English subject

In this unit we will look at students'feedback. The questionnaire is divided into two parts.The first section is the demographic questionnaire and the second part are the thirteen questions on cinema-going habits. The table above shows the demographic information of the respondents. We have distributed the questionnaire to 50 students. First we identified their gender. 28 female students or 56% and 22 male students or 44% answered our questionnaire. Next our group asked for their age. There were five age range in our study. 20 students were at the age group of 18-19 and the same number too for the 20-21 age group. 6 students were either 22 to 23 years of age, 3 students were in the 24-25 age group and only 1 student is above 26 years old. Finally, we enquired which department they were from. We managed to get 10 students from the Mechanical Department , 9 from the Electrical Department , 17 from the Commerce Department and 14 students from the Information & Communication Technology Department to answer our questionnaire.

2.0 FINDINGS In this unit we will look at students’feedback. The questionnaire is divided into two parts.The first section is the demographic questionnaire and the second part are the thirteen questions on cinema-going habits. 2.1 Demographic information Gender Male 44% Female 56% Age Group 18-19 40% 20-21 40% 22-23 12% 24-25 6% 26 and above 2% Department Mechnical Department 10 students Electrical Department 9 students Commerce Department 17 students Information & Communication Technology Department 14 students Figure 1: Table on demographic information The table above shows the demographic information of the respondents. We have distributed the questionnaire to 50 students. First we identified their gender. 28 female students or 56% and 22 male students or 44% answered our questionnaire. Next our group asked for their age. There were five age range in our study. 20 students were at the age group of 18-19 and the same number too for the 20-21 age group. 6 students were either 22 to 23 years of age, 3 students were in the 24-25 age group and only 1 student is above 26 years old. Finally, we enquired which department they were from. We managed to get 10 students from the Mechanical Department , 9 from the Electrical Department , 17 from the Commerce Department and 14 students from the Information & Communication Technology Department to answer our questionnaire. 2.2 The Feedback Question 1 How many time(s) you will go to cinema in a month? a) 0-1 time b) 2-3 times c) 4-5 times d) 6 and above Figure 2: A bar chart on the number of time(s) going to the cinema in a month The bar chart above shows the number of students versus the number of times students go to the cinema in a month. The x-axis indicates students’ replies while the y-axis indicates the number of times students going to the cinema in a month. Based on the students’ responses, 21 students said they went to the cinema 2 to 3 times in a month. This was the most number of times in a month. Next 17 students responded with about 0 to 1 time in a month. This was the second highest responses in this bar chart. 10 students went to the cinema 4 to 5 times per month followed by 2 students who answered that they went to the cinema about 6 and above in a month. This is the lowest responses in this bar chart. Question 2 What is your favourite type of movie? a) Horror b) Action c) Comedy d) Romance e) Animation /Cartoon f) Science Fiction Figure 3: A pie chart showing the favourite type of movie The pie chart above shows students’ favourite movies. There were six segments in the pie chart namely: horror, action, comedy, romance, animation or cartoon and science fiction. As you can see, 34% or 17 of students replied that action movies were their main choice. 20% prefered horror movies, whilst the same percentage of students, that is 16%, will go for either comedy and romance. Only 4 of students like animation or cartoon and science fiction only attracted 6% of the students. Question 3 Which day do you most likely to watch a movie in the cinema. a) Sunday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Wednesday e) Thursday f) Friday g) Saturday Figure 4: A bar chart showing the day most likely to watch a movie in cinema The bar chart above shows what day do the like to go to watch a movie. The x-axis indicates students’ replies while the y-axis indicates the day that they were most likely to watch a movie in a cinema. Based on the students’ responses, 18 students like watching movie on Saturday. Saturday has the highest responses in this bar chart. 15 students chose Wednesday to go to the cinema, and it is the second highest responses.8 students chose watching the movie in a cinema on Sunday. Less students picked on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to be the day to watch movies in a cinema so there were 2, 1, 2, and 4 students only on these respective days. Question 4 What time do you go watching a movie? a) 11.00 a.m-1.00 p.m b) 2.00 p.m- 4.00 p.m c) 5.00 p.m- 7.00 p.m d) 8.00 p.m-10.00 p.m e) 11.00 p.m and above Figure 5: A bar chart of time preference watching a movie in a cinema The bar chart above illustrates the responses to question four. Question four was a query on the time preference watching a movie. From 50 students who answered this question, the majority of them or 22 students chose the time frame from 8.00p.m to 10p.m. This was the highest responses in this bar chart. However, the second highest responses was from 12 students who said that they would watch the movie in a cinema from 2.00p.m to 4.00p.m. Seven of the students said they went to the cinema to watch movie after 11.00p.m. In additional, 6 students preferred to watch movie in a cinema from 5.00p.m to 7.00p.m. Only 3 students chose 11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m to go to the cinema to watch a movie. Question 5 Which cinema will you go to watch a movie? GSC Megamall TGV Big Cinema Others: Please specify Figure 6: A pie chart on the chosen Cinema The pie chart above shows the favourite cinema which students like to watch a movie. As you can see from the graph there are 5 segments that show the different places. They are GSC(Golden Screen Cinema), megamall, TGV, Bing Cinema and the other. The highest responses went to GSC. More than half, 58%, preferred to go to GSC. 20%, would like watching movie in a Cineplex in a megamall. Next, 7 students or 14%, like to watch movies in TGV. Big Cinema and others such as MBO recorded a similar responses from only 2 students or 4% each. Question 6 How much do you spend on a ticket(s)? a) RM 0 – RM 8 b) RM 9 – RM16 c) RM17 – RM25 d) RM26 and above Money Spent on Ticket(s) RM 0 – RM 8 RM 9 – RM16 RM17 – RM25 RM26 and above = 5 students = 2 students = 1 student Figure 7: A pictograph of how much students spend on a tickets The pictograph above shows that how much do you spend on the tickets when watch a movie. The picture of tickets are equivalent to five students, 2 students and 1 student. As you can see, most students or 33 as shown in the pictogram, would spent between RM9 to RM16 on the ticket. Next, 12 students would spent RM0 to RM8 . Only five students were willing to spent between RM17 to RM25 on a ticket. This category had the least responses. As for the price of ticket RM26 and above not even one student would spent on it. Question 7 How much do you spend for food and drinks? a) RM 0 – RM 5 b) RM 6 – RM10 c) RM11 – RM15 d) RM16 – RM21 e) RM22 and above Money Spent on the Food and Drinks RM 0 – RM 5 RM 6 – RM10 RM11 – RM15 RM16 – RM21 RM22 and above = 5 students = 3 students = 2 students Figure 8: A pictograph of how much students spend for food and drinks The pictograph above shows the amount of money students spent on food and drinks when watching a movie. We learnt that 27 out of 50 students spent between RM6 to RM10 on food and drinks and this category has the most students. Next, 12 students, were in the category between RM0 to RM5. Eight students were willing to spent between RM 11 to RM15. The smallest number of only 3 students spent RM22 and above on food and drinks when watching movie. Question 8 I prefer to go watching movies alone. Figure 9: A bar chart showing students’ preference to watching movies alone The bar chart above shows the data collected of students’ preference on watching movies alone. The horizontal axis indicates the degree of preference and the vertical axis indicates the number of students. Based on the students’ responses, the highest responses or 16 students said that they do not like watching movie alone. Next, fourteen students absolutely do not like to watch movie alone. The lesser responses came from strongly agree with four students and seven students said agree watching movie alone. 9 students replied that they were uncertain. Question 9 I like to buy popcorn before I go to see a movie. Figure 10 : A pie chart showing students’ liking to buy popcorn when going to see a movie in a cinema The pie chart above gives the information on students’ liking to buy popcorn when going to see a movie in a cinema. There are 5 segments in this pie chart showing students strong disagreement, disagreement, uncertainty, agreement and strong agreement. Based on the students’ responses, 18 students agreed and 15 students strongly agree and agree to the liking of buying popcorn when they go to see a movie in a cinema, These were the bigger segments in this pie chart. In additional, ten students were not sure whether they want to buy or not popcorn. Only 14% students disagree or strongly disagree in buying popcorn when they go to see a movie in a cinema, and these were the smaller segments in this pie chart. Question 10 Watching a movie in the cinema is more satisfying than watching movie at home. Figure 11 : A bar chart showing the students’ approval or disapproval of watching a movie in the cinema is more satisfying than watching a movie at home The bar chart above shows students’ data on watching a movie in the cinema is more satisfying than watching movie at home. The horizontal axis indicates the degree of data and the vertical axis indicates the number of students. As you can see, the highest responses in this bar chart were from the majority of students or 34 students they agree or strongly agree that watching a movie in the cinema is more satisfying than watching a movie at home. However, 14 students were not sure of watching a movie in the cinema were more satisfying than watching movie at home. Two students said that they like to watch movie at home compared to watching at cinema. Question 11 I watch movie in the cinema because I can catch the lastest/earliest movie. Figure 12 : A bar chart showing the reason students watching movies in the cinema is because they will be able to watch the latest movies/premiere movies The bar chart above illustrates whether students’ reason for watching movies in the cinema is because they will be able to watch the latest movies or premiere movies. The horizontal axis indicates the students’ approval or disapproval while the vertical axis indicates the number of students. Base on the students’ responses, the majority of the students or 48% said that they like to watch movie in the cinema because they can catch the lastest or earliest movie. Furthermore, 22% or 11 students replied that they were uncertain whether this is the reason. From the bar chart, we can also see only 4% or 2 students disagree to watching movies in the cinema. Last but not least, no one strongly disagree to this reason. Question 12 I like to watch 3D movie than 2D movie. Figure 13 : A bar chart showing the students liking to watching 3D movies to 2D movies The bar chart above illustrates the data on students’ liking to watch 3D movies to 2D movies. The horizontal axis indicates the agreement or disagreement and the vertical axis indicates the number of students. As you can see, the highest number of twenty students were not sure of whether they would find watching 3D movies is more satisfying than watching 2D movies. Next,13 and 10 students agree and strongly agree respectively to watching 3D movies is more satisfying than watching 2D movies in cinemas. The lowest responses of 7 students said that they would prefer to watch 2D movie. Question 13 Why do you like to watch movie in a cinema. Students’ Responses Number of students Good sound system 4 Can spent time with friend and family 6 Good choice for dating 2 Can enjoy air-conditioning 3 Big screen 7 Watching movie in cinema more satisfying than at home 4 some of the workers are very handsome 1 Comfortable 1 Entertainment 3 Hobbies are like to watching movie 4 Can catch the lastest or earliest movie 6 Release tension 2 No comment 7 Figure 14 : A table to show the students’ choice of reasons to watching movies in a cinema The table shows the students’ choice of reasons of why they like to watch movies in a cinema. Thirteen responses are indicated in the table. As you can see, the highest number of students’ or 7 responses enjoyed a movie with a big screen in cinemas . In addition, six students’ responded with going to the movies in a cinema as a way to spend more time with family or friends and the same number also responded with the ability to watch the latest movies or premiere movies in a cinema. Next, 4 students in each category responded that they enjoyed good sound system, were satisfied watching movie in the cinema and watch a movie as a hobby. Next, watching movies in a cinema as a form of entertainment and to enjoy the air-conditioning recorded a similar number of 3 students each. Two students like to watch movies in cinema because it is a good choice of dating and so for two students who opted to watching movies in a cinema to release tension. Only one student answered that the cinema is a comfortable place while another said that some of the workers are very handsome. On the other hand, seven students did not gave any comments.