Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
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Nest decorations: an ‘extended’ female badge of status?
Vicente García-Navas a, b, Francisco Valera a, Matteo Griggio c, *
n Experimental de Zonas Aridas
Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, Estacio
EEZA-CSIC, Almería, Spain
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 7 July 2014
Initial acceptance 13 August 2014
Final acceptance 20 October 2014
Published online
MS. number: 14-00553R
feather carrying
female competition
nest ornamentation
Petronia petronia
sexual selection
Extended phenotypes as signals are widely distributed among animal taxa. For example, many bird
species build eye-catching nests or structures, which can potentially mirror the quality or ability of the
builder. Rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, nests are usually overly decorated with feathers belonging to
different species. Feather carrying in this and other species seems to play a role beyond their supposed
thermoregulatory function, that is, to provide insulation to eggs and developing chicks. In this study, we
documented for the first time this intriguing pattern of behaviour in the rock sparrow and experimentally tested its potential role as a sexually selected or status signal by means of a feather supplementation experiment carried out in two distinct populations from Italy and Spain. We found that
females were responsible for feather carrying, laid larger clutches and provisioned their young at a lower
rate in those nests with experimentally added feathers. Decorated nests sustained fewer intrusions by
floater individuals and were defended with greater intensity by both parents than control nests, which
supports the role of nest ornamentation as a status signal to conspecifics. Presence of experimental
feathers did not significantly increase the frequency with which males provisioned their young but males
tended to desert their brood less often and spent more time guarding the brood in experimental nests,
indicating that feather presence may also play a role in an intersexual context. Overall, our results allow
us to exclude the thermoregulation hypothesis as a likely explanation for the occurrence of these decorations and provide partial evidence for the idea that feather carrying conveys information to the
partner and potential competitors. Our study thus supports the notion that nonbodily traits serving a
direct (naturally selected) function can also evolve a signalling component.
© 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Many animals transfer information to conspecifics through
morphological or behavioural traits such as gaudy plumages,
extravagant body ornaments (antlers, horns) or courtship displays
(Maynard Smith & Harper, 2003). From these conspicuous signals,
receivers can assess the quality of the bearer (e.g. the fighting
ability of a rival or the quality of a potential mate). Some species go
further, collecting different materials to build complex structures or
decorate their nests, which are used as an extension of their
phenotype (‘extended phenotype’ sensu Dawkins, 1982). The
extended phenotype concept refers to the potential effects of genes
on the environment beyond the individual's body (reviewed in
Schaedelin & Taborsky, 2009). For example, certain orb web spiders
add extra silk structures to their capture webs whose function may
be to deter predators or provide a warning signal for organisms that
might destroy the web (Herbestein, Craig, Coddington, & Elgar,
ry & Casas, 2009; Walter & Elgar, 2012). Thus, the
2000; The
* Correspondence: M. Griggio, Department of Biology, University of Padova,
U. Bassi, 35100 Padova, Italy.
E-mail address: (M. Griggio).
contemporary signal effect of such decorations is different from
their original function (i.e. entangle unsuspecting prey). In some
cases, a novel trait can acquire a signalling effect and may explain,
for example, the occurrence of odd items such as flowers, stones,
snake skins, scats or human-derived material (foil, plastics) in the
breeding structures of many species (e.g. Ostlund-Nilsson
Holmlund, 2003; Schuetz, 2005; Trnka & Prokop, 2011). The presence of this unusual nest-building material may indicate the
builder's vigour, technical or harvesting ability and capacity to
deter rivals (Mainwaring et al., 2014; Moreno, 2012). Thus, nests not
only provide a protective environment for developing eggs and
offspring but may also constitute an important signalling device to
reveal information for members of the opposite sex (Barber, Nairn,
& Huntingford, 2001; Brouwer & Komdeur, 2004; Hoi, Schleicher,
&Valera, 1996; Schaedelin & Taborsky, 2006) or potential competitors (Penteriani & Delgado, 2008). In this sense, on the basis of the
existing literature, we can discern two main functions of nest (or
similar structures) decorations as visual cues: (1) to act as a pre- or
postmating sexual signal (intersexual context) and (2) to advertise
social status to potential intruders (intrasexual context).
0003-3472/© 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
Regarding the former (maleefemale communication), a wellunderstood example is the case of birds of the family Ptilonorhynchidae (bowerbirds). Males of most of these species build and
decorate stick structures (called bowers) to attract the females with
which they mate (Borgia, 1985; Endler, Endler, & Doerr, 2010;
Madden, 2003). The use of nest-building activity as a sexual
signal has been observed in other taxa as well. For example, in
many species of African cichlids, males build sand craters to attract
females for spawning (Barber, 2013; Schaedelin & Taborsky, 2010).
Pebble heaps of wheatears, Oenanthe leucura, or multiple nests of
Australian reed warblers, Acrocephalus australis, and Eurasian
wrens, Troglodytes troglodytes, seem to play a similar role as a
source of information to current or potential partners (Berg,
Beintema, Welbergen, & Komdeur, 2006; Garson, 1980; Soler,
n, 1996). Such information can be
Soler, Møller, Moreno, & Linde
used by females to ascertain male condition and obtain cues about
future paternal investment in their brood (Soler, Møller, & Soler,
1998; Soler, de Neve, Martínez, & Soler, 2001). Evidence for social
status signalling has been provided by two recent studies on territorial raptors (eagle owl, Bubo bubo: Penteriani & Delgado, 2008;
black kite, Milvus migrans: Sergio et al., 2011). Penteriani and
Delgado (2008) reported that owls use their own faeces and prey
feathers, deposited on posts and plucking sites in proximity to the
nest, to mark their territory and signal current reproductive status
to potential trespassers. Sergio et al. (2011) found that nest decorations (mainly human rubbish such as plastic bags) observed in
most (80%) black kite nests can serve as a signal of the builder's
physical prowess and thus as a threat against conspecifics. However, these two alternatives are not mutually exclusive and nest
ornamentation may have multiple functions.
Next to plant matter and fur, feathers are one of most common
nest-building materials (Hansell, 1995, 2000). Many passeriformes
use downy feathers from other species for lining their nests.
Feathers are generally deposited within the nest cup, in contact
with the eggs, and therefore it has been traditionally considered
that these possess a thermoregulatory function (Dawson, O'Brien, &
Mlynowski, 2011; Lombardo, Bosman, Faro, Houtteman, & Kluisza,
1995; McGowan, Sharp, & Hatchwell, 2004). Some species carry
flight or contour feathers to their nests with a merely ornamental
purpose, not to provide insulation, placed outside the nest cup in
very visible locations (Veiga & Polo, 2005). Feathers constitute a
limiting resource because they usually come from dead or killed
birds (Hansell, 1995) and thus feather gathering may be indicative
of good physical condition or high predisposition to devote time
and energy to reproduction. Observational and experimental evidence for this comes from a study by Sanz and García-Navas (2011),
which showed that female blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, use nest
decoration as a source of information about male quality, and,
accordingly, modulate their level of parental investment. However,
feather carrying is not a male-exclusive behaviour as it has also
been described in females of the spotless starling, Sturnus unicolor
(Polo & Veiga, 2006; Veiga & Polo, 2011).
Rock sparrows, Petronia petronia, like other Old World sparrows
(Spanish sparrow, Passer hispaniolensis: Alonso, 1982; tree sparrow,
Passer montanus: Pinowski et al., 2006; house sparrow, Passer
pez de Hierro, Moleo
n, & Ryan, 2013), usually
domesticus: García-Lo
carry feathers from other species (hoopoe, Upupa epops, wood pigeon, Columba palumbus, azure winged-magpie, Cyanopica cyanus,
Eurasian jay Garrulus glandarius and raptors) to their nests.
Feathers are placed on the nest rim, stacked in the straw like
‘hunting trophies’ in a conspicuous manner (Fig. 1, see also Fig. S1 in
the Supplementary Material). In the present study, we documented
this previously undescribed behaviour and tested the possible
function of feather delivery by means of a feather addition experiment carried out in two separate Mediterranean populations.
Specifically, we predicted that (1) if feather carrying is primarily for
Figure 1. Examples of rock sparrow nests exaggeratedly decorated with feathers belonging to different species including Eurasian black vulture, Aegypius monachus, common
buzzard, Buteo buteo, Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius, azure-winged magpie, Cyanopica cyanus, red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa, and golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus. Note that
feathers are not embedded within the nest matrix but they are arranged to maximize its visibility. Photos: Vicente García-Navas.
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
thermoregulation, first, feathers should be in close contact with
eggs, second, its presence should decrease with the progress of the
season (as temperatures rise) and third, we should expect a shorter
incubation period, a higher hatching rate and enhanced offspring
growth in experimental nests; (2) if feather carrying constitutes a
male or female sexual signal, we expected a greater investment in
reproduction by the partner in response to the feather addition
treatment; and (3) if feather carrying plays a role as a signal of
current reproductive status to potential competitors, receivers
should respond to the signal in a way that benefits signallers and
thus we expected fewer visits by intruders or ‘floating’ individuals
in those nests in which we added feathers experimentally. Meanwhile, from the signaller's point of view, the presence of foreign
feathers may be indicative of a high risk of usurpation (i.e. he/she
may infer the presence of a potential competitor) and this may
increase the signaller's investment in nest defence.
Study Species
The rock sparrow is a hole-nesting passerine whose distribution
ranges from southern Europe to central Asia (Cramp, 1998). Rock
sparrows are monomorphic birds; both sexes have a yellow spot on
the upper breast, which contrasts with their earth-coloured
plumage. Previous studies have suggested that this ornament is
maintained by mutual sexual selection as it has been shown that
males also prefer more ornamented females (Griggio, Matessi, et al.,
2005; Griggio, Serra, Licheri, Monti, & Pilastro, 2007; Griggio,
Devigili, Hoi, & Pilastro, 2009; Griggio, Valera, et al., 2005;
Pilastro, Griggio, & Matessi, 2003). This trait also plays a role in an
intrasexual context (like an ‘armament’) as an indicator of individual
quality and social status to conspecifics (Griggio et al., 2007; Griggio,
th & Griggio, 2011). Rock sparrows have a
Zanollo, & Hoi, 2010; To
flexible mating system unusual among birds, in which sequential
polygyny and polyandry regularly occur (García-Navas, García del
n, Ferrer, & Fathi, 2013a; Griggio & Pilastro, 2007; Griggio,
Tavecchia, Biddau, & Mingozzi, 2003). Probably as a result of sexual conflict (i.e. the conflicting evolutionary interests of males and
females) both sexes can desert their brood and thus it is not uncommon to find nests in which parental care is carried out by a
single parent (Griggio & Venuto, 2007). Therefore, any information
relative to mate quality conveyed through body or other ornaments
may be especially valuable in this context.
Rock sparrows incorporate feathers into their nests (an untidy
structure built by the female using straw and grass), mostly during
the early breeding period, but it is not clear which sex is responsible
for this behaviour. Before the onset of egg laying, males often sing on
top of their nestbox (some of them defend more than one box at the
same time) and they are visited by different females, which usually
inspect the box (Matessi, McGregor, Peake, & Dabelsteen, 2005;
Nemeth, Kempenaers, Matessi, & Brumm, 2012; our personal
observation). Such prospecting behaviour continues even during the
laying phase when more than one female usually visit the nest. The
rock sparrow is a semicolonial species and can occupy adjacent
nesting sites (e.g. nest holes built by bee-eaters, Merops apiaster, in
sandy cliffs). Rock sparrows become very territorial at a small scale
(4e5 m around the nest) during the breeding period and intruders
or floaters are chased out quickly by the owners. In addition,
agonistic interactions are frequent between neighbours, such as
individuals destroying clutches or removing nest-building material
from nests located in adjacent territories (our personal observation).
During the offspring-rearing period, males spend much time in the
vicinity of their nest. In some cases males do not feed the young but
remain in their territory (they do not abandon the nest) courting,
and trying to copulate with their partner (Griggio, Matessi, et al.,
2005; Griggio, Mingozzi, Bortolin, & Pilastro, 2008).
Study Area
This study was carried out during the 2013 breeding season in
two distant colonies of rock sparrow: one located in ‘Las Navas’
(Quintos de Mora, Montes de Toledo, central Spain, 39 240 230 N,
4 40190 W) and another in ‘Barbagia’ (central Sardinia, Italy,
40 230 300 N, 9120120 E). ‘Las Navas’ (hereafter, Quintos de Mora)
consists of 45 nestboxes distributed in a grid pattern in a young
woodland of zeen oak, Quercus faginea, with Mediterranean
scrubland surrounded by a shrubby riverside and stony open areas.
In Quintos de Mora, breeding density is very high (occupation rate:
100%; all but five nests occupied by rock sparrows) and thus there is
strong competition for nesting sites. This colony is expanding and
rock sparrows have recently colonized a nearby nestbox plot (‘Gil
García’, 1.5 km away) previously only occupied by tits (see GarcíaNavas et al., 2013a for more details). Some rock sparrow nests
from ‘Gil García’ were also included in the present study (see
below). ‘Barbagia’ consists of 36 nestboxes installed from 2008 in a
woodland of cork oak, Quercus suber, with Mediterranean scrubland and stony open areas with short grass. It holds approximately
20 breeding pairs each year. The climate in both areas is Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and mean annual temperatures
of around 16 C (Kottek, Grieser, Beck, Rudolf, & Rube, 2006).
Field Methods and Basic Reproductive Parameters
We monitored the breeding activity of rock sparrows in both
populations from the nest-building period (mid-May) until the last
chicks fledged (mid-July). The following reproductive parameters
were recorded: laying date, clutch size, hatching date, hatching and
fledging success (proportion of eggs hatched and proportion of
hatchlings that resulted in fledged young, respectively). On day 6e7
posthatching, parents were captured when feeding the young by
means of spring-traps. Trapped birds were identified with metal
and coloured rings to allow individual identification. A small blood
sample was taken from the brachial vein of adult birds and stored
on FTA reagent-loaded paper (Whatman Bioscience, Florham Park,
NJ, U.S.A.) for sex determination using molecular methods (see
García-Navas et al., 2013a). Nestlings were measured (tarsus
length ± 0.01 mm) and weighed (±0.1 g) with a digital calliper and
a portable electronic balance, respectively, at the age of 13 days
following the protocol described in Svensson (1992).
Observational Data
During the two previous breeding seasons (2011e2012) we
collected information about the presence of natural feathers in the
nests in order to determine to what extent such behaviour constitutes a widespread characteristic in this species or a specific trait of
certain populations. We recorded the number of feathers present in
each nest and these were grouped into two categories: nests with
or without feathers. We paid attention to the seasonal trend in the
appearance of feathers to test for an association between feather
presence and calendar date. We also tested for the existence of
differences in clutch size and male desertion rate between adorned
and unadorned nests.
Experimental Design
We randomly allocated nests, found before egg laying, to a
control or experimental treatment. Once the nest was complete, we
checked it daily until the laying of the first egg. On the first-egg day
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
(day 0) we supplied five blue commercial feathers (Almacenes
n SA, Madrid, Spain) at those nests assigned to the feather
supplementation treatment (experimental nests).
Feathers were arranged outside the nest cup, such as they are
found naturally. We chose blue feathers because we have previously observed that rock sparrows have a preference for ornamental feathers or flowers with this colour such as feathers of
azure-winged magpie, tail feathers of blue tit, striped feathers of
Eurasian jay and petals of blueweed, Echium vulgare. Nests were
checked daily during the laying sequence to record the number of
feathers present in each. We replaced or uncovered feathers in
those nests in which they were removed or buried by the owner
birds to ensure that all experimental nests contained the same
number of supplemented feathers. Some experimental and some
control nests contained natural feathers (mean ± SE; experimental:
3.6 ± 0.6, range 0e13; control: 1.1 ± 0.2, range 0e4). Control nests
were also visited on a daily basis until clutch completion in order to
disturb both treatments equally, but we did not remove feathers
from these nests. So our manipulation increased the differences in
the degree of nest ornamentation between individuals.
We added feathers in a total of 31 nests (Quintos de Mora N ¼ 17,
Barbagia N ¼ 14) and 35 others (Quintos de Mora N ¼ 29, Barbagia
N ¼ 6) served as controls. Thus, including both study sites, a total of
66 rock sparrow nests were considered in the present study. Some
breeding attempts (ca. 20%), particularly in Quintos de Mora, did
not reach the nestling stage because of nest usurpation by conspecifics or abandonment. Specifically, five nests (three experimental and two control, all from Quintos de Mora) failed,
presumably because of interference by other females, given that we
found signs of conspecific intrusions (stolen nest-building material,
destroyed nests) and we sometimes observed a new clutch laid by a
different female a few days later. Nine nests (three experimental
and six control) were (apparently) naturally deserted by both parents prior to (N ¼ 1) or after (N ¼ 8) hatching. This left us with a
total of 52 nests in which nestlings fledged successfully.
If feather presence produces adequate nest insulation, it would
reduce the cooling rates of eggs, therefore reducing the costs of
incubation and allowing parents to cope with longer incubation
bouts in (warmer) experimental nests (Reid, Monaghan, & Ruxton,
2000). Once chicks hatch they are faced with a trade-off between
allocating energy to growth or thermoregulation (Dawson, Lawrie,
& O'Brien, 2005; Dawson, O'Brien, & Mlynowski, 2011). If feather
supplementation reduces maintenance costs, nestlings may be able
to devote more resources to growth in experimental broods.
Determination of the Sex Responsible for Feather Carrying
A subsample of nests (Quintos de Mora N ¼ 8, Barbagia N ¼ 6)
not included in the experiment was supplied with a pile of coloured
feathers deposited in the nest surroundings (within a ca. 3 m radius
around the nestbox) in order to determine the sex responsible for
this behaviour. In Quintos de Mora such observations were carried
out on nests belonging to ‘Gil García’, that is, outside the main
(experimental) study area (‘Las Navas’). Feathers were placed
directly on the ground, and they were surrounded with stones and
branches to impede wind disturbance. The rock sparrows' reaction
to the presence of feathers was observed directly with a spotting
telescope (30 magnification) or filmed using camouflaged video
cameras mounted on tripods and situated about 2e3 m away from
the feather pile.
Parental Care Estimates: Offspring Provisioning and Nest Defence
We filmed or directly observed the parental behaviour of adult
rock sparrows on day 8e9 posthatching in 52 nests. We recorded
the number of feeding events made by each parent, whose sex was
identified from ringing details, during a period spanning 64 to
280 min (mean observation time per nest ± SD was 3.17 ± 0.99 h
for a total of 165 h). Provisioning rates were calculated by dividing
the number of feeding visits made by the adults by both brood size
and duration of the observation period or taping session to yield
provisioning visits/nestling per h. Relative provisioning effort
(male/female share of provisioning) was calculated as the proportion of provisioning visits made by one sex in relation to the total
number of visits (i.e. both sexes combined) observed in each nest.
We also noted the number of visits without prey delivery by each
parent, which is relatively frequent in this species (Griggio et al.,
2003; García-Navas et al., 2013a; Matessi, Carmagnani, Griggio, &
Pilastro, 2009). The number of nonprovisioning visits and the total time (min) spent near the nest (1e2 m radius) were used as an
index of defence intensity. In addition, we noted the incidence of
intruders trying to access the nestbox. Potential trespassers were
easily detectable from ring details or the nest owner's reaction to
their presence (intruders are violently expelled from the nest vicinity). From our observations of parental activity, we distinguished
between monoparental and biparental nests. We considered as
biparental nests those in which we observed both parents
attending the nest irrespective of whether they fed their young or
not (four males, two from experimental nests and two from controls defended their nest but they did not contribute to offspring
provisioning). We refer to monoparental nests (N ¼ 13) as those in
which only one parent, usually the female (92% of cases), provided
care (i.e. the partner was not present).
Data Analysis
From a merely functional point of view, we tested the effect of
feather supplementation on clutch size, length of the incubation
period, hatching success, fledging success and offspring quality
(nestling size and body mass) of rock sparrows using generalized
linear models (GLMs). The effect of the treatment on hatching/
fledging success (hatchlings/fledglings as a numerator and clutch
size as a denominator, respectively) was analysed using GLMs with
binomial distribution and logit function. For the remaining variables we employed GLMs with normal distribution. Full models
included treatment, our focal variable, and study area (and its
interaction) as categorical variables and a series of potential covariates as necessary: standardized laying date (to correct for a
possible calendar effect), brood size on day 8 (to correct nestling
measurements for differences in brood demand) or nestling tarsus
length (to correct body mass for differences in skeletal size).
In an intersexual context, we tested (1) whether feather supplementation is used to deter a partner from seeking a new mate,
and (2) whether this behaviour is employed as a means to stimulate
investment of the partner in the current brood; that is, if the receivers adjust parental effort in response to the perceived quality of
the builder as the differential allocation hypothesis posits (Burley,
1986). To test the former, we compared the frequency of monoparental nests (nests in which one pair member deserted the brood)
in the experimental and control groups using contingency tables.
Regarding the latter, we first tested for sex differences in provisioning effort between treatments using a matched-pair test. We
then constructed another GLM including total, male or female
provisioning rate as a dependent variable in order to test for the
effect of our experiment on adult provisioning investment. We also
controlled for the provisioning rate of the partner because parents
usually respond to changes in each other's effort (Harrison, Barta,
kely, 2009). This aspect is particularly important in
Cuthill, & Sze
species with intense sexual conflict such as rock sparrows or penduline tits, Remiz pendulinus (van Dijk, 2009; Valera, Schleicher, &
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
Hoi, 1997). In addition, we constructed a model including relative
provisioning effort as a dependent variable in order to determine
whether males increased their share of provisioning in response to
the treatment. To avoid potential confounding effects of compensatory care, only biparental nests (39 nests; experimental N ¼ 22,
control N ¼ 17) were included in these analyses.
In an intrasexual context, we tested whether experimental nests
were visited less by neighbouring or ‘floater’ birds, which would
imply that ornamental feathers can be used to discourage or deter
potential trespassers. We constructed a model fitting the number of
observed intrusions as the dependent variable (Poisson distribution) and treatment as the predictor. Intruder rate may also be
affected by the nest defence behaviour of parents. Consequently,
we also tested whether the builders' willingness to defend their
nests (which is a form of parental care) was affected by the presence of experimental feathers. Accordingly, females may exhibit a
higher propensity to invest in nest defence in those cases in which
they perceive a high risk of nest usurpation by competing individuals (i.e. experimental nests). To that end, we constructed
GLMs similar to those mentioned above but including the number
of guarding visits (Poisson distribution) and time spent performing
nest defence behaviour (log10 þ 1 transformed to attain a normal
distribution) as the dependent variable.
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS 9.1 (SAS
Institute, Cary, NC, U.S.A.).
Sample sizes vary where incomplete data forced the exclusion of
some observations. Unless otherwise stated, all tests were two
tailed, the level of significance (a) was set to 0.05 and means ± SE
are given.
Ethical Note
Nine broods (from which only three belonged to the experimental group) were deserted by both parents (see above) and the
chicks belonging to these broods died. The desertion rate was not
higher than usual in these two populations (Griggio et al., 2003,
2005; García-Navas et al., 2013a) and this proportion was similar
in both treatments (experimental: 10%; control: 17%; c ¼ 0.78,
P ¼ 0.38). Spring-traps were constantly monitored by means of
binoculars. and no bird remained trapped in the nest for more than
10 min. Captured parents resumed their feeding activity after
20e25 min. Nestlings were kept in either a plastic container or a
lightweight bag during the handling process. The entire procedure
of nestling measuring lasted less than 10 min. Our broad experience with the study species and results obtained in previous
experimental studies allow us to confirm that handled birds and
their offspring do not suffer any detectable reduction in welfare or
survival as a consequence of this procedure. We manipulated, bled
(20e30 ml) and banded birds under licence from the respective
n General del Medio Natinstitutional authorities (Spain: Direccio
ural of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and Ringing
Office of the Spanish Society of Ornithology SEO/BirdLife, licence
no. 520030; Italy: permits issued by the Istituto Superiore per la
Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, ex-Istituto Nazionale Fauna
Selvatica, licence no. 19828).
The Sex Responsible for Feather Carrying
In all cases in which we observed rock sparrows using the
feathers we supplied (nine of 14), the behaviour was carried out by
females (five in Quintos de Mora, four in Barbagia). Upon arrival to
the nest surroundings, birds were attracted by the presence of
feathers. Within a few minutes, the rock sparrows had gathered the
feathers until none remained on the ground (see Fig. S2 and the
video recording in the Supplementary Material). In two cases we
observed that the feathers we supplied were added to the nest by
an individual (probably a ‘floater’) other than the nest owners (one
of them was resighted trying to access the nest during the broodrearing period). In those cases (N ¼ 5) in which feathers were not
used, we did not observe any individual in the vicinity of the nest
during the observation period. This indicates that the resource was
not detected and therefore could not be exploited.
Supplementary video related to this article can be found at
Behavioural observations collected during the 2011 and 2012
breeding seasons on the incidence of feather carrying in rock
sparrow nests indicate that this behaviour is frequent at both sites;
we found ornamental feathers in more than half of the nests
(Quintos de Mora: 62.2% N ¼ 53; Barbagia: 67.6% N ¼ 34). Nest
decorations usually appeared before laying, declined slightly during the incubation period and markedly so thereafter, so that when
nestlings were ringed (day 13 posthatching) very few feathers were
found in the nest (our personal observation). Feather delivery did
not show any seasonal pattern (Pearson correlation: r87 ¼ 0.22,
P ¼ 0.20), which is in disagreement with what the thermoregulation hypothesis predicts. Clutch size did not differ significantly
between nests adorned naturally and nests without feathers (with
feathers: 5.57 ± 0.18; without feathers: 5.37 ± 0.14; F1,85 ¼ 0.88,
P ¼ 0.35). Male desertion rate was lower in nests decorated with
feathers than in those without feathers (11% versus 20%, respectively) but the difference was not statistically significant (P ¼ 0.33).
There was a significant relationship between the number of
feathers present in the nest and male provisioning rate in Barbagia
(Pearson correlation: r34 ¼ 0.34, P ¼ 0.047; see Fig. A1), but not in
Quintos de Mora (P > 0.05).
Breeding Parameters and Offspring Performance
Feather supplementation had a significant effect on clutch size;
females laid larger clutches in experimental nests (Table 1, Fig. 2a;
F1,61 ¼ 8.59, P < 0.01). However, there was a significant study
site*treatment interaction (F1,61 ¼ 4.30, P ¼ 0.04) and post hoc
analysis revealed that the difference in clutch size between groups
was only significant in Barbagia (Tukey test: P < 0.01 for Barbagia,
P ¼ 0.27 for Quintos de Mora), where females' productivity was
lower than at Quintos de Mora (Quintos de Mora: 6.13 ± 0.11;
Barbagia: 4.98 ± 0.20; F1,61 ¼ 24.10, P < 0.001). However, this did
not result in a higher food demand for parents of experimental
nests because there were no differences in brood size between
treatments (Table 1; F1,61 ¼ 1.84, P ¼ 0.18). Feather supplementation did not affect the length of the incubation period, hatching
success or fledging success (see Table 1; all P > 0.25). Both hatching
and fledging success differed significantly between sites (hatching
success in Quintos de Mora: 77.68 ± 4.32%; hatching success in
Barbagia: 92.98 ± 5.30%; F1,61 ¼ 4.21, P ¼ 0.04; fledging success in
Quintos de Mora: 58.16 ± 5.77%; fledging success in Barbagia:
87.19 ± 5.26%; F1,61 ¼ 9.40, P < 0.01). Feather supplementation had
no significant effect on nestling size or nestling body mass either
when considering all nests (Table 1; both P > 0.1) or considering
only those with biparental care (Table 1; both P > 0.25). However,
offspring quality was affected by the number of provisioning parents and the relative importance of each sex in this task (see
Probability of Mate Desertion
In Quintos de Mora, we found a marginally lower proportion of
nests with monoparental care (all ‘female-care’ nests except one) in
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
Table 1
Differences (mean ± SE) in reproductive parameters between experimental (feather-supplemented) and control nests applied to two data subsets: one considering all nests
and the second only considering those with biparental care
‘Quintos de Mora’
All nests (N¼66)
Clutch size
Incubation period (days)
Number of hatchlings
Brood size (day 8)
No. fledged young
Nestling tarsus length (mm)
Nestling body mass (g)
Only biparental nests (N¼39)
Clutch size
Incubation period (days)
Number of hatchlings
Brood size (day 8)
No. fledged young
Nestling tarsus length (mm)
Nestling body mass (g)
the experimental group (chi-square test: c21 ¼ 2.08, P ¼ 0.079).
That is, male desertion rate tended to be lower in those nests that
were manipulated (percentage of nests with monoparental care:
control: 41% of 22; experimental: 17% of 12). The percentage of
nests with female-only care did not differ significantly between
groups in Barbagia (control: 0% of 5; experimental: 8% of 13;
P > 0.20).
Adult Provisioning Effort
Females without male assistance in nestling provisioning tended to feed at a higher rate than females aided by their partner
(female provisioning rate/chick per h; without male assistance:
1.22 ± 0.13; with male assistance: 0.95 ± 0.08; F1,48 ¼ 3.13,
P ¼ 0.08). This indicates that females were able to compensate for
the shortfall in food provisioning. When only considering nests
with biparental care, we found that females fed their young more
often than males irrespective of the treatment (feeding events/
nestling per h; female: 1.03 ± 0.08; male: 0.54 ± 0.06; Z38 ¼ 3.57,
P < 0.001). However, sex differences were less pronounced in the
experimental group (females from experimental nests: 0.87 ± 0.42;
males from experimental nests: 0.58 ± 0.33; Z22 ¼ 2.22, P ¼ 0.01;
females from control nests: 1.25 ± 0.48; males from control nests:
0.49 ± 0.48; Z16 ¼ 2.72, P ¼ 0.002). Feather supplementation had a
significant effect on total provisioning rates: provisioning rates per
nestling were lower in experimental than in control nests (experimental: 1.44 ± 0.13; control: 1.70 ± 0.09; Table 2, Fig. 2b). Total
(per pair) provisioning rates also differed significantly between
sites (Table 2) being higher in Barbagia than in Quintos de Mora
(1.70 ± 0.06 versus 1.46 ± 0.12, respectively). When examining
provisioning rates by sex, we found a significant effect of treatment
on female provisioning rates: females fed their young at a lower
rate in those nests in which we supplied feathers (experimental:
0.87 ± 0.09; control: 1.25 ± 0.12; Table 2). Female provisioning
effort also differed between sites; females breeding at Barbagia fed
their young at a higher rate than females from Quintos de Mora
(1.19 ± 0.09 versus 0.91 ± 0.11, respectively). Regarding males,
treatment had no significant overall effect on the frequency at
which they fed their young (Table 2). The male's share of provisioning effort increased with brood size, but it did not differ
significantly between experimental and control nests (Table 2).
Thus, it seems that, first, males did not compensate for reduced
female assistance in experimental nests and, second, they were
more likely to invest in offspring provisioning as brood demand
increased. In fact, both male total and per nestling provisioning rate
were positively related to brood size on day 8 posthatching (Pearson correlations: r38 ¼ 0.56, P < 0.001 and r38 ¼ 0.38, P ¼ 0.02,
respectively; Fig. A2). Total female provisioning rate was not associated with brood size on day 8 (Pearson correlation: r38 ¼ 0.06,
P ¼ 0.68) and female per nestling provisioning rate was negatively
related to nestling demand (Pearson correlation: r38 ¼ 0.49,
P < 0.01), suggesting that they worked at their maximum level.
The number of care-giving parents significantly affected nestling size (F1,46 ¼ 4.11, P ¼ 0.048), but not nestling mass (F1,46 ¼ 2.01,
P ¼ 0.16). Nestling rock sparrows were larger in those nests in
which both parents contributed to nestling care (tarsus length:
monoparental: 18.01 ± 0.11 mm; biparental: 18.28 ± 0.06 mm).
Nestling body mass was associated positively with female provisioning rate (Pearson correlation: r36 ¼ 0.47, P < 0.01; Fig. 3) and
negatively with male provisioning rate (Pearson correlation:
r35 ¼ 0.36, P ¼ 0.03; Fig. 3). Consequently, the relative contribution of each parent predicted mean nestling mass; we found
heavier chicks in those nests in which the female's contribution to
nestling provisioning was higher (Pearson correlation: r35 ¼ 0.51,
P < 0.01; Fig. A3).
Nest Defence Behaviour
We detected the presence of ‘floating’ or intruder individuals in
37% (19/51) of nests. Five of six nests that were visited by conspecifics more than once were control nests. Intruder pressure was
significantly lower for those nests in which we added feathers;
experimental broods were less frequently visited by intruders than
control ones (mean number of intrusions per nest: experimental:
0.40 ± 0.11; control: 0.96 ± 0.33; GLM: c2 ¼ 6.39, P ¼ 0.01).
The number of nest-guarding visits did not differ significantly
between treatments for males or for females (Table 2). In males the
number of nest-guarding visits declined as brood size increased
whereas for females this variable was positively correlated with
laying date (Table 2). Males engaging in nest defence behaviour
were less likely to invest in nestling provisioning (Pearson correlation: r38 ¼ 0.46, P < 0.01) whereas there was no significant
relationship between nest guarding and nestling provisioning rate
in females (Pearson correlation: r38 ¼ 0.12, P ¼ 0.45). Both males
and females from experimental nests spent more time guarding
their nest than those from the control nests (experimental males:
7 min 9 s; experimental females: 7 min 41 s; control males: 1 min
34 s; control females: 1 min 11 s; Table 2).
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
Table 2
Generalized linear models to the effect of the experimental treatment on different
estimates of parental care
Clutch size
Total provisioning rate (per nestling per h)
Figure 2. Differences in (a) clutch size and (b) total provisioning rate (feeding visits/
chick per h) between experimental (N ¼ 32 for clutch size and N ¼ 22 for provisioning
rates) and control nests (N ¼ 34 for clutch size and N ¼ 17 for provisioning rates).
Mean ± SE values, calculated jointly (both populations combined: circles) and separately (‘Quintos de Mora’: diamonds; ‘Barbagia’: squares) are given.
Our main findings provide partial support for the idea that nest
ornamentation in the rock sparrow can act as both a sexual and a
status signal. We observed that our experimental treatment elicited
specific behavioural reactions: (1) females laid larger clutches (in
Italy), (2) fed the nestlings less and spent more time guarding the
nest; (3) males were less likely to abandon the nest and invested
more in passive nest defence and intruders less often prospected
those nests in which we supplied feathers. Overall, we detected a
general effect of the experiment on the studied variables although
there were differences in several reproductive traits (fledging success, provisioning rate) between study sites. The different ecological
conditions (e.g. nest site availability, operational sex ratio) to which
birds are presumably subjected in these populations could explain
the existence of an interaction between treatment and study site for
Parental provisioning behaviour
Total provisioning rate
Study site
Treatmentstudy site
Laying date
Female provisioning rate
Study site
Treatmentstudy site
Laying date
Mate provisioning rate
Male provisioning rate
Study site
Treatmentstudy site
Laying date
Mate provisioning rate
Male proportion of feedings
Study site
Treatmentstudy site
Laying date
Brood size on day 8
Parental defence behaviour
Female guarding visits
Study site
Laying date
Brood size on day 8
Male guarding visits
Study site
Laying date
Brood size on day 8
Female guarding time
Study site
Treatmentstudy site
Laying date
Brood size on day 8
Male guarding time
Study site
Treatmentstudy site
Laying date
Brood size on day 8
We were unable to distinguish the sex of parents in one nest and to determine
accurately the date of the first egg in four nests, and consequently degrees of
freedom can differ among analyses. Significant results are marked in bold.
some parameters. However, our observations conducted in two
very distant localities allow us to assert that this previously undescribed behaviour of feather carrying constitutes a distinctive
feature of this species rather than a locally adaptive behaviour.
‘Thermoregulatory Function’ Hypothesis
The primary function of feather carrying, to provide insulation
for eggs or young, was not supported by our results; we did not find
evidence that feather presence conferred direct benefits to experimental pairs. Experimental broods did not have shorter incubation
periods or higher hatching success and nestlings from feathered
nests were not larger or in better condition than those from the
control nests. Observational data on temporal and seasonal patterns of feather occurrence also do not fit the predictions for an
insulation role of feather addition. We failed to find a seasonal
decline in feather delivery, which is in contrast to the
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
Mean nestling mass on day 13 (g)
Male/female provisioning rate (feeding events/nestling per h)
Figure 3. Mean nestling mass on day 13 in relation to female (grey circles and dotted
line) and male (empty circles and continuous line) provisioning rate. Only biparental
nests (N ¼ 39) are included. We refer to biparental nests as those in which both parents were present during the brood-rearing period irrespective of whether they fed
their young or not (one female and four males visited the nest more than once during
the sampling session but they were never observed provisioning the nestlings).
thermoregulation hypothesis because if feathers grant thermal
benefits, this behaviour should be more frequent in early nests
(when ambient temperatures are lower) and less common later in
the season, when the risk of hyperthermia increases. In addition,
this species shows a high breeding synchrony (more than 70% of
clutches are concentrated within a 5-day period), and therefore the
existence of internest variability in feather presence can scarcely be
explained by changes in weather conditions. Our results contrast
with those reported for other sparrow species. For example, the use
of feathers as nest-lining material seems to be clearly linked to a
thermoregulatory function in the tree sparrow (Pinowski et al.,
2006). Tree sparrows show a marked preference for downy
feathers especially during their autumnal display when they build
nests that are used for roosting at night in winter (García-Navas,
pez de
Arroyo, & Sanz, 2008). In the house sparrow, García-Lo
Hierro et al. (2013) reported that the amount of feathers inside
nests peaked during incubation and with newly hatched chicks,
when the maintenance of a thermally stable microenvironment
may be more important. None the less, they suggested that feather
carrying could also form part of the male courtship display as they
found that one-third of the feathers were deposited at the nest
entrance and females paired with those males that collected more
pez de Hierro
feathers invested more in reproduction (García-Lo
et al., 2013). In rock sparrows, whose genus (Petronia) constitutes
a separate lineage from the genus Passer and has been postulated as
a possible ancestral group (Allende et al., 2001), feather carrying
may have totally lost its primitive (thermal) function and may have
evolved to serve as an aesthetic trait (i.e. as a signal, see Fig. 1). This
is a very likely scenario given that most of the Petronia species are
found in Africa and/or are characteristic of arid zones.
‘Sexual Signalling’ Hypothesis
A common finding in studies that looked for the significance of
feather carrying with an ornamental purpose is the existence of a
positive relationship between feather presence and clutch size
(Table 3). We found that the experimental addition of feathers to
nests caused an increase in clutch size, a similar result to that reported by Veiga and Polo (2011) in spotless starlings. Since in both
species (rock sparrows, spotless starlings) feather carrying is
mostly a female trait, it is likely that the presence of feathers has a
positive effect per se on female prospects, triggering a differential
response in the form of increased egg production (Veiga & Polo,
2011). In this sense, anecdotal evidence suggests that male rock
sparrows can also gather feathers sporadically (our personal
observation; see also Veiga & Polo, 2011). Therefore, we cannot
discard the possibility that experimental females perceived that
feathers were brought by their partner, which could have induced
them to increase their reproductive investment according to pre pez de
dictions of the differential allocation hypothesis (García-Lo
Hierro et al., 2013; Sanz & García-Navas, 2011). Alternatively, or
additionally, and also from the female's perspective, female rock
sparrows may perceive the presence of feathers as a cue of
increased female competition (i.e. increased risk of losing the
partner) and they may opt to lay larger clutches in order either to
advertise their individual quality or to increase brood demand, and
thereby prevent male abandonment. This latter scenario is
certainly plausible since we observed that females did not willingly
accept the presence of feathers in their nests; these were buried or,
in some cases, covered with faeces or removed from the nestbox.
Thus, it is reasonable to think that rock sparrows just perceived the
experimental feathers as being introduced by female rivals (see also
García-Navas, Ortego, Ferrer, & Sanz, 2013b). It implies that our
manipulation successfully mimicked the presence of an intruder,
which is a common circumstance in this study system. In fact, we
occasionally observed that feathers supplied by us were carried to
the nest by ‘floater’ birds, probably as a means to urge the owner to
abandon the nest (some nests are occupied by two different females within the same breeding season; our personal observation).
If the presence of foreign feathers is perceived as a threat or a sign
of increased nest vulnerability to competitors by females, it could
explain their higher investment in nest defence in those nests in
which we added feathers (see more below).
Regarding the males, we found a greater investment by the
partner in response to the feather addition treatment; males in the
experimental group tended to desert less frequently and spent on
average more time at the nest. These results support the sexual
signalling hypothesis and are in agreement with previous studies
showing that male rock sparrows can strategically allocate their
parental investment in response to their partner's quality or
attractiveness, advertised through bodily ornaments (Griggio et al.,
2003; Pilastro et al., 2003). Furthermore, this hypothesis is certainly
plausible given the strong intensity of sexual conflict over parental
care in this species, in which each pair member tries to reduce its
workload urging the other to work harder (Griggio & Pilastro,
2007). Thereby, the antagonistic interests of both sexes may lead
to the appearance of mechanisms intended to promote greater
investment by the partner. In fact, we observed a positive relationship between male provisioning effort and the number of
feathers added naturally to the nest (in the years prior to the
experiment) in one of the study areas. However, the fact that male
rock sparrows did not fully compensate for the reduced care by
females in experimental nests is not surprising since male rock
sparrows usually play a secondary role in nestling provisioning
(Griggio & Pilastro, 2007). Similarly, in an experimental study with
this species, Pilastro et al. (2003) manipulated the yellow spot size
of females and found that ornament reduction resulted in a
decrease in male nest attendance whereas ornament enlargement
had no effect on provisioning effort. This suggests that male rock
sparrows may be less willing to increase their investment above a
certain threshold, except when there is no choice (i.e. female brood
desertion). However, in species like this in which both pair members appear to be constantly assessing one another and ‘negotiating’ over care, it is difficult to determine to what extent the
observed effect may be a consequence of a pure effect of the
Table 3
Studies providing observational (C) or experimental data (E) on feather carrying or petal carrying behaviour with an ornamental purpose in different avian species
Experimental or correlative data
Satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus
Feathers (bower)
C: Observational data
Borgia and Gore (1986)
Archbold's Bowerbird Archboldia
Feathers (bower)
C: Observational
Tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor
Feathers (nest, display)
Male Female
C: Observational data
Spotless starling Sturnus unicolor
Feathers (nest)
Feathers (nest)
E: Green plant (_ display)
C: observational data
E: Feathers addition
Eagle owl Bubo bubo
Feathers (territory)
C: Observational data
Blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus
Feathers (nest)
Feathers (nest)
E: Feather addition and
feather removal
C: observational data
E: Feather addition
_ decorates the avenue bowers with
rare blue feathers of Psittacidae (which
can be stolen from other bowers)
_ uses feathers from bird of paradise
Pteridophora alberti as bower
Aerial pursuits and battles for feathers
are fierce and may indicate competitive
ability and individual quality
\ carries feathers in response to a _
courtship behaviour (addition of green
Increase of clutch size, no change in
provisioning effort
Prey feathers and faeces deposited on
plucking sites in proximity to the nest
may be used as territorial marks
Increase of clutch size, no change in
provisioning effort
House sparrow
Passer domesticus
Feathers (nest, display)
Rock sparrow Petronia petronia
Feathers (display)
E: Feather addition and
feather removal
C: Correlative data
E: Feathers addition
C: Observational data
Flowers (display)
C: Observational data
Flowers (display)
C: Observational data
Flowers (display)
C: Observational data
Flowers (display)
C: Observational data
Black-throated weaver Ploceus
Flowers (nest)
C: Observational data
Striated weaver-bird Ploceus
Flowers (nest)
C: Observational data
(decreases the
male's certainty
of paternity)
Lombardo (1995);
Dawson et al. (2011)
Polo and Veiga (2006)
Veiga and Polo (2011)
Penteriani and Delgado
Sanz and García-Navas
_ reduced parental care (provisioning
effort, nest defence)
García-Navas et al. (2013b)
Increase of clutch size and \
provisioning effort
pez de Hierro
et al. (2013)
Increase of clutch size, no change in
provisioning effort (but _ deserted less
_ holds a feather in the bill while
courting the \
_ carries flowers from Lantana sp.
during intrusions into nearby territories
_ carries yellow petals and displays
them to conspecifics (mainly \)
_ carries pink or purple petals and
display them to conspecifics (mainly \)
_ carries blue petals and displays them
to conspecifics (mainly \)
Present study
Nest decorated with orange or scarlet
flowers cemented to the nest with cow
Nests decorated with Acacia flowers
cemented to the nest with cow dung or
wet mud
Immelmann (1980)
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
waxbill Estrilda astrild
Red-backed fairy wren
Malurus melanocephalus
Superb fairy wren Malurus
Splendid fairy wren Malurus
White-winged fairy wren
Malurus leucopterus
Frith and Frith (1990)
Karubian and Alvarado (2003)
Mulder (1997); Rowley
and Russell (1997)
Rowley (1991); Rowley
and Russell (1997)
Rowley and Russell (1997);
Rathburn and Montgomerie
Ali and Ripley (1974)
Ali and Ripley (1974)
In parenthesis is indicated if the material is deposited in the nest/bower/territory or if this behaviour is part of a display.
Rock sparrows also add blue flowers (but to a lesser extent) in Quintos de Mora, but not in Barbagia, suggesting the existence of local preferences for nest decorations in this species.
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
treatment on the individual's decision making or a response to the
change in provisioning behaviour of the partner. Nevertheless,
although nestlings from experimental nests were fed less
frequently than those from control nests, they were not smaller or
lighter than the latter. This suggests that experimental females may
take advantage of their longer time lags between provisioning visits
to increase the size and/or quality of prey (e.g. Grieco, 2002). That
is, the reduction in female provisioning rate did not result in nestlings being in worse condition.
Feather presence (perceived by females as territorial intrusions)
may have reduced females' level of maternal care through hormonal pathways and, therefore, explain why females fed their
young less often in those nests that were artificially ornamented.
For example in an experiment with spotless starlings, whose males
usually add green material to their nests, researchers supplied
some nests with this material and found that female partners
increased their testosterone levels compared with control females
pez-Rull, Gil, & Veiga, 2010; Veiga & Polo, 2011). The
(Polo, Lo
presence of green plants thus may have induced female spotless
starlings to increase their level of aggressiveness, which may in
turn have reduced their investment in caring for the young as a
consequence of the existence of a trade-off between territorial
aggression and parental care (e.g. McGlothlin, Jawor, & Ketterson,
2007; Schwagmeyer, Schwabl, & Mock, 2005). Regarding this,
several studies in which females were implanted with testosterone
found an increase in female aggression at the expense of maternal
care (e.g. Rosvall, 2013; Veiga & Polo, 2008). In our case, however,
the decrease in provisioning effort observed in experimental females cannot be totally explained as a result of an increase in female aggressive behaviour because we only found a significant
negative association between nest guarding and provisioning effort
in males. That is, females did not spend more time defending the
nest, in lieu of provisioning. At this point, we can raise two likely
explanations for this result. First, female rock sparrows may
decrease their provisioning frequency in response to the increase in
femaleefemale competition that might be inferred from the presence of foreign feathers. In other words, females may change their
priorities in response to the simulated challenge. Second, females
may decrease their level of parental investment in response to the
perceived increase in the males' propensity to contribute to
offspring care (see above). That is, an increased predisposition of
males to contribute to brood care may relax the demand put on the
opposite sex (Parker, Royle, & Hartley, 2002).
‘Social Status’ Hypothesis
Nest decorations may also function as an effective deterrent to
neighbouring individuals or potential intruders because of their high
visibility and effectiveness in the absence of the signaller (Penteriani
& Delgado, 2008; Sergio et al., 2011). In this way, a territory owner can
inform passing receivers about his vigour and willingness to invest in
nest defence, even when they are not present, and may deter potential intruders from contending for the nest. In this sense, we found
that experimental nests were visited less by intruders, which suggests that trespassers avoided decorated nests; that is, receivers
responded to the signal. In spite of that, there was an effect of the
treatment on the mean time that females spent guarding the nest;
females from experimental nests invested more in passive nest
defence, indicating that feather supplementation could have resulted
in an increase in females' perception of the risk of nest usurpation
(which may have forced them to keep guard against potential intruders). In addition, there are several lines of evidence in support of
the intrasexual signalling hypothesis. First, suitable nesting sites for
rock sparrows in our study system are scarce, and nestboxes constitute a valuable resource. As a consequence, damage inflicted by
conspecifics during nest intrusions (egg destruction, removal of
nesting material and, ultimately, nest eviction) is the major cause of
nesting failure in these colonies, especially in Quintos de Mora
(where it affected ca. 15% of the nests). We observed that 37% of nests
were visited by conspecific intruders during the brood-rearing period
and probably visiting frequency is higher in the early stages of the
breeding period (nest building, egg laying; our personal observation).
Second, we have observed that rock sparrows sometimes place
feathers in the nestbox before the start of the nest-building period (it
is relatively common to find empty boxes with some new feathers
added in April or early May, see Supplementary Material). Therefore,
it is reasonable to think that feather presence may work as a sort of
‘nestbox booking’ or ‘nestbox claiming’. Third, female rock sparrows
are prone to retaining their breeding territory; they often lay in the
same nestbox with different partners in different years. We observed
that 22 of 35 recaptured females (63%) occupied the same nestbox
used in the previous breeding season whereas this was the case in
51% (15/29) of males. This is in contrast with the common finding of
female-biased dispersion in birds (Greenwood, 1980). A similar
pattern has been reported in tree swallow, Tachycineta bicolor, populations, where there is strong competition for nesting cavities and
aggressive behaviour to defend the nesting territory from female
floaters is an essential component of reproductive success (e.g.
Leffelaar & Robertson, 1985; Rosvall, 2008). In contrast, female site
fidelity is relatively frequent in tropical passerines with year-round
nez, 2009;
territoriality, such as hummingbirds (Illes & Yunes-Jime
Tobias, Gamarra-Toledo, García-Olaechea, Pulgarín, & Seddon,
2011). Most of these species bear ornaments that are expressed in
both sexes, as is the case in the rock sparrow, which is consistent with
the notion that mutual ornamentation often goes hand-in-hand with
territoriality by both sexes (Kraaijeveld, Kraaijeveld-Smit, & Komdeur, 2007; Tobias, Montgomerie, & Lyon, 2012; West-Eberhard,
1983). Thus, it is reasonable to argue that processes leading to female ornamentation can be better understood in a social selection
framework, since not only male mate choice but also femaleefemale
competition over nonsexual resources (social competition sensu
West-Eberhard, 1983) may be a source of selection for such traits,
especially in species in which breeding pairs form dense groups or
colonies (Clutton-Brock & Huchard, 2013; LeBas, 2006; Rosvall, 2011).
The outcome of our experiment and observational data allows us
to speculate that females add feathers to the nest to inform about
their status or quality to prospecting females in search of a nesting
site (and/or a partner), and to their current partners to persuade
them to invest more in the care of the brood. This suggests that this
female ornament may be under direct sexual selection by males and
selection via reproductive competition over nonsexual resources
among females. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study
showing that males can differentially allocate their reproductive
investment according to nonbodily female ornamentation. Our results also add to increasing evidence that resource defence may be
an important function of female ornamental traits (including
extended phenotype signals), a neglected topic in the field of sexual
selection (Tobias, Montgomerie, & Lyon, 2012). In particular, feather
carrying may represent an overlooked but widespread tool for
communicating current reproduction to conspecifics (Penteriani &
Delgado, 2008; see also Table 3). However, we must highlight the
speculative nature of our work and, consequently, these findings
should be interpreted cautiously. Our results provide a baseline for
further testing of the function of nest ornamentation as a female
signal of resource-holding potential. Further studies focused on
patterns of competitive interactions among females (e.g. femaleefemale contests) are necessary to elucidate the importance of
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
access to resources, such as territories or feeding sites, as a driving
force in the evolution of female ornaments.
We are indebted to the board of ‘Centro Quintos de Mora’
(Spain) for the facilities offered to work and live there. Sebastiano
Secchi generously allowed us to work on his beautiful land ‘Agriturismo Testone’ (Italy). We warmly thank Conchi C
aliz for her help
with molecular sexing. We thank Herbert Hoi and Giorgio Massaro
for practical help and constant support. Vincenzo Penteriani and
two anonymous referees provided valuable comments. Funding
was provided by a career development bursary for V.G.N. by the
British Ornithologists' Union (BOU).
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material associated with this article is available,
in the online version, at
Ali, S., & Ripley, S. D. (1974). Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan. Oxford, U.K.:
Oxford University Press.
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Number of male provisioning visits/h
Brood size on day 8
Figure A2. Relationship between nestling demand (brood size on day 8) and male
provisioning rate (feeding visits/h: filled circles and continuous line; feeding visits/
chick per h: empty circles and dotted line).
V. García-Navas et al. / Animal Behaviour 99 (2015) 95e107
Mean nestling mass on day 13 (g)
Male’s share of provisioning effort (%)
Figure A3. Mean nestling mass on day 13 in relation to the male’s contribution to
nestling provisioning (proportion of provisioning visits to the nest by the male divided
by the total number of visits by the male and the female). Only biparental nests (i.e.
those in which both parents were present) were considered. The relationship remained
significant (r ¼ 0.39, P ¼ 0.02) after excluding the point indicated with an arrow.