SFU EDUC 382: Diversity in Education-S-2017.pdf

Course Objectives and Educational Goals This 4-credit course provides an entry for students to inquire into the implications of diversity in policy, theory, and practice. We will not only explore the theoretical questions but also our own relationship to diversity and multiculturalism, as a learner, community member, and prospective educator. This course looks at the concept of diversity as a site for competing politics and philosophies about the structure of society and the work of teachers. The course is designed to provide learning opportunities that will assist participants to: Ø Identify key features of different conceptions of diversity, and multiculturalism, and their educational implications. Ø Develop knowledge about specific aspects and examples of diversity in Canada Ø Through exploration and discussion of concrete cases, develop reasoned positions on various issues in educational diversity Ø Develop skills of reflection and analysis with respect to one's own positioning and socialization on a range of diversity issues Ø Develop educational research and writing skills that are informed by these other competences Course Design The course design conveys my understandings and beliefs about teaching and learning. I aim to create a space for alternative and diverse ways of learning. I understand the class as a place of dialogue, critical thinking, and reflection. Sometimes it means breaking away from what we are used to when we think about academic courses in order to allow for other ways of learning to emerge.

Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION: THEORIES, POLICIES, PRACTICES (4) Course number: EDUC 382 Dates and time: Friday 1:30-5:20 PM Spring 2017 Location: SECB 1010 Burnaby Instructor: Dr. Lilach Marom Office hours: by appointment E-mail: Twitter: l_marom Course Objectives and Educational Goals This 4-credit course provides an entry for students to inquire into the implications of diversity in policy, theory, and practice. We will not only explore the theoretical questions but also our own relationship to diversity and multiculturalism, as a learner, community member, and prospective educator. This course looks at the concept of diversity as a site for competing politics and philosophies about the structure of society and the work of teachers. The course is designed to provide learning opportunities that will assist participants to: Ø Identify key features of different conceptions of diversity, and multiculturalism, and their educational implications. Ø Develop knowledge about specific aspects and examples of diversity in Canada Ø Through exploration and discussion of concrete cases, develop reasoned positions on various issues in educational diversity Ø Develop skills of reflection and analysis with respect to one’s own positioning and socialization on a range of diversity issues Ø Develop educational research and writing skills that are informed by these other competences Course Design The course design conveys my understandings and beliefs about teaching and learning. I aim to create a space for alternative and diverse ways of learning. I understand the class as a place of dialogue, critical thinking, and reflection. Sometimes it means breaking away from what we are used to when we think about academic courses in order to allow for other ways of learning to emerge. Spring, 2017 1 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 Resources The materials for EDUC 382 consist of the following: A Canvas site containing the course introduction (you’re reading it now), 13 study units, links to online reading selections and the online discussion area, and details about your weekly assignments. Detailed Schedule of Topics and Readings 1. Friday Jan 6: Introduction: What is diversity? Main Content: Getting to know each other Class Contract & expectations Syllabus & Assignments Please Read: (Listen!) do we actually mean by Diversity? Why Do Millennials Not Understand Racism? _are_confused_about_bias_prejudice.html Racist Incidents that have happened since Donald Trump’s election: In Class: I’m not the Indian you had in mind: Lighten Up: 2. Fri Jan 13: Reconciliation in Action 2:30 Meeting at Hastings Community Centre (3096 East Hastings Street) See FB page for further details: Main questions: Ø What is the diversity among Aboriginal people in Canada and British Columbia? Ø What is the relationship of Aboriginal people to Canada? Ø How has our knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal people, their histories, and contemporary realities been constructed over time? Ø What assumptions and understandings do teachers bring to Aboriginal education? Please Read: Canada’s prisons are the ‘new residential schools’: Land and Reconciliation: Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future, read the Introduction pp..1-23 Optional (but Highly Recommended!) The Secret Path: 3. Friday Jan 20: Knowledge & Belief & Critical Thinking Main Questions: Ø What is knowledge? Ø What is the difference between belief and knowledge? Spring, 2017 2 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 Ø When/how do we consider knowledge as "truth"? Ø What tensions can arise between knowledge and belief in educational contexts? Ø What do we do when knowledge challenges our beliefs? Reading: Chapter 1: Critical Thinking and Critical Theory (Knowledge Construction) Sensoy, O., & DiAngelo, R. (2011). Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education. New York: Teachers College Press. (Available on Canvas reserve) In the age of Trump, Why Bother Students to Argue Logically: Students Have 'Dismaying' Inability To Tell Fake News From Real, Study Finds: The Age of Post-Truth Politics: 4. Friday Jan 27: Diversity & Multiculturalism in Canada Main Questions: Ø What are the strengths and challenges of Canadian multiculturalism? Ø How is diversity connected to equity in education? Ø What are the challenges in promoting diversity in schools and higher education institutions? Ø How can education navigate diversity and enhance dialogue across differences? Please Read: Ryuko Kubota (2015) Race and language learning in multicultural Canada: Towards critical antiracism, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 36:1, 3-12, The challenges of implementing a diversity admissions policy: Judgmental map of Vancouver 5. Friday Feb 3: Diversity & Freedom of Speech Main Questions: Ø What are the tensions between diversity and freedom of speech? Ø Do you agree with the need for educational institution to create “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings”? Ø What is political correctness how is it connected to identity politics? Ø Should freedom of speech be limited in the name of difference? Please Read: Univ. of Chicago pushes back on trigger warnings, safe spaces: The Coddling of the American Mind: The End of Identity Liberalism: Seeing the forest, missing the trees: An honest look at identity politics 6. Friday Feb 10: Diversity & Gender: Burkas and Botox Main Questions: Spring, 2017 3 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 Ø How conceptualisations of gender intersect with other social constructs? Ø What is feminism? Ø How gender biases play out in diverse contexts? Ø How do you differentiate between choice and imposition? Please Read: Don’t see oppression as diversity: Armed police order Muslim woman to remove her burkini: Roy: Feminism and Foundations, Burkas and Botox: Most Sexist Moments from the Rio Olympics: Russian Women’s national futsal team on hijabs: German Minister sparks anger after refusing to wear hijab: In Class: February 17: No Class Reading Break 7. Friday Feb 24: Diversity & Sexuality: VSB Sexual Orientation and Gender Identify Policy Main Questions: Ø How are gender and sexuality constructed in diverse contexts? Ø What tensions can arise between different sexual values and how to navigate them? Ø How can sexual equity be manifested in school and in society? Please Read: VSB Sexual Orientation Policy: VSB Policy Controversy: We need to be braver: Women challenge gender identity: An Open Letter to the Muslim Community in Light of the Orlando Shooting: An Open Letter to American Muslims on same Sex Marriage: Ross, S. (2016, May 24). Ontario students falling through the cracks; TDSB enrolment falls over sex-ed curriculum. Available at: In Class: Spring, 2017 4 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 8. Friday March 3: Diversity & Race: Black Lives Matter Main Questions: Ø What is Black Lives Matter fighting for? Ø What are the distinct challenges people of color experience in our society/school system? Ø Black lives matter/ all lives matter? What is the debate about? Ø Should separate black social movements/school initiatives be encouraged? Please Read: Black Lives Matter Website: Plaut, S. (2016, July 22). Learning resistance and building solidarity—Black Lives Matter north of the 49th. Wente, M. (2016, July, 04). The bullies of Black Lives Matter. How a Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder sees Canada: Black Lives Matter wants to help you avoid these five traps in difficult talks about race: Black Life and Death in a Familiar America: In Class: Bramham, D. (2008, February 8). The last thing we need are race-based schools: Plans for an “Afrocentric” alternative for students with coloured skin run counter to Canada's history and aspirations, Vancouver Sun, p. C4. Available at: Galabuzi, G. (2008). Making the case for an Africentric alternative school. Our Schools/Our Selves, 17(3), 27-32. Available at: 9. Friday March 10: Diversity & Ethnicity: Precious Knowledge Main Questions: Ø Why/ is it important for kids to learn about their culture? Ethnicity? Ø Do we need to treat kids as individuals or as members of diverse social groups? Ø Should cultural and ethnic studies be part of school curriculum? Ø Does diverse curriculum posses threat on national unity? Please Read: Acosta, C. (2014). Huitzilopochtli: The will and resiliency of Tucson youth to keep Mexican American studies alive. Multicultural Perspectives, 16(1), 3–7. How One Law Banning Ethnic Studies Led to Its Rise: You were born in a Taco Bell': Trump's rhetoric fuels school bullies across US: Spring, 2017 5 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 10. Friday March 17: Diversity & Class: In the Age of Trump Main Questions: Ø How does social class effect quality of life/choices? Ø How is poverty connected to neoliberalism/globalization? Ø How does class intersect with other social constructs such as race/gender/ethnicity? Please Read: Why Trumps voters are so angry: It was the democrats’ embrace of Neoliberalism that won it for Trump: An American Tragedy: Nina new findings about inequality in the United States: Growing up poor in America: 11. Friday March 24: Diversity & Immigration Main Questions: Who is Canadian? “Who belongs here?” What are some of the biases in relation to immigration? What are the challenges immigrant kids experience in schools? How is the current refugees crisis constructed in political debates/public opinion? Please read: Revisiting real estate, race, and how the foreign-buyers narrative came to dominate Vancouver media: White Supremacy and the Foreign Investment Debate: The Migrant Crisis Data: The Migrant Crisis, it’s not what you think: In Class: Strangers at home 12. Fri March 31: Group Presentations 13. Friday April 7: Closure Final Assignment Due Potluck Closure & Feedback Spring, 2017 6 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 Assignments & Assessment Assignments 1. Attendance and Participation10% 2. Online discussions 30% 3. Group project and presentation 25% 4. Group evaluation 5% 5. Final assignment 30% Evaluation Criteria The following grading scale and criteria will be used to assess your assignments: Note: You will get points for each assignment and I will translate these to a letter grade at the end of the course. A+ 98-100 A 93-97 A- 90-92 B+ 85-89 B 80-84 B- 75-79 C+ 70-74 C 65-69 C- 60-64 D 55-59 F 0-54 A+ A AB+ B BC As A (below), but at a somewhat higher level of acuteness Outstanding grasp of concepts and issues; evidence of careful and precise reading of required texts and of other related texts; ability to relate theoretical discussions to practice accurately; critical evaluation of reading selections, discussions, and lectures, including evidence of independent, consistent judgment; fluent, appropriate use of relevant concepts; careful attention to the ideas of others as well as courtesy in addressing them; and imaginative organization and presentation of written work and project. As above, but at a somewhat lower level of acuteness. Clear use of relevant literature and background reading; appropriate use of relevant concepts; sound structure and good organization; sound critical evaluation; clear linkages with wider issues; and courtesy in dealing with others’ ideas and opinions. Reasonably accurate grasp of key concepts and issues; relevant, appropriate analysis and discussion; adequately clear structure to written work; sensible incorporation of reading selections into arguments; accurate, sensible evaluative discussions; and courtesy in dealing with others’ ideas and opinions. As above, but at a somewhat lower level of acuteness. Little evidence of having read or adequately understood required reading selections; limited grasp of concepts under discussion; divergence from main points to items that are only peripherally or superficially related; contributions that are largely anecdotal or concrete rather than dealing with principles and theories; Spring, 2017 7 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 F largely descriptive writing with little analysis, though showing some grasp of the main issues. Solely descriptive and only peripheral points engaged; lack of evidence of reading or limited understanding of required reading selections; conceptual confusion; irrelevant, muddled, poorly organized material. Class Participation & Readings (40%) Attendance & Participation (10%) Everyone should come to class prepared to discuss the assigned readings. Class members will learn as much from the exchange of views inside the classroom as we will from analyzing the readings on our own. Good amount of class time will be spent in small groups; active participation and contribution to the group work are core components for a successful project. I know that it is hard for some people to talk in a large forum; however, participation is integral for the success of this course. These things might help you participate: you are welcome to use languages other than English; you can read from your reading summary; you can tweet during class #SFU382 Assessment criteria: To get full marks for attendance and participation, you must regularly: (1) show active evidence of having done all the required readings; (2) show evidence of active listening by responding to others’ contributions in a constructive manner; (3) contribute meaningfully to class discussions and group activities; (4) treat others respectfully. Online discussions (30%): Before each class you are asked to do the readings and post a blurb on the discussion board. I will check these regularly and respond (unless you post last minute). The postings should integrate the class readings with your own thoughts and questions. You are encouraged to reflect on your own experiences and knowledge and connect them to the class readings and discussions. You are also encouraged to reply to each other’s posts. Assessment Criteria: There are 10 posts each equals 3 points. To get full marks for your online discussion you must regularly: (1) post before class; (2) show clear evidence of careful reading of the articles; (3) integrate your own experiences, reflections, questions. ** You will not be graded for English proficiency, just for your ideas, connections to the readings, and integration of your own experience. ** Grades will be entered twice: midterm and end of term. Group Project March 31 (25%) Your group project is to choose a case study that relates to diversity: It can be something that you experience in your lives (e.g., what role gender plays in wages and job hierarchies in your work place; how racism is experienced in your community; what are the experiences of international students at SFU). Or, it can be something from the media/social media (e.g., gendered coverage of the Rio Olympic Games; Pipeline resistance). Or it can be a movement/organization that works around diversity (e.g.,; Indigenous women’s groups AWON; IWASE; NWAC; Idle No More). ** You will have 30-60 min every-class (4:30-5:20) to work on your projects. Project components: Ø Clear and articulate topic/question, what issues of diversity are you targeting? Ø The current situation, what is currently going on? Why? What structural/institutional aspects relate to this situation? Spring, 2017 8 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 Ø Ø Ø Ø Alternative: what can be done differently? How? What is this movement organisation trying to achieve? Theoretical connection & Literature support of 3 articles Active participation and presentation by all group members Presentation should be 20 min Evaluation Rubric: Theme/ 1 Points Clear Question/ Question too wide/ Problem not clear/ of no importance/ Case Study Literature Support Presentation Visual/Display 2 3 4 5 Focused question, problem, why is this important? Case presented in a superficial way, no clear arguments, and no evidence to the current situation/ possible alternatives Generalizations, no support in literature, no critical engagement Not organized, not clear, (only) reading from the text, not engaging, Lack of teamwork, No time management Not organized/coherent: inconsistent fonts/ too much written/ lack of design Clear presentation of the case/issue, what is the current situation, what are the problems, what are the alternatives Grounded arguments, lit review, clear connection to your case Engaging, clear, and articulated, active, Visible teamwork Standing in time Clear/ Aesthetic/ coherent/visual organization of presentation Group Evaluation (5) At the day of the group presentation (March 31) you need to upload the group evaluation. Name………………………………………………. Name of Group………………………………… On the scale of 1-5 (1 lowest, 5 highest), evaluate the other participants in your group. Name Spring, 2017 Attending and actively Contributing Contributing to group to research; Respectful to others; Integrating individual 9 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 participating in group work time discussion; Made an effort to speak designing and presenting Avoiding dominating discussion voice/strength/skills into the project Write one (or more) sentence on each participant, highlighting his/her unique contribution to the group: 1. 2. 3. 4. Final Assignment (30%) Due April 8 /Peer review April 7 You are asked to write a 5-page essay (1.5 space Times New Roman 12) in which you choose one question that emerged for you from the topics that we discussed (or a related topic). The question should have a personal connection for you, for example: I grew up in a very homogenous school system and moved to the Greater Vancouver area, which is very diverse. My question is: What are the challenges and advantage in diverse classrooms? You are also asked to incorporate a “mini research” component in which you interview 3 people who can answer your question and weave their perspectives in your arguments. You will need to decide if the data support or contradict your argument and to support/modify your argument. For example, if you are interested in diversity in the classroom you can interview a teacher in school, a new immigrant parent, a school kid etc. As the question should have a personal connection you could probably interview your parents, your peers, your siblings, etc. Evaluation Rubric: Theme/ Points Academic Reflectivity 1 Structure/ Organization No personal connection demonstrated Jumping between topics, not coherent, not answering question Critical Analysis Generalizations, Spring, 2017 2 3 4 5 Reflective voice: why is this important to me, connection to theory Focused question that is clearly answered. Clarity and flow: introduction, main arguments, research data, summary Grounded arguments, 10 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 of Literature Mini-Research APA Writing Quality Spring, 2017 no support of literature, no critical engagement No incorporation of your research data Wrong citations, and references Assignment not edited carefully, typos, messy structure critique, clear and focused integration of literature Integration of research data, weaving data with theoretical arguments Correct citations, and references Clear, neat, organized writing 11 Marom EDUC 382-4 Spring, 2017 Projects Ideas: Spring, 2017 12