nossa dissertação de mestrado que trata da obra de Carlos Vergara. Tendo em vista as diversas experiências que o artista realizou lidando com questões levantadas por trabalhos ditos de arte contemporânea, pontuamos algumas delas, a fim de propor um diálogo com a história da arte. Trataremos as transformações ocorridas na arte de maneira global, principalmente após os anos de 1960, como um desdobramento das práticas antecedentes e não propriamente como uma ruptura, bem como os reflexos dessas práticas no processo de interação entre obra e observador. Palavras-Chave: Carlos Vergara, Arte Moderna, Arte Contemporânea, transformações da arte nos anos de 1960.
Living and Dying on the Roman Frontier and Beyond, LIMES XXV, vol.3/4. Edited by H. Van Enckevort, M. Driessen, E. Graafstal, T. Hazenberg, T. Ivleva, and C. Van Driel-Murray , 2024
Roman Egypt is a fixture of frontier studies and much work has been completed in its western oases, eastern desert, and along its Red Sea coast. Lesser known, and not generally discussed by Romanists, is the southern frontier with what is now Sudan. Spanning the First and Second Nile Cataracts, this region was a vital economic corridor that funnelled a range of valuable commodities – ebony, ivory, precious stones, cotton (perhaps), animal skins, slaves – into Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean. On the other side of this frontier was the independent Kingdom of Meroë (c. 300 BC – AD 350). This short paper, first presented at LIMES XXV (Nijmegen 2022), offers an accessible introduction to the Romano-Meroitic frontier that is designed to highlight the potential of Meroitic archaeology to Romanists. Focussing on a large Meroitic cemetery south of Aswan, it considers how Romano-Egyptian objects were deployed in Meroitic funerary assemblages. The implications of this are then discussed in terms of local identity, Romanisation and resistance to change. The conference proceedings of LIMES XXV are now available, in four volumes, from Sidestone Press:
The stray dog problem in Turkey has escalated to a level that threatens citizens' basic human rights protected by the Constitution, including "life safety, freedom of travel, living in a healthy environment, and protecting children from all kinds of violence." The "Trap-Neuter-Release" (TNR) method, which has been used in Turkey since 2004 to address this issue, has led to the problem spiraling out of control. Furthermore, there have been deadly and severe dog attacks; according to the Ministry of Health, there were 437,000 rabies-suspected contact cases in 2023 alone.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a crucial component of Industry 4.0. A n d the IoT is one of the most important parts of industry 4.0 becomes extensively demanding and it will probably alter social relations. Due to growing demands of customers, the current IoT architecture will not be reliable and responsive for next generation IoT applications and upcoming services. The combination of technologies (HetNet, D2D communication, MTC, WSDN, MEC, MCC, Data Analytics and Big Data) is able to satisfy requirements of new applications.
Applied Linguistics, 2019
This article explores language learning as a process of translanguaging and of cultural translation. We draw examples from a sociolinguistic ethnography of translanguaging practices in a karate club in east London, UK. Formulaic Japanese is taught as part of karate techniques, practised as the language of performance and rituals and valued as the key indicator of karate expertise over other languages. Key karate verbal routines such as osu and kiai, while linguistically difficult to translate, bespeak core karate values such as respect and confidence, and equally important, the embodiment of these verbal routines is well integrated into karate moves, breaking down the dichotomy of verbal and physical dimensions of the interaction. The predominant use of formulaic Japanese in rituals, along with other semiotic resources, creates an imagined karate world characterized by hierarchy and guarded through the value of respect. In examining whose karate and how cultural traditions, values and practices are translated and why, we broaden the concept of language and regard it as a multifaceted sense-and meaning-making resource and explore the theoretical implications of taking language teaching and learning as a process of cultural translation.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2004
We formulate epidemiological models for the transmission of a pathogen that can mutate in the host to create a second infectious mutant strain. The models account for mutation rates that depend on how long the host has been infected. We derive explicit formulas for the reproductive number of the epidemic based on the local stability of the infection-free equilibrium. We analyze the existence and stability of the boundary equilibrium, whose infection components are zero and positive, respectively, and the endemic equilibrium, whose components are all positive. We establish the conditions for global stability of the infection-free and boundary equilibria and local stability of the endemic equilibrium for the case where there is no age structure for the pathogen in the infected population. We show that under certain circumstances, there is a Hopf bifurcation where the endemic equilibrium loses its stability, and periodic solutions appear. We provide examples and numerical simulations to illustrate the Hopf bifurcation.
Botanical Leads for Drug Discovery, 2020
Cannabis L. belongs to Cannabaceae family known as 'hemp' and has been used as a mind-altering drug as described in prehistoric societies of Eurasia and Africa. A total of 100 phytocannabinoids have been reported from Cannabis sativa L. till date, owing to their therapeutic values. The two primary constituents present in Cannabis are non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) and psychoactive Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD has enormous potential for the development as a drug candidate as depicted by diverse clinical and preclinical studies for the treatment of various neuropsychiatric disorders, arthritis, cancer and other diseases. Regardless of its therapeutic importance and interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), definite pharmacological mechanism is not clearly established. Apart from medicinal research, there are a number of aspects which should be taken under consideration such as opinion of FDA, legal aspects of cannabis and international scenario during the drug development based on this plant.
Maritime Business Review
Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology, 2018
Revista de Investigación en Psicología
Cuadernos de Filología Italiana
XVIII Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação - Sul, 2017
FEBS Letters, 2018
Journal of Global Ethics, 2017
2021 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), 2021
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2000
ECMS 2013 Proceedings edited by: Webjorn Rekdalsbakken, Robin T. Bye, Houxiang Zhang, 2013
European Heart Journal, 2009