PALAIOS, 2011, v. 26, p. 779–789
Research Article
DOI: 10.2110/palo.2011.p11-006r
of Geography and Geology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 South College Road, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5944, USA,; 2Department of Geosciences, University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive #1296, Missoula, Montana 59812-1296, USA, george.stanley@umontana.
edu,; 3Department of Earth and Ocean Science, University of British Columbia, 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4,
We report a coral-sponge dominated reef lithofacies in detrital boulders of
carbonate-clast conglomerate from the Olds Ferry terrane, Blue
Mountains Province, Willow Spring locality, northeastern Oregon. This
discovery constitutes the first report of Triassic reefal lithofacies from the
Olds Ferry terrane. Corals at the site include a high-growing, dendroidphaceloid species that acted as a framework or sediment baffle, and a lowgrowing, cerioid, encrusting coral and a sponge that acted as sediment
binders. The co-occurrence of coral taxa in the Wallowa intraoceanic arc
and Olds Ferry pericratonic arc terranes suggests that during the Late
Triassic, these regions were in proximity to one another. With this report,
Upper Triassic carbonate rocks are known from all of the major terranes
of the Blue Mountains Province and a Tethyan affinity is established for
the fauna of the Olds Ferry terrane. We suggest that the source of this
Late Triassic coral-sponge reef fauna in the upper member of the
Huntington Formation was intrabasinal and that the source rocks are no
longer exposed in the region. Numerous possible regional source areas for
these detrital limestone clasts rule out the need to call upon an exotic
terrane source area.
Quesnel terrane of central British Columbia, Canada (Stanley and
Nelson, 1996), and the Wallowa terrane of northeastern Oregon,
United States (Stanley and Senowbari-Daryan, 1986; Stanley et al.,
2008). Many of the reef builders of these Upper Triassic deposits
represent the same species as those in the Eurasian Tethys. The
dispersal and paleogeography of the fossil biota have been the subject
of considerable discussion in the literature (e.g., Newton, 1988; Smith
and Westermann, 1990).
Here, we report the first discovery of a coral-sponge dominated reef
lithofacies in detrital boulders of a carbonate-clast conglomerate from
the Olds Ferry terrane, Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon.
With this finding, Upper Triassic carbonate rocks are now known from
all of the major terranes of the Blue Mountains Province and a Tethyan
affinity is established for the fauna of the Olds Ferry terrane.
* Corresponding author.
The Blue Mountains Province is an amalgamated assemblage of
accreted Paleozoic–Mesozoic volcanic arcs, sedimentary basins, subduction mélange complexes, and post-tectonic stitching plutons (Fig. 1;
Brooks and Vallier, 1978; Silberling et al., 1984; Vallier, 1995). Four
major terranes have been recognized in this region: the Wallowa, Baker,
Olds Ferry, and Izee (Vallier, 1995; Fig. 1). These four terranes
represent two late Paleozoic–early Mesozoic volcanic island-arc
assemblages (Wallowa intraoceanic and Olds Ferry pericratonic arc
terranes; Vallier, 1995; LaMaskin et al., 2008), a Paleozoic–early
Mesozoic subduction-accretionary complex (Baker terrane; Jones et al.,
1976; Brooks and Vallier, 1978; Dickinson and Thayer, 1978; Coward,
1983; Schwartz et al., 2010), and a Triassic–Jurassic clastic sedimentary
succession (Izee terrane; Silberling et al., 1984). Mudrock geochemistry
and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology suggest that the Wallowa
terrane was an intraoceanic island arc, whereas the Olds Ferry terrane
was an island arc fringing the North American craton (LaMaskin et al.,
2008, 2009, 2011). Note that the Baker, Olds Ferry, and Izee terranes
are not all fault bounded with respect to one another and do not
necessarily have origins wholly distinct from one another. Thus, to
varying degrees, the Baker, Olds Ferry, and Izee terranes of the Blue
Mountains are genetically related and represent portions of a western
North American arc-trench complex (Dorsey and LaMaskin, 2007,
2008; Dickinson, 2008; LaMaskin et al., 2008, 2011; Schwartz et al.,
The spatial relationship between the Olds Ferry and the Wallowa
terranes as well as the timing of their amalgamation remains unclear.
The Wallowa, Baker, and Olds Ferry terranes were either amalgamated
offshore during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic before being accreted
to the margin of North America during the Jurassic–Cretaceous
(Dorsey and LaMaskin, 2007; LaMaskin et al., 2011), or amalgamation
occurred during the Late Jurassic prior to Cretaceous accretion to the
continent (Dickinson, 1979; Avé Lallemant, 1995; Schwartz et al.,
2011). Rocks of the Blue Mountains Province are overthrust in the
The Late Triassic is generally considered to be a time of extensive
carbonate deposition worldwide, especially in the former Tethys region
of central Europe where extensive reef complexes are well known. The
Norian Stage, in particular, records one of the greatest reef blooms
since the Permian (Flügel, 2002). Many of these early Mesozoic reef
complexes are thousands of meters thick and contain evidence of
extensive and vigorous reef building; the organisms that constitute the
framework range from the northern Calcareous Alps to the southeastern Pamirs. As summarized by Flügel (2002), the reef constituents are
chiefly calcified algae, foraminifers, microproblematica, calcified
sponges, scleractinian corals, hydrozoans, and mollusks. Upper Triassic
coral and sponge-rich faunas also appear to have formed around
volcanic seamounts(?) and arcs in the ancient Panthalassic Ocean.
Many of these faunas yield a predominance of Tethyan-type organisms
and are now incorporated into the terrane collage of western North
America (Blodgett and Stanley, 2008).
Tethyan reef-type faunas are present in North America from central
Alaska to Sonora, Mexico as coral and sponge-rich complexes. Late
Carnian–Rhaetian examples from North America, however, are best
generally described as beds, lenses, or biostromes, as only a few sites
produce true reef lithofacies or structures comparable to those present
in the Eurasian Tethys (Stanley and Senowbari-Daryan, 1986; Stanley,
1988; Flügel, 2002; Stanley, 2003, 2006). Late Triassic reefs most akin
to those of the Tethys are present in the Stikine terrane of the Canadian
Yukon (Reid and Templeman-Kluit, 1987; Yarnell et al., 1999), the
2011, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
FIGURE 1—Regional geologic map of Blue Mountains Province (northwestern
United States) showing distribution of terranes. OR 5 Oregon; ID 5 Idaho; WA 5
Washington state. Modified from Dickinson (1979), Mann and Vallier (1989), and
Gray and Oldow (2005).
northeast by high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Salmon River Belt
(Lund and Snee, 1988; Manduca et al., 1992, 1993; Selverstone et al.,
1992; Lund, 2004; Gray and Oldow, 2005; Lund et al., 2008). The
Salmon River Belt is bounded on the east by the western Idaho shear
zone (Fig. 1), a complex structural boundary with the Laurentian
continental margin (McLelland et al., 2000; Giorgis et al., 2005, 2008).
The Wallowa terrane contains a thick sequence of clastic and
volcanic rocks representing Permian–Jurassic island-arc volcanism
(Vallier, 1977, 1995; Tumpane and Schmitz, 2009). In the southern
Wallowa Mountains, the Upper Triassic (Carnian–Norian) Martin
Bridge Formation includes Tethyan-type reefs in the Summit Point
member (Summit Point reefs; Stanley and Senowbari-Daryan, 1986;
Stanley et al., 2008). The Martin Bridge Formation grades both
laterally and upward into deep-marine clastic rocks of the Upper
Triassic–Lower Jurassic (Norian–Pliensbachian) Hurwal Formation.
In the eastern portions of the Baker accretionary-subduction
complex, extensive outcrops of strongly recrystallized carbonate are
present (Prostka, 1967; Brooks et al., 1976). This unit, the Nelson
Marble, is found in association with quartz phyllite, metasandstone,
and metaconglomerate, and contains Middle–Late Triassic conodont
faunas (Morris and Wardlaw, 1986; Ashley, 1995). Recent investigations suggest that the Nelson Marble may be an olistostromal body (A.
Snoke, personal communication, 2010).
The Olds Ferry terrane represents a Middle Triassic–Lower Jurassic
pericratonic volcanic arc succession that is distinct from the Wallowa
intraoceanic arc terrane (LaMaskin et al., 2008; Tumpane et al., 2008).
Rocks of the Olds Ferry terrane (Fig. 2) include hypabyssal and
extrusive volcanic rocks and interbedded volcaniclastic rocks of the
Huntington Formation, which contains the Late Triassic detrital coralsponge reef fauna presented in this paper (Brooks, 1979). The informal
lower member of the Huntington Formation includes volcanic flows
composed of monolithologic mafic volcanic breccia, pillowed greenstone, andesite porphyry, and minor rhyolite and rhyodacite (Brooks
and Vallier, 1978; Brooks, 1979; Charvet et al., 1990; Tumpane, 2010).
A thin-bedded, deep-water limestone unit has previously been described
from the lower Huntington Formation; however, no in situ reefs or reef-
FIGURE 2—Mesozoic chronostratigraphy of the Huntington, Oregon region. Modified from LaMaskin (2008).
FIGURE 4—Detailed geologic map of conglomerate outcrop area. Additional
unpublished mapping by R. Dorsey, T. LaMaskin, and P. Wright (ca. 2007). Jw 5
Jurassic Weatherby Formation; Trhl 5 Triassic Huntington Formation, informal
lower member; Trhu 5 Triassic Huntington Formation, informal upper member; Qls
5 Quaternary landslide deposits.
FIGURE 3—Geologic map of the Huntington, Oregon area. Modified from Juras
(1973) and Brooks (1979).
like facies have been reported (Brooks, 1979; LaMaskin, 2008).
Ammonite and bivalve age assignments indicate that this unit spans
the upper Carnian–lower Norian (Brooks, 1979; LaMaskin, 2008).
High precision U-Pb ages on zircons from volcanic rocks of the lower
member of the Huntington Formation are Late Triassic, ca. 221–
220 Ma (late Carnian; Ogg et al., 2008; Walker and Geissman, 2009;
Tumpane, 2010).
The informal upper member of the Huntington Formation includes
laminated shale and thin- to medium-bedded sandstone turbidites
interlayered with thick-bedded, cobble-to-boulder conglomerate and
abundant thick-bedded rhyolite, and rhyodacite porphyry. High
precision U-Pb zircon ages from rhyolite in the upper portion indicate
an Early Jurassic crystallization-depositional age of ca. 188–187 Ma
(early Pliensbachian; Ogg et al., 2008; Walker and Geissman, 2009;
Tumpane, 2010).
Locality Information
We have recovered a Late Triassic coral-sponge reef fauna from a
thick-bedded cobble-to-boulder conglomerate in the informal upper
member of the Huntington Formation (Olds Ferry terrane) at a locality
herein named Willow Spring (Figs. 3–4, 5A; 44u249530N, 117u149400W).
The site is ,15 kms north of the town of Huntington, Oregon on the
Snake River. The conglomerate exposures discussed here are within the
upper Huntington Formation, stratigraphically below the dated
Pliensbachian tuff units of Tumpane (2010), and are thus Lower
Jurassic. The fauna is preserved in reworked (i.e., detrital) limestone
clasts that are present within a steep, east-dipping, ,100-m-thick
succession of conglomerate and sandstone, interbedded with rhyolite
and rhyodacite volcanic-flow deposits. Clasts range from pebble sized
to .1.5 m and are composed of rhyolite, rhyodacite porphyry, basalt,
andesite, and limestone. Trace numbers of mudstone-argillite clasts are
also present; additional clast types have not been identified. Lithic
framework grains in sandstone that is interbedded with the Willow
Spring conglomerate are restricted to a range of volcaniclastic mafic-tosilicic compositions and textures. Specimens are reposited at the
University of Montana Paleontology Center, Missoula, Montana;
Locality ID# MI 8839.
Carbonate Lithofacies Types
Detrital carbonate clasts found at Willow Spring vary from
fossiliferous limestone to mixed fossiliferous limestone-volcaniclastic
lithologies (Fig. 5B). Three distinct lithofacies types are recognized in
the clasts comprising Upper Triassic reef facies (Table 1). On the basis
of grain type, texture, and fossil content, they are classified according to
Dunham (1962, 1970) and supplemented by Embry and Klovan (1971)
as: (1) coral boundstone-framestone lithofacies, (2) crinoid packstonegrainstone lithofacies, and (3) spongiomorph-algal grainstone lithofacies.
Coral Boundstone-Framestone Lithofacies.—This lithofacies, consisting of fine- to coarse-grained, light-gray to pink detrital limestone
clasts, is the dominant carbonate clast lithology at the site (Figs. 5C–E;
6F). The fauna, recognized in thin sections and polished samples from
these clasts (Table 2), includes a high-growing, dendroid-phaceloid
FIGURE 5—Representative outcrop and exposure images. A) Exposures of limestone-clast conglomerates on ridge above Snake River near Huntington, Oregon. Dashed lines
indicate approximate bedding. Jw 5 Jurassic Weatherby Formation; Trh 5 Triassic Huntington Formation. B) Typical exposure of detrital reef facies showing two large
limestone boulders encased in volcaniclastic matrix. C) Dark, detrital silt-filled voids and associated coral bafflestone textures. D) Coarse cement-filled voids. E) Coralline
boundstone composed almost exclusively of low-relief, encrusting corals; hammer head ,15 cm long. F) Crinoid packstone grainstone.
(branching) coral, Paracuifia sp., which acted as a framework or
sediment baffle, and to a lesser extent, Kuhnastraea cowichanensis
(Clapp and Shimer), a low-growing, cerioid, encrusting coral (Fig. 7A–
E). These typical colonial reef corals are found in association with the
branching reef sponge taxon, Spongiomorpha ramosa (Frech) (Fig. 7F).
Together, these organisms produced at least a 10–50-cm-high bios-
tromal framework (height estimates limited by clast size). The
carbonate sand matrix is dominated by skeletal allochems consisting
of echinoderm (crinoid and echinoid) and mollusk (bivalves and
gastropods) fragments with lesser intraclastic peloidal material. This
well-rounded skeletal-peloidal debris suggests abundant abrasion and
reworking of detrital carbonate material.
TABLE 1—Descriptions of lithofacies in limestone clasts from the upper Huntington Formation.
Coral boundstonebafflestone
Crinoid packstonegrainstone
Predominant biota
Subordinate biota
Fossil taxa
Sedimentary structures and textures
Fragmental algae, crinoids, Paracuifia sp., Kuhnastraea Detrital silt filled voids (,3–15 cm) Shallow subtidal,
Colonial corals including
high-energy reef
containing red-pink, hematitic
echinoids, bivalves, and
dendroid-phaceloid and
quartz, feldspar, and carbonate
Spongiomorpha ramosa
cerioid morphologies, and gastropods
sand. Coarse cement-filled voids
are (,0.5–4 cm). Well-rounded
skeletal grains
Well-rounded skeletal grains
Shallow subtidal, high
Crinoid occicles
Foraminifers, fragmental
energy back-reef or
calcareous algae and
fore-reef shoals
molluscan debris
Shallow-subtidal, high
Spongiomorpha ramosa
Well-rounded skeletal grains,
Spongiomorphs, algae
Fragmental calcareous
energy back-reef
rounded intraclasts of
encrusting platy green
Spongiomorpha ramosa
algae and molluscan debris
Characteristic reef-void fillings are observed in many of the clasts,
including both detrital silt and coarse cement fillings (Figs. 5C–D).
Detrital silt-filled voids are large areas (,3–15 cm) containing red-pink,
hematitic quartz, feldspar, and carbonate sand that display welldeveloped depositional lamination and other geopetal features. These
infilled voids are interpreted as post-depositional infilling of inter-reef
void spaces. Coarse cement-filled voids are smaller areas (,0.5–4 cm)
filled with a meniscus-rim cement of medium crystalline calcite spar
that grades inward to coarsely crystalline calcite spar (Fig. 5D).
Crinoid Packstone-Grainstone Lithofacies.—Subordinate detrital
clasts at the locality are composed of well-sorted and well-rounded
crinoid packstone-grainstone (Figs. 5B, 6A–B). The assignment of
crinoid ossicles to ‘‘Pentacrinus,’’ a typical Triassic–Jurassic form, is
made only on the fragments of columnals. Lesser amounts of
foraminifers, fragments of calcareous algae, and molluscan skeletal
debris also are present. This crinoid packstone-grainstone facies is
interpreted to represent a shallow-water, subtidal back-reef or fore-reef
shoal (Lehrmann et al., 1998; Chablais et al., 2009; Flügel and
Munnecke, 2010). The dominance of well-rounded crinoid ossicles and,
to a lesser extent, other well-rounded skeletal grains is indicative of
redeposition and transport in a high-energy setting.
Spongiomorph-Algal Grainstone Lithofacies.—Other clasts in the
Willow Spring conglomerate consist of a spongiomorph-algal grainstone (Figs. 6C–E), characterized as a fine-grained, light-gray limestone
containing encrusting platy green algae and the late Triassic Spongiomorpha ramosa, traditionally regarded as a hydrozoan but also
interpreted as a sponge or coral (Ezzoubair and Gautret, 1993;
Roniewicz, 2011). Allochems associated with this facies include wellsorted and well-rounded intraclasts of S. ramosa, molluscan and
echinoderm fragments, and unidentified calcified algae. The dominance
of spongiomorphs and calcified algae, paired with echinoderm and
molluscan debris, suggests a high energy shallow-subtidal, back-reef
environment (Flügel and Munnecke, 2010).
Triassic Reef-Building Organisms in the Olds Ferry Terrane
This study marks the first discovery of Upper Triassic reefal
lithofacies and reef-building fossils in the Olds Ferry terrane.
Kuhnastraea cowichanensis was first described from Rhaetian rocks
on Vancouver Island by Clapp and Shimer (1911) and later from
Alaska by Caruthers and Stanley (2008). The spongiomorph, S. ramosa,
is a well-known Norian–Rhaetian reef builder that is widely distributed
across the Tethys and western North America (Smith, 1927; Stanley
and Whalen, 1989; Flügel, 2002; Caruthers and Stanley, 2008). Both of
these taxa are previously known from the Martin Bridge Formation of
the Wallowa terrane (Stanley and Whalen, 1989) and also are
distributed in Upper Triassic carbonate rocks of Wrangellia and the
Alexander terrane, Alaska (Caruthers and Stanley, 2008). The
branching coral Paracuifia sp. is closely related to P. magnifica,
previously identified from the Pamir Mountains (Melnikova, 2001).
This genus also was identified from the Alexander terrane (Caruthers
and Stanley, 2008); however, the specimen present at the Willow Spring
locality appears to be a new taxon. The low diversity of corals may
reflect incomplete sampling and limited availability of material for
In order to evaluate potential source areas for these limestone clasts it
is necessary to understand the known distribution of coral taxa from
the North American Cordillera, especially from terranes that are
thought to have been in close paleogeographic proximity to the Olds
Ferry terrane. A recent compilation of Late Triassic coral data shows
several taxa that are common throughout the Tethys Ocean and the
North American Cordillera and therefore interpreted to be cosmopolitan in nature (Caruthers and Stanley, 2008, table 2). Genera such as
Distichophyllia, Retiophyllia, Gablonzeria, Kuhnastraea, Crassistella,
Meandrostylis, and Astraeomorpha are generally diverse at the species
level and widespread in terrane localities from southern Alaska to
Mexico. They are also common in localities comprising the Wallowa,
Alexander, and Wrangellia terranes, as well as an isolated locality near
Lewiston, Idaho, which is suspected to be part of the Wallowa terrane
(Stanley and Whalen, 1989; Nützel and Erwin, 2004; Caruthers and
Stanley, 2008); however, the latter site does not contain Kuhnastraea or
Crassistella (Squires, 1956; Caruthers and Stanley, 2008). Of the abovementioned cosmopolitan genera, the new fauna from the Olds Ferry
terrane contains only Kuhnastraea and is therefore somewhat problematic. If the source area for these eroded limestone clasts was one of
the well-known terrane sources (i.e., Wallowa, Alexander, and
Wrangellia terranes), then the fauna would most probably contain a
higher diversity of cosmopolitan genera, but again, limited sampling
and exposure of the Willow Creek locality may have affected diversity.
Paracuifia has previously been identified only from the Alexander
and northern Wrangellia terranes; its presence in the Olds Ferry terrane
is compelling because it may suggest either a paleobiogeographic tie to
these terranes or a broadening of the geographic distribution of this
taxon. Because there does not seem to be a strong influence of other
cosmopolitan or endemic coral genera within the Olds Ferry terrane, a
wider geographic distribution of Paracuifia may be indicated.
Reef-Clast Source Area
The distinctive limestone-clast conglomerate of Willow Spring was
deposited during the Early Jurassic, prior to ca. 188–187 Ma (Tumpane,
2010), and thus represents reworking of older, Upper Triassic reef
deposits. Regionally, we know of two possible source areas of Upper
Triassic reefal limestone and suggest a third possibility: (1) reefs in the
Wallowa intraoceanic arc terrane (Stanley and Senowbari-Daryan,
1986; Stanley et al., 2008), (2) marble currently exposed in the Baker
FIGURE 6—Photomicrographs of carbonate lithofacies types. A–B) Crinoid grainstone-packstone. C–E) Spongiomorph-algal grainstone. F) Coral boundstone-bafflestone.
terrane subduction-accretionary complex (Prostka, 1967; Morris and
Wardlaw, 1986), and (3) reefs associated with the Olds Ferry
pericratonic arc terrane that are no longer exposed in the region.
Wallowa Terrane Source.—The Upper Triassic Summit Point
member reef facies of the Wallowa terrane contains two coral taxa
also found in the Willow Spring conglomerate, K. cowichanensis and S.
ramosa. If the Willow Spring limestone clasts were eroded from the
Summit Point reef, it would indicate proximity of the Wallowa and
Olds Ferry terranes by the early Jurassic. This scenario supports
evidence for late Triassic–early Jurassic collision of the Wallowa and
Olds Ferry terranes (i.e., Dorsey and LaMaskin, 2007) and is in
contrast to models of late Jurassic collision between the two island arc
terranes (i.e., Dickinson, 1979, 2004; Avé Lallemant, 1995; Schwartz et
al., 2011).
Reef facies and fossils of the Summit Point member type also occur in
middle Norian to Pliensbachian clastic turbidites (Excelsior Gulch
member of the Hurwal Formation) of the Wallowa terrane, where they
occur in conglomerate-breccia clasts along with volcanic and chert
TABLE 2—Cross-reference of late Triassic reef taxa between major western North American terranes.
Blue Mountains
Olds Ferry
Paracuifia sp.
P. smithi n. sp.
P. jennieae n. sp.
Stratigraphic range and North American locations
Huntington Formation, Olds Ferry terrane, Oregon
Early Norian, Gravina Island, Alaska (Caruthers and Stanley, 2008)
Early Norian, Cornwallis Limestone, Keku Strait, southeastern Alaska;
Chitistone Formation, Wrangell Mountains (Caruthers and Stanley, 2008)
Early Norian, Nehenta Formation, Gravina Island, southeastern Alaska
(Caruthers and Stanley, 2008)
Early Norian–Rhaetian; Vancouver Island, Canada; Gravina Island, Keku Strait,
Wrangell Mountains, Alaska; Hells Canyon, Oregon (Smith, 1927;
Montanaro-Gallitelli et al., 1979; Melnikova and Bychkov, 1986; Stanley and
Whalen, 1989; Caruthers and Stanley, 2008)
Rhaetian, Vancouver Island, Canada; Northern Calcareous Alps; Norian,
Gravina Island, Keku Strait, Wrangell Mountains, Iliamna Lake, Peninsula,
Alaska; Hells Canyon, Oregon; Shasta County, California; Pilot Mountains,
Nevada (Roniewicz, 1989; Stanley and Whalen, 1989; Caruthers and Stanley,
Rhaetian, Vancouver Island, Canada; Norian–Rhaetian; early Norian, Hells
Canyon, Oregon (Roniewicz, 1989; Stanley and Whalen, 1989; Caruthers and
Stanley, 2008)
Early Norian–Rhaetian, Long Creek, Alaska; Cedar Creek, Shasta County,
California; Brock Mountain, California, Hosselkus Limestone Formation;
Martin Bridge Formation, Hells Canyon, Oregon (Smith, 1927; Stanley and
Whalen, 1989; Stanley and Yarnell, 2003; Caruthers and Stanley, 2008)
K. decussata
K. incrassata
P. anomala n. sp.
clasts (Flügel et al., 1989; Follo, 1992, 1994). Ongoing research by
Rosenblatt and Stanley suggests that this material was reworked
subaerially from the Summit Point reefs and redeposited.
It is also possible that reef deposits of Wallowa affinity became a
source area for detritus only after they were tectonically incorporated
into the northern margin of the Baker terrane. This margin has been
interpreted as a .25-km-wide zone that includes metamorphosed
Upper Triassic rocks of possible Wallowa terrane affinity infaulted with
rocks of the Baker terrane (Schwartz et al., 2010). In this scenario,
Upper Triassic reefs would have been tectonically transferred from an
offshore, intraoceanic arc (Wallowa terrane) to a subduction-accretionary complex (Baker terrane) following Upper Triassic deposition
and subsequently uplifted, eroded, and deposited into a pericratonic arc
succession (Olds Ferry terrane) in the early Jurassic.
Baker Terrane Source.—These clasts may be derived from Upper
Triassic carbonate rocks of the Nelson Marble, currently exposed in the
Baker terrane subduction-accretionary complex. Conodonts recovered
from exposures of the marble and probable equivalents include
Neogondolella navicula, N. polygnathiformis, and Xaniognathus sp.,
suggesting a range of middle–late Triassic (Morris and Wardlaw, 1986).
The marbles are strongly recrystallized as a result of late Jurassic
deformation (Avé Lallement, 1995) and abundant local quartz diorite
intrusions (Prostka, 1967), and macrofossil identification has not been
possible to date. Derivation of these clasts from the Nelson Marble
would indicate proximity of the Baker subduction-accretionary
complex and the Olds Ferry pericratonic arc by early Jurassic time.
This paleogeographic interpretation is supported by numerous studies
and reinforces the concept that portions of the Baker terrane represent
forearc crust and the accretionary prism to the Olds Ferry terrane (e.g.,
Dickinson, 1979; Avé Lallemant, 1995; Vallier, 1995; Dorsey and
LaMaskin, 2007; Schwartz et al., 2010).
If the Nelson Marble is itself an olistostromal body, it may be
intrabasinal with respect to the Baker terrane subduction-accretionary
complex, or extrabasinal, having a Wallowa-terrane provenance. This
suggests, in turn, that the detrital coral fauna of Willow Spring
described here may be a multicyclic deposit. In this scenario, the first
cycle is represented by olistostromal sliding of carbonate megaclasts of
Wallowa- or Baker-terrane affinity into a marine basin floored by
Baker terrane subduction-accretionary complex rocks. The second cycle
involves post-Norian, pre-Pliensbachian uplift and erosion (,10 myr
duration) of the Baker terrane-floored basin and subsequent deposition
of the Willow Spring carbonate conglomerate in a marine forearc basin
floored by pericratonic arc rocks of the Olds Ferry terrane.
Olds Ferry Terrane Source.—Willow Spring limestone clasts may be
wholly intrabasinal, eroded from Upper Triassic reefal limestone that is
not currently exposed in the Olds Ferry terrane. Exposures of thinbedded, Upper Triassic deep-water limestones are locally present, but
have been interpreted to represent a heterozoan faunal assemblage (i.e.,
non-tropical-type deposition represented by fragmental allochems of
echinoderms and mollusks; LaMaskin, 2008). These observations and
interpretations suggest that typical reef deposition did not occur in the
Olds Ferry pericratonic arc region during the late Triassic and
therefore, a source area within the Olds Ferry terrane is not supported.
Conversely, it is believed that a wide range of factors can restrict
growth of photozoan carbonates and lead to deposition of a heterozoan
cool-water community in a regionally warm-water setting (Westphal et
al., 2010). These factors may include both global-regional factors (e.g.,
elevated trophic conditions, oceanographic instability, increased
nutrient load from runoff, or cold-water intrusion in upwelling zones)
and more local factors (e.g., high water energies or geographical
isolation; Whalen, 1995; James, 1997; Parrish et al., 2001, Pomar et al.,
2004; Westphal et al., 2010). Thus, it is possible that during the late
Triassic, both heterozoan- and photozoan-favoring conditions existed
in the Olds Ferry terrane. If so, then both the in situ Upper Triassic
deep-water limestone (LaMaskin, 2008) and the Upper Triassic detrital
limestone clasts in the upper member of the Huntington Formation
represent deposits of Olds Ferry affinity.
The observation that non-limestone clast and framework grain types
appear to be restricted to rhyolite, rhyodacite porphyry, and basalt to
andesite is suggestive of an intrabasinal, local source; these rock types
are interbedded locally with the conglomerate deposits and are present
in the lower and upper Huntington Formation. All of the observed
detritus in the Willow Spring conglomerate, except for the Upper
Triassic reefal lithofacies, can be accounted for locally (Brooks and
Vallier, 1978; Brooks, 1979; Charvet et al., 1990; Tumpane, 2010). The
lack of other recycled Wallowa terrane or Baker terrane detritus (e.g.,
quartzose metasedimentary, radiolarian chert) in associated sandstones
or conglomerate matrix is strong evidence for an intrabasinal origin.
FIGURE 7—Representative faunal elements. A–B) Kuhnastraea cowichanensis; A) Colony showing corallite arrangement; B) Longitudinal view of septal growth; C–E)
Paracuifia n. sp.; C) Close up of corallite showing lonsdaleiod dissepiments; D) Longitudinal view; E) Colony illustrating varying ontogenetic corallite size; F) Spongiomorpha
ramosa; transverse view illustrating branching character.
The first and second scenarios above require that any sediment
transport and deposition system carrying detrital limestone clasts
eroded from the uplifted Wallowa intraoceanic arc or Baker terrane
subduction-accretionary complex would include detrital grains and
clasts representative of other Wallowa or Baker terrane lithologies.
Detrital grains and clasts of quartzose metasedimentary lithologies and
radiolarian chert are absent from the Willow Spring location. Based on
this key observation, we suggest that the source of late Triassic coralsponge reef faunas in the upper member of the Huntington Formation
(Lower Jurassic) was intrabasinal and that the source rocks are no
longer exposed in the region. This interpretation suggests that during
the late Triassic, conditions were favorable for deposition of reefal
limestone in all of the terranes of the Blue Mountains Province. As
such, the presence of Upper Triassic limestone cannot be used to infer
lithologic correlation between the terranes of the region (including the
Salmon River Belt). Importantly, the potential regional source areas
discussed above preclude the need to call upon sourcing from other,
more exotic terranes of the Cordillera. Furthermore, the absence of key
cosmopolitan and endemic genera from the Willow Spring site of the
Olds Ferry terrane does not support the Wallowa, Alexander, or
Wrangellia terranes as being potential sources for the limestone clasts
of the upper Huntington Formation. Similarly, the absence of
Kuhnastraea from the Lewiston, Idaho locality also argues against this
area as a potential source. Thus, faunal data suggest that this low-
TABLE 3—Late Triassic reef faunas in allochthonous terranes of the western North American Cordillera.
Terrane name
Southeastern Alaska
Eastern Klamath
Luning Allochthon
Sonora, Mexico
Northern California–Southern
British Columbia
Nehenta Fm.
Cornwallis Fm.
Hound Island Volcanics
Antimonio Fm.
Chulitna sequence
Hosselkus Ls.
Early Norian
Caruthers and Stanley, (2008a,
Early–mid. Norian
González-León et al., 2005
Stanley and Yarnell, 2003
Smith, 1927; Stanley, 1979
Luning Fm.
Takla Group
Carnian–early Norian
Early–middle Norian
British Columbia
Hancock Ls.
Late Carnian–late Norian
Oregon, southern Wallowa
Martin Bridge Fm., Summit Point
Early Norian
Wrangellia, North
Wrangellia, South
Peninsular Terrane
Lewiston, Idaho
Vancouver Island
Lewiston, Idaho
Chitistone Ls.
Parson Bay Fm.
Kamishak Formation
Martin Bridge–Hurwal Formations
Early Norian (kerri)
Late Norian
Sandy and Stanley, 1993
Stanley and Nelson, 1996; Stanley
and Senowbari-Daryan, 1999
Reid and Templeman-Kluit; 1987;
Yarnell et al., 1999
Stanley and Senowbari-Daryan,
1986; Stanley and Whalen, 1989;
Stanley et al., 2008
Caruthers and Stanley, 2008
Caruthers and Stanley, 2008
Blodgett, 2008
Nützel and Erwin, 2004
diversity coral assemblage from the Olds Ferry pericratonic arc terrane
was likely derived locally. In detrital reef deposits, careful analysis of
possible uplift-and-erosion scenarios, in combination with petrographic
observations, is required to make an accurate determination of clast
Significance of Discovery
The reefal, coral-sponge fauna described herein indicates a Tethyan
affinity for Upper Triassic rocks of the Olds Ferry terrane. This is in
concurrence with halobiid bivalve and ammonite collections from the
thin-bedded, deep-water limestone unit of the Huntington Formation
(Brooks, 1979; LaMaskin, 2008). As shown in Table 3, late Triassic
faunas, including reef lithofacies, are preserved in allochthonous
terranes throughout the western North American Cordillera. Our
discovery at Willow Spring in the Olds Ferry terrane represents a new
western North American Cordilleran record of Upper Triassic reef
Identical taxa (Kuhnastraea cowichanensis and Spongiomorpha
ramosa) have been found in numerous terranes of the western North
American Cordillera. The co-occurrence of these taxa in the Wallowa
and Olds Ferry terranes suggests that during the late Triassic these
regions may have been in proximity to one another, an interpretation
that supports tectonic models wherein the Wallowa, Baker, and Olds
Ferry terranes were amalgamated offshore during the late Triassic–
early Jurassic (Dorsey and LaMaskin, 2007; LaMaskin et al., 2011).
The presence of these taxa in northern and southern Wrangellian
locations (i.e., Alaska and Vancouver Island, British Columbia,
respectively) and within the Alexander terrane in southeastern Alaska,
however, suggests that these taxa had a cosmopolitan distribution and
are not necessarily good indicators of terrane proximity during the late
1. A late Triassic coral-sponge reef fauna from a thick-bedded,
cobble-to-boulder conglomerate in the informal upper member of the
Lower Jurassic Huntington Formation near Huntington, Oregon,
United States, represents the first discovery of reef-building lithofacies
and fossils of this age in the Olds Ferry terrane.
2. Corals at the site include a high-growing, dendroid-phaceloid
species that acted as either framework or sediment baffles, and a lowgrowing, cerioid, encrusting coral and a sponge that acted as sediment
binders. Together, these organisms produced at least a 10–50 cm high
reef-like or reefal framework.
3. Framework mineralogy of sandstones and clast types in the
conglomerate suggest that the source of these Triassic coral-sponge reef
faunas was intrabasinal.
4. The occurrence of the same two coral taxa in the Wallowa and
Olds Ferry terranes may support the proximity of these two regions in
the late Triassic, but the presence of these taxa in other Cordilleran
terranes suggests that they are probably cosmopolitan and therefore not
good indicators of terrane proximity.
Funding was provided by grants to T.A.L. from the Weimer fund of
SEPM (The Society for Sedimentary Geology), the Geological Society
of America, Sigma Xi, AAPG (American Association of Petroleum
Geologists), and the Baldwin Fellowship at the University of Oregon.
Assistance with fossil collection was provided by T. Sieber. G.D.S.
acknowledges support by the National Science Foundation (EAR0229795). We thank Editor Edith L. Taylor, Associate Editor Wolfgang
Kiessling, reviewer M. Bernecker, and an anonymous reviewer for
improving the readability and broader applicability of the manuscript.
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