Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation
Nathan J. Bennett,∗ †‡¶ Robin Roth,§ Sarah C. Klain,∗ Kai M. A. Chan,∗ Douglas A. Clark,∗∗
Georgina Cullman,†† Graham Epstein,‡‡ Michael Paul Nelson,§§ Richard Stedman,∗∗∗
Tara L. Teel,††† Rebecca E. W. Thomas,‡‡‡ Carina Wyborn,§§§ Deborah Curran,∗∗∗∗
Alison Greenberg,‡ John Sandlos,†††† and Diogo Verı́ssimo‡‡‡‡§§§§
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4,
†School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Box 355685, Seattle, WA 98195-5685, U.S.A.
‡Global Economics and Social Science Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1630 Connecticut Avenue NW,
Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20009, U.S.A.
§Department of Geography, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road E., Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada
School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, Room 323, Kirk Hall, 117 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N
5C8, Canada
††Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY
10024, U.S.A.
‡‡Environmental Change and Governance Group, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo, 200
University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
§§Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A.
Human Dimensions Research Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, 111 Fernow Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3001,
†††Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, 1480 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO
80523-1480, U.S.A.
‡‡‡Department of Parks and Recreation, Slippery Rock University, 1 Morrow Way, Slippery Rock, PA 16057, U.S.A.
§§§Luc Hoffmann Institute, WWF International, Avenue du Mont-Blanc 1196, Gland, Switzerland
Environmental Law Centre and Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700, STN CSC, Victoria,
B C V8W 2Y2, Canada
††††Department of History, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Arts & Administration Building, General Office: Room A4019, St.
John’s, NL A1C 5S7, Canada
‡‡‡‡Rare, 310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 110, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A.
§§§§Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3992, Atlanta, GA
30302-3992, U.S.A.
Abstract: Despite broad recognition of the value of social sciences and increasingly vocal calls for better
engagement with the human element of conservation, the conservation social sciences remain misunderstood
and underutilized in practice. The conservation social sciences can provide unique and important contributions to society’s understanding of the relationships between humans and nature and to improving conservation practice and outcomes. There are 4 barriers—ideological, institutional, knowledge, and capacity—to
meaningful integration of the social sciences into conservation. We provide practical guidance on overcoming
these barriers to mainstream the social sciences in conservation science, practice, and policy. Broadly, we recommend fostering knowledge on the scope and contributions of the social sciences to conservation, including
social scientists from the inception of interdisciplinary research projects, incorporating social science research
and insights during all stages of conservation planning and implementation, building social science capacity
at all scales in conservation organizations and agencies, and promoting engagement with the social sciences
in and through global conservation policy-influencing organizations. Conservation social scientists, too, need
to be willing to engage with natural science knowledge and to communicate insights and recommendations
Paper submitted December 16, 2015; revised manuscript accepted May 3, 2016.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Conservation Biology, Volume 00, No. 0, 1–11
C 2016 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology.
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12788
Mainstreaming the Social Sciences
clearly. We urge the conservation community to move beyond superficial engagement with the conservation
social sciences. A more inclusive and integrative conservation science—one that includes the natural and
social sciences—will enable more ecologically effective and socially just conservation. Better collaboration
among social scientists, natural scientists, practitioners, and policy makers will facilitate a renewed and more
robust conservation. Mainstreaming the conservation social sciences will facilitate the uptake of the full range
of insights and contributions from these fields into conservation policy and practice.
Keywords: conservation biology, conservation planning, conservation science, conservation social science,
environmental social science, human dimensions, natural resource management, social–ecological systems
Incorporación de la Perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales a la Conservación
Resumen: A pesar del reconocimiento general del valor de las ciencias sociales y los crecientes llamados por
un mejor compromiso con el elemento humano de la conservación, las ciencias sociales de la conservación
siguen siendo malentendidas y poco utilizadas en la práctica. Las ciencias sociales de la conservación pueden
proporcionar contribuciones únicas e importantes para el entendimiento de la sociedad de las relaciones
entre los humanos y la naturaleza y para la mejora de las prácticas de la conservación y sus resultados.
Existen cuatro barreras – ideológicas, institucionales, de conocimiento y de capacidad – para la integración
significativa de las ciencias sociales dentro de la conservación. Proporcionamos una guı́a práctica sobre cómo
sobreponerse a estas barreras para incorporar la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales a la ciencia, las prácticas
y las polı́ticas de conservación. En general, recomendamos promover el conocimiento sobre el alcance y las
contribuciones de las ciencias sociales para la conservación, incluir a los cientı́ficos sociales desde el origen
de los proyectos de investigación interdisciplinaria, incorporar la investigación de las ciencias sociales y las
percepciones durante todas las fases de la planificación y la implementación de la conservación, construir
la capacidad de las ciencias sociales en todas las escalas de las organizaciones y agencias de conservación y
promover el compromiso con las ciencias sociales en y a través de organizaciones de conservación con influencia polı́tica. Los cientı́ficos sociales de la conservación, también, necesitan estar dispuestos a involucrarse
con el conocimiento de las ciencias naturales y a comunicar percepciones y recomendaciones de manera
clara. Le urgimos a la comunidad de la conservación que vaya más allá del compromiso superficial con
las ciencias sociales de la conservación. Una ciencia de la conservación más incluyente y integradora –
una que incluya a las ciencias sociales y naturales – permitirá una conservación más justa socialmente y
más efectiva ecológicamente. Una mejor colaboración entre los cientı́ficos sociales, los cientı́ficos naturales,
los practicantes y quienes elaboran las polı́ticas facilitará una conservación más renovada y más sólida.
Incorporar la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales de la conservación facilitará la absorción de la extensión
completa de conocimiento y contribuciones de estos campos a la práctica y las polı́ticas de la conservación.
Palabras Clave: biologı́a de la conservación, ciencia de la conservación, ciencia social de la conservación,
ciencia social ambiental, dimensiones humanas, manejo de recursos naturales, planificación de la conservación,
sistemas socio-ecológicos
Calls for a More Social Conservation Science
and Practice
Pointing to the critical importance of the social sciences
to the global conservation agenda is now routine. Everyone working in conservation, it seems, recognizes that
natural science alone cannot solve conservation problems (e.g., Mascia et al. 2003; Chan et al. 2007; Schultz
2011; Kareiva & Marvier 2012; Hicks et al. 2016). Sandbrook et al. (2013:1488) argue that “ . . . the natural science methods of conservation biology are insufficient
to find solutions to complex conservation problems that
have social dimensions.” De Snoo et al. (2013:68) suggest “close involvement of social researchers with their
expertise, theories and methods, into conservation biology is a prerequisite for progress in the field.” Most
recently, at the 2015 International Congress for Conservation Biology of the Society for Conservation Biology
Conservation Biology
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(SCB) in Montpellier, France, incoming SCB president
James Watson announced that “Conservation science is
evolving . . . both natural and social sciences are crucial to
solve conservation problems.” Similar declarations about
the need for greater consideration of the human dimensions are now common in conservation meetings around
the world.
The conservation social science fields have grown
significantly over the last few decades. This is evidenced
by the growing application of different social science
fields to understand and ultimately improve conservation
practice and an increasing institutionalization of the
social sciences in conservation organizations. Formed
in 2003, SCB’s Social Science Working Group (SSWG)
became the second-largest group of all sections and
working groups by 2011. Conservation social science
publications and textbooks are growing in number (e.g.,
Vaccaro et al. 2010; Newing et al. 2011; Decker et al.
Bennett et al.
2012; Manfredo et al. 2014; Bennett & Roth 2015); natural
resource departments in universities increasingly include
social science in their curriculum; many conservation
organizations and agencies have hired social scientists;
numerous environmental management bodies have
formed social science working groups; a growing
number of funders support conservation social science;
and international conservation bodies are creating social
science units. For example, the International Union for
the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has recently created
a Global Economics and Social Science Programme
(GESSP) that is aiming to further promote and develop
the use of the social sciences in conservation.
Yet, we assert that the social sciences have not yet
achieved the same level of recognition and acceptance in
conservation science, practitioner, and policy circles as
the natural sciences. This is evidenced, for example, by
the relative imbalance of social to natural science presentations at conservation conferences and the imbalance of
articles on social versus natural sciences in conservationfocused journals. Further, it is the norm for conservation
organizations and agencies to employ natural scientists,
whereas it is less common for such organizations to hire
social scientists and, when present, they are often in the
minority. On the ground, far too often, social science is
not embedded in the design, implementation, monitoring, and assessment of conservation interventions (Sievanen et al. 2012). Underpinning all this is that the breadth
and role of conservation social science are often not clear
to conservation scientists, organizations, practitioners,
and funders. In short, we claim that the social sciences are
still far from mainstream in conservation and as a result
their potential contributions to improving conservation
policies and practice are not being realized fully.
Building on the momentum and increasing interest in
the human dimensions of conservation, we urge the conservation community to move beyond a superficial engagement with the conservation social sciences toward a
true mainstreaming of the social sciences in conservation
science, policy, and practice. Drawing on the results of a
focus-group meeting at the North American Congress for
Conservation Biology in July 2014, we outline barriers to
meaningful integration of the social sciences in conservation and provide practical guidance for mainstreaming
the breadth of the social sciences with the aim of building a renewed, integrated, and more robust conservation
science and practice.
The Conservation Social Sciences
A useful starting point for a discussion of mainstreaming
the conservation social sciences is an appreciation of the
breadth of the field and its purposes. The term conservation social sciences refers to diverse traditions of using
social science to understand and improve conservation
policy, practice, and outcomes. We take a broad view of
the conservation social sciences. The conservation social
sciences draw on the classic disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, psychology, human geography, and on applied disciplines such
as education, development studies, marketing, communication studies, and law. Many of these disciplines have
subfields that focus specifically on the environment or
conservation (e.g., environmental anthropology, environmental sociology, environmental governance, ecological
economics, conservation psychology, environmental education, environmental geography, and environmental
law). Interdisciplinary fields, such as science and technology studies, conservation and development, human
dimensions of natural resource management, human
ecology, ethnoecology, and political ecology, draw upon
various social sciences or both social and natural science. There are also strong traditions of conservation
social science and interdisciplinary conservation science
that have emerged from non-Western and non-English
language academic traditions, for example, from European and Latin American scholars (e.g., Leff 1994; Escobar 1998; Reyes-Garcı́a et al. 2006; Pascual et al. 2014)
and indigenous scholars (Kimmerer 2013; Augustine &
Dearden 2014). Although qualitatively different, we recognize the importance of the environmental humanities
(Castree et al. 2014), including environmental history,
environmental philosophy and ethics, ecoliterary and
ecocultural studies, and the arts to improving our understanding of, encouraging reflection upon and communicating about historical, current, and envisioned relationships between humans and nature. For overviews
of the conservation social sciences see, for example, Vaccaro et al. (2010), Newing et al. (2011), and Bennett and
Roth (2015).
The social sciences ask numerous questions that can
improve our understanding of conservation policy and
practice, from the individual, to the community, to the international scale (Table 1). In doing so, the conservation
social sciences can serve vastly different purposes (Lowe
et al. 2009; Sandbrook et al. 2013), which we categorize
as instrumental, descriptive, reflexive, and generative.
The conservation social sciences might serve an instrumental role, for example, in determining what constitutes
effective management, governance, or communications
strategies for conservation. They can also serve a descriptive role, for example, by providing a historical account or
describing the diverse ways in which conservation occurs
in different contexts. The social sciences may also play
a reflexive role, for example, by asking critical questions
about the way different conservation models are framed,
justified, and determined to be culturally appropriate.
Finally, the conservation social sciences have a generative role, for example, when they produce innovative
conservation concepts, policies, practices, and models.
Of course, individual projects that apply conservation
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Table 1. Conservation problems at different scales and relevant fields of social science.
Locus and scale of problem
People and groups or topics of study
Examples of problems or questions at this scale
Possible fields of social science
Society at national and
international scales
general public, advocacy groups,
international NGOs and ENGOs,
national agencies, international
bodies such as the IUCN
ideas, metaphors, philosophies,
narratives, beliefs, ethical stances
sociology, anthropology, history,
conservation education, science
studies, political ecology,
humanities and ethics
Federal or state laws and
politicians, legislators, policy makers,
laws, governance, incentives,
regulations, knowledge building
Midlevel multijurisdiction
management unit
tribes, NGOs, management boards
planning, regional policy creation,
brokering of management actions
Local governments
elected leaders, planning
departments, technical agencies
political grounding, best practices,
applied technologies
managers, comanagement boards,
adjacent communities
best practices, participation,
How do different groups in society understand and
relate to nature? What ways of thinking inform
particular conservation practices or resistance to
them? What broad social and material factors
shape the way society approaches conservation?
What are the social, ecological, behavioral, and
cognitive outcomes of conservation education
efforts? In what ways might ethics guide
conservation actions?
Are laws efficient and effective at supporting
conservation? How do science and other factors
guide conservation decision making? What is the
impact of a proposed environmental law or policy
on conservation or society? Do existing
educational policies facilitate learning
environmental science and knowledge effectively?
How might law and policy support conservation
while fostering sustainable prosperity?
How does decision making occur in management
boards? Who is involved in environmental
governance? What is the role of science in
management? How and by whom has an area been
used historically? What are the main conflicts over
resource management and why do these conflicts
occur? How do different funding models—e.g.,
corporate funding, national funding—influence
the conservation agenda?
Is environmental conservation a local-election issue?
How might cities plan their green space and parks
for the health of both nature and people?
Management initiative, e.g.,
protected area
resource-dependent corporations,
local businesses and sectors
best practices, goods and services,
sustainability programs
human geography, political science,
science studies, anthropology,
sociology, history, human
dimensions, political ecology
political science, ecological
economics, planning
anthropology, political science,
psychology, conservation and
development, ecological
economics, political ecology,
science studies
conservation and development,
ecological economics, education,
Mainstreaming the Social Sciences
Private sector and
What management actions are being taken? By
whom? How? How are community livelihoods and
economics impacting or being impacted by a
protected area? How is a management initiative
being received or resisted? What cultural models
are being employed to shape conservation policy
and practice?
What governance or economic mechanisms might be
used to guide corporate behavior? How can
environmental messaging be used to guide
consumer behavior?
environmental law, political science,
science studies, conservation
education, ecological economics
Abbreviations: NGO, nongovernmental organization; ENGO, environmental nongovernmental organization; IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature.
psychology, ecological economics,
conservation education, political
science, history, communication
and marketing
residents, individual resource users,
homeowners, visitors/tourists,
private landowners, recreationists
awareness, knowledge, attitudes,
values, personal norms, emotions,
behavior, stewardship, conflict
Household or individual
anthropology, conservation and
development, conservation
education, communication and
marketing, psychology, history
How do local social practices or cultural norms and
social identities affect conservation behaviors?
What factors give rise to different levels of civic
engagement? What competing visions for
conservation exist among local people or between
local people and outside organizations? How can
outreach be improved through understanding
social networks? How do cultural practices
relating to the environment figure in resource use
How are individuals likely to respond to a particular
conservation initiative or management action?
How can we develop effective communications to
build local support for conservation efforts? How
can we change consumer decisions to reduce
environmental impacts? How can we facilitate
knowledge development and behavior change of
resource users?
resource-dependent communities,
civic organizations, associations,
schools, livelihood group
civic engagement, social networking,
place making, social norms
Community, neighborhood,
or group
Possible fields of social science
Examples of problems or questions at this scale
People and groups or topics of study
Locus and scale of problem
Table 1. Continued.
Bennett et al.
social science can serve overlapping and complementary
We contend the role of social science is often misunderstood. Conservation social scientists are often employed as meeting facilitators, planners, public educators,
survey designers, project evaluators, behavior changers,
or implementers (Welch-Devine & Campbell 2010). However, even in the most applied aspects of the tradition,
conservation social scientists are problem formulators,
data collectors, analysts, and theory developers who can
provide insights that can guide the social processes associated with conservation. Furthermore, although there
is increasing attention to interdisciplinarity (e.g., Campbell 2005; Fox et al. 2006; Christie 2011; Sievanen et al.
2012), the social sciences should not be just an add on
to interdisciplinary conservation research projects after
the project has already been conceived (Viseu 2015:291).
This misunderstanding and lack of early involvement in
projects undermines the potential contributions of social
science and interdisciplinary conservation science to produce better science or provide more complete solutions.
Barriers to Engaging with the Conservation Social Sciences
To realize their full contribution, we assert that the social
sciences need to be mainstreamed in conservation policy
and practice. By arguing for this mainstreaming, we seek
to draw consistent and prioritized attention to the social
dimensions of conservation in all social and ecological
contexts and at all organizational levels with the ultimate
goal of achieving a more robust, effective, and socially
just conservation practice. This is a momentous but
essential task.
Is conservation ready to mainstream social science?
Simply doing more social science will not necessarily
lead to better conservation unless that social science is
assimilated into a hospitable environment. By ready we
do not simply mean willing. Rather, are conservation
organizations, institutions, and associations capable
of truly integrating diverse insights from the social
sciences? In practice, social science may be watered
down and potential insights ignored resulting in policy
evaporation, meaning a supportive high-level policy
environment yields little implementation on the ground
(Moser & Moser [2005] for similar concerns relative to
gender mainstreaming). Many conservation scientists,
organizations, and funders currently employ an ad hoc
approach to engaging with the conservation social
sciences. Realizing the full value of the conservation
social sciences requires knowledge of and commitment
to social sciences across scales. For example, high-level
offices to field practitioners in conservation organizations
need adequate social science expertise to inform all
aspects of their operations. Fulfilling the need for more
and better social science in conservation may require a
Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2016
Figure 1. Barriers to mainstreaming the social
sciences in conservation.
transformation of the entire approach, agenda, culture,
and ethos of the conservation community.
Thus, prior to suggesting steps for mainstreaming at
various scales, we acknowledge some perceived or real
barriers to integrating social and interdisciplinary sciences as a means of explaining how it is, after more than
a decade of calls to better integrate the social sciences
(Mascia et al. 2003), that the conservation community
still struggles with exactly how to make that happen.
We draw from the results of a focus-group workshop
on the conservation social sciences at the North American Congress for Conservation Biology in 2014 and the
literature on interdisciplinary research (e.g., Fox et al.
2006; Welch-Devine & Campbell 2010; Christie 2011;
Clark et al. 2011; Moon & Blackman 2014). We summarize the barriers to social science mainstreaming under
the following 4 categories: ideological barriers, institutional barriers, knowledge barriers, and capacity barriers
(Fig. 1). Successful mainstreaming requires directly addressing all barriers simultaneously.
First, natural and social scientists often think quite
differently about how the world operates and how
scientists should engage with it. Such ideological barriers include differing philosophies, worldviews, or epistemologies (also called “theories of knowledge” [Moon
& Blackman 2014]). Differing worldviews may produce
distinct understandings of the connections between nature and humans. This can lead to incompatible ways of
thinking about a problem or of approaching research. For
example, social and natural sciences may prioritize different scales and units of analysis. A study of environmental
change, for instance, may start with human action for the
social scientist but ecological indicators for the natural
Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2016
Mainstreaming the Social Sciences
scientist. Natural and social scientists may also view the
nature and scope of knowledge differently, particularly
what constitutes acceptable methods and valid data. As
a result, social scientists often interact with nature and
with human communities in different ways than natural
Second, conservation organizations and institutions
are often configured for natural sciences, not social sciences. Such institutional barriers include organizational
cultures, interests, and histories, as well as decisionmaking structures such as laws and regulation. Conservation organizations or funders may have an organizational
culture that primarily employs, understands, or values the
natural sciences. Historically, many conservation organizations and funders have focused solely or primarily on
natural sciences, leading them to privilege studies that
utilize deductive rather than inductive reasoning. There
is often a resistance to changing this focus to include and
fund more social science perspectives. Some individuals
or organizations may even feel threatened by the insights
social scientists provide, particularly when those insights
challenge entrenched practices and narratives. Beyond
individual organizations, structural institutions that shape
how the environment is governed, such as law, often
impede integrative conservation practice.
Third, all fields are steeped in disciplinary assumptions,
theories, and methods. The ensuing knowledge barriers
include training, experience, and knowledge of theories and methods. Conservation social scientists engage
with discipline-specific language and different theories
to understand topics under study, which can be inaccessible to nonspecialists, just as the language of natural
sciences can be impenetrable to nonexperts. The application of conservation social science may also require
training in social science theories and methods and experience with method application and analysis of results
or, equally important, training in integrative approaches
that can provide a platform for natural and social scientists to engage effectively without having to relinquish
their own disciplinary expertise. The value of the range
of social science methods (e.g., qualitative, quantitative,
spatial, planning, evaluative, historical, meta-analytical,
arts-based, and participatory methods) and related analytical techniques may not be immediately apparent to
natural scientists, practitioners, or policy makers.
Fourth, it takes capacity to engage with the social
sciences. The capacity barriers to a deeper integration
of social sciences can include human capital, skills, and
resources. Limited social science capacity within conservation organizations may mean conservation practitioners and organizations looking to fund conservation social
sciences do not know where or how to begin engaging
with social sciences. Without a clear understanding of
the breadth of the conservation social sciences, the types
of questions that each field of conservation social science
poses, and the methods used by disciplinary specialists,
Bennett et al.
conservation organizations and funders may not appreciate the potential contribution of each social science field
to improving conservation practice and outcomes. This
may also mean the necessary skills to carry out social
science research projects or the necessary connections
to social science expertise in other organizations may
often be lacking within organizations. Finally, financial
resources are almost always limited, and, when science
is prioritized, it is often earmarked for natural science
research. It is important that conservation scientists, organizations, and agencies aiming to integrate social sciences
into their scope and work recognize and address these
potential challenges and barriers to integration.
Mainstreaming the Conservation Social Sciences
Mainstreaming of the conservation social sciences will
need to occur at different scales and in different communities of practice. We consider 3 different mainstreaming
entry points (i.e., within the conservation science community, within conservation agencies and organizations,
and within global conservation policy-influencing bodies) and outline a number of steps that might be taken at
each level.
First, regarding mainstreaming in conservation science, our initial suggestion is the least bold, but it may
be the most contentious. Perhaps it is time for applied
and mission-driven professional conservation organizations to signify a move away from isolated areas of conservation science toward a community of practice united
in its desires to improve conservation using all available
approaches and methods. Because the conservation sciences include the natural sciences, the social sciences,
and interdisciplinary endeavors, we propose that the SCB
consider rebranding itself as the Society for Conservation
Science. Significant steps are needed within the conservation science community to increase knowledge of the
definitions, focal areas, theories, methods, and contributions of the diversity of conservation social sciences,
not just those that are instrumental to conservation. This
includes a deeper understanding of the philosophical differences underpinning social and natural sciences and
the implications of these differences (Moon & Blackman
2014). For example, it is important to understand that
the potential insights of social science are not always
amenable to quantitative methods or models (Drury et al.
2011). Such knowledge, however, is not enough. Specific
actions need to be taken to overcome institutional and
capacity barriers within the conservation science community. Suggested steps include increasing the breadth of
social science content within undergraduate and graduate conservation biology and environmental management
(e.g., forestry, fisheries, and agriculture) programs; ensuring that conservation journals equally support the publication of natural, social, and interdisciplinary articles
and that these journals have social science editors and reviewers; improving the representation of social scientists
in conservation-related departments and research institutes, including in leadership positions (e.g., department
heads, deans); rethinking funding structures so that there
is greater financial support for the social sciences (commensurate to the need); taking steps to ensure greater
participation, better exposure, and more comprehensive
treatment of the social sciences at conservation conferences; selecting natural and social scientists equally for
conservation fellowship programs; and placing social science on an equal footing in interdisciplinary research
projects by ensuring that social scientists are not an afterthought and are equally represented at all stages of
project design, implementation, analysis, and writing.
Because capacity begets capacity, taking steps such as
these will stop the chicken-or-egg phenomenon currently
occurring in conservation science. However, changing
the ideologies and culture of the conservation science
community may be more challenging than simply changing a name or the membership. Conservation science will
increasingly need to make room for different worldviews,
opinions, and approaches and for deliberations on results
that conflict with each other (Green et al. 2015). Yet as
Viseu (2015:291) argues, “We must insist on the value
of complexity, so that divergent thinking is not eclipsed
in the effort to speak with one voice. We must make
room for the disputes that are at the center of knowledge
production.” Fundamental to this process will be openmindedness, patience, humility, honesty, listening, willingness to differ, and clear communication (Winowiecki
et al. 2011).
Second, conservation organizations often recognize
the importance of the social sciences and are increasingly engaging in and funding conservation social science research. Government conservation agencies are
also taking into account social science research when
making decisions about the environment, for example,
when evaluating an environmental assessment or the potential of creating a new national park. Yet at some level,
many agencies and organizations are still grappling with
the what, how, and why, which requires considerable
evidence of the distinct value proposition of specific
conservation social sciences to key aspects of their missions in order to contemplate the path to incorporating
or mainstreaming. Thus, developing an understanding of
the social sciences and their organizational and conservation benefits is an important first step for many conservation agencies and organizations. Once the case has
been made, specific actions are needed to strategically
increase social science capacity within conservation organizations and agencies. We propose 6 practical steps:
recognize agency, organizational, and financial barriers
to incorporating conservation social sciences; take steps
to overcome these barriers by building understanding of
and support for the conservation social sciences within
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the organization; identify the conservation problem or
problems that the agency or organization aims to address
and highlight their social dimensions, partnering with
social scientists from the beginning of the process to
frame key topics, questions, and approaches; brainstorm
key topics for investigation or research questions and
prioritize them to establish a conservation social science
agenda; partner with, contract, or hire conservation social scientists to carry out the work; and appoint one
person to be accountable for ensuring social science is
continually incorporated into projects and that results
will inform decision making (Bennett & Roth 2015).
This entire process may require organizations to revisit
their theory of change and, while doing so, to examine
where social science insights may be useful. Doing so
with social scientists could generate new insights into
unquestioned assumptions about values, mental models
(including about history), cognition, human or organizational behavior, and social dynamics and help identify
where conservation efforts are likely to yield unintended
side effects because of individual, collective, or organizational realities or responses that were previously unforeseen by the organization. Pragmatically, conservation
organizations could establish dedicated funding streams
for social science programs or personnel or create mechanisms to fund external social science research. Organizations seeking to engage the social sciences should develop a clear idea of the social science approach that suits
their needs and recognize that engaging with all manner
of and approaches to conservation social sciences can improve conservation policies and practice. It makes sense
to start with a pilot social science initiative before scaling
We recognize that there are a number of conservation
organizations and agencies that actively incorporate the
social sciences at various levels in the organization as part
of monitoring and evaluation processes or throughout the
project cycle (e.g., The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, Rare,
Ecotrust, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National
Park Service). Yet the scope and scale of engagement
within these large and well-known organizations is not
readily apparent. A review of how, at what stages, and
the extent and efficacy with which conservation organizations of different sizes use the social sciences is beyond
the purview of this paper, but it would be an insightful
Third, in the global conservation policy arena, mainstreaming would be supported by promoting social
sciences in and through global conservation policyinfluencing organizations such as the United Nations Environment Program and the IUCN, which can uniquely
advance a global community of practice around the conservation social sciences. Although the SSWG of the
SCB plays an important role as a professional organization, there is also a need for better integration of the
Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2016
Mainstreaming the Social Sciences
conservation social sciences in policy development. The
IUCN GESSP may take a leading role in promoting and
highlighting the role of the social sciences in improving the policy and practice of conservation. A promising recent initiative of the IUCN GESSP is to launch the
IUCN Social Science for Conservation Fellowship Program to investigate and demonstrate where and how
social science perspectives, methods, and approaches
can improve understanding of and address challenges
related to the human dimensions of conservation. Additional steps that could be taken by such organizations for
the conservation social sciences are writing and distributing position papers or policy briefs that demonstrate
the value of applying the social sciences in conservation; leading the way in demonstrating and documenting the role of the social sciences through codeveloping
or facilitating interdisciplinary, multibenefit, high-impact
partnerships with global development organizations and
agencies (e.g., United Nations, Oxfam, or U.S. Agency
for International Development); collaborating with the
Global Environment Facility and other global conservation financing agencies to guide and incentivize conservation organizations and government agencies to use the
social sciences to understand, improve, and document
the human context and impact of interventions; advocating for enhanced social science integration in future
global sustainability agreements (e.g., Convention on Biological Diversity); using conservation meetings such as
the World Conservation Congress, World Parks Congress,
and International Congress for Conservation Biology to
promote a better understanding of the role of social sciences in conservation; and providing practical guidance
for how conservation organizations can integrate methods, practitioners, and approaches from the social sciences into their mandates, projects, capacity, and funding
streams to design more effective conservation, better understand impacts of conservation, etc. Such a body could
support broad and systematic reviews of social science
perspectives on different pressing or emerging conservation challenges (e.g., wildlife crime, social conditions for
conservation success, large scale marine protected areas)
to identify lessons learned, make recommendations, and
propose directions for future research. At the same time,
central hubs or bodies that might support the integration of social sciences into conservation need adequate
seed and core funding and sufficient capacity to persist
and successfully promote this mandate. The conservation
funding community thus has a clear role in enabling such
a global conservation social science initiative; the IUCN
GESSP is only one such example.
Finally, we turn the mirror on ourselves and highlight the important role social scientists must play in
the mainstreaming process. Conservation social scientists
need to be willing and able to better engage with natural scientists and conservation practitioners. Academic
training can produce social scientists who are challenged
Bennett et al.
Figure 2. Framework for a collaborative and integrated conservation science and practice.
to communicate their research outcomes with diverse
nonspecialist audiences or to provide politically realistic
and action-oriented recommendations. The way social
scientists communicate may be too academic or theory
laden to be accessible, which will likely interfere with
initial and ongoing engagements with natural scientists,
conservation organizations, and policy makers. The academic focus on research and publications may also interfere with conservation social scientists’ abilities to
take sufficient time to collaborate meaningfully and to
make efforts to influence conservation practice. Finally,
conservation social scientists often neglect to integrate
ecology into their training programs and their research—
often relying instead on proxies such as perceptions or
behaviors—leaving natural scientists and others wondering about the real-world ecological implications of this
research. To connect and gain traction, social scientists
may need to reflect on their outreach strategies (e.g.,
explaining their theory and methods, communicating
clearly in outputs, translating insights into understandable and actionable recommendations) and grapple with
how their work links to conservation biology and ecological outcomes throughout the research process. This
does not mean the theory and language of social science
should be abandoned; rather, it means social scientists
need to learn to communicate for different audiences and
purposes. Specifically, we propose that social scientists
would benefit from science communication courses. In
short, conservation social science remains an emerging
field of practice that will need to meet natural science
and practitioner colleagues part way in order for more
effective integration to take place.
Toward a Collaborative and Integrated Conservation Science
and Practice
Conservation science needs to be inclusive, integrative,
and collaborative in order to understand and address the
conservation challenges of the 21st century. We argue
that the social sciences play a critical role in improving
marine and terrestrial conservation and more broadly in
the theory and practice of environmental management.
We are not suggesting that conservation social science
alone can solve conservation problems or that social and
natural scientists with their tools and methods should
sit side by side and use research to solve conservation
problems. Conservation as a practice is necessarily multiand interdisciplinary; that is, it requires an understanding of both natural and social systems and collaboration
between natural and social scientists. It is also transdisciplinary, meaning it requires collaboration among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and stakeholders
(Fig. 2). We assert that good interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary conservation scholarship requires a solid understanding of and attention to disciplinary differences
and contributions. Discussions across disciplinary and
science-to-action boundaries are challenging but worth
undertaking because these efforts, at the very least, will
lay the groundwork for better mutual understanding and,
at best, will contribute to better conservation outcomes.
This disciplinary and real-world integration should be
done at all stages in the conservation research-to-action
cycle while making allowances for the need to balance
feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness.
The time is right to take active steps to mainstream
the social sciences in conservation at all scales, from
individual initiatives to national or global policies, and
in different types of organizations and projects. There is
widespread recognition of the need to understand social
dimensions and support for engaging the conservation social sciences. Although each subfield of the conservation
social sciences has a distinct contribution to make, they
remain underutilized and their potential contributions
largely unrealized. There is thus a need to intentionally
and carefully increase knowledge of the diversity of the
social sciences and to build social-science capacity in
the conservation science, practice, and policy arenas. We
suggest a number of actionable steps to mainstream the
Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2016
social sciences in conservation in order to overcome ideological, institutional, knowledge, and capacity barriers
to integration. Yet, there is still much to learn. We recommend a review of past successes and failures in integrating social science into real-world conservation projects
(i.e., not just into interdisciplinary research projects) and
organizations and documentation of best practices to facilitate better incorporation in the future. This would
promote learning and help social scientists have a more
meaningful impact in the future of conservation. It would
also be worthwhile to document strategies to balance
feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in integrated conservation science projects. A productive engagement
with the conservation social sciences will likely require
long-term ongoing partnerships, knowledge and capacity
building, open dialogue, clear communication, reflection
on past and present practice, and a willingness to adapt
programs of work. A more inclusive conservation science
(i.e., one that includes methods and insights from the
natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities)
will enable the conservation community to produce more
ecologically effective and socially just conservation. Mainstreaming the conservation social sciences will facilitate
the uptake of the full range of insights and contributions
from these fields into conservation policy and practice.
The Canadian Wildlife Federation sponsored the original
focus group workshop at the North American Congress
for Conservation Biology in 2014 that eventually led to
this publication. We also appreciate the logistical support
of the SSWG of the SCB and additional financial support
from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. N.J.B. acknowledges the support
of the Liber Ero Foundation, Fulbright Canada, Banting
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, and the Community
Conservation Research Network and OceanCanada Partnership projects. R.E.W.T. acknowledges the support of
a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (grant DGE-1321845), and D.V. acknowledges
the support of a David H. Smith Conservation Research
Fellowship. N.J.B. is a senior advisor to the IUCN GESSP.
All authors acknowledge the support of their respective
institutions. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the
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