FU N Pa pe rs
Soft-sensors for process estimation and
inferential control
Ming T. Tham, Gary A. Montague,
A. Julian Morris,
and Paul A. Lant
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon
Tyne, NE1 7RU UK
(Received 13 June 1990; revised 20 August 1990)
This paper presents two adaptive estimators (software based sensors or ‘soft-sensors’) for inferring process
outputs that are subject to large measurement delays, from other (secondary) outputs which may be
sampled more rapidly. In other words, these estimators utilize plant data sampled at different rates. The
parameters of the estimators can be continuously estimated and updated on-line, thus enabling the tracking
of slow variations in process characteristics. The estimators employ either an input-output or a state space
process description as the starting points for algorithm synthesis. In contrast to mechanistic model-based
estimators such as Kalman filters, the proposed adaptive techniques require minimal design effort. The key
contribution of the paper is thus the formulation of applications independent, adaptive multi-rate algorithms, which can provide accurate estimates of infrequently measured process outputs, from other more
rapidly sampled secondary outputs. Theoretical developments are supported by results of recent applications to a variety of industrial scale processes: estimation of biomass concentration in an industrial
mycelial fermentation; top product composition of a large industrial distillation tower and melt flow index
on an industrial polymerization reactor. Measurements from established instruments such as off-gas carbon
dioxide in the fermenter; overheads temperature in the distillation column and hydrogen concentration in
the reactor were used as the secondary variables for the respective processes. The range of the applications is
an indication of the utility of the techniques. A significant improvement in overall process control performance is also possible when estimated plant outputs, rather than the infrequently obtained measurements,
are used for feedback control. This is demonstrated by non-linear simulation studies. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
(Keywords: estimation; feedback control; sensors)
In many process control situations, due to sampling limitations, the infrequent
of some process
outputs prevents the early detection of load disturbances.
This can result in large deviations
from setpoints and
long disturbance
recovery times. Often, these adverse
effects cannot be acceptably overcome even by the use of
existing advanced control algorithms
and can lead to
system performance.
The problem of controlling infrequently
measured process outputs has long
been studied and publications
in this area date back to
the early 1970s. There are essentially two approaches to
the problem.
One is to formulate special algorithms to control the
sampled outputs. For example, Soderstrom’
a number of minimum variance controllers
enabling the manipulated
input to be changed between
the sampling intervals of the primary process output.
However, these control algorithms were only developed
for first-order plant models and no comparative
were presented. Parrish and Brosilow2 also proposed a
controller design method based upon the reconstruction
of disturbance
effects. The controller
determined on-line by heuristic tuning rules. Simulation
results were presented to demonstrate
the superior performance of their control strategy over conventional
A second approach is to use the information
by other easily measurable
variables to provide an estimate of the controlled output. The estimated outputs can
then be used for overall plant control. Control schemes
based on the feedback of output estimates are often
termed ‘inferential control’ schemes. An ideal situation
arises when the plant states are completely observable
from the secondary outputs. Kalman filtering techniques
can then be employed
to estimate plant states using
secondary output measurements,
and hence estimates of
the controlled
output computed
from its relationship
with the states. Control of the plant is achieved by feedback of either the state estimates or the output estimates
to appropriate
The literature on the above
methods is extensive, and previous publication+
examples of the more recent contributions
describing the
issues of these techniques.
However, the
of Kalman filtering techniques is limited to
those processes that are completely observable from the
For most plants, such a set of
J. Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol zyxwvutsrqponmlkji
h ,041 Rllt,rrurnrth_"PinPmlnn 1 ,A
for process estimation
and inferential
control: M. T Tham
secondary outputs can be difficult to determine and, in
some cases, may not even exist. Brosilow et ~1.~3~
suggested an estimator design technique based upon an
input-output representation of the plant. The design is
approached by obtaining a least squares static estimator,
which can be used to infer the controlled output from
secondary measurements at the steady state. The estimator is then additionally made applicable to transient periods by incorporating heuristically derived lead-lag elements into its structure. Methods for minimizing the
steady state estimation error by appropriate choice of the
secondary measurements were also proposed. However,
a set of secondary measurements for which this error is
satisfactorily small may not exist. In fact, the evaluation
work carried out by Patke et al.8 indicated that an inferential control scheme based on the output estimation
technique proposed by Brosilow et al. can result in significant offsets. Moreover, to apply the technique, the
gains and approximate time constants of the controlled
output and all secondary outputs, to all plant disturbances and manipulated inputs, must be known.
The control strategies reviewed above rely either on
infrequent measurements of the controlled output or on
the use of secondary measurements. It is, however, possible to use both types of measurements. One such technique is to set up a ‘parallel cascade’ control strategy9, in
which measurements of the controlled output are fed to a
controller whose output acts as the setpoint to a secondary output controller. Although no offset problems arise
with this control configuration, transient performances
can at times be pooI.8. Another approach is to use both
measurements of the controlled output and secondary
output within an adaptive inferential control framework.
In such a scheme, the infrequent measurements of the
controlled output are used only for parameter estimation
while output estimation, and hence plant control, is
achieved using a secondary output at its faster sampling
rate. To our knowledge, very little investigative work has
been carried out in this area, although a similar algorithm has been proposed previously’o. The algorithm’O is,
however, restricted to the assumption of a first-order
plant model, an equal number of disturbance inputs and
secondary measurements, and the use of a dead beat
control law.
There are a number of industrial situations where
infrequent sampling of the ‘controlled’ process output
can present potential operability problems. Common
examples are in product composition control of distillation columns@ and chemical reactors”. In these cases,
the sampling delay is a direct result of the long cycle time
of on-line composition analysers. Due to the potential
problems associated with infrequent sampling, the
control of product quality of many industrial multicomponent or high purity columns, for example, is commonly achieved by regulating an a priori chosen tray
temperature at its setpoint. However, single-temperature
feedback control is not always effective as maintaining a
constant tray temperature does not necessarily result in
constant product compositions. A similar problem arises
in polymerization reactors, in which measurements of
J. Proc. Cont. 1991,
et al.
reactor feed rate and one or more reactants can be used
to infer polymer properties that would otherwise only be
available by relatively slow on-line or off-line analysis.
In fermentation processes, important internal variables such as biomass, substrate and secondary prod&t
concentrations characterize the state and progress of the
fermentation. However, they present measurement difficulties. In spite of recent encouraging developments in
ion selective and enzyme sensors, optical and high frequency based methods, most of the concentration variables in a fermentation liquid phase cannot be measured
accurately and reliably on-line. Therefore, laboratory
analyses/assays are usually required to support fermentation supervision and control’2. Nevertheless a number
of successful strategies have been reported’3-23. It is interesting to observe that mechanistic
approaches and extended Kalman filtering are mainly
employed, even though sufficiently accurate biochemical
models are required.
This paper presents two algorithms that utilize plant
data sampled at different rates to estimate the controlled
output. For example, overheads temperature is used to
estimate top product composition of a distillation column; and biomass concentration of a fermentation is
estimated using off-gas carbon dioxide (CO,) evolution
rate. The first estimation algorithm is based upon a
general input-output representationz4, while the second,
summarized for comparison purposes, is derived from a
state space representation of the plant*s. The original
ideas behind the two methods are also briefly assessed in
Guilandoust and Morri@. The extensions to Kalman
filtering suggested by Kreisselmeier*‘, and the self-adaptive Kalman filtering approach suggested by Young28,
use a similar model form to that proposed in this work.
This major difference, however, lies in the multi-rate
aspects addressed here. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
Adaptive estimation using an input-output
process representation
Process description
The process dynamics are assumed to be represented by
the following input-output (I/O) relationships:
r&) = W-
‘)u(t - m’) + I&- ‘)W)
v,(t) = W-
‘)u(t -
v(t) = vo(0 +
where: t is a time index; vO(t) is the controlled output (e.g.
distillation column product composition, fermenter biomass concentration); and v,(t) is the secondary output
(e.g. column temperature, fermenter off-gas CO,).Their
corresponding observations, y(t) and v(t), are contaminated by measurement noises, v,(t) and v,(t) respectively,
which are assumed to be zero mean white sequences. The
Vol zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for process estimation
and inferential
M. T. Tham et al.
output measurement delay is denoted by zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
‘d’, and is
expressed as an integer multiple of the secondary output
sampling interval. Note that the discretization time step
T(t) = I&- ‘)w(t) + v*(t)
is based upon the smaller sampling interval of the
As q% ,(t) and v,(t) are zero mean white sequences, it
secondary variable. Thus, values of y(t) only become
that c(t) is also a zero mean and white sequence.
available every d time steps whereas v(t) is measureable
since w(t) is a row vector of stationary
at each time step. The time delays in the responses of the
to the spectral factorization theorem30,
controlled and secondary outputs, to changes in the
(9) may be expressed as:
manipulated input u(t) (e.g. column reflux flow, bioreactor feed rate) are ‘m,’ and ‘m2’, respectively. The term zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
S(t) = H,(q-‘)W
is a vector of unmeasureable disturbances.
G,(q-I) and G,(q-I) and all elements of the row vectors
I,(q-I) and I,(q-I) are discrete time transfer functions
with the order of numerator less than or equal to that of
i(t) = KG- W(t)
the denominator. The term q-l is the backward shift
operator. It is assumed that changes in any one of the
where H,(q- 1) and &(q- 1) are stable and proper polynocomponents of w(t) affect both yO(t) and v,(t), otherwise
mial ratios and the sequence w(t) is zero mean and white.
v,(t) will not be suitable for estimating y,(t). Therefore an
It is noted that both k(t) and c(t) are generated by the
element of I,(q-I) cannot be zero, unless the correspondsame disturbance sequence o(t). If this was not so, then
ing element in I,(q- I) is also zero, and vice versa.
the two signals would clearly be uncorrelated. This cannot be the case, because variations in load disturbances
Process disturbances and their representation
are assumed to affect both controlled and secondary
In deriving the estimators, it is important to consider
Equations (Z+-(9). Similarly, neither
how disturbances are to be modelled. It has been
H,(q-I) nor H,(q-1) can be zero without the other being
observed4 that process disturbances are characterized by
zero also.
infrequently occurring random changes, lasting for perSubstitution of Equations (10) and (11) into Equations
iods of the order of at least the process response time.
(5) and (6), and elimination of o(t), results in:
This behaviour has been modelled as Brownian motion
and was chosen because it can be pictured
y(t + d) = [G,(q-‘)q-“lfm2 - G&‘)H,(q-‘)/
as a sequence of step changes with independent random
amplitudes, occurring at times described by a Poisson
distribution. Even if this disturbance model may well
for m, 2 m2. For the case in which m, 5 m2:
represent the physical situation, its use poses an observability problem. The Brownian motion process descripy (t + d)= [G,(q-‘) - q-“2+“lG2(q-‘)H,(q-‘)/
tion contains a pole on the unit circle and hence is nonH2(q-‘)lu(t-m,)+[H,(q-‘)lH2(q-‘)lv(t)+E(t+d)
stationary. For the process to be observable from any set
of measurements, the number of measurements should
Both Equations (12) and (13) relate measurements of the
therefore exceed the number of disturbance inputs4-a
primary output, y(t), to the secondary output, v(t), and
situation rarely met in process control. The random stepthe values of the manipulated input, u(l). If G,(q-I),
like behaviour of process disturbances can alternatively
G,(q-I), H,(q-I) and H,(q-I) were all known, u(t) and v(t)
be modelled by the stationary exponentially correlated
could be used in Equation (12) or (13) to compute:
noise (ECN) process, which does not introduce the
F(t+d)=y (t+d)- E(t+d)
observability problem associated with the Brownian
motion process. Therefore, in the sequel, all process diswhich is an estimate of the controlled output, y ,,(t). From
turbances will be assumed to be stationary random
Equation (7), it is observed that the deviations of P(t + d)
sequences so that each may be represented as the resfrom the controlled output is determined essentially by
ponse of a stable filter to a white input sequencejo.
the variations of v,(t) and v,(t). Nevertheless, noise
effects can be reduced by judicious filtering of the
Derivation of the I/O estimator
respective variables. Thus, given a sufficiently accurate
Equations (1) to (4) can be rewritten as:
plant model, Equation (12) or (13) may be used to
provide delay free estimates of the controlled output at
y (t+d)=G,(q- ‘)u(t- m,)+~(t)+E(t+d)
the sampling rate of v(t). In situations where there is a
number of disturbance inputs or there are complex
v(t) = GAq- ‘)u(t - m2) + i(t)
or even unknown plant dynamics, the polynomial ratios
and H,(q-I) can only be
approximately obtained using off-line identification. In
this work, however, these transfer functions are not
E(t + d) = q% ,(t) - v*(t)
assumed to be known apriori. Instead, it is proposed that
their parameters be identified on-line.
S(t) = I,(q- W (t) + v*(t)
J. Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol 1, January
Soft-sensors for process estimation and inferential control: M. T. Tham et al.
To facilitate on-line parameter estimation, and based
on the definitions of G’(q-‘), Gz(q-‘), H,(q-‘) and
H,(q- ‘), Equations (12) or (13) can be rewritten as:
using a suitable algorithm. The value of y(t) = OT4(t - d)
is then calculated and inserted in +(I). The following
relationship is then used to provide estimates of the
primary output at those time instants when its measurements are not available:
j(r + d) = OT$(f)
= -c@(t)-..-a&Q-(n1)d)
where zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
m = Min(m,,m3 and,
+ j$u(t-m1)+ ..+ l&&~-m-@
A(q-‘)= 1 +a,q-,+azq-*+...+a,q-”
+r,v(t)+ .. +r,dv(t-nd)
The parameters of Equation (19) are again updated at
time t + d when a new value of the primary output again
becomes available. The expression for estimating y(t) at
C(q- ‘)=c,+c,q- ‘t- c*q- 2+...+c,q- ”
the faster sampling rate of the secondary output is thus
given by Equation (20). A convergence proof for this
algorithm, in the form of a multi-rate predictor for the
The value of the integer ‘n’ is chosen to achieve the
‘slow’ process output given ‘fast’ manipulated input varirequired accuracy of representation. It should be noted
able data, has been published3,.
that Equation (15) is not of the normal ARMAX type,
Equations (19) has n(2d+ 1) + 1 unknown parameters
although its form may, at first sight, suggest otherwise.
and ‘d’ may typically lie in the range 2 to 6. A first order
This is because v(t) is not an unknown signal as in the
estimator (n= 1) may therefore have between 6 and 14
case of an ARMAX relationship. Indeed, both the primunknown parameters and a second order estimator,
ary output, y(t), and secondary output, v(t), respond to
between 11 and 27. These figures may, at first sight, give
changes in control input and disturbances. In its present
the impression that the tuning-in period for larger values
form, the parameters of Equation (15), cannot be estiof
‘d’ will be inconveniently long. This is, however, not
mated in a straightforward manner beause y(t) is only
case. Although the number of unknown parameters
available at every ‘d’ time steps. This problem can,
with ‘d’, each time the controlled output is
nevertheless, be resolved by making use of Equation (14)
sampled, the data being supplied to the estimation algorand rewriting Equation (15) as:
ithm is also increased [see Equation (19)]. Simulation
studies, investigating the effects of analyser delays up to 6
A(q- ‘)j(t+d)=B(q- ‘)u(t- m)+C(q- ‘)v(t)
sample intervals, have in fact confirmed that the initial
tuning-in period increases only marginally for increasing
For a given value of ‘n’, it can be shown that the followvalues of ‘d.’
ing relationship:
It has also been observed that estimates of the
controlled output can often be obtained with sufficient
(l+a~q- ~+...+u”(‘q- “d)j(t+d)=
accuracy using a first order estimator. Additionally, the
(p’q-’ + &q- *+ . . . + f&q- nd)u(t- m)
‘ad of the first-order estimator may be shown
+(r,+r,q- ‘+...+&dq- “d)v(f)
to be related to a, by a,, = (-a#.
As may be deduced
from Equation (12), Iall is normally less than unity,
and Equation (17) are equivalent. However, Equation
except for the special case in which H,(q-‘) has a domi(18) has the desired features because all of its parameters
nant unstable zero. For larger values of ‘d’, it therefore
are associated with measured data values, and may therefollows that cl,,-C < 1, especially when la, 1is significantly
fore be estimated. Rearrangement of Equation (18)
less than unity. As a result, ‘ud’ becomes negligible, and
results in:
Equation (20) simplifies to:
fI,u(t- m- d- I)+...+p”&(t- m- (n+l)d)+
~,v(t- d)+...+~ndv(t- (n+l)d)+~(t)
which can then be expressed more concisely as:
y(t) = WQ(t - d) + e(t)
,..., u(t- m- d-
(21) zyxwvuts
Adaptive estimation based on a state space
process representation
x(t+ l)=Ax(t)+Bu(t-m)+Lw(t)
y(t) = Dx(t - d) + v,(t)
v(t) = Hx(t) + v,(t)
1),..., v(t-d) ,... ]
and e(t) is the equation error. When a measurement of
y(t) is available, the parameter vector 0 is estimated
Instead of adopting an input-output design approach,
an estimator can also be derived based on the following
state space model:
$(I- d)=[- j$t- d)
J. Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol 1, January
for process estimation
where r is again a time index, and y(t) and v(t) are
sampled controlled primary and secondary outputs respectively. The corresponding measurement noises, v,(t)
and vi(f), are assumed to be independent random
sequences with zero mean and finite variances. The state
vector is x(r)eRn. It has an initial value x(O), which has
the following properties:
E@(O)) = x,
and E{[x(O)- xJ[x(O) - xJT} = P,
w(r)eR” is a vector of random and unmeasurable load
disturbances. The primary output measurement delay is
‘d‘, while ‘m’ is the smallest of the time delays in the
responses of the y(t) and v(r) to changes in the manipulated input, u(t). Any difference between the two delays
can be included in the model by extending the state
Here, the aim is to estimate the system states using
observations of v(r) and thence obtain an estimate of y(t)
from Equation (23). If the matrices A, B, L, H and D, as
well as the noise covariances were known, then the state
estimates, %(r), could be computed from v(t) by Kalman
filtering and used to provide estimates of y(t) using the
j(r + 6) = D%(t)
The Kalman filter for Equations (22) and (24) is give@
R(t+ l)=Ari(t)+Bu(t-m)+K(t)c(t)
n(0) = iz,
E(2)= v(r) - qr>
and inferential
X(*+1)= [I’_,
From the definition,
e(r) = v(r)-D(r),
i(r) = i.,(r)
Elimination of the state estimates i,(r) to Z,(t) from the
right-hand side of Equation (32) by successive substitution yields:
.?-,(r+ l)= - azti(r)- .. - a,i(t-
n+ 2)+ b&t-m)
.?“(r+ l)= -a,?(t)
C(t) is the filtered value of v(t); K(r) is the Kalman gain
determined via solution of the Riccati equations and c(t)
is the innovations sequence. Although this method is one
of the more popular approaches adopted for output estimation, it requires a rather detailed a priori knowledge
about the process. This requirement can, however, be
relaxed if the estimation is performed within an adaptive
framework. In this case, an innovations model is used in
place of Equations (22) to (24):
M. T Tham et al.
more practical to use the former set of expressions. Since
the state estimates can be computed directly, the filtering
process need not be performed.
The matrices of the model can be parameterized in
various ways. Since no prior knowledge about the model
structure is assumed, it is reasonable that the parameterization be performed such that the identified parameters
would directly correspond to those of an input-output
mode133. This is best achieved by adopting an observer
canonical model structure. Having estimated the states,
Equation (30) could then be used to obtain j(r + d) if the
row vector D was known. In principle, D could be estimated using values of y(r) and Equation (26), if the state
estimates were not correlated. Unfortunately, this is not
the case as may be noted from Equation (29). The
problem can, however, be resolved by noting that in the
observer canonical structure, Equations (29) and (31) are
of the form:
&(t+ l)=t(t+
+ b,u(r - m) + k,c(t)
Equation (35) is then substituted into Equation (30) leading to an expression with the following form:
This can be expressed more compactly as:
S(t+ l)=A%(t)+Bu(t-m)+Ke(t)
(29) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
y(t) = D%(t - 6) + v,(t)
v(t) = H%(r) i- c(t)
where: K is the time invariant (limiting) Kalman gain,
and % is the optimal estimate of the states, x. Although
Equations (29)-(31) and (22)--(24) are equivalents2, it is
with QT= [b,,..,b,_ I,r O,..,r”-l, 6 I,..>6n-1I
,.., ^v(r-d) ,.., ~(r-d-I),..]
and e(r) is the equation error. Each time a primary measurement becomes available, the parameter vector 0 can
be estimated. Since Equation (37) is independent of state
J. Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol 1, January
for process estimation
and inferential
control: M. T Tham
estimates, this should not present any difficulties. After
updating 0 at time t, it is used in:
to provide estimates of the controlled output. The values
of c(t) in Equations (36) and (38) can be computed from
Equations (32) and (33) once the parameters of Equation
(32) have been determined34. 0 is again updated at time
t + d when a new measurement of the controlled output
becomes available. Equation (38) thus describes the relationship which provides estimates of the controlled output at the faster secondary output sample rate.
The number of parameters to be estimated in Equation
(36) is 3n - 2. If secondary output measurements can be
obtained with low noise levels, and load disturbances
only occur infrequently, then the ‘8’ terms tend to be very
small and may thus be ignored. The calculation of
jj(t + 6) becomes correspondingly simpler as identification of a secondary output model is no longer necessary.
The result is a significant reduction in the number of
unknown parameters and Equation (38) simplifies to:
At this point, it is interesting to note the similarity
between Equations (39) and (21). This agreement
between the final form of two essentially different
approaches provides additional confidence in the arguments presented.
The above discussion has implicitly assumed that the
process is completely observable with respect to v(t).The
question arises, however, as to what happens if this is not
the case. From Equations (22~(24), it is evident that
r(t) shares some of its poles with v(t). On the other hand,
the zeros of v(t) and v(t) are, in general, different from
each other. Loosely speaking, substituting the state estimates into Equation (23) may be regarded as assigning
the poles of v(t) to r(t). The zeros assigned to y(t) are
then determined by the parameter estimation procedure.
As may be expected, this operation places the zeros such
that the effect of the difference between the poles of v(t)
and y(t) is minimized. Thus, it is also possible that some
of the poles of v(t) are effectively cancelled. Simulation
studies carried out on systems with widely different primary and secondary output dynamics indicate satisfactory
estimation despite the differences in dynamics.
Adaptive inferential control
With the availability of ‘fast’ primary output estimates,
(e.g. fermenter biomass concentration, distillation column product composition), closed loop adaptive ‘inferential’ control of that variable becomes a feasible control
option. The values of P(t + d) can be used as a feedback
J. Proc. Cont. 1991,
Vol 1, January
et al.
signal for any constant parameter or adaptive control
algorithm. Examination of Equations (19) and (36) indicates that unless a proportional controller is used, closed
loop identifiability problems due to correlated data
should not arise [e.g. Ref. 351. Thus, for a time invariant
process, the estimated parameters should converge to
final values after an acceptable number of sample intervals. At this stage, parameter estimation could be halted
if desired, with accurate estimates of the controlled output still being available. In applications to a slowly time
varying process, it may be preferable to continue with the
parameter estimation at all times. In this case, it may also
be desirable to use an adaptive controller since the use of
the adaptive inferential estimators does not preclude the
application of adaptive control algorithms. Given a suitable choice of secondary variable, the inferential control
strategy will automatically provide for ‘anticipatory’
control action (in a feedforward sense). This is because
disturbance effects will manifest first in measured
secondary variable response, and thus the strategy
should yield significant improvements in disturbance
rejection performance.
Industrial evaluation
Commercial scale plant validation of both the statespace and input-output
based adaptive estimators (soft
sensors) was undertaken in association with our industrial collaborators. For reasons of commercial confidentiality, in all the figures to be presented, the ordinate
scales have been removed. In the following applications,
a UD-factorized
recursive least squares algorithm
(UDRLS)33 was used to estimate the parameters of the
estimators. In all the results to be presented, the estimators were initialized with zero parameters at the start of
each application.
Application to a continuous fermenter
In this study, the process is a continuous stirred tank
fermenter producing a fungal mycelium. Following
downstream processing, the mycelia are the final process
product. However, specifications placed upon its quality
dictate certain fermenter operating conditions. In particular, biomass concentration has to be tightly regulated.
The current strategy is based upon 4 hourly laboratory
analysis of biomass concentration and the dilution rate
adjusted upon the return of assay information. Although
process analysis reveals that a sampling interval of 1 h
would be more suitable for maintaining a constant biomass concentration, it is however, not possible to sample
biomass at this frequency. In fact, present policy is based
upon increasing the sampling interval, so as to reduce the
demand for 24 h laboratory support and operator supervision. A move to 8 or 12 h analysis would therefore be
desirable. This has important consequences on the
control strategy in that an alternative technique to offline analysis must be found to regulate biomass effectively.
The adaptive estimators provide a means by which
Soft- sensors
for process
estimation and inferential control: M . T. Tham
et al.
in off-gas
CO, evolution
Figure 2 Fermenter
pared with estimated
rate and dilution
rate measure-
dry weight assayed approximately
biomass concentration
4 hourly
frequent estimates of biomass can be obtained using CO2
evolution rate and dilution rate. Measurements of the
latter variables can be obtained frequently and with little
delays. Hence, an inferential estimator supplied with
hourly CO* and dilution rate measurements, supported
by infrequent and irregular biomass concentration
assays, will enable hourly predictions of biomass concentration. In this application, the state-space
estimator was implemented.
Figure I shows the COZ and dilution rate measurements over a 470 h period of continuous operation. A
major plant disturbance occurred at around time 285 h,
causing a rapid fall in CO2 evolution rate. Although this
was unexpected, it provided the estimator with a test of
its ability to track major process changes. Note that at
360 h, CO:! measurements
unavailable and was assumed constant for a period of
about 20 h. The laboratory biomass assays (step-like
response) and inferred biomass concentration over the
fermentation period are compared in Figure 2. It demon-
Figure 3 Fermenter
pared with estimated
dry weight assayed approximately
biomass concentration
8 hourly com-
strates the ability of the ‘state-space based’ estimator to
provide very acceptable predictions of biomass transient
behaviour. The biomass assay results can be seen to
occur at intervals that are not completely regular. With
the state-space
based estimator, this is not important
since the algorithm can accommodate such variations in
assay times (P.A. Lant, PhD Thesis in preparation,
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK). The performance of the estimator during the plant upset is also
encouraging. It predicted the down-turn well, with only a
slight undershoot at around 280 h. This is due to continuing estimator parameter adaptation to the new operating conditions. At time 248 h, the laboratory assay indicated a large increase in biomass concentration. It is
interesting to observe, however, that the estimator continued to predict a fall based upon measurements of dilution rate and CO* evolution rate. Other possibly ‘suspect’
biomass assays can also be observed at times 58, 100 and
183 h respectively. Nevertheless, the ability of the estimator to predict the general trend of biomass concentration
response was not compromised. The effect of increasing
the interval of sampling for biomass concentration
analysis from 4 to 8 h is shown in Figure 3. It can be
observed that there was only a marginal deterioration in
the quality of biomass estimates. However, and as
expected, the initial estimator ‘tuning-in’ period is
slightly longer (see Figure 2).
Application to a high purity distillation column
Distillation columns can also exhibit control problems,
due to the delays introduced by on-line product analysers. The problem can be exacerbated in the case of
columns with high purity products, where composition
dynamics can be extremely non-linear. In one such column, an industrial demethanizer, the aim of the control
strategy is to regulate the top product composition by
varying reflux flow. Here, all process variables are measured every 5 min except for top product composition.
Being measured by an analyser, composition values are
available only at 20 min intervals. The aim, therefore, is
J. Proc. Cont. 1991,
Vol 1, January
Soft-sensors for process estimation and inferential control: M. T. Tham et al.
Figure 4
x lo3
Figure 6
Demethanizer column feed flow rate measurement
Figure 5
x lo3
Demethanizer column temperature measurement
x lo3
x lo3
Demethanizer column reflux flow rate measurement
Figure 7 Demethanizer column top product composition
compared with estimated composition over 8250 min
degraded performances occurred only during large proto use ‘fast’ measurements of column overheads vapour
cess transients. Recall that high purity columns possess
temperature, together with reflux flow rate, to provide
strongly non-linear composition dynamics, and thus
estimates of product concentration at 5 min intervals. As
represent a severe test of the resilience of the estimator.
a secondary variable, a tray liquid temperature would be
The lapse in performance quality is attributed to the
preferable. The problems with the use of a vapour temestimator having to ‘tune’ to relatively frequent changes
perature is that it is overly sensitive to vapour disturin plant operating conditions. Nevertheless, when new
bances; changes due to column boil-up control and
steadier operating conditions are approached, the estinumerous other factors which need not necessarily affect
mation error is significantly reduced. This is in marked
product composition. However, the choice of a vapour
contrast to the steady state errors reported in the evalutemperature was dictated by its availability at the time of
ation study of other inferential control schemes by Patke
the tests.
et a1.8Figure 8 shows the performance of the estimator
Results are presented for a 137 h segment of a 20 day
between 15000 and 16000 min, and provides a more
application using the input-output
form of the estimadetailed picture of estimator responses during a period
tor. The data for feed flow rate, reflux flow rate and
when process operating conditions are changing. It can
column temperature are shown in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Figures 4-6 respectibe observed that the estimates of top product compovely. A comparative plot of actual product composition
sition are very close to the composition analyser results.
with its estimates is shown in Figure 7. In spite of the
Indeed, the errors are within the tolerances demanded by
‘bad’ choice of secondary variable, the estimator perthe
plant operating personnel.
formed remarkably well. It can be observed that
J. Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol 1, January
for process estimation
and inferential
M. T Tham
et al.
and estimates
(15000 min < t < 16000 min)
Figure 8
with estimated
Figure 9
fresh propylene
to a polymerization
Figure 10
x lo3
flow rate measurement
x lo3
column top product composition
over 1000 min
feed rate measure-
x lo3
As a further test of the utility of the estimator, the
algorithm was applied to an industrial
polymerization process. The melt flow index (MFI) of
the product was estimated using measurements of reactor feed rate, reactor coolant flow rate and hydrogen
concentration above the reaction mass (shown in Figures
9-11 respectively). The secondary variables were measured at 10 min intervals, while measures of MFI were
obtained from laboratory analyses every 2 h. Figure 12
shows the results of the very first trial application to this
process and compares the laboratory assayed melt flow
index (step-like response) and its estimates. The tuningin period, from zero initial parameter values took
approximately 300 h (equivalent to 150 laboratory samples). Although the algorithm was implemented with
minimal process knowledge used to ‘condition’ the estimator, its performance is good. In particular, the ability
to track the change in polymer grade at around 1085 h is
particularly encouraging.
x lo3
reactor melt flow index analysis
Figure 12 Polymerization
with estimated melt flow index over 14500 min
J. Proc. Cont. 1991,
Vol 1, January zyxwvutsrqpo
Soft-sensors for process estimation and inferential control: M. T Tham et al.
water 1
Implementation aspects
In the application of the adaptive estimators, several
important implementation issues arose. The data used
for parameter estimation have to be suitably ‘conditioned’. Data scaling to ensure that input-output
ranges were of the same order, is particularly important.
Care must also be taken to ensure that the measured
signals are filtered for noise rejection, anti-aliasing, sudden changes or spikes and ‘rogue’ data. Failure to
achieve satisfactory data conditioning will lead to poor
estimator performance. In the above case studies, all
process measurements were filtered using low phase-shift
algorithms and transformed to represent deviations
about a mean operating level. Data spikes were attenutated via the use of logic filters designed based on on-line
calculated statistics of each data variable. Additionally,
to promote robust estimator performance, whenever a
primary output analysis (e.g. fermenter biomass, column
product composition) becomes available, it is used in the
algorithm to replace the corresponding estimated value.
It is in ensuring the integrity of the algorithms to
specific process problems that proved to be most
demanding. For instance, periodic re-calibration of the
infrared carbon dioxide analyser in the bioreactor application (or the on-line chromatograph in the case of the
distillation column), unless accounted for, can cause significant problems. Due to the adaptive nature of the
algorithm, however,it is capable of dealing with the slow
drifts in calibration usually experienced. The techniques
adopted here reflect the experiences with our work on
adaptive and self-tuning contro118J9J6. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Adaptive inferential control of a distillation
Schematic diagram of pilot plant distillation column: CR,
analyser recorder; FRC, flow recorder/controller; GC, gas chromato-
Figure 13
The adaptive estimators described above can also be
graph; LC, level controller
included as part of a feedback control system to provide
an adaptive inferential control strategy. The practicality
variable and is sampled every 0.5 min. The UDRLS
of such a scheme to effect distillation product compoalgorithm was again used to estimate the parameters of a
sition control has been evaluated by non-linear simula1st order input-output
estimator. Although the perfortion. The process under consideration is a 10 stage pilot
mances of estimators of various orders have been investiplant column, installed at the University of Alberta,
Canada. It separates a 5&50wt% methanol-water feed
gated, in this application, it was generally found that the
advantages to be gained from the use of high order
mixture, which is introduced at a rate of 18.23gs-’ into
estimators were marginal.
the column on the 4th tray. Bottom and top product
compositions are to be maintained at 5wt% and 95wt%
To provide control, fixed parameter PI controllers
were used and their settings determined using Zieglermethanol respectively. A schematic diagram of the pilot
plant column is shown in Figure 13. The column is
Nichols ultimate sensitivity tuning rules, followed by
fine-tuning to obtain responses with minimum integral of
modelled by a comprehensive set of dynamic heat and
mass balance relationships37. Both the pilot plant and the
absolute error. Comparative performances of PI feedback control and adaptive inferential control, under
non-linear model have been widely used by many investigators to study different advanced control schemes36*3a.
major disturbance conditions, were assessed by subjecting the column to f 25% feed flow changes from steady
The control objective is to use steam flow rate to the
state operating conditions. This disturbance sequence
reboiler to regulate bottom product composition, when
the column is disturbed by step changes in feed flow rate.
consisted of a 25% increase from steady state; a 25%
Bottom product composition is measured by a gas chrodecrease back to steady state; a 25% decrease from
matograph, which is subject to an analyser delay of 3
steady state; and finally a 25% increase back to steady
min. The liquid temperature of tray 3, i.e. the tray immeThe open loop responses of bottom product
diately below the feed tray, was chosen as the secondary zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
.I.Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol I, January
Soft-sensors for process estimation and inferential control: M. T. Tham et al.
r n_,
_ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Methanol distillation column bottom product composition
(PI control of analyser composition) f 25% feed flow rate disturbances
Figure 14
Figure 16 Methanol distillation column bottom product composition
(Adaptive inferential control using reboiler temperature, f 25% feed
flow rate disturbances)
Figure 15 Methanol distillation column bottom product composition.
(Adaptive inferential control using tray 3 temperature, *25% feed
flow rate disturbances)
sition and tray 3 liquid temperature to f 10% step
changes in steam and feed flows (not shown), indicate
that both bottom product composition and tray 3 temperature exhibit quite different gains and time constants
for both positive and negative steps in steam and feed
flow rates. Indeed, the dynamics of the column become
severely non-linear especially when it is subject to large
(> f 20%) changes in reflux, steam or feed flow rates.
The linear estimator therefore has to cope with the resultant non-linearities of all these responses. This is an
important factor when assessing the adaptation properties of the estimator to changing process characteristics.
Note that in figures to be presented, the composition
plots correspond to ‘actual’ bottoms composition, y,(t)
rather than its analyser delayed value, v(t). The performance of the PI controller, using the measured product
composition as the feedback signal is shown in Figure 14,
while Figure 1.5 shows the performance of the adaptive
inferential control scheme. Deviations of actual composition from its steady state value (full line) are plotted
along with the estimated composition (broken line). Particular note should be made of the difference in ordinate
scales in Figures 14 and 15. Clearly, an overall improved
transient behaviour is obtained with the adaptive inferential control strategy.
The PI settings used in the conventional control strategy were K= - 60 and T,= 20 min. It may be argued
that the proportional gain is too high, hence the results in
Figure 14. However, reducing the gain of the PI controller, and increasing the integral time to account for the
measurement delay, would result in a more sluggish response to that shown in Figure 14. Furthermore, there
was an increase in peak overshoot of about 0.6 wt%
(response not shown). The use of the estimates for feed-
back control can be regarded as implicitly providing for
dead-time compensation in the closed loop, and thus
allows the use of a controller with higher gains. This was
indeed the case, and the PI settings used in the inferential
scheme were K= - 175 and T,= 2.5 min. As a result,
disturbance rejection responses are superior to those
obtained using conventional feedback control. It is also
suggested that fine tuning of the PI settings in the adaptive inferential control scheme could well provide for
further improvements.
It is noted that although the estimator tracks the
actual composition response closely during the first part
of the transient, following the + 25% increase in feed
rate, the actual composition response exhibits slow offset
removal as the estimator parameters tune in under low
excitation conditions. This is particularly apparent
during the two major disturbances occurring at times 20
and 160 min, respectively. In practice, a continuously
repeating sequence of disturbances, such as used in this
study, would not be expected to occur. Therefore, a
longer and richer adaptation period would be available.
The use of various tray temperatures as the secondary
output have also been investigated. Tray 3 temperature
was selected as the secondary variable to demonstrate the
performance of the estimator (soft-sensor) based inferential control strategy using a ‘badly’ chosen secondary
measurement. If the secondary measurement was made
closer to the sampling point of the primary output, then
the performance of the estimator would be significantly
enhanced. This is illustrated in Figure 16, which shows
the performance of the adaptive inferential control
scheme when the temperature of the liquid in the reboiler
was used as the secondary variable. As expected, the
estimated composition values (broken line) accurately
reflects the state of the actual composition (full line).
Other comparative studies have been performed using
the multicomponent distillation column model described
in Patke et ai.* A much improved, offset free control
performance, has been reported using the estimators described in this paper2”26. The ability to anticipate disturbance effects results in a significantly improved control
behaviour. This has been achieved here despite a poor
choice of secondary measurement location. The studies
also hopefully indicate the potential of these estimators
in providing for improved product quality regulation of
multicomponent columns. It is also worth noting that in
J. Proc. Cont. 1991, Vol I, January
Soft-sensors for process estimation and inferential control: M. T. Tham et al.
Chemicals and Polymers, the UK SERC and the Univerpractice, it is unlikely that all available secondary outsity of Newcastle upon Tyne.
puts will exhibit highly non-linear dynamics. Neither
would the disturbances affecting the plant change as
drastically as the steps used in this study. Hence the
ability of the adaptive algorithm to track slow changes in
plant dynamics should be adequate. As has been shown,
1 Soderstrom, T, in ‘Methods and Applications in Adaptive Control’,
(Ed. H. Unbehaven), Springer-Verlag, 1980
the adaptive inferential control technique described
2 Parrish, J. R. and Brosilow, C. B. Automatica 1985,21 (S), 527
above appears to possess such capabilities. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
3 Morari, M. and Stephanopoulos,
G. AIChE Journal 1980, 26 (2),
In this paper, two adaptive estimators for inferring infrequently measured plant outputs, using more frequently
measured secondary variables, have been derived. In one
approach, a general input-output
representation of the
plant formed the starting point, while the other utilizes a
state space model. These algorithms have been referred
to as ‘soft-sensors’ since they are software based rather
than being hardware based. Both estimators approximate the complex relationship between the two sets of
output variables. The parameters of the estimators are
identified on-line using values of the infrequently sampled plant output and the relatively faster sampled
secondary outputs and inputs. The technique enables the
controlled output to be inferred at the same rate at which
the secondary output is being sampled.
The algorithms have been successfully applied to
several industrial processes. Fermenter biomass concentration was estimated using off-gas CO2 and fermenter
dilution rate measurements; top product composition of
a demethanizer column was estimated using column
temperature and reflux flow rate measurements; and
polymer melt flow index was estimated using measurements of reactor feed rate, reactor coolant flow rate and
hydrogen concentration above the reaction mass. The
results highlight the potential of the proposed adaptive
estimation schemes for solving ‘difficult’ industrial
control problems caused by instrumentation limitations.
With regard to closed loop ‘adaptive inferential’
control, early detection of load disturbances effects (in a
feedforward sense) permits the achievement of significantly faster disturbance rejection. Consequently, it is
expected that control schemes using the estimated output
in conjunction with fixed parameter PI or PID controllers will out-perform other conventional feedback PI/
PID controllers, or indeed self-tuning control schemes,
which rely solely on infrequent output measurements.
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