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June 2002
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Findings reports on ongoing operational, economic, and sector work carried out by the World
and its member govemments in the Africa Region. It is published periodically by the
Knowledge and Learning Center on behalf of the Region. The views expressed in Findings are
those of the author/s and should not be attributed to the World Bank Group.
Features and functions of
supreme audit institutions
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Quality and Knowledge-
upreme audit institutions are
national agencies responsible
for auditing governent revenue and spending. Their legal
mandates, reporting relationships,
and effectiveness vary, reflecting
different governance systems and
government policies. But their primary purpose is to oversee the
management of public funds and
Different types of supreme audit
Most developing countries use one
of three auditing systems: Napoleonic, Westminster, or board. In the
Napoleonic system the supreme
audit institution-also called the
cour des comptes (court of accounts)-has both judicial and ad-
ministrative authority and is indethe quality and credibility of govfernments' reported financial data. pendent of the legislative and exIn the past the World Bank and ecutive branches. The institution is
other donors often established par- an integral part of the judiciary,
allel auditing systems for their making judgments on government
n regulaauitig
ihlwlaws and
fr teircompliance
~~~~~projects, alle
countries' supreme audit institu- tions as well as ensuring that pubtions, on whose work they could not lic funds are well spent. The cour
des comptes audits every governalways rely. Equally problematic
ment body, including ministries
have been projects that encouraged
performance auditing but ignored departments, and agencies; combasic weaknesses in financial man- mercial and industrial entities under the purview of ministries; and
In recent years the Bank has tried social security bodies. This model
to strengthen oversight agencies Es used in the Latin countries of
y Por
,t Spain
such as supreme audit institutions. Europe (Francedoth
This note is intended to help Bank tugal, and others), Turkey and
most Latin American and
staff appreciate the role and nature
of these institutions, particularly in francophone African countries.
In the Westminster system, used
managing public spending, ensuring financial accountability, and in many Commonwealth countries
(Australia, Canada, India, the
strengthening public institutions
strengthening pubic institutions.United Kingdom, and many Caribbean, Pacific, and Sub-Saharan
African countries), the office of the
auditor general is an independent
body that reports to parliament.
Made up of professional auditors
and technical experts, the office
submits periodic reports on the financial statements and operations
of government entities-but with
less emphasis on legal compliance
than in the Napoleonic system. The
office serves no judicial function
but, when warranted, its findings
may be passed to legal authorities
for further action.
The board system, prevalent in
Asia, is similar to the Westminster
model in that it is independent of
the executive and helps parliament
perform oversight. Indonesia, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, for
example, have an audit board composed of an audit commission (the
decision-making body) and a general executive bureau (the executive organ). The president of the
board is the de facto auditor general. The board's primary mandate
is to analyze government spending
and revenue and report its findings
to parliament.
Types of audits
There are three basic audit types:
financial (or attest), compliance,
and performance (or value-formoney). Together these three types
form a comprehensive audit framework that over time provides a complete view of an organization or
function. In financial auditing the
auditor assesses the accuracy and
fairness of an organization's financial statements.
In compliance auditing the auditor checks whether government
revenue and spending have been
authorized and used for approved
purposes. Transactions are reviewed to determine if government
departments and agencies have
conformed to all pertinent laws and
and sends its reports to the full
parliament for comment and action. There are often recommendations or instructions requiring follow-up action by both the auditor
general and government accounting officers.
In the board system the audit
board prepares and sends an annual report to the cabinet, which
submits it to parliament. Board
staff attend all deliberations on fiscal accounts and are expected to
explain the board's opinions.
In cour des comptes-style supreme audit institutions, parliaments do not automatically receive
the auditors' reports, though they
may receive a report on the court's
Audits and the budget cycle
work. There are, however, four possible forms of collaboration between
Audits are an integral part of the the court and parliament:
budget cycle. The budget sets out * The president of the court may,
the government's fiscal policies,
at his or her discretion, pass the
court's findings to parliament's
detailing revenue, spending, and
finance committee.
the economic policies on which they
. A parliamentary committee may
are based. As a public document
the budget requires public discloask the court to conduct a specific management audit, which
sure, evaluation, and auditingtypically audits the economy, efand here supreme audit instituficiency, and effectiveness of protions play a key role. Based on the
cesses in the organization (or orreport by the auditor general or cour
des comptes, a public accounting .
ganizations) being audlted.
is issued describing how the budt,mp
get has been implemented and
ted to parliamnt andsubmitmanaged.
ted to the country's president,
addresses the legal concordance
between the general accounts of
Role of parliament
regulations. This process includes
checking the spending authority in
the annual budget and any relevant
Performance or value-for-money
auditing determines whether taxpayers have received value for their
taxes. Auditors work closely with
subject matter experts who offer
advice and review audit results. The
man-date for performance auditing
varies among supreme audit institutions. Sometimes it is confined
to reviewing operational efficiency.
In other cases it extends to reviewing the effectiveness of government
programs in achieving their objectives.
In the Westminster system the supreme audit institution is a core
element of parliamentary oversight.
Parliaments typically rely on supreme audit institutions to audit
public accounts. Then a multiparty
public accounts committee usually
reviews reports by the office of the
auditor general, considers testimony by witnesses from government departments and agencies,
the finance department and the
' In a separate document, the court
prepares an annual report for
parliament on the use of the resources made available by the
previous year's finance act.
Conditions for successful supreme
audit institutions
Several features are crucial to the
success of a supreme audit institution.
Supportive environment
Supreme audit institutions function within a wider institutional
setting. Thus they areeffective only
to the extent that they are permitted to conduct their work and their
reports are used to promote accountability. In many countries
public accounts are poorly maintained, parliament may be weak,
and the ministry of finance may not
ensure that audit issues are addressed. Flagrant abuses identified
by supreme audit institutions may
not be prosecuted-and in some
cases their work may be sabotaged.
Clear mandates
Auditing mandates should be anchored in rules set by parliament.
Before drafting such legislation,
supreme audit institutions and
governments must determine the
auditors' independence and reporting responsibilities, the scope of
audits, and the entities to be audited-elements shaped by national
legislation and domestic conditions. In Westminster parliamentary systems an audit also ensures
that the supreme audit institution
addresses all the issues parliament
wants scrutinized by an independent body.
Independence is a basic feature of
supreme audit institutions in industrial countries. Autonomy is
essential for an auditor general
given the need to report directly to
parliament without interference
from other branches of government. The leader of a supreme audit institution needs both legal and
traditional status to ensure that
senior bureaucrats will make information available and respond appropriately to recommendations.
Independence can be strengthened
by setting out the auditor general's
role in the country's constitutionas in India, Indonesia, Japan,
Uganda, and Zambia.
In the Napoleonic model, for example, the autonomy of the cour
des comptes is guaranteed by its
status as a court, by the security
of tenure of its magistrate members, and by its right to design its
own program of activities.
Adequate funding, facilities, and
Supreme audit institutions require
adequate funding, equipment, and
facilities. In the developing world,
where such elements are often inadequate, there is potential for supreme audit institutions to operate more efficiently. But it is unlikely that increased efficiency
alone would generate enough savings to provide competitive salaries
and modern technology. Governments need to recognize the costs
as well as the high returns of audits, and provide commensurate
To ensure high-quality work, supreme audit institutions need wellqualified, adequately remunerated
staff who are encouraged to continuously improve, especially in
their areas of expertise. For example, auditors can enhance their
skills in fraud detection and information technology through a combination of training, education, and
The number of authorized personnel should be determined independently of government control.
For example, in the board model
the audit commission determines
the number of workers in the general executive bureau. To maintain
their credibility, supreme audit institutions should be managed such
that a performance audit of their
operations would result in a favorable report.
Sharing of knowledge and
International exchanges of ideas,
knowledge, and experience improve
audits, harmonize standards, promote best practices, and generally
help supreme audit institutions fulfill their mandates. International
congresses and training seminars,
regional and interregional conferences, and international publications have promoted the development of auditing. Moreover, supreme audit institutions should
work closely with enforcement officials in government agencies to
share skills and insights and to
become more adept at uncovering
Adherence to international
auditing standards
Audits are more effective when supreme audit institutions adhere to
professional auditing standards,
such as those promulgated by the
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)
or international professional accountancy bodies.
Supreme audit institutions face
different limitations because of
countries' distinct constitutional,
legal, political, social, and economic
systems, making it impossible to
offer universal remedies. The main
limitations are:
*Limits on independence.
*A shortage of qualified, experienced personnel-a severe problem for many institutions because staff cannot keep up with
the changing scope, techniques,
Role in curbing corruption
Although preventing corruption is
not an explicit responsibility of supreme audit institutions, audits
may detect fraud and abuse. Fostering strong financial management, based on reliable reporting
and internal controls, is a crucial
part of detecting and preventing
and complexities of their work.
corruption because it promotes
*A lack of adequate monitoring and
follow-up of audit findings. Control over public funds is less ef-
transparency and accountability in
government programs and actions.
fmmetivedifauditn qeries and rwec
ommendations are not followed
up by parliament and acted on
by the executive branch,
*Limits on the scope of audits. Restricted audits undermine the
effectiveness of supreme audit
nsitutions and call into question
and call
r existxinstithce.Some
motvosuorem tr
ence. Some supreme audit institutions cannot audit enterprises
if the state has only a limited financial interest; others cannot
conduct external control over international organizations.
Further reading
Stapenhurst. 1998. Pillars of Integrity: Importance of Supreme
Audit Institutions in Curbing
Corruption.Washington, D.C..
World Bank Institute.
INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions). 1977. "Lima Declaration of
Guidelines on Auditing Precepts."
Ninth Congress of INTOSAI
Lima, Peru.
Mbanefo, Uche. 1998. "Strengthening African Supreme Audit Institutions. A Strategy Paper and
Finding s
Action Plan." World Bank, Africa
Region, Operational Quality and
Knowledge Services, Washington,
Sahgal, Vinod. 1998. Strengthening
Legislative Audit Institutions: A
Catalyst to Enhance Governance
and Combat Corruption. Ottawa,
Ontario: Office of the Auditor
General of Canada.
This note was originallypublished
as PREM note No. 59, October2001,
and was written by Rick
Stapenhurst (Senior Public Sector
Management Specialist, World Bank
Institute) and Jack Titsworth, Consultant, Africa Region), drawing on
and substantially extending the
analysis in Dye and Stapenhurst
(1998). The note incorporatesasubstantial contribution from David
Shand (FinancialManagement Adviser,FinancialManagement Board)
and several other reviewers both
inside and outside the World Bank.
The authors also acknowledge the
contribution of William Dorotinksy
and Anand Rajaram as well as the
Public Expenditure Thematic Group.
Finally, the authors are grateful to
Lisa Borgattifor excellent research
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