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Have a break, have a Kit Kat", the familiar slogan from one of the world's leading chocolate brand, Kit Kat, a product from Nestle company. The line was created by Donald Gills, an executive at an advertising agency in London (, 2016). The Kit Kat brand was first introduced by Rowntree's,a confectionery company based in York, United Kingdom in 1935. The name Kit Kat was named after a club where a band
Reading Religion , 2024
Article, 2017
The present research intends to study the effects of the seismic soil-foundation-structure interaction (SFSI) on the dynamic response of various buildings. Two methods including direct and Cone model were studied through 3D finite element method using ABAQUS software. Cone model as an approximate method to consider the SFSI phenomenon was developed and evaluated for both high and low rise buildings. Effect of soil nonlinearity, foundation rigidity and embedment as well as friction coefficient between soil-foundation interfaces during seismic excitation are investigated. Validity and performance of both approaches are evaluated as reference graphs for Cone model and infinite boundary condition, soil nonlinearity and amplification factor for direct method. A series of calculations by DeepSoil for inverse earthquake record modification was conducted. A comparison of the two methods was carried out by root-mean-square-deviation (RMSD) tool for maximum lateral displacement and story shear forces which verifies that Cone model results have good agreement with direct method. It was concluded that Cone method is a convenient, fast and rather accurate method as an approximate way to count for soil media.
Homology is a biological sameness relation that is purported to hold in the face of changes in form, composition, and function. In spite of the centrality and importance of homology, there is no consensus on how we should understand this concept. The two leading views of homology, the genealogical and developmental accounts, have significant shortcomings. We propose a new account, the hierarchical-dependency ac- count of homology, which avoids these shortcomings. Furthermore, our account pro- vides for continuity between special, general, and serial homology.
The 10th Anniversary of the Eastern Partnership: Lessons Learnt, Current Challenges and Future Perspectives”. Conference Proceedings. Kyiv, June 7, 2019, 2019
For a long time, the so-called “New Eastern Europe” was not a point of the EU’s leadership and the leading European capitals interest. The situation has started to change since 2004, when Ukraine became a direct neighbor of the EU. The Polish-Swedish initiative received serious support from Brussels after Russian aggression in Georgia. However, the EU continued to operate in Eastern Europe taking into account Moscow's interests even over the next few years after the Eastern Partnership started. Brussels gave up on the principle “Russia first” only after the Malaysia Airlines tragedy (July 17, 2014). After that, more stringent sanctions against Russia were introduced, which, despite economic losses and resistance from some members of the EU, continue every year. On the other hand, Eastern Partnership countries, which demonstrated their readiness to deepen cooperation with Brussels, received wide and diverse support both within and beyond the framework of the initiative. At the same time, while analyzing relations in the EU ‒ Russia ‒ Eastern Partnership countries triangle, the situation should not be idealized. We are witnessing that Russia itself forms the agenda for this triangle according to the specifics of both domestic and international processes. The EU quite clearly identifies the threats from Moscow. However, there is a problem with adequate steps in response. Such a situation in which the EU does not find a proper way to respond to the challenges and threats to its interests in the Eastern Partnership region is threatening. A lack of effective mechanisms of a proper response to Moscow’s aggressive acts, and sometimes just a lack of political will for a rigid position, dampen the EU's international credibility and threaten with its transformation into foreign-policy outsider in the framework of current globalized world. At the same time, there is a threat to the states that are trying to get closer to the EU, due to the possibility of Russia acting against them according to its interests and contrary to international law and the Brussels position, and that no restrictions would prevent such steps.
Intersecciones en antropología, 2007
El estudio detenido de la producción lítica se encuentra prácticamente ausente con relación a los contextos socioculturales más tardíos del Noroeste argentino. Con la intención de mejorar el conocimiento sobre esta temática, este trabajo aborda la producción lítica a partir del análisis de información y materiales de un asentamiento del Período de Desarrollos Regionales, Molinos I, valle Calchaquí, Salta. En esta instancia se analiza el conjunto de artefactos líticos, procedentes de distintas estructuras de ese sitio, considerando determinación de materias primas, estudios tecno-morfológicos y de procedencias por análisis de activación neutrónica. A partir de ello se plantea que la producción lítica artefactual de las poblaciones tardías del valle Calchaquí fue una producción a nivel doméstico y dirigida a la satisfacción de las necesidades cotidianas.
The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 2018
Sedentary lifestyle has been done by many workers either in the workplace, home, even on transportation. High sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome among workers that cause of metabolic diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, and Stroke. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2005, the metabolic syndrome is characterized by abdominal obesity plus at least 2 other positive components consisting of hypertriglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. This study is a cross sectional study to determine relationship of sedentary lifestyle with metabolic syndrome. 66 workers of 113 workers who performed Medical Check Up (MCU) at Prima Medika Laboratory Surabaya during November-December 2017 became a sample of this study. Sampling method was simple random sampling. The independent variables in this study were age, sex, and sedentary lifestyle. The dependent variable was metabolic syndrome. This study used Chi-square analysis to assess the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. The results showed the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among workers was 43.9%. Of the 29 workers with metabolic syndrome, 26 workers had a sedentary lifestyle ≥ 6 hours per day with a median was 9.11 hours per day. There was a correlation between sedentary lifestyle ≥ 6 hours per day with metabolic syndrome (p = 0.000), whereas showed no association with metabolic syndrome between age (p = 0.058) and sex (p = 0.168). The conclusions of this study were sedentary ≥ 6 hours per day associated with metabolic syndrome among workers. Workers should reduce sedentary lifestyle by stretching, avoiding sitting too long while working, and increasing physical activity in the workplace. ABSTRAK Perilaku sedentari banyak dilakukan oleh pekerja baik di tempat kerja, di rumah, bahkan di perjalanan atau transportasi. Tingginya perilaku sedentari menjadi faktor risiko sindrom metabolik pada pekerja yang merupakan salah satu penyebab penyakit metabolik seperti Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK), diabetes melitus tipe 2, dan Stroke. Berdasarkan International Diabetes Federation (IDF) tahun 2005 sindrom metabolik ditandai dengan adanya obesitas sentral ditambah minimal 2 komponen positif lain yang terdiri dari hipertrigliserida, kolesterol HDL rendah, hipertensi, dan hiperglikemia. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 66 pekerja dari total populasi sebanyak 113 pekerja yang melakukan Medical Check Up (MCU) di Laboratorium Prima Medika Surabaya pada Bulan November-Desember 2017. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara simple random sampling. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, dan perilaku sedentari. Variabel terikatnya adalah sindrom metabolik. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Chi-square untuk menilai hubungan antara variabel independen dan variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi sindrom metabolik pada pekerja sebesar 43,9%. Dari 29 pekerja yang mengalami sindrom metabolik, sebanyak 26 pekerja memiliki perilaku sedentari kurang dari 6 jam per hari dengan rata-rata perilaku sedentari 9, 11 jam per hari. Terdapat hubungan antara perilaku sedentari dengan sindrom metabolik (p = 0,000), sedangkan antara usia (p = 0,058) dan jenis kelamin (p = 0,168) menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan dengan sindrom metabolik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perilaku sedentari lebih dari sama dengan 6 jam/ hari berhubungan dengan sindrom metabolik pada pekerja. Pekerja hendaknya mengurangi perilaku sedentari dengan melakukan peregangan, menghindari duduk terlalu lama saat bekerja, dan memperbanyak aktivitas fisik di tempat kerja. Kata kunci : obesitas sentral, pekerja, perilaku sedentari, sindrom metabolic
Forthcomming en Principia, 2024
Revista De Derecho Penal Y Criminologia, 2009
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2023
The Journal of Korean Evangelical Missiological Society, 2019
The Late Antique and Medieval Social Network: a Round Table, 2020
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Ciencias Económicas, 2011
Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Journal of English and Education, 2014
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal, 2020
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2021