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2017, Sudanese Journal of Computing and Geoinformatics(SJCG)- ISSN: 1858-8336 (Online),ISSN: 1858-8328 (Print) , ALZAIEM ALAZHARI UNIVERSITY
3 pages
1 file
Abstract– This paper This Study explain the Decision Support System(DSS) Data Model Business Tourism Using Geographic Information System(GIS), This model is explained, implemented and exemplified for Tourism Products in Sudan. The Motivations are: Strong need for data model business tourism in Sudan ,there aren't GIS Data Model Tourism in Sudan, lack research in the Geoinformatics fields. The Objects are Conceptual GIS Data Model Tourism, Logical GIS Data Model Tourism, Physical GIS Data Model Tourism. The Important Study for Decision Support Makers for Tourism in Sudan. The Methodology three phases: First: Conceptual Model, Second: Logical Model, third: Physical Model. The Results: There are 5A's to Build the Conceptual GIS Model (Attraction, Accommodation, Access, Amenity, Awareness), The Recommendations: Design & Implementation Geodatabase Business Tourism in Sudan, Geodatabase Developer Business Tourism in Sudan, Georelation Business Tourism in Sudan. The Future Study: The Geoinformatics Potentials for Build the Data Model Business Tourism in Sudan. Keywords : GIS, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Geodatabase, Object-relational database..
Asian Research Journal of current Science, 5(1), 188-196. 2022, Article no.ARJOCS.853, 2022
Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the role and scope of the influence of reality and distribution analysis for 5 A’s Business Tourism as Attractions Tourism, Accommodations, Access Transportation, Amenity Service, Awareness. There are many gap research in business tourism in Sudan. So this paper to classified research for many classes. The methodology of this paper depend on three phases (Analysis, Design and implementations). The results of papers: - build 5A’s Business Tourisms geodatabas,the relationships contains 5 datasets and 13 feature classes - design and implementation GIS application to analysed, distributed and product for 5A’s Business Tourisms in Kartoum. The recomondations are evaluation For Sustainable Business Tourism Development in Sudan and complete GIS Data Center for all sudan. The future research build 3D model for For Sustainable Business Tourism Development in Sudan using geoinformatics. Keywords: Sustainable Tourisms (SI), Geoinformatics technology (GT), office/web/mobile application.
Red Sea University Journal of Basic and Applied Science(JBAS), 2017
This paper discusses the tourism reality analysis for hotels tourism using geographic information system(GIS) in Khartoum state. The motivation includes the lack information and research in these fields, there is no knowledge serve the tours and visitors or decision makers in hotel tourism. The objectives are to Collect and classify the hotel tourism, Product Maps for hotel tourism, and Statistical Analysis for hotel tourism. The importance's support the decision makers or tours. The methodologies include three phase: Analysis, Design and Implementation. The results include, first: Classify the hotel tourism, second: Product Maps : 5-Star Map, 4-Star Map, 3-Star Map, 2-Star Map and 1-Star Map, and third Statistical Analysis for hotel tourism. The recommendations Classify the hotel tourism and spatial analysis in Sudan, Developments the geographic distribution for hotel tourism in Sudan, and Distribute the hotel tourism in Sudan according the service tourism tours. Keywords—Geoinformatics, DDS(Dicision Support System), Geostatistical Analysis, Base Maps.
This paper provides an initiative for the application of GIS (Geographic Information System) in the tourism industry in Albania. It is applied in Elbasan, which is an important destination in this country for both native and foreign tourists. The application of GIS consists on bringing geo-referenced data of Elbasan region, provided mainly by the District Office, into digitized maps, assigning all objects to thematic layers. The results show that GIS may help to the development of tourism industry in Elbasan region in order to become more competitive not only in Albania but also in the regional and international tourism market.
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 2008
Since the success of any tourism business is determined by tourism planning, development research and marketing, the first thing we review in this article is GIS application for tourism planning. Both tourism and IT increasingly provide strategic opportunities and powerful tools for economic growth, redistribution of wealth and development of equity around the globe. GIS technology offers great opportunities for the development of modern tourism applications using maps. This technology integrates common database operations such as query with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps. GIS is used for bringing the georeferenced data (spatial and non spatial) of geographic location Zlatibor and Zlatar into digital maps. Each object is assigned to a thematic layer. Each layer combines related objects like roads, building, protected areas or watercourses. In this research the authors used GIS in three types of applications such as inventory, analysis and evaluation of plan based on tourism development.
Geoinformatics, as a scientific discipline, was created as an expression of geographers’ need as well as other experts in the science of space, to apply the achievements in information technology and information science in its geographical studies. GIS is used for the collection, storage, management, analysis and mapping of spatial data. This is an information system that builds its specificity on the fact that it manipulates spatial data. Geographic information systems have found their purpose in the field of tourism, too. Tourism has more increasingly expressed demands for new technologies in the management and control of tourist activities, as well as in the decision-making process. In the beginning, just a few of its basic functions were developed to meet the needs of tourists: selection of hotels and information on shopping centers near the hotel or interesting tourist attractions. However, with the development of the tourism industry, GIS soon finds its use, not only in the ch...
Tourism has been noted to be one of the important sectors of the Nigerian economy. Tourism is a highly complex activity which requires tools that aid in an effective decision-making to come to terms with the competing economic, social and environmental demands of sustainable development. Geographic Information System (GIS) is one of such tools. GIS being an information system that is capable of answering questions about where facilities and resources are located represents enormous benefits to the tourism sector of any economy. The power of GIS lies not only in the ability to visualize spatial relationships, but also beyond the space to the holistic view of the world with its many interconnected components and complex relationships. The use of GIS technology could assist the Anambra State government as well as the Nigerian government with better planning of tourism infrastructure, location and dissemination of such infrastructure, production of better quality maps showing tourists sites etc because of the dynamic capability of GIS tools to incorporate changes that occur over time to its database. A GIS database for tourism in Anambra State was created using some selected roads, tourist attractions and facilities with the aid of base maps and GPS. This paper presents the significant role that GIS can play in tourism development in Anambra State if a complete database for tourism in the State is designed and developed.
A number of scholars are exploring district and site relations in organizational change efforts in the larger policy context of No Child Left Behind. These studies suggest the importance of the central office as a support to the work of reform and offer strategies for building relations between district offices and sites in order to implement and sustain change efforts. What is frequently overlooked in these studies is that organizational change efforts are often socially constructed. Therefore, examining the underlying social networks may provide insight into structures that support or constrain efforts at change. This exploratory case study uses social network analysis and interviews to examine the communication and knowledge network structures of central office and site leaders in an ‘in need of improvement’ district facing sanctions under No Child Left Behind. Findings indicate sparse ties among and between school site and central office administrators, as well as a centralized network structure that may constrain the exchange of complex information and ultimately inhibit efforts at change.
CLIO – Arqueológica, 2011
RESUMO A presença de restos de cerâmica vermelha fina, de origem portuguesa, na cidade de Salvador da Bahia, no setor ocupado por conjuntos de edifícios vinculados a grupos sociais de alto poder econômico e político, podem ser considerados indicadores de certos gostos ou preferências de parte de seus habitantes, mas, também funcionariam como sinais materiais para os indivíduos ou famílias das elites marcarem e afirmarem sua posição de privilégio. A raridade dos fragmentos no universo total das cerâmicas encontradas na Praça da Sé de Salvador, condizente com o número de peças importadas, pode ser explicada pela fragilidade desse tipo de material cerâmico e sua dificuldade de transporte, fatores que resultariam no aumento do valor simbólico dos seus possuidores.
Matematikundervisningens sociopolitiska utmaningar, 2021
Det finns många bilder av vad som är en bra matematiklärare. Det här bokkapitlet belyser de bilder som målas upp i den senaste lärarutbildningsutredningen. Genom en textanalys av de stycken som handlar om matematik framträder fyra bilder som begär olika saker av matematikläraren och lärarutbildningen: läraren ska vara ämneskunnig, undervisningskicklig, intresseutveckande och dessutom vara född med rätt biologisk, social och kulturell bakgrund. I utredningen framträder en bild av matematikämnet som en rad användbara fakta och beräkningsstrategier, och det målas upp som något förgivettaget gott att matematikelever behöver bli intresserade av och lära sig använda matematik. Att elever ibland inte lär sig matematik kommer därför att reflekteras i bilden av matematikläraren, där både matematikläraren och matematiklärarutbildningen målas upp som bristfälliga. Genom att bilden synliggör en viss typ av matematiklärarstudent, medan andra blir osynliga, har bilden makten att både inkludera och exkludera studenter. Bilder av den gode läraren Bilden av den goda läraren är mångfacetterad och ibland motsägelsefull. Det blir tydligt för oss om vi tittar på ett äldre exempel: år 1893 föreslogs att "Sökande till tjänst vid allmänt läroverk skall […] vara känd för gudsfruktan och goda seder" (Utsedde kommitterade, 1893). Vid den tiden hade den kristna kyrkan ett starkt inflytande över skolan och över hela staten, och formuleringen skulle inte vara möjlig i en Hur du refererar till det här kapitlet:
Berghahn Books, 2022
Murgetana, 141, 2019
Journal of Applied Physics, 2010
Biopolymers, 2014
The 6th InART2024 Conference – Book of Abstracts, p.139, 2024
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 2019
Revista Barbarie, 2024
Organic chemistry frontiers, 2016
arXiv (Cornell University), 2015
Neotropical Entomology, 2008