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We study the dynamics of the charged and neutral excitons in a modulation-doped GaAs quantum well by time-resolved photoluminescence under a resonant excitation. The radiative lifetime of the charged exciton is found to be surprisingly short, 60 ps. This time is temperature independent between 2 and 10 K, and increases by a factor of 2 at 6 T. We discuss our findings in view of present theories of exciton radiative decay. S0163-18299803143-9
Le Journal de Physique IV, 1993
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
We present a comprehensive investigation of the dynamics of resonantly excited nonthermal excitons in high-quality GaAs/Al Ga& "As multiple-quantum-well structures on picosecond time scales. The dynamics was investigated using the luminescence upconversion technique with two independently tunable, synchronized dye lasers, which allowed measurements of the time evolution of polarized resonant luminescence with 4-ps time resolution. We show that the evolution of excitons from the initial nonthermal distribution to the thermal regime is determined by three different physical processes: (1) the enhanced radiative recombination of the metastable two-dimensional exciton polaritons, (2) the spin relaxation of excitons, and (3) the momentum relaxation of excitons. We also show that these three processes have comparable rates, so that a unified model accounting for all important processes is essential for a correct analysis of the experimental results. Using such a unified model, we have determined the rates of these processes contributing to the initial relaxation of excitons as a function of quantum-well width, temperature, and applied electric field. Quantum confinement strongly influences the radiative recombination and spin relaxation of excitons, and our study provides significant insights into these processes in quantum wells. The measured radiative recombination rate is about a factor of 2 smaller than calculated theoretically. The electric field reduces the electron-hole overlap and hence reduces the spinrelaxation rate of excitons between the optically allowed~+1) states. The measured variation is in good qualitative agreement with a recent theory, but somewhat slower than predicted by the theory.
Physical Review Letters, 1991
Superlattices and Microstructures, 1989
The dynamics of exciton formation and decay are investigated in GaAs-AlxGal_xAS (x < 0.Is) multiquantum well structures under low excitation conditions by transient photoluminescence spectroscopy. The time resolution (10ps) is achieved by using the frequency up-conversion technique. At low temperature (T < 50 K), the luminescence is dominated by localized exciton formation and recombination processes: significant Stokes shifts from the exciton absorption line, long non-exponential rise time (ranging from 200 ps to 600 ps) and short radiative lifetime (from 200 ps to Q00 ps) are observed. At higher temperature (T > 80 K), the luminescence is dominated by free exciton radiative recombination with shorter formation time and much larger exciton lifetime (from 3 ns to 6 ns). We suggest that the exciton may trap efficiently at low temperature on interface defects, the areal density of which can be evaluated in a simple manner.
Extended Abstracts of the 1993 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 1993
We present the detailed analyses of temporal profiles of photoluminescence from heavy-hole excitons in AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells. We have observed the two-component exponential decay when the excitation density is low. We have confirmed by measuring the lateral spatial motion of excitons that the fast component is attributed to radiative recombinations of free excitons while the slowly decaying component is due to localized excitons. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first direct observation of localization of 2-dimensional excitons in quantum wells.
physica status solidi (c), 2005
We present the results of a detailed time resolved luminescence study carried on a very high quality In-GaAs quantum well sample. We clearly separate the contributions to the total intensity at the energy of the exciton and at the band by performing experiments with the proper spectral resolution and sensitivity, allowing to keep the observation of these two separate contributions over a broad range of times and densities. This enables us to access to the exciton formation rate over a broad range of pair densities. We also evidence the dominant contribution of excitons to the luminescence signal even when their population is small, and the absence of thermal equilibrium between excitons and free carriers at low enough densities.
Europhysics Letters (EPL), 1990
We report on continuous-wave and time-resolved measurements of the photoluminescence of goodquality single quantum wells at low temperatures (4-30 K). Luminescence arising from both free and localized excitons is observed and the inhuence of excitation localization on the photoluminescence decay time is investigated. Resonant pumping at the light-hole exciton transition is found to greatly increase the generation of free heavy-hole excitons. In this case, the free-exciton lifetime increases linearly with temperature (10-30 K) and the dependence of the slope on the well thickness is found to be in good quantitative agreement with the theoretical model of Andreani et al. [Solid State Commun. 77, 641 (1991)].