Gli epigrammi di Apollonide. Introduzione, traduzione e commento


My PhD dissertation is an exhaustive commentary on the 31 epigrams ascribed to Apollonides. It deals with textual, literary, intertextual, historical, stylistic and metric matters. From a methodological point of view, I employed such a multiple perspective of analysis to fully understand the literariness and multiple layers of meaning of the epigrams of Apollonides. The commentary is preceded by an extended introduction, where I sum up the poetic features of Apollonides in the context of Late Hellenistic epigrammatic literature.

Gli epigrammi di Apollonide. Introduzione, traduzione e commento Phd dissertation. Full text available at My PhD dissertation is an exhaustive commentary on the 31 epigrams ascribed to Apollonides. It deals with textual, literary, intertextual, historical, stylistic and metric matters. From a methodological point of view, I employed such a multiple perspective of analysis to fully understand the literariness and multiple layers of meaning of the epigrams of Apollonides. The commentary is preceded by an extended introduction, where I sum up the poetic features of Apollonides in the context of Late Hellenistic epigrammatic literature.