Call for papers: a special issue on geoarchaeology

If you are interested, please write us a short email with an abstract of a max. of 200 words until 20.09.2016.

WORKING GROUP N IO IN TE L ASS OC IONA AT IA T RN WORKING GROUP on GEOARCHAEOLOGY International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) O N GE OA R C H Æ O L OG Y Association Internationale des Géomorphologues (AIG) Dear members of the IAG Working Group of Geoarchaeology, As proceedings of a geoarchaeology session at the World Archaeological Congress (WAC-08) in Kyoto, Japan, we, the conveners of the session, want to organise a Special Issue in Quaternary International, Geoarchaoelogy, Journal of Archaeological Science or Geomorphology, depending on the editing issues and the submission deadlines. We are about to submit a proposal. We also invite other colleagues working in geoarchaeology to contribute to this special issue. The topic will focus on subjects that might be related to on-site processes or regional landscape evolution. It will be divided in three different approaches regarding the different kind of archaeological contexts: 1. New methods for data exploitation or acquisition on key sites that require a cutting edge approach 2. Methodologies that can promote a better understanding of destroyed sites, sites with a “bad taphonomy” or a stratigraphy with “unvisible data” 3. Off-site methodologies or a regional approach that highlights human impacts or occupation If you are interested, please write us a short email with an abstract of a max. of 200 words. Please let us know until the 20.09.2016 if you are interested. Write an email to (cc:, Best regards, Friederike Stock, Tara Beuzen-Waller, and Yasuhisa Kondo