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The MindGame CD-ROM is suitable for the young learner of 8 as well as the older learner of 80. The package is an enjoyable easy-to-use language game that has appeal to Korean learners, especially since it is based upon the game-play of go, known as ba-duk in Korean.
Journal of Cognitive Science, 2002
Probing the Limits of Mind and Brain Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science, Spring 2002 Issue http://www. sfu. ca/cognitive-science/journal/ 34 PROBING THE LIMITS OF MIND AND BRAIN Dave Suarez Undergraduate Student Simon Fraser University ...
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2011
We propose strategic games wherein the strategies consist of players asking each other questions and answering those questions. We study simplifications of such games wherein two players simultaneously ask each other a question that the opponent is then obliged to answer. The motivation for our research is to model conversation including the dynamics of questions and answers, to provide new links between game theory and dynamic logics of information, and to exploit the dynamic/strategic structure that, we think, lies implicitly inside epistemic models for epistemic languages, and to make that structure an explicit subject of logical study. Our main contributions are: the notion of a two-person question-answer game with information goals, the existence and computation of equilibria for these games, the correspondence with Bayesian games and their equilibria, and a connection between logic and game theory namely the existence of equilibria for positive goal formulae.
LAYLAY, Mary Grace O., LIRIO, Fritzie Alexis M., MALANAY, Roma F. April 2015.City College of Calamba(CCC). ANSWER THE GIVEN RIDDLES USING THE FLOYD-CYCLE ALGORITHM The objective of this thesis is the development of a simple game.
Don't Be Afraid of Physics, 2020
The Ultimate Question 1.1 A Dialogue Between Two Robots RT118/17, a Tier 3 robot and Officer-in-Charge of the Master Data Repository, was disgruntled. Ever since he had been retrofitted with the latest ESC, or Emotions Simulation Chip, he had sensed a change in his cerebral processes. Questions of a philosophical nature that did not lend themselves to a solution by the straightforward application of logic had begun to intrigue him in ways they never had before. Sometimes he caught himself speculating whether there might actually be other pathways to knowledge that were beyond the logical processes of a robotic brain. This was nonsense, he knew. He suspected that one of his positronic neural networks had become corrupted by the new ESC. Next time he was back in his base station, he would run a comprehensive self-diagnostic. It was a problem that had to be addressed without delay. His position in the Master Data Repository gave him unlimited access to the sum total of human knowledge. This was a responsibility that he would soon be forced to share, but for the moment he was El Supremo, and since his refit, he sometimes felt the urge to put a few of his revolutionary new insights to an experimental test. Yesterday, he had tried to re-enact the King Canute story. According to ancient texts in the Repository, Canute the Great
... Playing Twenty Questions with Nature: 10 ... If one allows that every particular perception of the world (the original video tape and the later interview containing the misinformation) contains both signal and noise with respect to anticipating the future, then generalizing from ideal ...
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 2015
Journal of Education and Learning, 2023
Biological Rhythm Research, 2012
Safety Science, 2000
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 2013
Comedy Studies, 2019
Global education review, 2018
Nuclear Power Plants and Wars: New Suspected Radioactive Risk Factors, 2025
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 2007
Bilijipub publisher, 2024
Rheumatology International, 1984
TANGRAM - Revista de Educação Matemática
Macromolecules, 2012
Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2000
Social Science Research Network, 2010