This paper studies structural and semantic features of the disidentificational negation in the Tatar language , expressed by means of the word tügel. In Tatar grammar, the word tügel is qualified as a particle. We suggest that the morphological nature of this word should be revised. The research into morphological features, collocability of the word tügel and its part of speech characteristics studied on the corpus data, demonstrate the scientific significance of the paper. The phenomenon of negation is characterised by structural and conceptual complexity, combining different types of linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge. The Tatar language has a set of grammatical means and rules for converting affirmative phrases and clauses into negative ones. They require different ways of morphological and syntactic representation (sorting of situations covered by the negation, accounts for grammatical selectivity). The desidentificational negation enables us to characterize an object by negating its properties. The word tügel has high distribution potential and may be combined with word forms of different parts of speech (nominal, verbal, pronominal words, etc.). Nevertheless, the main function of the word tügel is negation of non-verbal (non-processual) predicates. This paper analyses semantics and morphological characteristics of the word tügel and its compatibility with other words on corpus data. The paper concludes that the word tügel is semantically incomplete, expressing one of the aspects of the modus of irreality-negation. However, it should not be attributed to the class of particles, as its morphological and morphonological properties characterize it more like an independent notional word. Of all the word categories, described in the Tatar grammar, the word tügel is closest to the class of predicative words expressing a modal meaning.

Ь . PHILOLOGY AND CULTURE. 2016. №1(43) 81'366; 811.512.145 Ф А А А А ©А А ГЕЛ А , MORPHOLOGICAL NATURE OF THE TATAR NEGATIVE WORD TÜGEL Alfiya Galieva, Radif Zamaletdinov This paper studies structural and semantic features of the disidentificational negation in the Tatar language, expressed by means of the word tügel. In Tatar grammar, the word tügel is qualified as a particle. We suggest that the morphological nature of this word should be revised. The research into morphological features, collocability of the word tügel and its part of speech characteristics studied on the corpus data, demonstrate the scientific significance of the paper. The phenomenon of negation is characterised by structural and conceptual complexity, combining different types of linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge. The Tatar language has a set of grammatical means and rules for converting affirmative phrases and clauses into negative ones. They require different ways of morphological and syntactic representation (sorting of situations covered by the negation, accounts for grammatical selectivity). The desidentificational negation enables us to characterize an object by negating its properties. The word tügel has high distribution potential and may be combined with word forms of different parts of speech (nominal, verbal, pronominal words, etc.). Nevertheless, the main function of the word tügel is negation of non-verbal (non-processual) predicates. This paper analyses semantics and morphological characteristics of the word tügel and its compatibility with other words on corpus data. The paper concludes that the word tügel is semantically incomplete, expressing one of the aspects of the modus of irreality - negation. However, it should not be attributed to the class of particles, as its morphological and morphonological properties characterize it more like an independent notional word. Of all the word categories, described in the Tatar grammar, the word tügel is closest to the class of predicative words expressing a modal meaning. Keywords: Tatar language, morphology, negation, semantics and grammar, particle, predicative word. - ү , - ү . . , . ү : . - , . - ) ( ( , , - ). ү . , , . .). ) ( ү , ( , – . . ү ү , , – , . - , , , . 41 ү . - Ь , : , , , , , . 1. . . . ( [Horn, Kato, . 1]), . . - ( ); 2) ,« - ( - , – , »[ 1) , ]. ). , ( ], [ ., ], [Emeksiz] ,[ .), , - . . - « « , , ү », , »[ - , , - - ( 1993], [ ң ң , . 147]. . [ ү , . 353] - , 2002], , . 600], [ .), [ , - , – - ( , . ). , : . ( , , - , ), - . – : - - . ү , . - : 1) ( - ( ) : « ; 2) . ). . . , - ү , , ү , , , . 355–356). ( , - .[ . « , - , . ». 2. : , . . , - ( »[ ). , . 335]. 42 - Ч . ( ) - ( , , . (1) ə ə ). - – - ү өя ( . « , ү ) [ »]. – « ə, », . ( 1. 3 – . ., . .). ү ə ə ү (2) , ө , — ө ə , ə ( . )[ ]. – , , , , ( « »[ ) ]: : - ; ) : ; ) : ү . ( ( ə җ ( . : – - (3) ə .– ү .– . я ə ə ( . , - – ), ү – ( – , ( ), , ]. – , - , , . , .: ( ) ( 1). ү , - ү ( ə , ( , – ү – , , - , ү . .) . – ) - , ( - . , ). 4. ү ( ү ( !– )[ ү , : – ү , ə , , - – ү , ə ə һə , , – ), ), ү , ү ( ə ү – ү – ү – ( ), ), ү ə . , , : , ə Ч ү ( ө ү - . 3. ү и ң ң , ə , : , ү - , . – ə , ң җ ə ]. – )[ . , – : һə (4) / , : ү ү - , , ə . ), , ( ү , , , , , ө ( - , . - , ү ң ө , җ - 2. )- Ы . - ), ү – ү (Ч ( – ), – ү ) , .[ ]). 1. ], [ : ү - ( ) !). 43 Ь , : - , , 2. . . , ‘ ү - ү Э ’ – - ; ‘ ə ‘ ’ – - ’. - . : ( , , , , 3- ). ү , - . , 3. » , « , - , , , , , - : , ( , , , . Ч « , - ). ү 2. - , , - Ы : , - » [ - , . 352]. ө - , ) - Ы, - Ы - Ы, -- Ы : , ); ,- Ы, - ,- ө ’ ө ’( ө ’( - ( - Ы ( . ); ү ’; ’; ’; ’; ’ . . - . , ,- Ы– –‘ –‘ –‘ –‘ –‘ - , - Ы, - Ы - Ы - Ы , - ү : ( ) ү ə , ү ү : ү ү . ү . - - - - - – ‘ - - ə - - .) .) – ‘ / / - – ‘ - - Ы ). - , , . 4.1. ү 1. : ң» ү (5) ң ), ( « (6) - ), ң ‘ ү ң‘ ң‘ ү )[ ]. – . ү ’– - ’; , ’– ’; ‘ ) , 3. ‘ и - ( . , .: ө , ң». . ү ə ə ( . « ( ə [ »]. – , ə җ - : (7) ’– - ( . . ; (8) 44 ң ə ə ө ə )[ ө ң , ə ]. – ү ң Ч )[ ( . . ]. –Э , - ө , . (7, 8) ; ү , - (9) - ү – ‘ – ө ə ə – ү ’; ’; ‘ ‘ / ’. - . ( - ), , (10): əү җ ң ң ]. – (10) ө и ( . (9) [ ə )[ . ) ( - ., , [ , ү ү , - - , , ( ) .: ү ə үə ’. ү / ə‘ ’( ‘ ); ү - ‘ ү , . : ы- ’– ’ – . , 64–72]). , , ‘ - ө ]. – . ү 4 ( . . 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(In Russian) The article was submitted on 04.02.2016 04.02.2016 46 Ч А . , , , « 420111, » , , 20 Bauman Str., Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation , 20 , , , 420008, , , , 18 Galieva Alfiya Makarimovna, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Applied Semiotics of the Academy of Sciences of RT, Zamaletdinov Radif Rifkatovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation. 47