Walk-Through Metal Detection System


US 20130006552A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0006552 A1 Peyton et al. (54) (43) Pub. Date: WALK THROUGH METAL DETECTION (52) Jan. 3, 2013 US. Cl. ....................................................... .. 702/57 SYSTEM (75) Inventors: Anthony J. Peyton, Bolton (GB); David W. Armitage, Malpas (GB); Liam A. (57) ABSTRACT Marsh, Stockport (GB); Christos Ktistis> WarringtOn_(GB); William Robert BrefkwPPnllearts Whaley Bndge (GB)’ An Jarvl’ ESPOO (FD - _ . of magnetic ?eld generators and magnetic ?eld detectors (73) Asslgnee' (21) Appl_ No. 13/175 785 ’ Filed; JUL 1, 2011 (22) The present application is a detection system for locating and characterizing an object placed in a detection area in a three dimensional space. The detection system includes a plurality scan systems’ Inc" Torrance’ CA Publication Classi?cation arranged on opposite sides of the detection area and a control system for enabling generation of a magnetic ?eld in the detection area by the magnetic ?eld generators and for mea suring of the magnetic ?eld modi?ed by the object at each of the magnetic ?eld detectors. The detection system also includes a processor for processing the measured magnetic ?eld to obtain a data set characterizing the object and a loca tion of the object. The processor applies a reconstruction (51) Int. Cl. process on a prede?ned number of measurements of the G06F 19/00 (2011.01) modi?ed magnetic ?eld. Elapsed Time is 3.590403 Seconds. 602~ Xhat : - . /604 \ 0.3359 - 0.1893! -0.1901 + 0.0346! -0.1585 + 0.0096! ‘/6O6 -0.1901 + 0.0346! -0.1585 + 0.0096l 0.9180 - 0.0406i 0.8579 + 0.0162l 0.0550 - 0.0299l 0.0550 - 0.0299! ' 0.3284 - 0.1227l ~\608 610‘\ 0.1619 - 0.1451} 0.4423 - 0.1101l Video Path Saved Patent Application Publication Jan. 3, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 6 US 2013/0006552 A1 18 16 FIG. 1 FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Jan. 3, 2013 Sheet 3 0f 6 US 2013/0006552 A1 120. Q33333330127TTnw 435t3 .T2AE%1V3Q8mE%QW‘ \/.2\.6/4\. w an‘ 8 a e x D k. M. a z-axis Displacement (m) FIG. 3C US 2013/0006552 A1 com .QEw oom? Patent Application Publication Jan. 3, 2013 Sheet 5 0f 6 US 2013/0006552 A1 f504 D —502 -—508 —506 Elapsed Time is 3.590403 Seconds. 602_ X11811: I I \ 0.3359 - 0.1893! -0.1901 + 0.0346! -0.1901 + 0.0346! 0.8579 + 0.0162! -0.1585 + 0.0096I 0.0550 - 0.0299l 0.9180 - 0.0406i 610 \ 0.1619 - 0.1451i I 0.4423 - 0.1101i Video Path Saved FIG. 6 _ /604 -0.1585+0.0096!'/6O6 0.0550 - 0.0299!’ 0.3284 - 0.1227|~ Patent Application Publication Jan. 3, 2013 Sheet 6 0f 6 Qw< m$ 1mtwil- ! @ a 4 4HQ” W Egon-c E_2595 Egon-c US 2013/0006552 A1 Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 WALK THROUGH METAL DETECTION SYSTEM FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present application relates to electromagnetic (EM) inspection/detection systems. More particularly, the [0008] In another embodiment, the present application dis closes a method for classifying a metal object detected by the detection system described above into de?ned classes using the electromagnetic characteristics. [0009] In yet another embodiment, an electromagnetic characteristic of a metal object, such as the magnetic polar present application relates to a system for locating and char isability dyadic, is estimated using a novel coil con?guration. acterizing a metal object located on a person. [0010] In still yet another embodiment, a reconstruction algorithm is employed for calculating at least one electro magnetic characteristic of the metal object, such as the mag BACKGROUND [0002] Walk-through metal detectors (WTMDs) compris ing an array of transmitter coils and an array of detector coils are Well knoWn and Widely used for screening of personnel at secure locations such as airports, prisons, government build ings and the like. WTMDs typically operate using coupling betWeen pairs of coils, providing a multi-zone system With a coil pair for each zone, each pair operating as an independent metal detector. In conventional systems, the transmitter coils are typically located in one panel Whereas the receiver coils are located in an opposite panel, Wherein the tWo panels comprise a Walk-through portal or “hallWay”. [0003] While such systems are capable of detecting the presence of metal objects, they are limited in their ability to discriminate betWeen different types of metal objects or accu rately locate metal objects on the subject. Although there have been attempts to produce imaging metal detectors and even tomographic metal detectors that can address these concerns, these systems are limited due to the poor quality of the images that they produce. In general, such imaging systems do not produce images With su?icient quality to reliably discern the shape of the object. In addition, these conventional metal detection systems may not produce good results because they attempt to represent the metal object With a tWo-dimensional response. It should be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that a metal object has an inherent three dimensional response that is not taken account by employing a simple tWo-dimensional approach. [0004] The limitations of currently available metal detec tors are Well knoWn, such as the loW sensitivity to loW con ductivity, non-magnetic metals, e.g. titanium, and false posi tives caused by innocuous objects, Which, in turn, result in longer queues at checkpoints and borders. In recent times, X-ray backscatter imaging techniques and systems and some millimeter-Wave scanning methods and systems are becom ing more Widely deployed. HoWever, these are high perfor mance, high cost systems Which are only suited to speci?c screening applications and there are issues, such as negative public perceptions regarding radiation exposure and/ or an invasion of privacy, relating to their use. [0005] Therefore, What is needed is a metal detection sys tem that is capable of characterizing and locating the position of hidden objects by combining spectroscopic, tomographic and ultra-Wide band techniques. [0006] There is also a need for a neW generation of electro magnetic screening equipment for detecting metallic objects Which addresses the limitations of prior art, and also has minimal impact on the environment. netic polarisability dyadic. [0011] In one embodiment, the present application dis closes a detection system for locating and characterizing an object Within a detection area in a three-dimensional space comprising a plurality of magnetic ?eld generators arranged on at least a ?rst side of the detection area; a plurality of magnetic ?eld detectors, arranged on at least a second side of the detection area, Wherein the second side is opposite to the ?rst side; a control system for generating a magnetic ?eld in the detection area by the magnetic ?eld generators and for measuring a modi?ed magnetic ?eld at each of the magnetic ?eld detectors, Wherein the generated magnetic ?eld is modi ?ed by the object; and at least one processor con?gured to process the measured modi?ed magnetic ?eld to obtain a data set characterizing the obj ect and a location of the object, Wherein said at least one processor is con?gured to execute a plurality of instructions de?ning a reconstruction process on a prede?ned number of measurements of the modi?ed mag netic ?eld. [0012] Optionally, the detection system further comprises an alarm generation unit for generating an alarm correspond ing to at least one prede?ned type of object based on one or more parameters in the characteristic data of the object, Wherein the alarm generation module is adapted to execute a classi?cation process for determining the type of the object based on one or more prede?ned categories associated With the object. The detection system further comprises a move ment sensor arranged to measure a position of at least a ?rst part of the object relative to at least one of the magnetic ?eld generators, the magnetic ?eld detectors, or another part of the object, Wherein the measured position is combined With the data set characterizing the object. The movement sensor com prises a motion sensor or a video camera. The movement sensor comprises a light sensor. The movement sensor pro duces a visual output displaying one or more of a measured position and a category of the object passing through the detection area, Wherein the visual output is obtained by com bining a photographic image of the object With at least a portion of the data set characterizing the object and the mea sured position of at least a part of the object. [0013] Optionally, the detection further comprises a dis placement sensor con?gured to detect a displacement of at least a part of the object aWay from a reference position, and to correct for the displacement When processing sets of mea surements of the modi?ed magnetic ?eld, Wherein the refer ence position is relative to at least a part of the object and the displacement is relative to at least a part of the object. The closes a detection system for characterizing and locating one or more metal objects in three-dimensional space by using object is a conductor of electricity. The object is a ferromag netic object. The magnetic ?eld generators are electrical con ductor coils through Which electric current is passed to gen erate magnetic ?eld. The magnetic ?eld detectors are electrical conductor coils in Which electric current is gener ated due to changes in a magnetic ?eld. The magnetic ?eld electromagnetic characteristics of the objects. detectors are solid state magnetometers. The at least one SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] In one embodiment, the present application dis Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 processor reconstructs a path followed by the object in three dimensional space. The control system generates a magnetic ?eld by generating electrical current in the magnetic ?eld generators and measures the magnetic ?eld at each of the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0018] These and other features and advantages of the present application Will be further appreciated, as they magnetic ?eld detectors by detecting induced signals in the become better understood by reference to the detailed description When considered in connection With the accom detectors. The control system comprises one or more data panying draWings, Wherein: acquisition and conditioning electronics for collecting con ditioned signals from the magnetic ?eld detectors and at least one processor for possessing the collected conditioned sig nals to generate images. [0019] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a detection system, in accordance With an embodiment; [0020] FIG. 2 illustrates a more detailed, magni?ed vieW of [0014] Optionally, the detection system further comprises at least one processor adapted to process at least a video signal obtained from one or more video cameras placed around the detection area. The data set for characterizing the object com prises one or more electromagnetic properties of the object and a sequence of coordinate points that describe a path the object has traveled inside the detection area. The data set for characterizing the object comprises a complex magnetic polarisability dyadic of the object, Wherein the magnetic polarisability dyadic describes a three-dimensional scattering effect of the object With respect to the generated magnetic ?eld. The magnetic ?eld generators and detectors are each con?gured in an array for obtaining near zero background coupling and loW susceptibility to mechanical movement. [0015] In another embodiment, the present application dis closes a method for locating and characterizing an object Within a detection area in a three-dimensional space compris a portion of the detection system depicted in FIG. 1; [0021] FIG. 3A is a graph shoWing transmitter coil geom etry in tWo-dimensional space, in accordance With one embodiment; [0022] FIG. 3B is a graph shoWing receiver coil geometry in tWo-dimensional space, in accordance With one embodi ment; [0023] FIG. 3C is a graph shoWing both transmitter and receiver coil geometry in three-dimensional space, including appropriate portal dimensions, in accordance With one embodiment; [0024] FIG. 4 is a graphical illustration of an exemplary output of a reconstruction algorithm used in conjunction With a detection system of the present application; [0025] FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary visual output of the detection system, superimposed upon a subject under inspec tion, in accordance With one embodiment; [0026] FIG. 6 illustrates a complex magnetic polarisability dyadic calculated from the reconstruction algorithm, in ing: providing a Walk through the detection area, Which com prises a plurality of magnetic ?eld generators arranged on at accordance With one embodiment; and [0027] FIG. 7 is a graph shoWing a typical spectrum of an least a ?rst side of the detection area and a plurality of mag netic ?eld detectors, arranged on at least a second side of the illustrated in FIG. 6. detection area, the second side being opposite and parallel to eigenvalue of the complex magnetic polarisability dyadic DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION the ?rst side; generating a magnetic ?eld in the detection area by the magnetic ?eld generators; measuring a modi?ed mag netic ?eld at each of the magnetic ?eld detectors, Wherein the generated magnetic ?eld is modi?ed by the object; and pro cessing the measured magnetic ?eld to obtain a data set char acterizing the object and a location of the object, Wherein a reconstruction process is applied to a prede?ned number of measurements of the modi?ed magnetic ?eld. [0016] Optionally, the method further comprises measur ing a position of at least a ?rst part of the object relative to at least one of the magnetic ?eld generators, the magnetic ?eld detectors, or another part of the object, Wherein the measured position is combined With the data set characterizing the object. The method further comprises producing a visual output using a movement sensor that shoWs one or more of a measured position and a category of the object passing through the detection area, Wherein the visual output is obtained by combining a photographic image of the object With characteristics of the data set of the object and With the measured position of at least a part of the object. The method further comprises a) detecting a displacement of at least a part of the object aWay from a reference position and b) correcting for the displacement When combining sets of measurements of the modi?ed magnetic ?eld, Wherein the reference position is relative to at least a part of the object and the displacement is relative to at least a part of the object. [0028] The present application discloses multiple embodi ments. The folloWing disclosure is provided in order to enable a person having ordinary skill in the art to practice the claimed inventions. Language used in this speci?cation should not be interpreted as a general disavoWal of any one speci?c embodi ment or used to limit the claims beyond the meaning of the terms used therein. The general principles de?ned herein may be applied to other embodiments and applications Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Also, the terminology and phraseology used is for the purpose of describing exemplary embodiments and should not be con sidered limiting. Thus, the present application is to be accorded the Widest scope encompassing numerous altema tives, modi?cations and equivalents consistent With the prin ciples and features disclosed. For purpose of clarity, details relating to technical material that is knoWn in the technical ?elds related to the claimed inventions have not been described in detail so as not to unnecessarily obscure the disclosure. [0029] In one embodiment, the present application dis closes a personnel screening and inspection system that is capable of detecting, characterizing and locating a metallic object in three-dimensional space. [0030] In one embodiment, the present application dis closes a detection system for characterizing and locating one or more metal objects in three-dimensional space by using present shall be described in greater depth in the draWings and electromagnetic characteristics of the objects. [0031] In one embodiment, the present application dis detailed description provided beloW. closes a detection system comprising a plurality of magnetic [0017] The aforementioned and other embodiments of the Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 ?eld generators Which, in one embodiment, are transmitter coils and a plurality of magnetic ?eld detectors, Which, in one embodiment, are receiver coils, located around a detection area de?ning a portal through Which a subject stands or Walks, coils 16. As illustrated, the arrays 10, 14 are arranged on opposite sides of a support frame 18 Which de?nes an arch, portal or gate 20, Within Which is an imaging area 22 through and a control system that is arranged to generate magnetic ?eld and measure the generated magnetic ?eld at each of the detectors. In one embodiment, the magnetic ?eld is generated by generating electrical current in the transmitter coils. In one magnetic ?eld generators 12 is arranged on at least a ?rst side of the detection area. In one embodiment, a plurality of mag netic ?eld detectors 14 is arranged on at least a second side of the detection area, the second side being opposite to and/or embodiment, the magnetic ?eld is measured by detecting parallel to the ?rst side. The detection system thus comprises induced signals in the receiver coils. an array 10 of transmitter coils 12 and an array 14 of receiver [0032] coils 16. [0040] In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, there are In an embodiment, the object to be detected is a conductor of electricity. In another embodiment, the object is a ferromagnetic object. Further, in yet another embodiment, the magnetic ?eld generators are electrical conductor coils Which a person can Walk. In one embodiment, a plurality of equal numbers of transmitter coils 12 and receiver coils 16, With each transmitter coil 12 being level With, opposite to, through Which electric current is passed to generate magnetic and/or parallel to a respective receiver coil 16. In one embodi ?eld; and the magnetic ?eld detectors are electrical conductor coils in Which electric voltage is generated due to changes in ment, there are eight transmitter coils 12 and eight receiver coils 16. It should be understood by those of ordinary skill in the art that any number of receiver coils may be employed Without departing from the scope of the present application. In the embodiment described herein, but not limited to such embodiment, the transmitter and receiver coils are also a magnetic ?eld, thereby enabling the magnetic ?eld to be measured. In another embodiment, the magnetic ?eld detec tors are solid state magnetometers. [0033] In another embodiment, the present application dis closes a method for classifying a metal object detected by the detection system described above into de?ned classes using the electromagnetic characteristics. [0034] In yet another embodiment, an electromagnetic characteristic of a metal object, such as the magnetic polar isability dyadic, is estimated using a novel coil con?guration. [0035] In still yet another embodiment, a reconstruction algorithm is employed for calculating at least one electro magnetic characteristic of the metal object, such as the mag equally spaced Within the panels. [0041] In alternate embodiments, various other coil con ?gurations may be employed, such as different numbers of transmitters and receiver coils; using transmitter and/or receiver coils of different sizes; using transmitter and/or receiver coils of different orientations; using transmitter and receiver coils of different geometries, Which Will be described in greater detail beloW; and positioning the coils With unequal spacing, for example, positioning a greater number of coils netic polarisability dyadic. near the ?oor level to enhance the characterization of a metal [0036] lic objects carried in a subject’s shoes. [0042] A control system 30 is arranged to generate and control a varying electrical current independently in each of the transmitter coils 12, thus generating a magnetic ?eld. In an embodiment, the control system 30 measures signals gener ated in each of the receiver coils 16 due to the generated magnetic ?eld in the form of electrical currents. The control In one embodiment, the present application dis closes a detection system for characterizing and locating one or more metal objects in three-dimensional space by using electromagnetic characteristics of the objects further com prising at least one processor con?gured to process measure ments of a generated ?eld by, for example, measuring the induced signals to generate a data set characterizing one or more of the detected objects, together With their location, as they pass through or across the sensitive region of the inspec tion system. [0037] The at least one processor or processing means refers to a processing device, such as a chip, semiconductor, or any other processor, that is con?gured to access a memory storing a plurality of instructions de?ning a reconstruction method and to execute the plurality of instructions in order to reconstruct the characteristics of each object, and, if required, the path each object has taken through space. [0038] In one embodiment, the data set for characterizing the object comprises one or more electromagnetic properties of the object, and a sequence of coordinate points that describe the path the object has traveled inside the detection area. The data set for characterizing the object comprises a complex magnetic polarisability dyadic of the object, Whereby the magnetic polarisability dyadic describes a three dimensional scattering effect of the object With respect to the generated magnetic ?eld. Further, in an embodiment, the magnetic ?eld generators and detectors are each con?gured in an array for obtaining near zero background coupling and loW susceptibility to mechanical movement. [0039] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a detection system, in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention. The detection system comprises an array 10 of magnetic ?eld generator coils 12 and an array 14 of magnetic ?eld detector system 30 comprises data acquisition and conditioning elec tronics 40 and a processing system 42, Which, in one embodi ment, is a host computer. The data acquisition and condition ing electronics 40 collects data from the receiver coils 16, and the processing system 42 processes the collected conditioned signals to generate images and executes instructions to per form detection methods. In one embodiment, detection sys tem also comprises camera 44 and camera 46 to generate images of the imaging area 22, described in greater detail beloW. [0043] FIG. 2 illustrates a magni?ed vieW ofa portion ofthe detection system depicted in FIG. 1. Referring to both FIGS. 1 and 2 interchangeably, the detection system further com prises four video cameras, tWo cameras 44 and 46 positioned on each side of the gate 20 and tWo (not shoWn in FIG. 1 or 2) positioned overhead on each side of the gate 20 for providing a bird’s eye vieW. [0044] The tWo cameras 44, 46 are orientated so that they both image the imaging area 22 from different angles, as illustrated in FIG. 2, and thus provide front and rear vieWs of a subject Walking through the imaging area 22 to determine the position of the subject passing through the gate 20. [0045] In various embodiments, any number of cameras may be used to improve the positional accuracy or extract three-dimensional information of the location of the subject passing through the gate 20. All of the cameras are connected Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 to the computer 42 (shown in FIG. 1) and are used to deter interference picked up by the receiver coils and external elec mine the entrance and exit of the subject through the system. [0046] With reference to FIG. 1, in an embodiment, the computer 42 is arranged to process the video image signals tromagnetic interference generated by the transmitter coils. [0052] Third, it is preferred that the background coupling (i.e. the mutual magnetic coupling When no object is present) received from at least the video cameras 44, 46 and the elec betWeen any transmitter and any receiver coil pair is virtually tromagnetic signals received from the receiver coils 16. Zero. Exemplary processing algorithms executed by the computer [0053] Fourth, it is preferred that the coil array is insensitive to mechanical movement of the array, and, in particular, dis 42 are described in detail in later portions of this application. [0047] Further, as shoWn in FIG. 2, in one embodiment, gate 20 has the folloWing dimensions: a depth 50 of approxi mately 320 mm, a height 52 of approximately 2026 mm, and a Width 54 of approximately 860 mm, Which coincide With the x, y, and Z-axes, respectively. [0048] In a typical operational scenario at least one of the transmitter coils 12 is energiZed With a sinusoidally varying AC signal, thereby creating a magnetic ?eld. This magnetic ?eld is modi?ed by electrically conductive or ferromagnetic objects Within the ?eld and the resultant ?eld changes are measured With the array of receiver coils 16. In one embodi ment, the array of transmitter coils 12 is energiZed serially and/ or sequentially around the object, and for each transmit ter coil, the ?eld is measured With each of the receiver coils 16, for determining the electromagnetic properties of the object. Properties such as the polarisability may be measured by using a reconstruction algorithm after combining the resultant detected signals. [0049] In various embodiments the accuracy of the recon structions are based upon the number and positions of trans mitter coils 12 and receiver coils 16. Therefore, in one placement in the Y-Z plane (the plane perpendicular to the Walkthrough direction, as shoWn in FIG. 2) as the gate has the loWest shear stiffness in this particular plane. This is an important consideration because an array With greater stiff ness is less sensitive to mechanical vibrations that are trans mitted through, for example, the ?oor. In an extreme case, mechanical vibrations may also be transmitted by a person that accidentally bumps into the gate as he/ she Walks through it. [0054] Fifth, it is preferred that neighboring transmitter and neighboring receiver coils have near Zero net mutual mag netic coupling as this helps to ensure good isolation betWeen adjacent channels and minimize crosstalk. This property is more important if the coils are resonated because resonant currents Would otherWise be able to induce a voltage in their neighboring coils. [0055] Sixth, it is preferred that the transmitter coils are collectively able to excite the object With magnetic ?eld com ponents in all three directions (x, y, and Z as shoWn in FIG. 2). As the object folloWs any path through the gate in the x direction, the receiver coils are simultaneously and collec embodiment, the present application is directed toWards sys tively able to detect the magnetic ?eld components produced by the object in all three directions. tems and methods for assessing the response of a candidate coil con?guration. In one embodiment, a processor is con?g con?guration having the characteristics outlined above, [0056] FIGS. 3A and 3B are graphical illustrations of a coil ured to quantify both the error in the predicted object position and the error in the predicted magnetic polarisability dyadic of the object as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) tively. of the signals from the receiver coils. The error in the pre tWo-dimensional space, in accordance With an embodiment dicted position and the predicted magnetic polarisability dyadic can then be assessed for different candidate coil con ?gurations in order to determine the optimum con?guration, such as the number of transmitter coils 12 and receiver coils 16; the position of transmitter coils 12 and receiver coils 16; and the geometries of transmitter coils 12 and receiver coils 16. In a preferred embodiment, and the embodiment described in this speci?cation, the coil con?guration includes at least eight transmitter coils 12 and at least eight receiver coils 16. It should be understood by those of ordinary skill in the art that any number of transmitter and receiver coils can be used, depending upon the candidate coil con?guration char acteristics described above and described in greater detail in the paragraphs that folloW. [0050] Furthermore, a preferred coil con?guration should also have the folloWing characteristics and/or properties. First, it is preferred that all transmitter coils are contained Within a panel on one side of the gate While all the receiver coils are contained Within a panel on the opposite side of the gate. This alloWs the transmitter and receiver circuitry to be separated and alloWs for the minimiZation of unWanted capacitive crosstalk. [0051] Second, it is preferred that all transmitter and receiver coils are gradiometer Wound, With equal areas of clockWise and counterclockwise Windings. This coil geom etry is Well-knoWn by those skilled in the art, because the coil geometry helps to minimiZe both external electromagnetic shoWing both transmitter coils and receiver coils, respec [0057] FIG. 3A illustrates a transmitter coil geometry in of the present invention, shoWing the position of the Wires of one transmitter coil in both the x-axis (in meters) and the y-axis (in meters) on a grid 300. As shoWn, the coil 302 is constructed in the shape of a squared-off ?gure eight having tWo symmetrical half-sections 302a and 302b, Where one half-section is Wound in a clockWise direction and the other half-section is Wound in a counterclockWise direction. As shoWn in FIG. 2, the x-direction is horiZontal and in the Walk-through direction of the portal, Whereas the y-direction is vertical. [0058] FIG. 3B illustrates a receiver coil geometry in tWo dimensional space, in accordance With one embodiment. FIG. 3B shoWs the position of the Wires of one receiver coil in both the x-axis and the y-axis on a grid 305.As shoWn, the coil 307 is Wound in three sections, Where tWo outer sections 307a and 30719 are Wound in a direction opposite to a central section 3070. [0059] FIG. 3C is a graphical illustration shoWing eight individual transmitter coils (331T, 332T, 333T, 334T, 335T, 336T, 337T, 338T) and eight individual receiver coils (331R, 332R, 333R, 334R, 335R, 336R, 337R, 338R) mounted in the side panels 318 of the portal 320 in three-dimensional space. As illustrated in FIG. 3C, the receiver coils overlap one another to ensure that neighboring receivers have near Zero net mutual coupling. Also, adjacent transmitter coils are over lapped in a similar manner to ensure that neighboring trans mitters have near Zero net mutual coupling. This feature of the Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 transmitter and receiver coil array helps to avoid interference betWeen neighboring coils, especially When the coils are reso nated With tuning capacitors. other object categories could be de?ned and used by operators for particular classi?cation purposes. [0065] In one embodiment, a plurality of measurements [0060] In an embodiment, the transmitter and receiver coils are gradiometer Wound as described above With respect to the captured simultaneously from the transmitter and receiver preferred properties of the coil con?guration. Thus, the trans mitter and receiver coils have equal areas of clockWise and nals’. For the gate shoWn in FIG. 3C, the eight transmitter coils and eight receiver coils result in 64 possible independent coil combinations are de?ned as a ‘set of measurement sig counterclockwise Windings. This coil geometry is Well measurement signals (8x8). HoWever, signals from transmit knoWn to those of ordinary skill in the art, as it helps to ter coils to receiver coils that are located far from the trans minimize both external electromagnetic interference picked up by the receiver coils and external electromagnetic inter ference generated by the transmitter coils. The gradiometer Winding con?guration ensures that the magnetic ?eld pro mitter coils have little sensitivity to metal objects and conse quently are ignored. So in this particular embodiment, the ‘ set of measurements signals’ is limited to 34 measurements as summariZed in the table beloW: duced by a transmitter coil drops off very quickly to Zero outside the gate as the magnetic ?eld produced by the coun terclockWise section of Winding cancels the ?eld produced by the clockWise section of Winding. Hence, the transmitter coil produces little interference to other Walk-through metal detectors that may be positioned in the vicinity. Similarly, the gradiometer Winding con?guration ensures that the receiver TABLE 1 Measurements Derived From Coil Pairings Transmitter Coil Couples to Receiver Coils Number of Measured Coil Pairs object to x, y, Z magnetic ?eld components as the object 331T (bottom ofgate) 332T 333T 334T 335T 336 T passes through the gate of the detection system of the present invention. Also, in an embodiment, the transmitter and 338T (top ofgate) 331R, 332R, 333R 331R, 332R, 333R, 334R 331R, 332R, 333R, 334R, 335R 332R, 333R, 334R, 335R, 336R 333R, 334R, 335R, 336R, 337R 334R, 335R, 336R, 337R, 338R 335R, 336R, 337R, 338R 336R, 337R, 338R 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 coils are relatively immune to pick-up from the distant sources of electromagnetic interference by reciprocity. [0061] In various embodiments, the transmitter and receiver coils are designed in a manner so as to expose an 337 T receiver coils are con?gured in an array for near Zero back TOTAL ground coupling and for loW susceptibility to mechanical movement, especially shear strain on the gate. [0062] With reference back to FIG. 1, the video image signals received from at least the video cameras 44, 46 and the electromagnetic signals received from the receiver coils 16, Which are input to the computer 42, are fed to a processor executing reconstruction instructions. In an embodiment, the reconstruction instructions are Written in MatLab. In other embodiments, the algorithm may be coded in any suitable programming language. The reconstruction instructions are executed by the computer 42 to estimate the position and the magnetic properties (eg. magnetic polarisability dyadic) of a [0066] 34 The siZe of the set of measurement signals affected the error in the predicted positions and the predicted magnetic polarisability dyadic of the object. The siZe of the set of measurement signals also affects the number of objects that can be simultaneously reconstructed, Which, in this particular embodiment, is typically 4 or less. It should be noted herein that the 34 measurement signal sets represent a loWer limit of the number of signals sets that can be measured. In other embodiments, a greater number of coils and thus, a greater number of measurement signal sets are preferred. Therefore, metallic object by using the data collected from the object as it travels through the gate 20 of the detection system 100. [0063] A characteristic data set for each detected object in preferred embodiments, at least 34 measurement signal may be a characteristic of each detected object together With change as one or more metal objects pass through the gate. Each measurement signal is sampled at a rate of 100 samples a sequence of coordinate points or other suitable parameters that describe the path that each object has traveled either through or across the sensing region of the detection system. In an embodiment, a complex magnetic polarisability dyadic is used to suitably characterize the object. A magnetic polar isability dyadic describes the three-dimensional scattering sets should be obtained. [0067] The set of measurement signals are time varying and per second, Which gives adequate temporal resolution for objects passing through the gate at Walking speed or less. Consequently there are 100 sample instants per second for each measurement signal in this exemplary embodiment of the present invention. effect of the object to the applied magnetic ?eld. In various other embodiments, other similar characteristics of detected objects may be used, and thus, the present application is not limited to the representation described herein. [0064] In one embodiment, the detection system is con?g that indicate the location and the magnetic polarisability dyadic of the object being scanned, are calculated using a ured to generate an alarm for a prede?ned type of obj ect based example), then a sequence of x, y, and Z coordinates are on one or more parameters in the characteristic data for the calculated by the reconstruction process together With an object. A classi?cation method may be applied to the charac teristic data for this purpose. The classi?cation method is used to determine Which category the object belongs to, for estimation of the magnetic polarisability dyadic of the metal example, either a threat object or an innocuous object. If any detected object falls in the threat category, an alarm is acti vated. As is evident to those of ordinary skill in the art, various [0068] For every sample instant, the x, y, and Z coordinates reconstruction process. Since the measurement signals con sist of a sequence of samples (100 per second in this lic object. If there is more than one metallic object then the reconstruction algorithm can be extended to calculate mul tiple x, y, and Z coordinate sequences and multiple magnetic polarisability dyadic, With one x, y, and Z sequence and one dyadic per object. Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 [0069] In one embodiment, an iterative process is used to invert data Where the position and properties of an object are estimated simultaneously by minimizing a residual, as shoWn beloW in Equation 3 betWeen the measured data and a calcu lated data produced by a solution to the forWard problem. The forWard problem refers to the process of calculating the esti mated values of the measurement signals, if the position and dyadic of each object are knoWn. The residual represents the square of the error betWeen the estimated measurement sig nals and the actual measurement signals. When the residual is zero, there is no error betWeen the estimated and actual mea measurements taken by the transmitter and receiver coils to be matched. The calibration factor is a set of complex num bers Which adjusts magnitude and phase of each measure ment value. In an exemplary embodiment, a calibration object consisting of a 38 mm diameter spherical ball ?lled With ferrite poWder is passed through a vertical tube in a speci?c location on the detection system. The forWard problem (i.e. a routine that calculates the estimated values of the measure ment signals, When the position and dyadic of the object are known) is solved for the ball’s location and magnetic polar isability dyadic. Then, for every coil combination a complex sured signals and therefore the x, y, and Z positions and dyadic for each metallic object is calculated exactly. factor that best ?ts the measurements to the forWard problem [0070] An exemplary magnetic polarisability dyadic is bration object is taken to be the unity matrix as a reference. depicted as M beloW. The dyadic M is a fundamental property of the metallic object, Which is dependent on its metallic composition, shape and orientation. The dyadic M has 9 complex numbers, With each complex number representing the phasor response of the object in a particular direction (x, y, or Z) to the component (x, y, or Z) of the magnetic ?eld, Which has been applied to the object. Reciprocity of electro magnetic induction stipulates that the dyadic, M, should be diagonally symmetrical as shoWn in Equation 1. Therefore the magnetic polarisability dyadic, M, has 6 independent complex values. Furthermore, since each independent com plex value has 2 scalar components (Real and Imaginary) and there are 3 positional values (x, y, Z), Which makes the number of variables to calculate by the reconstruction algorithm as 15 for each sample instant and each metallic object: M = mll "112 "113] "121 "122 "123 "131 "132 "133 [EQUATION l] Where m1; = "121, mm = "131, "123 = "132 is computed. The magnetic polarisability dyadic of the cali [0074] During the operation of the detection system of the present invention, When an alarm is triggered, the measure ments from the 34 coil combinations are imported into the reconstruction algorithm. From each channel combination, a ?xed length of 200 measurements (approximately 2 s) is recorded. A background or DC offset is subtracted from each channel end and a trigger level is used to select the region Where there is at least a prede?ned level of signal to noise ratio. [0075] In one embodiment, a ?rst estimation of the position of the object is obtained using an empirical algorithm. At least one signal from one or more straight-coupled channels are used to estimate the height of the object, While the cross coupled channels are used to estimate the horizontal z-coor dinate of the object. The straight coupled channels are de?ned as having the transmitter coils and receiver coils directly facing and corresponding With each other, such as for instance, transmitter coil 331T With receiver coil 331R, or transmitter coil 332T With receiver coil 332R, or transmitter coil Tn With receiver coil Rn using the coil numbering con vention shoWn in TABLE 1 earlier. Similarly, the cross coupled channels are at angles to each other and consist of transmitter coil n With receiver coil m, Where n is not equal to [0071] In various embodiments, from the 34 measurements only a small number, less than the number of variables required to be inverted, typically have signal levels above the noise levels. This makes the problem ill-posed. In order to improve the condition of the problem, it is assumed that the m [0076] A Walking speed is taken to be the same for every Walk as a ?rst estimate. Estimated position points, having a ?xed distance betWeen them, comprise the object’s trajectory along the X axis and are taken to be central to the gate of the value of M does not change With time and more sets of measurements that have been taken in different instances are added to it. detection system. Finally, an assumed magnetic polarisability [0072] In various embodiments, as described above, the forWard problem calculates the estimated values of the mea the least squares solution of the non-linear problem: surement signals, if the position and dyadic of each metallic object are knoWn. The accuracy of the forWard problem is important for the convergence of the iterative reconstruction process. The reconstruction algorithm takes the dot product of magnetic polarisability dyadic, the magnetic ?eld pro duced by the transmitting coil and the magnetic ?eld pro duced by the receiving coil When it is supplied With unit current, Which can be expressed as: Flj:( M -Hi(x))-Hj(x) [EQUATION 2] Where, F is the forWard problem, H the magnetic ?eld and x is the coordinate’s vector. The indices i and j indicate the trans mitter and receiver number respectively. The magnetic ?elds are pre-computed for all the coils and the volume of the gate on a grid With 10 mm spacing. [0073] In one embodiment, before operation, the detection system is calibrated in order for the forWard problem and the dyadic, such as the unity matrix, is taken as a starting point. [0077] A modi?ed Levenberg-Marquardt method produces arg min([[D-F(x, 191 W) [0078] [EQUATION 3] Where D is a measurement vector. The forWard problem is solved for the latest coordinates and polarisability to ?nd a coil signal as Well as a gradient of the received signal When any of the unknoWn variables are perturbed. Then a residual R is computed and Jacobean J is populated With gradients. The solution of the problem is given by: [x, M ]:(JTJ+ALTL)’1JTR [EQUATION 4] [0079] Where R:D—F(x,l\7l ), 7» is a regularization param eter and L depicts a regularization matrix. If the neW coordi nates found are to be outside of the volume of the portal, then the regularization parameter is increased and the problem is solved again. The process is repeated iteratively until the residual stops decreasing or the residual becomes loWer than the tolerance or the regularization reaches a maximum value. Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 [0080] In one embodiment, the detection system is a secu rity detection system in Which the transmitter and receiver coils are mounted on support means arranged to alloW a person to Walk through the imaging area. The processing means may be arranged to generate a plurality of sets of data as an object moves through the imaging area, and to combine the sets of data to form a resultant data set. The object may, for example, be a person together With their clothing and any articles they are carrying With them. ment, the circle 508 may be used to track the location of the metal object on a video stream of the person 502 Walking through the gate 504. [0087] FIG. 6 illustrates a complex magnetic polarisability dyadic calculated from the reconstruction process, in accor dance With an embodiment of the present invention. The FIG. illustrates a magnetic polarisability dyadic, Which is a 3x3 matrix 602 of complex numbers that is symmetrical about a diagonal. The magnetic polarisability dyadic describes an x, y In one embodiment, the detection system comprises and Z response to applied ?eld in the x-direction respectively movement sensing means arranged to measure the position of at least a part of an object, for example relative to either the transmitter or detector coils or another part of the object. The movement sensing means may be arranged to use the changes of position When combining sets of data. The movement for the terms in roW 604; the x, y and Z response to the applied [0081] sensing means may be a video camera or other imaging sys tems, or may comprise other forms of sensor such as light sensors. [0082] In one embodiment, the detection system uses the movement sensing means to shoW the location and, if desired, the category of a metal object passing through the detection system. For example, the output of the detection system may be a video or photograph of a person being screened. Super imposed on this video or photograph may be a graphical representation of the characteristics of detected object encod ing the eigenvalues of the magnetic polaris ability dyadic ?eld in the y-direction respectively in roW 606; and the x, y and Z response to the applied ?eld in the Z-direction respec tively in roW 608. In various embodiments, reciprocity of electromagnetic induction ensures that the matrix 602 is diagonally symmetrical. The values in the matrix 602 are calibrated against a circular spherical ferrite poWder calibra tion object. As illustrated the largest value is 0.8579 in the middle position (y-excite, y-detect) indicating a ferromag netic object. The values depicted in section 610 in FIG. 6 are eigenvalues of the magnetic polarisability dyadic. These val ues are unique characteristics to the object passed through the gate of the detection system of the present invention, and can be fed into a classi?cation algorithm to separate knoWn innocuous metal objects from knoWn threat metal objects. [0088] In an embodiment, a range of frequencies are the movement sensing means to enhance the operation of the applied to the transmitter and receiver coils of the detection system and the coupling versus frequency on the full array of coil pairs is measured. In one embodiment, the range of frequencies is betWeen 5 kHZ and 50 kHZ. The range of reconstruction process. For example, the detected object must frequencies chosen takes into consideration those frequencies be associated With a ?xed position on the object as the object for Which typical metallic threat objects, such as knives and passes through the detection system; for instance a subject Wearing a metal Wrist Watch Will produce a detected object Which should be located on the Wrist. The co-location of guns, exhibit signi?cant changes in their electromagnetic response as characteriZed by changes in their magnetic polar isability dyadic. The range of frequencies is applied simulta detected object in the magnetic data and visual data is used to enhance the operation of the reconstruction process or verify the results of the reconstruction process. neously via a suitable Waveform. The individual signal com ponents at each frequency are extracted using demodulation techniques Well knoWn to those skilled in the art of signal together With the location. [0083] Also, in one embodiment, the detection system uses [0084] Further, in another embodiment, the detection sys tem comprises displacement sensing means arranged to detect displacement of a part of the object aWay from a ref erence position, and to correct for the displacement When combining sets of data. This sensing means may also com prise an imaging system, such as a video camera, or other processing. The three eigenvalues of the magnetic polaris ability dyadic for a metal object is calculated for each fre quency by extending the reconstruction algorithm described earlier to produce a spectrum for each. FIG. 7 illustrates a typical spectrum of an eigenvalue of the complex magnetic polarisability dyadic illustrated in FIG. 6. The spectrum fur forms of sensors. The reference position may be a position relative to at least a part of the object. The displacement may be a displacement relative to at least a part of the object. ther characteriZes the metal object as shoWn in FIG. 7, Which contains both the real and imaginary components of the [0085] [0089] The spectrum for each eigenvalue is used to improve the estimation of the classi?cation algorithm described above FIG. 4 illustrates an exemplary output of a recon struction process used in conjunction With the detection sys tem, in accordance With an embodiment of the present inven tion. FIG. 4 illustrates the 3D coordinate sequence 402 of a metal object as it passes through the gate 404 of the detection system of the present invention. [0086] FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary visual output of the detection system, in accordance With an embodiment of the present invention. Here the position of a metal object is super imposed upon a person 502 Walking through the gate 504 of the detection system of the present invention. In this case the person 502 is carrying a ferritic steel penknife in the left trouser pocket 506 With the blade pointing in a vertical direc tion. As can be seen in FIG. 5, the reconstruction process has located the position of the knife as shoWn by the circles 508 superimposed on the image of the person 502. In an embodi eigenvalue plotted against frequency, shoWn as 702 and 704, respectively. because the shape of the curve is a function of the material properties of the object (magnetic permeability [LR and elec trical conductivity 0) and the siZe (area, A, length L) and shape (aspect ratio Asp) of the object. Consequently different types of object Will have different spectral characteristics. [0090] At loW frequencies, the imaginary component of the eigenvalue is approximately Zero as the magnetic ?eld is not alternating frequently enough to induce su?icient eddy cur rents into the metallic object. At loW frequencies, the real component of the eigenvalue is determined by the magnetic properties of the object, such as the relative permeability [1R of the material making up the object. Magnetic objects With a large cross-sectional area, A, or length, L, Will also have a large real response at loW frequencies. At very high frequen Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 cies, the magnetic ?eld changes suf?ciently fast to ensure that 5. The detection system of claim 3 Wherein the movement all the induced eddy current ?oWs are virtually on the surface sensor comprises a light sensor. of the metal object and no electromagnetic ?eld penetrates inside. As a result, the imaginary component of the eigenvalue is also zero, but the real component of the eigenvalue is negative and abject With a large cross-sectional area and thus, sensor produces a visual output displaying one or more of a Will have a more negative response, While objects With a small aspect ratio, Asp, Will have less effect. At intermediate fre quencies the real component changes from being positive to negative for magnetic metallic objects and the imaginary component passes through a peak in magnitude. [0091] Hence, the present application discloses a detection system Which characterizes and locates one or more metal objects in a three-dimensional space by using electromag netic characteristics of the objects. It Will be appreciated that various above-disclosed embodiments, other features and functions, or alternatives thereof, may be desirably combined into many other different systems or applications. [0092] The above examples are merely illustrative of the many applications of the system of present invention. Although only a feW embodiments of the present invention have been described herein, it should be understood that the present invention might be embodied in many other speci?c forms Without departing from the spirit or scope of the inven tion. Therefore, the present examples and embodiments are to 6. The detection system of claim 3 Wherein the movement measured position and a category of the object passing through the detection area, Wherein the visual output is obtained by combining a photographic image of the object With at least a portion of the data set characterizing the object and the measured position of at least a part of the object. 7. The detection system of claim 1 further comprising a displacement sensor con?gured to detect a displacement of at least a part of the object aWay from a reference position, and to correct for the displacement When processing sets of mea surements of the modi?ed magnetic ?eld, Wherein the refer ence position is relative to at least a part of the object and the displacement is relative to at least a part of the object. 8. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the object is a conductor of electricity. 9. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the object is a ferromagnetic object. 10. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the magnetic ?eld generators are electrical conductor coils through Which electric current is passed to generate magnetic ?eld. 11. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the magnetic be considered as illustrative and not restrictive, and the inven ?eld detectors are electrical conductor coils in Which electric tion may be modi?ed Within the scope of the appended claims. We claim: 1. A detection system for locating and characterizing an current is generated due to changes in a magnetic ?eld. 12. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the magnetic object Within a detection area in a three-dimensional space processor reconstructs a path folloWed by the object in three comprising: dimensional space. 14. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the control a. a plurality of magnetic ?eld generators arranged on at least a ?rst side of the detection area; b. a plurality of magnetic ?eld detectors, arranged on at least a second side of the detection area, Wherein the second side is opposite to the ?rst side; c. a control system for generating a magnetic ?eld in the detection area by the magnetic ?eld generators and for measuring a modi?ed magnetic ?eld at each of the mag netic ?eld detectors, Wherein the generated magnetic ?eld is modi?ed by the object; and d. at least one processor con?gured to process the mea sured modi?ed magnetic ?eld to obtain a data set char acterizing the object and a location of the object, Wherein said at least one processor is con?gured to execute a plurality of instructions de?ning a reconstruc tion process on a prede?ned number of measurements of the modi?ed magnetic ?eld. 2. The detection system of claim 1 further comprising an alarm generation unit for generating an alarm corresponding to at least one prede?ned type of obj ect based on one or more parameters in the characteristic data of the object, Wherein the alarm generation module is adapted to execute a classi?cation process for determining the type of the object based on one or more prede?ned categories associated With the object. 3. The detection system of claim 1 further comprising a movement sensor arranged to measure a position of at least a ?rst part of the object relative to at least one of the magnetic ?eld generators, the magnetic ?eld detectors, or another part of the object, Wherein the measured position is combined With the data set characterizing the object. 4. The detection system of claim 3 Wherein the movement sensor comprises a motion sensor or a video camera. ?eld detectors are solid state magnetometers. 13. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the at least one system generates a magnetic ?eld by generating electrical current in the magnetic ?eld generators and measures the magnetic ?eld at each of the magnetic ?eld detectors by detecting induced signals in the detectors. 15. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the control system comprises: a. one or more data acquisition and conditioning electron ics for collecting conditioned signals from the magnetic ?eld detectors; and b. at least one processor for possessing the collected con ditioned signals to generate images. 16. The detection system of claim 1 further comprising at least one processor adapted to process at least a video signal obtained from one or more video cameras placed around the detection area. 17. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the data set for characterizing the object comprises one or more electromag netic properties of the object and a sequence of coordinate points that describe a path the object has traveled inside the detection area. 18. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the data set for characterizing the object comprises a complex magnetic polarisability dyadic of the object, Wherein the magnetic polarisability dyadic describes a three-dimensional scattering effect of the object With respect to the generated magnetic ?eld. 19. The detection system of claim 1 Wherein the magnetic ?eld generators and detectors are each con?gured in an array for obtaining near zero background coupling and loW suscep tibility to mechanical movement. Jan. 3, 2013 US 2013/0006552 A1 20. A method for locating and characterizing an object 21. The method of claim 20 further comprising measuring Within a detection area in a three-dimensional space compris a position of at least a ?rst part of the object relative to at least ing: one of the magnetic ?eld generators, the magnetic ?eld detec tors, or another part of the object, Wherein the measured position is combined With the data set characterizing the a. providing a Walk through the detection area, Which com prises a plurality of magnetic ?eld generators arranged on at least a ?rst side of the detection area and a plurality object. 22. The method of claim 20 further comprising producing of magnetic ?eld detectors, arranged on at least a second side of the detection area, the second side being opposite more of a measured position and a category of the object and parallel to the ?rst side; b. generating a magnetic ?eld in the detection area by the passing through the detection area, Wherein the visual output is obtained by combining a photographic image of the object magnetic ?eld generators; c. measuring a modi?ed magnetic ?eld at each of the mag netic ?eld detectors, Wherein the generated magnetic ?eld is modi?ed by the object; and d. processing the measured magnetic ?eld to obtain a data set characterizing the object and a location of the object, Wherein a reconstruction process is applied to a pre de?ned number of measurements of the modi?ed mag netic ?eld. a visual output using a movement sensor that shoWs one or With characteristics of the data set of the object and With the measured position of at least a part of the object. 23. The method of claim 20 further comprising a) detecting a displacement of at least a part of the object aWay from a reference position and b) correcting for the displacement When combining sets of measurements of the modi?ed mag netic ?eld, Wherein the reference position is relative to at least a part of the object and the displacement is relative to at least a part of the object.