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An example of performing a close reading of a poem, using MS Word review boxes and various color fonts.
poemscol provides macros for L A T E X for setting collections of poetry. It is especially suited for setting collections of poetry in which several
This paper focuses on "ReviewTure," a web-based learning platform designed to improve students' reading comprehension skills. By combining classic literature with interactive features like summaries, illustrations, and character descriptions, it offers an engaging way for students to explore and enjoy reading. The platform’s goal is to make learning both effective and enjoyable, especially for young learners in today’s digital age. This web-based media provides students with a flexible, self-paced learning environment that caters to different learning styles. It bridges traditional reading with modern technology, encouraging independent learning while improving critical literacy skills. Features such as visual aids and summaries not only help students understand the material but also motivate them to stay engaged with their studies. This paper also examines how it enhances reading comprehension through its design and explores its potential for transforming literacy education. The discussion also includes the platform's benefits, limitations, and suggestions for future improvements to maximize its impact on learning outcomes.
The Yale Review, 2000
About once a month, writers in journals like this one invoke Randall Jarrell's opinions on modern poets, or adduce phrases he coined: when people say we live in an ''Age of Criticism,'' it is Jarrell they quote. Jarrell-who considered himself first and last a poet-has been admired partly for his style, but partly for what now looks like his prescience: he seems to have read the poets of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s as posterity would read them. If he helped to make some reputations (like that of the young Robert Lowell), other writers he praised (like Elizabeth Bishop) attract more devotion now than while Jarrell was alive. Brad Leithauser's new selection of his essays reacquaints us with his influence, his interests, and his critical powers; a memoir by his widow, Mary von Schrader Jarrell, goes some distance toward showing how those powers emerged from his poetry, and from his life.
230690-3686) Department of Language M.A. in Business, Language and Culture -and Communication Human Resource Management (Cand. Negot.) 4/5 th Semester
The study is based upon an in-depth stylistic analysis of the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats. Keats is considered to be the romantic of all romantics. The notion of negative capability and the pure concept of beauty are the distinctive features of Keats poetry, which differentiate him from even his peers. For him beauty is valuable in itself. Coleridge tries to search truth for the solution of the mysteries of life, Shelly also intellectualizes beauty, and Wordsworth spiritualizes it. But Keats is against the subjectivity of the art for the propagation of personal ideas. For him beauty is valuable in itself and it can be perceived by the power of imaginations as intellect is handicapped to reach truth. He loved poetry and beauty purely for the sake of beauty. For Keats an ideal poet is like an empty vessel to be filled with some other potential being or object. He is submissive to the things as they are, without trying to change or even explain them. He himself says "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affection and the truth of imaginations. What the imaginations seize as beauty must be truth, whether it existed before or not."Thus the present study is not only based upon the dissection of the rich stylistic devices incorporated for the pictorial and emotive function, but also focuses on the combined impact of the stylistic and sound devices embedded in the overall structure of the poem, that how the different parts assembled together give the poem a coherent and balanced look. Thus the poem appears to be the perfect piece of art which also symbolizes the pure concept of beauty. Here Gadmer lines seem apt to be mentioned "The experience of the beautiful and particularly beautiful in art is the invocation of potentiality whole and holy order of things wherever it may be found."
Participatory reading in late-medieval England, 2018
Allone as I went vp and doun, I ane abbay wes fair to se, Thinkand quhat consolatioun Wes best in to aduersitie, On cais I kest on syd myne e And saw this writtin vpoun a wall: 'Off quhat estait, man, that thow be, Obey and thank thi God off all'. Robert Henryson, 'Abbey Walk' 1 Like other texts addressed in these chapters, the short lyric poem 'Abbey Walk', by the late fifteenth-century Scots poet Robert Henryson, engages the work of reading in ways that facilitate and even necessitate reader participation. A poem concerned with man's awareness of God's mercy, 'Abbey Walk' introduces a simple refrain at the end of each of its stanzas: 'Obey and thank thi God off all'. The poem gains its modern title from its first few lines, in which Henryson describes an occasion when, solitary and struggling to address life's adversities, the narrator of the poem goes out walking and unexpectedly sees a hymn written upon a wall. This positioning suggests an external origin for the hymn: rather than simply a composition of Henryson's, it can be viewed as a lesson the narrator must learn from an external source, one that surmounts his own troubled state. The source of the hymn as located on the abbey wall is repeatedly referenced by the narrator throughout the remainder of the poem. Provided by the stones in a place desolate of any human presence but the reader's, addressing humanity's transitory possession of royalty, goods, and gold, the hymn offers a text illustrative of the natural order of the world, one that connects that natural order to reading by the transmission of the hymn by means of natural objects, the stones of the wall.
Taxation of digitalized economy
Famoso artigo, antológico, do perquisador jesuíta Bernard SESBOÜÉ, falecido em 2021, que recolhe muitos textos teológicos e espirituais clássicos sobre a «redenção», que hoje enchem-nos de interrogantes, fazem-nos pensar, e acabam por nos fazer re-pensar tambén dados fundamentais do patrimônio simbólico do cristianismo. «Estou fazendo uma grave acusação contra as interpretações soteriológicas dos tempos modernos. Sem a pretensão de dar aqui o resultado de uma pesquisa sistemática que ainda está por fazer, gostaria apenas de fundamentar e ilustrar minhas idéias com uma breve série de exemplos. Sei muito bem do perigo de focalizar em um aspecto ou outro o pensamento de alguns autores que, às vezes, dizem coisa muito distinta, sem escapar, necessariamente de cair em contradições. Este "florilégio" será constituído de textos extraídos da teologia propriamente dita, da eloqüência sagrada (onde a retórica facilmente exagera as coisas) ou também da catequese. Convém distinguir estes gêneros literários, para não atribuir a todos eles o mesmo valor. A interpretação penal do sacrifício de Cristo ultrapassa a compreensão do sacrifício da missa. Nestes textos aparecerão continuamente os versículos da Escritura para fundamentar o discurso: Gl 3,13, que fala de Cristo feito maldição, e 2 Cor 5,21, que proclama a Cristo feito pecado por nós».
Tra la fine del Settecento e l’inizio dell’Ottocento, i palazzi fiorentini esercitano un fascino particolare su scrittori, artisti e aristocratici attratti nella capi- tale toscana, che diventa una tappa obbligata del Grand Tour. I disegni di Charles Percier (1764-1838) conservati nel Fondo della Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France comprendono piante e prospetti di palazzi medievali e rinascimentali e segnano l’ini- zio del gusto pittoresco e storicistico, condiviso anche da Pierre François Léonard Fontaine (1762-1853).
Livro de Resumos 11º Colóquio Mediação em Diálogo - AMEDIIC, 2024
Aquaculture International, 2015
Open Philosophy, De Gruyter, 2022
Фичино М. О платоническом понимании природы философа, его воспитания и образа жизни / Пер с лат. и комм. И.Г. Гурьянова // Антология педагогического наследия Средних веков, Возрождения и Реформации / под ред. В.Г. Безрогова, В.В. Рыбакова. М.: ООО «Русское слово — учебник», 2021. C. 553–559.
FINEDUCA – Revista de Financiamento da Educação, 2020
Building Simulation Conference proceedings
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1974
Investigación & Desarrollo, 2022