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International refugee law: dominant and
emerging approaches
Hélène Lambert
Abstract: International refugee law scholarship has
long been dominated by a positivist tradition
within which the human rights approach has now
become the dominant approach. However, states and
their formal agreements get us only so far in explaining how refugee law is created and how it develops.
There is another layer of explanation that looks
into transnational activities and their effect on how
law is shaped, interpreted, applied and developed.
This chapter therefore also explores two further emerging approaches in refugee law: the transnational
approach and the participatory approach. It argues
that whereas the dominant human rights approach
focuses mainly on sources and contents of rules (and
their enforcement), both the transnational and participatory approaches are useful in capturing the complexities of the process of law formation and law
development by looking more specifically at networks
and other participants in the process of law making. The challenge of contemporary international
refugee law is to recognize more explicitly the role
of such networks and the soft law and norms that
they often produce.
There is little doubt that “international
refugee law has long occupied centre stage in
refugee studies”1 (Wilde 2001: 140; Zetter
2000) and that traditionally “its scholarship has
been dominated by a positivist tradition”
detached from political reality (Chimni
1998: 352). Accordingly, international refugee law has long been viewed as a set of
rules (e.g., the 1951 Convention Relating
to the Status of Refugees) dominated by states
in their application but helped by an international organization (i.e., UNHCR) in
their development. However, the world has
moved on and so has the way in which we
theorize (refugee) law. Most significantly, the
human rights approach has now become
the dominant approach in refugee law. This
scholarly school has not only had an impact
on the content of refugee law, it has also
changed the boundaries within which refugee law operates. However, the human
rights approach has had little impact on the
“formal scheme of the Convention [which]
remains one of obligations between States”
(Goodwin-Gill 2004: 7). This is because
the human rights approach maintains a primary focus on rules as applied by states and
relevant international organizations. Hence
it fails to challenge the way international
lawyers are trained to think “in normative and
institutional hierarchies” (Byrne et al. 2004:
356). This chapter therefore also explores
two further emerging approaches in refugee
law that undertake such a challenge: the
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transnational approach and the participatory
Both these approaches originate in liberal
theory of international law which focuses
on the importance of non-state actors and
progressive values in the world legal order
(Lasswell & McDougal 1943; McDougal
1960; McDougal & Lasswell 1959). The
transnational approach highlights the role
of processes, networks and discourse involving actors that operate within and across state
boundaries (Slaughter 2004a). These transnational networks and processes clearly contribute to international normative activity
(Boyle & Chinkin 2007), and to a changing
conception of the world less dominated by
a vertical notion of international law and
domestic law; one speaks of epistemic community, transgovernmentalism, and governance. The participatory approach highlights
the imperative for wider participation in this
discourse (from non-western states to the refugee themselves) as being essential to build
the trust necessary for international refugee
law to develop further. Through this discourse,
our conception of the world is changing,
and so is the law relating to refugees (Chimni
1998; Harvey 1998, 1999; Hathaway &
Neve 1997). Both approaches are attractive
because they offer a more prescriptive approach
to international refugee law quite unlike the
descriptive approach of legal positivism. From
the point of view of scholarship, therefore,
the task is not to ascertain the content of law
but to advocate law that promotes core community values. These emergent approaches
therefore provide a dynamic picture of the
evolution of refugee law in a world increasingly characterized by globalization and the
emergence of a “common public order”
(Goodwin-Gill 2006). Beyond these theoretical approaches, refugee law scholarship
has also become more sensitive to the moral
and ethical dimension of refugee studies
(Gibney 2004; Juss 2004) as well as to sound
historical foundations (Nathwani 2000; see also
Abuya 2007).
Positivism and the human rights
Positivism views international law as “an
abstract system of rules which can be identified, objectively interpreted, and enforced”
(Chimni 1998: 352; see also Hart 1998: 214;
Armstrong et al. 2007: 9–33, 74–83). The
positivist tradition limits the possibility of
engagement with politics (a good illustration
of this is Hathaway 2007 and Hathaway &
Neve 1997). From this perspective, refugee
law has been viewed as a self-contained
regime of international law with roots in extradition law and the laws relating to nationality laws and aliens (Grahl-Madsen 1966: 79;
Weis 1953: 480),2 so very much “hooked on
to traditional concepts of state territorial
jurisdiction, i.e., the sovereign right of states
to decide on admission and expulsion of all
those not linked by the bonds of nationality”
(Gowlland-Debbas 1996: x).
The Refugee Convention was drafted at
a time (1951) when the cold war took off,
hence it has been labeled as the “child of the
Cold War” (Bertrand 1993: 498). As its
name indicates, the Convention Relating
to the Status of Refugees is about defining
who is a refugee (article 1), and the rights
and benefits which persons recognized as
refugees are entitled to, including the guarantee against refoulement (articles 2–34). Nonrefoulement prohibits the return of refugees to
any country where they are likely to fear for
their life or freedom (article 33(1)). It has been
described as “a cardinal principle of refugee
protection” (Lauterpacht & Bethlehem 2003:
107). Issues of procedures (i.e., how to make
a decision on refugee status) were never
directly a matter for international law, thus
states have been left with the choice of
means as to implementation at the national
level (Lambert 2006: 162–3). The principle
of good faith in international law nonetheless requires that states provide fair and
efficient asylum procedures in their compliance with the Refugee Convention, if not in
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terms of states’ intent, at least in terms of
the effect of states’ action (Goodwin-Gill &
McAdam 2007: 458).
In its early days, the definition of a refugee
(article 1A(2)) was limited to persons who were
escaping events that took place before 1951
(essentially in Europe). A Protocol Relating
to the Status of Refugees (1967) extended the
application of the Refugee Convention to
all refugees. Both instruments have been
described as “the foundation of the international regime for the protection of refugees”
(UNHCR 2001: 1). To maximize accession,
“they were carefully framed to define minimum standards, without imposing obligations going beyond those that States can
reasonably be expected to assume” (UNHCR
2001: 29). There are currently 141 states
parties to both instruments.3 The underlying
values of the Refugee Convention are clearly
stated by UNHCR as being: humanitarian,
human rights and people oriented; nonpolitical and impartial; international cooperation; and universal and general character
(UNHCR 2001: 2–3).
According to article 1A(2), Refugee
The term “refugee” shall apply to any person
who owing to a well-founded fear of being
persecuted for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular
social group, or political opinion, is outside
the country of his nationality and is unable
or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail
himself of the protection of that country.
It follows from this definition that the conceptualization of refugeehood in international law is based on the restrictive concepts
of persecution and alienage (Shacknove
1985). This definition has been the subject
of intense scrutiny through refugee determination procedures and a substantial body
of jurisprudence has been created. But in
the absence of an independent international
body competent to interpret the Refugee
Convention, each contracting party is free
to adopt its own interpretation. This means
that at present considerable divergence exists
in the way international refugee law is interpreted and applied. In an effort to improve
implementation of the Refugee Convention, UNHCR has suggested a more regularized system of reporting, periodic meetings
of states parties to review implementation
issues, and harmonized regional processes for
interpretation and application of the principles
(UNHCR 2001: 30). Meanwhile, some
lawyers have called for the establishment of
an international body competent to monitor
the application of the Refugee Convention
by contracting states and to interpret provisions of the Refugee Convention (Chimni
2001: 157; Hathaway 2002; Macmillan &
Olsson 2001; North 2005). Arguably, such
proposals may be presented as attempts to claw
back some of the legal space occupied by states
in this area of law (Chimni 2001: 158).
It has been argued that the dominance, in
particular positivist, of refugee law within
refugee studies during the cold war resulted
in a “depoliticized approach” which was not
without consequences (Chimni 1998: 354).
One such consequence was the attention given
by scholars to the basic activities, structure and
legal status of UNHCR in preference to its
“knowledge and dissemination functions”
(Chimni 1998: 366). However, international
refugee law has been significantly expanded
through U.N. General Assembly’s resolutions
and EXCOM conclusions as well as customary international law and Security Council
resolutions (Gilbert 2005: 5; Goodwin-Gill
& McAdam 2007: 5–7, 20–50; GowllandDebbas 2001; Lewis 2005). Furthermore,
UNHCR has, since the end of the cold war,
become an operational agency and through
this has come to recognize the importance
of human rights in its work (Stoltenberg
1991: 150).4 Thus, today protection has
been described as comprising “both a legal
framework [i.e., international and regional
refugee law and human rights law treaties]
and a solutions framework [i.e., refuge/
asylum, voluntary repatriation, and assistance]”
(Goodwin-Gill 2006: 6). That said, the
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move by UNHCR towards the protection of
internally displaced persons and its activities
regarding refugee status determination in
nearly all the developing countries have raised
serious concerns under international human
rights law (Chimni 2006; Pallis 2006).
Another consequence (which will be discussed
later) was the fragmentation and isolation of
refugee law which became seen by many
as sui generis (Chimni 1998: 354). Finally, the
positivist approach to international refugee law
has also been relied on to explain states’ reluctance to recognize a subjective right of asylum. Goodwin-Gill and McAdam observe that
when article 14(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was being
drafted, states were divided between those
“that regarded asylum as their sovereign prerogative [e.g., the UK], and those which saw
it as a duty of the international community
[e.g., France]” (Goodwin-Gill & McAdam
2007: 358). The former view won over the
latter, indicating that “States had no intention
to assume even a moral obligation in the
matter” (Goodwin-Gill & McAdam 2007:
358). As a result, article 14(1) as adopted in
the UDHR reads: “[E]veryone has the right
to seek and to enjoy [as opposed to be granted]
. . . asylum from persecution.”
Today, Goodwin-Gill and McAdam
maintain that “the individual still has no
right to be granted asylum. The right itself
is in the form of a discretionary power” (2007:
414). In practice, many states have used
the refugee definition in article 1A(2) of the
Refugee Convention as the basis for granting asylum but asylum “as an obligation on
States to accord lasting solutions, with or
without a correlative right of the individual,
continues to be resisted” (Goodwin-Gill &
McAdam 2007: 415). That said, states have
certain legal obligations under refugee law,
human rights law, and humanitarian law, in
particular they have a duty of non-refoulement.
Furthermore, international law, which until
1991 supported the doctrine of nonintervention (article 2(7) U.N. Charter) in
countries of origin producing refugees (Baer
1996: 246; Goodwin-Gill & McAdam
2007: 2), has dramatically transformed under
Security Council’s action. So, it has been
argued that we may be witnessing an “emerging international community interest” or
“common public order” based on the following elements: a right of refugees and the
displaced to return to their homes in freedom
and dignity with a correlative states’ responsibility to protect such right; an expansion
of the recognition of criminal responsibility
against individuals found to have committed
genocide, war crimes or crimes against
humanity; and a right of access to refugees and
civilian populations at risk (Goodwin-Gill &
McAdam 2007: 6–7; see also, more generally, CSW 2007; Jaquemet 2001).
The formal acknowledgement that international refugee law is indeed part of international human rights law has been traced back
to the adoption of the Refugee Convention
as a U.N. treaty (Gowlland-Debbas 2001: 193,
200–203; Weis 1995: 1).5 This is because the
Refugee Convention became an instrument
intended to contribute to the achievement
of the purposes and principles of the U.N.
(articles 1(3) and 55, U.N. Charter). Crucially, this commitment to human rights, as
enunciated in the U.N. Charter but also in
UDHR, is explicitly stated in the Preamble
of the Refugee Convention. Yet, a number
of factors (such as, the lack of a subjective
right of asylum, traditional concepts of sovereignty and the cold war) created a narrow conception of refugee law, one that became
“segregated from the development of international human rights law” (GowllandDebbas 1995: x; see also McNamara 1998:
175). Flauss speaks of ambiguous and contradictory relationships between international
refugee law and international human rights law
(Flauss 2001: 94). He gives as an example, the
fact that it took 30 years for the International
Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg) to
introduce a course on refugee law as part of
its annual teaching program (Flauss 2001: 94).
Also, one has to wait for the 1990s to see
any significant references made to human
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rights in UNHCR EXCOM Conclusions
(UNHCR 2005) and for law scholarship to
articulate fully the relationship between
refugee law and human rights law (Anker
2002; Harvey 1998, 1999; Hathaway 1991,
2007; Hathaway & Neve 1997; Helton
2002: 124). Gowlland-Debbas speaks of a
veritable “rediscovery” that refugee law is
human rights law (Gowlland-Debbas 1996:
xiii). There is now clear understanding that
international human rights law serves to
reinforce refugee protection and that it gives
meaning to the “right to enjoy asylum” in
international law (Edwards 2005; Gil-Bazo
2006: 600). Should an inconsistency occur
“between the two bodies of law, the higher
standard must prevail” (Edwards 2005: 330).
Predictably, this “rediscovery” has not
gone unchallenged. First, it has been argued
that human rights law is not without its
own problems and that some of these problems will simply transfer to refugee law, such
as the domestic/international jurisdictional
debate, the sovereignty/humanitarian intervention debate, the lack of self-interest as a
motivating force, the proliferation of human
rights coupled with the lack of a hierarchy
of human rights, and the problem of institutional coordination and overlapping mandate
(Gowlland-Debbas 1996: xiii; Kennedy
2005; Nathwani 2000: 364–7).6 Second, it
has been observed that the juridical link
between these fields is mostly in the form of
soft law (Gowlland-Debbas 1996: xiii). One
notable exception is the adoption of the
EU Qualification Directive (that is a binding legal instrument) which combines both
refugee protection status and subsidiary protection status (Lambert 2006).
These criticisms notwithstanding, the
human rights approach is currently the
dominant one in refugee law. This approach
explains that refugee law operates on the
premise that a human rights violation has taken
place or is going to take place imminently
(Nathwani 2000). It also takes human rights
law as a benchmark for the quality of protec348
tion provided by states (and by UNHCR) to
refugees in countries of origin (e.g., internal
protection) and in countries of refuge (in terms
of the rights granted to asylum seekers as well
as the rights granted upon recognition of
refugee status and complementary protection
status) (Goodwin-Gill 2004; Hathaway 2005;
Lambert 1999, 2005). Finally, it is being
used to tackle issues of states’ responsibilities
(Gil-Bazo 2006: 600) as well as UNHCR’s
accountability (Pallis 2006). Viewed from
this enlarged perspective, the debate about
the linkage between refugee law and human
rights law has revealed a number of issues that
had remained largely unaddressed in refugee
law, such as the right to leave, to return, and
to remain, the obligations of the receiving state
to meet certain standards of treatments, the
obligations of UNHCR to act in accordance
with international human rights law in its
refugee status determination activities, and
the human rights situation in the country of
origin (e.g., state responsibility, root causes).
The human rights approach is by no mean
incompatible with a positivist tradition; it
may indeed sit quite squarely with legal positivism (and its unilateralism and state-centered
approach). Hathaway, for instance, argues that
“a positivist understanding of international
law is an important means to advance both
refugee rights, and the more general international human rights project” (Hathaway
2005: 24). This approach may nonetheless
be contrasted with a recent trend towards
more dialog and wider participation. This
trend is not incompatible with the human
rights approach, but it is in the transnational
approach and in the participatory approach that
the full depth and breadth of such dialog is
best captured.
The transnational approach and
the participatory approach
The previous section discussed international
refugee law based on the assumptions that
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“International law has traditionally been just
that – international” (Slaughter & BurkeWhite 2006: 327; see also Lauterpacht 1931:
31). However, globalization and new transnational threats have “changed the nature of
governance and the necessary purposes of
international law” (Slaughter & BurkeWhite 2006: 328). And refugee law has not
been immune from these changes. Lubbers,
for instance, observed that “In a globalizing world and a rapidly changing political
environment, the Convention faces many
challenges. These include new forms of
persecution and conflict, complex mixed
migration movements, the reluctance of
many states to accept refugees, and restrictive
interpretation of the Convention” (Lubbers
2003: xv). International refugee law therefore must contend with an increase in transnational activities and with calls for wider
participation in these activities. This is not
surprising since “the system of international
protection of refugees remains a unique
combination, bringing together states, international organizations, non-governmental
organizations and the refugees themselves in
the pursuit of common ends” (Goodwin-Gill
1999: 221).
This section discusses a few key transnational activities undertaken in this area of
international law. It also discusses calls for
widening participation in the process of
refugee law making. Both these trends are
reflected in the transnational approach and
the participatory approach, respectively. As
highlighted by scholars, these approaches
are non-exclusive. Anker, Fitzpatrick, and
Shacknove, for instance, talk about “pluralism in refugee law” (i.e., the existence of an
increasing number of networks) and the need
for refugee voices (in particular women
refugees) to be taken into account in refugee law reforms (Anker et al. 1998). And
Chimni talks about increasing and widening dialog between states and others actors,
including refugees, in an “emerging global
state” (Chimni 2001, 2004).
Transnational networks and
processes in refugee law
More and more networks are working
together to tackle cross-borders issues, such
as refugee flows, immigration, crime, and terrorism. These networks have different shapes
and sizes, and different aims. Single-issue
networks focusing on one particular issue are
constituted side by side with broader, more
general refugee law networks. Government
networks, constituted of judges and policymakers, and networks of intergovernmental
organizations (IGOs) are established alongside
networks of academics and activists. Chimni
argues that this increase in networks and activities is creating a “global state” (Chimni
2004). An alternative perspective offered by
Slaughter is that the concept of states is not
disappearing, so much as it is “disaggregating”
in an age of global governance with states now
confronted to a new range of actors that they
themselves have created (Slaughter 2004b).
With the exception of the EU, all these networks and processes have contributed to
the development of refugee law through soft
law (and norms). This section looks at three
kinds of transnational network: judicial,
based around an IGO-UNHCR, and based
around the EU.
The International Association of Refugee
Law Judges (IARLJ) was established at
Warsaw in 1997 to facilitate communication
and dialog between refugee law judges
around the world in an attempt to develop
“consistent and coherent refugee jurisprudence” (Storey 2003: 422).7 This need was
felt particularly strongly in this area of law
because of the lack of a supranational court
competent to develop authoritative legal
standards based on the Refugee Convention.
Hathaway has described the IARLJ as “One
of the most exciting recent developments in
refugee law” because it provides clear evidence
of the existence of an “ongoing transnational
judicial conversation” (Hathaway 2003: 418;
see also Slaughter 1994: 121, 127; Slaughter
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2003). He further notes that refugee law has
recently evolved mostly under the influence
of judges and that refugee law has “become
fundamentally judicialized” (Hathaway
2003: 418). During the last 10 years, several
decisions of superior courts in states parties
to the Refugee Convention have indeed
contributed to the advancement of international refugee law.8 Storey even called for the
application of “a principle of convergence, i.e.,
that tribunals and courts in different countries
should seek as far as possible to apply the
same basic principles” (Storey 2003: 423). The
role of high courts as “agents of normative
change” has been recognised in other areas
of law, e.g., aliens’ rights (Guiraudon 2000:
1107). In the area of refugee law, this role is
particularly strong in light of the coordinating work of IARLJ with many of these decisions (mostly from western states) finding a
place on the IARLJ database. This role is
nonetheless limited because “of necessity
those cases are dependent on their own facts
and have no binding qualities outside their own
jurisdiction” (Gilbert 2005: 3).9 However, the
EU harmonization process of refugee law is
reshaping our understanding of “persuasive
authority” and cross-referencing between
common and civil law jurisdictions in
refugee law is on the increase. So, it may
indeed be the case that refugee law judges are
increasingly becoming “independent actors
in the international arena” (Slaughter 2004a:
68; see also Slaughter 2003).
It has been argued that networks of
national governments officials are useful in
building trust and establishing good relationships among participants. In particular, looking at the judiciary, it has been argued that
judges not only exchange information about
different approaches to common legal issues,
they also “offer technical assistance and professional socialization to members [. . .] from
less developed nations” (Raustiala 2002;
Slaughter 2000). Such learning experience has
been identified as a two-way street when crossreferencing between high courts happens
from the developed world to the developing
world and vice versa (Slaughter 2004a:
65–103). This is something that could be
developed further in refugee law as it would
go some way in addressing some of the
criticism raised regarding these networks.
Chimni, for instance, argues that a growing
network of international institutions – economic, social, and political – is creating a global
state of an imperial character (Chimni 2004)
and that this “emerging global state” notably
lacks the elements necessary for a strong dialog between south and north (Chimni 2001).
There are also a number of networks
based around UNHCR. One such network is the Global Consultations Process,
launched in October 2000 with the purpose
of provoking “both reflection and action to
revitalize the international refugee protection
regime” (UNHCR 2002: 1). As a process,
particular attention was given to dialog and
cooperation, and to broad-based participation.
So, the participation of refugees as key stakeholders in the system and of NGOs was promoted through an international dialog with
50 refugee women in Geneva and a debate
bringing together over 500 refugees in the
French National Assembly as well as a forum
of refugees in Europe (Rouen, France)
(UNHCR 2001: 31). This process lasted 18
months and led to the universal reaffirmation
of the Refugee Convention as the basis of
refugee protection. A first outcome of the
Global Consultations Process was the adoption of the Agenda for Protection, i.e., a
program of action drafted by UNHCR
(approved by EXCOM in 2002) to improve
the protection of refugees and asylum seekers
by highlighting existing gaps in the refugee
protection regime. Since then UNHCR has
drafted several guidelines to complement its
now quite outdated Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee
Status. A second outcome of the Global
Consultations Process was the publication of
the debates (i.e., papers and conclusions) that
took place during the Global Consultations
expert roundtable consultations (Feller
et al. 2003). Lewis has described the Global
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Consultations Process and the Programme
of Action (in the Agenda for Protection) as
“novel methods for contributing to the
development of international refugee law”
(Lewis 2005: 90). And Chimni sees
UNHCR Consultation Process as one step
in the direction of UNHCR’s new advocate
role (between south and north, and between
states and other participants, including
refugees) (Chimni 2001). He also calls for such
initiative to be more sustained if one is to see
any change in UNHCR’s existing deference
towards northern states (Chimni 1998:
365–71).10 The Convention Plus Process is yet
another step in that direction.
Convention Plus started as “an ad hoc
response to the Agenda for Protection” (Betts
& Durieux 2007), the essence of which
(i.e., north–south responsibility sharing) had
already been floated in North American legal
scholarship (Betts 2005).11 Its specific aims
were twofold: “to increase the level and
predictability of burden-sharing” and “to
channel this new, abstract commitment into
finding durable solutions to specific protracted refugee situations.” Its overall purpose
was to discuss “creating a normative framework for global burden-sharing” (Betts &
Durieux 2007: 516; see also Betts 2006:
655). As an interstate process, Convention Plus
involved creating structures to facilitate dialog between countries in the south (i.e., host
states) and countries in the north (i.e., donor
states). It also encouraged coalition and
convergence between particular states (i.e.,
“plurilateralism”). As a multilateral negotiation process, Convention Plus involved
states, NGOs and UNHCR in an open and
structured dialog. Convention Plus was supposed to lead to the development of special
agreements (in either binding or soft law
form). Sadly, by the end of 2005, all that was
achieved was the Multilateral Framework of
Understanding on Resettlement and two
joint statements relating to targeting development assistance and irregular secondary
movements (Betts & Durieux 2007: 514).
Nonetheless, Betts and Durieux have praised
Convention Plus for its norm-setting role. In
particular, they see Convention Plus as representing “a significant new departure for
UNHCR” within its approach to facilitating
norm creation and as contributing “to the
development of a range of ideas that speak to
a broader debate on the role of norms within
both the refugee regime and global governance broadly” (Betts & Durieux 2007: 515).
Thus, they argue that “A mutually shared
understanding of ‘the rules of the game’
[i.e., asylum, assistance and burden-sharing]
may therefore offer a basis for beginning to
change behaviour” (Betts & Durieux 2007:
515). More generally, Betts and Durieux
highlight the key role that UNHCR can
play in facilitating “the creation and development of new norms” (Betts & Durieux
2007: 516). Substantively, they identify two
complementary models of norm creation in
this context: the “institutional bargaining
model,” which is top down and which is most
appropriate when trying to develop universal norms, and the “good practice model”
which is bottom up and which provides
examples of good practice to be followed in
Finally, the European Union can be described as a set of rules (i.e., treaties and
secondary legislation), networks (e.g., policy
networks on how to implement the asylum
EC Directives to achieve harmonization)
and processes that are substantially transnational
because they go into states (Burley & Mattli
1993: 43)12 (e.g., the formation of EC asylum measures, their adoption as EC law,
and their implementation in domestic law).
Europe is now the only region in the world
to legislate (through legally binding instruments) on substantive (and procedural)
matters of interpretation of the Refugee
Convention. While the “power of law”
clearly plays a role in these processes, the interaction of “Individual actors – judges,
lawyers, litigants – [. . .] with specific identities, motives, and objectives” has been
crucial in the further developments of the
EU (Burley & Mattli 1993): 53). In the area
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of refugee law, however, individual actors have
so far mostly been states. The adoption of
four key directives and two regulations on
matters of asylum concluded the first phase
towards the establishment of a Common
European Asylum System (CEAS).13
The formulation of these legislative acts
was a result of political negotiations between
key EU member states. Indeed, NGOs, academics and some key non-EU states (e.g.,
the U.S. and Canada) were only invited by the
European Commission to participate in the
early drafting stage of this process. Chimni
thus describes the harmonization process in
Europe as “the positivist methodology taken
to its logical conclusion with Eurocrats framing the law in secrecy, away from democratic
pressures” (Chimni 1998: 355). Byrne, Noll,
and Vedsted-Hansen offer a more comprehensive picture of this process towards harmonization by re-orienting the debate onto
the lateral process of refugee law formation,
transformation, and reform, i.e., on the
activities between domestic, sub-regional
and regional forces (Byrne et al. 2004). For
instance, having located the formative stage
of the “safe third country” notion into
Danish legislation, they show how 10 years
later, this notion became to be implemented
in practically every western European state,
and how, again 10 years later, it became EU
law. Crucially they note that this process of
formation (in Denmark followed by other
western European states), transformation (in
mostly soft law) and reform (in EU law) followed its own dynamic in spite of opposition
from the European Court of Human Rights,
national courts and UNHCR. They thus conclude that “In reality, norms are transformed
in a constant interplay between domestic,
sub-regional and regional forces, rather than
replicated from the acquis into domestic
legislation” (Byrne et al. 2004: 357). So, “bilateralism accounts for a greater degree of
normative development and proliferation
than multilateralism at EU level” (Byrne
et al. 2004: 358). Byrne et al. have thereby
revealed a transnational legal process
whereby up until 2004-05, “domestic legislation [was] sending norms to, rather than
receiving them from, the asylum acquis”
(2004: 366). Following the adoption of the
necessary directives and regulations necessary to establish a CEAS (as well as the move
to the qualified majority voting and the
co-decision procedure), this upward statecentrist transnational legal process is only
now starting to feed back downward from
Brussels to the member states.
The creation of a CEAS and its full establishment by 2010 means that implementation of refugee law is no longer only an area
of national concern, it has also become a
European issue. So, the Commission has
recently embarked into an evaluation of the
first phase, i.e., a monitoring program of activities on the implementation of all the instruments adopted so far in the field of asylum
pursuant to articles 211 and 226 EC Treaty.
This evaluation should help facilitate a convergence in interpretation between member
states and arrive at levels of harmonization beyond what is stipulated in the directives. The European Commission has also
initiated a series of cooperation measures
of a practical nature (or networks), such
as “contact committees,”14 Eurasil15 and the
General Directors’ Immigration Services
Conference (GDISC).16 Some of these
implementation-related activities have been
coordinated by the Odysseus Network.17
Beyond this political role, the European
Court of Justice (ECJ) will ensure that national judicial interpretation of these instruments is indeed correct. Crucially, its rulings
on interpretation will contribute to uniform
interpretations of EU asylum law, as well as
more largely to links, desperately needed in
this new area of European law, between the
ECJ and subnational actors.18 The recognition
of certain provisions of European Directives
as having direct effect should further
strengthen the legal protection of persons in
need of protection in the national courts.
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More dialog, more participants
Most scholars sympathize with the idea that
refugee law should develop through dialog
between a wide range of participants worldwide (Pallis 2006). Chimni notably argues that
dialog is crucial to arrive at “a consensus on
the changes to be introduced in the post-war
regime” (Chimni 1998: 369). This dialog must
not be limited to between scholars, lawyers,
states, UNHCR, NGOs from the north but
also include the south, and it should be based
on the principles of deliberative democracy
(i.e., on the basis of good argument as opposed
to one’s own interest) (Chimni 2001: 152).
However, looking at the EU, Chimni denies
that such dialog already exists. He relies on
the fact that the EU is developing its common asylum system without entering into
dialog with other regions, in spite of the
influence that this regime will have on other
regions (e.g., the practices of non-entrée that
undermine the principle of burden sharing).
The more specific argument has also been
made that refugee voices should be heard.19
For instance, it has been argued that the participation of refugees should be enhanced in
the context of UNHCR’s refugee status
determination activities and accountability
for such activities (Pallis 2006), when discussing
legal solutions (such as repatriation) to the
refugee problem (Aleinikoff 1992: 134–8), or
when looking at the impact of refugee law
and policy (Polzer 2007).
The participatory approach therefore suggests a culturally sensitive approach to refugee
law (Wilde 2001: 148). Juss even called for
refugee rights to be located within a broader
system of immigration rights that would be
more humane and more culture sensitive
( Juss 1998).
States and their formal agreements (e.g., the
Refugee Convention and EU asylum laws)
get us only so far in explaining how refugee
law is created and how it develops. There
is another layer of explanation that looks
into transnational activities and their effect on
how the law is shaped, interpreted, applied
and developed. Whereas the dominant
human rights approach focuses mainly on the
sources and contents of rules (and their
enforcement), both the transnational and
the participatory approaches (as emerging
approaches) are useful in capturing the complexities of the process of law formation and
law development by looking more specifically at networks and other participants in the
process of law making. The challenge of contemporary international refugee law is to
recognize more explicitly the role of such networks and the soft law and norms that they
often produce.
[Author note: I would like to thank
Professor B. S. Chimni and Professor James
C. Hathaway for their valuable comments on
an earlier draft of this chapter.]
1 Other disciplines such as anthropology, politics, sociology, economics, and international
relations are playing an increasing role.
2 Paul Weis, for instance, argues that the lack of
diplomatic protection is an essential element
for the status of refugee. Whereas for Atle
Grahl-Madsen, it is the rupture of the ties
between a national and the authorities of his
own country (i.e., de facto statelessness) that
constitutes an essential element of being a
3 http://www.unhcr.org/protect/PROTECTION/3b73b0d63.pdf. In this chapter, all
references to the “Refugee Convention” are
meant to include the 1967 Protocol.
4 This publication contains excerpts from the
Statement by Stoltenberg to the 46th session
of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights,
February 22, 1990.
5 Weis notes that the initial impetus for a
Convention relating to the status of refugees
originated in an initiative from the U.N.
Human Rights Commission.
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6 Nathwani instead suggests a “necessity
approach” but admits nonetheless that both the
human rights approach and the necessity
approach share a common space.
7 One other objective of the association is
training to improve “judicial decision-making
on refugee issues.”
8 E.g., Islam v Secretary of State for the Home Department, R vs. Immigration Appeal Tribunal and
another, ex parte Shah, House of Lords, March
25, 1999, and R vs. Special Adjudicator, ex parte
Hoxha, House of Lords, March 10, 2005.
9 For this reason, Gilbert considers UNHCR
guidance (although equally non-binding) as
offering “more general and far reaching analysis that, by definition, ought not to be as
concerned with state interests.”
10 Chimni gives two examples: UNHCR’s reliance on “the language of security to recommend solutions to the global refugee problem”
and “the relationship of UNHCR to human
rights.” Both examples illustrate UNHCR’s
practice in borrowing concepts developed by
northern states and scholars.
11 Betts refers in particular to the Hathaway’s
York-based Refugee Law Reformulation
Project of the 1990s.
12 Or in the words of Burley and Mattli, the EC
is a process of “gradual penetration of EC law
into the domestic law of its member states.”
13 http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/doc_centre/
intro/docs/acquis_1006_en.pdf. The European Commission’s Green Paper on the
Future Common European Asylum System
( June 6, 2007) starts the second phase (due to
end in 2010). The Eurocrats’ drive is clearly
for total harmonization of procedures, protection status, and asylum decisions, and for all
states’ discretion to be removed.
14 “Contact committees” are informal networks
of experts meetings between the EU member
states, with UNHCR as an observer. Meetings take place to discuss practical issues relating to the implementation of the Directives on
asylum and immigration and to reach a common interpretation on the basis of best practice. The European Commission then drafts a
non-binding report that is circulated only
between the MS (and UNHCR).
15 Eurasil was created in 2002 as an EU network
of asylum practitioners (asylum experts, member states representatives, and UNHCR) from
the member states administration. It is the main
network for discussing countries of origin
information. The purpose is one of exchange
of information, of common interpretation,
and of common usage. This network is now
developing further to coordinate more activities, such as common guidelines on the use of
countries of origin information and factfindings missions, and the development of a
European Asylum Curriculum (as a joint
practical training and education of asylum
service personnel): www.ulb.ac.be/assoc/
The General Directors’ Immigration Services
Conference was established in 2004 as a network of the General Directors of European
Immigration Services to promote operational
cooperation between the immigration services responsible for the implementation of
migration and asylum issues through the
exchange of experience and best practice and
by building up networks of experts. In particular, it organizes activities funded by the
European Refugee Fund and the European
Commission, such as the European Asylum
The Odysseus Network was created in 1998
(at the initiative of Philippe de Bruycker
–Université Libre de Bruxelles – with the financial support of the Odysseus Programme of
the European Commission) to carry out legal
research and offer expert opinions, and to
exchange and diffuse information in the field
of immigration and asylum law in Europe
html. As an academic network for legal studies, it brings together experts from the 27 member states of the EU and collaborates closely
with judges, governments’ officials and EU institutions officials. It is currently involved in establishing the European Asylum Curriculum:
html. It is also involved in the monitoring
of the implementation of 10 Directives in the
field of immigration and asylum law in the 27
member states: http://www.ulb.ac.be/assoc/
Note that the article 234 procedure in the area
of asylum/refugee law contains some inherent
E.g., the Mexico Declaration to Strengthen the
International Protection of Refugees in Latin
America recalls minds states “the importance
of fully involving uprooted populations in the
design and implementation of assistance and
protection programs, recognizing and valuing their human potential.” Mexico City,
November 16, 2004, reprinted in International
Journal of Refugee Law, 17(4), 2005: 802–807.