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20 pages
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What is vocabulary ? What is vocabulary ? Broadly defined, vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. Vocabulary is "all the words know and used by a particular person". vocabulary is the foundation of language, our most effective communication tool. Advance Advance Vocabulary Building…… Vocabulary Building…… Vocabulary building means increasing the vocabulary. Vocabulary development refers to the knowledge of stored information about the meanings and pronunciations of words necessary for communication. Knowledge of word parts can play a role in increasing our vocabularies. Word parts include prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
This chapter describes the concepts which are related to the research, such as concept of vocabulary, concept of teaching learning vocabulary, concept of flashcards, concept of flashcards in learning vocabulary. This chapter also describes advantages and disadvantages of using flashcards.
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104), 2020
English is only the unique language for communication worldwide. English language skills or proficiency is a key factor for employment success and advancement. English has the richest vocabulary of any language. Vocabulary learning is at the heart of language learning and language use. Teaching vocabulary of English covers the cultural, grammatical, lexical and phonological aspects which are essential to the language learning. Schmitt (2000) highlights the importance of vocabulary acquisition, as lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second language. Thus, students should be aware of different techniques for learning vocabulary.
This book is about vocabulary teaching, but it is necessary first to establish what vocabulary means to focus on teaching it. This introductory chapter reminds readers of the importance of vocabulary to language learning.
ABSTRACT: The discoveries of cognitive science give us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the tradition of learning the vocabulary of foreign languages as we can consider all meanings of the word as a kind of academic text, the study of which can be arranged in the course of looking for internal relations of the whole set of the meanings of the word. The method suggested in the article can be called “semantisation of the word through the definition of a prototypical situation” KEY WORDS: second language acquisition, cognitive science, teaching vocabulary, translation, word meaning, semantics, prototypical situation
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