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2006, Earth and Planetary Science Letters
7 pages
1 file
Rare asteroidal vesicular basalts have previously been thought to form in surficial lava flows with CO as the vesicle-forming gas. However, vesicular lava flows are unlikely on small, airless bodies such as asteroids. To unravel the origin of these rocks, we analyzed vesicle sizes and abundances for two angrites and two eucrites using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography and conducted numerical modeling of bubble formation in a dike of ascending magma. Modeling results indicate that thin (b 30 cm wide) dikes are trapped at ∼ 5 km depth where ∼ 75 ppm of CO and CO 2 contribute equally to vesicle formation. Vesicular eucrites were metamorphosed in this deep-seated environment, the gas was lost, and they were excavated by impacts. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1996
Vesicle cylinders are vertical pipes filled with bubbles and residual melt that differentiate from diktytaxitic basalt flows during crystallization. They grow from about 0.25 m above the base of the flow to the bottom of the chilled flow top. Field relations limit their growth to the period between cessation of lava movement and deep penetration of columnar joints. Basalts containing vesicle cylinders show positive correlations among increasing cylinder abundance, increasing lava porosity, and increasing groundmass crystal size. These features suggest unusually high water contents in the magma before eruption. Although both vesicle cylinders and host lava are "basaltic", the cylinders are enriched in elements not removed by the initial crystallization of the host: Fe, Mn, Ti, Na, K, P and many incompatible trace elements. The last residues to solidify within the cylinders consist of dacitic-rhyolitic glass, Fe-Ti oxides, anorthoclase, apatite + fayalite &-aegerine. Geothermometry indicates that the cylinders began forming at N 1 lOO-1075°C but ceased crystallizing at N 950°C. Pre-eruptive, high-temperature, iddingsite alteration of olivine phenocrysts in many lavas containing vesicle cylinders shows that the fo, of the magmas was extremely high at eruption (N 10m4). After eruption, the fo, of the lavas fell dramatically to values of about lo-" and conditions paralleled the FMQ buffer to final crystallization. Because the iddingsite forms before eruption, the magmas may become relatively oxidizing by addition of meteoric water late in their evolution. Oxygen-18 analyses of four basalt-differentiate pairs suggest that meteoric water addition has occurred in some of the magmas. Field relations and thermal profiles of cooling lava flows limit the growth period of vesicle cylinders to l-5 days after flows of typical thickness (3-10 m) come to rest. Estimated viscosities of host lavas and frothy differentiate during cylinder growth are I lo6 and _ lo4 poise, respectively. Although an adequate quantitative model describing growth of vesicle cylinders does not exist, they apparently form by bubble nucleation and resulting density instability above the rising lower solidification front of the cooling flows. As the coalesced bubbles rise, residual melt and additional vapor migrate into the low-pressure, vertical discontinuity formed by tbe plume.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1994
The character of the vesicle population in lava flows includes several measurable parameters that may provide important constraints on lava flow dynamics and rheology. Interpretation of vesicle size distributions (VSDs), however, requires an understanding of vesiculation processes in feeder conduits, and of post-eruption modifications to VSDs during transport and emplacement. To this end we collected samples from active basalt flows at Kilauea Volcano: ( 1 ) near the effusive Kupaianaha vent; (2) through skylights in the approximately isothermal Wahaula and Kamoamoa tube systems transporting lava to the coast; (3) from surface breakouts at different locations along the lava tubes; and (4) from different locations in a single breakout from a lava tube 1 km from the 51 vent at Pu' u 'O' o.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2010
Vesicles in volcanic rocks are frozen records of degassing processes in magmas. For this reason, their sizes, spatial arrangements, numbers and shapes can be linked to physical processes that drive magma ascent and eruption. Although numerous techniques have been derived to describe vesicle textures, there is no standard approach for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting vesicular samples. Here we describe a methodology for techniques that encompass the entire data acquisition process, from sample collection to quantitative analysis of vesicle size and number. Carefully chosen samples from the lower, mean and higher density/vesicularity endmembers are characterized using image nesting strategies. We show that the texture of even microvesicular samples can be fully described using less than 20 images acquired at several magnifications to cover efficiently the range of existing vesicle sizes. A new program (FOAMS) was designed to perform the quantification stage, from vesicle measurement to distribution plots. Altogether, this approach allows substantial reduction of image acquisition and processing time, while preserving enough user control to ensure the validity of obtained results. We present three cameo investigations — on basaltic lava flows, scoria deposits and pumice layers — to show that this methodology can be used to quantify a wide range of vesicle textures, which preserve information on a wide range of eruptive conditions.
Bulletin of Volcanology, 2013
Vesicles in pyroclasts provide a direct record of conduit conditions during explosive volcanic eruptions. Although their numbers and sizes are used routinely to infer aspects of eruption dynamics, vesicle shape remains an underutilized parameter. We have quantified vesicle shapes in pyroclasts from fall deposits of seven explosive eruptions of different styles, using the dimensionless shape factor , a measure of the degree of complexity of the bounding surface of an object. For each of the seven eruptions, we have also estimated the capillary number, Ca, from the magma expansion velocity through coupled diffusive bubble growth and conduit flow modeling. We find that is smaller for eruptions with Ca 1 than for eruptions with Ca 1. Consistent with previous studies, we interpret these results as an expression of the relative importance of structural changes during magma decompression and bubble growth, such as coalescence and shape relaxation of bubbles by capillary stresses. Among the samples analyzed, Strombolian and Hawaiian fire-fountain eruptions have Ca 1, in contrast to Vulcanian, Plinian, and ultraplinian eruptions. Interestingly, the basaltic Plinian eruptions of Tarawera volcano, New Zealand in 1886 and Mt. Etna, Italy in 122 BC, for which the cause of intense explosive activity has Editorial responsibility: been controversial, are also characterized by Ca 1 and larger values of than Strombolian and Hawaiian style (fire fountain) eruptions. We interpret this to be the consequence of syn-eruptive magma crystallization, resulting in high magma viscosity and reduced rates of bubble growth. Our model results indicate that during these basaltic Plinian eruptions, buildup of bubble overpressure resulted in brittle magma fragmentation.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1988
Observation and measurement of vertical sections of thin (< 10 m) basaltic lava flows show that the vertical structure of ba~lt flows, regardless of variation in chemical composition or thickness, can be divided into three, previously unrecognized, zones consisting of a fundamental and regular pattern in vesicle size and abundance. These zones can be characterized as follows: (1) an upper vesicular zone, (2) a middle nonvesicular or dense zone, and (3) a lower vesicular zone. The thickness of the upper vesicular zone is generally about one-half of the total vertical section, and the thickness of the lower vesicular zone is generally 30-40 cm regardless of the total flow thickness. In the upper vesicular zone, vesicles increase in diameter and decrease in number per unit cross-sectional area downward attaining a maximum diameter near the base of the upper vesicular zone. In the lower vesicular zone, vesicles increase in diameter and decrease in number per unit cross-sectional area upward attaining a maximum diameter at the top of the lower vesicular zone. Numerical simulations, performed for this study, suggest that these characteristic patterns of vesicle z(mation are the result of the growth and rise of gas bubbles in cooling lavas rather than the result of dynamic conditions such as t]ow movement or convection. As a bubble grows, it begins to ascend, and continues to ascend until it is overtaken by solidification progressing inward from either the upper or lower cooling surfaces of the flow. Bubbles that start out high in the flow will ascend ahead of the lower solidification front and cease rising only after encountering the downward-advancing upper solidification front, and bubbles near the base of a flow will be entrapped by the upwardadvancing lower solidification front. Bubbles that start and rise just above the lower solidification front form the lower part of the upper vesicular zone. Such bubbles will also have longer times in which t~) grow than bubbles that are either higher or lower and are therefore among the largest in the flow. A zone free of vesicles will remain between the last bubbles to ascend to the upper solidification front and the last bubbles to be overtaken by the lower solidification front.
Geophys. Res. Lett, 2001
Magma degassing is thought to play a major role in magma fractionation, transport, storage, and volcanic eruption dynamics. However, the conditions that determine when and how magma degassing operates prior to and during an eruption remain poorly constrained. We performed experiments to explore if the initial presence of gas bubbles in magma influences the capability of gas to escape from the magma. Vesic-ulation of natural H 2 O-poor (<<1 wt.%) silicic obsidian glasses was investigated by in situ, high-temperature (above the glass transition) experiments using synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy with high spatial (3 μm/pixel) and temporal resolution (1 second per 3D dataset). As a validation , a second set of experiments was performed on identical starting materials using a Karl-Fisher titration setup to quantify the amount of extracted gas that escapes via volatile diffusion and/or bubble coalescence during vesiculation. In both sets of experiments, vesiculation was triggered by heating the samples at room pressure. Our results suggest that the presence of pre-existing gas bubbles during a nucleation event significantly decreases the tendency of bubbles to coa-lesce and inhibits magma outgassing. In contrast, in initially bubble-free samples, the nucleation and growth of bubbles is accompanied by significant coalescence and outgassing. We infer that volatile-undersaturated (i.e. bubble-free) magmas in the reservoirs are more likely to erupt effusively, while the presence of excess gas already at depth (i.e. bubble-bearing systems) increases the likelihood of explosive eruptions.
Vesiculation of crystallising magma can produce either a mobile vesicular magma or a rigid network of crystals containing vesicular liquid. Where partially crystallized rigid mush underlies less-crystallized magma, such as near the base of a lava flow or in the cumulus pile of a magma chamber, evolved interstitial melt and/or gas may escape into the main body of magma. The consequences of this may include contamination of the overlying liquid with gas and interstitial melt, or intrusion of diapirs of vesicular evolved liquids to form vertical vesicle cylinders and other segregation features found in many basaltic lava flows and sills. Analog experiments were used to investigate some of the phenomena that can arise during vesiculation within a crystal mush, which was simulated by pumping air through a porous plate that formed the floor of a container filled with a viscous liquid floored with a layer of glass beads. Experiments used either a single liquid or two stably stratified liquids with a liquid interface either coincident with the top of the porous layer of beads or slightly above the porous layer. For a range of liquid viscosities and air flow rates (vesiculation rates), individual bubbles emerged from the top of the porous layer of beads and carried a thin trail of interstitial liquid into the overlying liquid. The number of bubble trains leaving the surface of the porous bed increased with decreasing liquid viscosity and flow rate, and with increasing bead size (and, hence, with increasing permeability). Analog vesicle cylinders, composed of diapirs of bubbly interstitial liquid, were produced only when a layer of buoyant bubbly liquid lay above the surface of the porous layer. The relative size of the bubbles and constrictions within the porous layer are argued to control whether individual bubbles (leading to bubble trains) or vesicular liquid (leading to vesicle cylinders) leaves the porous layer and hence whether vesicle cylinders can form.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2020
Bubble nucleation and growth dynamics exert a primary control on the explosivity of volcanic eruptions. Numerous theoretical and experimental studies aim to capture the complex process of melt vesiculation, whereas textural studies use vesicle populations to reconstruct magma behaviour. However, post-fragmentation vesiculation in rhyolitic bombs can create final quenched bubble (vesicle) textures that are not representative of the nature of fragmenting magma within the conduit. To examine bubble growth in hydrous rhyolitic bombs, we have used heated stage microscopy to directly observe vesiculation of a Chaitén rhyolite melt (with an initial dissolved water content of ~0.95 wt %) at atmospheric pressure and magmatic temperatures upon reheating. Thin wafers of obsidian were held from 5 min up to two days in the heated stage at temperatures between 575 °C and 875 °C. We found that bubble growth rates, measured through changes in bubble diameter, increased with both temperature and bubble size. The average growth rate at the highest temperature of 875 °C is ~1.27 μm s−1, which is substantially faster than the lowest detected growth rate of ~0.02 μm s−1 at 725 °C; below this temperature no growth was observed. Average growth rate Vr follows an exponential relationship with temperature, T and inferred melt viscosity η, where Vr = 5.5710−7e0.016T and Vr = 3270e−1.117η. Several stages of evolving bubble morphology were directly observed, including initial relaxation of deformed bubbles into spheres, extensive growth of spheres, and, at higher temperatures, close packing and foam formation. Bubble deformation due to bubble-bubble interaction and coalescence was observed in most experiments. We use our simple, experimentally-determined relationship between melt viscosity and bubble growth rates to model post-fragmentation vesicle growth in a cooling 1 m-diameter rhyolitic bomb. The results, which indicate negligible vesicle growth within 2–3 cm of the bomb surface, correspond well with the observed dense margin thickness of a Chaitén bomb of comparable dimensions. The experiments described can be used to effectively reconstruct the post-fragmentation vesiculation history of bombs through simple analytical expressions which provide a useful tool for aiding in the interpretation of pumiceous endmember textures in hydrous rhyolitic bombs.
Bulletin of Volcanology, 2004
Models of coalescence-decompressive expansion of the later stages of bubble growth predict that for diverse types of volcanic products the vesicle number densities (n(V)) are of the scaling form n V ð Þ / V ÀB 3 À1 where V is the volume of the vesicles and B 3 the 3dimensional scaling (power law) exponent. We analyze cross sections of 9 pumice samples showing that over the range of bubble sizes from %10 mm to 3 cm, they are well fit with B 3 %0.85. We show that to within experimental error, this exponent is the same as that reported in the literature for basaltic lavas, and other volcanic products. The importance of the scaling of vesicle distributions is highlighted by the observation that they are particularly effective at "packing" bubbles allowing very high vesicularities to be reached before the critical percolation threshold, a process which-for highly stressed magmas-would trigger explosion. In this way the scaling of the bubble distributions allows them to be key actors in determining the rheological properties and in eruption dynamics.
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