Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
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Marine Pollution Bulletin
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / m a r p o l b u l
Regional scale impacts of distinct CO2 additions in the North Sea
J.C. Blackford a,*, N. Jones a, R. Proctor b, J. Holt b
Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, Plymouth PL1 3DH, UK
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool L3 5DA, UK
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Carbon capture and storage
North Sea
a b s t r a c t
A marine system model applied to the North West European shelf seas is used to simulate the consequences of distinct CO2 additions such as those that could arise from a failure of geological sequestration
schemes. The choice of leak scenario is guided by only a small number of available observations and
requires several assumptions; hence the simulations reported on are engineered to be worse case scenarios. The simulations indicate that only the most extreme scenarios are capable of producing perturbations
that are likely to have environmental consequences beyond the locality of a leak event. Tidally driven mixing rather than air–sea exchange is identified as the primary mechanism for dispersal of added CO2. We
show that, given the available evidence, the environmental impact of a sequestration leak is likely to be
insignificant when compared to the expected impact from continued non-mitigated atmospheric CO2
emissions and the subsequent acidification of the marine system. We also conclude that more research,
including both leak simulations and assessment of ecological impacts is necessary to fully understand the
impact of CO2 additions to the marine system.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Emission of anthropogenically derived CO2 to the atmosphere
and the subsequent uptake by the oceans, leading to climate
change and ocean acidification, respectively, are both predicted
to cause severe environmental, ecological and resource impacts
(IPCC, 2001; Stern, 2006; Raven et al., 2005). Consequently there
is much interest in developing methods for reducing carbon emissions, including carbon capture (from power stations) and its
subsequent storage in geological formations. An active sequestration programme has been in operation at the Sleipner field in the
North Sea since 1996 run by the Norwegian company Statoil. Here
carbon dioxide is striped from natural gas by solvents and disposed
of in a saline formation with approximately one million tonnes of
CO2 sequestered each year. Further projects are planned for the
North Sea, exploiting the large volumes of geological reservoirs in
the region. Injection of carbon dioxide under high pressure into
depleted reservoirs is also of financial interest as it may lead to
enhanced oil recovery.
The delivery and geological storage of large volumes of highly
pressurised CO2 raises the concern of leakage and its potential environmental consequences to the marine system. A number of mechanisms of leakage are possible, fast flow events such as a pipeline
failure, faulty injection well casings and transmissive faults or fractures in the cap rock; and slow flow phenomena such as seepage
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (0)1752 633468; fax: +44 (0)1752 633101.
E-mail address: (J. Blackford).
0025-326X/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
through porous geological structures. Research is scarce but suggests that in the long-term only a small fraction of sequestered CO2
might escape (DTI, 2003 and references therein). However, given
the possibility of leakage, it is prudent to assess the potential for
causing environmental impacts and to compare this with the predicted environmental impacts of ocean acidification.
2. Methodology
A marine system model (POLCOMS-ERSEM-HALTAFALL),
describing the North West European continental shelf, is used
to simulate the dynamics of added CO2 and it’s consequences in
terms of the resulting perturbation in pH. The model system is as
described in Blackford and Gilbert (2007) except for the extension
to cover the whole of the North Western Shelf; salient details are
briefly reviewed here.
The hydrodynamic model POLCOMS is a three-dimensional baroclinic system described by Holt and James (2001) and Proctor and
James (1996). It is a primitive equation finite difference model; solving for velocity, surface elevation, potential temperature, salinity
and turbulent kinetic energy using spherical polar coordinates in
the horizontal and s-coordinates (Song and Haidvogel, 1994) in the
vertical. It employs a sophisticated advection scheme (the “Piecewise Parabolic Method”; James, 1996) to minimize numerical diffusion and ensure the preservation of features even on coarse grids
under oscillatory flows. Turbulent viscosities and diffusivities are
calculated using a Mellor–Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure, but
with an algebraically specified mixing length. The model is applied
to the Northwest European shelf on an approximately 7 km grid
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
with 18 s-levels giving a vertical resolution between 0.5 and 15 m
depending on water depth. Holt et al. (2005) describes the detailed
evaluation of the model against observations concluding that the
model, with some exceptions, generally accurately describes the
spatial and temporal variability in dynamic features of the region.
ERSEM is a complex functional type ecosystem model describing carbon and nutrient flows through both pelagic and benthic
lower trophic ecosystems (Blackford et al., 2004; Baretta et al.,
1995). However the ERSEM model dynamics do not impact on the
results presented here as there is no feedback between the altered
CO2, pH and the ecosystem processes included in the model at this
stage (see Section 3).
HALTAFALL (Ingri et al., 1967) is an iterative chemical speciation model which, as applied here, uses calculated dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC, the sum of the chemical species resulting when
CO2 dissolves in water) and parameterized total alkalinity (TA) to
derive pH and the partial pressure of CO2 in the water. The latter is
required to drive the air–sea flux calculation of CO2 which uses the
parameterization of Nightingale et al. (2000). Sensitivity to air–sea
flux parameterizations is discussed below. The model is forced by
an assumed invariant atmospheric CO2 concentration of 375 ppm,
riverine DIC inputs derived from Pätsch and Lenhart (2004) and
Thomas et al. (2005) and an assumption of zero flux divergence for
DIC at the lateral boundaries.
We choose to investigate three modes of CO2 release, relating to
the possible mechanisms of leakage. Parameterising the rate and
duration of a leak event is obviously speculative; apart from the
stochastic nature of such an event there is little information available to guide us towards realistic scenarios. We use two sources
to guide our choice of leak scenario. Klusman (2003a, b) reports
preliminary estimates of seepage from a terrestrial EOR – sequestration project in Colorado, USA of <3800 tonnes CO2 a¡1 over an area
of 78 km2 with 14C measurements indicating rates of <170 tonnes
CO2 a¡1. These estimates equate to 0.14–3.0 mmol m¡2 d¡1 which
are the unit relevant to the model system. The Colorado site has
accepted 23 £ 106 tonnes of CO2 since 1986. Secondly, we use the
typical capacity of the pipelines used to deliver CO2 to well systems,
100–250 mscfd (million standard cubic feet per day). This equates
to 1.34–3.15 £ 1011 mmol d¡1 or 1.60 £ 103–3.75 £ 103 tonnes C d¡1.
An important consideration, principally relating to fast-rate leak
events is the behaviour of the resulting high pressure CO2 plume;
it’s rate of travel to the sea surface and the balance between direct
gassing to the atmosphere and solution in the water column. There
is evidence from natural shallow (<20 m) high pressure gas seeps
that the majority of CO2 in bubble plumes can transfer to the water
column (Leifer et al., 2006). Hence we assume for simplicity all
CO2 from a leak is dissolved. For low pressure seepages we assume
all gas is dissolved in the bottom layer, for high pressure leaks we
assume an equal distribution of CO2 input through out the water
Consequently, and after some sensitivity analysis we elected to
report on the following scenarios, summarised in Table 1.
i Long-term diffuse seepage: We assume a constant low level
seepage of CO2, spread homogeneously across the area of
one model box (49 km2), representing a movement of CO2
through permeable geological formations. We employ two
seepage rates, 3.85 £ 10 0 mmol m¡2 d¡1 similar to the upper
end of the Colorado observations (Klusman, 2003a, 2003b)
and a £100 treatment of 3.85 £ 102 mmol m¡2 d¡1, giving a
total input over one year of 3.02 £ 103 and 3.02 £ 105 tonnes
CO2, respectively.
ii Short-term leak: Analogous to a fracture in a pipeline that
persists for one day. We use two inputs, 6.93 £ 103 and
6.93 £ 104 mmol m¡2 d¡1 giving total inputs of 1.49 £ 104 and
1.49 £ 105 tonnes CO2, respectively, about 5 and 50 times a
typical pipeline capacity.
iii Long-term leak: Analogous to say, an immitigable fault in
the well casing, we assume a catastrophic out-gassing of
6.93 £ 103 mmol m¡2 d¡1 or 5.43 £ 106 tonnes CO2 over one
year, five times the input rate at Sleipner, or 5 years worth of
sequestered CO2.
Our final assumption is that the point source leaks (ii and iii)
disperse instantaneously into a single 7 £ 7 km model box. Clearly
this is a weakness although the tidally driven horizontal mixing
processes in the region are strong (Holt et al., 2001) and would be
capable of achieving this mixing within a few days.
All modes of release were simulated at two sites, North (57.75N,
1.00E), approximating to the Forties oil field – and South (54N, 1E),
representative of the Viking group of oilfields. The former site is
characterised by a water column depth of 138 m which is strongly
stratified during the summer. The latter site has a depth of 28.5 m
and is generally mixed throughout the year. The short-term leaks
(ii) were simulated at four times during the seasonal cycle on Julian
days 11, 101, 191 and 281, respectively, 11th January, 10th April, 8th
July and 8th October.
The scenarios used a four year spin-up simulation with annually repeating forcing conditions (weather and boundary forcing
and atmospheric CO2 values fixed at 375 ppm approximating the
Table 1
Simulated scenarios
Input concentration
(mmol m¡3 d¡1)
Daily input per metre square
Daily input to model
Total input
(mmol m¡2 d¡1)
(g m¡2 d¡1)
(g m¡2 d¡1)
box¡1 d¡1)
box¡1 d¡1)
0.5 £ 10 0
2.42 £ 10 0
5.0 £ 101
2.42 £ 102
5.0 £ 101
2.42 £ 102
5.0 £ 102
2.42 £ 103
5.0 £ 101
2.42 £ 102
3.85 £ 10 0
4.60 £ 10¡2
1.68 £ 10¡1
2.25 £ 10 0
8.23 £ 10 0
8.23 £ 102
3.02 £ 103
3.85 £ 102
4.60 £ 10 0
1.68 £ 101
2.25 £ 102
8.23 £ 102
8.23 £ 104
3.02 £ 105
6.93 £ 103
8.28 £ 101
3.04 £ 102
4.06 £ 103
1.49 £ 104
4.06 £ 103
1.49 £ 104
6.93 £ 104
8.28 £ 102
3.04 £ 103
4.06 £ 103
1.49 £ 105
4.06 £ 104
1.49 £ 105
6.93 £ 103
8.28 £ 101
3.04 £ 102
4.06 £ 102
1.49 £ 104
1.48 £ 106
5.43 £ 106
Columns as follows: (3) the duration of the simulated input; (4) the water column depth receiving the added CO2 (for the seepage simulations the specified depths represent
the bottom layer of the model); (5) the input concentration per cubic metre; (6–8) the daily input per metre squared (column 4 multiplied by column 5); (9 and 10) the daily
input to the model environment (columns 7 and 8 multiplied by the area of input, 49.0 £ 106 m2); (11 and 12) the total input to the simulation (columns 9 and 10 multiplied
by the input duration in column 3).
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
year 2000) to provide settled initial conditions. The only difference
in the one year simulation following the spin up period is the addition of CO2 as detailed in Table 1. Forcing and boundary conditions
are as described in Holt et al. (2005) and Blackford and Gilbert
(2007). In addition a control scenario with no CO2 input was simulated to provide a baseline data set.
The assumptions and scenarios chosen have been deliberately
done to address, given current knowledge, extreme worst case
scenarios of CO2 leakage, and thus set the upper boundaries of
potential environmental impacts.
The approximate average concentration of DIC in a typical
marine system is approximately 2.1 mol m¡3 (Takahashi et al.,
1981). In a 100 m water column this amounts to 2.1 £ 102 mol
or 2.4 kg carbon; in a 7 km £ 7 km £ 100 m depth model box this
equates to 1.2 £ 105 tonnes of carbon as DIC.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Long-term seepage
We restrict the reporting of results to the pH anomaly. This
we take as the difference between pH computed for each leak
scenario compared with the ‘normal’ pH field resulting from the
control model run with no perturbation. Change in pH is not the
only effect resulting from increased DIC that has the potential to
modify ecosystem processes; however pH does provide an appropriate proxy for the strength of the sum of ecosystem effects.
Much research is currently ongoing into the precise nature of
ecosystem response to high CO2 but, because of the complexity
of the processes involved and some pronounced inter species-differences this is as yet unquantifiable, although many individual
process responses have been identified (summarised in Raven et
al., 2005). In order to give some guidance we have elected to use
the following colour scheme to illustrate the potential detrimental effect on the ecosystem, it should be noted that this is qualitative and subject to debate.
The input rate of 3.85 mmol CO2 m¡2 d¡1, equating to the measured loss rate at the Colorado site represents a perturbation of
0.002% in a 100 m water column. This is insignificant and did
not cause a detectable signal in the model. The £100 treatment
(3.85 £ 102 mmol CO2 m¡2 d¡1) resulted in a small decrease of
pH, relative to the control, with a maximum reduction of 0.12
pH unit in the vicinity of the sediment surface, with small perturbations propagating through the water column (Fig. 1). This
is significantly less than the natural range of variability and we
assume would not have any significant biogeochemical impact.
Natural variability of pH in the region is relatively larger than
for the general ocean given that it is driven by high rates of biological CO2 exchange and riverine inputs as well as temperature
effects. Variability is typically between 0.2 and 0.4 pH units
over the annual cycle, although extreme phytoplankton blooms
can increase pH by over 0.5 units compared with background.
Like all of the simulations reported here the perturbation in the
shallower south site is larger than that in the north site because
the same amount of CO2 is injected into a smaller volume of
water. Also clearly visible, especially in the south site, are the
effects of the tidal mixing cycle with summer neap periods significantly restricting mixing resulting in the largest simulated pH
I White: Perturbation zero or below detection levels, of no ecological significance.
I Green: No or minimal effect likely, perturbation less than natural variability.
I Yellow: Perturbation of the order of natural variability, potentially small impacts.
I Orange: Some species and processes experiencing significant
I Red: More wide ranging and significant to severe effects predicted.
Fig. 1. Annual evolution of pH perturbation with depth of (£50) seep simulation. (a) north site and (b) south site.
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
3.2. Short-term leak
Fig. 2 details the perturbation arising from the smaller (£5
pipeline capacity) short-term leak scenario. For the north site
(Fig. 2a) the pH perturbation is no more than ¡0.1 units for at
most one day tailing off over a period of 3–8 days depending on
mixing rates. In the south site the initial perturbation is as much
as ¡0.2 pH units (as the same amount of CO2 is injected initially
into a smaller volume) and again short-lived, with the signal disappearing over 5–9 days. Given current knowledge it is unlikely
that a CO2 perturbation of this magnitude would have an ecosystem effect.
In contrast the £50 pipeline capacity leak scenario (Fig. 3) provokes pH perturbations that exceed ¡0.5 pH units for about a day
at the north site and up to five days at the south site. The duration of disturbance is less than 10 days for the northern site and as
much as 20 days for the southern site. This scenario indicates the
approximate scale of leakage required to provoke what may be serious environmental consequences, although there is not yet enough
experimental data to confirm or refute this.
3.3. Long-term leak
The results show, for both sites, a small area of high perturbation centred over the release (Figs. 4 and 5). In the north this
perturbation does not exceed ¡0.5 pH units; in the south a perturbation of ¡1.0 pH units is recorded. The area of maximum
disturbance in both cases remains well constrained, although
a plume of acidified water is seen to spread from the release
driven by the regional circulation. This plume can be extensive,
although the majority of the plume area is acidified by significantly less than 0.1 pH units. Examination of the detailed model
output (not shown) indicates the possibility of retentive features
in circulation and mixing creating discrete small regions of lowered pH that move away from the release point and persist for a
week or so.
Examination of the perturbation at the leak location (Fig. 5)
for both release sites clearly shows the influence of the tidal cycle
in determining the instantaneous perturbation strength. Perturbation maxima are associated with neap tides and minima with
springs and can differ by 0.4 or 0.8 pH units depending on site and
wind strength. This suggests that not only are the timing of leaks
an important consideration but experimental efforts to investigate
ecosystem effects might need to consider using cyclically varying
pH treatments rather than a constant pH value.
3.4. Dispersion of added CO2
Fig. 6 details the increase in sea to air out-gassing of CO2 for
each scenario, at the point directly above each release site, along
with the control simulation air–sea exchange rate that could
be considered ‘normal’. The increased flux due to the seepage
scenario is small but clearly apparent. The long-term leak
scenarios increase this flux by between two-fold and two-orders of
magnitude throughout the simulation. The short-term leak events
provoke similarly short-term but large flux increases. The instantaneous air–sea exchange rate is driven by the episodic nature of the
wind forcing fields.
Examination of the air–sea CO2 flux model output (Table 2) indicates that by the end of each scenario between 54% and 63% of
the CO2 addition has been lost to the atmosphere for the South
site leaks, whilst at the North site this drops to between 12% and
27%. This site disparity is driven by the difference in the initial CO2
concentration following from the difference in volume of the input
box between each site. In comparison with the short-term events,
the lower percentage out-gassing in the long-term scenarios the
can be attributed the zero time-lag between cessation of input and
the air–sea exchange summation. However, in general out-gassing,
in the short to medium term, is significantly less than the simulated CO2 inputs. This is indicative of the slowness of the air–sea
exchange process in comparison with the speed of input events
and mixing processes. Thus a significant amount of carbon dioxide
Fig. 2. Short-term leak scenario (£5 pipeline capacity). (a) north site and (b) south site. All perturbations below 0.01 pH unit have been masked for clarity.
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
Fig. 3. Short-term leak scenario (£50 pipeline capacity). (a) north site and (b) south site. All perturbations below 0.01 pH unit have been masked for clarity.
Fig. 4. Long-term leak evolution. (a) north site and (b) south site, times as stated. All perturbations below 0.01 pH unit have been masked for clarity.
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
Fig. 5. Evolution of pH perturbation with depth at the release site. (a) north site and (b) south site.
is predicted to remain in the marine system for long periods after
a leak event; however mixing and diffusion ensure that the remaining CO2 is highly diluted and does not raise the concentration of
CO2 significantly above normal levels. Hydrodynamic processes
are therefore the key mediating processes.
Given that the CO2 driven perturbations reported are primarily controlled by carbonate chemistry (which is well constrained
and uncontroversial, e.g. Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow, 2001) and
the physics of the system, the reliability of the results rests on
the ability of the POLCOMS model to represent realistic physics
for the region and the rate of out-gassing to the atmosphere.
The ability of POLCOMS is discussed in Holt et al. (2005) and
papers cited therein, and can be justifiably claimed to be fit for
purpose with the proviso issues relating to the model resolution
discussed above.
There is not yet a complete consensus on the parameterization of air–sea exchange rates and this is a rapidly developing
research area, (e.g. Borges and Wanninkhof, 2007). The chosen
air–sea parameterization for this study is the Nightingale and Liss
function derived from a study of CO2 fluxes in the North Sea, i.e.
the appropriate gas in the region of interest. Sensitivity analysis
of alternative parameterizations have identified little impact on
air–sea flux dynamics in this model (not published) which concurs with other studies (e.g. Merico et al., 2006) who also found
no significant sensitivity. This arises from the feedback between
exchange and concentration in that a low exchange rate increases
the differential in partial pressure between air and sea, increasing the net instantaneous exchange. With sufficiently resolved
time-steps (200 s in this model) this feedback is tightly coupled.
Given however that we are examining short-term perturbations
significantly greater than natural variability we performed a
sensitivity analysis on the air–sea flux parameterization. We
repeated selected simulations using the Wanninkof 1992 parameterization, with the results differing by less than 1% (not shown).
The lack of sensitivity to air–sea exchange also indicates that the
primary driver for CO2 dispersion is mixing and dilution within
the water mass.
3.5. Acidification predicted from oceanic uptake of atmospheric
anthropogenic CO2
Acidification rates for the UK shelf region arising from the uptake
of atmospheric emissions (Blackford and Gilbert, 2007) depend on
CO2 emission scenarios but are generally consistent with rates calculated for the surface ocean system (Caldeira and Wickett 2003).
Table 3 details predicted acidification for given atmospheric CO2
concentration and suggests approximate dates based on continuing non-mitigated emissions. The key finding is that acidification
of 0.7 pH units below pre-industrial levels will be the global continental shelf and surface ocean result if known fossil fuel reserves
are combusted. The implications of such a reduction in ocean pH
are hypothesised to be severely damaging to the marine ecosystem
and the biogeochemical cycles it mediates.
3.6. Future work investigating ecological feedbacks
The ERSEM model computes the uptake and production of DIC
as controlled by biological activity, which contributes to the natural variability of DIC (and pH) in space and time. An analysis to test
the sensitivity of the results to the background or control (DIC), pH
and air–sea exchange was performed by repeating a selection of
simulations with the ecological model processes turned off, giving
a contrasting annual cycle. The results were identical demonstrating that the results are not sensitive to the background carbonate
system as long as the system is spun up to equilibrium. This indicates that the results presented would be broadly applicable to contrasting marine regions.
There is (as yet) no feedback between the model’s biological processes and (DIC) or pH. Inclusion of such sensitivities may serve to
exacerbate or moderate leak driven perturbations, depending on
whether feedbacks are positive or negative. Thus the justification
for using the fully coupled POLCOMS-ERSEM system in this context are the future plans to couple the simulated pH perturbation
to ecosystem processes such as the effect on nitrification (Blackford and Gilbert, 2007). There is an emerging body of evidence on
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
flux increase
flux increase
Short-term leak - South
Long-term leak - North
Long-term leak - South
No input - North
No input - South
Short-term leak - North
flux increase
Seep - South
air-sea flux
Seep - North
julian days
julian days
Fig. 6. Sea to air CO2 exchange rate increase for each scenario (g C m¡2 d¡1), top three rows. The data represents the increase in out-gassing for each scenario compared with
the control run. (a) North site, (b) South site, scenarios as labelled. The bottom row shows the air–sea flux (g C m¡2 d¡1) for each site for the control scenario. Out-gassing is
Table 2
The percentage of input CO2 out-gassed over each scenario
Table 3
Predicted marine pH under a business as usual emissions scenario
(%) of input lost to atmosphere
Large short-term leak
Long-term leak
ecosystem response to short-term elevations of CO2 (e.g. Ohsumi,
2004 and other papers in this special issue; Widdicombe and Needham, 2007) and this will be a key (modelling) research area for
the next several years. However many of the emerging ecological
responses are ambiguous in that there is high species specificity
and little research has been done on recovery. There is also an
intriguing trade off between the effects of high CO2 on physiological processes and short-term physiological stress responses which
in some instances have opposite effects. In summary encoding ecosystem effects is currently at best speculative. Therefore we have
taken the approach to address only the direct chemical perturbation in this study as the first of many necessary steps to evaluating ecosystem response. Hence in the work submitted there is no
feed back between the ecosystem model and the pH perturbation,
Marine pH
pH change
The dates follow the IPCC IS92a scenario until 2100 then assuming a logistic
function for the burning of remaining fossil fuel reserves as used by Caldeira and
Wickett (2003).
which could potentially modify the biological component of the
DIC dynamic for the leakage simulations.
4. Conclusions
The assumptions and the choices of leakage scenario used in
this work were chosen to significantly over-estimate the amount
of CO2 injection into the marine system that might arise from a failure of sequestration, based on current knowledge. Throughout, the
J. Blackford et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1461–1468
model suggests that any leak driven perturbation approaching the
magnitude predicted from non-mitigated atmospheric acidification will be restricted spatially and temporally and perturbations
on large temporal (greater than a few days) or spatial (more than
a few kilometres) scales will be significantly less than natural variability. This work does not address the local scale (<1 km) impacts
of massive point source CO2 injections, and it is likely that on some
localised scale, such events would have a catastrophic effect on the
environment. Whilst such an event may be damaging politically or
socially; it should be seen in the context of the 7.46 £ 105 km2 area
of the North Sea and the multitude of other ongoing anthropogenic
disturbances. Whilst recovery in the water column would likely be
a function of the strong horizontal mixing processes, we lack even
initial research on the recovery rates of the relatively immobile
benthic communities and this may be a key area for research. This
work also does not address the detailed modification of sediment
chemistry profiles in response to a wide area seepage event, which
may or may not have implications for the health of the sediment,
although the relatively small seepage rates observed would suggest less, rather than more, effect.
More work remains to be done to look at local and fine
scale responses and more scenarios covering a wider range of
locations, input levels, timings and durations. For example, the
model indicates that the tidal and wind state can significantly
modify the in situ perturbation; it would be valuable to consider
the potentially cyclical nature of the perturbation when designing exposure experiments. There is also a need to quantify the
response of the ecosystem and its components and ultimately
address impacts on bio-resources. However, on the basis of this
limited, coarse scale, first look we conclude that: firstly, seepage
of CO2 from geological formations would not have a significant
impact on the overlying ecosystem and secondly, that even massive injections of CO2 from sequestration delivery systems would
have minimal effect on the regional scale and an insignificant
effect when compared with that expected to result from surface
ocean acidification driven by continued uncontrolled CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.
This work was part funded by a NERC/ESRC Grant (UKCCSC
NE/C5165X/1), a Grant from DEFRA/DTI (IMCO2, ME2107) and the
NERC funded core program of Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The
authors would also like to thank Dr. Mark Wilkinson (University of
Edinburgh) for guidance with regard to observations of CO2 seepage and an anonymous referee for comments which enabled us to
improve on the initial version of the manuscript.
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