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ISBN: 99934-906-9-5 (Encuadernación rústica) 9945-8513-0-6 (Encuadernación de lujo)
dimatikan dan akan menimbulkan kekebalan spesifik secara aktif terhadap penyakit tertentu. Penggolongan dasar asal antigen: Bibit penyakit yg dilemahkan ( live attenuated) Virus : Campak,Hepatitis B Bakteri : BCG Bibit penyakit yg dimatikan (inactivated ) Virus : IVP Bakteri :Pertusis B. JENIS-JENIS VAKSIN DALAM PROGRAM IMUNISASI Vaksin2 yg digunakan dlm program imunisasi rutin di Indonesia adalah: 1. Vaksin BCG ( Bacillus Calmette Guerine ) Indikasi : -Untuk pemberian kekebalan aktif thd tuberkulosis Kemasan : -Dalam ampul,beku kering ,1 box berisi 10 ampul vaksin. -Setiap 1 ampul vaksin dg 4 ml pelarut Cara pemberian dan dosis : Vaksin BCG harus dilarutkan dulu dg menggunakan alat suntik steril (ADS 5 ml) Dosis 0,05 ml,sebanyak 1 kali, secara intrakutan didaerah lengan kanan atas ( insertion musculus deltiodeus) dg menggunakan ADS 0,05 ml Setelah dilarutkan vaksin hrs segera digunakan sebelum 3 jam Kontra indikasi : Penyakit kulit yg berat/ menahun : Eksim, Furunkulosis, penderita TBC
— Autonomous computers or tools that facilitate medical diagnostics is a technology that is often very promising and is only beginning to become more popular and accepted. This document will present how computers work to create a diagnosis and how deep learning forms an essential part of this process, but also will present the most appropriate medical areas to implement this technology.
Middle East Critique, 2024
This article examines the recent wave of recognition of Palestine by two distinct groups of states: Caribbean nations (Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago) and Western European countries (Ireland, Norway, and Spain). It makes theoret- ical and empirical contributions, highlighting the role of perform- ance and presentation in state recognition politics. It emphasizes the creative aspect of recognition by examining how the manner of performing, narrating and presenting recognition to the world influences other states, encouraging them to adopt similar recog- nition policies. The analysis reveals a predominant focus on polit- ical, security and geopolitical considerations, underscoring the inherently political nature of state recognition. The article high- lights the significance of the performance and presentation of recognition to the broader public, generating added value to induce other states to follow suit. The article emphasizes the cru- cial role of contextual factors in informing the decision-making process of recognizing new states. It identifies two interconnected aspects driving the justification for recognizing Palestine: the for- eign policy ambitions of the recognizing states and the impera- tive of maintaining consistency in their diplomatic stances. Recognition remains a symbolic act whose power and effect are deeply contingent and uncertain in the absence of the recognized entity’s facts of sovereignty.
Successful firms always set a benchmark to not only meet the customers' satisfaction but also to step ahead from their competitors. In this benchmarking process, a strong integrated network among all the key partners is involved that in combination makes a supply chain process. The focus of this paper is on the favorable factors elaborating strategic partnerships in supply chain as well as the situations where companies prefer arm's length relationship. Nowadays most of the companies and corporations try to get a competitive edge in the market and rely more on partnerships but there are some conditions where they prefer an arm's length relationship. This paper illustrates the important factors about the issues regarding partnerships in supply chain management (SCM), the reason for selecting arm's-length relationship and also the difference between the two. This study provides an overview for making correct and reliable decision regarding partnership.
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