AI-generated Abstract

The Airline Reservation System is a standalone application built on the .NET Framework, designed to operate on Windows 7. It offers users the ability to book, modify, and cancel flight reservations, as well as manage motel bookings and tour packages. Key features include user authentication for secure transactions, capabilities for administrators to manage customer and flight information, and a detailed use case diagram to delineate the system's functionality. The application prioritizes user experience by ensuring all necessary steps must be completed for successful flight bookings.

Software Requirements Specification for <AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM> Version 1.0 approved Prepared by: Arslan Azhar(026), Umair Raza(044), A R Arslan(061), M Usman(112) <ARSL PRODUCTION> <05-10-2016> Table of Contents Revision History Name Date Reason For Changes Version Umair Raza 21-10-2016 First Revision V0.1 Arslan Masih 25-10-2016 Final Revision V1.0 Introduction Purpose : The main purpose of this document is to list the requirements of the Airline Reservation System project. This document will be subject to change, if more requirements are added to the project. This document is mainly prepared to set stage for the design phase of the project. The document being prepared is the first version of vision document for the Airline Reservation System project. C#.NET is a new technology which is being used a lot in the IT field. My interest to learn this new technology has prompted me to take up this project. Document Conventions: All system development activities should follow the final version of this document. Any discrepancy that found during in later phases should be modified subject to SRS. However, this document may be subject to change dependent on the decision of the group members. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions: Reading sequence Introduction Overall description External interference Requirement System Features Other Non Functional Requirements Other Requirements Product Scope: The name of the software is “AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM”.This software provides options for viewing different flights available with different Timmings for a particular Date and provides customers with the facility to book a Ticket,Modify or Cancel a particular Reservation but it does not provide the customers with the details of cost of the ticket and it does not allow the customers to modify a particular part of his reservation and he can modify all his details. References: Some of the references used for preparing the vision document include: 1. 2. 3. IEEE document for Software Requirements Specifications 4. MS VISIO 2007 is used to generate the use case diagrams 5. Wikipedia . Overall Description Product Perspective: The Airline Reservation System project uses the Net FrameWork and is completely independent. The project itself is a bigger product and does not need to be introduced into a larger system. The application would be running on a Windows 7 ultimate Operating system. Product Functions: The major functions include Providing flight details Flight bookings for a particular destination, date and time and also providing with a pin code. Allowing the customer to modify or cancel his reservation provided the correct pin code is given. Displaying a report of the number of people flying in a particular flights. User Classes and Characteristics: There are two kinds of users for the Airline Reservation System. One is the customer and the other is the administrator. The customers do not need to have any training to use the application. However, instructions for making flight and reservations would be provided to them on the airline website. The administrators would however need to be trained in order to use the application. They may wish to update/add/delete any information in online reservation database . They may need to create and manage temporary views of fetched records from the databases of airlines . Operating Environment: Airline Reservation System should be accessed using any popular versions of the following Web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Design and Implementation Constraints: The system database design will be based ER modeling which will in turn transfer to database schema formulated using SQL DDL statements. All HTML code should conform to the HTML 4.0 standard. User Documentation: The document is prepared using Microsoft Word 2007 and has used the font type “ARIAL”.The fixed font size that has been used to type this document in 11pt.It has used the bold property to set the headings of the document.Standard IEEE template is the template used to organize the appearance of the document and its flow. Final release will be accompanied with a user guide to inform new users how to use Airline Reservation System. The system will be designed as user friendly as possible. Assumptions and Dependencies: Users of Airline Reservation System are assumed to have a computer with internet access. Credit and debit card authorization services are assumed to be available. Airline Reservation System has collaboration with every airline’s databases thus it must be able to communicate with these systems. Also it has to obey airline’s business rules. Only domestic flights are supported. External Interface Requirements User Interfaces: There are two types of users for the Airline Reservation System project. One is the customer and the other is the administrator. Both the customer and administrator user interface would be a graphical user interface. The graphical user interface for the customer home page would be as follows: The Graphical User Interface would mainly consist of Hyperlinks, Data entry fields like the E-mail Id field, push down buttons like the Login button etc. The administrator of the website would also have a similar Graphical User Interface. After an administrator logs onto the system, the home page for the administrator would be as follow. Hardware Interfaces: No hardware interface specified for Airline Reservation System. Software Interfaces: The application should run on a Windows 7 Ultimate Operating System. Since the application needs a database to store all the customer details, airline, motel and package information. Visual Studio would be used for creating the application. All the coding will be done in C. Communications Interfaces Airline reservation System should send an e-mail message to the user to confirm the acceptance of acceptance of reservation. Airline Reservation System is a Web-database system, all kinds of user-system interaction is presented by user-side web browser. So the communication standard is HTTP protocol. System Features: The search feature allows the user to search for an airline flight on a variety of dimensions. System Feature 1 1:Description and Priority: This Feature allows users to book a reservation for a trip. User will be able to specify the Flight Class which will be with respect to the flight chosen. [Priority = Low] The user will be able to choose from a listing of available seats. [Priority = Low] The system shall accept reservations for 1 person per flight and seat number. [Priority = High] The user must complete all the necessary steps to book the flight for the seat reservation to be guaranteed. [Priority = High] The user must specify a valid e-mail address when booking a flight. [Priority = High] Users may only book flights within the United States. [Priority = High] All times displayed are expressed in local time, specific to the location. [Priority = High] The user will only be able to book flight within one year of the present date. (Cutoff time may be applied) [Priority = High] After booking, the user may cancel/modify their flight. [Priority = Low] 2:Stimulus/Response Sequences: Reservation Use case Use Case ID: 1 Use Case Name: Place reservation Created By: Arsl Last Updated By: Arsl Date Created: 06/08/2016 Date Last Updated: 05/10/2016 Actors: Customer Description: A customer accesses from the Internet, optionally search for specific ticket/flight information of interest, selects ticket(s), and places reservation. Preconditions: None Post conditions: 1. Database of available tickets is updated to reflect items in this order. 2. Remaining tickets number is updated. Normal Flow: 1.0 Order a Single Ticket 1. Customer uses the web interface to enter a certain query to view flight information for a specified interest. 2. System displays available flight information satisfied the query. 3. Customer selects one or more items from page. Customer can also click on a particular ticket to see the detailed information. 4. System displays reservation with detailed price information including all taxes. 5. Customer confirms reservation or requests to modify reservation (back to step 3). 6. Customer specifies payment method. 7. Customer indicates that reservation is complete. 8. System confirms acceptance of the order. 9. System sends Customer an e-mail confirming order details, price, and additional links to access the ticket details or for potential modification. 10. System stores order in database, and updates available ticket information. Functional Requirements: The functional requirements of the Airline Reservation System are divided among the customer and the administrator of the application. These functional requirements, 1: Use Case name: User Registration • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user registers with the application by providing all the necessary details, in order to make reservations or bookings for flights, models, special packages. • Actor: User or the Customer • Input: The user or the customer will have to provide all the necessary details present in the customer registration form of the application. • Output: All the details entered in the customer registration page will be verified and accepted by the system into the database. 2:Use Case name: User Login • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user logs into the application, with the username and password he has provided while registering with the system. • Actor: User or the Customer • Input: The user or the customer creates a username and password at the time of registering with the system. He then uses them to logon to the system and make reservations or view any informationuirements can be explained in detail as follows: • Output: The application then verifies the authenticity of the username and password that the customer has provided and allows the user to view the information available on the system, if the username and password are valid. 3: Use Case name: Contact the company • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user contacts the company for any information. • Actor: User or the Customer • Input: The customer can contact the airline company, requesting them for any information he needs. • Output: The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password that the customer has provided and allows the user to view the contact information for the company. 4: User Case name: Booking Instructions • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user views the instructions for booking flights, packages, or motels. • Actor: User or the Customer • Input: After the customer logs onto the application with his username and password, he can look up the instructions posted on the website for booking flights, packages or motels. • Output: The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password and displays the how to book instructions page. 5: Use Case name: Book Flights • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user books airline tickets. • Actor: User or the Customer • Input: After logging into the application, the customer looks up the information related to various airlines and checks the availability of seats on flights. If he finds that there are any available tickets, he then purchases them. • Output: The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password and then displays information related to various flights to the customer. 6: Use Case name: Book Motel • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user books motels at the time of airline ticket reservation • Actor: Customer or the user • Input: After logging onto the application, the customer looks up the information for all the available motels at his destination. • Output: The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password and then displays information pertaining to various motels at the customer’s destination. 7 :Use Case name: Booking Packages • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user books different touring packages at the airline ticket reservation • Actor: Customer or the user • Input: The customer looks up information regarding various touring packages available at his destination at the time of airline reservation system. • Output: The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password of the customer and then displays information of various touring packages available at customer’s choice of place. 8 :Use Case name: Login/Logout • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator of the application, logs into the system and logs out after the work is done. • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator of the website logs into the application with the username and password provided to him. • Output: The application verifies the authenticity and displays the home page of the administrator. 9: Use Case name: Add/Delete or Modify Customer information • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator adds, deletes or modifies customer information in the system database • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator of the applications logs onto the system with his username and password. • Output: The application authenticates the administrator, and then displays the page where the administrator can add new customers to the database, or delete existing customers or modify details of customers in the database. 10 :Use Case name: Add/Delete or Modify flight information • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator adds, deletes or modifies flight information in the application database • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator logs onto the system with the username and password provided to him. • Output: The application authenticates the administrator, by verifying the username and password. Then the application displays the page where the administrator can add new flights to the database, delete the flights that have been cancelled or modify information for the flights. 11: Use Case name: Cancellation of Reservations • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator handles the cancellation of reservations by the customers. • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator logs onto the system with the given username and password • Output: The application authenticates the administrator and then displays the page where the administrator looks up the id of the customer who has requested cancellation of reservation. After canceling the reservation, the administrator then sends a confirmation e-mail to the customer. 12: Use Case name: E-mail confirmations • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator sends e-mail confirmations to the customers of the application. • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator logs onto the application with the username and password provided. • Output: The application then authenticates the administrator and displays the page where the administrator can send e-mail confirmations to the customer. These e-mail confirmations may be sent in cases where the customer has cancelled a reservation or changed the personal information available on the website 13 :Use Case name: Modifying details of webpage • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator logs onto the application to modify the details of the airline website • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator logs onto the application with the username and password provided to him • Output: After verifying the username and password of the administrator, the application then allows the administrator to login. The administrator can then browse through the website and change the details of any webpage in the Airline Reservation system application. 14: Use Case name: Add/Delete or Modify Motel information • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator adds, deletes or modifies motel information in the database. • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator logs onto the system with the username and password provided to him. • Output: The application authenticates the administrator, by verifying the username and password. Then the application displays the page where the administrator can add new motels to the database, delete a specific motel from the list of motels, since there are no more available rooms there. He can even update the price per room of each motel. To make it easier, the administrator might assign a unique id for each hotel. 15 :Use Case name: Add/Delete or Modify package information • Description: This use case describes the scenario where the administrator adds, deletes or modifies package information in the application database • Actor: Administrator • Input: The administrator logs onto the system with the username and password provided to him. • Output: The application authenticates the administrator, by verifying the username and password. Then the application displays the page where the administrator can add new packages to the database, delete the packages that are no longer available or modify information for any particular package. Other Non-functional Requirements Performance Requirements: The Airline Reservation System application should be able to respond to the queries submitted by the customer without much delay. When a user searches for a flight leaving from a particular place to another place, the application should not take much time to return the results, similarly for the motel and package information. Considering that the application is of moderate size, it should be able to display 10 results at a time on each page, when the customer looks up for any particular data. Since the Airline Reservation. websites have much traffic, the user should also be able to logon to the system using high speed internet. Most of the requests sent to the application should be answered in less than 5 seconds. Safety Requirements: No safety requirements have been identified. Security Requirements: Users shall be required to log in to the Airline Reservation System for their own reservation information and modification with e-mail address and password. The system shall permit only authorized members who are on the list of authorized Menu Managers to do administrator’s task. The system shall permit customers to view only their own previously placed orders, not orders placed by other customers. Software Quality Attributes: Availability: The Airline system shall be available to users on the Internet 99.9% of the time between 5:00am and midnight local time and 95% of the time between midnight and 5:00am local time. And it should be available to administrators all the time. Robustness: If the connection between the user and the system is broken prior to an order being either confirmed or canceled, the online system shall enable the user to recover an incomplete reservation. Consistancy: The ticket availability in Airline system shall be updated when a transaction (more, administrator’s update operation) is finalized to ensure that the most updated information is delivery to any following queries from other customers. When administrator is updating the information, the consistency should also hold among user view. Consistency Check: system provide facility both to the user and admisintrator at different places. Reliability: The system will have redundant hardware.In the event of a website outage,support personnel will respond within 30 minutes.In the event of a less severe problem support personnel will respond within 3 hours. Maintainability: This product shall be maintained by an administrator in case of any detect.In addition any update or change that is made will be changed on server side computers without any patches required by the customer. Realism checks The system work in real life it is possible to make such a system. Other Requirements: A List of Airline including: o Pakistan International Airline o PIA o Location  City  State  zip code (If possible)  Time zone  The information about several Flights, more specifically: o Flight id o Flight number o Departure/Arrival Date/Time o Departure/Destination Airport o Seats o Total / Vacant o Seat Number o First Seats o Coach Seats. opyright © 1999 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document. Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 3 Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 10