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Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau, tersebar dari Sabang hingga ke Merauke. Sejumlah besar (lebih dari 10.000 buah) dari pulau-pulau tersebut adalah merupakan pulaupulau berukuran kecil. memiliki keanekaragaman tumbuhan, hewan jasad renik yang tinggi. Hal ini terjadi karena keadaan alam yang berbeda dari satu pulau ke pulau lainnya, bahkan dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya dalam pulau yang sama. Sistem perpaduan antara sumber daya hayati dan tempat hidupnya yang khas itu, menumbuhkan berbagai ekosistem, yang masingmasing menampilkan kekhususan pula dalam kehidupan jenis-jenis yang terdapat didalamnya.
Evangelical Review of Theology, 2023
Evangelical Review of Theology 47, no. 4 (2023): 303–306 Is African Christianity theologically shallow? It is not, thanks in part to the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology. In this article, two ASET leaders describe the organization’s vision and accomplishments and encourage theologians everywhere to engage with the exciting work emerging from Africa. link to entire issue:
Greek and Roman Festivals: Content, Meaning, and Practice J. Rasmus Brandt and Jon W. Iddeng, 2012
This chapter explores, within the festival of Zeus at Olympia, the role and function of the hero Pelops in a diachronic perspective, using archaeology to throw light on the written sources. The changes in the cult of Pelops, both in form and function, can be connected with the developments of the sanctuary, the festival and the games, but also with the role of heroes within Greek religion. Thus Pelops, being the principal hero of the festival in Archaic times, in the Classical period became the national hero of the city of Elis. In Roman times funerary traits of the Pelops cult became more pronounced, as also observed in other contemporary Greek hero cults. Participation in his cult caused pollution and Pelops must now have become more separated from Zeus. This ritual antagonism between Pelops and Zeus, often claimed as an original feature of the festival, is rather a Roman elaboration.
O presente trabalho se propõe a demonstrar a relação entre o preconceito contra o pobre e a crise democrática. Deste modo demonstra a pobreza como cerne estrutural de um projeto de poder neoliberal que a naturaliza por interesses políticos contrários aos direitos e garantias fundamentais e consequentemente a Democracia. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi de cunho bibliográfico, delimitando o campo de estudo para a realidade atual do Brasil, no intuito de apresentar possíveis soluções para que a desigualdade alimentada por esse preconceito invisível possa ser assimilada, analisada e erradicada, como solução para a atual “crise” Democrática.
The purpose of this study was to determine the nature of talk that surrounds the literacy events of read aloud, guided reading, and literature discussion in an early childhood literacy program. This research describes how teachers promote and sustain talk, and describes the characteristics of student talk in each event. Examining the broad themes of talk that emerged provided a window into students' thinking and meaning making in these pedagogical strategies. This naturalistic, qualitative inquiry borrowed from two research traditions: case study and grounded theory. Five kindergarten students were audio-taped for three months as they participated in whole class read aloud, small group guided reading, and small group literature discussion. Transcriptions of talk, interviews, and field notes were analyzed to uncover the interactions between students and teachers, the content of talk, and the meanings students created. Analysis included open and selective coding and constant comparative analysis to reach data saturation. Data were further scrutinized through the lenses of conversation and discourse analysis. Research findings suggest that each literacy event helped nurture behaviors and knowledge necessary for developing readers. In guided reading the teacher dominated the talk, focusing on reading skills and strategies. In the read aloud and literature discussion group, the students had more influence over the direction of the conversation, v and generated comments and questions, expressing their understanding of the text, ideas, and opinions. During the course of the three month study, students in the literature discussion group demonstrated they were capable of sophisticated conversations, at times edging into critical literacy. The teacher played a crucial role in fostering student's thinking in all events through her choice of text, the type of questions she asked, and how long she paused for student talk. The overarching implication of this study is that the literacy task, as defined by the teacher, determines the kind of language she uses. This in turn, impacts the language and learning of her students. Further discussion addresses implications about the role of talk about text in emergent literacy programs. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS
Journal of Community Psychology, 2008
Heritage education: Cittadinanza e inclusione I, 2024
Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, 2019
Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social
Molecular Pharmacology, 2005
Journal of Big Data, 2023
Revista medico-chirurgicală̆ a Societă̆ţ̜ii de Medici ş̧i Naturaliş̧ti din Iaş̧i
Biomacromolecules, 2017
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi