Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015 pp. 474-480
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications
Simulation of Combustion in
Spark Ignition Engine
Arun Manohar Gurram1, K. Spandana Veronika2 and D. Nageswara Rao3
Dept. of Mechanical EngineeringCenturion University Paralakhemundi, Odisha
Vice Chancellor Centurion University Paralakhemundi, Odisha
Abstract—In an Internal Combustion Engine cyclic variations in the
combustion process result into varied air fuel mixture within the
cylinder, particularly in the vicinity of spark plug. These leads to
incomplete burning of fuel, thus reducing the combustion efficiency
and responsible for knocking. Monitoring of air fuel ratio may help in
improving combustion conditions leading to engine efficiency.
In the present work simulation studies are carried out on the incylinder conditions of a four stroke single cylinder spark ignition
engine using the combustion model in ANSYS Fluent. The Simulation
is confined to phases between IVC to EVO to reduce the
computational time. The physical running conditions of the engine
are recorded and used as input parameters for modeling the
simulation. The simulation is run for a particular air fuel ratio by
defining the mean mixture fraction and variance. The Equivalence
Ratio of the engine is calculated based on its running condition,
using this equivalence ratio simulation has been carried out and the
peak temperature and pressure are evaluated. These pressure and
temperature are compared with the real time values.
Keywords: IVC( Inlet Valve Closed), EVO (Exhaust Valve Open) ,
Equivalence Ratio, Mean Mixture Fraction, Variance.
Pollution by exhaust gasses produced is growing due to
increased number of vehicles. One possibility to reduce the
emission is to use alternative fuels like hydrogen. It will take a
long time to switch a whole economy from oil to an
alternative. A solution for the short-term is to make engines
cleaner and more efficient. Performing experiments on an
internal combustion engine is expensive and carrying out flow
measurements inside the cylinder is a complex task. Because
of the technological developments and high end computers,
the processes in an internal combustion engine can be modeled
in detail.
Many Researchers had contributed their efforts by using
simulation as a tool for studying the performance of IC
engines in many directions. Maher A. R. Sadiq[1] established
a simulative model for the performance parameters of spark
ignition engines fueled with a range of fuels (gasoline,
ethanol, or hydrogen). The mathematical and simulation
model has been developed, tested, and verified against the
experimental data to simulate a 4-stroke cycle of a spark
ignition A good agreement was obtained between the results
of the present model and the experimental results. Ashish
J.Chaudhari [2] used Simulink to test the performance of spark
ignition engine. The CFD results with the validated Simulink
model for the engine configuration shows that at low speeds
(1000 rpm), the maximum cylinder pressure prediction is
about 8% higher for CFD analysis while this deviation is seen
to be about 3% at higher speed (3600rpm). The Simulink
model is subsequently used to test the predications of brake
power and subsequently compared with the experimental
results and CFD studies. Osama H. Ghazal [3] developed a
simulation model for one-cylinder spark ignition engine model
with port fuel injection and investigated the combustion
process employed in a two zone combustion model. The
empirical heat release functions are derived from the Woschni
heat transfer model. Kota Sridhar [4] In his study, simulated
the Intake, Compression, Expansion and Exhaust process with
hexane fuel combustion. Mehrnoosh Dashti [5] used a twozone model for simulation of the combustion process and the
species including CO2, CO, H2O, H2, N2, O2 , NO and UHC
were considered as exhaust gases. This analysis showed the
capability of the model to predict engine performance
characteristics over the various ranges of engine parameters. .
Chintan R. Patel [6] Analyzed the four basic processes taking
place in an S.I. engine and the values of pressure and
temperature at every 2° of crank rotation are found out with
the aid of certain assumptions. The simulation of suction
pressure using discrete approach suggests that the pressure 30º
after TDC and 30 º before BDC are of the order of 0.856 bar
and 0.931 bar, respectively. This clearly indicates that the
entry of hydrogen during this period will certainly offer back
fire free operation of the engine. Reinhard Tatschl [7] studied
the impact of the turbulent in-cylinder flow on the cycleresolved flame propagation characteristics. Results of the
application of the developed methodology demonstrate its
ability to reflect the governing impact of the cycle specific incylinder flow field on the flame kernel formation and
subsequent main combustion process. Hai-Wen Ge [8]
implemented an efficient multigrid (MG) model for spark-
Simulation of Combustion in Spark Ignition Engine
ignited (SI) engine combustion modeling using detailed
chemistry. The model is designed to be coupled with Gequation model for flame propagation (GAMUT combustion
model) for highly efficient engine simulation. The model was
explored for a gasoline direct-injection SI engine with
knocking combustion. A two-zone MG model, which treats
the unburned and burnt regions separately, was able to
reproduce the results of the original GAMUT combustion
model and large reduction in computer time was seen. Yang
Bai [9] developed a simulation package for a port injection
spark-ignition engine and included engine dynamics, vehicle
dynamics as well as driving cycle selection module. The
simulation results are very close to the data obtained from
laboratory experiments. The PID control and fuzzy control
methods have been combined into a fuzzy PID control and the
effectiveness of this new controller has been demonstrated by
simulation tests. The above contributions show the reliability
of the simulation tools.
Combustion, with rare exceptions, is a complex chemical
process involving many steps that depend on the properties of
the combustible substance. It is initiated by external factors
such as heat, light, and sparks. The reaction sets in as the
mixture of combustibles attains the ignition temperature. The
combustion spreads from the ignition source to the adjacent
layer of gas mixture; in turn, each point of the burning layer
serves as an ignition source for the next adjacent layer, and so
on. Combustion terminates when equilibrium is achieved
between the total heat energies of the reactants and the total
heat energies of the products. Most reactions terminate when
what is called thermal equilibrium has been attained.
In a spark ignited (SI) engine, a flame front is formed which
moves outwards from the ignition point, consuming the
available fuel air mixture. Turbulence again plays a significant
role in flame propagation, since the flame moves at the
turbulent flame speed. Hence, if the turbulence levels are high,
the flame front will move more rapidly to all parts of the
combustion chamber. For SI engines, the rapid flame
propagation avoids knock due to auto-ignition of fuel air
ahead of the flame. The flame speed depends on the air fuel
ratio of the mixture. If the mixture is outside of the
flammability limits, usually between equivalence ratios of 0.5
and 4, the flame will not propagate and the engine will misfire.
Similarly, if regions exist inside the cylinder that are outside
of the flammability limits, these regions will not burn and will
most likely be pushed out through the exhaust and into the
atmosphere. Combustion produces a rise in pressure and
temperature as the energy contained in the fuel is released and
the chemical reaction is completed. The fuel combustion
produces a spike in pressure and temperature as the energy
contained in the fuel is released, with the production of
exhaust gases. Some of the energy is radiated and convected to
the cylinder walls, cylinder head, piston and the valves; and is
lost. Most of the energy goes into the power stroke, where the
exhaust gases expand under high pressure and push the piston
down to the bottom center position. A thermodynamic energy
balance shows that the energy produced due to combustion is
used for work done due to expansion, while the thermal losses
includes heat losses through the walls and the enthalpy of the
exhaust gases at high temperature. During the subsequent
exhaust stroke, the exhaust gases are pushed out through the
exhaust valves, which start opening towards the end of the
power stroke. This process involves formation of a high speed,
high temperature jet in the gap between the exhaust valves and
ports. During combustion, the fuel, which is a long chain
hydrocarbon, breaks up into smaller molecules. The carbon
and hydrogen contained in these molecules combine with the
oxygen in the air in exothermic reactions. If the fuel air ratio is
stochiometric at each location in the combustion chamber,
carbon dioxide and water are formed. However, if the fuel air
ratio is rich at particular locations due to inadequate mixing,
the oxygen molecules are not sufficient and the combustion
will be incomplete. Here carbon monoxide (CO) and unburnt
hydrocarbon molecules will be produced.Thus, the
combustion efficiency of the engine and pollutant formation
depends on the fluid dynamics of swirl, tumble, mixing, and
turbulence production during the intake and compression
strokes, losses due to incomplete combustion, the heat transfer
losses to the wall, and the exhaust losses. This paper explains
the assessment of air fuel ratio under running condition of a 4
Stoke SI Engine (TVS FIERO-FX) and utilizing the same for
simulating the compression and power strokes using FLUENT
The Simulation is run on a Single Cylinder Spark Ignition
Engine with the following Specifications.
Table 1: Specification of the Engine
Volume of Engine
Compression Ratio
Brake Horse Power
Cylinder Bore
Stroke Length
8.8 KW
Theoretical Average Peak Temperature in the cylinder is about
1800K [10]
3.1 Process Compression in Ansys Fluent
IC Engine simulations require process compression tools and
automation to reduce problem setup time, automate solution
runs, and post-processing of large data sets. In the past,
geometry and meshing, solution, and post-processing were
performed in different software running independently, with
no interaction between them. This meant that each simulation
had to be set up completely from the beginning, even when
Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015
Arun Manohar Gurram, K. Spandana Veronika and D. Nageswara Rao
simple design changes were made. With a complex problem
setup, any simple user error at any stage has the potential to
derail the entire simulation. Thus the previous process is
inherently time consuming and error prone. Process
compression and automation can only be accomplished in an
integrated environment where the software at each step is
aware of the overall goals of the simulation and shares a
common problem description. ANSYS Workbench provides
an ideal integrated environment with powerful tools for
geometry, meshing, CFD solvers, and post-processing
available on a common platform.
The meshing process for Full Engine IVC to
EVO combustion simulation is almost similar to the cold flow
meshing process. Since only the chamber part needs to be
meshed the mesh settings are slightly altered. The combustion
chamber after meshing is shown in the figure:2
Table 2: Input Parameters for Simulation
Connecting Rod Length
Crank Radius
Engine Speed
Valve Lift
Injection Position (X,Y,Z)
Injection Axis (X,Y,Z)
Spark Location (X,Y,Z)
Spark Energy
0,-2E-5,-0.00012 (meters)
0,-0.6562,-0.7545 (meters)
0,6,-0.001 (meters)
Table 3: Boundary Conditions
Inlet Valve
Exhaust Valve
Internal Piston
Cylinder Head
Fig. 2: Meshed View of the Combustion chamber
3.4 Solver Setup
In the solver set up we define the engine type and the species
model based on our requirement and we define the combustion
chemistry in which G-Equation is defined as premix
combustion model. Injection parameters are set to Rosin
Rammler distribution for keeping the injection close to
practical. The spark location and the Boundary conditions are
defined as per the data provided in the Table 2 and Table 3. In
order to check the progress of combustion process at various
time steps during the simulation temperature and Pressure
monitor have been defined along with some preliminary
monitors to check the swirl and tumble inside the cylinder. In
order to define the air fuel ratio at which the combustion has
to be simulated the mean mixture fraction has to be defined.
3.2 Design Modeler
The engine model is developed using the geometry and mesh
of Cold Flow Simulation inside an SI engine that was
available in ANSYS. The existing model is modified using the
actual engine specifications by defining the input parameters
as shown in the Table 2. Since the simulation is confined to
the phases between IVC to EVO, the motion of the valves is
not required hence they are omitted and the model before and
after decomposition is as shown in the Fig. 1.
Mean Mixture Fraction (f) =
� +�
; where φ= Equivalence ratio;
r = Air Fuel Ratio
Based on the Experimental Results, the actual A/F ratio at
which the engine is running is found to be 17.43; The range of
Equivalence ratio (φ) is 0.2 to 1.4 [11].
The simulation of the combustion process is set from IVC to
EVO, for a total of 3520 time steps and for each time step a
total number of 50 iterations have been set. For the given set
of equations the simulation is run and the results have been
plotted in the form of graphs and contours as shown in the
figures below.
Fig. 1: (a) Before Decomposition
(b) After Decomposition
3.3 Meshing
The decomposed geometry is used to generate the mesh. The
goal of the IC Engine meshing tool is to minimize the effort
required to generate a mesh for the IC Engine specific solver.
It uses the named selection created in the decomposition to
identify different zones and creates the required mesh controls.
Fig. 3 shows the mass average static temperature plot is
about1700K. The temperature plot show that the current
model plots are within the range of real time engine . Figures 4
show the swirl and tumble ratio with respect to crank angle
and is found to be uniform throughout the cycle. Fig. 5 to Fig.
19 show the velocity magnitude inside the cylinder for 250
crank angles i.e) from inlet valve close to exhaust valve open.
Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015
Simulation of Combustion in Spark Ignition Engine
In actual , inlet valve closes at 250o and exhaust valve opens at
495o. Since the simulation is started at IVC the crank angle at
IVC is taken as 0o and EVO at 250o. The temperature plot
shows 9% variation from that of the theoretical value.
Fig. 6 Velocity Magnitude at 12 CA
Fig. 3: Temperature Plot
Fig. 7 Velocity Magnitude at 32 CA
Fig. 4: Swirl ratio
Fig. 5 Velocity Magnitude at 0.25 CA
Fig. 8 Velocity Magnitude at 48 CA
Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015
Arun Manohar Gurram, K. Spandana Veronika and D. Nageswara Rao
Fig. 9 Velocity Magnitude at 68 CA
Fig. 12 Velocity Magnitude at 124 CA
Fig. 10 Velocity Magnitude at 84 CA
Fig. 13 Velocity Magnitude at 140 CA
Fig. 11 Velocity Magnitude at 104 CA
Fig. 14 Velocity Magnitude at 160 CA
Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015
Simulation of Combustion in Spark Ignition Engine
Fig. 15 Velocity Magnitude at 176 CA
Fig. 18 Velocity Magnitude at 232 CA
Fig. 19 Velocity Magnitude at 252 CA
Fig. 16 Velocity Magnitude at 196 CA
The combustion simulation for a single cylinder spark ignition
engine is run successfully and the results show that the
combustion model chosen is suitable for analyzing the effect
of air fuel ratio on the combustion efficiency of the engine.
Further analysis can be done at different equivalence ratios to
identify the correct proportion of air fuel ratio at which
combustion is optimum.
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Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015
Arun Manohar Gurram, K. Spandana Veronika and D. Nageswara Rao
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Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Number 6; April-June, 2015