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Parâmetros de projeto de alvenaria estrutural com blocos de concreto, 2021
Esta é a segunda edição, revisada e ampliada, deste livro, que continua com a parceria entre a Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland (ABCP) e a Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), que juntas desenvolvem projeto cujo objetivo é disponibilizar ao meio técnico um manual de melhores práticas para projeto de edifícios de alvenaria estrutural, com ênfase na utilização dos blocos de concreto. Após nove anos, esta nova edição está sendo finalizada em momento bastante oportuno, pois foi possível levar em conta a última atualização e unificação das principais normas brasileiras sobre o assunto que deram origem à recente norma ABNT NBR 16868 – Alvenaria Estrutural – Parte 1: Projeto; Parte 2: Execução e controle de obras; e Parte 3: Métodos de ensaio. Foram mantidos o formato e a sequência da edição anterior, porém o conteúdo deste livro sofreu uma revisão ampla do texto e exercícios para adaptá-lo às prescrições da norma ABNT NBR 16868:2020, da qual os autores tiveram ampla participação. As informações sobre detalhes e escolhas de projetistas com notoriedade em projetos de edifícios de alvenaria estrutural foram compiladas e melhoradas para o contexto atual em que o avanço de tecnologias e dos materiais permitiu a adoção de novas soluções no projeto e no processo construtivo. O livro continua condensando a experiência de renomados projetistas de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural, e espera-se que continue possibilitando que construtoras e engenheiros de obras tirem suas dúvidas e possam melhor discutir os detalhes com seus projetistas.
The SAGE Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development
Ideas travel globally and they take root locally. Following the journey of the ideas engendered by the concept of CoP illustrates how it has taken root differently in different communities of researchers. The original idea of CoP, born within a predominantly anthropological literature, underlined the social and situated dimension of learning. Its translation into management studies shifted its emphasis to the problem of identifying and managing/cultivating the dimension of community. Finally, its translation in the context of on-line communities stressed the social competences necessary to make up for a missing interactive dimension with technology. The debate that developed on the absent, undervalued or taken-forgranted dimensions of CoPs, had the effect of demonstrating that the types of CoPs vary greatly, and that it is also necessary to distinguish between the theoretical concept and its use to denominate an empirical phenomenon. The chapter discusses a literature, smaller in numerical terms, which proposes a reversal of the concept: from community of practice to practices of a community. The shift from community of practice to practices of a community is more than a play on words. It verbally expresses a change of perspective and epistemology leading toward an extension of the initial formulation toward a wider understanding of it within practice-based studies. This change has been illustrated in relation to the theme of management seen as practice, practices, and practising.
Archaeologia historica
Sýpka určená k uchování osiva na příští sezónu není pravidelnou součástí středověkého hradu v českých zemích. V souvislosti s ukládáním osiva v rámci rustikálního hospodářství hrady žádnou funkci neplnily. Pokud se sýpka na hradě vyskytovala, šlo o součást vrchnostenského dvora, situovaného v některých případech na předhradí. Na hradech se ovšem uchovávaly nezbytné zásoby určené k přímé spotřebě. Prostory k jejich ukládání se však nevyvinuly v nějaký charakteristický stavební typ. S tímto stavem kontrastují rozměrné stavby z období pozdní gotiky na významných šlechtických hradech Pernštejn, Švihov a Bechyně, v novější literatuře interpretované jako sýpky, jaké se však na jiných velkých hradech té doby nevyskytují. Rovněž úroveň šlechtického podnikání v této době takovému využití neodpovídá. Vyvstává proto otázka, zda předimenzované sýpky nepředstavovaly spíše poněkud svérázný projev šlechtické reprezentace než součást plně funkčního hospodářského zázemí uvedených hradů.
Este libro es el resultado de la colaboración y el diálogo de académicos, académicas y activistas de todas las Américas. Los une el deseo de compartir reflexiones, posiciones críticas, experiencias de acompañamiento, metodologías de documentación y trabajos de investigación sobre el femicidio/feminicidio. Como resultado de seminarios, charlas y discusión de documentos, se busca aquí cristalizar la diversidad de con- versaciones que se están desarrollando en la actualidad en la región. El volumen recopila doce capítulos que abordan el femicidio a partir de diferentes perspectivas, disciplinas, posicionamientos y lenguajes. Se reúnen contribuciones sobre Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Uruguay y América Latina en general.
Alors que les morales traditionnelles se fondent sur le primat de l'autonomie, l'ethique du care, qui se veut plus contextualiste et plus concrete, met l'accent sur la notion de vulnerabilite qu'elle considere comme l'une des caracteristiques essentielles de la condition humaine. Cette ethique issue de la pensee feministe a tendance aujourd'hui a s'affranchir de ses origines et a s'etendre a la sphere politique. Sans necessairement s'opposer a la valeur de l'autonomie et de la justice envisagees d'un point de vue universaliste, elle definit les conditions de leur effectivite. L'autonomie ne peut etre consideree comme un principe mais comme un horizon. Quant a la justice, elle ne prend un sens veritable que si elle est le fruit du souci des autres et de soi-meme comme personnes vulnerables.
Fédéralisme Régionalisme, 2019
The Catalan regional institutions have promoted two unofficial ballots on independence in the last decade. In both cases, the authorities disregarded the Spanish legal framework on referendums and questioned the legitimacy of the Spanish rule of law. In 2017, the explicit goal of constitutional disobedience ended up in the unilateral declaration of independence approved by the tight majority of the parliament. This paper analyses the political context of this institutional clash, and its political consequences. Our main argument is that party politics was a key factor to understand this process. Contrary to traditional assumptions of the literature on this topic, the internal division of the group promoting the referendum limited the power of the regional government to control its organization, for the benefit of other political actors. This also produced a great distance between the reasons offered to justify the vote (which was initially instrumental to force the central government to negotiate a self-government reform, and later changed to the adoption of a unilateral plan for secession) and the actual consequences afterwards. The main result is that the Catalan nationalist movement get weakened in terms of political organization and influence.
The purpose of the document is to present the requirements of the criminal system for the effective classification and punitive persecution of the criminal type of threats to the verdict of article 347 of the Colombian Criminal Code, deriving from an investigation based on the mixed method, since this paradigm integrates the Methods both qualitative and quantitative, using as instruments: the representative survey with closed questions and the semi-structured interview; Where the sample size was 12% of the average (129) of the active complaints for threats of threats filed from 2008 to 2016 (1163), which would be equivalent to 15 people, and an equal number was taken into account for To survey civil servants of the Derechos humanos desde una perspectiva socio-jurídica 17 Cucuta and Los Patios Sectional Prosecutor’s Office. In addition, there are eight (8) Sectional and Local Prosecutors in Cucuta and Los Patios, Norte de Santander, who can hear about this type of complaints, of whic...
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IEEE transactions on sustainable computing, 2022
The Antiquaries Journal, 1990
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology
Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 2021
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2009
Grandes figures historiques dans les lettres et les arts, 2016
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022
Small island tourism economies and the tourism area lifecycle: Why Aruba and Sint Maarten have exceeded their carrying capacity, 2020