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The paper examines the dynamics of charismatic leadership, contrasting socialised and personalised charismatic leaders, and their implications for authority transitions. It emphasizes the importance of transformational leadership behaviors in promoting organizational citizenship through the mediation of employee trust and satisfaction. The conclusion highlights key behavioral attributes of effective charismatic leaders that foster a supportive and engaged organizational environment.
Journal of Management Development, 2007
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The goal of this paper is to review the concept of Charismatic Leadership in virtual teams within the self-determination framework and develop a model to explain how charismatic leadership caused self-determined behaviors. Since virtual context is reasonable for self-determined behavior, it is assumed that, charismatic leadership in virtual teams promotes autonomous motivation in followers and finally leads self-determined behavior by way of satisfying follower need for autonomy, need for competence and need for relatedness. The objective of this paper is to widening the understanding of charismatic leadership in a different context (i.e. in virtual teams) with the supplement of best validated theory of motivation. The implication of this paper provides theoretical explanation of effects of charismatic leadership from the perspective of Self Determination Theory (SDT) which will be a novel interpretation to both these theories. Additionally this investigation raises understanding of motivational effects of charismatic leadership in the virtual context.
The Leadership Quarterly, 1995
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2008
Purpose -To explore the mediating role of altruism in the relationship between self-sacrifice and transformational leadership, and to look at the effect of all three on followers' collective identity and perceptions of unit performance. Design/methodology/approach -For Study 1, survey responses were collected from 127 managers in India. They answered questions on their leader's self-sacrifice, altruism, and transformational leadership, and on their own collective identity and perceptions of unit performance. Study 2 used a scenario experiment and 161 students to manipulate self-sacrifice and altruism and measure their effects on transformational leadership, collective identity and perceived unit performance. Findings -It is possible to distinguish between self-sacrifice and altruism empirically. Altruism mediates the relationship between self-sacrifice and transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is positively related to followers' collective identity and perceived unit performance. Research limitations/implications -Common source bias may have affected the findings. Use of student sample in Study 2 limits the generalizability of findings. Practical implications -Other-orientedness (altruism) of a manager enhances transformational leadership, which in turn leads to higher collective identity and perceived unit performance. Self-sacrifice could be a good starting point in this chain of events. Originality/value -Studies have shown that self-sacrifice enhances transformational leadership. This paper highlights the mediating process through altruism. This is the first empirical study to look at the relationship between altruism and transformational leadership. This is also the first study to look at self-sacrifice and altruism simultaneously.
Military is an arm of government authorized to use lethal force and weapons, to support the interests of the state and some or all of its citizens. Navy, Air force and Army are the branches of military which altogether form a huge group of people with diversified professionals and spending a good portion of the countrys GDP. Military leaders, therefore, are very important assets of the military. In order for military commanders to be good leaders, they are supposed to follow a strict path of training and practical experiments for quite long time while in services. The need for the military leaders to be more transformational has been publicly discoursed in recent years, the aim is to allow more transparency in balancing the public spending without affecting the military efficiency and readiness. Are charismatic and transformation traits contradicting? Why military always produces good leaders and which leadership style is best fit into military situation were the main exploration in this paper. The results showed that, charismatic and transformational are not contradicting but rather overlapping and in fact, charismatic is one of the important traits of the transformational leadership style. Progressive, sophisticated and expensive trainings together with indispensable powers given to the military commanders are the main factors which make them good leaders compared to other leaders at the same level. Finally, the paper concluded that, the choice of the leadership style in the military is the discretion of the leaders taking into account nature of tasks, people, resources available and time needed to accomplish the task. Keywords: Military,Transformational Leadership Theory,Charismatic Leadership Style,Transactional Leadership Style,Inspiration Motivation,Intellectual Simulation,Individual Consideration&Idealised Influence
International Journal of …, 2011
This paper synthesizes major leadership paradigms for the purpose of identifying possible ways of influencing Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) to improve the functioning of organizations. The leadership paradigms were extended to old and modern categories to provide for systematic understanding of their antecedents and potential influence patterns. The leadership approaches reported to have positive relationships with organizational citizenship behaviors include transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, and ethical leadership paradigms. We have found many modern leadership paradigms not to have been empirically investigated for possible relationships with OCB. This paper therefore discusses the dynamics and potentials for researches within the realms of the leadership paradigms and the OCB field.
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