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The acoustic character of interior enclosed spaces is typically described by Reverberation Time (RT-60) and presented as a single value based on the Noise Reduction Coefficient for the total number of sabins in a spatial volume. When a series of reverberation times are calculated at frequency band centers, well-accepted terminology can be applied for describing the space for conditions where reverberation is missing, prevalent, or excessive. Therefore, reverberation time provides a spatial description but little about the material properties of room surfaces that create the condition. This paper presents a simple methodology for calculating the Reflectance Profile of a space. Examples of typical spaces such as hotel rooms and elementary school classrooms are included to demonstrate its utility as a design tool. The Glass House, a proposed music hall entirely enclosed in glass, is also included to indicate how the Reflectance Profile can provide an easy, understandable means of identifying corrective measures that should be employed during design to avoid frequency imbalance. It has led to the study of triangular non-damping reflective glass panels for use in the Glass House. 1 INTRODUCTION Reverberation time provides a means for presenting a single number value to describe the natural decay of sound introduced into an enclosed space. The equation for reverberation time (RT60) is extremely simple. Reverberation time is proportional to the cubic volume of the space divided by the sum of the surface areas of various materials times their sound absorption rates with a constant related to the amount of decay in decibels. For SI units and 60 dB of decay: T = 0.16 V/S In presenting the reverberation time any information about the actual makeup of the materials used to absorb the sound is lost. As a result it is difficult to see how to easily modify these combined values to improve conditions in the room. Sounds heard in a space have been changed by the surfaces of materials comprising the enclosure by reflecting various frequencies in different amounts to contribute to the reverberant qualities. It is fair to say that architects are more interested in the reflections of the sounds than the loss of reflections through absorption since the reflections are what are heard. This is true even
Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 2007
The study gives the results of the measurements of the reverberation time in 11,687 rooms, of which 11,457 are furnished (8,246 bedrooms, 3,211 living rooms), and 230 unfurnished. All the rooms have thick walls and ceilings, and a heavy floor covering. The reverberation times measured are quite similar in bedrooms and living rooms within the same size range, and decrease fairly uniformly as the frequency increases. Moreover, in each frequency band the greater the volume of the room, the greater the reverberation time. The results of this extensive fieldwork allow us to predict accurately the reverberation time in these kinds of spaces as a function of their size and the frequency. These data may be useful for improving the accuracy of calculation models to estimate the reverberation time of enclosed spaces. The equivalent sound absorption area of these rooms was also calculated.
It is an important to clarify standard uncertainity of material size (area of sample) effect on its sound absorption coefficient in reverberatin room. Measurements were carried out for foam, sponge, rubber and carpet materials, to determine the effect of area on sound absorption coefficient. The tested surface areas ranged from 4m 2 to 14m 2 , the absorption coefficient was determined in a diffuse field (reverberation room of NIS). Numerous measurements of the reverberation time in reverberant room were carried out for several samples of different materials. The measurements showed that the change in sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient depends on the sample size (area of sample). The equivalent sound absorption, based on Sabine's formula, was used to calculate the reverberation time of several samples.
Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 2022
There are subjective and objective acoustic parameters in the creation of acoustic performance for speech action in room acoustics. Control of reverberation time affecting subjective and objective acoustic parameters is a main parameter in room acoustics. In this study, the acoustic performance assessment of the TOBB Twins Headquarters Reception Hall, which is current enclosed space with square plan and flat floor, has been performed as a case study. The evaluation focused on the relationship between reverberation time and interior surface absorption. Primarily, the reverberation time was determined according to the international standard with in-situ measurements in the current enclosed space. The reverberation time of the space was found over the reference value range. Models have been developed with the use of materials to reduce the reverberation time. In the assessment of room acoustics parameters, reverberation times of the models developed using Ecotect v.5.20 and Odeon 14.00 simulation programs have been determined. The model in which the optimum reverberation time for the speech action was obtained was constructed. After the construction, reverberation time measurements have been made again. As a result of the study, the effect of surface absorptions on the improvement of reverberation time in the enclosed spaces with square plan and flat floor for speech action has been evaluated. Suggestions have been developed to control the reflective and absorption properties of all surfaces in accordance with the evaluation and improvement of reverberation time.
A cuboid-shaped special reverberation test room, based on the requirements defined by ISO 3743-2:2009 standard and usually utilized as the termination of an experimental apparatus for insertion-loss measurements, was tested in terms of reverberating time and sound energy density. Tests were made in accordance with the EN ISO 3382 standard and showed that the behavior of the room, albeit being an acceptable terminal for the insertion-loss measurements mentioned above, is below the standard. Various actions were then analyzed to the aim of improving the acoustical behavior of the room. To predict the effects on sound reverberation of these actions a numerical model of the room was implemented by means of a simulation software based on pyramid-tracing algo-rithm, which is able to solve the three-dimensional sound propagation in enclosures under the assumptions of geometrical acoustics. Tested improvements were based both on the addition of elements inside the room (wall diffusion panels, suspended diffusion panels, semi-cylindrical diffusers) as well as on the change of the shape of the room itself. The numerical model was calibrated and then used to analyze and compare the effects of each action. Numerical simulations showed that, due also to the small size of the room, a really effective solution does not exist: interventions which increase the reverberation time usually have a bad impact on the sound energy density distribution, and vice-versa. The least unsatisfactory, also considering the economical point of view, would be using suspended diffusion panels, since they give a little increment of the reverberating time at the highest frequencies and they make the sound field more evenly distributed.
Journal of Wood Science, 2005
Optimal sound-absorbing materials are vital for desirable room acoustics. The effect of wood used for interior wall decoration on the acoustical environment is explored in a controlled room by changing the amount of wall wooden materials. The effect on the interior reverberation time (RT) is reported in this work. The experiment was conducted in a relatively small concrete brick house (approximate dimensions 4.6 ϫ 3.2 ϫ 4.2 m). Results showed that room shape and the arrangement of wooden wall decoration materials were important factors affecting the RT at different receiving positions. As the amount of wall decorating wood materials increased, the interior RT in the house decreased linearly; however, the RT at low frequencies diverged. After the analysis of covariance, all frequency variables were adjusted to the same level and a general regressive formula was developed as RT ϭ C Ϫ 0.005 DR. Where RT is the reverberation time (s), DR is the amount of interior wood materials used (%), and the C values were constants that ranged from 0.888 to 1.606 and varied according to the different octave bands. Furthermore, it was found that the increasing influential effect with the DR showed diminishing marginal utility. This means that the influence of DR on RT was not linear, and, therefore, the marginal utility should be considered in order to use wooden panels economically.
Sound & Vibration, 2021
This research presents a thorough evaluation of the reverberation room at Acoustics Laboratory in National Institute of Standards (NIS) according to the related international standards. The evaluation aims at examining the room performance and exploring its effectiveness in the frequency range from 125 Hz to 10000 Hz according to the international standard requirements. The room, which was designed and built several years ago, is an irregular rectangular shape free from diffusers. Its volume is about 158.84 m 3 , which meets the requirement of the ISO 354 standard L max < 1.9V 1/3. Cutoff frequencies of one and one-third octave are 63 Hz and 100 Hz respectively ; however Schroder frequency is 400 Hz. Calculations of cutoff frequency and modal density showed adequate modes that give acceptable uniformity starting comfortably from frequency of 125 Hz. The room has a reverberation time that is suitable for its size over the frequency range of interest. The room sound absorption surface area and its sound absorption coefficient satisfy the criteria given in ISO 3741 and ISO 354. There is an accepted diffuse sound field inside the room due to the standard deviation of measured sound level, which is less than 1.5 dB over all the frequency range. The only exception was 125 Hz which may be due to a lack of diffusivity of the sound field at this frequency. The evaluation proves that the NIS reverberation room is in full agreement with the international standards, which in turns qualifies the room to host measurements inside without concerns. 1 Introduction Reverberation rooms are of great importance in the field of acoustics. Inside the reverberation room, we can test the performance of loudspeakers and microphones. In addition, we could measure the acoustic power of sound sources and sound absorption coefficient of materials. The Combinations of reverberation rooms are used to evaluate transmission properties of building materials as well as absorption characteristics of noise control products. The reverberation room is considered a special test room that is used to introduce a diffuse sound field. This field is considered to be perfectly diffused in a room of volume V, if the energy density is the same on all points of this room, and it can be built by a superposition of an infinite number of freely propagating plane waves, such that all directions of propagation are equally probable and the phase relations of the waves are random [1]. There have been several attempts in the past to study the characteristics of different reverberation rooms. Mehadi et al. [2] proposed the sizes and shapes of reverberation rooms which give the better diffuse field and consequently the accurate measurements.
This paper reviews the concept of the reverberation radius from the viewpoint of the classic theories of Sabine and Eyring. These theories are only valid when the sound field is uniformly distributed, or in other words, when the energy density is constant throughout a room. Nevertheless, these theories have also been applied to any spatial sound diffusion situation. For example, they are currently used in rooms with asymmetric absorption distribution, which is generally produced wherever there are asymmetric absorption profiles within the space. This paper proposes a solution to calculate the reverberation radius in rooms with non-uniformly distributed sound absorption (rHND).
International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering, 2021
This paper presents architectural acoustic modeling to estimate reverberation time in room acoustic design using multiple criteria decision making analysis. First, fundamental decision criteria were determined to evaluate the reverberation time in the room acoustic design problem. Then, the proposed model was applied to a practical decision problem to evaluate and select the optimal room acoustic design model. Finally, the optimal acoustic design of the rooms was analyzed and ranked using a multiple criteria decision making analysis method.
Applied Acoustics, 2020
The internationally recognized procedure ISO 354:2003 for measuring sound absorption coefficients under diffuse field conditions is now under revision. The main reason for this revision is the limited reproducibility of absorption coefficients measured in different laboratories that may have significant implications spanning from room acoustic design to material selection. A network of Italian laboratories have come together to carry out an Inter-Laboratory Test (ILT) to assess and compare the measurement uncertainties resulting from the application of the current version of ISO 354:2003 and of the new ISO/CD 354:2019. After detailing the methodological aspects, the paper presents the results of the measurements, discussing the compliance of the laboratories to the standard requirements and new qualification tests, and, more importantly, providing a quantitative estimation of their effects on measurement uncertainty and accuracy.
The reverberation time (RT) is one of the best known variables in acoustics. Its value in the characterisation of concert halls is undisputed. In simple rooms like offices and dwellings the RT is used as such, and as a means to determine the amount of sound absorption, necessary in the process of measuring the sound insulation of façades, partitions etc. In voluminous rooms like large atria and sport halls noise control is the main reason for applying sound absorption; there the RT as such is a secondary quantity. Nevertheless the RT is often used as a criterion in such halls. Problems can arise if the reverberation curve is not a straight line; this is not unusual. It will be argued that in such cases the (required) amount of sound absorption is a better criterion than the RT. An alternative method is necessary for the measurement of the amount of sound absorption. This method starts from the well known formula for the sound pressure level in the diffuse field, caused by a calibrat...