care, but improvement of such primary care will take time;
needed vaccinations should not have to depend on these
Vance Dietz, Elizabeth Zell, Donald Eddins, Roger Bernier,
Walter Orenstein
National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
CDC. Reported vaccine-preventable diseases-United States, 1993,
and the Childhood Immunization Initiative. MMWR 1994; 43: 57-60.
CDC. Vaccination coverage of 2-year-old children-United States,
1992-1993. MMWR 1994; 43: 282-83.
CDC. Vaccination coverage of 2-year-old children—United States,
1993. MMWR 1994; 43: 705-09.
Zell ER. Vaccination coverage levels, 2-year-old children in the US,
1991. Proceedings of the 27th National Immunization Conference,
June 14-18, 1993. Washington, DC: 129-32.
Cytokines in
respiratory distress
SiR-Some proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6 [IL-6],
interleukin-8 [IL-8], tumour necrosis factor a [TNFa]) have
been reported in high concentrations in blood and
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of patients with sepsis
and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS);1,2 in
addition, increased plasma concentrations of interleukin-10
(IL-10) have been described during septicaemia and septic
shock.3 Since in-vitro IL-10 inhibits the production of
proinflammatory cytokines, we measured IL-10 in plasma
and BAL fluid supernatants from 28 ventilated patients in
the intensive care unit.
14 patients had ARDS (8 with pneumonia), 5 had
pneumonia without ARDS, and 9 control patients had
neither ARDS nor pneumonia but were ventilated. Blood
was collected onto sterile tubes treated with edetic acid
(EDTA) and immediately centrifuged at 1500 g for 15 min
at 4°C. All patients underwent BAL with a standard
technique;’ plasma and BAL supernatants were stored at
- 70°C. Human IL-10 (ML-10) levels were determined by
subtraction with a two-site sandwich ELISA format, as
previously described :4 one assay quantified hIL-10 and
BCRF1 (viral IL-10 from Epstein Barr virus), whereas the
other one was specific for BCRF1 (limit of detection 100
and 50 pg/mL for hIL-10 and BCRF1, respectively).
Our results are shown in the table. Of the 28 ventilated
patients studied, hIL-10 was detected in the BAL fluid in
only 1 patient with pneumonia. In plasma, only 1 patient
who had neither ARDS nor pneumonia had high
concentrations of hIL-10; in the 27 remaining patients, 5
had a positive reaction with BCRF1 (18-5%) which is a
higher percentage than in the healthy control population
(4-7%) previously described with use of the same assay.4
This pnenomenon could be explained by Epstein Barr virus
reactivation in patients in the intensive care unit.
Despite the production of high concentrations of
proinflammatory cytokines (TNFa, IL-6, IL-8;
data not
shown), we found measurable IL-10 in blood and BAL fluid
of patients with ARDS and pneumonia, or in ventilated
controls, in only 2 of the 28 patients. Our results are not in
accordance with those of Marchant et al who reported
hyperproduction of IL-10 during septicaemia and septic
shock;3 however, although their limit of detection was lower
than ours, the specificity of their assay for hIL-10 was not
given. Moreover, one can hypothesise that IL-10 production
could depend on the underlying pathological process and/or
the type of pathogen involved. Finally, we cannot exclude
the involvement of IL-10 since we did not measure the
induction of IL-10 mRNA in blood or alveolar cells.
We conclude that regulatory mechanisms, in particular IL10 production, that control monocyte activation could be
defective in patients with ARDS. This phenomenon,
associated with protection of mice from lethal endotoxaemia
induced by IL-10,5 allows us to suggest that the injection of
recombinant his- 10 in such patients should be assessed as a
potential therapeutic tool.
Sylvie Chollet-Martin, Françoise Rousset, Jean Chastre,
Claude Gibert, Jacques Banchereau,
Marie Anne Gougerot-Pocidalo
Department of Immunology and Haematology, Hospital Bichat, Paris 75877, France;
Schering-Plough, Dardilly; and Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Bichat
Chollet-Martin S, Montravers P, Gibert C, et al. High levels of
interleukin-8 in the blood and the alveolar spaces of patients with
pneumonia and adult respiratory distress syndrome. Infect Immun
1993; 61: 4553-59.
Tracey K, Cerami A. Tumour necrosis factor, other cytokines and
disease. Ann Rev Cell Biol 1993; 9: 9317-43.
Marchant A, Devière J, Byl B, De Groote D, Vincent JL, Goldman M.
Interleukin-10 production during septicaemia. Lancet 1994; 343:
Peyron F, Burdin N, Ringwald P, Vuillez JP, Rousset F, Banchereau J.
High levels of circulating IL-10 in human malaria. Clin Exp Immunol
1994; 95: 300-03.
Howard M, Muchamuel T, Andrade S, Menon S. Interleukin-10
protects mice from lethal endotoxemia. J Exp Med 1993; 177:
Free radicals and antioxidants
SiR-Your series on oxygen toxicity has not emphasised the
paradox that it is hypoxia that initiates the cascade of events
leading to oxygen free radical injury. Zamboni and coworkers’ postulated that the use of hyperbaric conditions to
add a high dose of oxygen after ischaemia would increase
reperfusion injury, but proved the opposite. They observed
the microcirculation of rat gracilis muscle after 4 h of
complete circulatory arrest. Without additional oxygen, they
showed that reperfusion was associated with the adherence
of neutrophils to the endothelium which eventually was
severe enough to
arrest flow. There was also severe
adjacent arterioles. 1 h of hyperbaric
oxygen given either immediately or after a delay of 1 h
following the 4 h of ischaemia prevented both neutrophil
adherence and arteriolar vasoconstriction. Zamboni et al
use hyperbaric oxygen therapy routinely to treat
reperfusion injury in replanted limbs with ischaemia times
up to 12 h. They have noted complete muscle survival and
Cytokine results
minimum soft tissue oedema.
The extent of reperfusion injury due to oxygen free
radicals is related to the extent and duration of tissue
hypoxia and seems to be mediated both by the respiratory
burst generated by neutrophils2 and by the accumulation of
hypoxanthine.3 Reperfusion injury is also associated with
generalised inflammation and activation of the complement
cascade. Hyperbaric oxygen has proved of value in the
control of the inflammatory response in man.4
The observations show that hyperbaric oxygen would be a
valuable adjunct to organ transplantation, since data from
transplantation indicates that the same
microcirculatory effects occur in the myocardium. Grines
and Weaver in their Aug 20 commentary (p 490) on the
importance of early thrombolysis in myocardial infarction
ask "what medical treatments might augment coronary
patency?" The answer, provided in a press release by the
American Heart Association in 1992, is more oxygen.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy added to thrombolysis has been
shown under controlled conditions to halve the time taken
for pain to be relieved and for the electrocardiogram to
become normal in myocardial infarction. Patients treated
with hyperbaric oxygen also had lower plasma creatinine
phosphokinase concentrations and an increased ejection
fraction than did controls.
Oxygen given at twice atmospheric pressure reduces the
cardiac workload by 20%, although increasing the plasma
tension to over 1000 mm Hg greatly improves the gradient
for diffusion into tissues and therefore enhances cellular
oxygen availability. This improvement is not only of value to
the myocardium, but also protects the brain, which often
suffers from hypoperfusion in myocardial infarction.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is of value in cardiogenic shock.S
Hypoxia is toxic. The additional oxygen provided under
hyperbaric conditions is a shield, not a sword.
Richard A Neubauer,
B James
Ocean Medical Center, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, USA; and
Wolfson Hyperbaric Medicine Unit, Ninewells Medical School, Dundee DD1 95Y, UK
1 Zamboni WA, Roth AC, Russell RC, et al. Morphologic analysis of
the microcirculation during reperfusion of ischemic skeletal muscle
and the effect of hyperbaric oxygen. Plas Reconstr Surg 1993; 91:
Weiss SJ. Tissue destruction by neutrophils. N Engl J Med 1989; 320:
3 Pang CY. Ischemia-induced reperfusion injury in muscle flaps:
pathogenesis and major sources of free radicals. J Reconstr Microsurg
1990; 6: 77-79.
4 Abbott NC, Beck JS, Carnochan FM, Spence VA, James PB.
Estimating skin respiration from transcutaneous pO2 and pCO2 at 1
and 2 atm abs on normal and inflamed skin. J Hyperbaric Med 1990; 5:
5 Thurston JGB, Greenwood TW, Bending MR, et al. A controlled
investigation into the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on mortality
following acute myocardial infarction. Q J Med 1973; 62: 751-70.
SIR-As Jenner explains (Sept 17, p 796), the potential role
of free-radical reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) in the
pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases is
becoming more widely recognised. Although his main
emphasis is on iron-dependent oxidative damage in
Parkinson’s disease, there is growing evidence that oxidative
stress induced by an alternative cellular mechanism is more
directly pertinent in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.
The initial in-vitro demonstration of ROM generation by
purified brain macrophage-type microglial cells when
stimulated by various chemical and immunological stimuli’1
has been complemented by studies indicating the ability of
aluminosilicate particulates to stimulate the production of
microglial ROM.2 Quantitative morphometric analysis has
shown increased numbers of activated microglia in the
brains of Alzheimer subjects,3 frequently juxtaposed to
plaque &bgr;-amyloid fibrillar aggregates. The reported
occurrence of aluminosilicate deposits within the cores of
senile plaques in Alzheimer’s disease brains’ has led to the
hypothesis that an analogous mechanism of (3-amyloid/
aluminosilicate-stimulated microglial generation of injurious
ROM may be operative in vivo, and thus contribute to
oxidant-mediated neurodegenerative damage.’
As Jenner emphasises, elucidation of the precise role of
oxidative stress in neurodegeneration requires further
investigation. However, the hypothesis does herald the
pharmacological and micronutritional
antioxidant intervention as a worthwhile therapeutic
stratagem in the treatment of age-related disorders of the
P H Evans, J Klinowski
MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit, Cambridge
University of Cambridge, Cambridge
CB4 1XJ, UK; and
Department of Chemistry,
Sonderer B, Wild P, Wyler R, Fontana A, Peterhans E, Schwyzer M.
Murine glia cells in culture can be stimulated to generate reactive
oxygen. J Leuk Biol 1987; 42: 463-73.
Evans PH, Peterhans E, Bürge T, Klinowski J. Aluminosilicate-induced
free radical generation by murine brain glial cells in vitro: potential
significance in the aetiopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s dementia.
Dementia 1992; 3: 1-6.
Carpenter AF, Carpenter PW, Markesbery WR. Morphometric
analysis of microglia in Alzheimer’s disease. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol
1993; 52: 601-08.
Candy JM, Klinowski J, Perry RH, et al. Aluminosilicates and senile
plaque formation in Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 1986; i: 354-57.
Evans PH, Peterhans E, Bürge T, Klinowski J, Yano E. Senile
neurodegeneration: pathogenic role of microglia-derived free radicals.
In: Cutler R, Packer L, Mori A, eds. Oxidative stress and aging. Basel:
Birkhäuser (in press).
SiR-Your series on free radicals and antioxidants provided
excellent overview of free radical biology and its relevance
to medicine. However, one of the most commonly used
terms in these articles was oxidative stress, the accuracy and
usefulness of which are questionable.
Oxidative stress (or its synonym, oxidant stress) has been
in use since the 1950s. Oxidative stress implies that: (1)
there is a natural balance between free radicals, which are
ubiquitous but toxic, and antioxidant defences; (2) damage
or death result when the balance is tipped in favour of free
radicals; and (3) free radicals cause non-specific or random
cell damage. But free radicals, because they are so short
lived, are inherently difficult to study. Thus, many events
that are attributed to oxidative. stress might involve specific
free radicals and targets that we have not yet identified.
Unlike some of their human counterparts, biological free
radicals are not always promiscuous. Indeed, many freeradical-mediated events have proved to involve specific free
radicals attacking specific targets. For example, free radicals
may kill Escherichia coli by specifically inactivating dihydroxyacid dehydratase.’ Similarly, nitric oxide’s effects on nerve
cells seem to be mediated by the alkylation of thiols on the
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor.2
An example of the misuse of the
term oxidative stress can
be seen in studies on the antimalarial drug artemisinin.
Since the drug is an endoperoxide it was initially believed to
work by generating oxidative stress. However, endpoints of
oxidative stress, such as thiol oxidation, could only be
recorded at concentrations that were more than 1000 times
higher than the drug’s therapeutic concentration.3 And the
oxidative stress mechanism provided no explanation for why
the drug is selectively toxic to malaria parasites.
Subsequently, heme and iron, which accumulate in malaria
parasites, proved to catalyse the decomposition of the drug
into a carbon-centred free radical, which then alkylates
several specific malaria proteins.,,5 Thus, at one point,
oxidative stress served as a smokescreen for our lack of
understanding of events that really involved specific free
radicals and targets. This latter specific free-radical
mechanism is providing guidelines for the design of secondgeneration derivatives in a way that an oxidative stress
mechanism never could.
The term oxidative stress also has a curiosity-numbing
effect. When an event is attributed to oxidative stress, it
implies that it is fully understood. By contrast, when one
recognises that free-radical-mediated processes involve
specific identifiable structures and reactions, one cannot be
satisfied with merely demonstrating the involvement of free
radicals. New questions are raised, such as what are the free
radicals, how are they generated, what are the targets, and
what is the mechanism of attack? Recent experience has
shown that we can identify specific important free radicals
and their targets. Therefore, the paradigm of oxidative stress
could now be impeding progress.
Steven R Meshnick
Department of Epidemiology,
Ann Arbor, Ml 48109, USA
School of Public Health,
Flint DH, Smyk-Randall E, Tuminelo JF, Draczynska-Lusiak B,
Brown OR. The inactivation of dihydroxy-acid dehydratase in
Escherichia coli treated with hyperbaric oxygen occurs because of the
destruction of its Fe-S cluster, but the enzyme remains in the cell in a
form that can be reactivated. J Biol Chem 1993; 268: 25547-52.
Lipton S, Choi Y-B, Pan Z-H, et al. A redox-based mechanism for the
neuroprotective and neurodestructive effects of nitric oxide and related
nitroso-compounds. Nature 1993; 364: 626-32.
Scott MD, Meshnick SR, Williams RA, et al. Qinghaosu-mediated
oxidation in normal and abnormal erythrocytes. J Lab Clin Med 1989;
114: 401-06.
Posner GH, Oh CH, Wang D, et al. Mechanism-based design, short
synthesis and in vitro antimalarial testing of new 4-methylated trioxanes
structurally related to artemisinin: the importance of a carbon-centered
radical for antimalarial activity. J Med Chem 1994; 37: 1256-58.
Asawamahasakda W, Ittarat I, Pu Y-M, Ziffer H, Meshnick SR.
Alkylation of parasite-specific proteins by endoperoxide antimalarials.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1994; 38: 1854-58.
workers’ nor McCord3refer to this relevant work, which
could be one reason for confusion about the role of
hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase in hypoxia-reoxygenation
injury. Although allopurinol has a certain antioxidant effect
per se its main function is as a xanthine oxidase inhibitor,
and as such one cannot expect it to have a protective effect
against injury caused by oxygen radicals generated by
hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase if no xanthine oxidase is
present. Therefore, how could it have a protective role in
reoxygenation of the myocardium, kidney, or brain under
circumstances referred to by Bulkley since these organs in
man probably contain negligible xanthine oxidase activity? A
possible explanation is that xanthine oxidase is released from
liver and intestine during hypoxia or shock and circulates
throughout the body. This means that during the posthypoxic-reoxygenation period, oxygen free radicals generated
by hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase might attack several
organs simultaneously. This hypothesis of xanthine oxidase
release, which we introduced in 1982has been confirmed
by others (eg, ref 5).
Bulkley’s review (Oct 1, p 934) of ischaemiareperfusion injury with interest, but with some surprise. He
attributes the description of post-hypoxia-reoxygenation
injury to an article by Granger and co-workers.’ However,
the history of this hypothesis is longer and better
documented than Bulkley suggests.
The oxygen paradox itself was described at least 40 years
ago and has been acknowledged in clinical medicine for
decades. Starting in 1975, we showed that the concentration
of hypoxanthine in body fluids increases during hypoxia,
making it a sensitive indicator of this condition. Since
hypoxanthine is a potential generator of oxygen radicals we
went on to speculate that the oxygen paradox was due to a
burst of oxygen free radicals generated by the hypoxanthinexanthine oxidase system during reoxygenation, and we
presented this hypothesis at several meetings. In our first
published report2 we stated that "free radicals, which may
destroy cell membranes seem to be of importance during
and after hypoxia. It is well known that xanthine oxidase
combined with oxygen, produces free radicals. The new
observation that the damaging effect is higher when
hypoxanthine is present as well, focuses our interest on what
happens when hypoxia is relieved and large amounts of
hypoxanthine are present in the tissues. Will the damaging
effect be smaller if the hypoxia is relieved gradually without
surplus of oxygen being present?". Granger’s paper’ was
published the following year. It describes how McCord’s
group in Alabama adopted and modified our hypothesis
without, however, acknowledging where it came from. At the
time the Alabama group had a close working relationship
SiR-We read
with Scandinavian researchers with whom we had discussed
the hypothesis in the 1970s.
Bulkley seems unclear about the possible role of
allopurinol in the reoxygenation of the myocardium, kidney,
and brain. Since the 1960s it has been known that the
distribution of xanthine oxidase varies considerably
according to species and organs. Neither Granger and co-
A O Aasen
Department of Pediatric Research and Institute for Surgical Research,
University of Oslo, National Hospital, 0027 Oslo, Norway
Rutili G, McCord JM. Superoxide radicals in feline
intestinal ischaemia. Gastroenterology 1981; 81: 22-29.
Saugstad OD, Aasen AO. Plasma hypoxanthine levels as a prognostic
aid of tissue hypoxia. Europ Surg Res 1980; 12: 123-29.
McCord JM. Oxygen-derived free radicals in postischemic tissue
Granger DN,
injury. N Engl J Med 1985; 312: 159-63.
Saugstad OD, Gluck L. Plasma hypoxanthine in newborn infants: a
specific indicator of hypoxia. J Perinat Med 1982; 10: 266-72.
Supnet MC, Davvid-Cu R, Walther FJ. Plasma xanthine oxidase
activity and lipid hydroperoxide levels in preterm infants. Pediatr Res
1994; 36: 283-87.
Risk of recurrent abortion after appearance of
a chorionic sac or heart rate on vaginal
colleagues (Oct 1, p 964) report the risk
pregnancy loss (first and second trimester
spontaneous abortion) in patients with normal fertility
whose pregnancies were diagnosed during the fifth week
after the last menstrual period. Their results were
inconclusive because they included only 4 patients with 3 or
more previous losses. Accurate tables of chorionic sac
diameter (CSD)’ and crown-rump length (CRL)2 have been
produced for the first ten postmenstrual weeks, which
encompass the embryonic period of human development.’
By use of vaginal ultrasound, estimates of the risk of
abortion can be made on the basis of whether the size of the
CSD or CRL is above or below the 50th centile for healthy
individuals. 1,2
We have reported the association between CSD and
pregnancy loss in 820 patients attending an infertility clinic
because of infertility or previous pregnancy loss.’ 322 of
these patients had previously had a first or second trimester
pregnancy loss and 60 had had 3 or more losses. The overall
first and second trimester pregnancy loss rate was 17-2%
(95% CI 14-6 to 19-8%) after detection of a chorionic sac
during the fifth week. We have now reanalysed these data
with respect to previous pregnancy outcome (table). The
risk of recurrent loss was increased after 3 but not after 1 or
2 previous losses. When the initial CSD was below the 50th
centile, pregnancy loss for all patients was 28-1% (23-5 to
32-6) and for patients with 3 or more previous losses 46-4%
equivalent values for