Schoolchildren's family diet in yugoslav study of precursors of atherosclerosis

1999, Atherosclerosis

Friday, 28 May 1999 Poster presentation: Diet and cardiouascular disease 132 THE EFFECT OF HYPOCALORIC MIXED DIET ON HORMONALMETABOLIC DISORDERS IN YOUNG MEN WITH ABDOMINAL OBESITY pressure to help reach the optimal weight and choose the optimal dialysis and adequate ultrafiltration method. F. Dzgoeva, S. Boutrova. Russan EndocrinoloKy Research Center, Dm. str 11, Mosco~i: 117036. Russia Abdominal fat accumulation is independent predictor of the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIIDM). Excess of abdominal fat in men is associated with multiple metabolic and hormonal disorders such as lipid abnormalities, increased cortisol and decreased testosterone levels. The aim o f this work was to study the influence of 24 weeks hypocaloric mixed diet (1200 kcal/day) on abdominal fat accumulation and hormonalmetabolic disorders at its preclinical stage. Subjects and Methods: 12 men (age 25-45, BMI 29-42) with abdominal obesity (waist-to-hip circumference ratio (W/H) > I, waist circumference > 102 cm) were investigated before and after the treatment. Plasma level o f testosterone, basal cortisol and activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, lipoprotein profile were determined at entry and after 24 weeks of follow-up. Before t r ~ l ~ e u t After treatment BMI, kg/m 2 37.42+2.0 33.20±2.06 W/H 1.034-0.3 0.954-0.02 Waht circumference, em I 1g.00±5.95 106.83+5.66 Total cholesterol, mmol/I 6.614-063 5.82"t-0.66 4.13 ± 0 6 5 LDL-ehelesterel, mmol/I 4.564-0.59 H DL-chol~teroi, mmol/1 1,08±0.32 i .04±0.15 LDL-.chol/H OL..ehol 4.96± 1.26 4.30±1 A0 Trlglycertdex, mmol/I 3614- 1,63 2.32+0.80 Plasma testosterone level 1.265:0.20 1.49:i:0.30 ng/ml 30% patients demonstrated basal cortisol and ACTH-stimulated cortisol levels elevation before treatment, which decreased after loss of weight. Conclusion: our data show the reduction in several hormonal and metabolic cardiovascular risk factors after loss of weight and reducing of abdominal fat by hypocaloric mixed diet in men with abdominal obesity. NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT: BIOIMPEDANCE ANALYSIS, CARDIOTENS (24 HOURS ABPM AND ECG) MONITORING IMPORTANCE IN OPTIMAL DIALYSIS AND ULTRAFILTRATION TREATMENT L. L6csey, B. Szlanka, I. Mdnes, A. Kfvdr, Gy. Paragh. Euro-Care I0. AKD Kendzy Hasp., 1st Dept. Med. and DOTE 1st Dept. Med. University Med. Debrecen, Hungary The optimal nutritional status and dry body weight determination are important in chronic renal disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis/BIA/, (Biodynamics 130, monofrequency 50 kHz -USA) and Cardio-Tens (Meditech), ABPM and ECG of 28 chronic haemodialysed male and 38 female patients were investigated to determinate the suitable dialysis strategy, degree and duration o f ultrafiltration. The connection was investigated between the BMI, serum albumin, total cholesterol, triglyceride and the frequency of hypotonic episod during ultrafiltrarion. The fat volume was found to be greater in female patients (36.09%) compaired to male patients (22.96%) while the total body water volume /TBW/ was higher in male patients (44.12 kg) compaired to that of female patients (33.93 kg). The TBW was significantly higher in hypertensive patients compared to normotensive ones (64.15% vs. 54.7%, p < 0.01). After suitable dialysis and ultrafiltration increase in both bioresistance and reactance was found. Daring haemodialysis and ultrafiltration treatment decreased parallel total body weight and total body water (TBW) volumen about 3.87 + 1.21 kg/HD. In 16 patients decreased reactance was recognised after ultrafiltratioft. The intradialytic hypoteftsion was frequent in these patients. The TBW was higher in patients with hypertension, hypalbuminaemia and hyperlipidaemia. If the patients reached the optimal dry weight the treatment resistant hypertension became non resistant. Arrythmias, cardial instability and decompensation was found in this group during, before and after dialysis 0 2 women, 4 men). Fat volume o f male patients significantly increased during the dialysis (15.10-24.47 kg), while lean body weight /LBW/ decreased (57.95-49.23 kg). The authors advise the non-invasive measurement o f BIA, and monitoring of blood MODERATE INTAKE OF MYRISTIC ACID HAS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ON PLASMA LIPIDS AND LIPOPEROXIDATION E Mendy, M. Clerc, J. Paccalin. Seruice de Nutrition, Hospital Haut-Lovoque. Pessac. France Myristic acid (MA) is one of the most atherogenic fatty acids when consumed in large amounts, but little is known at moderate intake; this is the purpose of our study. Twenty five male monks without dyslipidemia were provided two isocaloric (2200 Kcal) diets for 5wk each. Diet I was 30% fat (8% SFA, 0,6%MA, 12% oleate, 6% linileate and 1% linolenate), 55% carbohydrate, 200 mg cholesterol. The diet 2 was 34% fat (I 1% SFA, 1.2% MA), 51% charbohydrate and no change in oleate, linileate, linolenate and cholesterol (C). Baseline diet was provided before each diet for 4 wk. Samples obtained at the end of each period was assessed for plasma lipids, fatty acids and lipoperoxidation parameters: malondialehyde (MDA), antioxidant systems. Diets I and 2 caused a decrease in total C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) (P<0.001); HDL-C was not modified, apoA-I/apoB ratio was increased (P<0.001). Plasma TG was lower after diet 2 than after diet I whereas HDLC was higher (P<0.05). Comparatively with baseline and diet 1, diet 2 was associated with an increase of MA (P<0.01), oleate, linoleate, EPA and DHA in phospholipids; MDA levels were lower and enzymatic activities of SOD and GPX were higher (P<0.05) only and diet 2. These data suggest that a diet 34% fat with I I% SFA and 1.2% myristic acid has beneficial effects on plasma lipid, fatly acid profiles and lipoperoxidation. SCHOOLCHILDREN'S FAMILY DIET IN YUGOSLAV STUDY OF PRECURSORS OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS M. Pavlovid A. Kadvan, T. Petrovid. M. Mirkovid, M, Pavkovi/:, S. Dunjid, S. Cankovi(:, M. Jovanovid, M. Novitovid, S, Dra~ilovid. Public Helath Institute. Subotica, Medical Faculty Belgrade, Yugoslavia Purpose: The aim of this study has been to determine the quality of family nutrition and nutritive risk factors in schoolchildren. This study has been taken in the period of january-march 1998. Methods: A 7 day food records of food consumption by questionnaire were used for evaluation of energy and nutrient intake in families (ft = 1288) in I I Regional Centers from Yugoslav Study Precursors of atherosclerosis in schoolchildren at the age l0 (PASCS). Results: Evaluation of food intake questionnaire by computer program "NUTQ", mean energy intake in family nutrition was 2841.47 kcal where the proteins were represented with 14%, fats with 39% and carbohydrates with 47%. Analysing the percentage supply of different food groups in daily energy, milk eggs and products contributed with 10.12%, meat and products with 15.06%, fat and oils with 13A3%, cereales and grains with 33.78%, sugar and sweet 8.35%, vegetables and products 4.53%, fruit and products 7.90% and fish only with 1.04%. Analytical questionnaire of schoolchildren's family nutrition shows that about 68.28% of them take in more than 30% fat, 62.19% of them over 10% sugar, and 53.52% of them over 10% of saturated fatty acids considering their daily energy diet. Daily intake of salt over 6 g has been determined in all families, and dietary fibres < 20 g/day in 97% of them. Cholesterol intake over 300 rag/day were found in 16.41%, and P/S ratio less than 0.45 in 74.14% o f them. Fatty acid composition was for saturated fat I 133% of energy, monousaturated 9.78%, and 7.74% from polyunsaturated. Comparing average energy and nutrient intake with RDA for age 7-10 year there were more families below RDA espetialy for selenium, iodine, vitamin 13, vitamin K and zinc. Conclusion: Schoolchildren's family diet in our country is relatively high in total fat, saturated fatty acids, free sugars, salt, and low in vegetables, fruit, dietary fibres and some minerals and vitamins. Since it can play a potential atherosclerosis risk factor in schoolchildren beside other risk factors, we have to take preventive measures in order to change diet and prevent nutritive disordes at this age. 71st EAS Congress and Satellite Symposia