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Es el sistema de producción que sigue del feudalismo, en él las grandes empresas y la clase dominante detentan los medios de producción que les fueron despojados a los campesinos y obreros, incluyendo la fuerza de trabajo.
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: G Industrial Engineering, 2014
The aim of study is to find out the effective way of improving the quality and productivity of a production line in manufacturing industry. The objective is to identify the defect of the company and create a better solution to improve the production line performance. Various industrial engineering technique and tools is implementing in this study in order to investigate and solve the problem that occurs in the production. However, 7 Quality Control tools are the main tools that will be applied to this study. Data for the selected assembly line factory are collected, studied and analyzed. The defect with the highest frequency will be the main target to be improved. Various causes of the defect will be analyzed and various solving method will be present. The best solving method will be chosen and propose to the company and compare to the previous result or production. However, the implementation of the solving methods is depending on the company whether they wanted to apply or not.
One of the most important things we do with words is take a stance. Stance has the power to assign value to objects of interest, to position social actors with re spect to those objects, to calibrate alignment between stancetakers, and to invoke presupposed systems of sociocultural value. Yet very little is understood at pres ent about stance: what it is, how we do it, what role language and interaction play in the process, and what role the act of taking a stance fulfills in the broader play of social life. These are the questions which will inform this paper, as I seek to develop a language for describing the phenomenon of stance and clarifying the role it plays in the larger contexts of language and interaction. If we are to achieve any general understanding of stance, it will be necessary to seek the foundational principles which underlie the act of taking a stance and negotiating its meaning. Because the diversity of observable stances extends in principle without limit, it is necessary to go beyond merely cataloguing their contents or classifying their types. To frame a theory of stance means to provide a general account of the mode of production of any stance and of its interpretation in a context of interaction. Realizing such a goal will require us to define a research agenda capable of bring ing together multiple coordinated lines of inquiry drawn from a range of disci plines concerned with the use oflanguage. As one step in this direction, this paper presents a preliminary sketch of some of the theoretical resources and analytical tools that are likely to be required for such an account. Stance can be approached as a linguistically articulated form of social action whose meaning is to be construed within the broader scope of language, interac tion, and sociocultural value. Setting the problem in this way brings into play several aspects of language in interaction. As we seek the theoretical resources needed to account for the achievement of stance, we find ourselves faced with a
The scope of the OSCOP project ( is to study and promote the collection of photographs of South Caucasian art and architecture taken by the research group of Adriano Alpago Novello between the 1960s and 1980s, now preserved in the Centre of Study and Documentation of Armenian Culture in Venice. The photographs show the monumental and natural heritage of Georgia and Armenia, in particular the so-called 'crystal churches' (Brandi 1969). With their pure forms, geometrically defined spaces, and central dome, they offer a highly articulate expression of 'architectural spirituality' in which the landscape takes part. Alpago Novello's collection is particular in its context. Together with his colleagues from Italy and the Armenian diaspora he recorded the Armenian and Georgian historical landscape at a time when the territory was politically and theoretically part of the Soviet Union, and any reference to the sacred and spiritual was excluded from the critical discourse on the natural and monumental heritage. Beyond this, the photo collection raises questions about the specific elements that make a landscape 'spiritual'. What prompted people to define a landscape as spiritual rather than sacred? The study of landscape involves the consideration of the role of human interventions in its shaping, the perception of geomorphology, and of the interplay between human and non-human agencies, such as vegetation. Under which premise and in which ways is a spiritual dimension attributed to them? What is the role of architecture in the making and marking, as well as experiencing of, hierotopic landscapes (Lidov), or vice versa? While inviting contributions to the discussion of these and related questions, the workshop will also engage with photographic images and ask if photographs can stimulate or convey a religious, mystical, or ascetic
the rest: journal of politics and development, 2020
Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2008
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2014
International journal of community medicine and public health/International journall of community medicine and public health, 2024
Computers & Education, 1992
Biological Conservation, 1991
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2024
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2019