Cooperative Adaptive Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive
Radio Networks
Haythem Bany Salameh
Marwan Krunz
Dept. of Telecomm. Eng.
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
Yarmouk Univ., Irbid, Jordan
Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Email: haythem@ece.arizona.edu
Email: krunz@ece.arizona.edu
Abstract— The cognitive radio (CR) paradigm calls for open
spectrum access according to a predetermined etiquette. Under
this paradigm, CR nodes access the spectrum opportunistically by
continuously monitoring the operating channels. A key challenge
in this domain is how the nodes in a CR network (CRN)
cooperate to access the medium in order to maximize the CRN
throughput. Typical multi-channel MAC protocols assume that
frequency channels are adjacent and that there are no constraints
on the transmission power. However, a CRN may operate over a
wide range of frequencies, and a power mask is often enforced
on the transmission of a CR user to avoid corrupting the
transmissions of spectrum-licensed primary-radio (PR) users. To
avoid unnecessary blocking of CR transmissions, we propose a
novel distance-dependent MAC protocol for CRNs. Our protocol,
called DDMAC, attempts to maximize the CRN throughput. It
uses a novel probabilistic channel assignment mechanism that
exploits the dependence between the signal’s attenuation model
and the transmission distance while considering the traffic profile.
DDMAC allows a pair of CR users to communicate on a channel
that may not be optimal from one user’s perspective, but that
allows more concurrent transmissions to take place, especially
under moderate and high traffic loads. Simulation results indicate
that compared to typical multi-channel CSMA-based protocols,
DDMAC reduces the blocking rate of CR requests by up to 30%,
which consequently improves the network throughput.
Index Terms— Cognitive radio networks, spectrum access,
distance-awareness, traffic-awareness, MAC protocols.
Spectrum measurements by FCC and other organizations
(e.g., XG DARPA initiative) indicate significant temporal and
geographical variations in the utilization of the licensed spectrum, ranging from 15% to 85% [1]. These measurements
motivated the need for a new technology that improves spectrum utilization without degrading the performance of licensed
primary radio networks (PRNs). To cope with the rising demand
in unlicensed wireless services, cognitive radio (CR) technology
has been proposed. This technology allows an open access to
the spectrum subject to a predetermined etiquette. In a cognitive
radio network (CRN), users are aware of the radio frequencies
used by existing legacy networks, and they opportunistically
adapt their communication parameters to be able to communicate without affecting active PR users.
A CRN has unique characteristics that distinguish it from
traditional multi-channel wireless networks. Unlike traditional wireless networks, which typically occupy contiguous
bands [2]–[4], a CRN is expected to operate over a set of
widely-separated non-contiguous frequency bands. Communication on such bands exhibits different RF attenuation and
interference behaviors. It is well known that signal attenuation
An abridged version of this paper was presented at the IEEE SECON’08 Conference, June 2008. This research was supported in part by NSF (under grants
CNS-0721935, CNS-0627118, CNS-0325979, and CNS-0313234), Raytheon,
and Connection One (an I/UCRC NSF/industry/university consortium).
Ossama Younis
Applied Research, Telcordia Techn., Inc.
Piscataway, NJ
Email: oyounis@research.telcordia.com
increases with the distance between the two communicating
users and also with the carrier frequency used for communication [5]. Therefore, when assigning transmission channels in a
CRN, it is necessary to consider the signal attenuation model
and the interference conditions to improve spectrum utilization.
Another characteristic of a CRN is that users must operate using
a relatively low transmission power (i.e., abide by a power
mask) to avoid degrading the performance of the PR users [4].
These peculiar characteristics call for new MAC protocols that
efficiently utilize the available spectrum while improving the
overall network throughput.
A. Motivation
Channel assignment mechanisms in traditional multi-channel
wireless networks typically select the “best” channel, or set
of channels, for a given transmission (e.g., [3], [6], [7]). In
these mechanisms, the best channel is often defined as the
one that supports the highest rate. We refer to this approach
as the best multi-channel (BMC) approach. When the BMC
approach is employed in a CRN, the blocking probability for
CR transmissions, defined as the percentage of CR packet
requests that are blocked due to the unavailability of a feasible
channel assignment, can increase, leading to a reduction in the
network throughput. To illustrate, consider an environment in
which two PRNs and one CRN coexist. PRN 1 operates over
a low-frequency band (CH1), while PRN 2 operates over a
high-frequency band (CH2). Suppose that PRN 2 introduces
a higher average PR-to-CR interference. Consequently, a CR
receiver experiences a higher average signal-to-interferenceplus-noise ratio (SINR) over CH1 than over CH2. Assume
that two CR users A and C need to send data to CR users B and
D, respectively (see Figure 1). Also assume that the distance
between A and B (dAB ) is less than that between C and D
(dCD ). Figure 1(a) shows that when the CR users employ the
BMC approach, the transmission A → B uses CH1, whereas
the transmission C → D uses CH2. A → B is allowed
to proceed because it operates over a low carrier-frequency
channel with low PR-to-CR interference for a short transmission distance. On the other hand, C → D requires relatively
higher transmission power to overcome the high attenuation
associated with the high-frequency/high-interference channel
and the long transmission distance. If the required transmission
power exceeds the specified power mask, C → D cannot
proceed. However, both A → B and C → D have much better
chances of proceeding simultaneously if each CR transmitter
selects channels while keeping in mind the constraining power
mask of the other transmitter (Figure 1(b)).
As a numerical example, assume that PRN 1 and PRN 2
operate in the 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz bands, respectively.
Assume that dAB = 10 meters and dCD = 50 meters. Also
assume that a CR transmission is successful if the received
SINR over the selected channel is greater than the SINR
threshold. For both channels, we set the SINR threshold and the
interference mask to 5 dB and 60 mW, respectively. Assume
that CR receivers B and D experience the same level of total
interference over both channels (0.05 µW). Given the above
parameters and using the propagation model in [8] with path
loss exponent of 2, the required transmit powers over CH1
and CH2 for A → B are 2.2 mW and 16 mW, respectively.
For C → D, these powers are 56.18 mW and 399.5 mW.
According to the BMC scheme (Figure 1(a)), A → B can
proceed over CH1 (the power mask is not violated), whereas
C → D cannot proceed over CH2 (the required transmit power
exceeds the power mask). On the other hand, if A → B uses
CH2 and C → D uses CH1, both transmissions can proceed
simultaneously (Figure 1(b)).
CH 2
CH 1
CH 1
(a) BMC channel assignment
CH 2
(b) Distance-dependent channel assignment
Fig. 1.
Scenarios in which two CR transmissions can/cannot proceed
It is worth mentioning that in a given (one-hop) neighborhood, the optimal channel assignment that maximizes the
number of simultaneous CR transmissions can be formulated
as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem [9], [10].
Since computing the optimal solution for the ILP problem
grows exponentially with the size of the network [9], heuristic
algorithms with suboptimal performance are needed. Such
algorithms should attempt to compute channel assignment with
reasonable computational/communication overhead.
B. Contributions
In this work, we develop a novel CSMA-based MAC protocol
that aims at enhancing the throughput of the CRN subject to
a power mask constraint. The proposed protocol (DDMAC)
employs an intelligent stochastic channel assignment scheme
that exploits the dependence between the RF signal attenuation
model and the transmission distance while taking into consideration the local traffic conditions. The channel assignment
scheme accounts for the interference conditions and the power
constraints at different bands. In particular, the scheme assigns
channels with lower average SINR to shorter transmission
distances, and vice versa. In addition, our scheme associates
more preferable channels to the most frequent transmission
distances and less preferable channels to the less frequent
distances. In other words, the assignment process identifies
a “preferable” channel list for each CR user. Such a list
indicates which channels are preferable to use depending on the
estimated distance between the transmitter and the receiver. We
propose two variants for the channel assignment scheme. The
first variant is suitable for offline planning of spectrum sharing
in networks with known deployment and traffic patterns. In this
case, there is no need for distance-traffic pattern prediction. The
second variant is suitable for online dynamic network operation
with unknown traffic patterns. To estimate the distance-traffic
pattern in a given neighborhood, the second variant employs a
stochastic learning technique that adapts to network dynamics
(i.e., mobility, interference conditions, and traffic conditions).
The primary advantage of our assignment scheme is that it is
based on passive learning. This is because in DDMAC, CR
users always listen to the control channel in order to overhear
control-packet exchanges, including those not destined to them.
CR users use the control information to identify the preferable
DDMAC has the following attractive features:
• It does not make any assumptions about the activity patterns of the underlying networks or about user distribution.
• It is easy to implement in practical settings and its processing overhead is small.
• It is transparent to PR users, i.e., does not require coordination with them.
• It inherently improves the fairness among CR users, compared to typical multi-channel CSMA-based protocols.
• Under low load and several available channels, DDMAC
gracefully degrades to the BMC approach.
To evaluate the performance of DDMAC, we conduct simulations over a dynamic CRN with mobile users. Our simulation
results show that by being distance- and traffic-aware, DDMAC
significantly improves network throughput while preserving
fairness. The results also indicate that compared with typical
multi-channel CSMA-based protocols, DDMAC decreases the
connection blocking rate in a CRN by up to 30%. By injecting
artificial errors into the estimated distances, our evaluation
reveals that DDMAC is robust against estimation errors.
It should be noted that selecting a preferable channel list was
also proposed in the MMAC protocol [11]. However, MMAC
does not support multiple-channel assignment (it is limited
to one channel per user). Specifically, the channel selection
criterion in MMAC is to use a channel with the lowest count
of source-destination pairs that have selected the channel. In
DDMAC, the preferable channel list per node is constructed
by accounting for the challenges associated with CRs (i.e., low
transmit power, presence of PR users, widely-separated noncontiguous available bands). Unlike DDMAC, the objective in
MMAC was not to address spectrum sharing while improving
the overall throughput, but rather to handle multi-channel
hidden terminals using a single transceiver and to balance
the channel usage over all available channels. In addition,
MMAC requires global network synchronization, which is not
a requirement in DDMAC.
C. Organization
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
gives an overview of related work. In Section III-A, we
introduce our system model and state the main assumptions.
The SINR analysis is presented in Section III-B. Section III-C
illustrates the effect of the carrier frequency and transmission
distance on the path loss. In Section IV, we formulate the
optimal channel assignment problem. Section V introduces
our proposed distance- and traffic-aware channel assignment
algorithm. Section VI describes the proposed DDMAC protocol
and outlines its benefits and associated overhead. We evaluate
DDMAC in Section VII. Finally, Section VIII gives concluding
Recently, several attempts were made to develop MAC
protocols for CRNs (e.g., [6], [12]–[16]). In [6], the authors
developed a CRN MAC protocol with a common control channel. This protocol jointly optimizes the channel/power/rate assignment, assuming a given power mask on CR transmissions.
DC-MAC [12] is a cross-layer distributed scheme for spectrum
allocation/sensing. It provides an optimization framework based
on partially observable Markov decision processes, assuming
that PR and CR users share the same slotted transmission
structure. In [13], the authors investigated continuous-time
Markov models for dynamic spectrum access in open spectrum
wireless networks. Using such models, a distributed random
access protocol is proposed to achieve airtime fairness between
dissimilar unlicensed users.
The FCC defined the interference temperature model [17],
which provides a metric for measuring the interference experienced by licensed receivers. In [14], the authors studied
the issue of spectrum sharing among a group of spreadspectrum users subject to constrains on the SINR and on the
interference temperature. In [18], the interference temperature
model was used for optimal selection of spectrum and transmission powers for CR users. In [16], the authors proposed
a decentralized channel-sharing mechanism for CRNs based
on a game-theoretic approach for both cooperative and noncooperative scenarios. In [19], the concept of a time-spectrum
block is introduced to model spectrum reservation in a CRN.
Based on this concept, the authors presented centralized and
distributed CRN protocols with a common control channel for
spectrum allocation.
The above protocols were designed without exploiting the
dependence of the number of allowable CR transmissions on
the carrier frequency and the transmission distance. They are
limited to the analytical aspects of MAC design, with no
complete operational details. To the best of our knowledge,
DDMAC is the first CRN MAC protocol that aims at improving
the CRN throughput by exploiting the dependence on the RF
signal’s attenuation model and the transmission distance while
considering the prevailing traffic and interference conditions.
Users in PRN1
Fig. 2.
Users in PRN2
Example of an opportunistic CRN that coexists with two PRNs.
A. Network Model
We consider a CRN with decentralized control (i.e., an ad hoc
network). This CRN coexists geographically with M different
PRNs. PR users are legacy radios that cannot be controlled by
the CRN. Figure 2 shows a conceptual view of the scenario
under consideration with M = 2. The PRNs are licensed to
Fig. 3.
Operating spectrum in the hybrid network.
operate over non-overlapping frequency bands. We assume that
all the PRN bands have the same bandwidth (BW ). In reality,
a PRN may occupy multiple, non-contiguous, frequency bands.
Such a PRN can be easily represented in our setup by using
multiple equal-bandwidth virtual PRNs, each operating over its
own carrier frequency. For the ith PRN, we denote its carrier
frequency by fi . As shown in Figure 3, the available bandwidth
(BW ) of a PRN is divided into L adjacent but non-overlapping
frequency channels each of Fourier bandwidth W (in Hz). Such
L channels are collectively referred to as a band. Let N denote
the total number of channels in all bands; N = LM .
Without loss of generality, we assume that BW is sufficient
to support at least one CR transmission. This is an acceptable
assumption in many wireless systems that are built to operate
in the unlicensed bands, including IEEE 802.11/a/b/g-compliant
devices. Each CR user is equipped with nt radio transceivers,
1 ≤ nt ≤ L, that can be used simultaneously. In theory, a CR
user can transmit over an arbitrary segment of the available
bandwidth by using tunable filters. In practice, however, a CR
typically implements a bank of fixed filters, each tuned to a
given carrier frequency with fixed bandwidth, allowing the CR
user to choose from a fixed number of channels. In our setup,
we assume the latter (more practical) capability, which can be
used to approximate the tunable filter scenario.
To avoid corrupting the transmissions of licensed users, a
mask is enforced on the transmission power of a CR user
over each band, i.e, Pt ≤ Pmask , i = 1, 2, . . . , M . The
determination of an appropriate power mask is an important
topic, which has been investigated under certain simplifying
assumptions (e.g., [18], [20]). The spectrum sharing protocols in [18] and [20] were designed such that the maximum
transmission powers of CR users over various bands are dynamically computed based on the PR’s interference margins
(set by the FCC) and local traffic conditions. In [20], the
authors provided a neighborhood-dependent adaptive power
mask on CR transmissions that ensures a statistical (soft)
guarantee of the outage probability of PRNs (the probability
that the total interference power at a PR receiver exceeds
the maximum tolerable interference). The authors provided
closed-form expressions for the resulting power mask. For our
purposes, we assume that a similar mechanism for determining
the power mask is in place. A CR user transmits data to
other CR users using the maximum allowable power vector
Pmask . When not transmitting, a CR user is capable of
measuring the total noise-plus-interference I (i) over all bands
i = 1, 2, . . . , M 1 . This requires a wideband sensing capability
with a narrowband resolution. The technology to support such
1 The quantity I (i) includes the PR-to-CR interference as well as the thermal
N, N
BW , W
Pt (i)
I (i)
PL (fi )
Pr (fi )
Rc , rc
ri , ri−1
di , di−1
pi (t)
ei (t)
Ωi (A), K
Φ(A, B)
Number of PRNs
Number of channels in a PRN
N is the total number of channels, N = {1, . . . , N }
Bandwidth of a band and a channel, respectively
Number of transceivers per CR user
CR transmit power
Interference power mask on channel i
Noise-plus-interference over channel i
Measured SINR over band i at receiver j
Path loss associated with band i
Received power at a CR receiver over band i
Transmitter-receiver distance
Set of all CR transmission requests in a locality
ith selected channel’s data rate for transmission j
Rate demand of the jth CR transmission
SINR threshold over channel i
Number of selected channels for the jth transmission
Mj is the set of mj selected channels for the jth transmission
Random variable represents the distance to the intended receiver
RC is the transmission region, Rc = πrc2
ith ring around a CR in static channel assignment
Radii that define Ri , i = 1, . . . M
ith ring around a CR in dynamic channel assignment
Radii that define Di
Number of non-overlapping Di rings
Observation window time
Probability of Di at time t
Weighted average of pi (t)
Forgetting factor
CR A’s preferable channel list for region i, i = 1, ..., K
Common channel list available for A → B transmission
Preferable available channels for A → B transmission
capability is readily available through a wideband antenna, a
power amplifier, adaptive filters, and a DSP technique called
cyclostationary feature detection [21], [22]. Thus, a CR user can
simultaneously sense several GHz-wide bands and estimate the
instantaneous interference over each band [22]. Alternatively, a
sequential partial sensing approach can be employed at the cost
of negligible switching/sensing overhead [21], [23]. It is worth
mentioning that off-the-shelf wireless cards can readily serve as
a fully functional wideband multi-channel CR interface. Such
an interface enables a CR user to perform analysis of the RF
spectrum (i.e., sensing) in real time.
C. Carrier Frequency and Distance Effects on Path Loss
In this section, we discuss the effect of the carrier frequency
and transmission distance on the path loss. For a given carrier
frequency f , let do (f ) be the close-in distance, i.e., the distance
from the transmitter after which the RF channel can be approximated by the free-space model; do (f ) can be determined from
measurements or can be estimated by [8]:
2Da f
do (f ) = max
, Da ,
where Da is the antenna length of the transmitter and c is the
speed of light. Let Po (f ) and Pt (f ) respectively denote the
received power at the close-in distance and the CR transmit
power. Then, Po (f ) can be estimated as follows [8]:
Po (f ) =
c2 Gt (f )Gr (f )
Pt (f )
(4πdo (f ))2 f 2
where n is the path loss exponent (typically, 2 ≤ n ≤ 6).
Note that, in practice, do (f ) is of the same order of magnitude
as the node’s dimensions. For example, for a mobile phone
operating in the 900 MHz band with Da = 5 cm, do (f ) = 33
cm. For an 802.11 WLAN card operating in the 2.4 GHz band
and the same antenna size, do (f ) = 12 cm. Accordingly, it is
reasonable to assume that the probability that d is less than
do (f ) is very small (i.e., Pr(d < do (f )) ≈ 0).
Using (2), (3), and (4), the path loss PL (f ) can be expressed
Pt (f )
PL (f ) = 10 log
= −10 ×
Pr (f )
c2 γDa
c 2Da f
f d
c o
n f
2D2 f
∀ f s.t. fc ≥ max Da , ca
log fcn dγn ,
γ(2Da )
2D f
, ∀ f s.t. ca ≥ max Da , fc
f 4−n dn
Based on the aforementioned characteristics of the CRN, the
average measured SINR (SINR) at a CR receiver at a given time
over band i is mainly determined by: (1) the path loss associated
with that band (PL (fi )); (2) the average interference over that
band (I ), which can be estimated based on the sensing history
and the spectrum occupancy statistics (e.g., using the techniques
in [12], [24]; and (3) the enforced power mask Pmask . Formally,
SINR (dB) is given by:
SINR (dB) = Pmask (dB) − PL (fi )(dB) − I
(dB). (1)
Note that in [25] and [26], it was shown that for a given CRN
and due to PRN’s activity, CR users that are far away from each
other can experience different average interference I , which
may vary with time. On the other hand, CR users in close
proximity typically share the same view of the surrounding RF
Table I summarizes the main notation used in the paper.
where Gt (f ) and Gr (f ) are the transmit and receive antenna
gains, respectively. Let Pr (f ) denote the received power at
distance d from the transmitter, d ≥ do (f ). Then,
do (f )
Pr (f ) = Po (f )
B. Analysis of the Average SINR
Gt (f )Gr (f )
Note that the dependence of PL (f ) on d (i.e., d1n ) is the same
for any given carrier frequency.
Figure 4 depicts the path loss for a wide range of carrier
frequencies and two values of n at a distance d = 1 meter.
This figure and equation (5) reveal that the signal attenuation
increases as the distance between the two communicating
users increases, and as the frequency used for communication
increases. These observations provide the motivation for our
distance-dependant channel assignment, discussed in Section V.
Our objective is to maximize the number of simultaneous CR
transmissions, and consequently the overall network throughput. Toward this end, we define the term local spectrum utilization as the total number of simultaneous CR transmissions that
can be supported in a given (one-hop) locality while meeting
a predefined power mask. Before formulating the problem, we
discuss the requirements for a successful CR transmission.
demands are available, the above ILP problem belongs to the
class of NP-hard problems [9]. In this paper, we develop a
heuristic channel assignment scheme that provides a suboptimal
solution with low complexity and good spectrum utilization.
Our heuristic exploits distance and traffic awareness. The key
idea behind it is to assign channels with low SINR to shortdistance transmissions. Also, local traffic information is used
to assign more channels to more likely transmission distances.
Path Loss (dB)
f (Hz)
x 10
Fig. 4. Path loss vs. carrier frequency for two path loss exponents (Da = 5
cm, Gt (f ) = Gr (f ) = 1).
A. CRN Transmission Requirements
Within a given neighborhood, multiple CR users may contend for access to one or more of the available channels. Let N
and J denote the set of all N channels and the set of all CR
transmission requests in the local neighborhood at a given time,
respectively. We assume that the jth CR transmission (j ∈ J )
is successful if both of the following two conditions are met:
• It is possible to find mj available channels from the set
Pmj (i)
cj ≥ Cj , where cj is the data rate of
N such that i=1
the ith selected channel and Cj is the total rate demand
for the jth CR transmission.
• Let Mj be the set of mj selected channels. Then, the
received SINR of every i ∈ Mj (SINRj ) must be greater
than the SINR threshold (µi ) that is required at the CR
receiver to achieve a target bit error rate over channel i.
B. Maximizing the Utilization of Local Spectrum
Let δj be a binary variable denoting whether or not channel
i is assigned for transmission j. Formally,
1, if channel i is assigned for transmission j
δj =
0, otherwise.
Similar to [10], [27], the problem of maximizing the total
number of simultaneous CR transmissions in a given neighborhood can be formally stated as follows:
(i) (i)
maxδ(i) ∈{0,1} j∈J 1
i∈N j
j∈J δj ≤ 1, ∀i ∈ N
i∈N δj ≤ nt , ∀j ∈ J
SINRj ≥ µ∗i , ∀j ∈ J , s.t. δj = 1
where 1[.] is the indicator function. The constraint in (9)
ensures that a channel cannot be assigned to more than one CR
transmission in the same vicinity. The constraint in (10) ensures
that at most nt channels can be assigned to a CR transmission.
For an ad hoc CRN, the above optimization problem must
run in a distributed manner at each CR user in the network.
This implies that each CR user must exchange instantaneous
SINR and rate demand information with neighboring CR users
before selecting channels, which incurs high control overhead
and delay (i.e., information may not be up-to-date). Even if
perfect knowledge of the SINR of each link and the rate
In this section, we describe our proposed channel assignment
mechanism. The assignment process identifies a “preferable”
channel list for each CR user. Such a list indicates which
channels are preferable to use depending on the estimated
distance between the transmitter and the receiver. It is worth
mentioning that many techniques for estimating the transmitterreceiver distance in wireless networks have been proposed in
the literature, including the Received Signal Strength Indicator
(RSSI), the Time of Arrival (ToA), and the Time Difference of
Arrival (TDoA) [28]. For our purposes, any of these schemes
can be used. In Section VII, we investigate the robustness
of our scheme under inaccurate distance estimation, which is
mainly caused by mobility, multi-path propagation, reflection,
and fading effects.
Two variants of the channel assignment mechanism are
proposed. The first variant is suitable for offline planning
of spectrum sharing in networks with known traffic patterns,
whereas the second variant is for online spectrum allocation in
dynamic (mobile) networks with unknown traffic patterns.
A. Spectrum Assignment for Known Traffic Profiles
Given a CR user with a packet to transmit, let r be the
estimated distance to the intended receiver; r ≤ rc , where rc
is the maximum transmission range. rc represents the largest
distance from a CR transmitter over which the transmission
at maximum power can be correctly decoded over all selected
channels in the absence of interference from other terminals
(CR or PR users). Let FR (r) = Pr{R ≤ r}. The functional
form of FR depends on both node distribution as well as the
distance traffic profile, which for now we assume to be given.
Given FR , the channel assignment process is conducted as
• The available bands are divided according to their measured SINR (given in (1))2 into M sets S1 , S2 , . . . , SM ,
where each band consists of multiple channels. The set S1
contains the frequency channels of the band that has the
highest SINR, S2 contains the next highest SINR, and so
• A CR user, say A, divides its maximum transmission
region Rc = πrc2 into M non-overlapping “rings”
R1 , . . . , RM . The ith ring contains the CR users whose
distances to A fall in (ri−1 , ri ], where i = 1, . . . , M and
0 = r0 ≤ r1 ≤ r2 ≤ . . . ≤ rM = rc . The rings are
divided such that the probability of communicating with
a CR receiver that falls within any of the M rings is the
same, i.e.,
FR (ri ) − FR (ri−1 ) =
i = 1, . . . , M.
2 Note that P ’s dependence on d is the same for all bands. Thus, for the
purpose of SINR comparison, we set d = 1 meter.
User A computes the radii ri , i = 1, . . . M , by substituting
for FR (ri ) in (12) and solving for ri .
• Finally, A constructs a preferable channel list for each
ring by assigning channels with lower SINR to shorter
transmission distances and channels with higher SINR
to longer transmission distances, i.e., assign SM to R1 ,
SM−1 to R2 , . . ., and S1 to RM .
To illustrate the idea, we consider a uniformly distributed
CRN and assume that a CR transmitter randomly chooses a
destination for its data from within Rc . Therefore, FR (r) is
given by:
( 2
rc2 , r ≤ rc .
FR (r) =
r ≥ rc
Using (12) and (13), and noting that r0 = 0, we arrive at the
following expression for ri :
ri =
rc =
+ 2
rc .
Figure 5 illustrates the non-overlapping rings around a CR
transmitter when M = 4. Within these rings, other CR and PR
users may exist. Assume rc = 100 meters. Then, r1 , . . . , r4 are
given by 50, 70.71, 86.6, 100 meters, respectively.
distances fall in the range (di−1 , di ] (how to convey transmitterreceiver distance information will be discussed later). Note that
the proper setting of Twin depends on the dynamics of the
network. The effect of Twin is studied in Section VII.
Fig. 6.
Time diagram of pmf’s updating process.
To initialize the assignment algorithm, all CR users employ
the BMC scheme discussed in Section I. At any time t, CR user
A constructs its transmission distance table based on control
packets it overheard during the observation window [t−Twin , t].
Using the transmission distance table, A estimates the current
probability mass function pi (t) of the distance r at time t (see
Figure 6). It then computes an exponentially weighted average
of pi (t) :
pei (t) = αpi (t) + (1 − α)pei (t − Twin ),
Fig. 5.
Four regions around a CR transmitter for assigning channels.
B. Spectrum Assignment for Unknown Traffic Profiles
For offline spectrum planning, we assumed in the previous
section a fixed network and prior knowledge of the distancetraffic pattern (i.e., the form of FR ). During network operation,
however, the distance-traffic pattern may change with time,
depending on network dynamics and user mobility. Because
users only possess local knowledge of their neighborhoods, it
is difficult to maintain the optimal network performance. Nevertheless, we can develop a stochastic learning algorithm that
performs well and uses only localized information. Stochastic
learning techniques have been widely used in wireless networks
for online traffic prediction, tracking, and power control [29],
[30]. Our proposed learning approach is a distributed algorithm
that runs at each CR user in the network. A CR user, say A,
evenly divides its maximum transmission region Rc into m nonoverlapping regions, where m ≫ M . The ith region, Di , forms
a ring, defined by the area {(x, y) : d2i−1 < x2 + y 2 ≤ d2i },
where di = i rmc , and di−1 < di i = 1, . . . , m. CR user A
maintains an m-entry transmission distance table. The ith entry
in that table corresponds to the region Di , and contains the
number of overheard CR packet requests during the recent
observation window Twin for which the transmitter-receiver
where α is a forgetting factor, 0 < α ≤ 1. Once pei (t) is
computed, A computes the preferable channel list for each ring.
Let Ωi (A) denote the preferable channel list for ring Di at CR
user A (how to construct Ωi (A) will be given later). The new
preferable channel lists will be used during the next observation
window time. The proposed channel assignment process merges
the Di ’s into K regions according to pi (t), where K ≤ M . It
then assigns preferable channels for each region. The process
is now described in detail:
1) User
Pm A determines the integer k such that | i=0 pei (t)−
ei (t)| is minimized, i.e., it divides the regions
i=k p
into two groups; short-distance and long-distance groups.
The probabilities of the short-distance and long-distance
groups are given by:
Pshort =
pei (t)
pei (t).
Plong =
2) User A divides the M bands into two frequency sets:
low SINR frequency set and high SINR frequency set. It
assigns the low SINR frequency set to the short-distance
group and the high SINR frequency set to the longdistance group. The numbers of bands in the high (nH )
and low (nL ) frequency sets depend on Pshort and Plong ,
as follows:
nH =
Pshort + Plong
nL = M − nH
where ⌈.⌉ is the ceiling function.
3) Step 1 and 2 are repeated for every group until either
only one band is assigned to that group or the group
contains only one region. Note that when repeating the
above process for a group, m in (17) and M in (18) are
replaced by the number of regions in that group and the
number of channels assigned to that group, respectively.
Using this recursive procedure, the preferable channel list
Ωi (A), for all i, is computed for one observation window.
C. Complexity
Claim 1: The worst-case complexity for selecting the preferable
channel list Ωi (A), for all i, may be obtained using the above
recursive procedure in O(mK) time, where K ≈ min[N, m].
Proof: In the worst case, our proposed algorithm requires
O(m) comparisons to perform one iteration (steps 1 and 2). In
addition, it requires at most K = min[N −1, m−1] iterations to
obtain Ωi (A), for all i. Hence, Ωi (A), for all i, may be obtained
using the proposed algorithm with a complexity of O(mK),
where K ≈ (m min[N, m]). For N ≥ m, K ∼ O(m). On the
other hand, for N < m, K ∼ O(N ).
D. Illustrative Examples
We illustrate the previously discussed channel assignment
process using the following examples.
1) Example 1: Consider four PRNs and one CRN. Each
PRN occupies two adjacent non-overlapping channels. The
PRNs are labeled such that f1 < f2 < f3 < f4 . Consider
a CR user A with SINR
SINR . Suppose that A divides its transmission region Rc
into 8 rings, D1 , D2 , . . . , D8 . At a given time t, assume that
the weighted average pmf {pei (t) : i = 1, . . . , 8} is given
by {0.25, 0.1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05, 0.15, 0.05, 0.2}. Figure 7 shows
how the proposed channel assignment process is conducted.
The outcome of this process is as follows:
• Band 4, which includes two channels, is assigned to all CR
transmissions whose distances are in D1 (i.e., Ω1 (A) =
• Band 3, which includes two channels, is assigned to all
CR transmissions whose distances are in D2 and D3 (i.e.,
Ω2 (A) = Ω3 (A) = {3}).
• Band 2, which includes two channels, is assigned to all
CR transmissions whose distances are in D4 , D5 , and D6
(i.e., Ω4 (A) = Ω5 (A) = Ω6 (A) = {2}).
• Band 1, which includes two channels, is assigned to all
CR transmissions whose distances are in D7 and D8 (i.e.,
Ω7 (A) = Ω8 (A) = {1}).
p~ i
{f4, f3}
{f2, f1}
Fig. 7. Example that illustrates the channel assignment process in a dynamic
2) Example 2: Consider 8 PRNs and one CRN. The PRNs
are labeled such that f1 < f2 < . . . < f8 . Suppose that A
divides its transmission region into 2 rings. At a given time
t, assume that the weighted average pmf {pei (t) : i = 1, 2}
is given by {0.25, 0.75}. Then, the outcome of our preferable
channel assignment is as follows:
• Channels 1 and 2 (total of 2 channels are assigned to all
CR transmissions whose distances are in D1 ).
• Channels 3, . . . , 8 (total of 6 channels are assigned to all
CR transmissions whose distances are in D2 ).
The above example reveals that our algorithm assigns more
preferable channels (total of 6 channels) to the more frequently
used transmission distances (D2 , pe2 (t) = 0.75).
Based on the channel assignment process presented in Section V, we now propose a distributed, asynchronous MAC
protocol for CRNs. The proposed DDMAC is a CSMA/CAbased scheme that uses contention-based handshaking for exchanging control information. It is worth mentioning that the
most common configuration for upcoming CRNs is to use
CSMA/CA-like MAC access [6], [19], [20], [23], [25], [26],
[31]. Thus, in designing the channel access in DDMAC, we
focus on extending the CSMA/CA scheme due to its maturity
and wide deployment in many wireless packet networks. Note
that the handshaking procedure is essential in multi-channel
systems. Besides mitigating the hidden-terminal problems, there
are two other main objectives for the use of RTS/CTS: (1)
conducting and announcing the channel assignment, and (2)
prompting both the transmitter and the receiver to tune to the
agreed on channels before transmission commences. Before
describing our protocol in detail, we first state our main
A. Assumptions
In designing DDMAC, we make the following assumptions:
• For each frequency channel, the channel gain is stationary
for the duration of three control packets and one data and
ACK packet transmission periods. As explained in [32],
this assumption holds for typical mobility patterns and
transmission rates.
• Channel gains between two CR users are symmetric. This
is a typical assumption in any RTS/CTS-based protocol,
including the IEEE 802.11 scheme.
• CR transmissions use the maximum allowable power
vector (Pmask ). The key idea behind this choice is as
follows. It is well-known that using as many channels as
possible for a transmission reduces the CR-to-PR interference [6] due to the reduction in transmission power.
However, because DDMAC enforces an exclusive channel
occupancy, which prevents two neighboring CR users from
using common channels3, such a channel assignment policy may lead to channel over-assignment, which reduces
the opportunity for finding available channels by other
neighboring CR transmitters (thus reducing the CRN’s
throughput). Therefore, in DDMAC, we tackled the CR-toPR interference problem by assuming a given power mask
to protect PR users while trying to use the least possible
number of selected channels per transmission. This can be
3 The exclusive channel occupancy excludes CR-to-CR interference although
it still allows for the typical co-channel PR-to-CR interference, thus largely
simplifying the CR-to-PR interference management process.
done by transmitting at the highest possible transmission
power over each selected channel, which results in less
number of assigned channels per CR transmission. This
increases the opportunity for finding available channels
by other neighboring CR transmitters.
The total rate demand of a CR user A (denoted by CA )
is met by aggregating the transmission rates of several
selected channels. Note that CA can vary from one packet
to another.
A prespecified control channel with Fourier bandwidth Bc
is available, where Bc ≪ B. This channel does not need
to be reserved for the CRN. It can, for example, be one
of the subchannels in an ISM band.
Contending CR users follow similar interframe spacings
and collision avoidance strategies of the 802.11 protocol
(over the control channel) by using physical-carrier sensing and backoff before initiating control packet exchanges.
We also assume that data packet sizes are significantly
larger than control packets, and therefore, the use of the
RTS/CTS handshake is justified.
B. Channel Access in DDMAC
The channel access mechanism allows the CR transmitter
and receiver to agree on the set of channels to use for
communication and to allocate their rates. Rate is allocated
in a manner that ensures that the power mask and the rate
demands are met. A CR user A views its transmission region
as K non-overlapping regions, where each region is associated
with a preferable channel list Ωi (A), i = 1, . . . , K, determined
according to Section V. This user maintains an N -entry channel
list and an m-entry transmission distance table (as described
in Section V). The jth entry of the channel list indicates
the status of the jth channel; 1 if the channel is available
and 0 if the channel is occupied or reserved by any of A’s
CR neighbors. Recall that each CR user is equipped with nt
transceivers. One of these transceivers is tuned to the control
channel, while the other nt − 1 transceivers can be tuned to any
data channels. As a result, CR users can always hear control
messages over the common control channel even when they
are transmitting/receiving data over other data channels. Thus,
every CR user listens to the control channel, and accordingly
updates its channel list and transmission distance table.
Suppose that CR user A has data to transmit to another CR
user B at an aggregate rate demand CA . Then, A reacts as
• If user A does not sense a carrier over the control channel
for a random duration of time, it sends an RTS message
at the maximum (known) power Pmax . This Pmax is constrained by the power mask imposed on the prespecified
control channel. The RTS includes CA , the packet size
(in bytes), and the list of all available channels at A (see
Figure 8).
• The neighbors of A (other than B) that can correctly
decode the RTS refrain from accessing the control channel
until they receive one of two possible control packets,
denoted by EPCA and ENCA (explained below).
• Upon receiving the RTS packet, B estimates the distance
between A and B (dAB ) (using one of the techniques
described in Section V). It identifies the preferable channel
list Ωi (B) that corresponds to dAB . Based on the available
channels at A and B, and the instantaneous interference
level over these channels as measured at B, user B
removes any channel that has a received SINR less than
its threshold SINR and determines the common channel
Transmitter Receiver
Transmitter Receiver
Transmitter Receiver
Fig. 8.
Formats of DDMAC control packets.
list that is potentially available for A → B transmission, denoted by CCL(A, B). User B then computes the
intersection between Ωi (B) and CCL(A, B) to identify
a preferable set of channels for A → B (Φ(A, B)). To
achieve good throughput, B sorts the channels in Φ(A, B)
in a descending order of their maximum possible data rate
(calculated according to Shannon’s formula4). Then, user
B appends the rest ofthe common available channels
are not in Φ(A, B) i.e., CCL(A, B) Φ(A, B) , also
listed in a descending order of their maximum possible
data rate, to the bottom of the sorted preferable channels.
User B cumulatively adds channels from the top of the
new sorted list until either the aggregate rate CA is
satisfied or the list is exhausted, i.e., no feasible channel
assignment is found.
If there is no feasible channel assignment, then B responds
by sending a Negative-Channel-Assignment (NCA) message that includes the distance dAB (see Figure 8). The
purpose of this packet is to help B’s neighbors estimate
the network distance-traffic pattern and prompt A to back
off and retransmit later. If B can find a set of available
channels that can support a total demand CA , it sends a
Positive-Channel-Assignment (PCA) message to A, which
contains the assigned channels for the transmission A →
B, the distance dAB , and the duration needed to hold the
assigned channels for the ensuing data transmission and
corresponding ACK packet. The PCA packet implicitly
instructs B’s CR neighbors to mark the set of assigned
channels as unavailable for the indicated transmission
duration. It also helps these neighbors estimate the network
distance-traffic pattern.
Depending on which control message is received, user A
reacts as follows:
– If A receives an NCA message, it responds by sending
an Echo-NCA (ENCA) message, which includes the
distance dAB . The purpose of this packet is to help
A’s neighbors estimate the network distance-traffic
– If A receives a PCA message, it replies back with an
Echo-PCA (EPCA) message, informing its neighbors
of the selected channel list, the distance dAB , and the
transmission duration. This EPCA also announces the
success of the control packet exchange between A and
B to A’s neighbors, which may not have heard B’s
Once the RTS-PCA-EPCA exchange is completed, the
data transmission A → B proceeds. Once completed, B
4 Other rate-vs-SINR relationships, such as a staircase function, can be used
for calculating the achievable data rates.
sends back an ACK packet to A over the best assigned
channel, i.e., the channel that has the highest rate. A time
diagram of the RTS-PCA-EPCA-DATA-ACK exchange is
depicted in Figure 9.
CR user
Users in PRN 1
Users in PRN 2
Data TX 1
Data TX 2
Fig. 9.
RTS-PCA-EPCA-DATA-ACK packet exchange.
It is worth mentioning that there is no interference between
data and control packet transmissions because the two are
separated in frequency. Therefore, a CR user that hears the RTS
packet from A defers its attempt to access the control channel
until it receives an EPCA or an ENCA packet from A. In
addition, a CR user that receives only a PCA or an NCA should
defer its attempt to access the control channel for the expected
time of the EPCA/ENCA packet (to avoid a collision between
control packets). This allows for more parallel transmissions to
take place in the same neighborhood (see Figure 9).
Remark: DDMAC’s channel assignment is performed on a
per-packet basis, with the channels assigned to different interfaces dynamically changing. This type of channel assignment
requires channel switching to occur at a very small time scale,
which is in the range of micro-seconds5.
(a) Allowed channel reuse
Fig. 10. Scenarios in which a CR transmitter C can/cannot reuse the channels
assigned to A. Solid circles indicate data-transmission ranges, whereas dashed
circles indicate control-transmission ranges.
radio technology allows channel switching to be done in a few
microseconds (i.e., < 10 µs [23], [33])
= φ : i = 1, . . . , m − 1.
= N : i = m.
Recall that N denotes the set of available channels. In
other words, no channels will be assigned to ring, i, i =
1, 2, . . . , m − 1, and all channels will be assigned to the
mth ring.
A d1
d m-1
A d1
d m-1
(a) Scenario I
Fig. 11.
5 Current
Scenario I: At a given time t, assume that the weighted
average pmf {pei (t) : i = 1, . . . , m} has a value of 1
at i = m and 0 otherwise (i.e., most likely, transmission
distances are within Dm ). This scenario represents the case
when all of A’s neighbors are located near the border of
A’s transmission range (Figure 11(a)). According to the
channel assignment algorithm, the preferable channel list
is identified as follows:
Ωi (A)
Ωi (A)
C. Spatial Reuse and DDMAC
We consider a CSMA/CA-based multi-hop CRN environment, which consists of multiple contention regions (neighborhoods) that permit spatial reuse. Specifically, non-neighboring
CR users may access the same channel on different contention
domains. To illustrate the idea of spatial reuse, Figure 10
depicts two scenarios for the operation of DDMAC. In the
first scenario (Figure 10(a)), the two transmitters A and C
cannot hear each other’s control packets. So, according to
CSMA/CA, the transmissions A → B and C → D can
overlap in their data channels, i.e., the assigned channels for
A → B transmission are reserved only within the area of A’s
and B’s control range (spatial reuse case). In Figure 10(b),
node C falls in the control region of node A (and vice versa).
The exclusive channel occupancy policy prevents A and C
from using common channels. However, the two transmissions
can proceed simultaneously if A and C can find two nonintersecting sets of channels to support their rates.
D. Worst-Case Scenarios for DDMAC
We illustrate two extreme scenarios under which the
DDMAC protocol gracefully degrades into the BMC scheme.
Recall that a CR receiver A divides its transmission range into
m regions.
(b) Unallowed channel reuse
(b) Scenario II
Illustration of two worst-case scenarios in DDMAC.
Scenario II: At a given time t, assume that the weighted
average pmf {pei (t) : i = 1, . . . , m} has a value of 1 at i =
1 and 0 otherwise (i.e., most likely, transmission distances
are within D1 ). This scenario represents the case where
all A’s neighbors are located close to A (Figure 11(b)).
According to the proposed channel assignment algorithm,
the preferable channel list is identified as follows:
Ωi (A)
Ωi (A)
N : i = 1.
φ : i = 2, . . . , m.
According to DDMAC, the sorted channel list from which a
CR user assigns channels to its transmission is constructed by
appending the common sorted available channels that are not
in the sorted preferable channels to the bottom of the sorted
preferable channels list. Thus, for the above two scenarios
and depending on the transmitter-receiver distance, the sorted
channel list of DDMAC is as follows:
If the distance falls in the range (dm−1 , dm = rc ] or
(0, d1 ], the preferable channel list is the set of all available
channels. Therefore, the sorted channel list of DDMAC
is the same as that of the BMC scheme. Consequently,
DDMAC gracefully degrades into the BMC scheme.
If the distance falls within the transmission range Rc but
not in the range (dm−1 , dm ] or (0, d1 ], the preferable
channel list is empty whereas the available channel list
contains all the available common channels. Therefore, the
sorted channel list of DDMAC is the same as that of BMC.
Consequently, DDMAC gracefully degrades into the BMC
Protocol Overhead
Claim 2: DDMAC and BMC have comparable overheads.
Proof: Both DDMAC and BMC use a three-way handshake to
send one data packet. Thus, DDMAC does not introduce any
additional control message overhead.
We now evaluate the performance of the DDMAC via
simulations and compare it with CSMA/CA variants. Our
results are based on simulation experiments conducted using
CSIM (a C-based, process-oriented, discrete-event simulation
package [34]). Each CR user generates packets according to
a Poisson process with rate λ (in packet/time slot), which is
the same for all users. For simplicity, data packets are assumed
to be of a fixed size (2 Kbytes). Each CR user requires an
aggregate transmission rate of 5 Mbps. We divide time into
slots, each of length 3.3 ms. A time slot corresponds to the
transmission of one CR packet at a rate of 5 Mbps. We set
the CRN SINR threshold to 5 dB and the thermal noise to
Pth = 10−21 Watt/Hz for all channels. Because DDMAC
and the compared with CSMA/CA-based protocols have the
same maximum transmission ranges and use the same channel
access mechanism, it is reasonable to assume that all protocols
achieve the same forward progress per hop. Consequently,
our performance metrics are: (1) one-hop throughput, i.e., the
destination of a packet is restricted to one hop from the source,
(2) connection blocking rate, and (3) the fairness index [35].
The connection blocking rate is defined as the percentage of CR
packet requests that are blocked due to the unavailability of a
feasible channel assignment. We use Jain’s fairness index [35]
to quantify the throughput fairness of a scheme6 . Fairness
index values closer to 1 indicate better fairness. The signal
propagation model in (4) is used with n = 4, the antenna
length (D) is 5 cm, and Gt (f ) = Gr (f ) = 1 for every carrier
frequency f .
A. Single-hop Scenarios
1) Simulation Setup: We first simulate a small-scale network
for the purpose of highlighting the advantages and operational
details of DDMAC. DDMAC is compared with three multichannel CSMA-based protocols that use different channel selection schemes: an optimal scheme (which uses exhaustive
search), the BMC scheme [3] (which is based on a greedy
strategy that selects the best available channels for a given
transmission), and a naive scheme (which always tries to select
high-frequency channels if available for a given transmission,
while leaving low-frequency channels for other users). Specifically, we consider a single-hop CRN, where all users can hear
each other. This CRN coexists with two PRNs in a 100 meter
× 100 meter field. The PRNs operate in the 600 MHz and
2.4 GHz bands. Each PRN band consists of one channel of
bandwidth 1.5-MHz. The number of PR users in each PRN is
50. Each user in the ith PRN acts as an ON/OFF source, where
it is ON while transmitting and OFF otherwise. We define the
“activity factor” αi as the fraction of time in which the ith
type PR user is ON (i.e., the probability that the source is
in the ON state). The source is further characterized by the
distribution of its ON and OFF periods, which are both taken
to be exponential. We set the average ON period to be the
duration of one time slot. In other words, traffic correlations are
captured using a two-state Markov model. The appropriateness
of the 2-state ON/OFF model has been demonstrated in several
previous works, e.g., [6], [13], [20], [36], [37]. In essence, the
ON/OFF behavior is attributed to the bursty nature of many
types of network traffic, including voice traffic and VBR video
streaming. Note that one potential PRN is a cellular network
that transports voice traffic. We set the αi probabilities for the
two PRNs to 0.5 and 0.3, respectively. The transmission power
for each PR user is 0.5 Watt.
For the CRN, we consider 40 mobile users. The random
waypoint model is used for mobility, with the speed of a CR
user uniformly distributed between 0 and 2 meters/sec. This
results in dynamic, time-varying topologies. We assume that a
CR user can use up to two data channels simultaneously. We
set the interference mask to Pmask = Pmask = 50 mW. We
also set the forgetting factor α to 0.6, the observation window
Twin = 0.5 second, and the number of rings around a CR user
m = 12. For a fair comparison, we let all schemes use the
maximum allowable power vector Pmask .
2) Results: Under the above setup, Figure 12 shows that
DDMAC improves the one-hop throughput by up to 25%
(compared to BMC) and 34% (compared to the naive approach). More importantly, its throughput is within 7% of
the optimal throughput, obtained via exhaustive search. Note
that the exhaustive search implies that the instantaneous SINR
values, location information, and rate demands are known to
the decision-making entity that assigns channels to CR users
(i.e., such search requires global information). Even if perfect
knowledge of the SINR of each link and the rate demands are
available, for large-scale networks, finding the optimal solution
requires exhaustive search over a large state space, which grows
exponentially with the number of CR users and the available
B. Multi-hop Scenarios
6 For our simulation setup, CR user demands are uniform. The destination CR
user is uniformly selected from the one-hop neighbors and the packet generation
rate are the same for all CR users. Thus Jain’s fairness index provides a
meaningful metric for comparing the fairness of DDMAC and BMC.
1) Simulation Setup: We now evaluate the performance of
DDMAC in more realistic (large-scale) network scenarios and
contrast it with a typical multi-channel CSMA-based protocol
that uses BMC for channel selection [3]. We consider four
Blocking rate (%)
Throughput (Packet/time slot)
Naive approach
λ (Packet/sec)
Fig. 12. Throughput vs. λ for a small-scale network (comparison with the
optimal scheme).
7 Random-grid is a realistic topology that models constrained scenarios. For
example, a building could have various offices, where each office may contain
several wireless devices.
(a) Blocking rate vs. λ.
Single hop througput (Packet/time slot)
PRNs and one CRN. Users in each PRN are uniformly distributed over a 500 meter × 500 meter area. The PRNs operate
in the 600 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5.7 GHz bands,
respectively. Each PRN band consists of three non-overlapping
1-MHz channels. The number of PR users in each PRN is 300.
The αi probabilities for the four PRNs are 0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1,
respectively. The transmission power for each PR user is 0.5
For the CRN, we consider a random-grid topology7, where
225 mobile CR users are placed within the 500 meter × 500
meter field. The field is split into 225 smaller squares, one for
each CR user. The location of a mobile user within the small
square is selected randomly. For each generated packet, the
destination is selected randomly from the one-hop neighbors.
Within each small square, the random waypoint model is used
for CR mobility, with the speed of a CR user uniformly
distributed between 0 and 2 meters/sec. We assume that a CR
user can use up to three data channels simultaneously. We set
the interference mask to Pmask = Pmask = . . . = Pmask = 50
mW. The reported results are the average of 100 experiments. In
our design, we assume an exclusive channel occupancy policy
on CR transmissions (i.e., no CR-CR interference). However,
hidden-terminal problem can still occur in this scenario due to
imperfect control. Our simulations relax these assumptions and
account for all sources of interference, including those that are
far away from a receiver and use common channels.
Remark: Our simulations only address the MAC layer
aspects and assume that route computations have already been
carried out. Taking the destination from a node’s one-hop
neighbors is intended only to convey the need for channel
access. A “destination” in this context could be the next hop
where a packet is to be forwarded to or the final packet
destination. Randomly selecting a neighbor as a destination
is realistic in terms of packet forwarding, especially when
multiple flows (like file transfers, messaging, or VoIP) pass
through a node.
2) Results: We first compare the performance of DDMAC
to that of the BMC scheme. For a fair comparison, we let both
schemes use the maximum allowable power vector Pmask .
We set α to 0.6, Twin to 0.5 second, and m to 12. Figures
13(a) and (b) show that under moderate and high traffic loads,
DDMAC significantly reduces the connection blocking rate and
improves the overall one-hop throughput by up to 30%. This
Packet genaration rate
Packet generation rate (Packet/sec)
(b) Throughput vs. λ (with and without a
Raleigh fading component).
Fig. 13.
Performance of a CRN.
improvement is attributed to the increase in the number of
simultaneous transmissions in DDMAC. Note that under low
traffic load, the throughput of DDMAC gracefully degrades to
that of BMC due to the availability of a sufficient number
of channels. The system performance under Raleigh channel
model (i.e., varying channel conditions) is also investigated
in Figure 13(b). We consider normalized random variables to
capture the fading processes [8]. The results show that, under
such varying channel conditions, the same trends that were
noticed for the AWGN channel are observed here. Figure 13(b)
shows that the impact on throughput is almost the same under
AWGN and Raleigh channel models. Similar observations have
also been reported in an experimental study in [38] for IEEE
802.11b wireless LAN. In [38], the authors showed that the
impact on throughput and packet error rate were virtually
identical under AWGN and Raleigh channel models.
In Figure 14(a), we focus on the per-user throughput performance under DDMAC8 . As shown in this figure, although
DDMAC requires a pair of CR users to communicate over a
set of channels that may not be optimal from one user’s perspective, the per-user throughput of DDMAC under moderate
and high traffic loads is still greater than that of the BMC
scheme. This is because DDMAC attempts to serve a given CR
transmission first using the preferable channel list and preserves
8 This figure shows the average worst-case throughput performance among
all CR users.
Packet generation rate
(a) Per-user single-hop throughput.
Single−hop throuhput (Packet/time slot)
Single−hop throughput (packet/ time slot)
λ = 0.2
λ = 0.25
λ = 0.3
(a) Throughput vs. number of rings (m)
around a CR user.
Fairness Index
Packet generation rate
Single−hop throuput (Packet/time slot)
Twin = 0.3 s
Twin = 1 s
= 0.03 s
λ = 0.3
Twin = 4 s
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Forgitting factor α
(b) Fairness index vs. λ.
Fig. 14.
Per-user throughput and fairness Performance.
(b) Throughput vs. α for different Twin
Fig. 15.
the “better” channels for other transmissions. However, if the
aggregate rate of this transmission cannot be satisfied using
the preferable list, DDMAC attempts to serve this transmission
using the remaining available channels.
Next, we compare the fairness index of DDMAC to that of
BMC. Compared to BMC, Figure 14(b) shows that DDMAC
slightly improves the network fairness and preserves longterm fairness properties. This improvement occurs because
DDMAC motivates cooperation among neighbors to maximize
their network-wide benefit.
The effect of dividing the transmission range of a CR user
is depicted in Figure 15(a) for different values of λ. As m
increases, the throughput increases up to a certain point. For
m ≥ 12, no significant improvement is observed in the network
throughput. This is because the preferable-channel assignment
mechanism merges the m regions into K ≤ m regions, i.e.,
over-splitting Rc is not useful.
In Figure 15(b), we study the impact of α and Twin on the
performance of DDMAC. We set λ = 0.3 packet/slot. The
network throughput versus α for different values of Twin is
shown in the figure. It is clear that the throughput depends on
the choice of α and Twin . As Twin increases, α should increase
to give much more importance to recent observations without
entirely discarding older observations. Table II shows the best
throughput performance and the associated optimal value of α
(α∗ ), obtained from simulation, for different values of Twin . It
is clear that if Twin is too small or too large, the throughput
reduces significantly.
Performance of DDMAC.
= 0.03 s)
= 0.3 s)
= 0.4 s)
= 1 s)
= 4 s)
Best throughput (packet/slot)
We also investigate the robustness of DDMAC under inaccurate distance estimation, which is mainly caused by mobility,
multi-path propagation, reflection, and fading effects. The estimated distance de is given by (1 + ξ) d, where ξ is a uniform
estimation error (ξ ∼ Uniform[−ǫ, ǫ]). Figure 16(a) shows the
effect of inaccurate distance estimation on throughput as a
function of ǫ under different traffic loads. It can be observed that
there are no significant changes in the throughput for different
values of ǫ. Figure 16(b) gives the percentage reduction in
throughput due to inaccurate d as a function of λ for different
values of ǫ. This figure shows that the maximum percentage
of reduction in throughput due to inaccurate estimation of d is
less than 6%.
The results in Figure 16 indicate that channel assignment
Fig. 17.
Packet generation rate
End-to-end throughput vs. λ
Low load
Moderate load
High load
Percentage of reduction in throughput
(a) Throughput vs. ǫ.
ε = 5%
ε = 15%
ε = 25%
Packet generation rate
channel assignment process in the design of DDMAC. We
compared the performance of DDMAC with that of a reference
multi-channel MAC protocol that is designed for typical multichannel systems (BMC). We showed that, under moderate and
high traffic loads, DDMAC achieves about 30% increase in
throughput over the BMC scheme, with manageable processing
overhead. Although DDMAC requires a pair of CR users to
communicate on a channel that may not be optimal from
a user’s perspective, we showed that the average per-user
throughput of DDMAC under moderate and high traffic loads
is greater than that of the BMC scheme. Furthermore, DDMAC
preserves (even slightly improves) throughput fairness relative
to BMC. In summary, DDMAC provides better spectrum utilization by reducing the connection blocking probability and
increasing the system throughput. To the best of our knowledge,
DDMAC is the first CRN MAC protocol that utilizes the
radio propagation characteristics to improve the overall network
(b) Percentage of reduction in throughput
vs. λ.
Fig. 16.
End−2−end Throughput
(Packet/time slot)
Single−hop throughput (Packet/time slot)
in DDMAC is quite robust to distance estimation errors. This
is because DDMAC requires only rough estimates of user
distribution, distances among users, and local traffic conditions
in order to dynamically adapt channel assignments to current
network traffic.
Impact of inaccurate distance estimation in DDMAC.
Finally, we study the end-to-end throughput for both BMC
and DDMAC. Specifically, for each generated packet, the destination node is randomly selected to be any node in the network.
We use a min-hop routing policy, but we ignore the routing
overhead. For both schemes, the next-hop candidates are nodes
that are within the transmission range of the transmitter. Figure
17 shows that under moderate and high traffic loads, DDMAC
significantly improves the overall network throughput (inline
with the results in Figure 13(b)).
In this paper, we proposed an opportunistic distancedependent MAC protocol for CRNs (DDMAC). DDMAC
improves the CRN throughput through cooperative channel
assignment, taking into consideration the non-adjacency of
frequency channels and the imposed power masks. We presented a heuristic stochastic channel assignment scheme that
dynamically exploits the dependence between the signal attenuation model and the transmission distance. Our scheme
accounts for traffic dynamics. It assigns channels with lower
average SINR to shorter transmission distances to increase
the number of simultaneous transmissions. We integrated the
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Haythem A. Bany Salameh received the Ph.D.
degree in electrical and computer engineering from
the University of Arizona, Tucson, in 2009. He is currently an Assistant Professor of electrical engineering
with the Hijawi Faculty for Engineering Technology,
Yarmouk University (YU), Irbid, Jordan. He joined
YU in August 2009, after a brief postdoctoral position
with the University of Arizona. His current research
interests are in system architecture and communication protocol designs for cognitive radio networks
with emphasis on spectrum access and channel/power
assignment. In Summer 2008, he was a member of the R&D LTE (Long Term
Evolution) Development Group, QUALCOMM, Inc., San Diego. He serves as
a reviewer for many IEEE conferences and journals.
Marwan Krunz is a professor of electrical and
computer engineering at the University of Arizona.
He directs the wireless and networking group and is
also the UA site director for Connection One, a joint
NSF/state/industry IUCRC cooperative center that
focuses on RF and wireless communication systems
and networks. Dr. Krunz received his Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from Michigan State University
in 1995. He joined the University of Arizona in
January 1997, after a brief postdoctoral stint at the
University of Maryland, College Park. He previously
held visiting research positions at INRIA, HP Labs, University of Paris VI,
and US West (now Qwest) Advanced Technologies. His research interests
lie in the fields of computer networking and wireless communications. His
current research is focused on cognitive radios and SDRs; distributed radio
resource management in wireless networks; channel access and protocol design;
MIMO and smart-antenna systems; UWB-based personal area networks; energy
management and clustering in sensor networks; media streaming; QoS routing;
and fault monitoring/detection in optical networks. He has published more than
150 journal articles and refereed conference papers, and is a co-inventor on
three US patents. M. Krunz is a recipient of the National Science Foundation
CAREER Award (1998). He currently serves on the editorial boards for the
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and the Computer Communications
Journal. He previously served on the editorial board for the IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking (2001-2008). He was a guest co-editor for special
issues in IEEE Micro and IEEE Communications magazines. He served as
a technical program chair for various international conferences, including
the IEEE WoWMoM 2006, the IEEE SECON 2005, the IEEE INFOCOM
2004, and the 9th Hot Interconnects Symposium (2001). He has served and
continues to serve on the executive and technical program committees of many
international conferences and on the panels of several NSF directorates. He gave
keynotes and tutorials, and participated in various panels at premier wireless
networking conferences. He is a consultant for a number of companies in the
telecommunications sector.
Ossama Younis is a senior research scientist in
Applied Research at Telcordia Technologies, Inc. He
received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer
science from Alexandria University, Egypt. Then, he
received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from
Purdue University, USA in August 2005. He has
served as the web chair of IEEE ICNP 2008 and on
the Technical Program Committee of several international conferences. His research interests are in the
architecture and experimentation of network protocols
and applications, especially wireless sensor networks,
cognitive-radio networks, and Internet tomography. distributed systems, secure
protocol design, and cross-layer optimization. He is a member of the ACM and
the IEEE.