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AI-generated Abstract
This discussion details Indonesia's experience with capital account liberalization, highlighting the risks and consequences of poor sequencing and lack of institutional support. It emphasizes the importance of a robust financial system, proper regulatory frameworks, and macroeconomic consistency to ensure sustainable benefits from open capital accounts. The paper draws conclusions on the necessity of maintaining good governance, the advantages of a flexible exchange rate system, and the limited effectiveness of international financial assistance during crises.
Policy Research Working Papers, 2011
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.
The liberalization of the capital account of the balance of payments is rooted in economic theory. Not only can it help to bridge savings and foreign exchange gaps in national economies, and hence promote higher economic growth, it can also lead to greater efficient allocation of resources internationally and greater portfolio risk diversification, among others (Obadan, 2005). Perhaps, in the light of this, and against the background of developed financial markets, the industrial countries set the pace in capital account liberalization in the 1970s following the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. The liberalization was further accelerated in the 1980s. But, perhaps, because of underdeveloped domestic financial markets and less favourable environments, many developing countries commenced moves from the mid-1980s to liberalize their capital accounts with promptings from the Bretton Woods institutions, namely the IMF, and the World Bank. Indeed, it was not until ...
After a failed liberalization attempt in the late 1970s, the Israeli economy entered a process of gradual liberalization as part of an encompassing strategy of economic reforms since the successful stabilization of rapid inflation in July 1985. Macroeconomic stabilization is a major prerequisite for any capital account liberalization. Though the Stabilization Plan of 1985 did reduce inflation radically, inflation still remained at a relatively high level-some 18 percent, which was about 14 percentage points above the rate prevailing in many Western trading partners. In light of this discrepancy, the pursuit of full integration of Israel into world financial markets still necessitated a continued strategy toward eliminating this inflation gap. The gradual reduction of the large public debt, a legacy of past excessive government deficits, constitutes another aspect of the relevant prerequisites for a sustainable liberalization. Other conditions, such as stability in the government's accounts and in the current account of the balance of payments were achieved already in the 1985 stabilization plan. During the late 1980s, in view of the lacking convergence of the inflation gap, policymakers adapted the strategy of liberalization in an important way: Instead of postponing liberalization after full price stability was achieved, a timing that was highly uncertain at the time, it was decided to seize any political opportunity that presented itself for a gradual liberalization, side by side with a continued gradual effort toward price stability.
Economic and Political Weekly, 2004
This paper surveys the literature on the effects of capital account openness and stock market liberalization on economic growth and provides a synthesis in which we reconcile some of the different results presented in the literature. Various empirical measures used to gauge the presence of controls on capital account transactions and the liberalization of equity markets are discussed. We compare detailed measures of capital account controls that attempt to capture the intensity of enforcement with other indicators that simply capture whether controls are present. A detailed review of the literature is followed by an empirical section in which we trace the divergence in published results to differences in country coverage, sample periods, indicators of liberalization, and control variables across studies. Specifically, we show that when an institutional variable such as government reputation is added to the specification, the significance of capital account openness vanishes. Also, we demonstrate that enriching the specification by allowing for nonlinearities helps explain why different studies that ignore the nonlinear nature of the relationship find different results. [JEL F32, F33, F36] E conomic theory suggests that unfettered international capital flows can foster a more efficient allocation of resources, provide opportunities for risk diver-*Hali
Acta Oeconomica, 2003
In the late eighties, many developing countries followed the example of the most advanced countries and opened their capital account (K.A.) in an attempt to reap new gains from increased integration with the world economy. Currently, after the wave of financial and currency crises that hurt the global economy over the last decade, enthusiasm about K.A. liberalization has greatly faded. First, the relationship between development and capital account liberalization did not come out to be as solid as initially expected; second, the greater capital mobility has brought about new forms of financial instability. This paper points to some risks that might be associated with undifferentiated deregulation of international movements of capital in connection with developing economies. It argues in favor of proper sequencing: liberalization should proceed in parallel with progress when it comes to macroeconomic stability, building market competition and the creation of a sound, internal financi...
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