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Helminth parasites - Masters of regulation
Article in Immunological Reviews · November 2004
DOI: 10.1111/j.0105-2896.2004.00191.x · Source: PubMed
6 authors, including:
Adam Balic
Meera G Nair
The University of Edinburgh
University of California, Riverside
Judith E Allen
The University of Manchester
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Rick M. Maizels
Adam Balic
Natalia Gomez-Escobar
Meera Nair
Matt D. Taylor
Judith E. Allen
Helminth parasites – masters of
Authors’ address
Summary: Immune regulation by parasites is a global concept that
Rick M. Maizels, Adam Balic, Natalia Gomez-Escobar,
Meera Nair, Matt D. Taylor, Judith E. Allen,
includes suppression, diversion, and conversion of the host immune
response to the benefit of the pathogen. While many microparasites
escape immune attack by antigenic variation or sequestration in specialized niches, helminths appear to thrive in exposed extracellular locations,
such as the lymphatics, bloodstream, or gastrointestinal tract. We review
here the multiple layers of immunoregulation that have now been discovered in helminth infection and discuss both the cellular and the
molecular interactions involved. Key events among the host cell population are dominance of the T-helper 2 cell (Th2) phenotype and the
selective loss of effector activity, against a background of regulatory
T cells, alternatively activated macrophages, and Th2-inducing dendritic
cells. Increasingly, there is evidence of important effects on other innate
cell types, particularly mast cells and eosinophils. The sum effect of these
changes to host reactivity is to create an anti-inflammatory environment,
which is most favorable to parasite survival. We hypothesize therefore
that parasites have evolved specific molecular strategies to induce this
conducive landscape, and we review the foremost candidate immunomodulators released by helminths, including cytokine homologs, protease
inhibitors, and an intriguing set of novel products implicated in immune
Institute of Immunology and Infection
Research, School of Biological Sciences,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Correspondence to:
Rick M. Maizels
Institute of Immunology and Infection Research
Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
University of Edinburgh, EH9 3JT, UK
Fax: þ44 131 6505450
RMM and JEA acknowledge Programme Grant support
from the Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council.
This review stems from extensive discussions with many
members of both the Allen and Maizels laboratories. In
particular, we thank Iain Gallagher and Mark Wilson for
discussion and permission to discuss unpublished data;
and all other members of the laboratories: Simon
Babayan, David Dresser, Constance Finney, Karen
Gilmour, Andrea Graham, Bill Gregory, Anjie Harris,
Yvonne Harcus, Tracey Lamb, Janice Murray, Gavin
Nicol, Lidia Prieto-Lafuente, and Irma Schabussova. We
extend particular thanks to Maria Yazdanbakhsh (Leiden
University) for interactive discussions and concepts, and
generous help with material for figures.
Immunological Reviews 2004
Vol. 201: 89–116
Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved
Copyright ß Blackwell Munksgaard 2004
Immunological Reviews
Parasitic helminths represent an extreme in the spectrum of
pathogens, as large multicellular animals derived from free-living
metazoan ancestors. Although commonly grouped together, the
helminths in fact comprise two very distantly related taxa that
diverged 600 million or more years ago (1): the roundworm
nematodes and the flatworm platyhelminths. Between these two
main groups of distantly related helminth parasites, individual
species of parasites have evolved to occupy a diverse range of
niches within their hosts, using a wide range of infection strategies, yet with few exceptions the mammalian host responds to
these diverse groups of organisms in a remarkably consistent and
even stereotypic manner (2). Typically, this response involves
the production of the cytokines interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-10,
and IL-13, as well as immunoglobulin E (IgE) and the expansion
and mobilization of specific effector cells, such as mast cells,
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
eosinophils, and basophils. Collectively, this group of responses
is known as the T-helper 2 (Th2) immune response (3).
A question that then arises is why do such distantly related
parasites generate such similar host immune responses? It is
possible that the immunological similarities which exist
between these groups reflect shared helminth molecular ‘identity markers’ to the host immune response (4, 5), similar to
the Toll-like receptor system by which microbial pathogens
are recognized. However, it may also reflect parallel evolution
of common strategies to exploit loopholes in the host immune
response, either for the creation and maintenance of a beneficial environment within the host or for the suppression of
host defense mechanisms. Indeed, the thesis of this review is
that helminths of both types have discovered, and taken advantage of, the Achilles’ heel of the immune system – the selfimposed system of immune regulation that protects us from
lethal autoimmunity.
The long life span of helminth parasites is evidence enough
that they are accomplished at immune evasion, and it is clear
that interference and modulation occur from the very first
events in infection. Helminths do not simply ward off immune
attack; rather, they influence and direct immune responses
away from the modes most damaging to them, regulating
the host immune response to create niches that optimize
successful feeding and reproduction. Their means of accomplishing this feat are the subject of this review. Below, we
discuss how helminths induce remarkably strong Th2
responses and the factors that restrain Th2 immunity from
eliminating target parasites. We then discuss our most recent
data demonstrating the crucial role of regulatory T cells in
restraining host responses both to parasites and to third-party
antigens such as allergens. We then distinguish between ‘effector’ Th2 activity and the downmodulated (‘modified’ or ‘conditioned’) Th2 phenotype which accompanies active infection.
A similar distinction can be applied to the macrophage population, which enters a state of ‘alternative activation’.
In parallel to these exciting insights into the cellular interactions in infection, understanding of helminth immunomodulation is emerging at the molecular level. Numerous
parasite-derived proteins, glycoconjugates, and small lipid
moieties have been discovered with known or hypothesized
roles in immune interference. We discuss these in the final
section of the review.
The immunoregulatory scene in human infection
A key point, often overlooked, is that infections with parasitic
helminths are quite commonly asymptomatic, and most hosts
Immunological Reviews 201/2004
are able to tolerate the presence of parasites normally considered as ‘pathogenic’ for considerable time without ill effects.
Significantly, pathology is more closely associated with heightened immunological reactivity as for example in hepatic disease in schistosomiasis or acute lymphatic inflammation in
filariasis (6). The fact that the immune system is capable of
reacting vigorously to the parasites and yet generally does not
is one indicator that downregulation of responsiveness is
occurring in helminth infection. Perhaps both host and parasite benefit in their own ways from this process: but is immunoregulation the autonomous decision of the host immune
system or the result of an elaborate survival strategy on the
part of the parasite?
The epidemiological picture of immune regulation in helminth infection is one which shows remarkable similarities
between different infections such as filariasis and schistosomiasis
(6, 7). Typically, individuals with heavy infections have compromised antigen-specific T-cell responses in peripheral blood
populations (8–11), most evident in a lack of in vitro proliferation
and diminished IL-2 and interferon-g (IFN-g) responses to
antigen challenge. We have some insight into the dynamics of
immune depression from animal models, in which early
responsiveness gives way to immunosuppression as the infection
progresses to the patent phase (12, 13), as exemplified in Fig. 1A
and B. In heavy infections, immune downregulation extends to
polyclonal mitogen stimuli (Fig. 1C), a finding we return to in
the context of impact of helminths on bystander responses.
Reactivity is not, however, altogether absent: T cells do produce IL-4 in response to antigen in vitro, but IL-5 is (like IFN-g)
suppressed (14). Suppression is dependent on the continuing
existence of parasites; in vivo T-cell responses are restored following curative drug treatment (11, 15), with the recovery of
proliferation (Fig. 1D) as well as the Th1 and Th2 effector
cytokines IL-5 and IFN-g. These key observations lead us to
conclude that inflammatory cytokines of both Th1 and Th2 type
are concomitantly suppressed. The pattern of immune suppression in human helminth infection does not map neatly across a
Th1-versus-Th2 pendulum, leading workers in the field to
consider the activity of regulatory populations (16–18).
A critical series of experiments established that filarial- and
schistosome-specific T cells are present in infected patients and
that their reactivity can be uncovered in the presence of antibodies to the regulatory cytokines IL-10 or transforming
growth factor-b (TGF-b) (19–21). As discussed later in this
review, these data can now be interpreted not only as evidence
for regulatory T-cell activity in human helminth infection
but also as a reflection on the unresponsive state of parasitereactive T cells.
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
IL-10, TGF-β
Proliferation (cpm × 10 )
Chronic infection
Weeks after infection
Worm burden/time after infection
Stimulation index (SI) to BmA
Con A mitogen response (stimulation index)
Fig. 1. Immune modulation in human
helminth infection. (A) Time course
antigen-specific proliferation in peripheral
blood mononuclear cells from cattle
infected with Onchocerca [reproduced from
(13)]. (B) Schematic time course of
immune suppression in filariasis, with
reversal by neutralizing antibodies to
interleukin-10 (IL-10) or transforming
growth factor-b (TGF-b). (C) Spillover
suppression of mitogen responses in
onchocerciasis (data from M. E. Murdoch
and R. M. Maizels, unpublished).
(D) Reversal of unresponsiveness in Brugia
filariasis following diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
chemotherapy (16).
Onchocerca parasite load (Mf/mg skin)
Learning from mouse models
A surprisingly wide choice of mouse model systems is available for helminth infections. Some, like Schistosoma mansoni, have
been reviewed recently (22, 23), and within this review, we
focus on our own work with nematode models of infection. A
variety of parasite species (Fig. 2) display diverse migratory
pathways and inhabit different niches (tissue compartments
or gastrointestinal tract). In experimental models, some organisms achieve chronic infection while others are expelled, with
the outcome often dependent on host genotype. Common to
all systems, however, is some form of immune deviation or
Three species of gut nematodes act in different but instructive ways. Heligmosomoides polygyrus establishes long-term infections in most strains of mice, and it has a distinctly
immunosuppressive phenotype. H. polygyrus infection inhibits
expulsion of other parasites, converting an otherwise shortlived Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection into chronicity (24). At
the cellular level, we have shown that regulatory T cells are
stimulated in H. polygyrus infection (Wilson M., Finney C, &
RMM, unpublished), while molecular studies have reported
that parasites secrete a low molecular weight immunomodulatory factor that substantially inhibits in vitro lymphocyte
responses (25). N. brasiliensis itself is short lived under standard
high-dose infections, stimulating a powerful and protective
Th2 response (26–29); however, low-dose (‘trickle’) infections more akin to natural rate of exposure develop into
chronicity (30). A third system has been Trichuris muris, in
which susceptibility is linked to the development of a Th1
response; mice that fail to mount a protective Th2 response
All strains
Strong bystander Th2
Th1 induction to favor
chronic infection
BALB/c or C57BL/6
Treg induction;
suppression of bystander
Chronic infection, can be
cleared with antibodies to
Treg markers
Brugia malayi
(Adult implant
CBA or other strains
Induction of alternatively
activated macrophages
Fig. 2. Murine models for immune
modulation in nematode infection.
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
develop a chronic infection with strong Th1 responses (31).
Manipulation of mice with exogenous cytokines or anti-cytokine antibodies will coordinately switch Th phenotype and
susceptibility in accordance with this principle (32).
The T. muris system offers a clear paradigm that Th2
responses protect against infection, strongly supported by
data from the other gastrointestinal nematode species (33).
T. muris, however, is the only nematode studied that (in susceptible mice) avoids generating a Th2 response altogether.
Why have many other gut helminths not adopted a similar
evasive strategy? One possibility is that in many circumstances
the downregulation of type 1 inflammatory mediators is more
beneficial to the parasite. For example, epithelial tissue disruption exposes the host not only to parasite-derived factors but
also to inflammatory microbial molecules derived from the
normal host flora. It is possible that many gastrointestinal
helminths need to suppress inflammation of the gut microenvironment caused by microbial-derived mediators. Indeed,
it is known that the presence of gastrointestinal nematode
infection will inhibit inflammatory bowel disease in humans
(34) and experimental colitis in mice (35). There is also an
observable threshold effect: most hosts tolerate low levels of
helminth infection, and Th2 responses may not reach the
level where effector mechanisms are triggered. For long-term
infection, the maintenance of normal gut function is crucial
to parasite survival, and a Th2 bias that downregulates type 1
inflammation in the intestinal environment is likely to be of
benefit to the parasite in most cases.
1–7 days
The potency of helminth induction of Th2 bias is firmly
established, with all the classic type 2 cytokine and isotype
markers amplified in nearly all infections (2, 3). Early work
had reported that IgE responses to bystander antigens could be
amplified in animals with a concurrent N. brasiliensis infection
(36) or in animals that were co-immunized with Ascarissecreted antigens (37). A cytokine profile of S. mansoni-infected
animals showed that the phenotype of the response to bystander antigens was indeed driven in the Th2 direction (38).
Thus, both the intensity and the scope of Th2 bias induced
by helminths are remarkable. How is such a one-sided
response mode governed?
N. brasiliensis is perhaps the classic Th2-driving infection in
rodents (26–29). We have developed this system by culturing
adult worms and collecting the glycoproteins they secrete in
vitro: the N. brasiliensis excretory-secretory (NES) products
(Fig. 3A). NES drives Th2-biased responses without requiring
live infection of mice, and the activity is abolished by either
heat or protease treatment (39). NES acts as a Th2-promoting
adjuvant on bystander antigens, as co-administration of soluble
NES with hen egg lysozyme (HEL) provokes a Th2 response
specific to the coincident HEL antigen (39). Moreover, NES
immunization of mice generates a Th2 immune response
whether administered as a soluble protein or in complete
Freund’s adjuvant (CFA), which normally favors the development of Th1 immune responses. The ability of NES to generate
Immature DC
1 mg/ml NES
in PBS
IL-4 (pg/ml)
Th2 induction
DC maturation
IL-12 p40
IL-12 p70
Con A
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Fig. 3. T-helper 2 cell (Th2) induction by
Nippostrongylus. (A) Isolation and Th2
induction by Nippostrongylus excretorysecretory (NES) antigen (40). (B) Model for
Th2 induction by NES-pulsed dendritic cells
(DCs) (49). IL, interleukin; PBS, phosphatebuffered saline.
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
a strong Th2 response when co-administered with CFA is clear
evidence that the generation of Th2 immune responses by
helminth parasites is not simply due to a ‘default’ in the absence
of Th1-oriented stimulation.
This system allowed us to dissect some of the key features of
Th2 induction. Responses were comparable in wildtype and
in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-deficient
(b2-microglobulin–/–) mice, as well as in IL-5 knockout
(KO) animals and B-cell-deficient (mMT) mice (40). In
terms of the induction of Th2, these studies indicated that
eosinophils, B cells, or natural killer T cells do not play a
critical role in the initiation of the Th2 pathway. Moreover,
IL-4 itself is not essential for the early type 2 response to NES;
mice deficient in the IL-4R are able to mount an IL-4 response
in the CD4þ population, arguing that other signals are sufficient for Th2 differentiation to begin (Balic and Maizels,
unpublished observation).
NES shares some common features with Th2-inducing
materials from other helminths, but there are also many critical differences, which lead us to suggest that different parasites have evolved unique mechanisms to achieve a similar
effect. The most obvious distinction is the heat lability and
protease sensitivity of NES, compared to the glycan moieties
associated with Th2 stimulation from filarial nematodes (5)
and schistosomes (41). However, even in the schistosome
egg, not all Th2-driving capacity resides in the glycans; an
important protein, active as a non-glycosylated recombinant,
cross-links mast cells to release IL-4 (42). Similarly, immunization of mice with non-glycosylated recombinant antigen
(NPA-1) from the filaria Dirofilaria immitis results in the production of IL-4, IL-10, and IgE (43). The wide diversity of
Th2-stimulating molecules implies two extremely important
points: different helminths have independently evolved a
variety of pathways for Th2 stimulation, and this propensity
is likely to have been positively selected to confer a biological
advantage to each parasite species.
Dendritic cell activation for Th2
Th2 induction, like all adaptive responses, requires the initial
involvement of dendritic cells (DCs). For Th1 responses, the
paradigm has become firmly established that DCs presenting
bacterial or protozoal antigens are prompted to release IL-12
and upregulate key costimulator proteins such as CD80 and
CD86 (44). How DCs elicit Th2 responses is more controversial: is there a mirror-image signature of cytokines and surface
ligands that DCs express to stimulate Th2 differentiation? Or is
the very lack of Th1-driving molecules sufficient, by default,
to result in a Th2 response (45)?
Several experimental systems show that Th2 induction can
be reproduced simply by exposing DCs to helminth products
in vitro, and then transferring the pulsed DCs into live recipients. These products include the filaria Acanthocheilonema viteae
ES-62 (46), S. mansoni soluble egg antigen (SEA) (47), the
schistosome-associated glycan lacto-N-fucopentaose III (48),
as well as the N. brasiliensis NES antigens (49). Notably, in the
first three of these studies, no new phenotype of helminth
antigen-stimulated DCs could be discerned, nor was any significant increase in the cytokines IL-4, IL-10 (which would
account for inhibition of Th1) seen. This evidence supports
the hypothesis that the Th2 immune response is a default
mode that occurs when DCs fail to mature.
Results with NES in our own laboratory argue, however,
that DCs are indeed activated to induce Th2 responses,
although the activation profile is more subtle than that resulting from lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure (49). Following
injection with NES-pulsed bone marrow-derived DCs, mice
are efficiently primed for a dominant Th2 response. Heatinactivated NES (hiNES) is unable either to drive Th2
responses in vivo or to stimulate DCs for Th2 induction. NES,
but not hiNES, upregulated DC markers associated with Th2
promotion (CD86 and OX40L), while CD80 and MHC class II
levels were unchanged. OX40L has previously been found to
be required for optimal Th2 induction in the response to
H. polygyrus (50).
Moreover, NES-exposed DCs produced IL-6 and IL-12p40 but
not IL-12p70. Most critically, the IL-12p70 response of DCs to
LPS was abolished by prior incubation with NES. These data
directly contradict the default hypothesis by showing that NES
actively matures DCs, upregulates CD86 and OX40L, blocks
IL-12p70 production, and switches the cytokine profile to
release IL-6 (Fig. 3B). While the respective roles of CD86,
OX40L, and IL-6 in the generation of Th2 responses remain
unresolved, the suppression of type 1 inflammatory mediators
by antigen-presenting cell (APC) populations is emerging as a
common theme of helminth infection. Macrophages from mice
infected with Toxocara canis produce normal levels of IL-6 but
exhibit suppressed IL-12 and TNF-a responses to LPS stimulation (51). Similar effects, although also suppression of IL-6, are
seen in murine macrophages exposed to ES-62, a purified and
highly potent immunomodulator derived from A. viteae (52).
More recently, Agrawal and colleagues (53) have demonstrated
that stimulation of human monocyte derived DCs with schistosome SEA results in high-level production of IL-6 but suppressed IL-12p70 production due to the modulation of the
Immunological Reviews 201/2004
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
transcription factor c-Fos. Blockade of c-Fos by short interfering
RNA restored IL-12p70 production in SEA-stimulated DCs.
Three examples of a dominant Th2 response cast further
doubt on the default hypothesis. The first 6 weeks of response
in murine schistosomiasis is dominated by Th1 responses to
larval antigens. Only subsequently, with egg release, is there a
switch to Th2 (54), although the Th1-stimulating products are
presumably still present. A similar switch from early Th1 to
later Th2 is seen in mice infected with Taenia crassiceps, the
cestode which causes cyticercosis (55). A different contradiction exists in filariasis, as the larval and adult stages stimulate a
heavily biased Th2 response, but the microfilariae, if injected
on their own, drive Th1 differentiation (56). However, in the
presence of adult worms, no Th1 response is seen. Perhaps the
clearest contradiction of the default hypothesis for Th2 induction is provided by recent work in which DCs co-exposed to
SEA and the Th1-inducing Proprionibacterium acnes, when injected
into naı̈ve mice, elicit a Th2 response to the SEA and a Th1
response to the bacteria (59). Interestingly, exposure to SEA
reduced the IL-12 response to P. acnes, a finding similar to those
discussed above with respect to nematode Th2 induction.
A particular enigma in filariasis is the presence of the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia, which has demonstrable proinflammatory (Th1) LPS-like activity (58). In human infection,
Wolbachia products may be most important immediately following drug clearance, where the release of bacteria from
dead worms may correlate with high levels of serum cytokines
and adverse effects of therapy (59). Likewise, in onchocerciasis,
the presence of Wolbachia exacerbates the inflammatory reaction
to microfilariae in the eye (60). A wider question is why, if
prominent bacterial stimulation occurs during asymptomatic
infection with live worms, the resulting phenotype is still so
Th2 dominated? Treatment ex vivo of macrophages recruited
during filarial infection with LPS or IFN-g converts them from
type 2 (alternatively activated) to a classically activated phenotype (Nair and Allen, unpublished observation). However, in
vivo, in the presence of Wolbachia-containing adult worms and
microfilariae, the macrophage activation state remains profoundly type 2 (61, 62). This finding suggests that the LPSlike activity is not sufficient under normal parasite turnover to
alter macrophage phenotype. Moreover, we note that the type 2
response is actively maintained in vivo regardless of the proinflammatory Wolbachia, demonstrating that Th2 phenotype does
not arise simply in default of pro-Th1 signaling.
While DCs provide the first impetus to the immune response,
they are not the only innate cell type able to influence the
direction and outcome of the adaptive immunity. There is an
increasing appreciation that mast cells and granulocytes (baso-
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phils, eosinophils, and neutrophils) can react directly to the
presence of helminth parasites, by generating cytokines and
chemokines, prior to their entry into the scene as producers of
toxic and inflammatory granule proteins. Recent work by Locksley
and colleagues (63) has demonstrated that during primary infection of mice with N. brasiliensis, IL-4-producing eosinophils and
basophils are actively recruited to the site of larval migration in
the lung (63). However, eosinophils are only able to degranulate
in mice that contain intact CD4þ T-cell responses (64). At
this point, it is unknown whether these eosinophils require
T-cell-derived signals to release regulatory cytokines and
chemokines, but it does raise the intriguing possibility that granulocytes may help shape the outcome of the developing immune
response, rather than serve simply as late-stage effector cells
involved with expulsion of the parasite. Furthermore, if these
innate effector cells switch from early regulatory to subsequent
aggressive capacity, it is possible that, in the final phases of
the response, they again act as regulators to dampen adaptive
Th2: protective or ineffective?
Although induction of a potent type 2 immune response is
characteristic of helminth infection, the outcome for parasite
and host of this highly skewed response is not always apparent. A long-running debate in parasite immunology has been
whether the Th2 arm of immunity is responsible for the
elimination of helminth parasites (65–67). In gut nematode
infections, the case for Th2-dependent immunity is clear-cut
(68, 69): IL-3/IL-9-stimulated mast cells (70, 71), IL-4Rstimulated intestinal muscle cells (72), and IL-13-stimulated
epithelial goblet cells are each essential for resistance to
different gastrointestinal parasites. One of the powerful lessons
from these studies is that although an array of Th2-driven
effector mechanisms is mobilized, only particular components
prove to be effective against any one species (73). This conclusion is borne out across the spectrum of helminths in
general; not only do the most effective pathways vary for
each species but also protective mechanisms differ at each
stage of the life cycle as parasites migrate through different
tissues and undergo developmental changes in structure and
Beyond the gastrointestinal locale, our understanding of protective mechanisms is less conclusive, because Th2 responses
often coincide with stable infections impervious to immune
attack and because of the variety of tissue sites that may accommodate the parasites. Perhaps the clearest picture is of immunity
against incoming nematode larvae, both from species which
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
remain in the tissues (such as the filarial worms) and those
which migrate onward to the intestinal tract to mature. A strong
consensus has emerged that killing of migratory larvae is
most effectively achieved by eosinophils (74–77). With respect
to successful experimental (78–81) and commercial (82)
irradiation-attenuated vaccines, which stimulate strong protective responses against a challenge infection, good evidence
exists to argue that both eosinophils and antibodies are required
(74, 83). Despite conclusive data on tissue larval killing by
eosinophils, these cells have little apparent efficacy against
adult worms in the tissues or in the gut. Remarkably, we still
fail to understand how the adult stage of filarial parasites,
schistosomes – or for that matter any helminth – is physically
killed by the immune system in vivo.
Identifying the effector mechanisms in immunity to
filariasis is a particular challenge, combining the issues of
stage-specificity, different tissue tropisms, and a strong influence of host genetics. Work in filariasis was constrained in
the absence of a murine model to investigate both the immunology and the natural migration of filarial parasites. The
discovery that Litomosoides sigmodontis can produce patent infections in BALB/c mice (84, 85) has removed this impediment.
Entering at the mite vector bite site, L. sigmodontis stage 3 larvae
(L3) migrate via the lymphatics, reaching the thoracic cavity
by 6 days after infection (Fig. 4). There they mature, and by
day 55 microfilariae are found in peripheral blood. In contrast,
in C57BL/6 mice, the parasite fails to reach sexual maturity,
and all larvae molt to the L4 stage and some to the adult stage,
although significantly retarded in growth (86). The ability to
establish early infection in both resistant and susceptible hosts
may be due to the profound downregulatory capacity of incoming larvae, potentially a feature of both filarial L3 (87, 88) and
Schistosome cercariae (89). An interesting distinction also exists
between these studies of primary infection and those on immunity induced by vaccination or multiple infection; in the latter
cases, the primary targets are larvae before or during the molt
to L4 (83, 90–92). Perhaps, if the immune system fails to
kill incoming larvae promptly, parasites have the opportunity
to induce immunoregulation, which delays or prevents the
expression of immunity in genetically resistant or susceptible
strains, respectively.
The L. sigmodontis model has also allowed us to unravel potential effector pathways in filariasis at the level of the cytokine
involvement. This investigation may provide a useful paradigm for understanding how the immune system can eradicate
a parasite that has already overcome hostile conditions for long
enough to mature to adulthood and patency. Using this model
system, it has become possible to ask the following: what is
the role of the Th2-mediated response in resistance to filarial
infection, and what is its role at different stages of the parasite
life cycle? To address the first question, we infected IL-4
deficient mice on the resistant C57BL/6 background. These
mice had infection profiles indistinguishable from the susceptible BALB/c strain demonstrating that as for gastrointestinal
nematodes, IL-4 is a critical determinant of resistance (93).
Interestingly, IL-4 deficiency on the BALB/c background has
little effect on adult recovery (93, 94). We hypothesized that
on this background, IL-13 may be compensating for the
absence of IL-4, and that in the absence of both cytokines,
we would generate a ‘super-susceptible’ mouse. Surprisingly,
infection of IL-4 receptor (IL-4Ra)-deficient BALB/c mice
(which cannot respond to either IL-4 or IL-13) rather than
resulting in enhanced parasite survival, led to accelerated death
of the adult stage (Nair and Allen, unpublished observation).
Brugia malayi
Day 0
L3 infection
Day 7–10
L3 → L4
Day 21–28
L4 → adult
Day 60
Circulating microfilariae
Litomosoides sigmodontis
Thoracic cavity
Day 0
L3 infection
Day 8
L3 → L4
Day 22–25
L4 → adult
Day 50
Circulating microfilariae
Fig. 4. New mouse model of filariasis,
Litomosoide sigmodontis.
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
When we looked at the phenotype of these mice, they had
switched to a type 1 response both at the level of T-cell
cytokines and at the level of macrophage activation. These
data, suggesting that the adult parasite can be killed by type
1 inflammatory response, are consistent with the findings of
Hoerauf and colleagues (83, 95, 96), who have demonstrated
a role for IFN-g along with IL-5 in the killing of adult
L. sigmodontis.
Our understanding of what mediates control of the circulating microfilarial (MF) stage is perhaps the most advanced.
IL-4 receptor KO BALB/c mice infected with L. sigmodontis exhibit distinct mechanisms for control of the adult versus the MF
stage. While the absence of IL-4/13 signaling led to more
rapid adult killing, it dramatically enhanced MF survival with
enormously high levels of circulating MF in the KOs relative to
controls, even after adult parasites had been cleared (Nair and
Allen, unpublished observation). The importance of IL-4 and
IL-13 in controlling MF is consistent with other studies in
L. sigmodontis (96) as well as Brugia pahangi (94). Mechanistically,
this is supported by models where microfilariae are injected
directly into the bloodstream, which demonstrate that despite
the ability of nitric oxide (NO) to kill microfilariae in vitro,
neither IFN-g nor NO is an important effector in vivo (97, 98).
The data suggest that IL-4 and IL-13 are involved in the
clearance of microfilariae from the blood stream, perhaps
through mediating antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) (99), with additional effects of IL-4 on adult
worm fecundity (94, 96), although the mechanism for this
effect is not known.
Type 2 responses are thus a critical determinant of the outcome of filarial infection but with very different dynamics
depending on the stage of the parasite and strain of the host.
Although a role for IL-4 and IL-13 in microfilaria control
seems to be a consistent finding, killing of the adult stage
may require IL-5 as well as the type 1 cytokine IFN-g (95,
96). Interestingly, it is IFN-g and IL-5 that are downregulated
in humans with active filarial infection, supporting the possibilities that these cytokines are active against the human filariae as well. IFN-g may be necessary because of its well-known
pro-inflammatory functions. Alternatively, IFN-g was recently
found to downregulate the IL-13a decoy receptor, thus effectively increasing the levels of available IL-13 (100), which
may also be a critical factor in the anti-parasite response. We
do not as yet have a good appreciation of the interaction or
synergy between both adaptive and innate cells and the nominally Th1 cytokines in the context of a type 2-dominated
immune response. For example, mice lacking TNF-a fail
to generate a protective Th2 response to Trichuris (101), but
Immunological Reviews 201/2004
this scenario has yet to be investigated in other helminth
The central conundrum in helminth diseases remains that
infections such as filariasis and schistosomiasis survive well in
humans with dominant Th2 responses. This pattern is replicated in L. sigmodontis-infected BALB/c mice, in which parasites
establish patent infection in the face of strong type 2 responses
(93). Why then are these responses ineffective? First, Th2 cells
cannot kill parasites on their own; they rely on cytokinemediated activation of innate effector cells (as evident in the
intestinal setting). Second, Th2 cells are not uniform in either
their own activation state or the cocktail of cytokines that they
produce (102, 103). We suggest that in chronic helminth
infection, the production of key Th2 effector cytokines (particularly IL-5 and IL-13) are downregulated, although the Th2
regulatory cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10) continue to be produced, lending a ‘Th2 signature’ to the overall response.
How and why do Th2 cells become modified or deactivated? Two possibilities exist. First, the Th2 population
may autoregulate, for example producing late-stage inhibitors
which feedback to rein in the response because of its potential
to cause damaging fibrosis (104). An example of this model
is the decoy receptor for IL-13, a soluble competitor for cellsurface IL-13R that is able to neutralize Th2 inflammation and
pathology in schistosomiasis (104, 105). Second, Th2 cells
may be conditioned by an extraneous population, such as the
regulatory T cell.
Regulatory T cells
The field of infectious disease immunology is at an exciting
intersection between new general concepts in immune regulation (106–108) and explicit evidence that parasites stimulate
suppressive T-cell populations, termed regulatory T cells
(Tregs) (109). Tregs produce downmodulatory cytokines
(IL-10 and TGF-b) that switch off inflammatory and protective
immune responses and interfere with effector T-cell activation
in a contact-dependent manner. Understanding of Treg
genesis and activity is based primarily on the control of pathogenic autoimmunity by CD4þCD25þ T cells selected on selfantigen in the thymus. More recently, however, it has become
apparent that Tregs can be induced to regulate responses to
exogenous antigens, whether from innocuous commensals or
infective pathogens. Evidence from a variety of infectious
systems argues for Treg control in viral (110), bacterial
(111, 112), and protozoal (109, 113) infections. In some
cases, Tregs appear to prolong pathogen survival, while in
others they downregulate potentially pathogenic immune
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
responses. A clear example of the latter is in mice infected with
S. mansoni, in which CD25þ T cells are the major source of the
IL-10 essential to protect animals from fatal immunopathogenic responses to eggs in the liver (18).
Are Tregs responsible for the immune suppression in
filariasis? There are numerous reports linking human schistosome
and filarial infections (onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis)
with raised IL-10 and TGF-b production by peripheral lymphocytes (20, 21). Neutralization of these cytokines in human
peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) cultures has been shown
to reverse antigen responsiveness toward filarial antigens (19,
114). More recently, cloned T cells with a regulatory phenotype have been isolated from onchocerciasis patients (115,
116). As discussed above, filarial suppression is predominantly
antigen specific but shows some ‘spillover’ toward bystander
responses, consistent with the ability of antigen-specific regulatory cells to downmodulate both cognate and non-cognate
responses through cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-b. The
resonance between Treg activity in mouse model systems and
the observations in human helminth infections led us to
investigate the role of Tregs in experimental nematode infections (Taylor M, Wilson M, Harris A, Malore E, Allen J & Maizels
RM, unpublished obervertions).
We approached this question by analyzing the immunological events in the recently developed mouse model system
for filariasis, L. sigmodontis (Fig. 4). In this system, potentially
protective Th2 responses (IL-4 and IL-5) are evoked in susceptible mouse strains from an early stage, but no protective
effect is apparent. The Th2 response is counterpointed by an
early increase in Foxp3 mRNA expression in the draining lymph
nodes (LNs) (Taylor, Harris, and Maizels, unpublished observation), signifying upregulation of this key transcription factor
associated with Treg function (117). There is also increased
production of the regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-b
throughout infection. Following adult worm establishment
and MF entry into the bloodstream, a more profound suppression takes hold. CD4þ T cells show increased expression of the
regulatory markers cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4)
and glucocorticoid-induced tolerance receptor (GITR), while
parasite antigen-specific proliferative and IL-5 responses
decrease (Fig. 5A).
To test directly whether Tregs are prolonging infection, we
administered antibodies to regulatory T-cell-surface markers
in infected mice. We selected CD25 (the IL-2Ra chain) as one
target, which is constitutively expressed by natural Tregs
(118). The second target chosen was GITR, first reported to
be a Treg surface protein (119) but now understood to be
expressed as a costimulator on effector T cells (120, 121).
Neither antibody alone altered the worm burden in infected
mice, but the combination of both antibodies evoked clearance (73% reduction) of adult L. sigmodontis from the thoracic
cavity (Taylor et al., unpublished).
The enhanced parasite clearance was associated with
increased immune responsiveness toward parasite antigens,
suggesting that we had indeed neutralized regulatory activity.
In particular, IL-5 production increased, an interesting finding
as this is one of the cytokines known to be downregulated
during chronic human infection. In terms of the Litomosoides
model, IL-5 is also a key cytokine involved in the killing of
both adult L. sigmodontis and its infective L3 stage (78, 96).
IL-10 also rose after Treg ablation, suggesting that it is not
the key mediator of suppression during L. sigmodontis infection.
In agreement, attempts to abolish Treg activity using antibodies against the IL-10R in vivo and in vitro failed to influence
either parasite recoveries or proliferative responses. This
lack of effect of IL-10 may be related to the Th2 nature of
resistance toward filarial worms; while IL-10 is the crucial
regulator produced by Tregs during a Th1-dependent Leishmania
Fig. 5. Both T cells and macrophages
are altered in mouse filarial infection.
(A) T cells from Litomosoides-infected mice
fail to proliferate in response to parasite
antigens (Taylor et al., unpublished).
(B) Macrophages from Brugia malayi-infected
mice suppress T-cell proliferation.
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
major infection (109), its role in regulating Th2 responses is less
clear-cut, as it can promote Th2-dependent immunity toward
helminth parasites (122, 123). In contrast to the adult filariae,
microfilariae do induce a Th1 response with IFN-g production
(56) and are cleared more rapidly in IL-10–/– mice (124). The
immunoregulatory action of IL-10 may therefore be specific to
the microfilaraemic stages of filarial infection, whereas our studies in the Litomosoides model have concerned the earlier phase of
adult establishment. Interestingly, in humans, IL-10-mediated
suppression is associated with microfilaraemic individuals with
long-term chronic infections. In contrast, neutralization of
IL-10 does not affect immune reactivity in individuals only
recently exposed to filarial infection (19, 114). The regulatory
role of IL-10 may therefore be more important during longterm chronicity and the control of microfilaraemia, in distinction to its role early in infection where it is necessary for
induction of a strong Th2 response.
For the first time, it has been demonstrated that nullifying
regulatory T-cell activity can ‘cure’ chronic helminth parasite
infection by allowing the immune system to operate at its full
potential. This supports the model that during chronic infection, the host immune system fully recognizes parasite antigens but is hampered from reacting to them effectively by the
activity of parasite-specific suppressor/regulatory mechanisms
(Fig. 6). Thus, immunity requires the removal of suppressive
cells, if it is to be expressed. This requirement is of particular
consideration when trying to stimulate vaccine-elicited immunity in individuals who have been chronically exposed to the
parasite and who may be unable to respond to the vaccine.
Future immunological therapy to cure chronic infections may
need to target regulatory T cells, and by de-activating them
release the underlying potential of the host immune system to
destroy parasites.
The conditioned Th2 cell
Our data from the Litomosoides model, which demonstrated a
role for CD25þ Tregs, also suggested that the hyporesponsive
phenotype outlasted removal of Tregs. This led us to propose
the concept of ‘conditioned Th2’. While the CD4þ T cells
isolated at patency from the site of infection were hyporesponsive to parasite antigens, they did not demonstrate a suppressive phenotype during in vitro stimulation nor did they increase
their expression of Foxp3. These cells therefore appear to be
effector cells that have been turned off or ‘conditioned’ toward
a hyporesponsive phenotype, rather than an expanded Treg
population. This hyporesponsive or conditioned phenotype
was associated with a dramatic upregulation of the costimulatory molecule GITR and the co-inhibitory molecule CTLA-4
(approximately 70% of the population becoming CTLA4þGITRhigh) (Taylor et al., unpublished). The requirement
for treatment with both anti-CD25 and anti-GITR can now
be interpreted as a two-stage process: depletion of CD25þ cells
removes the regulatory population, while ligation of GITR in
the absence of regulation reactivates the anti-parasite response
preventing or reversing conditioning.
The expression of high levels of the co-inhibitory molecule
CTLA-4 by L. sigmodontis-conditioned CD4þ T cells presents a
prime candidate for mediating their hyporesponsive phenotype.
Among the precedents for this hypothesis are the findings that
Fig. 6. Hypothesis for immune regulation
in Litomosoides sigmodontis infection.
CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4;
GITR, glucocorticoid-induced tolerance
receptor; IFN-g, interferon-g; IL-5,
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
CTLA-4 is responsible for maintaining the anergic phenotype of
T cells after oral tolerance (125), and it plays a critical role in
inhibiting Th2 responses (126). When studied in relation to a
Th2-inducing parasite, CTLA-4 blockade during N. brasiliensis
infection resulted in enhanced parasite-specific immunity,
stronger Th2 cytokine production, and diminished parasite
numbers (127). As well as directly inhibiting T-cell activation
through the T-cell receptor, CTLA-4 has also been found to act
on DCs by reverse signaling through CD80/CD86. This signal
induces them to increase indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, which
in turn leads to the inhibition of T-cell responses (128). During
L. sigmodontis infection, therefore, expression of CTLA-4 may
not just downregulate the T cells themselves, but through its
action on APCs may extend the hyporesponsive phenotype to
non-conditioned T cells. In such a situation, the balance of
expression of co-inhibitory CTLA-4 and costimulatory molecules, such as GITR or CD28, would be crucial in determining
the host’s ability to respond effectively to infection.
Similarities to the conditioned Th2 response seen in the
Litomosoides model can be found in the human context (Fig. 7).
PBLs taken from individuals exposed to chronic helminth
infections have an anergic phenotype, showing impaired signal transduction after T-cell activation (129). In this study and
in studies on human filarial infection (130), T-cell unresponsiveness was associated with increased CTLA-4 expression and
could be reversed through its blockade. A further parallel is
seen in comparison with allergic reactivity in atopic humans,
who exhibit a Th2 effector response (IgE and eosinophils) to
innocuous antigens. Desensitization (by administering minute
quantities of allergen) alters the phenotype, not from Th2 to
Th1, but within the Th2 compartment. A ‘modified Th2’ state
is observed (131), in which IgG4 titers rise, IgE falls, and
patent allergy is diminished. Interestingly, the IgG4/IgE ratio
is modulated by IL-10 (134). Moreover, in asymptomatic
‘regulated’ helminth infection, IgG4 is the dominant isotype,
but levels of IgG4 decline sharply after chemotherapy (135),
arguing that the pressure from the presence of parasites, perhaps acting through high IL-10, maintains unusually high
IgG4 levels.
Alternative activation of macrophages
The type 1/type 2 dichotomy is reflected most dramatically at
the level of the disparate effector pathways these cytokines
induce. Th1-cell effector function has traditionally been associated with the activation of macrophages by IFN-g to destroy
intracellular pathogens while Th2-driven effectors included
granulocytic cells, such as eosinophils, mast cells, basophils,
as well as cytophilic antibody isotypes. These together can
mediate ADCC and the killing of extracellular pathogens.
One largely ignored feature of this paradigm is that macrophages often outnumber the granulocytes in a Th2-mediated
cellular infiltrate (134, 135). What role these macrophages
play in the type 2 response is still not evident. They are
considered to be alternatively activated macrophages
(AAMFs) because they exhibit an activated surface marker
phenotype but are diametrically opposed to ‘classically activated’ macrophages, as they do not upregulate inducible NO
synthase but instead the cross-regulatory enzyme arginase
(136). This phenotype was originally described in vitro, but
we and others have demonstrated that it is also present in vivo in
parasite infection (61, 137, 139). Data now suggest that
AAMFs are active in three functional categories (Fig. 8). First,
as an important downregulatory cell, they may suppress the
Fig. 7. Not all T-helper 2 cell (Th2)
responses are the same: the modified Th2
phenotype. (A) The dominant
immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) response to filarial
antigens in asymptomatic Brugia malayi-infected
patients [adapted from (261)]. (B) The balance
of cytokines in the filarial response (data from
M. Yazdanbakhsh). Ig, immunoglobulin;
IFN-g, interferon-g; IL-5, interleukin-5.
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
T cell
YM1 induces
Fig. 8. Functions of the alternatively
activated macrophages (AAMFs). IgE,
immunoglobulin E; IL-5, interleukin-5; NO,
nitric oxide; TGF-b, transforming growth
factor-b; Th2, T-helper 2 cell.
Arginase depletion L-Arg
YM1 worm
Reduced pro-inflammatory
MIP-1α, MP-1β, MIP-2
inflammatory response to the parasite. Second, their recruitment in high numbers suggests that they are important effector cells, releasing molecules that target extracellular helminths
and further promote the Th2 immune response. Finally, they
may be required to repair the damage caused by large extracellular helminths.
The evidence that AAMFs are an important suppressor cell is
based in part on the profoundly anti-proliferative activity of
macrophages in type 2 settings. Human studies have demonstrated that adherent phagocytic mononuclear cells mediate
similar suppression in filariasis (139) as well as schistosomiasis (140). Mice implanted with adult Brugia malayi generate
large numbers of AAMFs (141), which suppress the proliferation of a range of target cells through a contact-dependent
mechanism (62). They arise within 7 days of adult B. malayi
transplantation into the peritoneal cavity (Fig. 5B) but are
absent if dead parasites are transferred (141). Similar cells
have also been described in chronic cestode infection (137).
Likewise, macrophages in the schistosome egg granuloma, an
intensely type 2 environment, have been shown to be downregulatory (142), while injection of schistosome sugars
induces a Gr1þ cell that blocks proliferation in a cell contactdependent manner (143). These latter cells are phenotypically
related to the immature myeloid cells that infiltrate tumors,
sharing properties such as arginase production and suppression in an NO-independent manner (144, 145).
The mechanism of suppression remains unknown, but IL-4
induces some anti-proliferative activity in vitro (146, 147) and
more so in vivo (147). Arginase is produced by AAMFs and
may create a suppressive environment by depleting arginine
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from the surrounding environment (144). That this suppressive phenotype is important in helminth infection in vivo is
supported by functional analyses of LN cells from L. sigmodontisinfected BALB/c mice, in which T-cell proliferative responses
decrease as infection progresses. Proliferation is restored if
CD4þ T cells from infected animals are cultured with fresh
APCs from naı̈ve mice, but not if co-cultured with whole LN
cells or F4/80þ purified macrophages from infected mice
(Taylor, Allen, and Maizels, unpublished observations). As
suppressive cells are also found alongside the conditioned
CD4þ T cells at the site of L. sigmodontis infection, at least two
independent levels of regulation are present once infection
reaches patency.
In mice, suppression is strain independent; anti-proliferative
macrophages occur in every mouse strain tested including
BALB/c, CBA, and C57BL/6. The anti-proliferative phenotype
is highly dependent on type 2 cytokines, but the requirement
for IL-4 versus IL-13 does vary between strains. IL-4 deficiency
is sufficient to abolish the anti-proliferative phenotype in
C57BL/6 mice but not in BALB/c, where removal of IL-13
activity is also required (Nair, Gallagher, and Allen, unpublished observations). Regardless, macrophages recruited in
nematode infection suppress the proliferation of neighboring
cells only in the context of a full-blown Th2 environment. This
finding led to our belief that we were observing an in vivo form
of AAMFs, in a mouse model system highly appropriate for
delineating the function of these macrophages.
We surmised that a snapshot of the genes most abundantly
expressed by macrophages recruited in nematode infection
would illuminate the primary function of these cells. Using
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
the Brugia implant model, we assessed gene expression in suppressive AAMFs (61). Surprisingly, the two highly abundant
genes Ym1 and Fizz were represented by 10 and 2% of cDNA,
respectively, but were novel genes with no known function. We
have since found that expression of these proteins is a nearuniversal feature of helminth infection, focused at sites of parasite migration and residence in both acute (N. brasiliensis) and
chronic (L. sigmodontis) nematode infection as well as in the lungs
of schistosome-infected mice (Nair, Taylor, Allen, unpublished). Others have found these products in the context of
cestode infection (137), and they are also upregulated in the
Th2-dominated chronic stages of protozoan infection (148).
The rapidly expanding literature on Ym1 and Fizz in noninfectious contexts is helping to generate a picture of their
function, although many questions remain to be answered.
The gene expression profile of these macrophages draws
intriguing links to immune responses during allergy, in particular asthma, in which both Fizz1 and Ym1 are induced,
suggesting that there may be a common phenomenon of
dysregulated Th2 inflammation. Fizz1 was first identified as
an abundant protein secreted from inflamed alveolar epithelium (149), and it more recently was implicated in stimulating
myofibroblast differentiation and fibrosis during pulmonary
inflammation (145). Although Fizz1 expression has not been
reported in alveolar macrophages, Ym1 is expressed in this cell
type during lung development (150) and is upregulated in
allergy (151). We have also observed increased secretion of
both proteins in the lungs of transgenic mice overexpressing
IL-4 and mice infected with N. brasiliensis. Alveolar macrophages
also suppress T-cell proliferation and the production of certain
cytokines (152–154), drawing links to macrophages recruited
during nematode infection. In the alveoli, the downregulation
of potentially pathogenic T-cell responses against irrelevant
antigens is critical, and helminths may have evolved to stimulate or mimic similar downregulatory interactions to promote
their own survival.
Whether Fizz1 and YM1 are beneficial or exacerbate disease
during helminth infection is unclear. In infection of resistant
mice with L. sigmodontis, the dying worms are often encapsulated in granulomas consisting predominantly of macrophages
and eosinophils (78, 93). As Ym1 has eosinophil chemotactic
activity (155), its secretion by macrophages may lead to the
recruitment of eosinophils able to kill parasites. Granuloma
formation could be mediated by the macrophage through the
combined action of arginase, Fizz, and Ym1, in an attempt to
encapsulate the parasites. Through its ability to influence the
action of nerve growth factor (NGF) (149), Fizz1 could also
have an important impact on the cell types recruited, as NGF
and its receptor are expressed by a wide range of cells including eosinophils, mast cells, and Th2 cells themselves (156).
We have found site-specific induction of homologs of
Ym1 and Fizz1 (AMCase and Fizz2) during infection with
N. brasiliensis. The consistent expression of this family of proteins,
named ChaFFs (chitinase and Fizz family members) during
helminth infection, as reported by our group and others (157),
suggests an important regulatory and/or effector function that
must be further investigated. We have recently found Ym1 and
Fizz1 expression in LN APCs during filarial nematode infection, suggesting that they may influence immune responses
to filarial parasites. A consistent property of AAMFs from
several different studies is the capacity to induce Th2-cell
differentiation (137, 143, 158, 159). Thus, one important
function of these cells may be to maintain a potent Th2
environment, presumably detrimental to the parasite.
Of all the potential functions of AAMFs, one that seems most
consistent with the overall expression profile is that of mediators
of wound repair. The role of arginase 1 in tissue remodeling is
well established, as L-arginine metabolites are consumed in cell
proliferation (polyamines) and collagen production (proline),
respectively (138, 160). Similarly, Fizz1 has proliferative and
angiogenic properties, stimulating actin and collagen expression
(145, 161). Finally, through its carbohydrate-binding properties, Ym1 could contribute to extracellular matrix deposition
during tissue remodeling. Homologs of Ym1 in Drosophila
and humans have additional mitogenic properties (162, 163).
Thus, the most abundant proteins produced by these macrophages (Ym1, Fizz, and arginase) are all directly or indirectly
implicated in tissue repair. Additionally, we have evidence that
AAMFs produce TGF-b (159) as well as large quantities of IL-6
(Nair and Allen, unpublished observations), two cytokines with
strong fibrogenic properties (164, 165).
As our work on macrophages recruited to a broad variety of
helminth infections is examined, a common theme has begun
to emerge that is directly consistent with the work of Wynn
and colleagues (166). One of the most important functions in
vivo of AAMFs is to mediate tissue repair. That helminths
induce a rapid wound healing response may not be so surprising, as physical trauma to host tissue is a direct result of
infection, not only during migratory stages but also at the final
site of residence. Adult filarial parasites are highly motile, and
the ‘filarial dance’ in situ (167) can cause local lymphatic
trauma and physical damage (168). Within the gut, bloodfeeding nematodes cause repeated intestinal wall injury in the
process of feeding (169). When all proceeds well, a fibrogenic
response leads to appropriate tissue repair, such as that seen
following larval migration through the lung by N. brasiliensis or
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
Ascaris lumbricoides (170). However, when the insult cannot be
resolved, fatal fibrosis, such as schistosome-induced periportal
hypertension, may develop (171). The balance between these
outcomes is highly regulated to minimize end-stage damage
by means of the IL-13 decoy receptor to absorb fibrogenicpromoting IL-13 (105), as well as by expression of IFN-g for its
anti-fibrogenic properties (165, 172). As discussed earlier,
Tregs are also essential to control of this pathology (18). The
necessity to regulate the immune response may thus come not
only from the parasite’s need to block effector function but also
the host’s requirement to prevent tissue damage and fibrosis.
Systems immunology
Helminth infection, as discussed above, can have a broad impact
on the whole immune system, such as in the example of biasing
third-party response toward a Th2 outcome. An interesting
possibility is that Treg activity, amplified by helminths, may
spread suppression to non-cognate antigens (16). In fact, T-cell
mitogen responsiveness is compromised in heavily infected
onchocerciasis patients, as are responses to third-party antigens
(173, 174) and common vaccines (175–178). These findings
may be consistent with a regulatory network that is driven by
parasite-specific T cells, but is mediated by non-specific downmodulating cytokines. If present in sufficient numbers, suppression may become non-specific in scope, and thereby alter the
whole immune status of the host. We discuss this concept here
in the context of co-infection and the susceptibility to allergies
and autoimmunity.
Impact of helminths on concurrent/secondary infection
The evidence that helminth infection can alter immune
responsiveness to a second infection is irrefutable. A more
important issue is how this modulation influences the host
in terms of reduced or increased immune pathology and
parasite intensity. Not surprisingly, the answers to these questions can differ radically depending on which pathogens are
studied and the species of co-infected host.
The question of helminth-malaria co-infection is one with
very real world consequences. If as has been suggested
helminth co-infection ameliorates cerebral malaria (179),
then mass anti-helminthics may have disastrous consequences
where malaria is endemic. Alternatively, the additional burden
of helminth infection may increase the severity of malaria
infection (180). Helmby and colleagues (181) have investigated the impact of schistosomiasis on malaria in a mouse
model. C57BL/6 mice doubly infected with Plasmodium chabaudi
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and S. mansoni had significantly higher malaria parasitemias
than singly infected mice, and this outcome was accompanied
by reduced TNF-a. Our own work (Graham, Read, Lamb &
Allen, unpublished) has elucidated an intriguing relationship
regarding MFþ versus MF– individuals in malaria–filaria
co-infection. BALB/c mice were infected with L. sigmodontis and
then injected with P. chabaudi merozoites after filarial patency.
In L. sigmodontis infection, approximately 50% of BALB/c mice
have ‘occult’ filariasis with fertile adult worms but no circulating microfilariae. We found that co-infection significantly
enhanced the severity of malaria but only among MF– mice.
For a given malaria parasite burden, MF– mice suffered more
severe malaria in terms of weight loss and anemia, and these
symptoms were associated with elevated inflammatory
responses. The data strongly suggested that the penalty for
the host of co-infection did not occur in MFþ animals, because
they were able to downregulate the more severe consequences
of the pro-inflammatory response. As P. chabaudi is not a model
for cerebral malaria, these studies did not answer the important
question of whether helminth infection can protect against
this form of lethal pathology, perhaps through suppression
of TNF-a as seen in the Helmby study. However, in the
P. berghei model, mice exposed to filarial infective larvae do
not develop cerebral malaria, significantly prolonging their
survival (182).
The consequence of a pre-existing helminth infection on
leishmaniasis has been the subject of several investigations
because of the power of the L. major murine model to address
fundamental immunological questions. Two studies of S. mansoni
infection in mice have demonstrated that an established
helminth infection can delay lesion development (183, 184),
while a study with N. brasiliensis showed no effect on disease
outcome, despite a systemic Th2 bias due to nematode-infected
mice (185). Our own work using L. sigmodontis and L. major is
strongly in keeping with the schistosome studies; another striking example of how these broadly divergent parasites can have
remarkably similar impacts on the host. We found that the
immune responses to L. major and L. sigmodontis were highly compartmentalized and appropriately polarized, with a type 1
response to L. major in the popliteal LNs and a type 2 response to
L. sigmodontis in the thoracic LNs (Lamb, Graham, Le Goff, Read &
Allen, unpublished). However, despite a clear delineation of the
immune response in co-infected animals, the impact of helminth
infection was still sufficient to delay footpad lesion progression.
A common theme in many helminth co-infection studies is a
downregulated pro-inflammatory response. This may have two
very different consequences for the host: a beneficial reduction
in immunopathology or, conversely, disease exacerbation due
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
to inadequate control of parasite replication. One of the many
challenges to co-infection research is to distinguish the effects of
co-infection on parasite control from immunopathology. The
infectious disease community is showing an increasing willingness to tackle these complexities experimentally, both in
the laboratory and in the field. Certainly, the importance of
co-infection dynamics to public health policy cannot be ignored.
Not surprisingly, studies to date have generated a wide range of
diverse outcomes but also many remarkable similarities. As more
studies are performed, generalities regarding the ability of
helminth infection to influence the outcome of particular classes
of pathogen may emerge. We look forward to further understanding how particular cytokine and cellular networks
determine the nature of the interaction between the immune
responses to two (or more) distinct pathogens.
Helminths and allergy
The remorseless rise in allergic diseases in the Western world
is exciting great interest into the possibility that a corresponding decline in infectious diseases may be responsible.
Various forms of this ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ have been developed since it was first formulated by Strachan (186). In its
earlier forms, the hygiene hypothesis postulated that in
the absence of childhood bacterial infections, the immune
system received insufficient Th1 stimulation, and consequently, Th2-mediated pathologies such as asthma became
more prevalent. This challenging proposition did not, however, account for two key observations: that Th1-mediated
autoimmune diseases (such as diabetes) are rising in concert
with Th2-type allergies, and that in tropical countries with
high levels of Th2-driving helminth infections, allergies are
less common (187).
A conceptual breakthrough in this area was made by
Yazdanbakhsh and colleagues (188) in a study of human
schistosomiasis. These workers showed that fewer schistosomeinfected children were allergen-reactive in skin tests than
uninfected classmates (188), confirming that a Th2-inducing
parasite can counteract a Th2-associated pathology. Significantly,
schistosome patients who retained their atopic reactivity were
shown to produce very little IL-10 in response to schistosome
antigen challenge, while infected subjects who were allergy
free made high levels of this cytokine. These findings laid
the basis for a new regulatory hypothesis, in which a helminthinduced regulatory network dampens responses to allergens
(16, 187, 189, 190).
We have tested this hypothesis in experimental mouse
models of airway allergy. We first tested mice infected with
the nematode H. polygyrus, a parasite which is entirely gastrointestinal in habitat, and sensitized either BALB/c mice with
ovalbumin or C57BL/6 mice with house dust mite allergen
Derp1. In both models, infection results in substantial depression of airway allergy (measured by eosinophil infiltration
into the bronchioalveolar fluid or by epithelial goblet cell
proliferation). Parallel results have been obtained in L. sigmodontisinfected animals (Wilson, Taylor, and Maizels, unpublished
results); thus, suppression of allergy has been observed in two
nematode infections, of two different strains of mice, and
with two allergens.
We then showed in the H. polygyrus model that suppression
of airway allergy in infected animals is not accompanied
by any switch from Th2 toward Th1 reactivity in LN cells
recovered from mice. The protective effect of infection,
however, can be reduced by treatment with a depleting antibody to CD25, implicating the involvement of Treg cells in
allergic suppression. This possibility was pursued by adoptive
transfer experiments, in which mesenteric LN cells (MLNCs)
were transferred from an infected, allergen-naı̈ve animal to
an uninfected, allergen-sensitized mouse. CD4þ CD25þ T cells
alone could transfer suppression of allergy, although significant
effects could also be observed with other populations (Wilson,
Taylor, Balic, Lamb & Maizils, unpublished).
The suppression of allergy by transfer of T cells from a
nematode-infected animal allowed us to test the hypothesis
that polyclonal IgE production is responsible for the lowering
of allergy in helminth infection (191). It is known that most
helminths stimulate a substantial rise in non-parasite-specific
IgE in infection, and it is possible that this competes with
allergen-specific IgE for FceRI receptors on the mast cells
which play a crucial role in patent allergy. We measured levels
of both allergen-specific and polyclonal IgE in mice displaying suppressed allergy following receipt of MLNCs from
H. polygyrus-infected donors, and these were comparable to
those of control animals. Thus, in the transfer model at
least, reduction of allergy was not due to saturation of mast
cell FceRs with allergen-unreactive IgE antibodies.
A further important question was the role of IL-10, which is
involved in many facets of allergy downregulation (192). We
have found that MLNCs from H. polygyrus-infected animals
mount a strong antigen-specific IL-10 response on in vitro
challenge with parasite antigens, and these cells have other
characteristics of Tregs (Wilson, Finney, and Maizels, unpublished observations). However, neutralization of IL-10 action
through anti-IL-10R antibody administration in vivo did not
reverse suppression of allergy, and in fact, we have been able
to adoptively transfer suppression with MLNCs from an
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
IL-10 / mouse into a naı̈ve recipient (Wilson and Maizels,
unpublished observations). Perhaps, as in L. sigmodontis infections,
IL-10 does not play a directly suppressive role in modulating
highly polarized Th2 responses.
A summary of our findings in this system is shown in Fig. 9.
It has been noted above that H. polygyrus is known to downregulate host immune responses, and the same parasite has
been reported to alleviate food allergy (193) and chronic gut
inflammation (194). Our work is the first, however, to show
systemic effects beyond the gastrointestinal setting and to
show that downmodulation is transferable with an identifiable
cell population. Moreover, the observation that infection suppresses allergy is not restricted to H. polygyrus and L. sigmodontis.
Similar findings have been reported with other nematode
parasites, Strongyloides stercoralis (195) and N. brasiliensis (196),
although the mechanisms responsible have yet to be identified.
Significantly, bacterial infections can also exert the same effect,
and in one system at least, suppression has also been shown to
be mediated by Treg populations (197).
The decline in parasite infections, and in the resultant level
of immune downregulation, offers a plausible explanation for
the rapid rise in allergies in the developed world. However,
even now only a minority of infection-free residents of the
West suffer from asthma and other allergies, leading to intense
searches for polymorphisms which may render humans more
or less susceptible to these diseases. For example, allelic differences in Th2-associated genes, such as IL-13 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) (198), show
significant association with asthma. A fascinating discovery has
now emerged: the same STAT6 polymorphism associated with
susceptibility to asthma is, in China, linked to resistance to
A. lumbricoides infection (199). Thus, predisposition to allergy
may be an evolutionary consequence of heightened immune
responsiveness to helminth parasites.
Molecular basis of helminth immunomodulation
How helminths downmodulate host immunity at the molecular
level is the subject of intense research at the reductionist, geneby-gene level (200). Genomic and expression-based analysis of
parasitic helminths of veterinary and medical importance as well
as model systems has yielded a fascinating crop of potential
immunomodulators. Viral pathogens devote a considerable portion of their compact genomes to immune evasion products
with fascinating properties (201). In comparison, it seems likely
that helminth genomes (1–3 108 bp, approximately 20 000
protein-coding genes) will be large-scale repositories of novel
mediators, with exciting potential both for advancing our
understanding of parasitism and for our capacity to regulate
immune responses in pathology (202).
The helminth immunomodulators so far discovered are
generally homologs of mammalian immune system genes.
Unlike certain viruses, which have captured host cytokine
genes, no evidence for horizontal gene transfer from mammals
to helminths has yet been found. Most of the gene products
described below are members of ancient gene families that
have evolved in parallel in the vertebrate and invertebrate
lineages; interestingly, if parasitism has been a relatively recent
adaptation in evolutionary time, we predict that there must
have been convergent evolution in which parasite genes optimize their effects on mammalian immune receptors.
In the following sections, we discuss some major molecular
entities from the nematode parasites we are currently studying; we focus on immunological properties, as the molecular
Airway response to
allergen in lung
gut infection
(Th2 bias)
lymph node
Goblet cell
IL-5 (pg/ml)
Systemic IgE unchanged
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Fig. 9. Chronic helminth infections can
suppress allergic reactions, even where
there is no physical intersection between
parasite (gut) and allergy (lung).
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
features of these genes has been recently reviewed in more
detail (200, 202). We then discuss which, if any, of these
stimulate the host immunoregulatory network, and if so,
whether the host is reacting to specific molecular patterns of
helminths or whether parasites have evolved to drive regulation for their own ends.
Genes and genomes
Helminth biology is on the verge of a transformation, as the
first complete genome sequences near publication (203).
Genomics will soon provide a series of telling insights into
the evolution of parasites, identifying large numbers of predicted proteins from helminths, constructing a detailed picture
of conserved biochemical pathways, and identifying potential
immunological mediators. How will such an enormous richness of data – perhaps 20 000 predicted proteins per parasite –
be analyzed and harnessed?
Fig. 10 presents one approach to the analysis of helminth
genes, particularly apt for the nematodes. We can consider
three overlapping gene sets, from the mammalian host, nematode parasites, and the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis
elegans. Many immunologically important parasite products
are members of widely conserved gene families and are
found at the intersection of all three gene sets (Core Animal
Genes). These will include, as discussed below, cytokine
homologs and protease inhibitors. A second category will be
nematode specific, either having arisen within the nematode
lineage or having diverged too far from the vertebrate comparator for any sequence similarity to be discerned. This group
(Common Nematode Genes) will include housekeeping proteins necessary for nematode physiology but is likely to also
C. elegans
100 MB
19 000 genes
Animal Nematode
Candidate immunomodulators
ALT genes from filarial worms
5% of infective L3 cDNA
Fig. 10. Hosts and parasites: overlapping gene sets.
encompass products that contribute to parasitism. Finally, the
third category (Novel Genes) will be genes that are entirely
novel and not present in C. elegans; we expect many of the key
proteins required for parasite success to be within this section.
Estimates of how many genes are in each category will vary
with the datasets in question and the threshold for deeming
similarity. A recent example, based on B. malayi expressed
sequence tags (ESTs), took 6822 partial gene sequences (clusters) and reported that, at a relatively stringent threshold,
1748 were homologous to non-nematode sequences (25.6%
Core Genes); 793 were similar only to other nematode
sequences (11.6% Common Nematode), and the remaining
4281 had no database homolog (62.7% Novel Genes) (204).
In a smaller study on N. brasiliensis, ESTs were distributed as
35.9% Core Genes, 27.4% Common Nematode, and 36.6%
Novel Genes (205). The higher proportion of N. brasiliensis
genes with homologs in C. elegans reflects a close phylogenetic
relationship between these two species, but as in Brugia, a
substantial number of new genes have been discovered with
no similarity to existing database sequences.
Although the scale of whole-genome analyses of helminths
is very impressive, immunologists may need to focus on a
more restricted set of proteins to provide a manageable number of candidates for experimental work. In particular, secreted
proteins would be a rational subset to analyze, as these proteins are likely to represent the principal immunologically
active products, if only on the premise that a protein must
be exported if it is to exert an effect on the host system.
The conventional approach to secreted protein analysis is
proteomics, which is being successfully applied to many
helminth parasites (206). We have, for example, identified
proteins in NES and other nematode secretions by mass
spectrometric analysis coupled with database interrogation
(Harcus, Maizels, Curwen, Ashton, and Wilson, unpublished
observations). In addition, we have tested a genomic pathway
to secreted protein analysis, taking advantage of the fact that
nearly all secreted proteins contain an identifiable hydrophobic
signal sequence at the N-terminus of the newly synthesized
protein. We applied this to a study of N. brasiliensis ESTs, derived
from cDNA libraries, that included a new technique to clone
from the 50 -cap of full-length mRNA, thus ensuring the inclusion of the N-terminal sequence (207). Bioinformatic comparison of proteins bearing signal sequences compared to
those which did not produced a striking result (205): far
more secreted proteins were novel, i.e. had diverged sufficiently rapidly from C. elegans (the closest relative in the database) to have lost all recognizable sequence similarity. From
this finding, we suggested that the rapid evolution of many
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
secreted proteins may reflect an evolutionary adaption to the
demands of parasite evasion of host immunity.
Cytokine homologs
The cytokine network is a central pillar of host defenses against
pathogens. It is not surprising therefore to find that one
immune evasion strategy developed by infectious organisms
is to produce homologs of mammalian cytokines such as
TGF-b and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF).
TGF-b is a profoundly downregulatory cytokine that belongs
to an ancient gene superfamily, conserved across metazoan
organisms, and encompassing many proteins involved in both
developmental and immunological processes (208). In Brugia,
two genes encoding ligands from the TGF-b superfamily have
been identified, bearing 28–42% amino acid identity to human
proteins. Bm-tgh-1 is more similar to the bone morphogenetic
protein subfamily, which triggers differentiation and growth.
This gene is not expressed in microfilaria, an arrested stage
of development, and it is present maximally during parasite
molting in the mammalian host (209). The second gene
Bm-tgh-2 is more similar at the sequence level to human
TGF-b. This gene reaches maximal levels in the microfilaria,
but it is also expressed in mature adult male and female parasites. Bm-TGH-2 has been shown to be secreted by adult worms
and to bind to mammalian TGF-b receptors, suggesting that
TGH-2 might have an immunomodulatory function in the host
(210). As TGF-b has been shown to induce naı̈ve T cells to
adopt a regulatory T-cell phenotype (211–213), we hypothesize that parasite-derived TGF-b may drive Treg differentiation,
thereby promoting long-term survival of parasites.
Helminths not only express ligands from the TGF-b superfamily but also contain type I TGF-b receptors (214, 215) and
downstream signaling components that are functionally interchangeable with mammalian homologs (216). In Brugia, Bp-trk-1
encodes a receptor serine/threonine kinase that shares 67%
identity with the kinase domain of SMA-6, a second type I
TGF-b receptor from C. elegans (217). Bp-trk-1 is expressed in
microfilaria, infective larvae, and adult parasites. The S. mansoni
type I receptor (SmRK-1) (215) shares up to 58% identity with
the kinase domain of other type I receptors, but as with Brugia,
no type II receptor can be identified. Ligand-dependent activation of type I receptors is generally considered to require a type
II TGF-b receptor for effective ligand binding. However, in
C. elegans, the type I receptor DAF-1 can signal autonomously
(218), suggesting that Brugia TRK-1 and SmRK-1 may function
in a TGF-b signaling pathway without participation of type II
receptors alone. Whether or not type II subunits are involved,
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the expression of this family of receptors may allow host-toparasite signaling, a new aspect of the molecular cross-talk in
The macrophage MIF gene family is certainly as ancient as
the TGF-b superfamily, and possibly more so, as structural
homologs can be found in bacterial organisms. MIF was first
discovered as a stimulatory cytokine for macrophages, in in
vitro studies of delayed-type hypersensitivity (219, 220), but is
now recognized as a multipotent activator of the immune
system with a generally inflammatory character (221, 222).
For example, MIF / mice survive the normally lethal administration of LPS or staphylococcal enterotoxin, and they are
resistant to trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis
(223). MIF is thus involved in both acute septic shock and
more sustained inflammatory disease. MIF may also be essential in many infections: MIF / mice die following low-dose
Salmonella typhimurium infection (224) and are more susceptible
to L. major (225) and T. crassiceps (226) parasites. In view of this
pro-inflammatory pedigree, it was surprising to discover that
MIF homologs are expressed by a number of long-lived nematode parasites that are more associated with anti-inflammatory
conditions (227–229).
We decided to look in more detail at the structure and
function of the two MIF homologs from B. malayi, Bm-MIF-1
(227) and Bm-MIF-2 (229). Our first hypothesis was that the
parasite proteins would antagonize the mammalian ones or
even stimulate host cells in a different way altogether. Surprisingly, tests with human monocytes showed that like human
MIF, parasite MIF proteins induce a pro-inflammatory profile
of cytokines, such as TNF-a, IL-8, and even human MIF (229).
Thus, parasite MIF induces host cells to release more MIF of
endogenous origin. Biochemical studies showed that B. malayi
MIFs also reproduced one of the more enigmatic properties of
human MIF, a dopachrome tautomerase enzyme activity.
Moreover, as in the mammalian molecule, enzyme function
was abolished in the site-directed mutants MIF-1G and MIF-2G,
in which a key proline-2 was mutated to glycine (229). Finally,
Bm-MIF-2 was successfully crystallized and shown to have
close structural similarity to human MIF, even though only
28% of amino acid residues are shared between the two
molecules (229). What, then, was the advantage to the parasite of producing a close mimic of host MIF?
Because of the known activity of MIF for macrophages and the
novel phenotype of alternative activation in macrophages from
Brugia-infected mice, we injected Bm-MIF-1 (free of detectable
LPS) nine times over 3 weeks into the peritoneal cavity (230).
The infiltrating population of cells was then tested: although the
macrophages were not directly suppressive, they expressed
Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
YM1, and a three-fold rise in eosinophils was also observed.
Significantly, such changes were not observed with Bm-MIF-1G
mutant recombinant protein or with LPS at a dose corresponding to the threshold of detection in the original MIF-1 preparation (230). YM1 upregulation occurred even in IL-4 /
and IL-5 / mice, suggesting that MIF may be acting directly
to induce YM1 production. From this finding, we have suggested that Bm-MIF may be the first stimulus for macrophages to
begin alternative differentiation but that other factors are
necessary for this process to complete. These findings help
to unravel the central paradox of why parasites secrete products that could intensify inflammatory tissue reactions. It
may be that as-yet-unidentified structural differences confer
a novel function of parasite MIFs, which result in their exerting
a counter-inflammatory influence. However, we also consider that a dynamic hypothesis is likely, in which repeated or
continuous exposure to parasite MIFs switches the host
immune response into a more counter-inflammatory
response, as exemplified by alternatively activated macrophages.
Protease inhibitors
Another category of conserved genes that interacts significantly with the host immune system is protease inhibitors,
which can be readily identified by sequence similarities to host
genes. The filarial parasites produce at least three classes that
are active against aspartyl, cysteine, and serine proteases. Most
other helminths studied elaborate similar groups of protease
inhibitors with a broad range of functions.
The cysteine protease inhibitor (CPI) family from filarial
nematodes has been intensely studied for potential immunomodulatory properties. The filarial CPIs are homologous to
cystatins, which are widely expressed in DCs and other immune
system cells. Among the functions of mammalian cystatins is
the regulation of antigen processing in the highly proteasedependent MHC class II pathway (231). Detailed analysis of
cystatins reveals the existence of two inhibitory sites: (i) common throughout the evolutionary tree, blocks classical cysteine
proteases such as papain; (ii) found only in certain mammalian
cystatins (such as expressed in DCs), independently inhibits a
specialized protease, asparaginyl endopeptidase (AEP), which
cleaves proteins at aspargine residues (232). Significantly, AEP is
a crucial enzyme in the MHC class II processing pathway (233).
Sequence analysis of nematode cystatins provided some
intriguing insights. Many homologs, including those from
C. elegans, do not appear to encode an AEP-inhibitory site,
consistent with the evolutionary position of this clade. However, a subset of filarial cystatins displays a very similar amino
acid motif to the mammalian AEP-inhibiting molecules. We
demonstrated functionally that B. malayi Bm-CPI-2 inhibits AEP
in human B cells and indeed will block antigenic peptide
presentation through the MHC class II pathway (234). Sitedirected mutagenesis of the AEP-inhibiting motif confirmed
that the same motif as found in mammalian proteins is
involved in enzyme inhibition. We also showed that C. elegans
CPI proteins carry no inhibitory activity toward AEP (Murray,
Manoury, Watts & Maizels, unpublished). These data suggest
that Bm-CPI-2 represents a case of microconvergent evolution
– the acquisition of a mammalian-like motif that targets a
mammalian enzyme, inserted on an evolutionary background
from which the motif is altogether absent.
Independently of our work, studies with CPI homologs from
Onchocerca volvulus and A. viteae have focused on their capacity to induce
downregulatory mechanisms in human immune system cells
(235). In addition to blocking proliferative responses, CPI proteins
elicit an IL-10 response from macrophage populations. Because it
is established in both A. viteae (236) and B. malayi (Gregory &
Maizels, unpublished) that the CPI homologs are released by living
worms, the induction of IL-10 in vivo may be a key step in the
maintenance of immune regulation during infection.
A second type of inhibitor widely distributed among parasitic helminths is the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family
(237). Taking B. malayi again as the example, the major serpin
produced is Bm-SPN-2, the most highly expressed protein in
the MF stage. Expression is strictly stage specific, as no other
point in the life cycle shows detectable spn-2 mRNA, and the
protein has the intriguing property of inducing skewed Th1
responses in the form of IFN-g release on challenge of mice
primed either with SPN-2 or with entire microfilariae. Thus,
SPN-2 reproduces the Th1 bias noted earlier to be associated
with the MF stage (56). The inhibitory loop of Bm-SPN-2 has
an unusual sequence, and we in collaboration with others
found that two neutrophil proteases (cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase) were specifically blocked by SPN-2 (238).
However, others have reported that they were unable to
demonstrate active inhibition by recombinant SPN-2 (239).
The Abundant Larval Transcript antigens
Filarial nematodes share a common, prominent set of antigens
that are produced in abundance by the mosquito-borne stage 3
larvae, implying a role in invasion of (and establishment in)
the mammalian host. This gene family was independently discovered in several different filarial species, and only distantly
related sequences are known from other parasitic and free-living
nematodes. The genes were first identified as the major transspliced cDNA from B. malayi infective larvae (240). Cloning and
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
comparison with accumulating EST datasets revealed a multigene family with at least two members highly expressed in the
L3; these two genes were named Abundant Larval Transcripts (alt)-1
and alt-2. Parallel studies have also identified alt-like genes in
O. volvulus (241, 242), L. sigmodontis (243), D. immitis (244), and
A. viteae (245). All these members of the ALT family have a
common protein structure that can be divided into a signal
peptide, a variable and highly charged domain, and a conserved,
cysteine-rich domain. However, a single alt gene was identified
in the genomes of the free-living nematodes C. elegans and
Caenorhabditis briggsae. Genomic analysis of B. malayi shows one
homolog that does not contain the charged domain (Gregory,
Maizels, and Blaxter, unpublished observation). These homologs lacking the charged region have only been shown to be
expressed in adult nematodes.
To understand how the parasite manages to synthesize large
amounts of two specialized products in a stage-specific manner,
the genomic organization of the B. malayi alt-1 and alt-2 was
defined (246). The genomic information showed that alt-2 is
a single gene locus providing up to 3.2% of cDNA in the L3
stage. alt-1 is present as two near-identical copies organized in
an inverted repeat of 7.6 kb in a different locus to alt-2.
Recognition of the ALT protein has been associated with
protective immunity in experimental models of B. malayi (247)
and O. volvulus (241). In mice vaccinated with irradiated
L. sigmodontis larvae, IL-5 responses to ALT-1 are inversely correlated with worm recovery following challenge, suggesting
ALT-1 is an important target of the protective IL-5 response
(Taylor and Allen, unpublished observation). With the finding
that Bm-ALT-1 elicits 76% protection in jirds (247), the ALTs
have become front-running new vaccine candidates for
filariasis and onchocerciasis.
As members of a novel gene family, the function of the ALTs
has been elusive. Transgenesis and targeted gene deletion have yet
to be established for parasitic helminths, and thus, it is not
possible to investigate the biological role of ALT proteins by
conventional reverse genetics. To test whether ALT proteins functionally interact with the host immune system, we adopted a
novel system for functional testing in vivo, by transfection into
Leishmania species (255). Expression of ALT genes in Leishmania
mexicana promastigotes showed surface expression of the transgenic protein, and it was found to confer greater infectivity of
macrophages in vitro and accelerated disease in vivo. We also showed
that alt-transfected parasites are more resistant to IFN-g-induced
killing by macrophages. In contrast, transgenic expression of CPI2 from B. malayi did not alter the phenotype or infection kinetics of
L. mexicana. Array analysis of mRNA from macrophages infected
with wildtype or transgenic Leishmania shows upregulation of
GATA-3 and suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 transcripts
(Gomez-Escobar, Prieto-La fuente, Blackburn, Aebischer & Maizels,
unpublished). Upregulation of these factors is consistent with the
strong Th2 bias observed in infection with filarial parasites.
The glyco-network
Much of the host–parasite interaction is governed at the molecular level by carbohydrate determinants (248). Detailed
analysis of the glycans present in a wide range of parasites reveals
few common structures, other than a tendency for fucosylated
side chains and a generally primitive (high mannose) content of
Fig. 11. Helminth glycans.
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Maizels et al Helminth parasites – masters of regulation
N-glycans (Fig. 11). No candidate pathogen-associated molecular
pattern can be discerned characteristic of helminths as a group or
of major subsets such as nematodes or trematodes. Glycans vary
from those highly specific for one nematode species, such as the
tyvelose-terminating N-linked oligosaccharides of Trichinella
spiralis (249), to the near-ubiquitous phosphorylcholine-coupled
N-linked sugars in different species of filarial nematodes (250).
Intriguingly, the trematode S. mansoni expresses both unique
(251) and host-like Lewisx-like specificities (252). Similarly,
tissue-dwelling stages of Toxocara species express a high level
of a blood group H-like trisaccharide, which bears novel
O-methylation sites (253). Thus, parasite glycans encompass
both highly specific and cross-reactive determinants, and it is
possible that the latter could operate as molecular mimics of
host carbohydrates, perhaps providing false signals or blocking
lectin-dependent interactions in the host defense mechanism.
While it is generally true that helminth glycans are not substituted with terminal sialic acid (and the absence of this modification could act as a signal to the innate immune system) in at
least the instance of Echinococcus granulosus, some sialylation is
present on parasite glycans (254).
There is a strong case that helminth glycans contribute to Th2
induction, in some of the major species at least. Th2 responses
to somatic extracts of adult Brugia are diminished upon periodiate treatment (5). Synthetic saccharides corresponding to
schistosome glycans can initiate a Th2 response (41), and
glycoconjugates bearing the Lewisx determinant activate B1
cells to produce IL-10, favoring a Th2 phenotype (255, 256).
The S. mansoni egg glycans, specifically Lewisx, are recognized by
DCs through surface C-type lectin receptors, such as DC-SIGN
(257). Intriguingly, some parasites themselves make prominent
use of lectins, such as the C-type lectins secreted by T. canis
(258–260). The lectins and glycans may be two sides of the
same coin, a molecular strategy by parasites to interrupt or
misdirect host inflammatory responses, such as the selectindependent extravasation of leukocytes into infected tissue.
The debate will continue as to whether the host immune system
has evolved lectin receptors on DCs as molecular pattern recognition devices to detect helminths or whether helminths have
evolved specific ligands to trigger these host receptors. Germane
to this argument is the finding that C. elegans induces Th2 responses
in mice, but less potently than do parasites (5). Does this finding
signify that free-living ancestors possessed Th2-inducing ligands
which have evolved in parasites to act more effectively?
Helminth parasites are clearly masters in the art of immunoregulation. By studying their ability to manipulate the immune
system, we will learn not only how to intervene and cure
infections but also perhaps how to imitate helminths in regulating untoward responses in the body. Like so much else in
immunology, there are some important complexities that
require thoughtful investigation. For example, if we target
regulatory mechanisms and unleash the full force of the
immune system on resident parasites, will we simply amplify
pathology and trigger autoimmunity? Is the relative inefficacy
of helminth vaccines due to concomitant stimulation of effector and regulatory populations to parasite antigens? How can
we focus intervention at the antigen-specific level, either in
the context of disabling parasite-specific Tregs or in the context of exploiting helminth-derived immunomodulators, to
selectively turn off effector responses to allergens or autoantigens? We are now turning our attention to these questions.
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