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2013, Evolutionary Theory of Language. In: Kortmann, Bernd (ed.). 2013 ff. Theories and Methods in Linguistics. (= WSK Woerterbuecher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Online, Ed. by Schierholz, Stefan J. & Herbert Ernst Wiegand). Berlin: Mouton. s.v.
8 pages
1 file
Forschungsrichtung, die sich der biologischen Entstehung der Sprachfähigkeit sowie der geschichtlichen Entwicklung einzelner menschlicher Sprachen aus evolutionstheoretischer Perspektive nähert. English lemma 3 evolutionary linguistics definition in English 4 an approach to the study of human language based on evolutionary theory and attempting to account both for the emergence of the language faculty and for the historical development of specific human languages. further explanations examples 5 0. Basics Evolutionary Linguistics is inspired by the Theory of Evolution. Going back to CHARLES DARWIN, the theory explains the existence of different biological species and their inheritable traits. Its core is simple: many phenotypic and behavioural traits of organisms are encoded in their genes. When organisms reproduce, copies of those genes are passed on to their offspring, which consequently develop corresponding traits. Since errors ('mutations') occur in the process, populations are normally characterised by genetic, phenotypic, and behavioural variation. At the same time, the phenotypic and behavioural traits for which gene variants code may either increase or decrease the chances of an organism to survive and reproduce (i.e. its 'fitness'). Since environmental resources sustain only a limited number of organisms, evolutionary theory predicts that gene variants with a positive effect on the reproductive success of their carriers will outnumber and oust ('be naturally selected over') their less advantageous competitors. Since the effect which a genetically determined trait has on the reproductive success of its carrier depends on environmental conditions, evolutionary theory also explains why species tend to diversify and to adapt to the ecological niches they inhabit. Thus, it accounts for both the diversity of life and the fact that living organisms appear purposefully designed to maximise the reproductive success of their genes.
Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 2011
Natural selection is traditionally viewed as a leading factor of evolution, whereas variation is assumed to be random and non-directional. Any order in variation is attributed to epigenetic or developmental constraints that can hinder the action of natural selection. In contrast I consider the positive role of epigenetic mechanisms in evolution because they provide organisms with opportunities for rapid adaptive change. Because the term " constraint " has negative connotations, I use the term " regulated variation " to emphasize the adaptive nature of phenotypic variation, which helps populations and species to survive and evolve in changing environments. The capacity to produce regulated variation is a phenotypic property, which is not described in the genome. Instead, the genome acts as a switchboard, where mostly random mutations switch " on " or " off " preexisting functional capacities of organism components. Thus, there are two channels of heredity: informational (genomic) and structure-functional (phenotypic). Functional capacities of organisms most likely emerged in a chain of modifications and combinations of more simple ancestral functions. The role of DNA has been to keep records of these changes (without describing the result) so that they can be reproduced in the following generations. Evolutionary opportunities include adjustments of individual functions, multitasking, connection between various components of an organism , and interaction between organisms. The adaptive nature of regulated variation can be explained by the differential success of lineages in macro-evolution. Lineages with more advantageous patterns of regulated variation are likely to produce more species and secure more resources (i.e., long-term lineage selection).
Biology and Philosophy, 1991
Recent philosophical discussions have failed to clarify the roles of the concept fitness in evolutionary theory. Neither the propensity interpretation of fitness nor the construal of fimess as a primitive theoretical term succeed in explicating the empirical content and explanatory power of the theory of natural selection. By appealing to the structure of simple mathematical models of natural selection, we separate out different contrasts which have tended to confuse discussions of fitness: the distinction between what fitness is defined as versus what fitness is a function of, the contrast between adaptedness as an overall property of organisms and specific adaptive capacities, the distinction between actual and potential reproductive success, the role of chance versus systematic causal relations, fitness as applied to organisms as opposed to fitness applied to genotype classes, heritable adaptive capacities of genotypes as opposed to relations between genotypes and the environment. We show how failure to distinguish and properly interrelate these different aspects of "fitness" adds confusion to a number of already complex issues concerning evolutionary theory. On the basis of our discussion of these different aspects of"fitness", we propose a terminology which makes the necessary distinctions. A central result of our analysis is that the concept of fitness as the overall adaptedness of organisms does not enter into the causal structure of evolutionary explanation, at least to the extent that this structure is represented in the mathematical models of natural selection.
This article offers a novel, enlightened concept for determining the mechanism of evolution. It is based on homeostasis, which distinguishes life from nonlife and as such is the universal mechanism for the evolution of all living organisms. This view of evolution is logical, mechanistic, non-scalar, predictive, testable, and falsifiable, and it illuminates the epistemological relationships between physics and biology, ontogeny and phylogeny, development and aging, ultimate and proximate causation, health and disease. In addition to validating Haeckel's biogenetic law and Lamarckian epigenetics, reflecting the enabling value of the cellular approach, this perspective also expresses the evolutionary process at the cell-molecular level, since the mechanism of cell communication itself is universal in biology, in keeping with a Kuhnian paradigm shift. This approach may even elucidate the nature and evolution of consciousness as a manifestation of the cellular continuum from unicellular to multicellular life. We need such a functional genomic mechanism for the process of evolution if we are to make progress in biology and medicine. Like Copernican heliocentrism, a cellular approach to evolution may fundamentally change humankind's perceptions about our place in the universe.
Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013
Evolutionary theory is the general framework for modern biology, in the sense that all living phenomena have an evolutionary history which somehow accounts for them being the way they are. Ernst Mayr usefully distinguished two sets of inquiries in biology: the "functional biology," looking for "proximate causes" of a trait in an organism, that is, causes pertaining to the lifetime of the individual, and the "evolutionary biology," looking for "ultimate causes," namely, causes at the level of the history of the species to which belongs the individual. The former includes physiology, molecular biology, developmental biology, etc., whereas the latter includes paleontology, population genetics, behavioral ecology, systematics, etc. Evolutionary explanation is the set of explanatory styles to be met in this field (Ridley ).
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 2018
Although classical evolutionary theory, i.e., population genetics and the Modern Synthesis, was already implicitly 'gene-centred', the organism was, in practice, still generally regarded as the individual unit of which a population is composed. The gene-centred approach to evolution only reached a logical conclusion with the advent of the gene-selectionist or gene's eye view in the 1960s and 1970s. Whereas classical evolutionary theory can only work with (genotypically represented) fitness differences between individual organisms, gene-selectionism is capable of working with fitness differences among genes within the same organism and genome. Here, we explore the explanatory potential of 'intra-organismic' and 'intra-genomic' gene-selectionism, i.e., of a behavioural-ecological 'gene's eye view' on genetic, genomic and organismal evolution. First, we give a general outline of the framework and how it complements the-to some extent-still 'or-ganism-centred' approach of classical evolutionary theory. Secondly, we give a more in-depth assessment of its explanatory potential for biological evolution, i.e., for Darwin's 'common descent with modification' or, more specifically, for 'his-torical continuity or homology with modular evolutionary change' as it has been studied by evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) during the last few decades. In contrast with classical evolutionary theory, evo-devo focuses on 'within-organism' developmental processes. Given the capacity of gene-selection-ism to adopt an intra-organismal gene's eye view, we outline the relevance of the latter model for evo-devo. Overall, we aim for the conceptual integration between
European Journal of ecology, 2021
Concepts are linguistic structures with specific syntax and semantics used as sources of communicating ideas. Concepts can be simple (e.g., tree), complex (e.g., adaptation). The conceptual interrelationships and some evolutionary consequences upon which these interrelations are based will be addressed here. The evolutionary ecology is an area of research from the population evolutionary biology that deals mainly with the effect of positive natural selection on panmictic and structured populations. Environmental factors, conditions and variable resources in time and space, constitute the selective agents that act on the phenotypic and genotypic variation of populations in a single generation, could result in evolutionary adaptations, which are simply those traits that are most likely to confer survival and reproduction (evolutionary fitness) of the phenotypes that carry them in successive generations. The bases of adaptation are mainly genetic and transmitted vertically or horizontally. The phenotypic variance of the population is a conjoint consequence of the additive genotypic variance (heritability), nonadditive variance (dominance and epistasis), pleiotropy and the interaction between genotype and environment. The ability of the same genotype to respond to spatial environmental variations can result in phenotypic plasticity that manifests itself through reaction norms. The total phenotypic variation and its genetic and environmental components influence the ability of a population to evolve (evolvability).
Biology and Philosophy, 1991
Our approach to explicating the concept of fitness is to examine the parameters and variables that appear in models used in population biology, how they are interpreted, and what general relationships exist among them. When these models are examined, three general kinds of variables or parameters can be distinguished: rates of increase of genotypes, parameters representing the environment and heritable properties of genotypes. Beginning with R.A. Fisher, the concept of fitness refers to a genotype's rate of increase (F-fitness), which is the bottom line in evolution. As mentioned in our paper, there are other fitness concepts, for example, expected reproductive success, that appear in the models. However, since these concepts are intervening functions used in the calculation of F-fitness we do not belabor them. Maynard Smith notes that F-fitness is not the measure of Darwinian fitness w as expected number of progeny per individual. The terminology can be confusing here, but the bottom line fitness of a genotype which determines expected gene frequency change is F-fitness, which includes the rate of increase due to the genetic system. Why is there a need for general explication of the concept "fitness"? One such need arises from the tortuous discussions of the purported tautology problem by critics of Darwinian evolution. Evolutionists have sometimes been goaded into giving responses which deepen rather than alleviate the confusion. Many evolutionists, however, feel that there is nothing wrong with their actual use of the concept "fitness" (Darwinian fitness, selection coefficients) in their models. Why then should they bother with philosophical analyses of the "real meaning" of 'fitness'? Aside from the notorious tautology challenge there are complexities in interpreting fitness, adaptedness and related concepts due both to ambiguities among different uses of the terms and to subtleties concerning evolutionary explanation. We want some understanding of what various models of evolution
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