The Olovyanishnikov inequality for multivariate functions

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The Olovyanishnikov inequality explores the bounds of multivariate functions in specific function spaces, particularly focusing on inequalities of the form x(k)q ≤ K · xαpx(r)βs. The paper reviews historical results leading up to significant inequalities, particularly those by Landau, Kolmogorov, Matorin, and Shoenberg and Cavaretta, which establish sharp constants under various conditions. The work extends existing knowledge on this topic, providing proofs and new insights into the behavior of such inequalities in the context of multivariate functions.

APPROXIMATION THEORY: A volume dedicated to Borislav Bojanov (D. K. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, and R. Uluchev, Eds.) additional information (to be provided by the publisher) The Olovyanishnikov Inequality for Multivariate Functions Vladislav Babenko ∗, Yuliya Babenko 1. Introduction. Let G be the real line R, space Rm , the negative half-line R− or the octant m : x1 ≤ 0, · · · , xm ≤ 0}. Let Lp = Lp (G), 1 ≤ Rm − := {(x1 , · · · , xm ) ∈ R p ≤ ∞, be the space of functions x : G → R, integrable in the power p on G (essentially bounded when p = ∞), with usual norm. In the case when G = R or G = R− by Lrp = Lrp (G), r ∈ N, we will denote the space of functions x : G → R, that have locally absolutely continuous derivative x(r−1) such that x(r) ∈ Lp (G). For 1 ≤ p, s ≤ ∞ set Lrp,s = Lrp,s (G) = Lrs (G) ∩ Lp (G). Great amount of work has been done on finding inequalities of the form ° ° ° °β ° (k) ° ° α° (1.1) °x ° ≤ K · kxkp °x(r) ° . q s for functions x ∈ Lrp,s (G). Inequalities with the best possible constants (sharp inequalities) are especially interesting, and research of a lot of mathematicians was devoted to obtain such inequalities. The first sharp result was obtained by Landau [9] in 1913 for the case x ∈ L2∞,∞ (R− ), k = 1. One of the first complete results in this area was obtained by Kolmogorov [7] in 1939: for any k ∈ N, and k < r and any function x ∈ Lr∞,∞ (R) ° ° ° (k) ° °x ° ∞ ≤ kϕr−k k∞ 1−k/r kϕr k∞ 1−k/r kxk∞ ° ° ° (r) °k/r °x ° , ∞ (1.2) where ϕr is the rth periodic integral with zero mean value on the period of the function ϕ0 (t) = sgn sin x. Such functions are called Euler splines. The Kolmogorov inequality (1.2) becomes an equality for any function of the type ϕr (λt) for a positive real λ. Since this result inequalities of type (1.1) are often called Kolmogorov type inequalities. ∗ Supported in part by FFIU under project No. 01.07/00241 2 Multivariate Olovyanishnikov Inequality So far there are only few cases where for some p, q, s, exact constants in inequalities of the type (1.1) are known for all pairs k, r ∈ N, k < r. For review of known general and particular results see, for example, [1]. In the case when the domain is the half-line R− and q = p = s = ∞ inequality (1.1) with a sharp constant was obtained by Landau [9] (case r = 2), Matorin [10] in 1955 (case r = 3) and Shoenberg and Cavaretta [13, 14] in 1970 (case r ≥ 4). For the full picture of the problem development let us introduce the result of Shoenberg and Cavaretta in detail. Let σn,r : [0, 1] → R be the perfect spline of degree r with n knots, having the minimal L∞ -norm on the segment [0, 1] among all perfect splines of the following form σ(t) = n r−1 X X 1 r t +2 aν tν , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. (−1)i (t + ξi )r+ + r! ν=0 i=1 For any n ∈ N we shall choose λn such that λ−r n |σn,r (0)| = |σ0,r (0)| and set sn,r (t) = λ−r n σn,r (λn t). Shoenberg and Cavaretta showed that there exists a limit lim sn,r (t) =: sr (t), n→∞ t ∈ R− . and sr (t) ∈ Lr∞,∞ (R− ). Moreover, sr (t) is the perfect spline of degree r with an infinite number of knots. Shoenberg and Cavaretta called it ”one-sided Euler spline”. They proved that the best possible constant in Kolmogorov type inequality in the case when G = R− and q = p = s = ∞ is equal to k (0)| |σn,r |skn,r (0)| |sr−k (0)| = lim = . 1−k/r n→∞ |σn,r (0)|1−k/r n→∞ |sn,r (0)| |sr (0)|1−k/r lim Hence, their inequality of Kolmogorov type looks like the following ° ° ° (k) ° °x ° ∞ ≤ °k/r ° |sr−k (0)| 1−k/r ° (r) ° x kxk ° . ° ∞ ∞ |sr (0)|1−k/r From this one can see that the constant in the Kolmogorov type inequality for the class Lr∞,∞ (R− ) in the case r ≥ 4 is not explicit. Before the result of Shoenberg and Cavaretta, Olovyanishnikov [11] in 1951 considered the more narrow class of (r−2)- monotone functions from Lr∞,∞ (R− ) (functions that have non-negative derivatives up to order r − 1). For this class he obtained a Kolmogorov type inequality for the case p = q = s = ∞. 3 Vladislav Babenko, Yuliya Babenko To introduce his result we need the following definition. For any positive parameters a and l, set ( 0, −∞ < t ≤ −l; (1.3) φr (a, l; t) = a(l+t)r , −l ≤ t ≤ 0. r! Set also φr (t) := φr (1, 1; t). Theorem 1. (Olovyanishnikov, [11]) For any k, r ∈ N with k < r, and for any function x ∈ Lr∞,∞ (R− ) that is non-negative with all its derivatives up to and including order r − 1, the following inequality holds: ° ° ° °k/r ° (k) ° 1−k/r ° (r) ° (1.4) °x ° ≤ Crk kxk∞ °x ° , ∞ where Crk = ∞ ° ° ° (k) ° °φr ° ∞ 1−k/r kφr k∞ = r!1−k/r . (r − k)! This inequality becomes an equality for any function of type (1.3). In [3] we generalized this result to the case of arbitrary q and p. m Let us discuss now the multivariate case. Let G = Rm − or G = R . For m r r = (r1 , ..., rm ) ∈ Z+ denote by L∞ (G) the space of functions such that x(r) = ∂ r1 +...+rm x ∂ r1 t1 ...∂ rm tm (derivative is understood in Sobolev sense) is in L∞ (G). General results on sharp inequalities for intermediate derivatives in multivariate case are known only for the cases connected with L2 -norm (Dinh Dung and Tikhomirov [5], Subbotin [15], Buslaev and Tikhomirov [4] ). The only known sharp results for the uniform norm are: (3,0) (0,3) 1. V. Konovalov [8]: if x ∈ L∞ (R2 ) ∩ L∞ (R2 ) ∩ L∞ (R2 ), kx(1,1) k∞ ≤ (3kxk∞ kx(3,0) k∞ kx(0,3) k∞ )1/3 . (3,0) (0,2) 2. O. Timoshin [12]: if x ∈ L∞ (R2 ) ∩ L∞ (R2 ) ∩ L∞ (R2 ), (3,0) 1/3 kx(1,1) k∞ ≤ 32/3 21/2 kxk1/6 k∞ kx(0,2) k1/2 ∞ kx ∞ . (2,1) (1,2) 3. V. Babenko [2]: if x ∈ L∞ (R2 ) ∩ L∞ (R2 ) ∩ L∞ (R2 ), kx(1,1) k∞ ≤ 3/22/3 (kxk∞ kx(2,1) k∞ kx(1,2) k∞ )1/3 . These results all are for the case of two variables. We do not know any 2 sharp result of this type when the domain is the octant Rm − (or even R− ). The main purpose of this paper is to obtain multivariate Olovyanishnikov inequality. In the second section of this paper we shall present a different from original proof of inequality (1.4) with somewhat weaker assumptions. Then in Section 3 we shall show how this argument can be generalized to the case of many variables. 4 Multivariate Olovyanishnikov Inequality 2. Alternative proof of the Olovyanishnikov inequality For t ∈ R set t+ = 0 if t ≤ 0 and t+ = t if t > 0. We will need the following lemma. Lemma 1. Let k ∈ N, x ∈ Lk∞,∞ (R− ) and function x is non-negative on R− together with all its derivatives up to order 1 + (k − 3)+ . If parameters a > 0, l > 0 of φk (a, l; t) in (1.3) are chosen in such a way that φk (a, l; 0) ≤ x(0) = kxk∞ and i.e. set a ≥ kx(k) k∞ (k) kφk (a, l; ·)k∞ ≥ kx(k) k∞ , ´1/k ³ . Then for any t ≤ 0 and l ≤ k! kx|x(0)| (k) k ∞ x(t) ≥ φk (a, l; t). (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) Proof. For k = 1 the lemma is obvious. Assume k ≥ 2. Since x(t) ≥ 0 for t ∈ R− , (2.3) is true for t ≤ −l. Let us prove now that it is also true for t ∈ [−l, 0]. Assume to the contrary that there exists a point ξ ∈ [−l, 0] such that x(ξ) < φk (a, l; ξ). This implies that for the difference δ(t) := x(t) − φk (a, l; t) the following is true δ(−l) ≥ 0, δ(ξ) < 0, δ(0) ≥ 0. From here it follows that for the derivative δ ′ (t) there exist points ξ1′ ∈ (−l, ξ) and ξ1′′ ∈ (ξ, 0) such that δ ′ (ξ1′ ) < 0, δ ′ (ξ1′′ ) > 0 and also δ ′ (−l) ≥ 0. Hence, there exist points ξ2′ ∈ (−l, ξ1′ ) and ξ2′′ ∈ (ξ1′ , ξ1′′ ) such that δ ′′ (ξ2′ ) < 0, δ ′′ (ξ2′′ ) > 0 and also δ ′′ (−l) ≥ 0. Repeating the same argument k − 2 times we arrive to the conclusion that ′′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ ) such that , ξk−3 ∈ (−l, ξk−3 ) and ξk−2 ∈ (ξk−3 there exist points ξk−2 ′ δ (k−2) (ξk−2 ) < 0, ′′ δ (k−2) (ξk−2 )>0 ′ ′ ) and also δ (k−2) (−l) ≥ 0. This means that there exist points ξk−1 ∈ ([−l, ξk−2 ′′ ′ ′′ and ξk−1 ∈ (ξk−2 , ξk−2 ) such that ′ δ (k−1) (ξk−1 ) < 0, ′′ δ (k−1) (ξk−1 ) > 0. Therefore, function δ (k−1) (t) on (−l, 0) changes sign from negative to positive, which contradicts the condition (2.2). ¤ 5 Vladislav Babenko, Yuliya Babenko Theorem 2. Let k, r ∈ N, k < r. Assume that function x ∈ Lr∞,∞ (R− ) satisfies the following conditions : 1) lim x(t) = 0, t→−∞ 2) function x(k) is non-negative with all its derivatives up to and including order 1 + (r − k − 3)+ . Then ° ° °k/r ° ° (k) ° 1−k/r ° (r) ° (2.3) °x ° ≤ Crk kxk∞ °x ° , ∞ where Crk = ∞ ° ° ° (k) ° °φr ° ∞ 1−k/r kφr k∞ = r!1−k/r . (r − k)! This inequality becomes an equality for any function of type (1.3). Proof. Observe that (k) φ(k) k∞ = x(k) (0). r (a, l; t) = φr−k (a, l; t) and kx Let parameters a, l of φr (a, l; t) be chosen in such a way that (k) φ(k) (0) r (a, l; 0) = x (2.5) and (r) kφ(r) k∞ , r (a, l; ·)k∞ = kx ³ ´ 1/r−k (k) k∞ i.e. set a = kx(r) k∞ and l = (r − k)! kx . kx(r) k∞ Applying previous lemma we obtain that for any t ≤ 0 x(k) (t) ≥ φ(k) r (a, l; ·). (2.6) (2.7) For t ≤ 0 set ∆1h x(t) := x(t) − x(t − h) and ∆kh x(t) := ∆1h (∆k−1 h x(t)). Define also a function ( 1, s ∈ [−h, 0]; Θ1,h (s) = 0, s ∈ R \ [−h, 0]. Z s+h Θk−1 (τ )dτ . Note that Θk (s) is positive for any For k ≥ 2 set Θk (s) = s k ∈ N and s ∈ R− . Moreover, supp Θk = [−kh, 0]. It is easy to check that for any t ≤ 0 Z x(k) (s)Θk (s − t)ds = ∆kh x(t). R− Since Θk (s) is positive, from (2.7) and (2.8) it follows that for any h > 0 Z x(k) (s)Θk (s − t)ds ∆kh x(t) = R− (2.8) 6 Multivariate Olovyanishnikov Inequality ≥ Z k φ(k) r (a, l; s)Θk (s − t)ds = ∆h φr (a, l; t). R− As we let h → ∞ because of assumptions on x we obtain ∀t ∈ R− x(t) ≥ φr (a, l; t), (2.9) and, hence, kxk∞ ≥ kφr (a, l; ·)k∞ . Therefore, (k) kx(k) k∞ = kφr−k (a, l; ·)k∞ = kφr (a, l; ·)k∞ 1− k kφr (a, l; ·)k∞ r 1− k r kφr (a, l; ·)k∞ r−k l a (r−k)! (r!)1−k/r 1− k ≤ ¡ r ¢1−k/r kxk∞ r = kxk1−k/r ak/r ∞ l (r − k)! a r! (r!)1−k/r kφr−k k∞ 1−k/r 1−k/r kxk∞ kx(r) kk/r (2.10) kxk∞ kx(r) kk/r ∞ . ∞ = 1− k (r − k)! r kφr k∞ Inequality (2.3) is proved now. It is clear that (2.3) becomes an equality for functions x(t) = φr (a, l; t) The theorem is proved. ¤ Remark. We stated Theorem 2 this way to see the direct generalization of it in multivariate case by Theorem 3. Now let us compare assumptions in Theorem 2 with assumptions in the original theorem of Olovyanishnikov. If about the function x in Theorem 2 we assume that it is nonnegative with all its derivatives up to order 1 + (r − 3)+ including, then the assumption (1) in Theorem 2 can be removed. Indeed, in this case function x is non-decreasing and function x(t) − lim x(τ ) satisfies all assumptions of Theorem 2. Hence, = τ →−∞ we obtain kx(k) k∞ ≤ kφr−k k∞ 1− k kφr k∞ r ≤ 1−k/r kx(t) − lim x(τ )k∞ kx(r) kk/r ∞ kφr−k k∞ 1− k kφr k∞ r τ →−∞ kxk1−k/r kx(r) kk/r ∞ ∞ . Therefore, we proved Olovyanishnikov inequality under assumptions that for r > 2 are weaker than conditions of Theorem 1. On the other hand, observe that while proving inequality (2.10) for a fixed k we did not need all derivatives up to order 1+(r−k−3)+ to be non-negative, we used the fact that only derivatives x(k) , ..., x(r−2) (up to x(r−1) when k = r − 1 ) are non-negative and the fact that x(t) → 0 as t → −∞. From this and (2.9) it follows that x(t) is non-negative. Moreover, the condition lim x(t) = 0 and the fact that x (r) is bounded imply that for any k < r, ′ (k−1) Hence, in a similar way, we can show that x (t), ..., x t→−∞ lim x(k) (t) t→−∞ = 0. (t) are non-negative. 7 Vladislav Babenko, Yuliya Babenko 3. Multivariate case For t = (t1 , ..., tm ) ∈ Rm denote by t̂j vector from Rm−1 obtained from t by removing the jth coordinate. In this case we shall write t as t = (t̂j , tj ). Let m m m {ej }m j=0 be a standard basis in R . We will say that the function x : R− → R rej belongs to the space L∞ (Rm − ), r ∈ N, if the following conditions are satisfied: 1) For every fixed t̂j ∈ Rm−1 there exist continuous on R− derivatives − k x(kej ) (t̂j , tj ) := ∂∂tkx (t̂j , tj ), k = 1, ..., r − 1; j 2) for every fixed t̂j ∈ Rm−1 the derivative x((r−1)ej ) (t̂j , tj ) is locally abso− lutely continuous on R− ; 3) kx(rej ) k := sup kx(rej ) (t̂j , ·)kL∞ (R− ) < ∞. m−1 t̂j ∈R− Observe that the last condition means that there exists a constant M such that for any fixed t̂j ∈ Rm−1 the function x((r−1)ej ) (t̂j , tj ) satisfies the Lipschitz − condition with the constant M with respect to the variable tj , i.e. ∀ t′j , t′′j ∈ R− |x((r−1)ej ) (t̂j , t′j ) − x((r−1)ej ) t̂j , t′′j )| ≤ M |t′j − t′′j | Recall that the function φr (a, l; t), t ∈ R, was defined by (1.3) and that φr (t) := φr (1, 1; t). For t ∈ Rm − and a collection b = (b0 , b1 , ..., bm ) of nonnegative numbers define Φr (b, t) := b0 φr (b1 t1 + ... + bm tm ). (3.1) Note that when m = 1, Φr (b, t) = φr (a, l; t) with a = b0 br1 and l = 1/b1 . We will need the following generalization of Lemma 1. Lemma 2. Let l ∈ N and let function x : Rm − → R satisfies the following conditions:   m \ m  j  ) ∩ 1) x ∈ L∞ (Rm Lle − ∞ (R− ) ; j=1 (kej ) 2) x is nonnegative on Rm , j = 1, ..., m up − along with its derivatives x to and including order 1 + (l − 3)+ . Assume that the parameters b = (b0 , b1 , ..., bm ) of the function Φl (b; t) are chosen so that kΦl (b; ·)k∞ ≤ x(0) = kxk∞ (3.2) and (lej ) kΦl (b; ·)k ≥ kx(lej ) k, j = 1, ..., m. (3.3) Then for any t ∈ Rm − x(t) ≥ Φl (b; t). (3.4) Proof of Lemma 2. Ee shall proceed by induction on the dimension m of the domain. Lemma 1 provides the basis of induction. Assume that the statement of Lemma 2 holds true for m = d − 1 ≥ 1 Let us prove now that it is true for m = d. 8 Multivariate Olovyanishnikov Inequality First of all we need to make sure that on any coordinate hyperplane (to be more precise, on its intersection with Rd− ) the conditions of Lemma 2 are satisfied in the case when m = d − 1. From the definition of Φl (b, ·) it follows that its norm is achieved at t = 0. Hence, condition (3.2) is satisfied. Further, ° ° ° (lej ) ° (le ) °Φl (b; ·)° = Φl j (b; 0), and since the norm of the restriction of x(lej ) taken on a hyperplane does not exceed the norm of x(lej ) on the whole Rd− , then the second condition is also satisfied. By the assumption of induction we obtain that on every such a hyperplane (we choose the hyperplane t1 = 0) the inequality Φl (b; (t̂1 , 0)) ≤ x((t̂1 , 0)) is true. Consider the line t̂1 = t̂10 parallel to the first coordinate axis. If it does not intersect the support of the function Φl (b; t), then at every point t of this line such that t1 < 0, (3.4) is true thanks to non-negativeness of the function x(t). If it does have a nonempty intersection with the support of the function Φl (b; ·), then for the functions x((t̂10 , t1 )) and Φl (b; (t̂10 , t1 )) of variable t1 conditions of Lemma 1 are satisfied. The inequality kx((t̂10 , ·))k∞ ≥ kΦl (b; (t̂10 , ·))k∞ is true due to the fact that (3.4) is true on the hyperplane t1 = 0 and due to monotonicity of x with respect to the variable t1 . The inequality for the derivatives follows from (3.3) and from the fact that in this case ° ° ° ° ° ° (le ) ° ° (lej ) = °Φl j (b; ·)° . °Φl (b; (t̂10 , ·))° L∞ (R− ) By Lemma 1 we obtain that at every point of the such line t̂1 = t̂10 inequality Φl (b; t) ≤ x(t) is true. Hence, lemma is proved. ¤ The main result of this paper is the following theorem. Theorem 3. Let k ∈ Nm , r ∈ N, |k| := m X i=1 ki ≤ r − 1 and let function φr be defined by (1.3). Assume that function x ∈ L∞ (Rm − ) satisfies the following conditions: 1) For any i = 1, ..., m and any fixed t̂i ∈ Rm − 1− x((t̂i, ti )) → 0 when ti → −∞. m \ i (Rm 2) x(k) ∈ L(r−|k|)e ∞ −) i=1 9 Vladislav Babenko, Yuliya Babenko 3) For l = 0, 1, ..., 1 + (r − |k| − 3)+ and i = 1, ..., m the derivatives x(k+lei ) are nonnegative on Rm −. Then ° ° m ° ° ki ° ° °φr−|k| ° r−|k| Y ° (k+(r−|k|)ei ) ° r ° (k) ° ∞ r kxk∞ (3.5) ° . °x °x ° ≤ r−|k| ∞ kφr k∞r i=1 Inequality (3.5) is sharp. It becomes an equality for functions x(t) = Φr (b; t). Proof. Let Φ(t) = Φr (b; t) be as in (3.1). Choose the parameters b0 , b1 , · · · , bm to satisfy the system of equations (° ° ° ° °Φ(k+(r−|k|)ei ) ° = °x(k+(r−|k|)ei ) ° , i = 1, · · · , m ∞ ° (k) ° ° ° (3.6) °Φ ° = °x(k) ° . ∞ This will provide that functions x(k) and Φ(k) satisfy conditions of Lemma 2. Let X us show that such choice of parameters is always possible. Let lj := r− ki . System (3.6) is equivalent to the following system: i6=j ° °  l1 k2 b0 b1 b2 · · · bkmm kφ0 k∞ = °x(k+(r−|k|)e1 ) °    · · · ° ° km−1 lm b0 bk11 · · · bm−1 bm kφ0 k∞ = °x(k+(r−|k|)em ) °   ° ° ° °  k1 b0 b1 · · · bkmm °φr−|k| °∞ = °x(k) ° . (3.7) To solve this system of m + 1 equations, divide each of the first m equations by the last one, and then find b1 , · · · , bm . Then plug these values in the last equation to obtain b0 , taking into account that by definition of φr , kφ0 k∞ = 1. Thus, 1 ð ° ! r−|k| °° °x(k+(r−|k|)ei ) ° °φr−|k| ° ∞ ° ° bi = , i = 1, . . . , m, (3.8) °x(k) ° and r ° (k) ° r−|k| °x ° b0 = m ° ° ki ° r Y ° ° (k+(r−|k|)ei )) ° r−|k| °φr−|k| ° r−|k| ° °x ∞ (3.9) i=1 Therefore, the needed for Lemma 2 choice of parameters is always possible. Applying now Lemma 2 gives us that for all elements t ∈ Rm −, x(k) (t) ≥ Φ(k) (t). (3.10) kxk∞ ≥ kΦk∞ . (3.11) We now show that 10 Multivariate Olovyanishnikov Inequality k j 1 j j For t ∈ Rm − and h > 0 set ∆j;h x(t) := x(t̂ , tj ) − x(t̂ , tj − h) and ∆j;h x(t) := k k −1 j j of order x(t)). By this we have defined the difference operator ∆j;h ∆1j;h (∆j;h m kj with respect to the variable tj . For k ∈ N we set now 1 m . ◦ ... ◦ ∆k1;h ∆kh x := ∆km;h Taking into account (2.8) it is not hard to check that ∀ t ∈ Rm − Z x(k) (s)Θ̄k (s − t)ds, ∆kh x(t) = Rm − where Θ̄k (s) = m Y Θkj (sj ). j=1 Qm Θ̄k (s) is a nonnegative function and suppΘ̄k = j=1 [−kj h, 0]. Because of (3.10) we obtain Z k x(k) (s)Θ̄k (s − t)ds ∆h x(t) = Rm − ≥ Z Rm − Φ(k) (s)Θ̄k (s − t)ds = ∆kh Φ(t). (3.12) Note that by assumption 1) of the theorem ∆kh x(t) = km X ··· αm =0 k1 X α1 =0 (−1)α1 +...+αm µ ¶ µ ¶ k1 km x(t1 − α1 h, · · · , tm − αm h) ··· α1 αm → x(t) when h → ∞. Therefore, from (3.12) we obtain that for any t ∈ Rm − x(t) ≥ Φ(t), and, hence, kxk∞ ≥ kΦk∞ . Note that kΦk∞ = b0 kφr k∞ . Taking this into account, inequality (3.11) becomes b0 kφr k∞ ≤ kxk∞ . (3.11) Vladislav Babenko, Yuliya Babenko 11 Substituting the value b0 from (3.9), we obtain ° ° r kφr k∞ °x(k) ° r−|k| m ° ° ki ≤ kxk∞ ° ° r Y ° (k+(r−|k|)ei )) ° r−|k| °φr−|k| ° r−|k| ° °x ∞ i=1 This inequality is equivalent to (3.5). Inequality (3.5) is sharp. It becomes an equality for functions of type (3.1). ¤ References [1] Arestov, V. V., On the exact inequalities between the norms of functions and their derivatives, Acta Sci. Math. 33, 3-4, 1972, pp. 243–267. [2] Babenko, V., On Sharp Inequalities of Kolmogorov Type for Functions of Two Variables, Dopovidi Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukrainy, 2000, N. 5, pp. 7–11 (in Russian). [3] Babenko V., Babenko Yu., About Kolmogorov Type Inequalities for Functions Defined on a Half Line, Constructive Theory of Functions, Varna 2002 (B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, 2003, pp. 205–208. [4] Buslaev, A. P., Tikhomirov, V. M., On inequalities for derivatives in multivariate case, Mat. 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Nauchnaya, 13 Dnepropetrovsk 49050 Ukraine E-mail: v Yuliya Babenko Center for Constructive Approximation Department of Mathematics Vanderbilt University 1326 Stevenson Center Nashville, TN 37240 USA E-mail: