Jupiter 5.2 AU from the Sun
Travel time Entry Speed
500 kg
1.0 yr.
53 km/s
1000 kg
1.6 yr.
49 km/s
1500 kg
2.5 yr.
47 km/s
Neptune 30 AU from the Sun
Sailing with E-Sail to the outer planets
Sini Merikallio, Pekka Janhunen and Petri Toivanen, Finnish Meteorological Institute
Jean-Pierre Lebreton, European Space Research and Technology Center ESTEC
Travel time Entry Speed
500 kg
4.6 yr.
38 km/s
1000 kg
8.0 yr.
28 km/s
1500 kg
14.9 yr.
23 km/s
Outer planets
Accurate knowledge of the atmospheric composition of the outer planets Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune could be used to test different solar system formation
theories. To do this, the scientist wants to look at trends in the composition of
the accretion disk from which the planets formed, which implies that one should
measure the atmospheres of all the outer planets. Thus far only Jupiter’s atmosphere
To gain the maximum science output for ixed cost, one could
has been probed. That was done by Galileo spacecraft in 1995, which dropped a
manufacture four identical atmospheric probes and send them towards all
340 kg probe in the Jovian atmosphere. The probe survived the violent reentry
at 47 km/s and transmitted data for almost an hour until inally crushed by the
pressure of the deeper atmosphere. It took six years for the Galileo lander and
Electric Solar Wind Sail
All at once?
orbiter to get into the vicinity of Jupiter. Now with E-sail technology, travel times
the giant planets. Designing spacecraft is expensive, but building identical
reduces unit costs.
The probes could be launched together or separately as opportunities
The Electric Solar Wind Sail (E-sail) is a new propulsion method that uses long, thin
to outer planets are signiicantly shorter than with traditional techniques and at the
and positively charged tethers to turn solar wind momentum lux into spacecraft
same time launch masses are reduced, which decreases the mission cost. Whereas
thrust. The E-sail was invented in 2006 and is currently under development and
traditional missions need to carefully select their launch date within the so-called
launched since in the solar wind the propellantless E-sail takes care of the
funded e.g. by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research
launch window, the E-sail probe could be launched at any time as there is no need
and Technological Development, EU FP7. According to current estimates, the E-sail is
to gather extra speed by suitable planetary ly-by’s.
arise. It does not matter into which Earth escape orbit the probe is
2-3 orders of magnitude more eficient than traditional propulsion methods (chemical
rockets and ion engines) in terms
of produced lifetime-integrated
impulse per propulsion system
The force of an E-sail is
inversely proportional to the
distance from the sun (F α 1/r)
Saturn 9.6 AU from the Sun
Travel time Entry Speed
500 kg
1.7 yr.
37 km/s
1000 kg
2.8 yr.
30 km/s
1500 kg
4.6 yr.
27 km/s
while, in comparison, the force
produced by a photonic solar
sail is F α (1/r2) . Thus the E-sail
has particular potential for outer
solar system missions.
Uranus 19 AU from the Sun
Travel time Entry Speed
E- sail needs no fuel, it only needs a modest amount of electric power that can be
500 kg
3.1 yr.
36 km/s
easily obtained from solar panels. This allows quite small total spacecraft mass
1000 kg
5.3 yr.
25 km/s
compared to the thrust. A baseline E-sail has 100 tethers, each of which is 20 km long.
1500 kg
9.6 yr.
20 km/s
The thrust produced by such an E-sail is 1 N at Earth’s distance from the Sun (1 AU).
The travel times and entry speeds on this poster have been calculated assuming a
baseline 1 N sail. Ways are foreseen to enhance the thrust by further technology
development in the future.
Images courtesy of NASA and ESA, design: Sini.Merikallio@fmi.i