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READING THE STONE In the framework of the activity “The Unseen Museum” an artifact from the non displayed material of the Heraklion Archaeological Museum is presented to the public for the fisrt time. Leaflet (attached file .pdf) and video ( ΔΙΑΒΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΠΕΤΡΑ Στο πλαίσιο της δράσης «Αθέατο Μουσείο» παρουσιάζεται ένα τέχνεργο από το εκθεσιακά αναξιοποίητο υλικό του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Ηρακλείου. Φυλλάδιο (συνημμένο .pdf) και βίντεο (
This paper discusses the fact that capitalism has no purpose other than property and profit and compares this with the cosmic-human purpose found in the world's great religions as well as the cosmic purposes uncovered by contemporary scientific holism. It shows how the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, even without stating so, embodies the highest cosmic-human purposes.
Este capítulo explora herramientas teórico-conceptuales para dar cuenta de cómo los móviles contribuyen a configurar subjetividades y modos de dependencia, al tiempo que dan forma a percepciones, prácticas y expectativas que marcan lo que es ser una pareja y estar en pareja. Así la noción de remediación (Bolter y Grusin, 1999), con su lógica de hipermediación y transparencia, resulta útil para entender no solo el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas mediáticos contemporáneos, sino también las lógicas comunicativas y relacionales de las parejas, caracterizadas también por una multiplicación de mediaciones y una aspiración a la transparencia que se presenta y se experimenta como obligación.
Varias imágenes me vinieron a la mente cuando estaba pensando escribir este miniensayo. Abandoné rápidamente la idea de intentar escribir algo que pudiera "iluminar" alguna cuestión política, social, cultural o económica del país, desde el pedestal de los intelectuales. Por ese motivo, de la concepción prometeica del género pasé directamente a la antorcha. La idea de una escritura que ardiera ya me había parecido
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), is a member of poaceae family. It is a medicinal plant with compounds capable of controlling pathogens and increasing herbal resistance to pathogenic diseases. Lemongrass is widely used in the herbal teas and other non-alcoholic beverages in baked food, and also in the confections. Essential oil from the lemongrass is commonly used as a fragrance in the perfumes and cosmetics, such as creams and soaps. Lemon grass essential oil is comprised of a high content of citral, which is used as a source for the production of beta carotene and vitamin A etc. Hence, due to the presence of various chemical constituents present in lemon grass oil, it uses in different pharmaceutical industries for its anti-depressant, analgesic, antipyretic, bactericidal, anti-septic, carminative and astringent properties.
Alain Locke, “The Gospel for the Twentieth Century” (archival digital scan, Howard University). Source: [untitled essay], Alain Locke Papers, MSRC, Box 164-143, Folder 3 (Writings by Locke—Notes. Christianity, spirituality, religion). Permission to post on Academia granted February 25, 2019, courtesy of: Meaghan Alston Prints and Photographs Librarian Moorland-Spingarn Research Center Howard University Text edited and published in 2005: “Alain Locke in His Own Words: Three Essays.” Edited and annotated by Christopher Buck and Betty J. Fisher. World Order 36.3 (2005): 37–48. [Features four previously unpublished works by Alain Locke: “The Moon Maiden” (37); “The Gospel for the Twentieth Century” (39–42); “Peace between Black and White in the United States” (42–45); and “Five Phases of Democracy” (45–48).] See also: Christopher Buck, “Alain Locke: Race Leader, Social Philosopher, Baha’i Pluralist.” Special Issue: “Alain Locke: Dean of the Harlem Renaissance and Baha’i Race-Amity Leader.” World Order 36.3 (2005): 7–36. Winner of the 2006 DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Award of Excellence: Class B. Periodicals—Single Issue, Magazine, National (B-1), for excellence in religion communications and public relations. Awarded to: (1) Dr. Betty J. Fisher, Editor; (2) World Order magazine; and (3) the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States. See Excerpts: First paragraph: The gospel for the Twentieth Century rises out of the heart of its greatest problems, and few who are spiritually enlightened doubt the nature of that problem. The clashing ominous [t?]est of issues of the practical world of today, the issues of race, sect, class and nationality, all have one basic spiritual origin, and for that reason, we hope and believe one basic cure. Too long have we tried to patch these issues up and balm them over; [sic] instead of going to the heart and seat of the trouble in the limited and limiting conceptions of humanity which are alone, like a poisonous virus circulating through our whole social system, responsible for them. A change of condition will not remedy or more than temporarily ameliorate our chronic social antagonisms; only a widespread almost universal change of social heart, a new spirit of human attitudes, can achieve the social redemption that must eventually come. The finest and most practical idea of Christianity, the idea of the millenium [sic], of peace on earth, has been allowed to lapse as an illusion of the primitive Christian mind, as a mystic’s mirage of another world. And as a consequence the Brotherhood of Man, taken as a negligible corollary of the fatherhood of God, has if anything in practical effect put the truth of its own basic proposition to doubtful uncertainty. The redemption of society, social salvation, should have been sought after first, the pragmatic test and proof of the fatherhood of God is afterall [sic] whether belief in it can realize the unity of mankind; and so the brotherhood of man, as it has been inspirationally expressed, [sic] the “oneness of humanity”, [sic] must be in our day realized or religion die out gradually into ever-increasing materiality. The salvation we have sought after as individuals in an after-life and another sphere must be striven for as the practical peace and unity of the human family here in this [world]. In some very vital respects God will be rediscovered to our age if we succeed in discovering the common denominator of humanity and living in terms of it and valuing all things in accordance with it. … Last paragraph: We must begin working out the new era courageously, but it must be a revolution within the soul. How many external wars and revolutions it will make unnecessary, if it is only possible! And we must begin heroically with the great apparent irreconcilables; the East and the West, the black man and the self-arrogating Anglo-Saxon, for unless these are reconciled, the salvation of society in this world cannot be. If the world had believingly understood the full significance of Him who taught it to pray and hope “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven” who also said “In my Father's house are many mansions”, already we should be further toward the realization of this great millenial [sic] vision. The word of God is still insistent, and more emphatic as the human redemption delays and becomes more crucial, and we have what Dr. Elsemont [Esslemont] rightly calls Bahá’u’lláh's “one great trumpet-call to humanity”: “That all nations shall become one in faith, and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men should be strengthened; that diversity of religion should cease, and differences of race be annulled … These strifes and this bloodshed and discord must cease, and all men be as one kindred and family.[”]
North American Archaeologist, 2000
Recent test excavations at Jungle Prado, a late prehistoric and protohistoric (ca. A.D. 1200-1700), Safety Harbor culture, shell mound and midden complex on the Gulf coast of Florida, resulted in the recovery of numerous stone artifacts and waste debris from their manufacture and maintenance. Use-wear analysis of a large assemblage of microliths recovered from archaeological contexts dated at cal. A.D. 1300-1450, indicates that these specialized tools were used predominantly to drill shell and bone, and perhaps to manufacture beads and drilled shark teeth. The stratigraphic and spatial isolation of this assemblage within the site suggests that it may represent the presence of craft specialists. The possible presence of craft production at Jungle Prado has important implications for the study of emergent Safety Harbor political economy.
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