Duty of care ensures that all patients are protected from harm and are kept safe from abuse by any staff, other patients, family or friends. We received specific training regarding safeguarding and this makes it clear that our duty of care is to report and record all relevant information related to any unprofessional conduct or behaviour that may contribute to any came of abuse. This may be perpetrated by colleague or any other person who has contact with the patient. This procedure ensures that we are protected and feel confident to report any suspicions and protects the patients and keeps them safe. Effective communication is an important and vital factor to ensuring that the risks associated with conflict and dilemmas are managed well. Information recording is a key aspect of this vital communication and ensures that the patients and our observations and views are known by the authorities. This enables informed and open communication between the patient and the professional ensuring the patients right s and best interests for them are our commitment. Additional information, advice and support regarding conflicts and dilemmas can be obtained from the Lead OT (Occupational Therapy), and other professionals with the setting. Further information can be obtained from family members. Information and knowledge can be developed from sources outside of the setting likes; training, assessor, and internet and professionals organisations.

PRINCIPLES FOR IMPLEMENTING DUTY OF CARE Duty of care ensures that all patients are protected from harm and are kept safe from abuse by any staff, other patients, family or friends. We received specific training regarding safeguarding and this makes it clear that our duty of care is to report and record all relevant information related to any unprofessional conduct or behaviour that may contribute to any came of abuse. This may be perpetrated by colleague or any other person who has contact with the patient. This procedure ensures that we are protected and feel confident to report any suspicions and protects the patients and keeps them safe. Effective communication is an important and vital factor to ensuring that the risks associated with conflict and dilemmas are managed well. Information recording is a key aspect of this vital communication and ensures that the patients and our observations and views are known by the authorities. This enables informed and open communication between the patient and the professional ensuring the patients right s and best interests for them are our commitment. Additional information, advice and support regarding conflicts and dilemmas can be obtained from the Lead OT (Occupational Therapy), and other professionals with the setting.  Further information can be obtained from family members. Information and knowledge can be developed from sources outside of the setting likes; training, assessor, and internet and professionals organisations.