System: a group/ components ( >1 ) that work together to achieve goals.
Information: raw data.
The Reason WHY We Should Study IS:
As Homo conexus, since 20 years ago, information technologies deeply embedded in daily lives that unrecognizable to college student.
Informed user: someone who have knowledge about IS and IT.
Chief Information Officer
IS Director
Information Center Manager
Applications Development Manager
Project Manager
System Manager
Operations Manager
Programming Manager
System Analyst
Business Analyst
Systems Programmer
Applications Programmer
Emerging Technology Manager
Network Manager
Database Administrator
Auditing or Computer Security Manager
Web Designer
Computer-Based IS
A Computer-based IS: an information system that uses computer technology to perform some/all of its intended tasks.
The components:
People/human: that makes the system work
Hardware: Computer
Software: Microsoft Office, iOS, etc.
Database: MySQL
Network: LAN, Wi-Fi, Fiber Optic, Satellite, etc.
Application program: a computer program designed to support a specific task, a business process, or another application program.
IT Platform
Formed by IT components
IT Services
Develop information systems, oversee security and risk, and manage data
IT Infrastructure
IT components + IT services
Capabilities of IS:
Perform high-speed, high-volume numerical computations
Provide fast, accurate communication and collaboration within and among organizations
Store huge amounts of information in an easy-to-access, yet small space
Allow quick and inexpensive access to vast amounts of information, worldwide
Interpret vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently
Automate both semiautomatic business processes and manual tasks
Types of Organizational IS
Type of IS
IS Inside an Organization
IS among Organization
IT Impact on Organization
Potential IT Impact on Managers:
Reduce the numbers of middle managers
Provide manager with real-time or near-real-time information, means that manager will have less time to make decision
IT will increase the like hood that managers will have to supervise geographically dispersed employees and teams
Potential IT Impact on non-Managerial Workers:
IT will eliminate jobs
IT may cause employees to experience a loss of identity
IT cause job stress and physical problems, such as repetitive stress injury
Positive societal effects:
Provide opportunities for people with disabilities
Provide flexibility in their work (example: work anywhere, anytime)
Robots will take over mundane chores
Enable improvements in healthcare
Negative societal effects:
IT can cause health problems for individuals
IT can place employees on constant calls
IT can potentially misinform patients about their health problems
A business process is a collection of related activities that produce a product or a service of value to the organization, its business partners, and/or its customers.
A cross-functional business process is one in which no single functional area is responsible for its execution.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Examples of Business Processes
Excellence in executing business processes is widely recognized as the underlying basis for all significant measures of competitive performance in an organization.
Consider these measures, for example:
Customer satisfaction: The result of optimizing and aligning business processes to fulfill customers’ needs, wants, and desires.
Cost reduction : The result of optimizing operations and supplier processes.
Cycle and fulfillment time reduction: The result of optimizing the manufacturing and logistics processes.
Quality: The result of optimizing the design, development, and production processes.
Differentiation: The result of optimizing the marketing and innovation processes.
Productivity: The result of optimizing each individual’s work processes.
Business Process Reengineering is a radical redesign of an organization’s business process that is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes.
The key to BPR is for enterprises to examine their business processes from a “clean sheet” perspective and then determine how they could best reconstruct those processes to improve their business functions.
Because BPR proved difficult to implement, organizations have turned to business process improvement.
Business Process Improvement is an incremental approach to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of a process that is less risky and less costly than BPR.
BPI relies on an structured approach (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, or DMAIC), and many methodologies, such as Six Sigma, can be used to support these required steps.
Business Process Management is a management technique that includes methods and tools to support the documentation, design, analysis, implementation, management, and optimization of business processes.
BPM coordinates individual BPI activities and creates a central repository of a company’s processes, generally by utilizing software such as BPMS.
Important components of BPM:
Process modeling
Web-enabled technologies
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)
Business Process Management Suite (BPMS)
An integrated set of applications used for BPM
Emerging Trend of Social BPM
Technologies enabling employees to collaborate across functions internally and externally using social media tools
Business Pressures:
Market Pressures (Economic)
Global economy and strong competition (Globalization)
Need for real-time operations
The Changing Nature of the Workforce
Powerful customers
Technology Pressures
Technological innovations and obsolescence
Information overload
Societal / Political / Legal Pressures
Social responsibility
Compliance with government regulations and deregulations
Protection against Terrorist Attacks
Ethical Issues
Organizational Responses
A Strategic Systems provide advantages that enable organizations to increase market share and/or profits, to better negotiate with suppliers, or prevent competitors from entering their markets.
Customer Focus is the difference between attracting and keeping customers by providing superb customer service to losing them to competitors.
Make-to-Order is a strategy of producing customized products and services.
Mass Customization is producing a large quantity of items, but customizing them to fit the desire of each customer.
Reebok and Bodymetrics provide excellent examples of mass customization.
E-business and E-commerce: Buying and selling products and services electronically. E-business is a broader concept than e-commerce.
Competitive Advantage: An advantage over competitors in some measure such as cost, quality, or speed, leads to control of a market and to larger- than average profits.
Strategic Information Systems (SIS) provide a competitive advantage by helping an organization to implement its strategic goals and to increase its performance and productivity.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2. Porter’s Competitive Forces Model
Porter’s Competitive Forces Model:
Threat of entry of new competitors is high when it is easy to enter a market and low when significant barriers to entry exist.
A barrier to entry is a product or service feature that customers expect from organizations in a certain industry.
For most organizations, the Internet increases the threat that new competitors will enter a market.
The bargaining power of suppliers is high when buyers have few choices and low when buyers have many choices.
Internet impact is mixed. Buyers can find alternative suppliers and compare prices more easily, reducing power of suppliers.
On the other hand, as companies use the Internet to integrate their supply chains, suppliers can lock in customers.
The bargaining power of buyers is high when buyers have many choices and low when buyers have few choices.
Internet increases buyers’ access to information, increasing buyer power.
Internet reduces switching costs, which are the costs, in money and time, to buy elsewhere. This also increases buyer power.
The threat of substitute products or services is high when there are many substitutes for an organization’s products or services and low where there are few substitutes.
Information-based industries are in the greatest danger from this threat (e.g., music, books, software). The Internet can convey digital information quickly and efficiently.
The rivalry among firms in an industry is high when there is fierce competition and low when there is not.
Porter’s Value Chain Model
Primary activities are those business activities that relate to the production and distribution of the firm’s products and services, thus creating value for which customers are willing to pay.
Support activities do not add value directly to a firm’s products and services, but support the primary activities.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3. Porter’s Value Chain Model (Open your book, Page:49)
Strategies for Competitive Advantage:
Cost Leadership. Produce products and/or services at the lowest cost in the industry.
Differentiation. Offer different products, services or product features.
Innovation. Introduce new products and services, add new features to existing products and services or develop new ways to produce them.
Operational Effectiveness. Improve the manner in which internal business processes are executed so that a firm performs similar activities better than its rivals.
Customer-orientation. Concentrate on making customers happy.
Define Business-Information Technology Alignment:
Business-IT alignment is the tight integration of the IT function with the strategy, mission and goals of the organization.
There are six characteristics of effective alignment:
Organizations view IT as an engine of innovation that continually transforms the business.
Organizations view customers and customer service as supremely important.
Organizations rotate business and IT professionals across departments and job functions.
Organizations provide clear, overarching goals for all employees.
Organizations ensure that IT employees understand how the company makes (or loses) money.
Organizations create a vibrant and inclusive company culture.
Managing Data
Difficulties :
Data increases exponentially with time
Multiple sources of data
Data rot/ data degradation
Data security, quality, and integrity
Government Regulation
Clickstream data: provide a trail of the users’ activities in the website, including user (visitors/customers) behavior and browsing patterns.
Internal Sources: Corporate databases, company documents
Personal Sources: Personal thoughts, opinions, experiences
External Sources: Commercial databases, government reports, and corporate Web sites.
Data Governance: an approach to managing information across an entire organization.
Master data management: a process that spans all of an organization’s business processes and applications.
Master data: a set of core data that span all of an enterprise’s information systems.
Transaction data: which are generated and captured by operational systems, describe the activities, or transactions, of the business.
In contrast, master data involve multiple transactions and are used to categorize, aggregate, and evaluate the transaction data.
Big Data
Descriptions of Big Data:
From Gartner Research (
Diverse, high-volume, high-velocity information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery, and process optimization.
From the Bid Data Institute (
Exhibit variety
Includes structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data
Are generated at high velocity with an uncertain pattern
Do not fit neatly into traditional, structured, relational databases
Can be captured, processed, transformed, and analyzed in a reasonable amount of time only by sophisticated information systems
Big Data consist of:
Traditional enterprise data
Machine-generated/sensor data
Social Data
Images captured by billions of devices located around the world
Characteristic: Volume, Velocity, Variety
Managing Big Data:
When properly analyzed big data can reveal valuable patterns and information.
Database environment
Traditional relational databases versus NoSQL databases
Open source solutions
Leveraging Big Data
Creating transparency
Enabling experimentation
Segmenting population to customize actions
Replacing/Supporting human decision making with Automated Algorithms
Innovating new business models, products, and services
Organizations can analyze more data
The Database Approach
Database management system (DBMS) minimize the following problems:
Data redundancy: same data are stored in many places.
Data isolation: Applications cannot access data associated with other applications.
Data inconsistency: Various versions of the data do not agree.
DBMS maximize the following strengths:
Data security: Because data are “put in one place” in databases, there is a potential for losing a lot of data at once. Therefore, databases have extremely high security measures in place to deter mistakes and attacks.
Data Integrity: Data meet certain constraints, such as no alphabetic characters in a Social Security number field.
Data independence: Application and data are not linked to each other, so that all applications are able to access the same data.
Data Hierarchy:
A bit is a binary digit, or a “0” or a “1”.
A byte is eight bits and represents a single character (e.g., a letter, number or symbol).
A field is a group of logically related characters (e.g., a word, small group of words, or identification number).
A record is a group of logically related fields (e.g., student in a university database).
A file is a group of logically related records.
A database is a group of logically related.
4) Designing the Database
The Data model: a diagram that represents the entities in the database and their relationships.
An entity: a person, place, thing, or event about which information is maintained. A record generally describes an entity.
An attribute: a particular characteristic or quality of a particular entity.
The primary key: a field that uniquely identifies a record.
Secondary keys: other field that have some identifying information but typically do not identify the file with complete accuracy.
5) Database Management Systems
A database management system: a set of programs that provide users with tools to add, delete, access, and analyze data stored in one location.
The relational database model is based on the concept of two-dimensional tables.
Structured query language allows users to perform complicated searches by using relatively simple statements or keywords.
Query by example allows users to fill out a grid or template to construct a sample or description of the data he or she wants.
6) Data Warehouses and Data Marts
A data warehouse: a repository of historical data organized by subject to support decision makers in the organization.
Historical data in data warehouses can be used for identifying trends, forecasting, and making comparisons over time.
Online analytical processing (OLAP) involves the analysis of accumulated data by end users (usually in a data warehouse).
In contrast to OLAP, online transaction processing (OLTP) typically involves a database, where data from business transactions are processed online as soon as they occur.
A data mart: a low-cost, scaled-down version of a data warehouse that is designed for the end-user needs in a small organization or a strategic business unit (SBU) or a department in a large organization.
The 6 basic characteristics of data warehouses:
Data are organized by business dimension or subject
Use online analytical processing.
Time variant
Benefits of Data Warehousing
End users can access data quickly and easily via Web browsers because they are located in one place, can conduct extensive analysis with data in ways that may not have been possible before, and have a consolidated view of organizational data.
7) Knowledge Management
Knowledge management: a process that helps organizations manipulate important knowledge that is part of the organization’s memory, usually in an unstructured format.
Knowledge that is contextual, relevant, and actionable.
Intellectual capital: another term often used for knowledge.
Explicit knowledge: objective, rational, technical knowledge that has been documented. Examples: policies, procedural guides, reports, products, strategies, goals, core competencies
Tacit knowledge: cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning.
Examples: experiences, insights, expertise, know-how, trade secrets, understanding, skill sets, and learning
Knowledge management systems refer to the use of information technologies to systematize, enhance, and expedite intrafirm and interfirm knowledge management.
Knowledge Management System Cycle
Create knowledge
Knowledge is created as people determine new ways of doing things or develop know-how. Sometimes external knowledge is brought in.
Capture knowledge
New knowledge must be identified as valuable and be represented in a reasonable way.
Refine knowledge
New knowledge must be placed in context so that it is actionable. This is where tacit qualities (human insights) must be captured along with explicit facts.
Store knowledge
Useful knowledge must the be stored in a reasonable format in a knowledge repository so that other members of the organization can access it.
Manage knowledge
Like a library, the knowledge must be kept current. To accomplish this objective, knowledge must be reviewed regularly to verify that it is relevant and accurate.
Disseminate knowledge
Knowledge must be made available in a useful format to anyone in the organization who needs it, anywhere and anytime.
E – Commerce Describe the buying, selling, transferring or exchanging of product, services, or information via computer networks.
E – Business Broader definition of E-Commerce { E- Commerce + Serving customers + collaborating with partners + conducting E-learning + conducting electronic transaction within an organization }
Intinya E-Business itu punya artian yang lebih luas dari pada E-Commerce, karena E-Commerce sendiri ada didalam E-Business, E-Business gak cuman mentingin jual-beli tapi juga memerhatikan aspek lain.
E – Commerce
Dibagi menjadi dua, ada yang Partial dan Pure (Physical). Pengelompokan Partial atau Pure berdasarkan:
The product physical or digital
The process physical or digital
The delivery agent physical or digital
Example :
Pure Brick-and-mortar , Virtual Organization (perusahaan yang hanya bergerak di E-commerce).
Partial Click- and- mortar ( bisnis e-commerce tapi sebenernya bisnisnya itu dilakukan di physical world).
Mekanisme E-Commerce :
Auction lelang
Forward Acution Yang memenangkan lelang yang harga paling tinggi.
Reverse Auction Yang memenangkan lelang yang harga paling rendah.
E-Commerce Business Model
Business Model : is the method by which a company generates revenue to sustain itself.
Bagaimana sebuah perusahaan mendapatkan laba sendiri. Gimana sih cara biar dia di notice sama customers biar dapet duit?
Online direct marketing: manufacturers or retailers sell directly to customers.
Electronic tendering system: businesses (or governments) request quotes from suppliers; uses B2B (or G2B) with reverse auctions
Name-your-own-price: customers decide how much they want to pay.
Find-the-best-price. customers specify a need and an intermediary compares providers and shows the lowest price.
Affiliate marketing: Vendors ask partners to place logos or banners on partner’s site. If customers click on logo, go to vendor’s site, and buy, then vendor pays commission to partners.
Viral marketing: receivers send information about your product to their friends.
Group purchasing: small buyers aggregate demand to get a large volume; then the group conducts tendering or negotiates a lower price.
Online auctions: companies run auctions of various types on the Internet.
Product customization: customers use the Internet to self-configure products or services. Sellers then price them and fulfill them quickly.
Deep discounters: company offers deep price discounts.
Membership: only members can use the services provided.
Electronic Payment
E-payment systems enable you to pay for goods and services electronically.
Electronic checks (e-checks) are similar to paper checks and are used mostly in B2B.
Electronic credit cards allow customers to charge online payments to their credit card account.
Purchasing cards are the B2B equivalent of electronic credit cards and are typically used for unplanned B2B purchases.
Electronic credit cards
Electronic credit cards
Step 1: When you buy a book from Amazon, for example, your credit card information and purchase amount are encrypted in your browser. This way the information is safe while it is “traveling” on the Internet to Amazon.
Step 2: When your information arrives at Amazon, it is not opened. Rather, it is transferred automatically (in encrypted form) to a clearinghouse, where it is decrypted for verification and authorization.
Step 3: The clearinghouse asks the bank that issued you your credit card (the card issuer bank) to verify your credit card information.
Step 4: Your card issuer bank verifies your credit card information and reports this to the clearinghouse.
Step 5: The clearinghouse reports the results of the verification of your credit card to Amazon.
Step 6: Amazon reports a successful purchase and amount to you.
Step 7: Your card issuer bank sends funds in the amount of the purchase to Amazon’s bank.
Step 8: Your card issuer bank notifies you (either electronically or in your monthly statement) of the debit on your credit card.
Step 9: Amazon’s bank notifies Amazon of the funds credited to its account.
Electronic cash
Stored-value money cards allow you to store a fixed amount of prepaid money and then spend it as necessary.
Smart cards contain a chip called a microprocessor that can store a considerable amount of information. Smart cards can be used as a debit card, credit card or a stored-value money card.
Person-to-person payments are a form of e-cash that enables an individual and a business to transfer funds without using a credit card.
Overview E-business and E-commerce
Benefits of E-Commerce :
Benefits to organizations
Makes national and international markets more accessible
Lowering costs of processing, distributing, and retrieving information
Benefits to customers
Access a vast number of products and services around the clock (24/7/365)
Benefits to Society
Ability to easily and conveniently deliver information, services and products to people in cities, rural areas and developing countries.
Limitations of E-Commerce :
Technological Limitations
Lack of universally accepted security standards
Insufficient telecommunications bandwidth
Expensive accessibility
Non-technological Limitations
Perception that EC is unsecure
Unresolved legal issues
Lacks a critical mass of sellers and buyers
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) in Electronic Commerce
An electronic storefront
a Web site that represents a single store.
Electronic malls
collections of individual shops under a single Internet address.
Electronic retailing (e-tailing)
the direct sale of products and services through electronic malls, usually designed around electronic catalog format and auction.
Online Service Industries :
Cyber banking
Online securities trading
Online job market
Travel services
Online advertising
Online service involves customers accessing services via the Web. Intermediaries or provide information and provide value-added services. Disintermediation is when the function(s) of these intermediaries can be automated or eliminated.
Online Advertising
Advertising is an attempt to distribute information in order to influence a buyer-seller transaction.
Online Advertising methods :
Banner : simply electronic billboards.
Pop-up ad : appears in front of the current browser window.
Pop-under ad : appears underneath the active window.
Permission marketing : asks consumers to give their permission to voluntarily accept online advertising and e-mail.
Viral marketing : refers to online “word-of-mouth” marketing.
Issues in E-Tailing
Channel conflict
When manufacturers disintermediate their channel partners, such as distributors, retailers, dealers, and sales representatives, by selling their products directly to consumers, usually over the Internet through electronic commerce.
a process in which a company integrates its offline and online channels.
Order fulfillment
involves finding the product to be shipped; packaging the product; arrange for speedy delivery to the customer; and handle the return of defective products.
Drivers of today’s online advertising :
The emergence of “communitainment.”
The increasing popularity of Usites.
Mainstreaming of the Internet.
Declining usage of traditional media.
Fragmentation of content consumption.
Consumers are multitasking and they do not like ads.
Business-to-Business (B2B) in Electronic Commerce
In B2B e-commerce, the buyers and sellers are organizations.
B2B Sell-Side Marketplace
Organizations sell their products or services to other organizations Electronically from their own Web site and from a third-party Web site.
This model is similar to the B2C model in which the buyer comes to the seller’s site, views catalogs, and places an order. In the B2B sell-side marketplace, the buyers are organizations.
Key mechanisms: electronic catalogs and forward auctions
B2B Buy-Side Marketplace
Key mechanism: reverse auctions
Electronic Exchanges
Vertical exchanges: connect buyers and sellers in a given industry.
Horizontal exchanges: connect buyers and sellers across many industries and are used mainly for MRO materials.
In functional exchanges, needed services such as temporary help or extra office space are traded on an “as-needed” basis.
Ethical and Legal Issues
Ethical Issues
E-commerce provides opportunities for businesses and employers to track individual activities on the WWW using cookies or special spyware.
This allows private/personal information to be tracked, compiled, and stored as an individual profile.
This profile can be used or sold to other businesses for target marketing or by employees to aide in personnel management decisions (i.e., promotions, raises, layoffs).
Job Loss
Legal Issues Specific to E-Commerce
Fraud on the Internet: i.e. stocks, investments, business opportunities, auctions.
Domain Names: problems with competition.
Cybersquatting: refers to the practice of registering domain names solely for the purpose of selling them later at a higher price.
Domain Tasting: a practice of registrants using the five-day "grace period" at the beginning of a domain registration to profit from pay-per-click advertising.
Taxes and other Fees: when and where electronic sellers should pay business license taxes, franchise fees, gross-receipts taxes, excise taxes, etc.
Copyright: protecting intellectual property in e-commerce and enforcing copyright laws is extremely difficult.